
Methods of payment of parking. And in our yard there is a parking one .... How to replenish a parking account across parquet

It all started with the fact that in a conversation with someone from acquaintances, the theme of the opportunity is to park every day in the center of Moscow (against the parking lots will be held in the Pushkin Square of the Stolya December 15), if you have a kind of "lifehak". With a closer look at the question, it turned out that there is a special application-application program for a smartphone, which knows in the center of Moscow, where you can park the car, not paying a penny with a penalty to the capital officials and without fear of a fine for such sacrence. We downloaded and installed it on the phone. Yes, it seems like a free space for free parking, it shows. But this theory was urgently required to confirm or disprove the practice.

To do this, we decided to drive to the addresses on the map in the application and try to park there. Started from the most difficult - from the territories inside the boulevard ring. There is a paid parking from the sidewalk, there is longer and the aborigines had the most time to sweep their yards from the daily invasion of parking "Varyags". We assured our first task to park in the Mosseck area. Here, according to a helica program, there are several "secret" free-parking points at once. Three of them, one more - natural parking on the asphalted wasteland, if you believe "Yandex. Cards". We found instead of a wasteland with machines - a construction site. Frosty people in dirty orange vests leisurely turned the wasteland in the seedlings.

Even at two points of the courtyard parking, we also waited for a "bummer" in the form of barriers at the entrance. The fourth of the outlined points at first instilled hope for parking happiness: the arch of the entrance to the yard was deprived of the red-white rising "stick". That's just this tip, we still failed: all the space inside the courtyard-box was already clogged parked cars - board to board. It is clearly necessary to leave for them in turn - first the closest to the exit, and only then standing in depth. Disappointed in this place, went on "free points", located closer to the garden ring.

Everywhere is about the same picture as on Malase: either the information in the appendix is \u200b\u200boutdated and the barrier was blocked on the site for everyone, or it was physically impossible to take advantage of the tip due to the lack of free space. We will not tire the details of our wardings in the center of Moscow. Let's just say that the parked for free we managed only in one of almost three dozen specified program programs. And most often use the "Lifehak" did not interfere with the barriers, but competitors' cars. True, in the search process, we independently found a couple of towns within the garden, where you can really throw the car for free. But again, if they do not take them before, other cunning ...

This program shows on the map where parking spaces remained, and helps build a convenient route to the nearest of them. At the same time "Yandex. Parking "allows you to pay for parking in several ways: with bank card, from the phone's account and using the Yandex service. Money". Also, the application will be able to remind you that the time of paid parking is coming to an end.

Like analogue, Parkopedia uses the database of parking spaces in its work and makes it possible to build a route to any of them. The difference of this service is its coverage. The fact is that the application works worldwide and, according to developers, will help to find parking spaces even in exotic countries.

This application appeared in the catalog App Store. (While available only for iOS) Most recently. But in contrast to Parkapp competitors, not only coming coming free parking (in the database of their applications more than nine thousand), but also allows you to know in advance who from users are going to free parking space. This was made possible by the "smart" algorithm, which learns about the driver's intention to leave the parking and reports to other users who are nearby. Also, the application warns about the approaching evacuators and in any unforeseen situation allows you to call the service of road aid. Moreover, the application is not tied to some specific city and will work correctly in any metropolis.

The Android OS version will be available in the next month.

The application contains parking database when shopping centers, train stations and airports, as well as paid and free parking lots of the capital. In total, the service knows about 600 parking lots throughout the city. The application helps to pave the route to the nearest free parking, given the schedule of its work (parking is displayed on the map that work at the time of treatment). Also, using this service, the user can pay for his stay in a parking place.

However, to find parking is still half. The main thing is to be able to park the car. Are you experiencing difficulties? To understand how the maneuvering process occurs and how to calculate the car trajectory, the application "School of Parking" was developed. The program will help to clearly understand how the car behaves during parking, taking into account the angle of rotation of the wheels and how to wed up between neighbors most effectively.

IOS version: missing


If previous applications helped to find parking and attach your car on it, then the meaning of this program to inform the authorities about the illegal accommodation of the machines. Spot helps to fight drivers who throw their cars on sidewalks, lawns or roadway. In order to apply, you just need to photograph the violator and specify your comment. And in the application you can send an application for

Which helps to find free free parking. The creators of Evgeny Liebermann and Mikhail Shcheglov told about this the Village.

In the database of the application - more than 10 thousand free parking spaces within the third transport ring. To draw up the list, the authors of the program themselves investigated the central streets of the city and recorded those sites where you can park for free.

The algorithm is integrated into Parkapp, which is used in robotics, - Liebermann himself worked in this area in the past. Thanks to this algorithm, the application is able to show not only free free parking near the driver, but also those sites for parking, which will soon be released. For this, the program predicts the behavior of motorists, which are Parkapp users, clarifies Liebermann.

The application predicts the intentions of drivers thanks to the intelligent module that measures the speed of moving the user. If the person's speed does not exceed 15 kilometers per hour (the speed of the running) or becomes zero, then the application understands that the motorist parked. As soon as the user goes back to the car, the application understands that a person is going to leave and parking space will be free. Such parking are displayed on the map of Moscow in the form of flashing green indicators.

"We have developed an intelligent module by which the application predicts the driver's intentions to leave the parking space before he sat in the car. To ensure the impeccable work of this function, we wrote an additional adaptive algorithm that continuously calculates the integral of the kinetic equation with the smallest error and error. The algorithm adjusts to the behavior of the driver and the speed of the car, linking all the sensors embedded in the smartphone into a single smart system. In this case, this module will work, even if the user's smartphone is in a pocket or bag, "the principle of work Parkapp Liebermann explained.

The application has an extended paid version of Parkapp Plus for 999 rubles per year. It helps to solve even the problem with the towers - in Parkapp Plus, a schedule of patroling towers is scheduled, and they are automatically warned about their driver approach.

In addition, thanks to Parkapp, you can get acquainted with other users, communicate with them messages and photos. Also in the application there is a SOS button. IN case of accident Or another emergency on the road using this button you can cause emergency service.

According to estimates of the application creators, about 50 thousand inhabitants of Moscow are already enjoyed. So many people downloaded the program from the moment of test launch at the end of April and until the present day, when the application started in full force. While Parkapp is available only to the owners of Apple gadgets, but the developers promise that in the second half of June a beta version for Android gadgets will appear. In the future, the creators of ParkApp intend to expand Moscow Parking database, as well as make an accessible application for drivers of St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Kazan.

The concept of "Gift Parking" becomes for the Russian capital in the same anachronism, as well as the McDonalds restaurants. But free parking in Moscow is still possible to find. All adherents of savings and fans of banal freebies are dedicated.

When the Moscow authorities decided to make parking places with paid, car owners began to rapid, but rather quickly accustomed to a new order. And when officials, as an experiment, made parking in Moscow free on weekends and festive days, then grumble and indignation of drivers and melted at all, as if nightmare in the morning.

Paid parking - generally accepted practice in many megalopolis of the world

Photo top.rbc.ru.

Since the speed of movement inside the boulevard and garden rings increased by about 10-12%. But not that impressed metropolitan authorities. Much more convincing were completely different numbers: since November 2012, fees with paid parking lots amounted to about 2 billion rubles. So Muscovites should be expected that soon the "spot of paid parking" will increase significantly. In the project of the Moscow budget for 2015-2017. Located 17 billion rubles, which are planned to be outpass from paid parking lots. Webly argument and further empty the wallets of drivers.

Free parking spaces in the capital is getting less

Photo news.mail.ru.

Already from December 25 of the current year, there are still 454 streets in the central part of the capital, and the inhabitants of such districts like the airport, Zamoskvorechye, Lefortovo, Maryina Grove, Taganka, South-Poor, will be able to "rejoice" in the central part of the capital, and innovations will be able to "rejoice".

Experts are confident that there will be no free parking lot in Moscow at all in Moscow, but so far motorists are not ready for this morally, and therefore they leave the opportunity to park their "steel horse" for nothing. So where and when in Moscow you can park for free?

Sunday is the only day off

Many car owners mistakenly think that free parking in the central part of Moscow is on weekends and festive days. Everything, in principle, is true, but with one small amendment: parking in the center of Moscow on weekends is only on Sundays. In the State Administrator of the Moscow Parking space reports that the main reason Saving paid parking on Saturdays is that traffic these days on its intensity will be comparable to traffic on working days.

Parking fee is not charged only on Sundays and holidays

Photo top.rbc.ru.

In addition, not all can be left for free to leave the car from borders on Sundays. It turns out that this cannot be done by people who have unpaid fines. Debtors are forced to pay even on holidays. And it is not necessary to hope too much that the government will continue to practice "free days." I remember Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Moscow Mayor for Transport and the Development of Road Transport Infrastructure, promised that the parking fee would only be taken within the boulevard rings. As a result, from December 25, the TTK will become one of the huge paid parking, which in the future will only crawl along the primary.

And in our yard there is a parking one ...

The situation with the courtyards in which parking remains free, as follows. The courtyards are a zone in which residents can freely put their cars, naturally, in compliance with the rules of parking, which are written in traffic rules.

In the courtyards today you can observe the real car collision

Photo go-yo.ru.

However, in fact, the yards are increasingly in lately They become a stumbling block and the source of numerous conflicts between the "local" and "healing". Residents of the courtyards began to massively establish barriers and columns, which are designed to impede parking workers of neighboring offices with the courtyards.

The war between the residents of the courtyards and those who want to park their car continues

Photo Yabloko.ru.

And if sometime wave complained that Muscovites spoiled the apartment question, then today we can safely say that they spoiled them, rather, the issue of the courtyard.

In accordance with "On the procedure for installing fences on outdoor territories In the city of Moscow, a simplified procedure for installing barriers was introduced. If you want to install a barrier to prohibit travel to your foreign transport courtyard, the Moscow Parking space project offers to familiarize yourself with the next memo:

Residents start and won

If you have a Moscow registration, or you are the owner of the metropolitan housing, then free parking in the center of Moscow is quite real. Resident Parking permission, which is nothing else, as a parking subscription, to the topic "Free parking in Moscow" has only indirect attitude. And that's why. For such a permit, giving the right to round-the-clock parking in the central part of the Russian capital, will have to pay 3000 rubles per year. However, for the city in which some parking spaces cost 1000 rubles per hour, it is practically a gift. So conditionally resident parking permissions can be considered the right to the free parking lot at any point of the zone of paid parking. However, if you still want to park absolutely free, then permission gives you such a right, but only from 20:00 to 8:00.

To get this document, you need to have a residence permit or rent housing in the house, which is located in the paid zone. In addition, the owner of the car should not have an outstanding fines.

Recall that, according to Article 32.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the non-payment of penalties is considered to be debt within 60 days after the decision on an administrative violation case entered into force.

Social parking: free crumbs

In the new zone of paid parking outside the garden ring, there are already free parking, which are designed for the minimum number of machine-spaces. And what else to expect from the social component of metropolitan life? Below we offer to familiarize yourself with the lists of free parking of the social segment. Recall once again that these free parking lots of Moscow already exist or will appear until the end of 2014.

Free parking lots from medical institutions


Number of machine


Eye urgent help of an ophthalmic clinical hospital

Mamonovsky Lane, 7

City Clinical Hospital №4

ul. Pavlovskaya, 25.

City Clinical Hospital № 6

ul. New Basmannaya, 26

City Clinical Hospital № 19

Large forerunner lane, 15

City Clinical Hospital № 23. Medicalrud.

ul. Yauzskaya, 11.

City Clinical Hospital № 56

Paveletskaya embankment, 6

Urban psychotherapeutic polyclinic № 223

ul. Panteleevskaya, 10.

City Hospital № 8 KDC for pregnant women with day hospital

ul. 2nd Miusskaya, 1/10

Polyclinic № 3

Ermolayevsky lane, 22-26

City Polyclinic № 5

Daev Lane, 3

Urban Polyclinic № 13

ul. Neglinnaya, 14.

Urban Polyclinic № 32

1st Derbenvsky Lane, 3

Urban Polyclinic No. 42. Branch No. 1. GP No. 2200

Schmitovsky passage, 25, p. 1

City Polyclinic № 51

Big Tatar Alley, 4-8

City Polyclinic № 102

Money alley, 24

City Polyclinic № 112

ul. Large Bronnaya, 3

City Polyclinic № 160

Brigadier alley, 14

Urban Polyclinic № 220

ul. Narzenova, 27.

GBUZ Children's City Polyclinic № 32

ul. Fadeeva, 8.

City Advisory Diagnostic Center for Specific Immunoprophylaxis

Assumption Lane, 16

Children's urban polyclinic number 32. Branch number 1

ul. Antonova-Ovseenko, 8, p. 1

Children's urban polyclinic number 38. Branch number 2

Flowing lane, d. 3-5, p. 1

Children's Polyclinic No. 104 Branch No. 1

Large Kozlovsky River, 9

Children's urban clinical hospital number 13. N.F. Filatova

ul. Krasina, 27.

Children's advisory-neurological clinic

Pozharsky Lane, 7

Children's urban clinical hospital number 9. G.N.Peransky

Schmitovsky passage, 29

Clinical Hospital № 32

ul. Red Presnya, 16/2

Individual treatment clinic "without drugs"

Detection lane, 10, p. 1

Consultative Diagnostic Center for Morozovsky Children's City Clinical Hospital

4th Dobryninsky Lane, 1

Nii of neurosurgery them. Academician N.N.Burdenko

ul. 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 16

Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology Research Institute

ul. Large Polyanka, 22

Polyclinic № 174, branch number 3

Rastorguevsky Lane, 3

Polyclinic No. 220 Branch No. 1. Traumatological clause

ul. Mantulinsky, 12.

Polyclinic Foreign Ministry of Russia

Smolensk Embankment, 2, Corp. 2.

Clinic № 1

Blagoveshchensky per., 6

Polyclinic number 1 wounds

Sretensky Boulevard, 6-1, p. 2

Polyclinic No. 1 UD President of the Russian Federation

Sivtsi eneseek lane, 26-28

Polyclinic Gabt.

ul. Big Dmitrovka, 6-2

Polyclinic Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Tableclock Lane, 10-12, p. 1

District Children's Polyclinic Hospital No. 13. Filatova N.F.

ul. Zoological, 15.

Maternity hospital number 32

ul. 3rd Krasnogvardeyskaya, 1

Dental polyclinic number 3.

ul. Plugok, 6/8.

Dental polyclinic № 23

ul. Big Dorogomilovskaya, 1

Dental polyclinic № 23. Orthopedic department

ul. Bryanskaya, 4.

Central Dental Polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Ovchinnikovskaya Embankment, 8, p. 2

Central Polyclinic No. 1 MVD

ul. Petrovka 25-A

Free parking in churches and temples


Number of machine


Church of Peter and Paul

ul. New Basmannaya, 11

Church of St. Peter, Alexy, Ions and Philip

Messengers Alley, 9

Holy Trinity Church in Kozhevniki

2nd leather alley, 4/6

Epiphany Cathedral

ul. Spartakovskaya, 15.

Church of Nicholas Wonderworker

Novovagankovsky lane, 9, p. One

Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary

ul. Small Georgian, 27/13

Church of Christmas John Forerunner on Presnya

Small forerunner lane, 2

Armenian Apostolic Church of Saint Resurrection

ul. Sergey Makeev, 10

Temple of the Great Martyr George Victorious in Georgians

ul. Large Georgian, 13

Church of Rev. Sergius and German Valaam

ul. 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 52

Brownie Church of St. Nicholas Wonderworker

ul. Fadeeva, 5.

ul. Dolgorukovskaya, 23A.

Church of St. Nicholas Wonderworker

ul. Christmas, 15/8.

Temple of three saint

Small three-way alley, 4/6, p. 5

St. Nicholas Wonderworker Church with the Baptist Temple of Prince Vladimir

Vishnyakovsky Lane, 15

Cathedral Cathedral of the Pokrov Most of the Virgin of the Russian Holiday Church

ul. Novokuznetskaya, d.38, p. 1

Church of the Resurrection of Christ

ul. Pokrovka, 26.

High Petrovsky Monastery

ul. Petrovka, d. 28, p. 2

Temple of the Trinity of the Library in Khokhlah

Khokhlovsky Lane, 14

Epiphany male monastery

Epiphany Lane, 2

Youth organization in the Virgin-Christmas Stavropigial Women's Monastery

ul. Christmas, 20/8, p. 1

Church of St. Nicholas Wonderworker

Kotelnik 1st lane.

Gem of Savior Transfiguration on Sands


Church of Elijah Prophet

ul. Vorontsovo Field, 16

John Forerovansky Stavropigial Women's Monastery

Small Ivanovo Lane, 2

Tablevsky Stavropigial Women's Monastery

2nd Zouchievsky Lane, 2

Temple of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gonchara

Pottery street, 29 / 7c1

Church of St. Nicholas in Puffs

ul. Big Ordina, 27a

Znamensky monastery

ul. Barbarka, 8/10

Church of St. Nicholas

Podpaevsky Lane, 15/9

Temple of Archangel Mikhaila

Middle Ovchinnikovsky Lane, 7

Church of the Resurrection

2nd Cadashevsky Alley, 7

Temple of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Newspaper Lane, 15

Church of Elijah Prophet

2nd Moody Lane, 6

Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Petropavlovsky Lane, 4/6

Temple of Savior Transfiguration


Temple of the Trinity of Liviral

Silver Alley, 1a

Church of the priest of antipsis

Kolymaya Lane, 8/4, p. 1

We go to the interception

Capturing parking lots at the metro station, from which you can find on the official website of the Moscow subway, can also be considered a place where you can park the car for free. However, in this case it was not without "but". In order to take advantage of the zero base rate, you need to make at least 2 trips in the metropolitan from the moment the car is set to the parking lot on one travel document. At the same time, the last input must be carried out at a station other than that close to which you have chosen intercepting parking.

Intercepting parking at the metro Annino

Photo i-parking.ru.

In the case of the Parking Metro, there is another danger - you can estimate the speed of movement on underground trains, and therefore will forever refuse land stoppers and parking lots. True, comfort will have to sacrifice.

Little tricks

Many drivers, putting a car on the parking lot, cover part of the room to protect themselves from such a trouble as a "letter of happiness." But here you need to take into account that the chambers in the parking lots make 2 pictures: one panoramic, the other captures the number. If you cover some other digit, the operator will be able to determine the present number by selecting the present number, referring it with a panoramic picture on which the brand is visible and appearance cars. If you close two digits, you will have to enter 99 combinations, for which the operators simply do not have time. But do not forget that since the beginning of this year, the expanses of Moscow are furiously by hiking operators who have the right to drupt paper and wipe the dirty rooms.

These tricks are in an illegal plane, and if you are a law-abiding citizen of your country, then take a somewhat troublesome, but quite legitimate way - twist the rooms. In the Russian Federation there is no law that would forbnow the screwing of numbers with its own vehicle, which is not in motion.

In addition to the foregoing, it is possible to park in Moscow with electric cars and two-wheeled motorcycles. Apparently, the electricotocycle is the perfect option.

You do not need to pay for the handy of the parking space

Photo top.rbc.ru.

Paid parking is civilized. Do not forget that free cheese can twice as fast to spoil your figure and carma car. So on health and nostalgite for free parking Moscow.

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