
Secure payment server PrivatBank. PrivatBank launched a massive system of safe payments using AirPay. Viewing Merchant Data, Editing

PrivatBank launched the first in Ukraine massive system of safe payments using AirPay, which will work on any smartphone and with most of the POS-terminals work points.

Unlike other contactless systems, AirPay does not require the upgrade of the trading point terminals or the availability of a special device from the buyer. Service works with any Android smartphones or iPhone. To pay purchases through AirPay, it is enough for the trading point to be equipped with POS-terminal PrivatBank, and an application was installed on the customer smartphone.

Privatbank terminals are set in 70% of trade points of Ukraine. On the this moment More than 3 thousand outlets are already connected to AirPay payment technology, which has installed equipment from PrivatBank. In the near future, the Bank plans to connect another 20,000 points, and in the future the new functionality will receive all 90,000 outlets throughout the country.

"For our contactless payments, it does not need an expensive infrastructure. If the trading point is the POS terminal of Privatbank, he is already ready to accept payments through Airpay, "said Oleg Gorokhovsky, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Privatbank. - Contactless payment Airpay is completely safe and free, in addition it is convenient for use. "

One of the advantages of this technology is that the client does not need to pass the card in the hands of the cashier or the waiter, and therefore the details of the cards are impossible. The application independently defines the POS-terminal model, and chooses one of 2 payment methods:

Contactless payment - the client independently draws up the purchase inside the application, and the check, in the payment confirmation, is printed on the terminal of the trading point. All operation takes up to 30 seconds of time;

Payment by code - For some terminals, the application generates code for payment consisting of 3-digit. The cashier should go to the service menu on the terminal, select the "Payment by code" item and enter the code. In this case, the transaction takes 1-2 seconds.

After downloading the application, the client is invited to install a 4-digit password and configure the automatic enable geolocation within the AirPay. Further, everything is simple - you need to choose one of the proposed stores, the card with which you need to conduct a write-off and the amount of payment.

To activate the application, you need a map of PrivatBank, a "universal" card can be issued in the bank for free. You can add cards of any Ukrainian banks to AIRPAY wallet, and make payments without the availability of the card itself.

Applated applicants promptly react to feedback so that customers can enjoy shopping with Airpay. Any customer can write a letter by mail [Email Protected] With your wishes or comment.

the site is connected to PrivatBank's secure electronic payment system, which allows you to pay for our services on any VISA and MasterCard cards issued by any foreign banks. The system of safe electronic payments is implemented on the most modern safety standard - 3D Secure, which will ensure maximum security of your payments on the Internet.

3D Secure technology is part of the Global Programs Visa "Verified By Visa" and MasterCard "MasterCardSecureCode", the purpose of which is to provide and ensure safe and reliable methods for payment of goods and services in the global Internet.

More than 15 million VISA card holders around the world are active users of Verified by Visa services when shopping on the Internet. Today, the 3-D Secure standard system supports more than 40 thousand online stores and more than 15 thousand banks worldwide.

Taking care of providing our customers with the most progressive online security elements, we have implemented this standard and on our website. Payment on Visa and MasterCard cards is now secure as much as possible!

MasterCard® SecureCode ™. - new service MasterCard providing additional security when you make purchases on the Internet. In order for it to take advantage of you do not need to acquire new map - You can use the already existing one. You choose your personal SecureCode, which will be alone for all online stores. This password gives you additional protection from the unlawful use of your card while shopping online.

Each time you make purchases using your card in online stores involved in the MasterCard SecureCode program, a window automatically appears with a request for your personal password, you just need to enter it. This procedure is very similar to the entry of the PIN code of the map when you want to use it through an ATM. After a few seconds, the issuer will confirm your identity, allowing you to buy in safe mode.

Verified by Visa. - A new service that allows you to make purchases in real time, providing additional security of your operations. Using a simple verification procedure, Verified by Visa will confirm your identity during your purchase in the participating program in online stores. It is very convenient and you can use your Visa card for this. Additionally, all the rest of the advantages - Verified by Visa is very easy to use. You register the card only once and get your password. Then, when making purchases in the online stores participating in this program, the Verified by Visa dialog box automatically appears. You only need to enter your password and confirm your operation (click "Confirm").

Your personality will be confirmed and buying will be performed in safety mode. To activate this service Verified by Visa for your visa cardsOr in order to get more detailed information, contact your bank.

Additional security in online for your card

Confidential information about your card number, CVV2 / CVC2 code is transferred by you to the servers / system of secure electronic payments of PrivatBank in encrypted form. For data transfer, SSL protocol is used, so the safety of operations is fully guaranteed.

In order to check whether the connection is safe, pay attention to the page address, it starts with "https: //" (unprotected pages begin with "http: //").


Maxim Ronshin


"Mi Pishaєmosya Tim, Scho Ukrainian Rishennia Majut will not fall a little on the rinks of Ukraine, Sousіdnіkh Kraїnt, ale, єnikynimi, Schob Zmіnyuvati Svіt. Tse became Mozlimivim Zabiyaki by our cl_ntam, Shahu uphety of our product, and our partners in Inkubator, NBU, 1991 Open Data Incubator i Mastercard. Maudenia, in Kotromi Mi Pricaєmo, in the program of Fintech Master, Szmoglyi Ch_tkіsh killyachuvatsya in the Pottlebach Bank_ Spearvati її Nove Bachennika wobbles Ekosystems, Scho Ob'єdnaє Bank, Bіznes І Shopping "

PrivatBank strongly supports the image of one of the best financial organizations Ukraine. This is evidenced by a number of innovations proposed by Privat. Among them, an exclusive product: "secure payments".

The service "Protected payments", commissioned in PrivatBank, is designed to ensure the safety of the consumer when paying for goods and services to the Internet. This was stated in a press release, which provided the company. In particular, the Bank's customers will be able to make payless payments for any online purchases and be confident in the timely receipt of goods. For protected turnover, you will need a privata map. From her money will be listed on the seller's account. It can be both an online store and a private person. The essence of the program is that the seller will receive money, only after confirming the buyer of the provision of services.

In addition to convenience and security guarantees, a new proposal from Privatbank is designed to finally convince citizens that Internet commerce is many products. The fool factor reduced to the meter gives this industry a weighty chances of conquering the market. Comfortable sellers will be able to confirm their respectability and noticeably replenish the ranks of buyers. Both the bank, and users, and sellers, according to the head of the E-Commerce Department Privatbank Christina Karmazina, will be satisfied with the new service.

Service is available on sites and. In addition to the card, you will have to choose another item: "Secured Payment". The rest of the payment procedure does not have any differences from the usual. Online sellers who want to participate in the service will need to independently activate the function. It is available in the LiQPay office "Business" and by the public API. Conflicts between sellers and their clients will be solved by opening a public dispute, and the last word will remain for PrivatBank.

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Internet acquire payment system Privat 24 for business allows an entrepreneur to take protected payments from customers of your online store or visitors of your site. Merchant Privat24. - This is an additional commercial account in payment system Privat 24, which enables your customers in automatic mode to pay Internet orders and purchases. The Commission rate (service cost) for Merchant is 2.75%.

PrivatBank became the first bank in the world who opened the public API (in September 2009). Today, the service is already using more than 4,900 partners and Jurlits not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Customers of PrivatBank can replenish an account in the Internet Bank Privat24 in WebMoney's electronic wallets, Yandex.Money and Paypal with bank card Privatbank, as well as withdraw money from his electronic wallets to any map of PrivatBank.

How to connect Privat24 for online payment for goods and services on the Joomla website?

To receive payments through PrivatBank for Joomla Download billing components for CMS Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.

Connecting and configuring payment module Privat24 for Joomla

To use Internet acquiring Privat24, you must complete the following step-by-step instructions:

1. Sign up as Merchant in your user account Privat24. As a result of registration, you will receive ID Merchant, Merchant Password, which will giveyou have the opportunity to integrate payment and information services Privat24 to your site.

The registration of Merchant in the Privat24 system is a step-by-step process, as a result which is the creation of the payment template and the integration of the bank payment modulePrivat 24 on the site. You can register in Privatbank's Personal Account Howphysical or as a legal entity.

Setting Merchant Privat 24 for private, or individuals

Check in:

  • Enter the service of the Privat 24 system for Physic. persons using the linkhttp://privat24.ua;
  • Enter your login and static login password;
  • Enter the OTP dynamic password obtained in SMS to your mobile phone;
  • Go to the menu "All Services" -\u003e Business -\u003e Merchant;
  • Tie a map to work with Merchant;
  • Specify the IP address of your Internet resource;
  • If desired, install the Flag of Participation in the Bonus + program (only for current accountsindividuals);
  • Mark the services you need for work;
  • Click "Next".
  • Confirm the OTP password.
  • Registration is over. Merchanta assigned an ID and a unique password. Merchant is B.status "Test" (you can perform test payments).

Viewing Merchant Data, Editing:

  • Go to the "My Merchants" tab. In the table you can see the listregistered Merchants with basic parameters: ID tied cardPrivatBank, IP, registration date, status (blocked, deleted, test).
  • To edit the Merchant properties, follow the "Editing Data" link.
  • Fill in all information fields.

Also here is the "password" of your Merchant, which is necessary for making payments.

Translation of merchant to work mode:

  • Go to the "Application" tab.
  • Fill in the text box and click "Apply".

Within 1-2 days, the new Merchant will be activated, and you can accept payments.


To view the balance and summary statistics on the payments of your Merchant, go to the "Statistics" tab.

For detailed viewing of the payment archive, go to the "Payments of the Merchant" tab.

Setting up corporate merchant Privat24 for legal entities and organizations

Check in:

  • Enter the private account of the Privat 24 system for JUR. persons using the link forcorporate customers https://cb.privatbank.ua.
  • Go to the menu section "Services" -\u003e "E-Commerce" -\u003e "API"
  • Follow the link "Register Merchant"
  • Fill in the fields of the initial settings of the Merchant: account, IP address, telephone, affiliateprogram Bonus +.
  • Enter OTP register confirmation password that came to the specified phone number.

Merchant is registered and is in the Status "Test" (you can check the work applications, Making Test Transactions)

  • To view the data of the Merchant (ID Merchant, Merchant Password) Use the menu item"Merchanty Management".
  • Follow the link "Edit" to enter for more information O Merchant(site address, service description).
  • In the same menu section, you can apply for the Merchant translation to the operating mode.
  • To quickly configure payment acceptance, use the "Acceptance of Payments" link.

2. Install the PMPrivat plugin in the board component for Joomla. In the settings of the plugin in administrative panel of your site Specify the store ID (MERCHANT_ID) and password -personal password of Merchant, obtained during registration.

3. In the "My Merchants" section personal Cabinet Privat24 systems Open the link "Set up receiving payments." Copy the address of the RESULT URL page from the plugin settingsin your Merchanta account on Privat24 website in the Server_URL field or response URL. Fillthe rest of the field you need.

Now you can make secure payments from PrivatBank on your Joomla website.

From PrivatBank, and was surprised that the payment did not pass. Cause - bank rejected the payment. Such glitches are sometimes there, so I decided to try the next day. Then somehow forgotten and only yesterday I decided to replenish the wallet again. The situation was repeated. Called to Privatbank (phone number on the back of the bank card), they explained there that it turns out a week ago, the bank blocked the possibility of payment over the Internet in all cards. You can include this feature on the Privat24 website. Could and warn ... well, okay. This is PrivatBank :)

Briefly describe. We go to the Privat24 system. Select item My bills. Wait for the full page download (I have been loaded almost a minute) and then in the column Services in the map, opposite his card, select from the drop-down list item Open for internet. Immediately appear the pop-up window in which you need to enter Limit amount of payments:

If I understood correctly, this is the limit of the amount of payments for the month. May be mistaken. We enter the amount and click on the button. Confirm. We are waiting for the response of the system. If we receive a message Service is temporarily unavailable or An error occurred during the opening card for the Internet - Do not give up and repeat the actions described above. BUT! We are not very interested, because for each attempt, even the unsuccessful 50 kopecks take off! My operation passed from the fourth time. And there were no messages about the successful completion of the operation. Noticed only on the icon Verified by Visa.that appeared in the column Services in the map:

I tried to re-transfer money to Webmoney wallet, but received an authentication error. Just in case, climbed half an hour and tried again. This time the replenishment operation ended successfully.

In general, PrivatBank as always on top :) Well, and the fact that money is removed even for the failed attempts to include a map for payment on the Internet - this is of course without words ... That is, even here the bank will not miss its benefit. So here is the disconnection of the service, PrivatBank and on the candy will earn and more people to the Privat24 system introduce.

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Comments: 26.

  1. Irish Eddyt:

    I do not use PrivatBank cards for the first year, and such a "feature" for me is not news. They really require the map "open to the Internet" every month (more precisely, you open it for a month starting from the date of receipt of the application).
    Privat24 online system is really loaded and because it is buggy often, so I recommend to open a map on the phone - it will also work faster.
    Somehow there was still such a glitch in Privat24: The card was opened for another month, and the limit remained to act from the old month, so it is definitely better to open on the phone.

  2. Irish Eddyt:

    So I want to simply summarize purely humanly: "Privatbank - Kaazly" :)
    If you want, you can delete the comment.
    And they recently did so that on Portmone.com it is impossible for the wills of the will-cable to pay them cards - as it turned out, it is only through Privat24 online can be done. There, like a transaction error, they are issued, according to which Privatbank nods to the will, but do not waste time to find out the relationship - this privatovs are all blocking so that only through their site they paid.

  3. Irish Eddyt:

    In the previous post, inaccuracy - must be "PrivatBank on a purse nods." When I disassembled on the purse in the chat in what the problem with the payment, I was first asked - and not a privatovskaya card, do you use the card? Well, then everything was clear to them immediately after my affirmative answer ...

  4. ivirinka:

    Yes, Privatbank as always - not quality, but by quantity. I use the services of another 3 other banks - there is nothing like anything in any other.

  5. Irish Eddyt:

    In before. Post this I am about the fact that 50 kopecks will have to "give" every month.

  6. Sergey:

    In addition to opening, Privat also reduced the list of cards that can work with the Internet. The item "Open ..." is available, money for "connection" is removed. And when paying "rejected by the Issuer Bank." And in the bank, they are breeding with hands and money for _NE_PEDIED_EVERS NOT RETURN. Divided in general. For me personally, a fairly long period of working with privat has ended.

  7. Petro:

    He found out in Privat, 50 kopeck for opening a card on the Internet. The card opens for the entire period of action, but limit for a month. If independently installed 100 UAH for a month, you can't pay more than this amount within a month. The limit is updated monthly, free.


    pygmy humpback. They made a paid account of the account through Privat24, then abruptly canceled (probably the people were indignant), but when I wanted through the Kyivstar site to replenish - I tried anything, since ten days I tried, writes - your bank does not allow you to pay. We will not get out of the hands of Granny to release. Not a bank but a fairy tale, damn.

  9. Vitaly:

    I am a client of PrivatBank just a week and have not been pleased with them.
    At first everything was fine, pleasant, polite communication.
    It all started with the fact that I needed a payment card via the Internet, namely the PayPal system, on eBay. I explained it to them and they suggested me "Mitteyev" card, I seemed to me that I prepared and asked once again if I could use it through PayPal. What an affirmative and look at the professional and in charge of me that she was just for this. I'm tired of looking an incredulous client and, moreover, they convinced me in this. I asked to make a card, replenished I started registration on PayPal, and what do you think, I write that I can't register, since my card does not fit and ask you to contact your bank. I did it, it came to the same professional and I say that this was what I wrote to me, a professional looking at me asks me, but what is PAYPAL? And at that moment I realized that the conversation would be long and tender. I gathered all my nerves and anger I began to explain to him that for Divo this paypal, he listened with dignity, what it is, and calling his employees, and maybe familiar, found out that my card is not suitable for international payments and tried to justify that he was not obliged to know it. I rose a little and reminded that he advised this card and she was for this wondrous paypal. He grabbed the phone again, I already thought that everything would be decided now. I saw pleasure and smile on his face, he says yes everything will be fine, but now I just need to register my card in Privat24 and unlock it for shopping through the Internet. I calmed down and drove home, to do what a professional advised me. I did everything, I told this Alexey, in the department number 90, which is located in Odessa, on the street. Vorobyva and began to register again in PayPal and what is not suitable again. Unfortunately, the time was later for a visit to the bank, I decided to ask what happened on technical support, there are completely professionals from some attempt I contacted a person who has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat online purchases and paypal, he I was explained that I needed to make another card, this time the virtual, for whom I would have to pay money again. I ordered her, she has not yet activated and I am in anticipation and a fraction of experiences, because With a real card, I have so many problems what will be with virtual. Probably it will be in the first and last timeCooperation with this bank. People take care of their nerves !!!

  10. koliambia:

    I have a "virtual dollar card" costs for 10-15% more expensive.
    Because of what, the brain can be broken ... (Currency conversion occurs several times + for the service, nowhere is not described, I have not seen ...)
    Privata staff at all do not know anything, they do not know about what they ask them (when there are problems and appeal to the "specialists", such a feeling that I did not go there) loaded what you know or taught
    Only on technical support Privat24 There are only some people (with experience or experience) that will help you intelligibly answer simple questions.

  11. John:

    I have a dollar card Visa Classic. Loyalty. For any mobile number it is convenient to pay, just sending a message. But with payments over the Internet, it is surprising that with each transaction, even unsuccessful, is removed 1 dollar - for authorization. In my opinion, it is robbery. In addition, where the PayPal appears, they have their own commission. So it goes more expensive for each purchase, to the specified price on ebay you need to change at least a few dollars. Unfortunately, only recently learned this, but now there will be experience.

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