
Inn is obtained at the place of registration or not. Can I do inn without registration? What is the difference between the place of residence from the registration site

So, you decided ourselves bruise And you want to avoid typical for beginner errors.

Let's start with the fact that there is cultivation and there is cultivation, and these are two completely different articles of two completely different codes. If you are simply curious that such a cannabis is, how it grows and how it blooms and how it smells like this, then just sit down in a pot with flower earth, put it on the windowsill and water together with the rest of the colors. After a couple of months, you can even gain foliage on a dozen of the shoals, and if your "Grovening" is for the winter period, you will see the flowers with your own eyes. Which, however, will not even be similar to cheap ball bumps. Rather on small hairs lumps.

If we are talking about cultivation, then it will have to go to the case much more serious. First you have a lot read about the cultivation of cannabis, then invest in the equipment, then choose good grade And buy cannabis seeds in the online store. And only then you will be ready to start your first grovening and make your first mistakes. And they are inevitable.

But do not be discouraged. Cannabis is a weed, and he will lead a lot. The main thing is to avoid the biggest mistakes, and it is about them now we will tell.


The error is the first and most important. You talk about your plan about your plans to the right and left

Perhaps you are doing this because you are in the life of the "unworn cabine". Or you read so much about the cultivation of hemp in the forums, that it began to seem not only safe to you, but also normal. This is not true! Growing cannabis is a serious risk, and no one, it is emphasized, no one should know about it. In addition to direct chatni, you can give yourself indirectly - the fact that you always "have cho". Do not need to be nobel laureateTo figure out: if the dude has always cho, then the dude is either a baryga, or Grover.

In general, remember the saying: tongue to Kiev will bring. And in our time, so rather to Mordovia, or even the Kolyma.


You have not been invested in equipment for the process, for example, we started growing a dwarf automotive vehicle under the desktop light bulb, and Cho?

In fact, this is a modified window sill. With a serious approach, the minimum that you need is one or more energy-saving lamps, blowing fans and blowing fans (even if it is computer coolers), boxing for Grov (at least a computer case or bedside table).


You treated agon-grass in which you found - Uau! - Mature seed, and here you decided to grab

First, you do not have any idea what is the variety, how much time it blooms how big it grows, so you are waiting for a lot of surprises, and they are unlikely to be pleasant. Secondly, commercial grovers are growing only women's plants and, if there were semes in the cones, it means that Hermaphrodite has occurred. That plant that you grove out of this seven will also be prone to hermaphroditis. Simply put on it here and men's bananas will appear there, pollinate your cones, and you will receive as a result not to Sinesemille, but something much more implanted. Thirdly, the seed genetics can be very and very different from the genetics of that plant on which this seed ripened. So, even if you manage to grow synamemille, it may be quite unlike those cones from which you were in such a delight.

Therefore, spend time to choose a varietywho will suit you on a variety of indicators, and buy the varietal cannabis seeds. The price may seem high to you, but after all, the equipment for the Groove is not free and your time is something yes, not to mention the electricity.

Separately touched and growing cannabis from other clones. First, taking a clone from a friend, you automatically inform him that you are going to grove (see Error number 1). Secondly, with a clone, you can put in the house and settle in it, sometimes forever, some nausea (see error number 15). Examples - web mite, flies dew, tobacco mosaic virus. Although, of course, get an accurate copy of the plant, the cones from which you are well acquainted - this is a big temptation. In general, think for yourself, decide ...


You have accumulated land in the garden and think that it will suit you, and Hula, Naturprodukt!


I swallow seeds, you look at them every half an hour. Putting seeds to the ground, you dig them every two days to see if there is something that

I understand perfectly well that this is perhaps the mandrel stage for Grovera-novice, especially when the seed is planted in the ground, and the devil knows what is happening there! However, take patience. It happens that seed banks sell seeds with a bad gesture, and this moment I, if possible, try to find out and celebrate in its catalog of marijuana varieties. If there are no marks about the bad germination of your variety, then quietly wait for the sprout to seem from the ground itself. It may take up to 10 days.


You show excessive care of your cannabis

Beginners Grovers are often inclined to see the problems where they are not yet, and panicing along the slightest occasion. At best, they begin to pour hemp forums in the worst, to resort to extreme measures to correct the "jambs". If you do everything correctly in general, it is not necessary to make any sharp movements, for example, shed pot litters of water, as soon as you noticed the yellow leaf, or dry the soil with a hairdryer when the foliage was filled from overflow. Come on our list of errors, especially by those that I listed below, and make sure that you were not allowed. And the small shoals of the cannabis will survive, you just need to give her time.

At the same time I can say that hemp - due to very rapid growth - it requires much more care than room flowers. So it is also impossible to leave it without attention. Start growing - I don't care what to start a child, only responsibility (I do not mean the criminal) not so big, and you will have to take care of my green chad, not to old age, but only a few weeks.


The seventh error, very common and hardly the main one. You too often watered your hemp

In the nature of hemp - drought-resistant plant. This means that it better transfers the lack of moisture than its oversupport. Excessive watering can and kill hemp, although more often simply slows down and affects yields. Let's go dry, before making the next watering. Here you will help a special (inexpensive) probe, showing soil moisture - it is sold in the departments for gardeners. The main thing is to remember that the probe in the ground will have to be in several places to adequately judge the dryness / humidity of the soil. Other good way - Know the approximate weight of the dry pot and determine the need for watering by weight. The third way is to stick a finger to the ground for several centimeters and evaluate whether there is moisture there. If the land on this depth is completely dried, it was time to water.

Error eighth, rude. You do not follow the pH of water for watering

Hemp, because it is growing rapidly and quickly absorbs nutrients and trace elements, very sensitive to the correct pH (acidity), because the instruction of the "feed" root depends on this indicator. For cannabis, pH is considered to be at 5.8-6.7, or 5.5-6.0 in hydroponics and 6.3-7.0 in the soil. Personally, in the water pipeline, water is such that if it is defeated during the day or boil, and then add the right amount of fertilizer, the pH will always be clearly 6.5. So I can and not use the pH meter. However, in 99% of cases to buy pH for growing marijuana still have to. Liquid, "aquarium" PH-meter is not the most comfortable thing, but it is his one that you can be able to find in your city (in the pet store). Electronic ph-meter compared to aquarium - just a fairy tale, but here you have to look for a gromme shop on the Internet.

pH-meter for Grovera is the same as the radar for the pilot. Without it, you will go to the blind crop.


The ninth error, common and rude. You throw your roast fertilizers

Among the beginners is much more common than underfloor. The main rules here are as follows:

  • do not feed the sprout at all, at least * Before the emergence of the second present pair,

    * Pay attention to it " least". In the comments to the article, I rightly pointed out that it was better not to fertilize even longer. Perhaps yes, I made too much concession to beginners seeking to knock down her firstborn. Postpone the first feeding until the second-third week from the helmets, and with theftwets even longer.

  • check out the recommended dosage on a bottle with fertilizer and start with 25% of the recommended, with each next irrigation increasing the dose and following the tips of the leaves there are burns,
  • do not add fertilizers to water water every time. Make a "magnificent", watering clean water every 2-4 weeks,
  • if you brought the ground to complete drying, reduce the concentration of the solution compared to the usual, so as not to burn the roots,
  • if possible, use organic fertilizers; It will be well reflected on the taste of cones and the evenness of their combustion,
  • if you allowed overdose and are forced to make a flashe (shed with clean water), span 3 times with a large amount than usual. Let's hope that until the next irrigation, the roaster is smelled from your jambs.


Error tenth, not very frequent. You keep your back injured

If you do not like the idea of \u200b\u200busing liquid fertilizers or you can't get them, charge the soil mixture in advance with some fertilizer, which slowly gives nutrients and trace elements, for example, organica like bone flour or blood flour.


You use too small pots, why the roots become closely

Insufficient volume The pot affects the size of hemp and its yield. In addition, he adds to Grovera the hassle. You can apply simula: For flowering cannabis, one liter of soil is required for every 10 cm height (growth). If you have noticed that your marijuana stopped growing, it started to stretch unfortunately, it requires too frequent watering (5-6 times a week) or burns from the average doses of fertilizers, it is possible that the potted pot has become too closely, and a transplant is required in a larger pot.


You heard that various ways of trimming increase yields, and aggressively use them

If you are new, then it is better not to approach rubry with scissors, having in thoughts only increase in yield. Pruning can be extremely useful tool, but only in other cases: for example, trees were too high for your boxing, or the branches are too much and they thicken the crown, or it is necessary to remove several lower branches, which still does not get light. Read more about trimming branches and foliage and crane formation.


Holding a hemp on Vega, you do not consider how much it can stretch out on color

For example, you planned to translate the roets on the color when the first prevents will appear (long white hairs in sinuses of side shoots). Or when the alternation of the nodes begin, that is, they will begin to grow on the stem not pairwise, and the steps - each next knot / escape / leaf will be higher than the previous one. Of course, both - a sign of the maturity of cannabis and her readiness for flowering, however, translating to the color at this moment, you suddenly find that your hemp continues to grow and grow in the embroidery and pulls out another 5 times, while You are in boxing - exactly half of what you need such a dftam.

Read - there is written in detail what "palls" wait from what varieties and what to do to pull out the problem for you.


You do not know what kind of cultivation conditions are optimal for hemp, or do not create them

If it is quite short: for growing marijuana at home requires illumination of at least 400W on square meter, Air temperature in the afternoon - from 23 to 27 degrees, a permanent influx of CO2 (for this, the fan must fully update air in boxing every 5-10 minutes) and relative humidity in the range from 45 to 65 percent. Someone, I do not remember who, arguing about hemp, noticed how much she looks like a person in many things. In particular, the comfort zone for it is about the same as for us, people. We also love the temperature in the area of \u200b\u200b25 ° C, sunlight and fresh air, and if you look into the slope, you will see that relative humidity residential premises It should be about the same - 40-60%.


You do not keep sanitary standards

Before each process of pots and boxing, it is necessary not only to be cleaned, but also desirable to process detergents for disinfection. Do not leave dried leaves and soil crumbs on the floor. All this can serve as a good medium for dispute dispute and fungi, as well as for insects. I have already spoken about other people's clones - you can put someone else's infection in your home garden. The same applies to the soil that you are accumulating somewhere in the garden, and all sorts of sticks. If you decide to bring a stick from the street and use them as a backup, I advise you to treat them over fire (gas). The soil, including the purchase, is better to rolling in the oven, pre-how to moisturize. It will help kill harmful larvae and microvammamms.


You take a crop too early

Someone at the same time elementary lacks patience, but many really do not know, at what point optimally cut the bumps. Under the end of blossom, when the bumps are really poured into severity and begin to be seriously fragile - and the period specified by the manufacturer, it seems to be approached - you may seem that everything, the edge, it's time to hack, dry and enjoy. At the same time, it is possible that the bumps have not yet been regulated as it follows that in a couple of weeks they can add two times in weight, and the main thing will increase the strength and quality of the hea, as well as the smell and taste.

Experienced Grover uses only one way to determine maturity. It is called a microscope. Watching under the Trichomy Microscope - Little Cups filled with sticky resin, Grover looks, whether they are transparent or muddy (Milky) or their heads become amber. Transparent Trichoma is a sign of immaturity, Milky - evidence that the content of the psychoactive substance, TGC, has reached a peak in them, an amber tint means that the trichomies passed the peak of maturity, and the TGC in them begins to gradually collapse.

From here it is easy to conclude that it is best to remove the harvest - at the peak of psychoactivity, that is, when muddy trichoma is dominated. At the same time, however, it is necessary to consider that in addition to the "Promotion", the halya has such an indicator as quality. Transparent Trichoma will provide you with a transparent savory high, pretty vigorous, but not always long. With muddy trichomas, Hi will be stronger and longer, but with a big bias in the relaxing effects of the body. Amber Trichomy will provide a stone, immobilizing Stone. Of course, it's all about. Different varieties have the effect of maturity on the effect will differ. If you use quite a bit, you can, waiting for the first turbid trichi or even a little earlier, start cutting down the top every day and choose the one that you will like the effect most, and the rest purp the medicine (ointment, cream) Or stupidly throw away.

In addition to the microscope, there are two more ways to determine the moment for harvesting.

The first of them is the most unreliable, it is to make a logging that day that the manufacturer recommends. In Pain marijuana varieties catalogI also tried to collect information from Grovers about the readiness of concrete varieties, however more information It is possible to collect, the more the time interval is obtained, for example, 55-75 days. It is more likely to choose a variety or plan a cycle than gives any idea of \u200b\u200breadiness.

Another way provides much better results. Its essence is that the hairs covering the bumps are white, when they are not more mature, but become amber as ripening. Focus on 60% of amber hairs and 40% of white - this will allow you to approximately guess the optimal break time. Inaccuracy of such a method for many varieties is obvious. On Vskidku Nazov White widow from Dutch Passion - The grade is too "white" to evaluate maturity on the percentage of amber hair.

Well, and finally, a few tips beginner commercial gerops:

  • do not land the seedlings too early in the spring, while calculating the maximum yield in the fall. Two or three weeks from seeds under energy-saving lamps with periodic hardening under the sun on the southern windowsill or a balcony will be enough, after which - in an out, which is better torturing at the beginning of the climatic summer, that is, from about from the beginning to mid-June. In other words, the extension of the seed on May 20 in the suburbs will be the most.
  • hardening seedlings under the sun, do it gradually. Direct sunlight can kill the rapid sprout or at least for a while stopping its development. The same effect will give landing of a sprout or seed into an open primer in the July heat.
  • if you grow hemp with a guerrilla way (in thickets of nettle on the wasteland or raspberries in the forest) and we are afraid of thieves, then it is better to cut at least part of the cones are still immature. The deepen the fall, the stronger the hemp allocated his living greens among the surrounding self-fighting and toured vegetation, so, waiting for complete maturity, you risk lose all the harvest, giving it some kind of fisherman or mushroom.

* The calculations use average data in Russia

A few years ago it became possible to grow hemp in Russia. The proposal of the state officercontrol, which ended with the adoption of a law on possible cultivation of hemp, provides for the cultivation of the so-called technical cannabis. That is, grown for the needs of many industries and farms, but in any case it is not a drug business. In the technical hemp, the content of tetrahydrokannabinol is critical compared to purely narcotic plants.

It is necessary to immediately note that the business idea to grown a hemp new, which means quite promising. Only a few years ago, the government seriously thought that the most important agricultural culture was practically completely exterminated in connection with the 1961 Convention, which imposed the strictest restrictions on the cultivation of hemp. Nevertheless, hemp always was considered not the source of Gashish, but the culture that served as a source of food, fabric, oil and was used in the production of a huge number of diverse products. That is, today the grown hemp can be used not only for the needs of the black market, but also for the creation of combined products. This opens up ample opportunities before hemplies that can cooperate at once with many enterprises for the processing of this plant.

But in order for the apparent such beautiful business idea, earned, must pass a lot of time. Growing hemp today is investment in the future, but it is hardly worth hoping for huge profits and prosperity in the coming years. Although, what more people It will begin to raise this agricultural culture, the faster the production will be established. Moreover, the sowing cannabis does not represent much interest for lovers to go to the otherworldly world. Psychoactive substance - Δ9-tetrahydrochnabinabinol - in the technical hemp contained in a very modest amount to fade a person.

So, so as not to become a lacaround by the manufacturer of the smoking drug, you need to know that the Cannabis Sativa cannabis seeds are allowed - this species is a relatively high plant. It is impossible to communicate with the cannabis seeds of Cannabis Indica - the Indian view may contain up to 30% of the TGC. However, the officially operating companies of the cannabis seeds of the Indian species cannot be purchased. At the same time, breeders conclude all new species, the TGC content in which is almost reduced to zero (less than percent). There is also a weed cannabis, which is not interesting or drug addicts or farmers.

How to open a business in the cultivation of a technician hemp from scratch

In order to start its business for the cultivation of hemp, it is enough to register the shape of the entrepreneurial entity. It is unlikely that it will be possible to arrange the KFC - the peasant-farming economy, even in this case it will be possible to use not only tax benefits, but also other incentives from the state to agricultural entrepreneurs. I would like to believe that when the government understands the importance of cultural hemp, the amount of benefits and support will increase even more (so, in any case, it was throughout the history when the rulers encouraged the cultivation of this culture).

So far, it is preferable to register a legal entity - it is necessary to the licensing authority. The difficulty lies in the fact that the cultivation of hemp is still difficult classified by entrepreneurial codes. If we consider it as an annual plant, which serves as a source of oil, then can be suitable (OKPD 2) 01.1 to other groupings. However, the last encoding includes only seeds, and in cannabis not only they are valuable. After registration has been conducted, you can contact the Federal Health Supervision Service and social Development For obtaining a license for growing plants containing narcotic substances. In order for the licensing authority to consider the application, the provision of a large number of documents will be required.

List of permits required for the cultivation of cannabis:

    Copies of constituent documents legal entitynotarized in notarial

    Payment confirming state duty for providing a license;

    Inventory of the accompanying documents.

    Copies of documents that confirm the availability of a license for the right of ownership or on other legal framework for the relevant requirements and necessary for the implementation of the cultivation of drug-containing plants of equipment, premises and land plots, the rights to which are not registered in the Unified State Register of Rights real estate and transactions with it (if such rights are registered in the specified registry - information about these premises and land plots)

    A copy of the certificate of a specialist confirming the appropriate professional training of the head of a legal entity or the head of the relevant division of a legal entity in the implementation of cultivation of drug-containing plants

    Copies of certificates issued by state or municipal healthcare institutions in the established legislation Russian Federation The procedure, the absence of workers who, in accordance with their official duties, should have access to cultivated drug-containing plants, diseases drug addiction, toxicomic, chronic alcoholism

    Information on the presence of the conclusions of the body control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances provided for by paragraphs of the third and fifth paragraph 3 of Article 10 and paragraph of the third paragraph 7 of Article 30 Federal Law "On narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances."

There may be difficulties in obtaining a certificate confirming the professional suitability of the manager, because in a few decades, during which the cultivation of hemp was not carried out, there were no specialists, ready to teach and issue appropriate permissions, and this issue is unlikely to decide in the shortest possible time. Also, the future area of \u200b\u200bsowing should be dispersed and provide enough protection to it, just in a clean field, to which there is anything, anyone, to grow a hemp will not work. Even despite the fact that it should not cause any "grass" or drug dealer.

It is not bad to have a hemp seed samples before appealing to the licensing body that will be used for sowing. Traditionally, in Soviet times, the hemp "SURSKA" was cultivated. Today, this variety is not considered a narcotic and allowed to sow. However, in the regions with a hot and arid climate, the content of tetrahydrokannabinol can increase - this is a natural reaction of the plant for high temperatures. The breeders are derived fully devoid of TGK grades, and in connection with the state's interest, there is a possibility that new hemp grades will not contain narcotic substances at all. The licensing authority in each area should also make recommendations for used cannabis seeds.

Taking into account the fact that the agricultural cultivation of cannabis is only gaining momentum, it makes no sense to rent huge areas under sowing. In the first years, it is only possible to learn the art of an exercise, so that in the future only to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe sowing. By this time and the requirements will be less hard.

Another complexity of the implementation of this business idea is a small number of factories, ready to recycle hemp, and some entrepreneurs use their own power to obtain products from this culture - from oil to hemp. Although in world practices from hemp, even fuel briquettes and substitutes for synthetic products are already manufactured. The grown cannabis is good in the manufacture of paper and clothing. Thus, you can already determine a wide range of consumers of this product, and the businessman can at the very beginning of its activities, while hemp only ripes, start negotiating sales. For obvious reasons, it will not be possible to sell it in the agricultural market.

At the moment, in our country, the industrial production of even hemp, but some plants are easily converted to this production, since at the time they were just converted to other needs after the treatment of cannabis. In this regard, it is unlikely to rent more than 10 hectares for the first growing cannabis, it should be enough to learn how to work with this plant and get a normal harvest.

Unlike the difficulties imposed by the legislation, nature is not so demanding to the farmer working with the cannabis. This plant is very unpretentious, loves many types of soil and can grow on a large part of Russia. It is resistant to temperature drops, drought, compared with other agricultural crops, cannabis relatively few diseases and pests. Moreover, the sinking hemp does not give to grown to many weeds, it fear, many insect pests are afraid, and only birds can atocle this unique plant.

Ready ideas for your business

Cannabis pulls heavy metals from the soil, herself requires the presence of those elements that are not needed in a large number of other plants, and at the same time enriches the soil. That is why hemp is an important member of the crop rotation. But, of course, to get the greatest harvest, it is still necessary to take into account some features and cultivate cannabis. It is best grows in the lands, where winter cereals, leguminous, sandy, potatoes and corn germinated earlier.

Time sowing of technical cannabis

Growing cannabis begin early in winter, this plant loves to germinate in cold soil with its subsequent warming up. The longest period of its ripening is 120 days, that is, the heaven sown in early March will give a harvest in the summer. This plant does not tolerate this plant, so they collect it once a year, but in its place you can plant winter crops that are cleaned just in the spring. They are cereal - wheat, rye, triticale; They may be the predecessors of cannabis. Therefore, as in the cultivation of other plants, hemp is better to combine with the growing crops, from year to year by changing its location.

It is necessary to pay attention to that once in a few years (approximately every 3 years) it is better to buy new hemp seeds, and not to use a seed fund, since plants are pollinated by wild varieties and restore the level of TGK. It is important to determine what goals cannabis is grown - to obtain seeds or producing fibers. Although practicing and bilateral use. Depending on this, the variety and the norm of sowing seeds is selected.

Ready ideas for your business

On average, one hectare requires about 100 kilograms of seeds, and the cost of one kilogram is about 50 rubles. On 10 hectares requires 1 ton of seed material, so 50 thousand rubles need for planting plants. The price can be significantly lower, as the southern hemp varieties require only about 20 kilograms of seeds for one hectare.

For rent, the land will have to allocate no more than 35 thousand per year, since the cost of renting hectares of agricultural land is three and a half thousand per chernozem. Land rental with other types of soil will be even cheaper. Significant funds may have to be allocated to fertilizers, since in a poor land of good harvest. But it is not necessary to spend a lot of speeches on pesticides, as hemp has little natural enemies (although they are). But to collect hemp, it will not work, the process of its collection is a whole technology, and requiring the purchase of specialized equipment. For this we need:



  • Conducting combine.


All this technique (except for the universal tractor) is only represented by old samples, which were exploited even in Soviet times, so their condition leaves much to be desired, and manual labor should also be involved in their work. They can provide the nearest village, but somehow the car will need to be updated at the first opportunity. But even on it, it is still possible to collect a good harvest, the size of which varies depending on the grade of cannabis.

If we take into the calculation of the grade "SURSKAYA", then the yield is 8.6 tons with hectares (if the sowing occurs only for the sake of seeds, then only 0.8 tons with hectares). Thus, 86 tons of fibrous hemp is assembled with 10 hectares, which goes to many industries. And even if we consider only the sale of seeds, the total number of which will be 8 tons, then for them, subject to the cost of a kilogram of 50 rubles, 400 thousand rubles can be reset. And it is only exclusively for the seeds. There are no exact figures about the fibers themselves due to yet small demand for this product (seeds are actively bought by oil plants), but later when establishing market relations In the field of agricultural production, cannabis can be expecting revenue from the rest of the plant.

Profitability of the cultivation of technical cannabis

Summing up, it can be said that the industrial cultivation of cannabis, of course, is associated with a number of difficulties that are absolutely not inherent in the rest of the crop. The most important complexity is compliance with state requirements, unscheduled inspections. Federal Service For supervision in the field of health and state administration, the need to receive a new license for its activities every 5 years.

The following problems will be the sales of the collected harvest, and therefore, many consulges today are self-powered cannabis fibers and even try to establish their production of hemp. State enterprises are generally focused not only to establish the cultivation of this culture, but also on the organization of enterprises for the processing of the material obtained, which beginner entrepreneurs are often unable. But, as in the rest of the spheres of the agrarian sector, only state companies will not be able to provide the whole need for finished products, and the agricultural market even in the case of cannabis will need a private entrepreneur and farmers working exclusively on themselves.

Ready ideas for your business

By implementing the business idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing hemp, it is possible to become an experienced agronomist in a few years, which, having existed on the market for a long time, will have an advantage over newcomers. And, most importantly, the state is not configured to tighten the requirements, but to stimulate the activity of farmers growing cannal, which allows in perspective to count on benefits. When everything to get better, there should be no problems with a sales, because many production will need heneer, consuming absolutely all of its parts. This makes the cultivation of technical cannabis actually waste-free production.

Already, according to experts, Russia can go to the leading position on the cultivation of hemp, as it was during the time before the ban, and government farmers can become successful and rich people. Initial investments can be very significant, as it is necessary to equip a protected and protected area, and in the future and buy expensive technique, but all these costs will quickly pay off due to increased demand.

In the light of recent events and because of the desire of the state, the state is finally restored agriculture In Russia, you can count on the fact that there will be support and promotion, and benefits. All this makes the cultivation of hemp, conjugate with the cultivation of other plants, a very promising undertaking.

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