
Restriction of travel outside the Russian Federation. In what cases is imposed a ban on leaving abroad and how to find out about it

Do you have a new passport already in your hands and is open a visa? You will not wait to go on a trip abroad? However, the trip can be deposited due to the ban on departure from the country. What it is? Restriction of departure from the Russian Federation - a certain kind of sanction measure. It applies to all citizens of the Russian Federation. Such a restriction entails the impossibility of passing the border control and the inability to intere the boundaries of the country. How to check the ban of going abroad to citizens of the Russian Federation?

What reasons maybe prohibit from the Russian Federation?

According to law, certain categories of citizens are considered non-market. If such a restriction for some can fall as snow on the head, others can only guess such an opportunity. It is forbidden to leave the border of those citizens who have fallen into one of the categories presented:

  • If a citizen is an employee of a certain organization and has access to special secrecy information. The ban can be removed only five years after dismissal.
  • Persons who undergo urgent military service.
  • Persons who are under investigation.
  • Persons who have an outstanding conviction.
  • Debtors who have debt on loans, utility payments, alimony or traffic police fines.
  • Persons who previously indicated false information when placing a passport or visa.

Any debt can become an obstacle to travel abroad. That is why you should know where and how to check the ban on departure abroad. Not released abroad, as noted above, and conscripts, and those who are suspected of committing a crime.

Features of specific cases

The conviction of a citizen of the Russian Federation is an important condition that is an obstacle to departure from the country. In particular, the sentence, which has already entered into force. The end of the conviction means removing the ban on the departure abroad. Specific deadlines are registered in Art. 86 of the Criminal Code. Exceptions are such cases:

  • if a citizen was pardoned or fell under the amnesty;
  • if the court sentence was canceled, and the criminal case was closed;
  • the term of the statute of sentence has expired, and the ruling was not used according to circumstances.

Non-easy situations

If a citizen of the Russian Federation is called up to the army or passes on this moment Civil service, then it is automatically deprived of the right to travel abroad. An exception is the contractor. He must have the permission of the commander of the part about the unimpeded leaving of the Russian Federation. Also exception are those citizens who were issued a delay from the Army Service or a Custom Release.

If a citizen of the Russian Federation is an FSB officer, then under the contract he is forbidden to cross the border. With particular need to go abroad, it is necessary to submit a report on the temporary removal of the restriction 3 months before the day of departure.

When providing obviously false information when submitting documents for traveling abroad to a citizen, prohibit for a period of 1 month. The basis in this case is the proven fact of filing false information.

If a citizen has access to state secrets. A feature of this condition is the degree of secrecy of documents. There are three degrees: secretly, completely secret, documents of particular importance. For example, if a citizen has access to documents under the vulture "Secretly", this is not the basis for banning travel abroad.

Stages of obtaining prohibition

If you have several debts, then on the border when checking documents will be difficulties. After all, the imposition of a prohibition is a long procedure. It begins directly in court.

  1. Court. In the case of a long-term non-payment of the loan amount, the lender applies to the court. After that, the case is studied in detail and sentenced. If, by the court decision, the payment is not received again, the claimant is forced to contact bailiffs. However, after this stage, the process cannot be called final.
  2. Bailiff. First, the bailiffs should be informed of the defendant that he will have to voluntarily repay the debt. If payment is received within 5 days, then the debtor of the ban on traveling abroad will not. Otherwise the bailiff has full law Arrest debtor property and impose restrictions.
  3. Border Service. The debtor must receive a corresponding ruling in three copies. The same document should receive FMS and border service. The bailiff has the authority to choose the measure of punishment in the event that the debt is more than 10 thousand rubles.

Signing a statement in court and transferring a decree to the border service - all this is a long process. It is worth considering that the ban is not a life sentence. It is valid until all is paid debentures. Usually the restriction is valid for 6 months. In case of perseverance of the debtor, the elimination has the right to renew the ban on traveling abroad. However, it can last for a very long time.

Is the executive production initiated on my name: how to check?

Immediately check information about the possible excitation of enforcement proceedings in relation to you. You can do this in two ways:

  • on the official website of the Russian FSSP of the Russian Federation, you should find the section "Data Bank executive industries»;
  • personally visit the territorial department of the FSSP RF.

In the absence of enforcement proceedings, you can safely build plans for the upcoming trip abroad. And in the case of existing debts, you should go the most optimal way and repay them. Only paying all debts is the guarantor of unhindered travel abroad.

In order to obtain information about the existing arrears in the enforcement proceedings and the superimposed restriction on the border of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to fill out the attached form on the relevant site. According to the data, you can see, due to what debts you may not be released outside the country.

How to check the ban on departure from the Russian Federation?

Typically, the prohibition of exit is superimposed even because of a submitted fine or a small long time for utility bills. According to unofficial statistics, abroad do not produce mainly men who have debt to pay for alimony. As mentioned above, the restriction may impose a court with bailiffs.

Therefore, if you are soon going to go abroad, then you need to check the ban on departure from the Russian Federation in advance.

  1. Official resource as well as FTS. It is on these sites that you can find information about whether you have a debt. By the way, the payment of debt payment option is available.
  2. On the official traffic police website you can immediately check about the presence of unpaid penalties. You need to prepare the VIN number in advance.
  3. The omnipresent website of the State Service, where you can immediately make a certificate of certificates of debts, including penal and penalties.
  4. Citizens who have their own business will be useful to look at the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

Ban on Departure from the Russian Federation Check online - this is a necessary procedure that should not be neglected. Approximately 30 days before the trip, you can order a certificate of debt payment. In this case, you definitely will not have problems at the border.

Where to refine the data

With the help of the FMS of the Russian Federation, check the ban of departure to the Russian Federation it is possible even easier. You must submit a request to this authority. After that you can get a corresponding notification in the hands, in which such data will be indicated:

  • deadline for departure;
  • number and date of the exit prohibition;
  • name I. legal address The organization that has put a ban on departure.

In case of disagreement with the solution of restrictions on the border crossing, each citizen is endowed with the right complaint or contact the FMS. Therefore, it is worth checking out a ban on departure from the Russian Federation.

Another way of self-checking about banning for departure from the country

The UFMS will test the ban of departure from the Russian Federation when making a passport. In the case of the existing prohibition, you will be denied when issuing a document.

On the official website of the MIUM MVD there is no online service. Therefore, check the ban on departure for citizens having a passport is simply impossible.

Is there a way out of the situation?

If you are completely confident that you have a debt, and a long-awaited vacation awaits you ahead, then you need to act. To be informed is only half of the case. The situation does not tolerate deposits.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to immediately repay the existing debt. And this can be done very simply by visiting any branch of the bank. Also, the operation can be performed on the bailiff site.
  2. After that, you should contact the bailiff and show the payment receipt.
  3. The bailiff constitutes the decision to cancel the ban and sends to the border service. You should have a copy of this document in your hands, must be certified by the Office of the Office.

How long does it take

Demonstrate the border guards paid receipts meaninglessly, because they act exactly according to the data of internal sources.

Transferring rulings and updating databases can be delayed. Often this period is at least 14 working days. The main thing is that you bother in time and have taking the time to check the availability of a ban on departure from the Russian Federation. Only after passing these stages you will have access to the border crossing.

If you have any restrictions for departure from the country, then once again check the passport for the prohibition of departure from the Russian Federation. By the way you will save yourself from excessively nervous and problems at customs or in the airport terminal.

By the way, if you were refused in the intersection of the country's border, then be sure of the money spent on the ticket, no one will return.

As they say in the old wise proverb, it is better to die seven times, but once a rejection. In our case, it is better to check the ban on departure from RFI quietly to leave the border. Remember that the timely repayment of existing debts is the key to unhindered visits to other countries.

The authorities of the country have many levers of influence on their citizens. Some methods forcing people to repay the debt and regularly pay taxes in the state pag, are sufficiently harsh. One of the ways of impact is to restrict travel abroad. Many Russians do not even suspect that they are imposed on them and they cannot go abroad.

To avoid unpleasant situations during the passage of border control, it is recommended. This can be done online.

Some Russians believe that this is not more than a "horror", and there was no prohibition in reality. In fact, more than 900,000 people are unbreakable abroad in 2019 due to debts. Therefore, we recommend quickly check all your debt in online mode.

It is important to know that the presence of a small debt or a controversial issue with alimony does not automatically imply a ban on departure. If a person who has minor debts in a bank, faces a ban, it is illegal. In this case, he has the right to apply to the court.

Practice shows that the solution in such cases is always made in favor of the plaintiff. That's just abroad, you can not fall and departure beyond the limits of the Russian Federation may not be allowed. Most often, illegal requirements for a person who has a small debt are presented with bailiffs.

Faced only in several cases. So, it is relevant when a person has debts in line with a court decision on the accumulation of property. Also, the prohibition is imposed when in relation to a person who has debts, production is initiated by non-judicial authorities.

In the first case, "steep" measures are not always accepted. This is relevant when a person who has debts ignored the state demands without a good reason. In the second case, the question is still solved in court. If the decision was made not in favor of the debtor, then the ban on traveling abroad for him is relevant.

Check the ban on traveling abroad due to debts can be on the site online. To do this, you need to fill out the form you see below.

So harsh measures are relevant for the one who has a debt:

  1. By alimony.
  2. According to administrative fines.
  3. On penalties.
  4. On customs payments.
  5. For taxes.

But even if the amount of debt is large, not everything is so simple.

After the excitement of the enforcement proceedings, a person should be able to voluntarily repay the debt. You can do it within 5 days.

If a person who has debt, has not paid it for a disrespectful reason, the recoverer may apply to the court. Sometimes it does not happen.

Bailiffs can also make a corresponding petition. But this is extremely rare. If this measure is used to man, it must be notified by mail. In practice, many citizens do not receive such notifications or they come with a big delay.

Obtaining topical information

To learn about whether a person has a restriction on leaving abroad, you can in several ways. Previously, the debtors came a letter by regular mail. Now the order of warning has simplified. New system It is quite convenient and allows hypothetical debtors to find out all current information.

Check availability of unpaid fines

The first method is standard

A person who plans to rest out of Russia can learn about the existence of a restriction on leaving abroad personally. Check the fact of the existence of debt simply. To do this, he needs to carve time and visit the office. Federal Service bailiffs.

Also, everyone has the opportunity to learn important information on the phone. As a result of personal communication, the official informs the debt to the debt and the ways to repay it.

You also need to call the branch of the bank where you took a loan and find out if there is no random for any debts.

The method of the second, convenient

More in a convenient way Is the opportunity. For this, a person who suggests that he has debts should go to the official page of the relevant organization:

  • the site of the federal service of bailiffs,
  • bank, if there were loans,
  • tax service
  • Traffic police (for checking penalties)
  • uniform Public Services Portal.

E-government website where you can check online existing debt

There are cases when people do not suspect the presence of some debts (traffic police fines or debts for the repair of housing and communal services that you have not even notified.

On the page, the debtor fills the online form. You need to specify your personal data and area of \u200b\u200bresidence. Before that, it is recommended to agree to the processing of its personal data.

If a person learns about the existence of debts, then he needs to get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise the departure to foreign countries can be closed. Methods of repayment can also be viewed on the official website. Today, paying debts is very convenient. Today everyone can make payment on the Internet.

The method is the third, the fastest

Most fast way Check the ban on traveling abroad online without registration - this is used by a proven service that your debts that can stop going out of the country can check out for all sites and bases. You will receive the answer within 2 minutes.

Important moment

Some Russians complain that when officers of the border service require the provision of a check about the payment of debt. This is an illegal requirement.

The bank's banking, leaving abroad, does not concern border guards at all. Check the fact of debt repayment can only employee of the bailiff service.

Falling curtain

Some Russians who collided with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a ban on traveling abroad, several months ago could successfully bypass "sanctions". All they needed is to come to Belarus and travel abroad from there.

But in March of the current year, the Belarusian state authorities ratified two agreements concluded with Russia. These agreements concern entry-departure to the territory of Belarus and Russia of citizens of both countries. According to the freshly baked agreement, a person who has debt does not have the opportunity to go abroad through Belarus.

At present, the authorities of both countries introduced the so-called "General Bank". This applies not only to Russians, but also the Belarusians who have problems with the debt state.

Cancel Prohibition

The term "sanctions" for Russians is usually 6 months. At the end of 6 months, the term can be extended. But this injustice can be challenged. If a person who wants to go abroad will do everything legally correctly, the court may make a decision regarding the abolition of an existing prohibition.

What conditions exist

Removing the prohibition on the departure is possible subject to the following conditions:

Features of these conditions

The first method is the easiest and most reliable. It is good and in moral sense. Paying debt, a person can relax abroad with a calm conscience. In the second case, the removal of the prohibition is possible only when the lender does not protrude with the relevant requirement. After a person makes a few payments, he can make up documents for traveling abroad.

The third method has a lot of minuses. If a person does not be able to present the correct evidence of the need for a foreign rendel, the removal of the ban is impossible.

Data correctness determines the creditor. If they do not arrange him, a person will have to either fully pay the debt, or change the place of employment. In the fourth case, the official makes a decision that the executive production is discontinued. Thus, the removal of the prohibition occurs automatically.

This method has several more serious pitfalls. So, a person has no right to possess any property. He can also constantly reside where there was no time registered. Officially, the debtor is also not right. Waiting is quite tedious - sometimes it is delayed for a whole year.

The fifth way of struggle for their rights is also well-deserved. For this, a person who has a ban on traveling abroad must hire a highly skilled lawyer. It is important to understand that the measures taken by the authorities violate the constitutional rights of a citizen. It is important to understand that often FSSP employees act incorrectly and make a lot of serious mistakes.

One of the common mistakes is that a person is not notified of the presence of an appropriate ban. A man going abroad may not suspect that the court had already taken place and a decision was made. Learn about what is "non-district", a person can in the consular institution or even during passage passport control on the border.

If this happens, the debtor has the right to contact higher organ With a correct complaint. Here there is also a risk of stumble upon a sharp underwater stone.

So, if employees of the FSSP will be able to prove that a person knew about the existence of debt and deleted the disrespectful reason with payment, it is not necessary to hope for a positive decision of the court.

What categories of citizens is prohibited from traveling abroad, due to work, debts or due to problems with the law in 2019.
As the famous poet said, "the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us." However, sometimes it's so I want to change the situation, apply a visit to neighboring countries, for the purpose of cultural exchange, recreation or work! Before you start planning a journey, you need to analyze your chances and find out if you may be prohibited from traveling abroad.

Moreover, in 2018, the Government issued a number of decisions that limit for some categories russian citizens. They continue their action and in 2019.

the federal law The Russian Federation of 1996 regulates issues related to the intersection of the borders of our country. According to this law, traveling beyond the limits of the Russian Federation may be temporarily limited for some categories of citizens.

For you to leave the limits of your country for some time it will be impossible if you:

  • have problems with the law;
  • pass military service;
  • serve in power structures;
  • we have debts or are involved in the information that are considered a state secret.

Bans due to law enforcement

As a result of any unlawful actions, a consequence begins, a criminal case is initiated. In this case, a person can be recognized or suspected of this case, or accused. At the same time, restrictions on travel abroad are superimposed. After the court decision, if a person was justified, the ban is removed. If condemned, then restrictions on the departure are maintained and regulated according to the new status of a citizen.

Closed departure only for a suspected or accused, for the victim and the remaining participants in the process, this prohibition is not superimposed.

Can a conscript leave the limits of the Russian Federation?

In our country, the call is carried out in spring and autumn. All men who are obliged to do this by law are called for military service. As soon as the decision is made to appear, the citizen is prohibited from traveling abroad. This also applies to alternative service.

However, several categories of citizens are entitled to leave. These are the so-called contract soldiers who can be leaving when coordinating the place and goals of the trip with the authorities, as well as young people of recruiting age during the period of deferment or liberated from the call.

What if there is a need to continue study, for example, in graduate school, abroad? In this case, there will be a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office for the departure, such as an asscript certificate or military ID.

When, it was after serving a sentence for a court decision, you can dream of foreign resorts?

From the date of the announcement of the indictment and until the removal of criminal record, a person is considered trial.
According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, there are concrete deadlines, after which the conviction is considered to be removed, namely: for the offenses of small and moderate severity - it is 3 years, for grave - 8 years, for crimes of special severity - 10 years.

In cases, if the punishment did not provide for imprisonment, you can travel after 1 year. For persons convicted conditionally, it is possible to travel beyond the limits of the Russian Federation after the expiration of the trial period.

It is possible to remove the conviction earlier than the specified time through the court, considering the circumstances in each individual case. Here you can read all Russian citizens.

Can a non-planned fine prevent planned trip?

The right to impose restrictions on the departure of our country to citizens who have debts on loans, taxes or other debts, including alimony, appeared in the FSPP in 2008.

Installed the value of a specific minimum amount - 30 thousand rubles.

Debts below this amount do not become an obstacle to the departure abroad.
However, in 2018, the number of non-rigging exceeded 900 thousand people. In 2019, this figure may be even more. Therefore, before traveling abroad, we recommend checking your debts on a proven website Retainer. RF:

In order not to replenish this black list, you need to consider the following points:

  • The decision on the ban on the departure is only in the event that there is a judicial act in which specific data on the obligations of a citizen are specified;
  • This act must be dated no later than 3 years from the expected date of departure, and also have already expired for its appeal;
  • Copies of this act are available in the territorial organs of the FMS, in the border bodies and in the debtor.

Judicial Resolution of Limitation of Departure from the country

Contain your " credit history"In perfect order and pay taxes on time, you can be sure that there will be no surprises on the border. In addition, there is an opportunity to check if you, using the proven online service. In this case, it is easy to avoid unpleasant moments related to the need to change their plans.

Check in online retrieval prohibition due to debts

On this service you can quickly in online mode Check the ability to go abroad from Russia for people with debt.

And what will happen if a little embellish your questionnaire?

If a citizen, issuing documents, indicates false data about himself, then this gives the right to the state to prohibit him departure beyond the Russian Federation for a month. However, if new facts are found in the verification process, the deadlines are revised according to the new information.

By filling out a questionnaire about myself, be careful because, by putting your personal signature on the document, you thus undertake to report truthful information.

In what cases can the FSB worker can go abroad?

Until the end of the service in the State Security Committee, there is a ban on the crossing of the border of the Russian Federation, including civilians.

However, in each individual case, if specifically authorized persons give permission, the trip is possible. Then, 3 months before the alleged departure, a report is submitted, which is considered by an authorized person and, depending on the circumstances (the need to visit seriously ill parents, the adoption of the inheritance, the need for treatment, etc.) is the question of whether the departure is possible.

What does the concept of "Gostain" mean and who knows it?

According to the order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008, there are restrictions on traveling abroad for citizens who have admission to Gostain.

State secrecy is the information that is protected by the state. This information may concern absolutely different spheres of state's life: military and intelligence field, foreign policy, operational and investigative and economic activity.

Distribution of these information may cause damage to the interests of the state and jeopardize its safety.

A complete list of such information was approved by the President of the Russian Federation in 1995 No. 1203.

Access to the information of "special importance" is the fact that the departure of the country is closed with the owner of such knowledge.

Resolving access to information under the vulture "Top Secret" makes it possible to cross the limits of the Russian Federation for special cases that are approved individually.

The easiest degree of secrecy ("secret"), as a rule, employees of the press services, they can travel to prior notification of the manual.

After 5 years after the last contact with the information constituting the state secret, you can again go beyond the border.

This period may change. It increases to 10 years for individual citizens by a decision that adopts a special commission. Or it may be less than the age of years, which is negotiated in the employment contract of the employee.

Currently, the State Duma goes active discussions about what categories of citizens involved in secret reports should be limited to travel abroad.

Russian citizens are free in their movement around the world. The main thing is to comply with the requirements of domestic legislation and the laws of other countries regarding entry-departure. However, an obstacle to the crossing of the border may be a ban on departure from Russia, which is included in the closed list of the circumstances of the Federal Law No. 114 of August 15, 1996 "On the procedure for departure from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation." Let's try to figure out what this list, who is included in it and is it possible to somehow get around the existing ban?

Table of contents:

Who concerns the restriction of travel abroad?

So a citizen will not be able to go abroad if:

  • he is suspected of committing, accused or convicted of a crime;
  • serves in the army (or there is an alternative obligatory service);
  • evaded the duties assigned by the court;
  • provided obviously false information, straightening outward documents;
  • has access to Gostain.

For each of the above grounds there are characteristic features. They should be stopped in more detail:

Traveling abroad is also prohibited by employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation. And this position is negotiated immediately in their service contracts. The ban can be removed by report to the upstream guide, which must be filed no later than 3 calendar months before the expected date of departure. About the decision on this issue, an employee is notified by receipt.

Restriction of departure abroad debtors

  1. In relation to him, an executive list was issued, an executive bill was initiated.
  2. The amount of debt exceeds 10,000 rubles.
  3. The executive document is not overdue: from the moment of its issuance, no more than 3 years passed before the prohibition.
  4. Copies of the prohibition decision were sent to the debtor, and in the FMS.

Important: FSSP imposes such a serious restriction on the debtor only with the total presence listed conditions.

And it is possible to remove the restriction on departure abroad, existing all debts. And you need to make sure that after that, the bailiffs "have not forgotten" to notify the execution of the enforcement proceedings of the Federal Migration Service. There is also the ability to achieve an agreement between FSSP and a citizen who have debts.

Prohibition (restriction) to travel abroad by civil servants: special cases

Obviously, in each case a ban on traveling abroad has its own characteristics. And it applies to civil servants. True, not at all, but only on some of their categories. For example, the restriction of the departure applies to officials admitted to state secrets (the details above), as well as those who work in special institutions of a closed type.

Where we are talking about Gostaine, the period of the prohibition of the departure is negotiated by special regulatory acts or conditions of the concluded working contract. True, the term may be extended (up to 10 years) to solve the interdepartmental commission protecting Gostain. And such a solution will be directly dependent on the degree of secrecy and the importance of documents to which a specific public servant works and with which a specific public servant works.

Important: directly in the law is not provided for restrictions on the departure of Russia judges. However, such a ban may be if the judge is admitted to a state secret, or for other reasons.

Where can I check the restriction of travel abroad and how to get a special notice?

Today, the fact of restrictions on leaving abroad for a particular person can be checked even on the Internet. The information you are easily found on the following resources:

  • on the FSSP website, where all information on debtors, executive production, arrested property and imposed restrictions focuses;
  • on a single portal of public services (there can always be viewed if unpaid fineswhether there are debt, and it means restrictions);
  • on the website of the IFTS.

Despite the reasons why traveling abroad is limited, local FMS authorities provide information to interested persons in special notifications, where they indicate:

  • ban period;
  • bases;
  • number and date of decision on the case;
  • the name and address of the institution / organization prohibiting exit.

If prohibiting circumstances arose after registration of documents for departure, then the control over the crossing of the border is carried out either:

  • employer;
  • FSSP;
  • MIA and / or FSIN.

This should be hung and promote the FMS in a timely manner that circumstances arose, not allowing a particular citizen to go beyond Russia. And those who do not agree with a similar decision can appeal it in court or write a complaint to the FMS. The first, naturally, will be more effective, especially if a person is confident in its rightness and injustice of imposing restrictions. The court at the same time can be filed for compensation for actually incurred waste expenses and moral damage.

Limiting travel abroad 2017: useful information

To the present, the recommendation action is preserved regulatory Act, signed in May 2014, according to which the employees of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation are better not to visit 173 countries of the world. The reason for the introduction of certain countries to the list was their agreement with the United States to issue subjects of other states. And the purpose of the ban on entry into these countries of our prosecutors is care of their integrity, conservation of life and health.

A little earlier, the same limitations touched the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Drug Control Service.

The State Duma made a bill, according to which the bailiffs are obliged to send customer notifications to citizens-debts about the impossibility of going abroad, until the debts of the latter under the executive proceedings are not paid. Such a project is made to prevent in vain expenses of people associated with torn holidays, as well as other affairs abroad.

As for the prohibitions of parents and guardians (one of) on the departure of a minor beyond Russian Federation, on this issue, the disputes do not subscribe to this day. To date, one parent (or guardian) can send a ban to the local FMS to leave a child, not notifying another parent (or guardian). This ban is removed, if not by agreement of the parties, then only in judicial order. And it is always a long and mutually. The child has a rest, teaching, and even the treatment abroad.

Important: in the matter of ban on the departure of a minor, the grounds for the removal of restriction, although it takes into account the opinion of the child itself over 10 years old. Everything is left at the discretion of the court. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly to the process. And better with an experienced qualified lawyer. Because it will be necessary to submit evidence, competently defend its position and be prepared for provocations on the other side.

The trip abroad to rest is always a holiday and pleasant trouble. But for some citizens of Russia, bustle before the journey may not be as rainbow. We are talking about those who have a certain kind of debt or faced with special circumstances. Such people on the border during the inspection of passports simply send the ravisas and will not be allowed to drive anywhere, in spite of any pleas. How to check the ban on traveling abroad?

When is the ban on the ability to cross the country's border?

The ban, limiting the opportunity to leave Russia for any reason, have the authority to impose employees of such an executive authority as Bailiffs Service. They constitute a special decree, which falls into the border service and heads to the Hands of the Debtor himself through the postal shipment. But on a scratch, such a ban cannot appear - for this there must be certain bases, among which they allocate:

  • debt on the payment of alimony;
  • debts to banks;
  • unpaid fines;
  • arrears of utilities services;
  • non-payment of taxes.

The bailiff service may prohibit leave the limits of the Russian Federation

That is, a person who has debt to physical legal entity or the state, it may be easily "shielding" a ban on departure. But it is important to remember that it is not about all debtors now, but only about those who are not trying to solve problems peacefully and in the shortest possible time, do not react to either decisions or to admonish. Prohibition leave the country is issued in the presence of active enforcement proceedings, executive Sheet and presence of certain financial debt in the amount of more than 10 thousand rubles.

The decision to prohibit the intersection regarding a particular person is always made after the trial (judge or by the contractor). The notice of the person will receive no later than 1.5 years from the date of decision. Unfortunately, the documents sent by mail do not always find their addressee, so before the trip abroad should be checked for the presence of debt and make sure that the departure is allowed.

On a note! They will not be able to go on vacation or for other reasons abroad and those who have admission to a number of state secrets, even after dismissal from service for 5 years, FSB employees designed to serve in the army, suspected or participants in criminal cases and convicts. It is also forbidden to leave the limits of their native country, those who indicated unreliable information about themselves when issuing documents necessary for.

Extending Verification Options

You can learn about the precept for the border crossing in several ways. To check the availability of this unpleasant status, it will be more reliably to refer to directly to the bailiffs. Especially if a person who is planning recreation abroad already knows that there is an enforcement proceeding against him. To do this, it is necessary to contact the bait that deals with the case. The easiest way to do is on the phone, use the online service or come personally in FSSP.

If the decision on the poor is already available, then it is necessarily directed by the border guards, and the name of the cultivated payments and the human debts falls into the special base of the same debtors. It is possible to remove the data from this list only after the repayment of all debts - that is, when a new ruling is issued, which will remove the current limitation.

On a note! Sometimes it also happens that debts are paid, but data in the FSB basis about a person as a debtor still has anyway. In this case, some misunderstandings may occur when leaving abroad. To avoid this before going on vacation, you should send an appeal directly to the FSB and clarify whether there is a ban or it is already removed. Only the answer will have to wait about 30 days. Faster information you need to get by phone.

You can also find out about the presence of the status of the union right on the border when passport control passports, for example, at the airport. To do this, you will need to buy inexpensive on the flight. If a person is missing, there are no restrictions. This is perhaps the fastest, but most inconvenient from the point of view of saving version of the check.

Video - How to check the ban on traveling abroad

Where to learn about your debts?

Sometimes a person seizes the desire to know if he has debts to any organizations, even if the departure abroad is allowed. After all, it is uneven an hour, and such a ban may soon appear if the debts are growing. To do this, you can use the site. nevylet.rf.where there is an opportunity to immediately learn about all debts in any sphere, and you can also wander on the sites of various services and search for debt there. There is also an option to learn about debts directly in the services themselves on personal reception.

In FSSP directly to learn about the presence of debts will not work quickly. Therefore, it is best to send a request for debt to not less than 3 weeks before the trip. Debts can be viewed on the FSSP website on the name and name of the applicant when specifying the region of residence (the main thing is not to confuse their debts with the debts of the Obeke). If you already have an IP, then your debts can be clarified on other portals, but for this you may need such documents as SNILS, WIN, Passport, Inn.

Video - debts, ban on traveling abroad

Other subtleties

Interestingly, the passport is also impossible to get if a person has the opportunity to cross the border. It will be made according to a statement, but they will not give out. But in Russia it is possible to move freely, even having a lot of different debts. In general, the term of the temporary limitation of FSSP on the departure is half a year. But if the debts were not repaid during this period, then the wearing status of the nearby will be longer. As for the removal of the restriction, it comes after 14 days after payment of all debts. In general, it consists of time spent on the transfer of funds to the attachment service, closing the case, information delivery to border guards and deleting data on the debtor from the bases.

Checking the exit

To begin with, you can try to check the availability of active executive proceedings on the attachment portal.

Step 1. You must go to the site owned by the service.

Step 2. In a special window, all data on the region is introduced, where the applicant lives, and personal data.

Step 3. If there are no cases, the site will report that nothing was found in the desired query.

Learn debts tax Service The easiest way to use personal Area Taxpayer.

Step 1. You need to go to the appropriate site and log in to your personal account.

Step 3. After that, the easiest way is to use the filter and see where there are not paid debts.

Video - a ban on departure from Russia

In order not to be puzzled by such a question as the presence of a ban on travel abroad, the easiest way to do not allow debts and pay all on time. Otherwise, you can not only not get the desired holiday on the sandy beaches of foreign countries, but also spend a lot of time and nerves on solving all questions.

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