
Calculation of salaries in 1s 8.3 zup lessons. ZUP. Payroll calculation. Assigning planned deductions

Accrual wages Is a rather painstaking business, especially for a large organization. It is very problematic to do it manually without errors. You need to take into account all the benefits tax deductions, apply different personal income tax rates... Payroll in 1C allows you to fully automate the entire accounting process. With the correct entry of the primary data, it is possible to generate reports analytical accounting for leadership and in government bodies.

Initial data entry

Before calculating salaries in 1C, you need to check the initial settings of the program. To do this, enter the program as an administrator. In the field, select cells one by one:

  • "Accruals";
  • "Hold";
  • Payroll Indicators.

Check the filling of templates in each tab. To add a calculation parameter with the "Create" button, enter and save the accounting parameter, which can be used in calculating wages. It is necessary to check the benefits of personal income tax in 1C material assistance in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

Change of staffing table

The main document for calculating wages in 1C 8 is the staffing table. It is approved by the order of the head. You can view the current document in the "Personnel" menu in the "Staff schedule" tab. If a change order has been issued, changes can be made in the appropriate tab.

To create a new document in 1C payroll, you need to go to the "Create" tab. A field will open that needs to be filled in as detailed as possible.

  • The "Add position" cell is intended for the introduction of a new position, department, salary;
  • The "Change position" tab is designed to change the parameters of the current rate, salary, working conditions, benefits (for example, travel costs);
  • The field "Filling indicators" is used when the same type of data is entered for all positions. When saving the accounting parameters, the data will be applied to the entire list;
  • When entering data on a new position, you can link individual work schedules to 1C ZUP.

After making changes, you need to enter information about the order and check the date of approval staffing table... Only after that, the document can be saved, it will be the basis for calculating wages from this period.

Time sheet

During the calendar month, all personnel changes in the organization are reflected: hiring, vacations, time off, additional payment for combining positions in 1C ZUP, work on weekends and holidays, sick leave and layoffs. If the information is entered correctly, the timesheet is generated automatically.

To fill it out, you need to select in the "Create" tab either filling out the document with a list of all employees, or by selecting a specific surname.

The document creation date is filled in by default with the current one. When the timesheet for the previous period is being filled, you need to change the date to the last day of the month.

In the report card, you can check the reflection of documents on the movement of personnel during the month. If some information was not entered into the program, you need to reflect it before the earnings are calculated.

Calculation of wages

All actions on wages are performed only from the workplace of the accountant or the head of the department, who have access to these operations.

Payroll in 1C 8.2 is performed from the appropriate tab. Creating a new document can be done with the "Create" button. In the menu that opens, you can select the complete filling of the document with all accruals, deductions and calculation of contributions, or, if necessary, generate each of these documents.

To calculate salaries in 1C 8.2 for all employees for the previous period, the "Fill" button is provided. It will take some time to process the data. If the accounting parameters were entered correctly, the screen displays information about all charges to employees.

The 1C: 8 program allows you to make manual corrections of the document if necessary.

Before posting the document, you need to check the correctness of the information entered.

  • The field "Agreements" is filled in if work is performed under GPC contracts;
  • The "Benefits" field will be filled in automatically if sick leave was carried out in the month of accrual, including childcare benefits;

  • The "Benefits" tab is filled in if the company uses bonus incentives, for example, employees are compensated for travel or food reimbursement. These data are included in the composition of wages and participate in the calculation of personal income tax;

  • The Retentions tab reflects all employee retentions: by enforcement orders, for unearned vacation. If necessary, you can enter the new kind retention;

  • The "Personal Income Tax" tab is generated automatically. Information about interest rate and the status of the employee are entered upon hiring. For individuals who are residents of the Russian Federation, a rate of 13% is applied. When calculating the income of foreign employees of an organization who work under patent agreements, the rate is calculated at 30%;

  • The "Loans" tab allows you to control the timeliness of repayment of loans issued to the company's employees. Upon receipt of the material benefit received as savings on the payment of interest, the calculation of the income is made automatically;

  • The “Contributions” field is filled in automatically when filling out the document. You can manage indicators manually for each employee or as a whole for the list;

  • The “Payment adjustment” field is intended to reflect the excessively withheld personal income tax. Data is entered only manually upon presentation of documents for the right to represent property, social deduction or for other reasons that are regulated by law;

  • If you find that the information is incomplete when calculating wages, the adjustment can be made in the "Additional charges, recalculations" tab. This field is filled only manually for each natural person... You can make corrections:
  • In charges;
  • Manuals;
  • Benefits;
  • Holds.

In this field, you can correct information previous periods for correct reflection of information in periodic reporting.

Before you record and carry out a payroll calculation in 1C, you need to check the formation period and the date.

Accrual of advances

Labor Code obliges the employer to pay wages 2 times a month.

Advance salary calculation for 1C 8 enterprise can be performed from the "Salary" menu, the "Accrual for the first half of the month" tab.

The advance payment in 1C 8 3 is performed by the "Fill" button. The entire list of employees is formed with an indication of the accrual period. Deductions on executive documents and income tax.

Formation of the document is carried out by the buttons "Write" and "Post".

Payment of wages

In the 1C: 8 program, you can create a list of employees for transferring wages to the card accounts of individuals in the bank or through the organization's cash desk. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate tab.

  • The "Statement to the bank" button is designed to generate a statement within the framework of a salary project;
  • The button "Sheets of transfers to accounts" allows you to generate a list of charges to the accounts of employees opened independently;
  • "Statement to the cashier" is intended for the formation of payments through the cashier of the organization.

In order to send a statement to the bank, you need to create a file in the "Exchange with banks documents" tab, then unload it from the "Exchange with banks (salary)" tab. At the same time, form payment order for the amount of wages, indicating the register number.

Payroll reports

Before you look at the accrued salary in 1C, you need to go to the "Salary" menu in the "Payroll reports" field. When drawing up the report, you can select the accrual period, fill in the information for each employee, analyze the deductions and application of benefits. The 1C: 8 program generates analytical data and analysis in the context of any indicator.

All reports are printed.


Payroll in the 1C: 8 program is fully automated. If the question arises why salaries are not calculated in 1C, you need to check the initial settings. In addition, the data should be entered into the general reference book in a timely manner, taking into account the table of average earnings, which affect the calculation of wages. Correct reflection allows you to quickly generate reports on personal income tax, insurance premiums and check control ratios.

You clearly know the procedure for calculating wages, which needs to be done from month to month in the 1C: Salary and personnel management and 1C: Salary programs state institution Rev 3.1? In this article, we will look at this important issue with links to some of the materials that were previously published on our site. Of course, the developers periodically make adjustments to the program, and some operations and documents appear or become unnecessary, but the general principles of work described in the articles are preserved.

The general scheme of data entry and calculations corresponds to the location of the program sections - from left to right.

1) First, you need to make all the changes in the parts of the frames:
- Reception of employees, transfers, dismissals;
- Changes in planned charges and deductions (available from the "Personnel" and "Salary" sections).

Sheets (if possible, do not use, it is advisable to use the report of the same name in salary reports) and Individual schedules (only if necessary).
- Deductions (section "Salary").

2) At this stage, you need to make sure that all absences and absenteeism are included in the program, and also reflect the work in excess of the norm:
- Sick leave ( general principle described in the articles Calculation of sick leave payment, Sick leave without pay), Leave (a few articles on the topic Vacation from the 1st day of the month, Leave without pay), including Parental leave, Business trips;
- Working on weekends and holidays, Working overtime and Overtime (read more in the selection of articles Working on holidays and weekends, overtime work, Overtime work).

Again, work from the "Personnel" section is also possible.

Do not be alarmed if you do not see in the list of your program the same list of documents and actions as in the figure - it depends on the specifics of the organization and on the settings of a specific infobase.
After entering the information, it is necessary to check the correctness of the reflection of the hours worked in the report "Timesheet" of the section "Salary" - "Salary reports".

3) Now we will add the accrual documents:
- Awards,
- Material assistance,
- One-time charges,
- Data for payroll calculation (if you have set up payroll calculation).
If necessary, you can make payments of these amounts in the off-set period and pay taxes.
4) If you have employees working under civil law contracts, then add information on them to the database.
First, we create contracts and acts in the section "Salary" - "Contracts (including copyright)" and "Salary" - "Acts of acceptance of work performed", and then we make a calculation in the document "Accrual under contracts (incl. copyright) "and payments.

5) The advance payment is also usually calculated and paid before the salary is paid. We discussed this topic in detail in the article Accrual and payment of an advance.
6) Before making the final calculation of wages for the month, it is advisable to repeat points 1 - 4, and then check and make additional accruals or delete information on recalculations in the section "Salary" - "Recalculations".

7) Now, finally, you can make the calculation of wages and contributions.

Attention! The document "Calculation of salaries and contributions" must be calculated in the MOST last place, even within one day. This rule is mandatory, since ONLY this document calculates insurance premiums, including premiums, vacations, one-time charges, etc.
We check the correctness of the data using the reports "Summary of accrued salaries", "Analysis of salaries by employees" and others, located in the section "Salary" - "Salary reports".
8) Let's pay salaries in the "Payments" section - "All payroll statements" indicating the type of payroll (to the bank, to the cashier ...) and the payment method in the "Pay" column, or immediately in the "Create" block.

We check the completeness and correctness of the amounts paid by opening reports in the section "Payments" - "Reports on payments", as well as in the section "Salary" - "Reports on salaries" - "Analysis of salaries by employees".
9) Do not forget about specifying information about the listed taxes and contributions:
- in the open sheet, follow the link "Payment of wages and transfer of personal income tax" and write the number and date of the payment order, according to which the personal income tax was transferred to the budget;

or create a document " Personal income tax transfer to the budget "in the section" Taxes and contributions ", if personal income tax was paid at a later date;

The paid contributions from accidents are reflected in the section "Taxes and contributions" - "Payment of insurance contributions to funds" - "FSS, insurance against accidents".

It is imperative to go over the reports in the section "Taxes and Contributions" - "Reports on Taxes and Contributions" to make sure that the charges are correct.
10) Now you can create transactions for accruals and contributions in the "Salary" section - "Reflection of salaries in accounting", the "Fill in" button

and check the correctness of the information reflected by generating a report in the "Salary" - "Salary reports" - "Salary accounting" section.

11) After the formation of transactions, you can synchronize with accounting program, during which data on accrued wages, taxes and contributions will be transferred.
12) We recommend that you set the date of prohibition of data changes in the section "Administration" - "Settings of users and rights".
This completes the monthly recurring operations for the calculation and payment of wages. Of course, each organization may have individual characteristics in terms of the scope of operations and documents used, but, in any case, we recommend adhering to general order the steps in this article.

Consider the complete step-by-step instructions for beginners - from hiring, to calculating and paying salaries in 1C ZUP 8.3 (8.2).

First of all, before calculating salaries for employees, they must be entered in the database and all personnel documents must be brought into line. In 1C Salary and Personnel 3.1 (3.0), these documents are stored in the “Personnel” menu, item “Appointments, transfers, dismissals”.

When hiring or transferring an employee in the program, it is imperative to indicate the date of admission, position, department, and the size of the salary.

Setting up user rights

To maintain these HR documents and pay payroll, the user must be included in the appropriate access groups. This setting must be done under account with administrator rights.

In the "Administration" menu, select "Configure Users and Rights".

V this case the user "Accountant" was included in the groups:

  • "Senior personnel officers"
  • "Senior Calculators".

Tax deductions

Consider an example of payroll in 1C ZUP for an employee with a child under 18 years of age. This tax deduction is configured in the "Income tax" section of the employee's card.

Enter a new charge for standard deductions by adding the appropriate tax deduction.

Calculation and calculation of salaries and contributions

It is important to remember that the first step is to include in the program receptions, personnel transfers and dismissals of employees. Further, the absence of employees (sick leave, vacations, etc.), overtime (overtime) are filled in. In the presence of other charges ( material help, parental leave, etc.), they also need to be included in the program in advance.

If this sequence is violated, the program will not be able to correctly calculate contributions and taxes.

Now you can go directly to the calculation and payroll. In the "Salary" section, select the "Payroll and contributions" item, or the item with the same name of the "Create" subsection. In the first case, you will see a list of all previously entered documents.

After you have created the document, the first thing you need to do is fill in the month of accrual and the department. The date is usually the last day of the month of accrual. We will calculate the 1C ZUP document automatically by clicking on the "Fill in" button. The program will select all employees of the specified department who need to make accruals.

The accruals are taken those that were indicated in the personnel documents (hiring, personnel transfer).

When you click on the "Show calculation details" button, additional columns will be displayed, for example, the time norm and how much was actually worked. Also, from this document, you can form a payroll for an employee.

The payroll displays all accruals and deductions, as well as the previously introduced tax deduction for children.

The "Benefits" tab displays all benefits that are paid by the Social Insurance Fund (for example, parental leave for a child under 1.5 years old). The tab "Deductions" reflects all deductions for employees, except for personal income tax (for example, alimony).

The tabs "Personal Income Tax" and "Contributions" contain calculations for personal income tax and assessed contributions, respectively. If there are contracts for payment (for example, GPC agreement), they will be displayed on the "Contracts" tab with all the necessary data (if the corresponding setting is enabled in the program).

The data of the document "Payroll and Contributions" can be corrected manually, if necessary. In this case, they will be highlighted in bold.

Recalculation of payroll documents and contributions

As mentioned earlier, before creating a document for calculating salaries and contributions, it is necessary to enter into the program data on all accruals and deductions of employees. Let's consider an example of creating such a document after.

In the "Salary" menu, select "Overtime". This functionality will be available if the "Payroll" section setting is enabled.

In the generated document, specify one or more employees and add the dates of overtime work with the number of hours worked.

After posting the document "Overtime" in the previously created payroll and contributions, a comment will be displayed about the need for recalculation.

All recalculations that need to be performed will be displayed in the "Salary" menu, subsection "Service".

Recalculations can be not only accruals, but also deductions. They are displayed in the context of employees, indicating the billing period, the accrual document that needs to be corrected and the reasons.

This article will discuss in detail step-by-step instruction on salary accounting in 1C: preliminary setting, direct calculation and payment of wages in 1C 8.3 Accounting, as well as a salary project. If you figure it out, everything will turn out to be quite simple.

Before making the calculation and payment of wages in the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program, you need to set it up correctly. To do this, select the Accounting Options item from the Administration menu.

In the window that appears, select the "Salary settings" item. This section allows you to set up not only salary, but also personal income tax, insurance premiums and personnel records.

Let's consider these settings in more detail step by step:

  • General settings. In this example, we have selected the item "In this program", since otherwise some of the documents we need will be unavailable. The second setting option involves maintaining personnel and salary records in another program, for example, in 1C ZUP. In the subsection "Setting up salary accounting", the method of reflecting salaries in accounting, the timing of salary payments, vacation reserves, territorial conditions, etc. is indicated.
  • Payroll calculation. Here we indicate that we will take into account sick leave, vacations and executive documents... It is important to remember that this functionality will only work if the number of employees does not exceed 60 people. The types of charges and deductions are also configured here. For convenience, we will also set up automatic recalculation of the "Payroll" document.
  • Reflection in the accounting. In this section, accounts are set up to reflect salary and mandatory contributions with payroll in accounting. Let's leave the default settings.
  • Personnel accounting. In this example, full accounting is selected so that basic personnel documents are available.
  • Classifiers. We will leave the settings in this paragraph by default. Here you can set up the types of income and deductions used in the calculation of personal income tax and the parameters for calculating insurance premiums.

Before calculating a salary for an employee, he must be hired. In this case, we will consider an example of an employee who has a minor child. As you know, in such cases, a tax deduction is applied. You can indicate an application for it in the employee's card by going to the section "Income tax". Please note that tax deductions are cumulative. If they are not applied in one month, then in the next they will be taken into account for both periods.

After all personnel documents are completed, you can proceed directly to payroll. To do this, select the "All charges" item in the "Salary and personnel" menu.

In the list of documents that opens, select the "Payroll" item in the "Create" menu. Fill in the month of accrual and subdivision in the header and click on the "Fill in" button.

The program will fill in all the required data. Manual adjustments are allowed. It is important to remember that in the 1C: Accounting program, the document "Timesheet" is not kept. All absenteeism (vacation, sick leave) must be filled in prior to payroll in order to correctly reflect the actual hours worked in this document.

The "Employees" tab displays a pivot table for the document in the context of employees.

The next tab reflects the accruals and deductions for employees and the amount of time actually worked. This data can be manually corrected if necessary. Also on this tab you can print a payroll.

The Retentions tab in this example is empty because the employee did not have them. We'll skip it.

The next tab reflects personal income tax and tax deductions. This employee has a deduction for children that we introduced earlier. The data on this tab can be corrected by setting the corresponding flag.

On the "Contributions" tab, the contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, FSS and FFOMS are described in detail. Manual override is also available here.

The most recent tab displays manual adjustments.

Click "Post and Close" and this is where we will finish calculating the salary.

After the salary has been successfully calculated, it must be paid. Consider a payment through a bank, since this method is the most common in organizations.

In the menu "Salary and personnel" select the item "Bills to the bank".

Create a new document from the list form. In its header, indicate the month of accrual, division, type of payment (for a month or an advance). There is also a field for specifying a salary project. It will be discussed later.

See also the video instructions for paying an advance:

And the calculation and payment of wages in 1C:

In the menu "Salary and personnel" in the section "References and settings" select " Salary projects»And create a new document. It is necessary to indicate bank information in it.

The salary project for the employee is indicated in his card in the section "Payments and cost accounting".

In the window that opens, specify the employee's personal account number, the validity period and select the salary project.

After this setting, when you select in the document "Statement for the payment of salaries through the bank", employees will be substituted with their personal account numbers.

Accounting info

Calculation and payment of wages in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 step by step

Administration instructions personnel records in the program 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

The main operations are:

  • recruitment
  • calculation and calculation of wages
  • payroll payroll

A clean configuration was taken to carry out all the steps, from hiring an employee to paying salaries.

We will also consider what settings will need to be made and why. Let's start our review with them.

Setting up the 1C subsystem - Salary and personnel

The main salary settings in 1C Accounting are made in the "Main" menu, then the link "Accounting parameters".

We select the "Salary and personnel" tab:

  • We indicate that we will keep records in "This program". The availability of some settings, documents, appearance interface. The choice "in an external program" implies keeping records of salaries not in 1C Accounting 8.3, but in the program 1C ZUP 8.3 or 8.2.
  • We will keep records for each employee. With this setting, the 70th account will have a subconto "Payroll with employees."
  • We indicate with a flag that we will take into account sick leave, vacations and executive documents. This function available only for organizations with no more than 60 employees. If there are more employees, records should be kept in the 1C: "Salary and personnel management" program.
  • Personnel accounting in 1C Accounting 8.3 will be complete.
  • We will leave the checkbox for automatic recalculation of documents by default, it does not affect the calculations, only the convenience of work. We will come back to it later when we calculate the salary.

More detailed salary accounting settings are located in the "Salary and personnel" menu in the "References and settings" section:

We will leave these settings at their default, this will be enough for our review. And we will not be able to consider the specifics of accounting for each organization here.

The only thing we will do in this section is to create the position "Administrator" in the directory "Positions". We will need it when hiring an employee.

Payroll to an employee in 1C

Before you charge an employee a salary, you need to make sure that he is hired by the organization. If you haven't accepted it yet, follow following instruction- Hiring an employee in 1C 8.3.

To create an accrual document, go to the link "All accruals" in the "Salary" section. In the document journal, click "Create" and select "Payroll" in the drop-down list.

We fill in the details of the header:

  • Organization
  • Subdivision
  • Month for which accruals are made

After that we press the "Fill" button.

Sazonov, adopted last month, should appear in the tabular section. He is accrued according to his salary, so his salary will appear in the column "Result". If he has not worked completely for a month, the result can be adjusted.

Unfortunately, there is no time sheet in 1C: "Enterprise Accounting".

As you can see, there are five tabs in the tabular section of the 1C 8.3 document.

General information is displayed on the "Employee" tab.

"Accruals" tab. Here we can see the type of accrual to the employee, edit the days and hours that he worked. And of course, adjust the amount of charges.

If the employee has deductions, for example, for minor child, they should also be reflected on this tab.

In this example, there are no deductions, only personal income tax is taken from the employee. Therefore, we will skip the "Holds" tab and leave everything as it is. Let's go to the personal income tax tab:

It can be seen that the standard 13% personal income tax withheld.

Let's go to the "Contributions" tab:

The picture shows what went where. And correspondingly total amount deductions.

The accrual is done, now we press "Post and close".

Payment of salaries in 1C 8.3 Accounting

The next step is to pay the salary.

Let's assume that the salary is paid through a bank. We go to the 1C menu "Salary and personnel", then follow the link "Statement to the bank" to go to the list of statements. Click "Create". In the window that opens for creating a new document, fill in the header details:

  • We indicate the month
  • Subdivision
  • Organization, if there are several

To fill in the tabular section, click the "Fill" button:

It should look as shown in the picture.

We post the document, print out the statement and issue the salary.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state