
Leiby coons. The real rulers of the world. clan baruch - kings of the Jews. - And there are bankers cooler than Baruch

Kuhn, Loeb & Co. - investment bank, founded in 1867 by Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb. They already had successful business merchandising in Cincinnati, Ohio when they decided to move to New York to take advantage of the country's economic growth.

The surviving records of the company show that at the time of the joint management of Kuhn and Loeb, its capitalization could have amounted to 500 thousand US dollars.

On January 1, 1875, the groom of Loeb's daughter joined the company. In 1885, he headed it and brought it to a leading position, second only to the financial giant in prestige.

Like many banks at the time, Kuhn, Loeb & Co invested in railways- in 1877, Chicago and Northwest; in 1881 Pennsylvania, Milwaukee and St. Paul. These investments and financial assistance for the reorganization of Union Pacific in 1897 allowed Jacob Schiff to provide a stable basis for further activities.

In 1901 Kuhn, Loeb & Co. assisted Edward Henry Harriman in the famous "battle" with James Jerome Hill and J.P. Morgan for control of the North Pacific Railway.

Kuhn, Loeb & Co. has provided support to many emerging industrial giants: Westinghouse, Western Union, Polaroid Corporation; acted as a trusted financial advisor and provided services to many foreign governments, including Austria, Finland, Mexico, Venezuela.

The company has collaborated with many very influential people, such as who often made his investments through this bank. In 1911, together with Rockefeller, the firm gained control over the Equitable Trust Company, which, later, through the reorganization, became the famous bank - Chase Bank. Through family ties and partnerships, the bank was close to another influential family - the Warburgs.

If we talk about the lessons that can be learned from studying the history of the company, it will most likely be nepotism and the use of "connections." Definitely, we are talking about Jacob Schiff as a thought leader and functionary who concentrated, accumulated and multiplied partnerships using family, nationality and financial opportunities. Save not money, save friends.

Successful financial and investment activities Kuhn, Loeb & Co. lasted until the Second World War. As they joked in those days - "the time of gentlemen in banking passed. "

In 1977, faced with a crisis, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. merged to form Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc.

But already in 1984 the rest of the company was bought by Shearson / American Express and the names Kuhn, Loeb disappeared from the name - in fact, marking their end.

Lehman Brothers also did not last long - until bankruptcy in 2007.

November 26th, 2016

REAL RULERS OF THE WORLD. Baruch clan - kings of the Jews

The only representative of the Baruch clan to appear in the last 200 years. The clan has ruled over Jews since the Middle Ages. Absolutely all other Jewish clans are dependent and serve them. Jewish ruling clans - Coons, Shifs, Leibs, Baruchs belong to "kohens" and mix their blood only with each other. They hold the Jewish-Masonic pyramid headed by the Rothschilds and are the eye in it. In fact, they are the “devil in the flesh”.

Bankers in America sit in the shadows, they are practically invisible, they are hardly spoken about. In addition, interestingly, a few symbolic names are being played around. And not so much the Rothschilds as the Rockefellers. And the Rockefellers are court puppies in a large kennel compared to those people who rule not only America, but the rest of the world. For example, I met with Treasury Secretary Jackie Rubin shortly before his release (he didn't care anymore). We met with him at the International Monetary Fund. Where they have ingots of gold (apparently more under New York than in Fort Knox, even the magnetic field is unhealthy there). He gave me an uncut sheet of printed one-dollar bills with an autograph, and I was afraid to take it out, but that's not the point.

So, three years later, Rubin showed me the already printed bills: they were larger than the usual ones - a thousandth denomination, five thousand and ten thousand dollars each. These banknotes no longer bore the portraits of the presidents. Presidents - only up to a hundred dollars.
He said: " These are the serfs, and this is where the slave owners are". Who was there? Schiff, Leiba, Kuhn, Baruch. Their ancestors wear wigs. Yes, on the banknotes that are distributed among people, portraits of those who really rule the world are already printed. They sit in the shade, and the treasures of the whole world belong to them. They really rule not only America, but the whole world.

-- How did it happen?

In 1913, President Wilson created federal system and liquidated the state bank. We got the original term: Federal Reserve System (FRS)... That is, a group of these wealthy Jewish bankers assumed the obligations of a state bank. They seemed to merge together. And a paradoxical system emerged: the whole world owes America, every American, as soon as he was born, already owes America about 60 thousand dollars. Why?

There is no National Bank. This Federal Reserve System, which operates in our country, controls not only the United States, but all the countries of the world. Consequently, the dollar, this green, unsecured piece of paper, controls the world. An unsecured piece of paper since Johnson, no gold, no land, no jewelry - and he controls the world! Only because it is a medium of exchange.

For this system, America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch Costa Rica, or France, or Russia is one of the objects of his personal interests. These richest people in the world do not keep their wealth in banks. You know, there is such a term "top-listed bank" - the most important 100, and then - according to the list. Try to find there "Standard Charter Bank" - a bank that has existed since 1613. Since, it is no coincidence, at first the plane crashed into the tower where the headquarters of "Standard Charter Bank", or rather its " international diploma". It is no coincidence that billions of dollars were burned there and tens of tons of gold melted.

And what kind of bank is this, whose headquarters are in London, and it itself has existed since 1613? What is this mysterious bank doing? I found out what he does. There is a comic actor in America, Lionel Brian, who is a close friend of mine. So, his brother got a job as an acquaintance in information system control over world transfers. "Standard Charter Bank" is the bank of the world-leading banks. It is no coincidence that the first plane dived there. It was a blow to the crown of the world leadership, to the soul of Koshchei. If people did not know this, they would choose a different object.

It was not an accidental blow. This bank is not in any list of world banks, but it controls all settlements in the world. Tracks and controls all the world's financial settlements at a rate of $ 20 billion every minute.
Therefore, as soon as Mr. K. “blew” 8 billion 200 million dollars through the private bank “Sabr”, I thought that there would be a murder tomorrow. The next day, Sabr was killed while he was taking a shower.
I had a decryption of where this money went, how it was scheduled, where it was transferred, but the reason seemed to disappear. The information was already unnecessary.
Why then was it not exposed? Why isn't Interpol investigating this? Do you think they have no proof that I have? There is. However, they have masters. They want to split Russia: to give the Kuriles to the Japanese, Karelia to the Finns, and East Prussia to Kaliningrad. Why do they need Petersburg as a window to Europe? Why a window, just one slit is enough to peep. But behind all this is the shadow of those about whom no one speaks.
Rockefeller, Rothschild are presented as errand boys. And about the real ones, for example, Baruch, they are silent. They seem to be gone.

- Are there bankers more influential behind Baruch?

No. This is a trillionaire. And he puts a prince instead of himself [ Prince of Monaco - Albert II, Grimaldi - real and plenipotentiary Representative of the Global Predictor (Baruch + Co)(VikNikYab)].
They laugh at us.

- And Oppenheimer?

- Oppenheimer, yes. He belongs to the richest, but still he is not the top echelon.

- On Baruch, the whole financial Pyramide... And what is Baruch's power based on? What is his concept of management, because he is not a product of the twentieth century? Presumably an ancient root?

Not as old as medieval. This was a special family associated with mystical teachings in Judaism. Since then they have been in the shadows. Through the financing of Jewish societies, through the patronage of all kinds of figures.
Most importantly, I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that they really run America. They do not even belong to the so-called world government - the Bilderberger club, which consists of 63 people. By the way, among them is the leader of Russia - Chubais. I heard that he was offered the post of minister in the Russian government, to which Chubais only smiled (I understood him): "No, what are you, I don't need it." Of course, why be the minister of some peripheral government, if he himself is the minister of the world government - figuratively speaking! This is his inaccessibility. And all this is being conducted by Baruch, Leiba, Schiff, Kuhn, their families, who have become related to each other. They are at the same time presiding over the world Mason.

- I wonder if you thought that under such a rule a world imbalance would begin, and everything could end in a cataclysm of world significance? Or do they give a damn about everything for their own interests?

Rather, they do not understand. They firmly believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they, as kings of kings, will enter the world government and share all the property of the planet among themselves.

- After the blows to New York, the world was gripped by euphoria: even America experienced destruction! But the more you think about it, the more you doubt whether this is the idea of ​​the mighty of this world. And you, too, correctly noted that the blow was struck at their central financial institutions, by the office. And as if everyone should be happy. But aren't they trying to hide the ends in the water, having bombed their office, thus hiding the statistics of the numbers, who owes what to whom, and, starting from a new page, plunder the world? Thus, two birds with one stone are killed. Perhaps the system is outdated, there are too many dollars and they decided to derail everything old. Perhaps you already have a stunt double?

Since they are global “friends”, their backup is the euro. America is doomed. It globally plays the last role of the world dog, and as soon as Russia is destroyed, America will be derailed. The world center is moving closer to Jerusalem.
And now they, as in Gaidar's story "Timur and His Team", have pulled all kinds of strings-wires between houses, keep in touch, are preparing for the appearance of the Messiah.

This already happened in 1666. Then it seemed to them that the time of the Jewish Messiah was approaching. The Jews began to sell their property, cast gold crowns for themselves and move in the direction of Jerusalem. We reached Istanbul. Emperor Suleiman looks: " What? Clouds of people move to Jerusalem to rule the world". The chief asks: “ Who are you?"He answers:" I am the king of kings!"Which emperor would like this answer? He put him in the tower. The next day, the "king of kings" forgot about all his intentions, adopted Mohammedanism, and appropriated all the treasures of his co-religionists. They walked like a flock. They are subordinate to a strange and terrible mysticism, they believe that they should lead the world.

- Consequently, anti-globalists report that the perpetrators of the New York attack are not Islamists, but secret banking structures... This needs to be explained to ordinary Americans.

No, the Americans will not understand this and will not accept it. They were told that the Arabs were enemies. The question needs to be translated into a different plane: why is America the world's gendarme? Is the bombing of skyscrapers a second Pearl Harbor? Currently, documents have already been declassified that President Roosevelt, Alain Dallas, and the Masonic and banking elite knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor organized by the Japanese. But they went to treason and the destruction of the fleet, to kill thousands of their fellow citizens, so that the baruchs, shiffs, leibs, kuns would get what they wanted from their participation in the Second World War.
This also led to the strengthening of the position of the American banking system, dollar, revival of the American economy. America was dragged into the war at the cost of this provocation. The Americans are horrified at the present time, since Roosevelt was an ideal for many. Of course, the actual documents were not particularly publicized. However, they were declassified, and there were those who made them public. America is shocked: Roosevelt, who was considered the nation's benefactor, is a murderer and a provocateur.

- What can you say about Bin Laden?

He is a disciple of those teachers who now condemn him. By the way, in New York, the day after the attack, a fund of 1 billion was organized to search for Bin Laden. The founder of the fund is anonymous. Here's how much tricks cost and how much money is spent when you need to disguise Pearl Harbor 2.

- What are Bush's current positions in America, does his population support him? Is it good or bad that he was elected and not Horus? Perhaps Gore would have been more intellectually responsible for this position?

In Russia there is a proverb: "Horseradish radish is not sweeter." America has had a system of pocket presidents for centuries. And finally, there is the humiliating custom of being ordained to the presidency even before the start of the election campaign. 13 days before the start of the election, both presidential candidates go to the central synagogue in New York. Whoever comes out wearing a black cap automatically leaves the arena, whoever wears a white one becomes president.
This has been the case for several elections since Reagan. This year there was a failure: the rightists got fed up with these ceremonies, and they burned down the synagogue. Candidates need to go, but it burned out - a mess. They tried to organize this meeting again and again the synagogue broke out. Nobody knew who to vote for, and great confusion ensued. Therefore, Bush won by almost one vote. That is, the candidates have already been secretly elected, and it is impossible to publish the result in order to synchronize the process. Neither Bush nor Gore are leading America, because there are people like Baruch, Schiff, Belderbergeri.

- Do you think that the power of bankers over America is so powerful?

Not only over America, but over the whole world. What's going on in financial world Russia, Armenia, Georgia, some kind of Latvia, - all under the paw of Baruch and people like him. However, they are mysterious and mystified.

- Isn't mystical ideology an element of control of the baruchs over ordinary Jews, in order to drag them into the net?

- It's hard to open their eyes to this. But probably. And there are plenty of examples in history.

- Are there Jews who understand where civilization is heading?

Yes, there were and are. Remember the Belgian Jew Spinoza, who gave up his wealth, and whom the Jews cursed, but he did not renounce his beliefs.

- Are there Muslims in the anti-globalization organization?

Of course! Many. For example, El Kasi, the former Iranian ambassador to Russia, worked as the representative of Iraq at the UN. An experienced diplomat. Good person. Muslim.

- What is the attitude of ordinary America to the image of Putin?

In my opinion, no way. Although some praise. Their favorite is Gorbachev. Currently, a Masonic complex is being built for him in San Francisco. He is predicted to be the general secretary of all religions. Gorbachev received two awards from Tsar David. There are not even such Jews to receive two prizes at once. And the gentile Gorbachev received - " for services to the Jewish people". All this was done as part of the Harvard Project.

In this regard, I want to remind you: "If we do not know what is happening now, we will lose all control over what will happen to us in the future."

which consists of 63 people.
By the way, among them is the leader of Russia - Chubais.
I heard that he was offered the position of minister
in the Russian government, to which Chubais only smiled
(and I figured it out):
"No, what are you, I don't need it."
Indeed, why be the minister of some
peripheral government,
if he himself is the minister of world government - figuratively speaking!
This is his inaccessibility.
And all this is conducted by Baruch, Leiba, Schiff, Kuhn,
their families, who became related to each other.
They are at the same time presiding over the world Mason ...
Original taken from blagin_anton c What is allowed to Jupiter (USA), is not allowed to bull (Greece)?

At the end of last week, Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Deisselblum, elected head of the Eurogroup, said:"If Greece wants to continue to receive assistance from the Eurozone countries, it must negotiate the extension of the financial assistance program.We do not provide short-term loans! "

The European Central Bank also released a statement saying that Greek banks can no longer receive loans from the ECB against the collateral of Greek government bonds, or bonds guaranteed by the Greek government.

Greece's debt is now 320 billion euros, or 174% from Country GDP . .

It is curious that the external debt of the world gendarme - the United States - in this moment is about $ 18 trillion, several times the GDP of a predatory country... And nothing, America does not grieve much about this, because it is not Greece.

Indeed, what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull!

Greece's debt is debt robbed as a result of the country's financial scams. These scams arranged for the Greek people Jewish mafia, which penetrated into the highest echelons of power in Greece as wolves penetrate into a sheepfold, well, the result was appropriate.

US debt is the debt of a country that brazenly imposed its monetary and financial system to the whole world, forced the national governments of other countries to exchange their national wealth for nothing (or almost nothing) unsecured pieces of paper with the faces of American presidents, and used these received national wealth of other countries to strengthen military power United States of America. And now the ruling US mafia does not care who and how much America owes! For who can demand or take something away from the strong ?!

For a long time, no one is surprised by the fact that this scam with the US national debt was arranged by the same Jewish mafia, prudently created in 1913, even before the First World War, "Federal Reserve System"(FRS) USA.

The FRS was created in 1913 with the active assistance of US President Wilson. He liquidated the US State Bank and created the Federal Reserve in its place. And we all got the original term: "Federal Reserve System".

What was it?

Here's the thing: a group of the rich Jewish bankers assumed the obligations of a state bank. They set up something like Horns and Hooves. The result is a paradoxical situation: now every American, even one who has just been born, already owes the Fed about 60 thousand dollars!

Why? Because America has long been in power "biblical Jews"!

The Federal Reserve System, which operates in the United States, controls not only the United States, but all countries in the world that use the US dollar for banking transactions. Consequently, the US dollar, this green, unsecured piece of paper, controls the whole world !!!

Like this! A piece of paper that hasn't been backed by anything since Johnson , for which there is no gold, no land, no jewelry - controls the world! Just because it is a medium of exchange (and deception!).

A natural question arises: who owns the Fed?

The answer to this question was given in an article published back in 2006.

Curiously enough, the Fed type of ownership capital is private.

"Baruch rules the world"

Bankers in America sit in the shadows, they are practically invisible, they are hardly spoken about. In addition, interestingly, a few symbolic names are being played around. And not so much the Rothschilds as the Rockefellers. And the Rockefellers are court puppies in a large kennel compared to those people who rule not only America, but the rest of the world!

"For example, I met with Treasury Secretary Jackie Rubin shortly before his release.", - said an American journalist, correspondent for several news agencies, accredited to the UN, a Russian by origin Valery Gerasimov. We met with him at the International Monetary Fund. - Where they have gold bars (apparently more under New York than in Fort Knox, even the magnetic field is unhealthy there). He gave me an uncut sheet of autographed one-dollar bills, and I was afraid to take it out, but that's not the point. So, three years later, D. Rubin showed me the already printed bills: they were larger than the usual ones - the thousandth denomination, five thousand and ten thousand dollars each. There were no more presidential portraits on these banknotes! US presidents - only up to a hundred dollars. " Pointing to this fact, D. Rubin said: "who's on bills up to $ 100- NSthen serfs, but from $ 1000 and above- this isslave owners ".

- Who was on those banknotes?

- Schiff, Leiba, Kuhn, Baruch. Their ancestors wear wigs. Yes, on the banknotes that are at odds with the elite, portraits of those who really rule the world have already been printed. They sit in the shadows and the treasures of the whole world belong to them. They really rule not only America, but the whole world.

- Are there bankers more influential for Baruch?

- No. This is a trillioner. And he puts a prince in his place. They laugh at us.

- And Oppenheimer?

- Oppenheimer, yes. He belongs to the richest, but still he is not the top echelon.

- On Baruch, the entire financial pyramid snapped into place. And what is Baruch's power based on? What is his concept of management, because he is not a product of the twentieth century? Does it seem to have an ancient root?

- Not as ancient as medieval... This was a special family associated with mystical teaching in Judaism... Since then, they have been in the shadows. Through the financing of Jewish societies, through the patronage of all kinds of figures. The main thing I wanted to draw your attention to is that they really run America. They are not even included in the so-called world rule - the Bilderberger club, which consists of 63 people. By the way, among them is the leader of Russia - Chubais. I heard that he was offered the post of minister in the Russian government, to which Chubais only smiled (and I understood him): "No, what are you, I don't need it"... Indeed, why be a minister of some peripheral government, if he himself is a minister of world government - figuratively speaking! This is his inaccessibility. And he conducts all of this Baruch, Leiba, Schiff, Kuhn, their families, who became related to each other. They are at the same time presiding over the world Mason. .

All of the above is a secret of secrets that many Russians are only gradually comprehending as a result of the new geopolitical tension that has matured on the planet, which is threatening to escalate into a new world war right now.

But these names: Baruch, Leiba, Schiff, Kuhn were once very much heard by millions of people! After all, it was they who financed the "Great Russian Revolution" of 1917, which took place in Russia! They gave money to Leiba Trotsky (Bronstein) and Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin! Accordingly, the 1917 revolution was not started at all for the sake of "Freedom, Equality and Fraternity" as the Jewish Bolshevik commissars shouted at that time, but for the sake of the collapse of the largest state in the Euro-Asian space - the Russian Empire.

I am more than sure that this information will turn out to be key, breakthrough and even God knows what, for many, because it explains and sheds light on many dark places in our history and in world geopolitics. However, for me, this information is a missing puzzle in a large historical mosaic picture, which I have been creating for several years from facts that have been verified and dozens of times rechecked for truth. And since now I am preparing a fundamental work on the origin of the Jews on the planet, as a kind of mysterious people, the richest and eternally persecuted from everywhere, I was attracted by the information that the Baruch clan comes from the Middle Ages in the story of the American journalist Valery Gerasimov.

According to my vision and the facts I have collected, it was in the Middle Ages, about 700 years ago (not earlier!), That the Jews arose on the territory of the Holy Roman Empire as a secret "project" created by the royal family of the Habsburgs to conquer the world. At the same time, it was decided, to guarantee success, to create two "special divisions" of Jews at once. One project of the Habsburgs was codenamed "Sephardi", the other - "Ashkenesy". According to these projects, the first group of Jews was created in Spain, the second in Prussia. At the same time, at the turn of the 13-14 centuries, the whole history of the "Jewish people" was written, in which the true historical information is given only by a hint. Moreover, the presence of this truthful hint in Jewish history has an official name in Judaism - "pemez"... But I will try to tell about all this another time.

From an interview with Valery Gerasimov, one of the most active participants in the world anti-globalization movement, an American journalist, correspondent for several UN-accredited news agencies, Russian by origin.

- Bankers in America sit in the shadows, they practically do not protrude, they practically do not talk about. And moreover, interestingly, several symbolic names are being circulated, not even so much the Rothschilds as the Rockefellers. And the Rockefellers are yard puppies in a large kennel compared to those people who rule not only America, but the rest of the world.

For example, I met with Treasury Secretary Jackie Rubin shortly before he was fired (he didn't care anymore). We met with him at the International Monetary Fund, where they have a warehouse of gold bars (there is probably more near New York than in Fort Knox, there is even an unhealthy magnetic field there).

He gave me an uncut sheet of printed one dollar bills with an autograph, I was afraid to endure it, but that's not the point.

So Rubin, three years ago, showed me the already printed bills: they were larger than the usual ones - the thousandth denomination, five thousandth and ten thousand dollars. These banknotes no longer bore the portraits of the presidents. Up to a hundred dollars - there are presidents. He said, "These are slaves, and these are slave owners."

Who was there? Schiff, Leiba, Kuhn, Baruch ... Their ancestors are wearing wigs. So, on the banknotes that do not circulate among the people, portraits of those who really rule the world are already printed. They sit in the shadows and the riches of the whole world belong to them. They really rule not only America, but the whole world.

How did it happen? In 1913, President Wilson created the federal system and liquidated the state bank, we got the original concept: the Federal Reserve System, that is, a group of these richest Jewish bankers assumed the obligations of a state bank. They kind of merged together.

And the result is a paradoxical system: the whole world owes America, and every American, just born, also owes America about 60 thousand dollars.

Why? There is no National Bank. This Federal Reserve System, which we have, controls not only the United States, but all the countries of the world. And it turns out that the dollar - this green, unsecured piece of paper, candy wrapper, controls the world. An unsecured piece of paper since Johnson's time, there is no gold, no land, no valuables behind it - and it controls the world! Only because it is a medium of exchange.

And it turns out that for this system America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch Costa Rica, or France, or Russia - as one of the objects of his personal interests. And therefore these are the most richest people in the world, they do not keep their wealth in one bank.

You know, there is such a concept "taplist-bank" - the most important 100, then the list. So, try to find there "Standard Charter Bank" - a bank that has existed since 1613 ...

After all, it is no coincidence that an airplane blasted into the first tower, precisely the one in which the headquarters of Standard Charter Bank, or rather its International Diploma, is located, it is no coincidence that billions of dollars were burned there and tens of tons of gold melted. This was no coincidence.

And what kind of bank is this, headquartered in London, and he himself has existed since 1613? What is this mysterious bank doing?

I found out what he does. There is a comic actor in America, Lionel Brian, who is a close friend of mine. So his brother got a job through pull in the information system of control over world transfers. Standard Charter Bank is the bank of the world's government banks. It is no coincidence that the first plane dived there. This is a blow to the womb of the world government, to Koscheeva's soul.

If people did not know this, they would have chosen a different object. This was not an accidental blow. This bank is not on any list of banks, but, nevertheless, it controls all settlements in the world. Tracks and controls all financial transactions at a rate of $ 20 billion per minute around the world.

Therefore, as soon as Mr. K. “blew” 8 billion 200 million through the private bank “Sabr”, I thought there would be murder tomorrow. The next day, Sabr was killed while he was washing in a bath. And I had the whole decryption of where this money went, how it was scheduled, where it was taken, but the reason seemed to disappear. The information was useless.

Why wasn't it exposed? Why is Interpol not investigating this, do you think they do not have the information that I have? Yes, but they have masters. They want to dismember Russia: to give the Kuriles to the Japanese, Karelia to the Finns, and East Prussia to Kaliningrad ...

Why do they need Petersburg as a window to Europe? Why a window, just one click is enough to peep. But behind all this there is a shadow of these personalities, about whom no one speaks. Rockefeller, Rothschild are presented as errand boys. But no one talks about the real ones, for example, Baruch. They don't seem to exist.

- Are there bankers cooler than Baruch?

- There is no cooler Baruch. This is a trillionaire. And he puts a prince in his place. They laugh at us.

- And Oppenheimer?

- Oppenheimer, yes, he is one of the largest, but it is still not the highest echelon.

- The entire financial pyramid is closed on Baruch. And what is Baruch's power based on? What is his concept of management, after all, he is not a product of the twentieth century? Probably ancient roots?

- Not so much ancient as medieval. This was a special family associated with the mystical movement in Judaism, since then they have remained in the shadows and remained. Through the financing of the Jewish communities, through the proteges of all figures, they have remained so. But this is a separate big conversation.

Most importantly, I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that they really run America. They are not even part of the so-called "world government" - the 63-member Bilderberger Club. By the way, the 63rd member is the only representative of Russia - Chubais. I heard he was offered the post of minister in the Russian government, Chubais grinned (I understood him): "No, no, I don't need that."

Of course, why should he be a minister of some peripheral government, who is himself a minister of world government - figuratively speaking! This is his invulnerability. Of course, criticism, disassembly is allowed, but this is all a game of puppets. And all this is being conducted by Baruch, Leiba, Schiff, Kuhn, their families, who are intertwined with each other kindred, and at the same time they lead the world Freemasonry.

- I wonder if they had the idea that with such a management of them, society would end up in a global imbalance, primarily in the biosphere, and a world cataclysm could happen, which would not be good for them either? Or do they give a damn about everything and only see their own interests? Do they think about the Biosphere?

“You know, they are mystics. And, most likely, they do not understand this. They piously believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they, like kings of kings, will enter the world power with golden crowns and divide all property, all the goyim of the planet into shares that they will establish among themselves. They piously believe in it.

- After the blows on New York, the world was gripped by euphoria: and America was overtaken by revenge! But the more you think about it, the more you doubt whether this is the plan of the mighty of this world. And you also rightly said that the blow fell on their central financial structures, on the accounting office. And it seems that everyone should be happy.

But on the other hand: is there not something here that they are trying to hide their ends in the water, having bombed their own accounting office, that is, in this way to hide the statistics of the numbers, to whom they owe what, and, starting from a new sheet, plunder the world? They kill two birds with one stone. Perhaps the system is outdated, there are too many dollars and they decided to derail everything old. Maybe you already have an understudy?

- Since they are global “comrades”, their backup is the euro. America is doomed. It globally fulfills the last role of the world's dog, and as soon as Russia is destroyed, America will be derailed.

The world center is moving closer to Jerusalem. Headquarters are moving, they talk about great Israel, they are mystics. And now they, as in Gaidar's story "Timur and his team," pulled all sorts of strings-wires between houses, keep in touch, run to celebrate, prepare for the arrival of the Messiah.

Honestly, I swear with all my heart. There were even headquarters for the coming of the messiah. This already happened in 1666. Then it seemed to them that the Jewish Messiah was coming. The Jews began to sell off their property, cast gold crowns for themselves, and moved towards Jerusalem. We reached Istanbul. Emperor Suleiman looks: "What is it?" Clouds, clouds - go to Jerusalem to rule the world. The main one asks: "Who is this?" - Answers: "I am the king of kings!"

Which emperor would like this answer? He put him in the tower. The next day, the "king of kings" forgot about all the campaigns, adopted Mohammedanism, appropriated all the riches of his relatives ...

They walked like a herd. They are subject to a strange and terrible mysticism, they believe in their world domination. They believe that the messiah will come and all the property of all the goyim will be divided among them.

- So, the anti-globalists say that the culprits of the New York attack are not Islamists, but secret banking structures. You have to explain this to ordinary Americans.

- No, the Americans will not understand this and will not accept it. To put it bluntly, they will run away from it. They are prepared by all propaganda that the Arabs are enemies.

The question must be translated into another plane, into the area of ​​concrete humanism. For example, to pose the question: why does America act as the world's gendarme? Is the bombing of New York skyscrapers the second Pearl Harbor?

Now, after all, documents have been declassified that President Roosevelt and Alain Dulles, the Masonic and banking elite knew about the impending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. But they went on to betray and destroy their own fleet, to kill thousands of their fellow citizens in order for the Baruchs, Shiffs, Leibs, Coons to get theirs from participation in the Second World War. After all, this led to the strengthening of the American banking system, the strengthening of the dollar, and the revival of the American economy. America was dragged into the war at the cost of this provocation.

Americans are now in shock, because Roosevelt was an ideal for many. Of course, especially these documents were not circulated. But they were declassified, and there were people who immediately published them and made them the subject of widespread publicity. America is shocked. Roosevelt, who was considered the benefactor of the nation, was among the murderers and provocateurs.

This is Bernard Baruch. The only representative of the Baruch clan to appear in the last 200 years. The clan has ruled over Jews since the Middle Ages. Absolutely all other Jewish clans are dependent and serve them. The Jewish ruling clans - Kuns, Shifs, Leibs, Baruchs - belong to the "Kohens" and mix their blood only with each other. They hold the Jewish-Masonic pyramid headed by the Rothschilds and are the eye in it. In fact, they are the devil in the flesh.

Russian World

“- Bankers in America sit in the shadows, they are practically invisible, they are practically not spoken about. In addition, interestingly, a few symbolic names are being played around. And not as Rothschilds as the Rockefecklers. And the Rockefellers are court puppies in a large kennel compared to those people who rule not only America, but the rest of the world. For example, I met with Treasury Secretary Jackie Rubin shortly before his release (he didn't care anymore). We met with him at the International Monetary Fund. Where they have, ingots of gold are stored (apparently more under New York than in Fort Knox, even the magnetic field is unhealthy there). He gave me an uncut sheet of printed one-dollar bills with an autograph, and I was afraid to take it out, but that's not the point. So, three years later, Rubin showed me the already printed bills: they were larger than the usual ones - a thousandth denomination, five thousand and ten thousand dollars each. These banknotes no longer bore the portraits of the presidents. Presidents - only up to a hundred dollars. He said: "These are serfs, and this is where the slave owners are." Who was there? Schiff, Leiba, Kuhn, Baruch. Their ancestors wear wigs. Yes, on the banknotes that are at odds with people, portraits of those who really rule the world are already printed. They sit in the shadows and the treasures of the whole world belong to them. They really rule not only America, but the whole world.

How did it happen? in 1913, President Wilson created the federal system and liquidated the state bank. We got the original term: the Federal Reserve System. That is, a group of these wealthy Jewish bankers assumed the obligations of a state bank. They seemed to merge together. And a paradoxical system emerged: the whole world owes America, every American, as soon as he was born, already owes America about 60 thousand dollars. Why? There is no National Bank. This Federal Reserve System, which operates in our country, controls not only the United States, but all the countries of the world. Consequently, the dollar, this green, unsecured piece of paper, controls the world. An unsecured piece of paper since Johnson, no gold, no land, no jewelry - and he controls the world! Only because it is a medium of exchange. For this system, America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch Costa Rica, or France, or Russia is one of the objects of his personal interests. These richest people in the world do not keep their wealth in banks. You know, there is such a term "taplist-bank" - the 100 most important ones, and then - according to the list. Try to find there "Standard Charter Bank" - a bank that has existed since 1613. It is no coincidence that the plane first crashed into the tower where the headquarters of "Standard Charter Bank", or rather its "international diploma", is. It is no coincidence that billions of dollars were burned there and tens of tons of gold melted. And what kind of bank is this, whose headquarters are in London, and it itself has existed since 1613? What is this mysterious bank doing? I found out what he does. There is a comic actor in America, Lionel Brian, who is a close friend of mine. So, his brother got a job by acquaintance in the information system of control over world transfers. "Standard Charter Bank" is the bank of the world-leading banks. It is no coincidence that the first plane dived there. It was a blow to the crown of the world leadership, to the soul of Koshchei. If people did not know this, they would choose a different object. It was not an accidental blow. This bank is not in any list of world banks, but it controls all settlements in the world. Tracks and controls all the world's financial settlements at a rate of $ 20 billion every minute. Therefore, as soon as Mr. K. “blew” 8 billion 200 million dollars through the private bank “Sabr”, I thought that there would be a murder tomorrow. The next day, Sabr was killed while he was taking a shower. I had a decryption of where this money went, how it was scheduled, where it was transferred, but the reason seemed to disappear. The information was already unnecessary. Why then was it not exposed? Why isn't Interpol investigating this? Do you think they have no proof that I have? There is. However, they have masters. They want to split Russia: to give Kurili to the Japanese, Karelia to the Finns, and East Prussia to Kaliningrad. Why do they need Petersburg as a window to Europe? Why a window, just one slit is enough to peep. But behind all this is the shadow of those about whom no one speaks. Rockefeller, Rothschild are presented as errand boys. And about the real ones, for example, Baruch, they are silent. They seem to be gone.

Are there bankers more influential for Baruch?

No. This is a trillioner. And he puts a prince in his place. They laugh at us.

And Oppenheimer?

Oppenheimer, yes. He belongs to the richest, but still he is not the top echelon.

Baruch has an entire financial pyramid snapping in place. And what is Baruch's power based on? What is his concept of management, because he is not a product of the twentieth century? Presumably an ancient root?

Russian World

Not as old as medieval. This was a special family associated with mystical teachings in Judaism. Since then they have been in the shadows. Through the financing of Jewish societies, through the patronage of all kinds of figures. Most importantly, I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that they really run America. They do not even belong to the so-called world government - the Bilderberger club, which consists of 63 people. By the way, among them is the leader of Russia - Chubais. I heard that he was offered the post of minister in the Russian government, to which Chubais only smiled (I understood him): "No, no, I don't need that." Of course, why be the minister of some peripheral government, if he himself is the minister of the world government - figuratively speaking! This is his inaccessibility. And all this is being conducted by Baruch, Leiba, Schiff, Kuhn, their families, who have become related to each other. They are at the same time presiding over the world Mason.

I wonder if you thought that under such a rule a world imbalance would begin and everything could end in a cataclysm of world significance? Or do they give a damn about everything for their own interests?

Rather, they do not understand. They firmly believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they, as kings of kings, will enter the world government and share all the property of the planet among themselves.

After the blows to New York, the world was gripped by euphoria: even America experienced destruction! But the more you think about it, the more you doubt whether this is the idea of ​​the mighty of this world. And you, too, correctly noted that the blow was struck at their central financial structures, at the office. And as if everyone should be happy. But aren't they trying to hide the ends in the water, having bombed their office, thus hiding the statistics of the numbers, who owes what to whom, and, starting from a new page, plunder the world? Thus, two birds with one stone are killed. Perhaps the system is outdated, there are too many dollars and they decided to derail everything old. Perhaps you already have a stunt double?

Since they are global “friends”, their backup is the euro. America is doomed. It globally plays the last role of the world dog, and as soon as Russia is destroyed, America will be derailed. The world center is moving closer to Jerusalem. And now they, as in Gaidar's story "Timur and His Team", have pulled all kinds of strings-wires between houses, keep in touch, are preparing for the appearance of the Messiah. This already happened in 1666. Then it seemed to them that the time of the Jewish Messiah was approaching. The Jews began to sell their property, cast gold crowns for themselves, and move in the direction of Jerusalem. We reached Istanbul. Emperor Suleiman looks: “What is it? Clouds of people are moving to Jerusalem to rule the world. The main one asks: "Who are you?" He replies: "I am the king of kings!" Which emperor would like this answer? He put him in the tower. The next day, the "king of kings" forgot about all his intentions, adopted Mohammedanism, and appropriated all the treasures of his co-religionists. They walked like a flock. They are subordinate to a strange and terrible mysticism, they believe that they should lead the world.

Consequently, anti-globalists report that the culprits of the New York attack are not Islamists, but secret banking structures. This needs to be explained to ordinary Americans.

No, the Americans will not understand this and will not accept it. They were told that the Arabs were enemies. The question needs to be translated into a different plane: why is America the world's gendarme? Isn't it the bombing of skyscrapers by the second Pearl Harbor? Currently, documents have already been declassified that President Roosevelt, Alain Dallas, and the Masonic and banking elite knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor organized by the Japanese. But they went to treason and the destruction of the fleet, to kill thousands of their fellow citizens, so that the baruchs, shiffs, leibs, kuns would get what they wanted from their participation in the Second World War. This also led to the strengthening of the positions of the American banking system, the dollar, and the revival of the American economy. America was dragged into the war at the cost of this provocation. The Americans are horrified at the present time, since Roosevelt was an ideal for many. Of course, the actual documents were not particularly publicized. However, they were declassified, and there were those who made them public. America is shocked: Roosevelt, who was considered the nation's benefactor, is a murderer and a provocateur.

What can you say about Bin Laden?

He is a disciple of those teachers who now condemn him. By the way, in New York, the day after the attack, a fund of 1 billion was organized to search for Bin Laden. The founder of the fund is anonymous. Here's how much tricks cost and how much money is spent when you need to disguise Pearl Harbor 2.

What are Bush's current positions in America, does his population support him? Is it good or bad that he was elected and not Horus? Perhaps Gore would have been more intellectually responsible for this position?

In Russia there is a proverb: "Horseradish radish is not sweeter." America has had a system of pocket presidents for centuries. And finally, there is the humiliating custom of being ordained to the presidency even before the start of the election campaign. 13 days before the start of the election, both presidential candidates go to the central synagogue in New York. Whoever comes out in a black cap automatically leaves the arena, who in a white one becomes president. This has been the case for several elections since Reagan. This year there was a failure: the right-wingers got fed up with these ceremonies and they burned the synagogue. Candidates need to go, but it burned out - a mess. They tried to organize this meeting again and again the synagogue broke out. Nobody knew who to vote for, and great confusion ensued. Therefore, Bush won by almost one vote. That is, the candidates have already been secretly elected, and it is impossible to publish the result in order to synchronize the process. Neither Bush nor Gore are leading America, because there are people like Baruch, Schiff, Belderbergeri.

Do you think that the power of bankers over America is so powerful?

Not only over America, but over the whole world. What is happening in the financial world of Russia, Armenia, Georgia, some kind of Latvia, is all under the paw of Baruch and people like him. However, they are mysterious and mystified.

Isn't mystical ideology an element of control of the baruchs over ordinary Jews in order to drag them into the net?

It's hard to open their eyes to this. But probably. And there are plenty of examples in history.

Are there Jews who understand where civilization is heading?

Yes, there were and are. Remember the Belgian Jew Spinoza, who gave up his wealth and who was cursed by the Jews, but he did not renounce his beliefs.

Are there Muslims in the anti-globalization organization?

Of course! Many. For example, El Kasi, the former Iranian ambassador to Russia, worked as the representative of Iraq at the UN. An experienced diplomat. Good person. Muslim.

What is the attitude of ordinary America to the image of Putin?

In my opinion, no way. Although some praise. Their favorite is Gorbachev. Currently, a Masonic complex is being built for him in San Francisco. He was prophesied by the post of general secretary of all religions. Gorbachev received two awards from Tsar David. There are not even such Jews to receive two prizes at once. And the gentile Gorbachev received - "for services to the Jewish people." All this was done within the framework of the Harvard Project. "

In this regard, I want to remind you: "If we do not know what is happening now, we will lose all control over what will happen to us in the future." "

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