
Why do uin need when listed taxes and where to take it. UIP - What is it in a payment order? Unique payment identifier

Win Code is a unique charge identifier. It consists of 20 or 25 digits. Indicate the Uin code in 2019, you need 22 payment order in the field of payment for the transfer of taxes and contributions on demand.

Win 22 code in the payment order: how to fill

Uin code is set for each individual and helps to quickly identify the payer on demand. To learn your Win, you must first get the official requirement from the inspection or fund. The code is at the bottom of the requirement, next to the details.

The Buxoft program automatically generates payment orders for taxes with current details. The program itself will put the correct Uin code, the CBC, the order of payment and the code tax period. Try free:

Download Sample Tax Bar

For IP, which pay advance payments on personal income tax, tax authorities can also send ready-made receipts. In the upper part of the receipt, in the line, the document index specifies the UIN code. To pay an Advance IP indicates this code in the field 22. If the payment document is formed on the FTS website, then the Uin code is assigned automatically.

With ordinary lists to the budget for a term or voluntary payment, the UIN 22 code is not necessary to reflect.

Win Code B. payment order Filled in field 22. It consists of 20 or 25 digits. It is necessary to endure the Win into the payment order carefully, otherwise the money will fall into the category of unexplained payments. Your debt will not be repaid, and the penalty will continue to grow.

The field 22 does not remain empty, even if the Win code is not assigned. In this case, the value of 0 without quotes is indicated. Identify payer will be in the inn.

The individualitsa are not necessarily indicated by TIN and Win in the payments. One of the two details is enough (a letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/08/2016 No. ZN-4-1 / 6133):

  • fill out the Win and leave the INN empty field;
  • in the field 22, specify 0 and fill the Inn.

An example of filling Uin in a payment order.

Be careful! Field 22. it is impossible to leave emptyOtherwise, the bank will not accept the payment document. Or puts the value from the payment order or 0.

In addition to Uin, there is a UIC code. This is not the same thing, even these values \u200b\u200bare identical. UIIP applies to "non-budget" payments, and Win is a code for payments to the budget.

How to fill out a payment order in accounting programs

Instructions - How to Fill out the payment B, 1C: Enterprise and Contour. Accounting

Buchsoft online

1C: Enterprise

  1. Go to the menu: Bank and Cassa / Bank / Payment Orders.
  2. Click "Create", select the type of payment "Payment of Tax".
  3. Fill in all the necessary details using the payment order hyperlinks.

  1. Save the document on the "Write" button.
  2. To display the document to the printed format, click "Payment Order".


  1. Start creating payment documents from the "Requirements" page. Follow the link "Pay".

  1. Indicate the bank details and the amount of payment. The amount of payment can be corrected. You can specify the type of payment, and the remaining data is distributed in the corresponding fields of payment documents automatically. In addition to the standard payment order, you can form a receipt for which we list money in the Bank of Russia with a personal visit.
  1. You can save the finished payments on the payment of taxes in Word format, and then print and pay in the bank. You can also create a special text file and download it to the Internet bank.

The payment order provides for the need to properly fill in all rows of the form of this document. Without filling out all fields, the Bank may not accept the document to execute. As a rule, organizations do not have any questions to fill payment orders. However, when paid tax payments You should know the following. The field 22 of the payment order provides for an indication of a special code - the so-called UIP code (Uin), which we consider in the article.

What is UIP in the payment

If we turn to clarify of what is the specified props, then it sounds like this is a unique payment identifier (abbreviated WIP). What is this props and from where to take it when filling out the payment order, we'll figure it out below.

First, it should be noted that it is not always necessary to indicate it, but only in specially established cases determined by the Bank of Russia. To do this, refer to the position N 383-P, which regulates the rules for transferring money.

So, UIP is indicated in two cases:

  • The first - if he was assigned to the recipient of funds and is communicated to the charge information in accordance with the terms of the contract. Accordingly, the organization when making a payment will know its number and how to use it. The specified form of calculation is made for the convenience of organizations. The procedure for its formation and methods of testing by the Bank in the implementation of payment are determined by the Bank of Russia;
  • The second is when listed taxes and contributions. Taxpayers more interested in the order of filling this props in the event of taxes, because in this case he should know where to find it when filling this field in a payment order.

How to find out UIP

When payments payments in the budget system of the Russian Federation in some cases may also be required to specify UIP. However, before the payment is made, such an identifier will usually be known to the taxpayer. This is due to the fact that in the implementation of ordinary payments (taxes or advance payments on the basis of an independent calculation) this props indicate not required, more precisely in the line it is necessary to indicate "0".

The taxpayer will also be known for the specified props if it comes to pay for inconsistencies in tax, as well as penalties and fines on the requirements of the tax authority, and not ordinary payments. Therefore, when making payments, on the basis of the tax authority, it is necessary to check whether the document is specified in the document the universal payment identifier. If so, it is precisely it that needs to be made in the line 22 of the payment order.

Accordingly, the organization must distinguish between the usual payment orders for the payment of the tax and those that it pays at the request of the tax authority. Only in the second case, you should specify a unique payment identifier in the payment order, if it is provided for by the tax authority, on the basis of which payment is made.

If the Bank refuses to receive payment without specifying UIP, it is possible to note the official position of the department - a letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 08.04.2016 N ZN-4-1 / [Email Protected] . It indicates that the organization is enough to specify their INN, and in the field 22, respectively, leave "0". In this case, the credit organization does not have the right to refuse to translate payment.

Thus, only if the UIP indication is mandatory, this props must be included in the payment order. Note that it consists of 20 or 25 digits and is necessary for identifying the appropriate payment in state system. If they are mistaken in the specified prop, then there is a chance that the obligation to pay arrears, penalties or fine by the taxpayer will be considered unfulfilled. In this case, an additional time will be required to clarify the payment, perhaps the accrual of penny will continue.

Short Summary

Summarizing outlined about where to take a unique payment identifier, it can be noted that it is necessary to specify it by the taxpayer if it is known. If there is no information about him, then in the payment order field in question, you should specify "0". Just leave the specified field without filling is unacceptable, since the payment may not pass due to the requirements of the bank.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation Law of the Russian Federation Documents payment order Forms Terms money transfers

As associated Win ( Unique identificator Accrual) and field 22 payment order, which is called "Code"? Filling a field 22 "code" of a payment order in the position of the Bank of Russia dated June 19, 2012 N 383-P "On the rules for carrying out the transfer of funds", which is described in Appendix 1 sounds as follows:

The value of the props is not indicated, unless otherwise established by the Bank of Russia.
At the end of 2013, the Ministry of Finance of Russia decides that the field 22 (code) of the payment order will be filled with data of a unique accrual identifier (reduced UIN).

The Bank of Russia coordinates the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n "On approval of the Rules for the indication of information in the details of the transfer of funds to pay payments in the budget system Russian Federation", Communted filling in Win's payment documents and indicate its placement places:

  • From 01/01/2014 to 03/01/2014 - Win is included in the details of the payment "Possing payment" (field 24), and it is necessary to specify it first, and to allocate information about the unique accrual identifier, after its reflection, the sign "///" is used .
    For example: - Win12345678901234567890 /// or OIN0 ///

  • From March 31, 2014, a unique accrual identifier (UIN) will be reflected in the details of 22 "code".
    For example: - 12345678901234567890 or 0

And in Annexes No. 2 (p.12), No. 3 (clause 12) and No. 4 (paragraph 7) to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 107n about the details of the "code" says the following:
In the details of the "Code" of the order to transfer funds to the unique identifier of the accrual.

The requirement for the need to fill the requisite "Code" applies to orders on the transfer of funds, the forms of which are established by the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 383-p.

So, since 2014, the transfer of funds to pay taxes, fees, other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation administered by the tax authorities, the following information should be specified in the details of 22 "code":

  • In the presence of a specific value of the unique charge identifier (UIN) - 20 characters. Until 03/31/2014 The number of characters is indicated - 23, where the first three characters take the value "Win", signs of 4 to 23 correspond to the value of the unique identifier of the accrual.

  • If it is impossible to specify the specific value of the Win - 1 sign. Until 03/31/2014 - 4 signs, where the first three signs take the value "Win", and then the zero "0" is indicated.

  • When drawing up a payment order on total With the register for the transfer of funds received from payers - individuals In the payment of other payments, credit organizations (branches credit organizations), the organization of the federal postal service, payment agents, in the details of the "code" of a payment order for a total amount with the registry always indicate 1 sign - zero ("0").

The requirement to fill the requisite "Code" (field 22) concerns all orders on the transfer of funds, the forms of which are established by the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 383-P, and are filled in the listing:

  • taxes, fees and other payments in the budget system of the Russian Federation,

  • payments for state and municipal services.

Where to get a Win?

Who forms the Win and where to take it if the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n is not determined, and the order of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 N 252, which described the procedure for determining the Win, canceled.

So where to take a uin? To take into account that the unique charge identifier (UIN) is formed by tax administrators, fees and other payments, then several options for solving this issue can be offered:

  1. A unique charge identifier can be clarified in the relevant organization that is the budget revenue administrator, state (municipal) budget or autonomous Institution etc.

  2. Win can be found on the website of the Federal Tax Service, forming (filling) payment document to transfer taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation. it

  3. For individual payments, such a function of formation of the Win is performed by banks that they are attributed to the forums. Banks recommend to their customers to contact the relevant authorities. Of course, if an agreement on the formation of a Win will be concluded between the bank and the income administrator, and the bank will be transferred to the algorithm of its definition, then why not do it. (For example, Sberbank forms a Win on payments to the traffic police).

Examples of filling the Win until March 31, 2014 may look like this:

  • By payment of insurance premiums by document FFR - Win12345678901234567890 /// Reg. No. XXX-XXX-XXXXXX Insurance contributions on the OPS in the FIU.

  • By payment of insurance premiums, calculated by the payer itself - Win0 /// Reg. No. XXX-XXX-XXXXXXX Insurance contributions to the OPS in the FIU.

  • When transferring tax NDFL, according to the IFTS document - W/// tax Agent NDFL from employee income.

  • When transferring the tax of the NDFL, calculated by the taxpayer itself - Win0 /// payment of tax agent NDFL from employees' income.


Win (a unique charge identifier) \u200b\u200bin a payment order is indicated from February 4, 2014. Win is formed by budgetary institutions themselves and is used for the unambiguous definition of each receipt, payment to the budget of the Russian Federation. Used when transferring funds entering tax, customs and other budgetary bodies.

The requirement to indicate the UIN attribute in the payment order was enacted by the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 107N of November 12, 2013 (registered on December 30, 2013).
By virtue, the order of 107n comes into effect on the expiration of 10 days after the official publication. January 24, 2014 in Russian newspaper An order was officially published 107n.
Accordingly, since February 4, 2014, the requirement of the ONIN indication in the payment order in the field appointment field is entering into force;
From March 31, 2014.

It should be noted that the requirement to indicate the Uin in the payment order refers to a separate, full-information refraid. Simple words - When one payment goes on one payment order, while all the necessary attributes of the payment order are filled. For summary payment orders, a method for transferring a Win in the ED108 information message is defined. In the ED108 registry format, a special field "Code" is given to transfer the Win, which allows you to transfer data to the GIS GSM system.
Win in the payment order is indicated at the beginning of the details "Purpose of Payment". There is a key word "Win" further without spaces the very meaning of the Win. Win himself consists of 20 characters. In total, the keyword "Win" and its meaning is 23 characters: three first signs by capital Russian letters Tag "Win", from 4 to 23 Win value.
In order to separate the Win from the rest of the information posted in the Detament destination field, after the WIN, three signs are placed "///".
Figure below shows a sample of the UIN indication in the payment order, where in the Press payment field is written "WIN188104N71CA213934ZZ1 ///"

Uin tax authorities

Win for tax authorities equal to the document index. You can consider the index of the document FNS and Win in one concept. When receiving a receipt of the Federal Tax Service, the tax of the tax or formed on its own on the site, the tax point of the RU, the document index can be seen on receipts. When making a payment order to the FNS address on the demand for payment of tax also indicates Win.
For example, Win in the payment order of the FNS will look at: "Win12345678901234567899 ///".

Uin traffic police

The Win traffic police is formed on the basis of two attributes of the minutes of the protocol (ruling) and the date of the protocol on a specific algorithm, the value of the Wina itself is calculated. Since 2013, the traffic police units began to produce receipts, where the calculated Uin traffic police is printed. Win The traffic police may contain icons of the English and Russian alphabet. Because of this, a problem may arise when entering this attribute, because Writing some letters of the Russian and English alphabet coincides. In order to allocate English letters, they began to emphasize.
Example of a traffic police receipt with Owin in the figure below

Based on this example, the Win receipt in the payment order to the traffic police will have this kind: Win18810T2160754866 ///.

Win other budget trails

Uin for many budget recipients is not yet defined. In the event that the value of the Win is not known. In the Press payment field until March 31, 2014, and after the "Code" field "code" of the payment order is put on zero.
For example: for zero uin in the payment order in the Press payment field should be specified as follows:
Win0 ///

Below is presented online servicewhich allows you to specify the Win in the payment order and form a document indicating this code. The advantage of this service is the validity valuation of the Win value. By calculating the control discharge, the correct value is determined or not has a Win. In the event of an error, a message appears on the screen that the controlling does not coincide, in this case it is necessary to specify the value of the Win. This service is also convenient because each field is equipped with an interactive tip to filling. After you press the Prepare key, a link to download the payment order with Owin in PDF format will appear.

Prepare a payment order with Win

Already prepared payment orders \u003d 3111
Degree to bank boards. Writing off with sch. boards.
Payment order No.
date Payment type
Suma in cuirsive
Payer Sch.№.
Payer Bank Sch. No.
payee's bank Sch. No.
Sch. No.


View. op. Board boards.
Naz. pl. Ocher. boards.
The code Cut field
Purpose of payment

in 2015, Uin is indicated as well as in 2014 in the field 22 "code" of payment order

Hello! "Hanging" on the website of the State Service Penalty for Violation of traffic rules since 2014. Fine has long been paid, payment receipts are available. Yandex fines informs about the fine written on 01/21/2016
Resolution: payment of debt on IP No. 416345/15/50059-IP dated January 21, 2016 in relation to the fireless D.I. Fine traffic police ///
Win32250059150416345000; IP0.
I had to pay until 03/3/2016.
However, when contacting Cashbank's cash register, they do not know what kind of Uin, who owns the current account, is nothing. Appeared K. bailiffs In Petushki, I do not mean there in the database.
Be kind, help to understand this case, I worry. Especially since "hanging" some duty.
With respect, Dmitry Szinky

Dmitry, judging by the Win case from the traffic police handed over to the bailiffs. If we decipher this Win, then it turns out in 2015 executive production №416345. You need to handle in FSSP, or rather in the 50059th compartment. This is somewhere in the Moscow region.

Back since 2014, when making payments and transfers in banks, it is required to specify the Win - a unique charge identifier. Without writing such a code, the payment simply will not reach the addressee, which is still relevant to the question: "How to find out the Win organization?" Reply to it in detail.


Win is a combination of 20 digits. Each character or group of characters carries certain information.

It looks like this: 111 2 333 333 333 333 333 4, where:

  • 111 - payment destination code;
  • 2 - "empty" number, most often this 0;
  • 333 333 333 333 333 - these fifteen digits are an identification number or the index of this document;
  • 4 - control number calculated by a special algorithm.

Why do you need this code?

This number great simplifies the distribution money transfers to the state budget. After its introduction, the proportion of unclear revenues - tax, customs, etc. has significantly decreased. The code must be specified when:

  • Payment of services provided by federal, regional, local authorities.
  • Sending any other payments whose addressee is budget system RF. First of all, this includes paying tax fees.

How to find out the Win?

Learn uin just - it should provide you public sector entity, in the direction of which you send a payment. In the overwhelming majority of cases of personal appeal, it is not required - this information is on the official website of the institution. Also, this code can be registered in the 22nd row of the receipt issued to you.

Otherwise, you will have to apply to the accounting department. However, Uin form not all budget institutions - Only those whose address comes payments of the most different profile.

The code can suggest and - for example, the addressee, in whose side, a similar payment sent another client. However, officially, employees of credit institutions have such information and are not obliged to provide it.

When paying taxes, you should learn this code directly in the inspection or by calling hot line Services.

If you did not find where to find the Uin code, then as a last resort, ask the casson employee to register in this field "0". If it just remains empty, your payment will "hang."

Where is the indicated?

If you form a payment order yourself, then you need to specify the Uin in a special field - "Purpose of payment". First you need to register "Win", and then immediately without spaces, specify 20 digits of this code. Field number - 22.

Where is the code not used?

No need to wonder: "How to find out the UIN code?" - In the following cases:

  • If taxes lists IP or entity. These payers prescribe the CBC code. If you need to specify additional data for the payment, then the following is written: "Win0 /// ... (Necessary information for identification)".
  • Physical person pays property tax. The identifier is the document index.
  • When paying medical services. If there are no information on the official website of the medical institution about this, then in the column of the payment document "Win" is enough to simply put the number "0".
  • Cashless payments sent by entrepreneurs. Here also in the field for entering this identifier, it is enough to register "0".

Win and paying taxes

How to find out the Win, and individuals and taxpayers are interested. However, in their case there is no concern for concern:

  • At the place of registration, a citizen comes into a mailbox is already automatically completed by the statement of the form of the PhD. The code is indicated among other things. With this paper, it is only necessary to appear in the bank accepting such payments.
  • If you want to pay for the property tax online, then after registration on electronic service FTS You can form a similar "payment" that the system will already fill with all the necessary information. Her, by the way, can be printed and also paid in the bank.
  • In other cases you can simply put in the field 22 zero receipts. If you wish to pay for the tax without specifying the code, you should make a payment in Sberbank according to the "payment" form PhD-4SB. This indicates only F.I.O., registration address, TIN

Win and traffic police fines

If you want to pay the traffic police fine, then wonder how to learn the Win, you do not need. The code will form a cashier, based on the following information.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state