
Deferred tax asset wiring. Deferred tax assets in the balance sheet. What is a deferred tax asset

The amount of profit gained is required to reflect in accounting and tax Declaration. Often, data from these reports do not correspond to each other. Alignment will only happen in the future. As a result of a similar difference, a part of the deferred tax arises, which will be paid in the following periods. This part is a deferred tax asset.

What is the deferred tax asset?

To understand what a deferred tax asset is, it is necessary to deal with the definition of deferred tax paying from the company's profits. It represents the obligations that the company will appear in the future. A deferred tax usually occurs due to the poor state of economic activity. The reason for its appearance is also tax problems.

That is, this is a conditional tax. The calculation takes place on the basis of information from the reporting of the enterprise. It is equal to the amount payable in the current tax period. Methods for calculating amounts for the tax and accounting report differ, because of which a temporary difference appears. It can cause disrepair when taking the following indicators:

  • Assessment of assets and obligations of the enterprise.
  • Determining the size of income and losses.

Deferred assets appear with the following circumstances:

  • The presence of a tax difference is temporary.
  • Receipt of income in the future of the time from which tax will be paid.

Why require deferred tax assets?

Tax assets are a method for reducing income tax. To calculate, they require a current amount of tax multiply to temporary intervals.

A temporary difference is a combination of expenses and losses that make up profits appearing in the report. Instead of arrival there may be losses. These indicators are the basis for creating a tax report. Assets are formed in the following cases:

  • the use of different depreciation calculation techniques;
  • making the amount of tax deductions exceeding the required amount. This is true if the overpayment was not returned to the enterprise;
  • the presence of a loss translated into the account of the following periods;
  • the emergence of payables arising from the purchase of services or goods;
  • application by the enterprise of the cash method of calculation.

Deferred assets need to be considered correctly. This requires for the following purposes:

  • Collection of accounting data.
  • Collecting data for analysis.
  • The possibility of generalized outcomes of the enterprise.

The presence of all recorded data will allow to secure the company when conducting tax audits.

How are pending assets taken into account?

The assets under consideration are reflected in accounting in account 09 with the corresponding name.
Current correspondence The following accounts may be:

  • account 68 "Calculations for tax collects".This line reflects the presence of the disappearance of the tax asset. The amount must coincide with the decrease in the conditional accruals of the same period. Disappear tax asset may result from payment. Assets can not only disappear, but also decrease;
  • account 99 "Profit and losses".Write-off from the main account 09 occurs only when departing an asset from turnover.

Correspondence by debit is the account 68 "tax calculations". This line reflects the deferred asset. It will increase the amount of conventional income or losses on reporting period.

IMPORTANT! Tax assets contribute to a decrease in tax deductions. This is due to the overpayment of income tax in the reporting time. Assets may also be the basis for obtaining compensatory payments For overpayment.

Examples of calculations

Example 1. At the enterprise, depreciation charges are determined by the method of reduced residue. They amounted to 150,000 rubles. Profit tax is determined by a linear way. It is equal to 50,000 rubles. Other inconsistencies between the data of accounting and tax reporting not. Profit, until the calculation of the tax, amounted to 300,000 rubles. The tax base is 400,000 rubles. The tax rate is 20%.

Accountant must calculate the difference between depreciation in the tax and accounting documentation. It is equal to 100,000 rubles (50,000 rubles are deducted from 150,000 rubles). The resulting difference has signs of temporary. Amounts in reporting are compared in the depreciation process. The difference caused is the reason for the appearance of a tax asset. This is due to the fact that the calculated tax base exceeds profits until the calculation of taxes in accounting documents.

The size of the deferred asset will be 20,000 rubles. For this, the obtained difference is multiplied by tax bid. (100,000 rubles is multiplied by 20%).

IMPORTANT! The correctness of the calculations can be checked. The amount of income tax must comply with the amount of tax prescribed in the declaration. The amount of inconctions to profit must be determined on the basis of PBU 18/02.

Example 2. Consider the situation with the data from the past example. Check the correctness of the calculations. The size of the conditional consumption will be 60,000 rubles. To get this indicator you need to multiply profit (300,000 rubles) for a tax rate (20%). The resulting 60,000 rubles is multiplied by a deferred asset, which make up 20,000 rubles. The current indicator of inconctions to profit, according to the accounting report, will be 80,000 rubles.

Then it is required to calculate the current tax, which is specified in the Declaration. For this, the tax base (400,000 rubles) is multiplied by the tax rate (20%). The result of calculations: 80,000 rubles. Both indicators are coincided. This means that the calculations were loyal.

How to reflect changes to the deferred tax asset

Changes in assets are reflected in line 2450. The value of the changes must be established according to PBU 18/02. To carry out the calculations, it is necessary to deduct from the turnover of the debit (the score 09 "she") turnover on the loan (account 09 "she").

The calculations are not used by the turnover on the loan on account 09 with the correspondence of the score 99. If the asset is eliminated, on the basis of which it appeared, it is written off. The established amount of write-off does not reduce taxes on the current and subsequent periods.


An asset that increased cost and income indicators is reflected as follows:

  • Dt 09 "She";
  • CT 68 "Tax Settlements".

It is also required to specify the content of the operation performed: accrual it.


Repayment it is reflected in accounting as follows:

  • Dt 68 "Calculations on the tax";
  • CT 09 "She".

Analysis of indicators It allows you to reduce the taxable base. Pending amounts help manage a constant low tax value, which is shown to the deduction. You can also reduce tax calculation fluctuations.

Often, the profit, calculated in the accounting of the company, does not correspond to the amount that is transmitted to the IFNS in the tax declaration. Often its size is significantly less, and these values \u200b\u200bare aligned only with time. But while this did not happen, the difference formed should be competently reflected in accounting.

To resolve such discrepancies and fixing the relationship between these systems (tax and accounting), PBU 18/02 is used "Accounting for income tax (NNP)", which has introduced the concept of a deferred tax asset (it).

What is she

Deferred tax assets in the balance sheet is the share of time tax payment For profits, which should reduce the size of the NDI to be transferred to the budget in subsequent reporting periods (pb 14/02). There are similar differences due to the differing principles of tax and accounting, eg:

  • in the formation of the cost of the OS, the accrual of wear, the use of the depreciation premium;
  • accounting interest for the use of the loan;
  • in the methods of recognition and accounting of income and expenses;
  • in the difference in approaches to inclusion in the cost of TZR, commercial and management costs.

Depending on what will be the result when counting costs (exceeds the amount of accounting or tax) depends on the result - the deferred asset will arise, which reduces the size of the NDI in the future, or the obligation that, on the contrary, will increase tax payment. We will look at how it arises and is calculated.

Recognition of a deferred tax asset

The amount of exceeding (necessarily exceeding!) Accounting costs over a similar tax value is a subtracted temporary difference (VD).

It is calculated as a work of VVD at the NDP rate. To fix information about the status of this asset, the active account sees is used. 09. Debit balance on it means the presence of a deferred tax asset, credit turn indicates a decrease in the sum of the next payment on NDI.

Deferred tax assets in the balance sheet are the reflection of the company that has a reason for reducing NNI in future periods. Provided for this special line in the section non-current assets - 1180 "Deferred Tax Assets".

Recognition of a deferred tax asset is reflected in the record:

  • D / t 09 k / t 68 - in the amount of tax with VVD

A decrease in tax when paying NNI in the following reporting periods is recorded in accounting by reverse wiring:

  • D / t 68 k / t 09 - in the amount of it or parts.

The most typical is the discrepancy in accounting systems when depreciation of the OS.

Consider the order of reflection it is on the example:

In 2016 TRIO LLC, depreciation is credited to workshop equipment in the amount of 300,000 rubles, in tax accounting - 200,000 rubles, i.e. During taxation, it is 200 000 rubles that will be taken into account.

VD \u003d 300,000 - 200,000 \u003d 100 000 rubles.

The accountant produced the following entries:


The amount in rubles.

Costs reduced tax base

WPP costs

Specified costs

Reflects the costs of VVD

Designed and reflected financial results (800 000 – 200 000 – 100 000)

Accrued NNP on accounting (500 000 x 0.2)

68 (calculation of NNP)

Reflected tax asset (100,000 x 0.2)

In the accounting balance on line 1180 it will reflect in the amount of 20,000 rubles. Subsequently, the sum (or part of it) will reduce NNI, reflecting on the credit of the account 09.

If the object in which it is existing is eliminated or implemented, the sum of the deferred asset will have to write off to the profit (loss) of the wiring:

  • D / t 99 k / t 09.

In order to have an idea that such a deferred tax asset, first of all, should be understood what the concept of a deferred tax is consistent, which the enterprise must pay from the profit. In very the general senseThis tax acts as commitments arising from an enterprise or organization in the future. Moreover, the main reasons for their occurrence are now existing problems in the state of economic activity and tax payments.

This, to some extent, conditional tax can be calculated according to financial statements Enterprises or organizations, as a rule, is an amount equal to the actual tax, which should be paid to the economic entity in this period of taxation.

With such calculations, there are naturally differences between tax and accounting data, as they use various value estimation techniques. These differences are temporary, but in the future they can lead to inconsistencies in assessments of assets and liabilities, in amounts of expenses and income taken into account when calculating taxes.

Calculations of this conditional tax are carried out, as a rule, with the help of three methods. The delay method is that a deferred tax is established in accordance with the rate that is legalized at the time of the recognition of the difference. In the Russian Federation, such an acceptance was applied until 2010, then, in accordance with the Regulation on accounting, the method of obligations began to be applied. This method provides for accounting for the obligations of an enterprise or company on profit and losses. There is also a third method - a balance sheet, which consists in comparison of values \u200b\u200bof values \u200b\u200baccording to tax and accounting.

Based on this, the deferred tax asset represents the share of deferred tax, which objectively leads to a decrease in the amount of the tax paid by the enterprise or the organization for profit, and which must be paid according to current legislation in the next reporting period and further.

The company recognizes a deferred tax asset while already mentioned temporary differences are formed, and, provided that further, in the coming, it will receive a profit with which the tax will be able to pay. In the accounting, the deferred tax asset is fixed with the amount of all such differences, the exception is only cases when these differences are not reduced or completely eliminated.

The formula that defines such deferred tax liabilities is determined, has the form: but \u003d BP XTN, where: but - the value of the deferred asset, BP is an indicator of the temporary difference, STN - the value of the tax rate that is installed on this moment legislation.

In the accounting system, deferred tax assets are indicators that are reflected as autonomous in a separate account, which is intended for accounting and reflecting precisely deferred assets for taxes. It is important and the fact that, as already mentioned, these assets in accounting are taken into account autonomously, that is, separately for each type of assets that are the source of the time difference in assessing.

The differences themselves are formed as a result:

Applications of various depreciation methodologies that use concrete Enterprise or organization in accounting;

Recognition of revenue from the realized goods in the form of income from the usual economic work of the enterprise;

In the event of a violation of the rules of tax payments on or organizing;

Use of the rules that do not meet each other and standards for the reflection of interest, which an enterprise or organization pays for loans and loans.

In the accounting system, such assets are shown in return wiring: by calculating Dt 77 - CT 68 and, accordingly, to repay Dt 68 - CT 77.

Accounting 09 shows information about deferred tax assets (it) formed by differences in accounting by tax and accounting when the difference between income tax is calculated based on accounting data and tax.

The debit of the account takes into account the resulting deferred asset, on the loan it is repaid. The asset under consideration is formed and taken into account on 09 account on a separate transaction or operation.

That is, it is part of the income tax deposited for paying for a later date.

When forming a balance based on the results of the year, the value formed over the year and not redeemed deferred asset must be transferred to the line 1180 in the amount of the balance on the debit 09 of the account 09.

Why deferred tax assets arise

Sometimes indicators reflected in the same operation, in tax and accounting differ, in particular, this can be observed in order to reflect costs and income for individual objects, in order to maintain accounting and counting the tax of profits.

Tax, calculated according to accounting data, is called conditional, according to tax data - current. It is the latter that needs to be listed according to the results of each period. When calculating these indicators at the end of the period, the difference arises, entailing the formation of a deferred asset and the need for its future reduction in the upcoming periods.

Deferred tax assets appear if costs for specific operations are shown in accounting in the current period (on the fact of their establishment), and in tax - in future periods.

Similarly, deferred tax assets are formed if the income in accounting, conducted to calculate the income tax, are taken into account before they are shown in accounting.

Several examples when this can happen:

  • When setting a loss at the time of the disposal of the OS during the sale;
  • When forming only in accounting a reserve for payment of holiday staff;
  • When identifying a loss on the results of annual activity and transfer it to future periods in order to determine the tax burden;
  • With different calculation methods depreciation deductions;
  • When the tax enumeration and not return it;
  • When forming accounts payable on purchased values, if the revenue-consumables are recognized by the cash method;
  • In other cases, when a temporary difference is observed in the cost recognition.

In the cases under consideration, accounting profit is a smaller value compared with tax profit, as a result of which conditional tax in accounting is less than the actual, subject to payment (conditional tax is less than the current) - as a result of this phenomenon and the deferred tax assembly arises.

Formula for calculating pending tax assets (SHE IS):

She \u003d expenses taken into account. accounting in the current period, and cash. accounting in subsequent (or income, taken into account. accounting in the current period, and in booze. accounting in the following) * rate

Subsequently when will be recognized accounting in taxation, the reverse situation is formed - tax profit And the tax current will be less accounting and conditional tax as a result of which it is repaid. A similar reduction in the deferred asset is observed and upon subsequent recognition tax revenues In accounting.

Formula for calculating the amount to reduce deferred tax assets (it):

The amount to repayment \u003d expenses written off in boards. Accounting in the last period, but cash. accounting in the current) (or income shown in cash. accounting in the last period, and in booze. accounting in the current) * rate

It is a type of asset, whose values \u200b\u200bin future periods gradually reduces the current payment of payment, and the conditional tax on accounting data increases.

Video lesson "Accounting deferred tax assets"

In the video lesson, an expert teacher of the Gandieva site N.V. ( chief Accountant) Explains how the formation and accounting of deferred tax assets of the organization occurs. To view the view, click below ⇓

You can link and present to the lesson by reference.

Score 09. Reflection of deferred tax assets

09 The account summarizes the data on the movement of deferred tax assets.

The debit takes place to take into account the arising asset when an accounting profit is exceeded and the conditional tax from it over similar tax indicators. The amount contributed to the debit 09 of the account is calculated in the first formula indicated above - the product of the income difference (or expenses) at the rate (20% in 2016)

The loan is recorded to reduce (repayment) of the asset debit, obtained by the subsequent recognition of income in accounting or tax costs. Deposit on credit 09 bills The amount is determined by the second formula. At the same time, the tax asset reflected on a specific operation on the debit 09 is gradually fully repaid.

If the object, when the deferred asset has been formed, leaves, then it is fixed by the debit 09, it should be written off to the debit of 99 accounts intended for accounting for financial results.

Analytics on account is carried out for each operation or a transaction for which it originated.

Postings on the reflection of the above operations:

Formation of deferred tax assets when transferring an annual loss for future periods

Detected by the results of work within 12 months a loss should be taken into account in the accounting department on the last day of the 12th month of the year. In order to calculate income tax this type Consumption must be recognized gradually, as the profit is calculated. In this case, the company faces the formation of a deferred asset to be reflected on 09 account on the last day of the year and gradual write-off In future periods on the fact of profit. Write-off is carried out on the last day of each period until it is represented in full.


At the end of 2016. The organization summed up the activities and established its negative significance - the loss amounted to 800,000 rubles. This loss in accounting will be shown through the appropriate postings on the detection of detection (31.12), and in taxation - is transferred to the upcoming periods. Due to such differences, it is formed.

The sum of the deferred asset:

It \u003d 800 000 * 20% \u003d 160 000 rubles.

Calculated value is shown as it for the last day of 2015.

Profit for tax information for IKV. - 450 000 rub., For 6 months. - 1,280,000 rubles.

The firm recognized the indicated tax loss as follows:

  • for I square. 2016. - a loss of loss for 2015. 450,000 rubles;
  • for 6 months. 2016. - The entire amount of the loss for 2015. 800,000 rubles.

On the last day of each period was performed double recording To repay the deferred asset:

  • For I square. - 450 000 * 20% \u003d 90 000 rubles;
  • For 6 months. - (800 000 - 450,000) * 20% \u003d 70,000 rubles.

Postings for this example:

The formation of deferred tax assets when selling OS

Sale of an object (if it does not perform the main activity) is carried out through the 91 account, the debit of which costs are recorded in the form of the residual cost of the object (the initial cost, abbreviated by the amount of depreciation accurates), on the loan - income in the form of revenues from the buyer. If the debit rate exceeds the loan rate, the result from the sale of the OS will be negative - the company will incur loss.

This type of consumption in accounting can be taken into account immediately, and in tax - it is necessary to gradually write off with equal parts every month for the time period determined by the formula:

Term (in place) \u003d term useful use (in place) - in fact, the period of use of the OS (in the month)

The last indicator is considered since the 1st month after accepting the OS and ending the month of sale.


The company acquired OS, the period of use of which is set in 60 months. Month of operation - January 2013. In May 2016. OS is for sale.

The sale transaction was unprofitable, the loss value \u003d 50,000 rubles.

The time during which this consumption will be recognized in tax accounting \u003d 60 - 40 \u003d 20 months.

During accounting, constant and temporary differences are formed. It is from this that it depends on what will be the tax asset - permanent or deferred.

The constant difference belongs to those amounts that participate in the formation accounting balanceBut do not affect the taxable amount. This can be attributed to the payment of interest, the amount of which is not taken into account completely when calculating the income tax. Also K. permanent differences Believe the costs or income that affect only formation tax base. For example, a fundamental agent was acquired, the useful life of which in tax accounting more than in accounting.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the permanent tax asset is that the amount of tax that reduces income tax to be paid to the budget in the reporting period in which it is formed.

Temporary difference occurs when the amount of accounting and tax accounting Do not coincide, the recognition of costs is shifted over time. That is, in accounting, the amount is recognized in the reporting period in which the operation was performed, and in the tax, part of the amount passes for the next period.

It is due to the time difference that the deferred tax asset is formed, that is, the reduction of the tax is transferred to the next reporting period. To calculate the sum of the deferred tax asset, you need a temporary difference to multiply at the tax rate. As a rule, deferred tax is reflected in the account 09.

The amount of deferred tax asset is reflected in the income statement (form No. 2). To get this information, open the account 09 and consider the difference between the debit and credit.

In the process of economic activities of the Organization, namely, when conducting accounting, such a situation may arise: when the income or expenses are recognized or the amount of accounting amounts differ from the tax. This may occur during the use of different depreciation methods. There is a so-called deferred tax asset (it), which is formed by subtractable temporary differences. The accountant must write off this one when the object is disposed.


To get information about the movement and presence of a deferred tax assets, open the account card 09, it is here that all information is here. When the temporary difference is formed, multiply it to the income tax rate. The difference may result in depreciation, with an excessive amount paid amount, when recognizing commercial expenses in the cost of the implemented product and in other cases.

For example, the organization acquired a computer for 35,400 rubles, including VAT 5400. After some time it was decided to sell the office for 236,000 rubles, including VAT 3,600 rubles. Depreciation amount in accounting was 8,000 rubles, and in tax - 7020 rubles. Submitted temporary difference will be 980 rubles, and the deferred tax asset is 980 * 24% / 100 \u003d 235 rubles.

In accounting, reflect this as follows: D62 K91 subaccount "Other incomes" - 23600 rubles - reflected revenue from the sale of a computer; D91 subaccount "Other expenses" K68 - 3600 rubles - the amount of VAT; d01 subaccount C01 subaccount "OS disposal" - 30000 rubles - sum initial cost The computer is assigned to the account "Disposal"; D02 K01 - - 8000 rubles - the amount of depreciation according to accounting data is written off; D91 subaccount "Other expenses" C01 - written off residual value OS; D99 K09 - 235 rubles - the amount of deferred tax liability is repaid; D68 K99 - 235 rubles - the amount of permanent tax liability is reflected.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state