
How to request a reconciliation with the tax office via SBIS. Extracting transactions for settlements with the budget. Certificate on the status of settlements for taxes, fees, penalties and fines

With VLSI you can reconcile calculations with the budget via the Internet in a couple of hours without leaving the office. Moreover, VLSI will not only deliver certificates from government agencies to you faster, but will also transform their cumbersome form into a visual reconciliation report with clearly marked results and clear decoding.

Using VLSI, you will be able to quickly control the crediting of paid taxes, avoid arrears/overpayments, and be sure that there are no debts to the budget when submitting documents for a loan or participation in a tender.

Correspondence with government agencies

In VLSI, in addition to reports, you can send any document to the inspector: explanatory note, a question about a new rule of law, a scan of a license and even a postcard for a professional holiday. Each document will be certified by VLSI electronic signature and encrypts, ensuring legal significance and confidentiality.

In the same way, VLSI will deliver documents and requests from government agencies to you. You will even see news from the notice board in the tax or pension fund in VLSI on your desktop.

Checking reports based on government agency algorithms

Firstly, VLSI regularly checks the relevance of reports downloaded from third-party programs. If the report you prepared in 1C is out of date, VLSI will automatically convert it to the current format.

Secondly, VLSI checks all numbers both within one report and between in different forms using the same algorithms as government agencies. VLSI contains more than 2800 (!) control ratios. Rest assured, VLSI will find all possible inconsistencies and errors in your reports.

VAT reconciliation

The Federal Tax Service performs a total reconciliation of invoice data for all counterparties. Discrepancies lead to additional VAT charges and fines. VLSI reduces these risks. Before submitting the VAT return, he will check for each invoice:

  • correctness of the counterparty's details;
  • whether he “acted” according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs on the date of the transaction;
  • Do the amounts and invoice details between you and your counterparty match?

As a result, VLSI will show whether there is a risk of additional VAT charges, explaining the essence of the claims for each transaction.

VLSI electronic reporting is a program for transmitting accounting and tax reporting via the Internet to the Tax Office, Pension Fund, Rosstat. VLSI is designed for financial departments companies of all forms of ownership with any taxation regime.
VLSI contains the complete package regulatory documents, incl. codes, Federal Laws, PBU, regulations, forms, forms. Online access to personal accounts, statements and tax reconciliation reports ( AND HE online), informal data exchange with your tax inspector, PF inspector. Free inquiries from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Legal Framework, assistance to the accountant in filling out reporting forms with one button. Built-in Analytical block: Financial express analysis, assessment of risk criteria tax audit, inter-form interconnection of indicators, electronic reporting archive, taxpayer calendar.
Modern animated interface, built-in unloading from 1C, import from others. accounting programs, multiple taxpayer support, automatic online updates, and more. Try it!

So, briefly about the main thing:
VLSI program Electronic reporting and document flow is designed for financial departments of companies of all forms of ownership with any taxation regime.
Online access to personal accounts, statements and (ONLINE), informal data exchange (correspondence) with your tax inspector, PF inspector, Rosstat.
VLSI contains a full package of regulatory documents, incl. codes, Federal Laws, PBUs, regulations, forms, forms.
Built-in Analytical block in the VLSI program: Financial express analysis, electronic reporting archive, assessment of tax audit risk criteria, desk audit, inter-form interconnection of indicators.
Modern animated interface, built into the VLSI program at the appropriate time, support for multiple taxpayers, automatic updating via the Internet.

Reporting to all government bodies in the “Single Window”

Always up-to-date forms of electronic reports to all possible government agencies are collected in “one window” for your convenience. SBIS takes care of their relevance; forms are updated automatically immediately after their approval.

There are 5 minutes left before the deadline for submitting the report, you need to send the declaration on a day off, with SbiS this is easy and convenient, the system works around the clock, 365 days a year.

SBIS is suitable for all types of organizations with any organizational form

The system allows you to solve problems:

"medium and small businesses":

  • Clear visualization of “reports as on paper”;
  • Master of “zero reporting”;
  • Help with filling out;
  • Accountant calendar

"large companies":

  • Convenient work with separate units and branches;
  • Working with large reports
  • Quick response to document requests
  • Reconciliation with government agencies for all holding organizations and branches

Outsourcing companies:

  • “Bulk” sending of reports in one click
  • Automatic completion of reports
  • Power of attorney management

Your personal assistant

SBIS has a personal “accountant calendar”. Depending on the taxation system you choose, the system will remind you which reports and within what time frames you need to send reports specifically for your organization.

So as not to forget anything, SBIS allows you to set up notifications via SMS, e-mail, or mobile application the system will remind you of the deadlines for submitting reports, receipt of requirements, or successful submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, etc.

If you have several organizations or branches, the system will generate visual tables for control, preparation and submission of reports

Help in filling out reports

Creating reports in the SBIS system has become even easier! A convenient “consultant” will tell you where this or that value comes from, what indicator to indicate in this or that line? With one click of the mouse, SBIS will answer all your questions, and you will also be presented with comments from experienced auditors.

The “autofill” function will help you fill in or move those lines that were indicated in previously created reports.

Checking reports using government agency methods

When downloading reports generated in a third-party program, SBIS automatically checks the relevance electronic forms, and converts your report if it is out of date into the current format.

Two-level report verification, will compare indicators both within one report and conduct desk audit between forms according to algorithms of government agencies.


In order to avoid discrepancies with its counterparties and avoid the accrual of fines and additional VAT charges, before sending the VAT return, SBS carries out a reconciliation with all counterparties and checks in each invoice:

  • Counterparty details
  • Did the organization “exist” at the time of the transaction according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs?
  • Are there any discrepancies in the amount and details of the invoice between you and your counterparty?

The system will conclude whether there is a risk of additional VAT charging, referring to each of the transactions.

Reconciliation of calculations with the budget

Do you need to reconcile your budget? SBIS will do this in a few hours. The system will deliver you the requested certificates from government agencies as quickly as possible and convert them into a visual form with clearly marked results and transcripts.

SBIS will help you quickly monitor the crediting of paid taxes, prevent arrears and overpayments, and also be sure that there are no debts to the budget.

Informal document flow

SBIS “knows how” not only to send reports, but also to carry out informal correspondence with government agencies. You will be able to send and sign any document with an electronic signature, to the maximum extent possible. short term it will be delivered to the recipient. In response, government agencies may send you requests and documents, as well as news and mailings.

The “Reconciliation with the Federal Tax Service” service allows you to send requests for the provision of information services to the Federal Tax Service. The response to the sent request will be sent to Kontur.Extern.

You can request the following types of services:

  • Request for a certificate on the status of settlements for taxes, fees, penalties and fines (Form N39-1);
  • Request for a statement of transactions for settlements with the budget;
  • Request by list tax returns(calculations) and financial statements;
  • Request for a reconciliation report for calculations of taxes, fees, penalties and fines;

Note! The completed ION request can be saved as a template. Learn more about working with templates in following instructions.

To send a request for reconciliation with the tax office you must:

1. In the “Federal Tax Service” item, select the “Request reconciliation” section.

2. Select the type of request.

Depending on the type of service chosen, you must fill in the following information:

  • Request for a certificate on the status of settlements for taxes, fees, penalties and fines - fill in the line “As of date” using the calendar. The input format is dd.mm.yyyy.
  • Request for an extract of transactions for settlements with the budget - using the directory, indicate the condition for generating the extract - group or not group by type of payment, and also indicate the reporting year in yyyy format.

Request for a list of tax returns (calculations) and financial statements - indicate the start and end date of the information request using the calendar.

The input format is dd.mm.yyyy. In the line “condition for selecting reporting”, select from the directory which declarations need to be taken into account - primary, corrective or all.

The period for which the service is requested must be within one calendar year. For example, if a taxpayer wants to receive an extract for the period from 10/20/2010 to 02/02/2011, then it will be necessary to generate two requests: for the period from 10/20/2010 to 12/31/2010. and from 01/01/2011 to 02/02/2011.

  • - fill in the line “On date” using the calendar. The input format is dd.mm.yyyy. This type of request is sent only in general for the organization.
  • Request for a reconciliation report for calculations of taxes, fees, penalties and fines - indicate the year in yyyy format and, using a calendar, the date in dd.mm.yyyy format.

In the request for an extract of transactions for settlements with the budget and in the request for the act of reconciliation of calculations for taxes, fees, penalties and fines, it is possible to indicate specific BCC and OKTMO/OKATO taxes for which reconciliation is required. KBK and OKTMO/OKATO can be selected from the directory; otherwise, a reconciliation will be made for all tax obligations taxpayer.

3.In the form that opens you should:

3.1. Select the type of request and the Federal Tax Service code and check that the information about the organization’s checkpoint is filled out correctly.

The following request types are available for selection:

  • Request for a specific checkpoint to a specific Federal Tax Service;
  • Request for all checkpoints to a specific Federal Tax Service;
  • Inquire about the organization as a whole.

A request for information on an organization as a whole is a single request for the entire organization, including branches, divisions, and facilities registered with different tax inspectorates. When sending such a request, the field “Code of the inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, in which the response is generated” is filled with zeros, and in the detail “Code of the inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, to which the request is submitted”, you should indicate the tax code at the place of registration of the parent organization (MRI code). In such a request, the “taxpayer checkpoint” is not filled out.

3.2. Indicate information about the person who signed the document and the format for presenting the response.

In the “Response format” line, select one of the formats from the directory - PDF, RTF, XML, XLS.

The response to the ION request for the entire organization (according to the reconciliation report, statement, list, certificate of settlement status) and to the certificate of performance of duties is generated only in XML format.

In the “Sender” line, select Head of the organization or Representative of the organization:

  • The head of the organization is a taxpayer (the request will be signed by a certificate of the legal representative of the taxpayer),
  • The representative of the organization is the representative of the taxpayer (the request will be signed by an authorized representative of the taxpayer).

If the request is signed taxpayer, then along with him an information message about the representative office must be transmitted to the tax office ( Order of the Federal Tax Service dated June 13, 2013 N ММВ-7-6/196@ ).

4. If the request form is completed, click the “Proceed to Submit” button. A window with the test results will open; if there are no errors or warnings, then click the “Proceed to Send” button again.

Document flow procedure with tax inspectorates upon reconciliation requests described in the following instructions.

To view previously sent requests and responses to them, you should go to the “Federal Tax Service” itemand select “All reconciliations”. A list of all submitted requests will open.

In order to view the response from the inspection, just select the desired request in the list and in the window that opens, click on the link with the name of the received document.

Examples of responses to various types of requests

Certificate on the status of settlements for taxes, fees, penalties and fines

Such a certificate allows you to verify that the tax is actually transferred to the budget, and credited to the correct BCC, and also check for the presence of penalties and fines. The information in the certificate is given for specific types of tax (fee, contribution).

Extracting transactions for settlements with the budget

This document is requested if the accountant discovers arrears. It contains a list of recorded tax authority transactions will help you find a mistake if it was made during the tax transfer.

List of tax and accounting reports provided in the reporting year

This document is generated from the inspection database and contains registration numbers of reports. If the report is on the list, it means it has been accepted, and you don’t have to ask the inspector to send confirmation of acceptance of the report. In addition, the document can be used as a summary of quarterly reporting.

Act of reconciliation of the taxpayer’s calculation of taxes, fees, penalties and fines

The reconciliation report may be useful for submission to the parent organization internal reporting per quarter, half year or year. It allows you to see the balance at the beginning of the reconciled period, total amount accruals and payments for tax for the reconciled period and the balance at the end of the reconciled period.

Certificate of fulfillment by the taxpayer of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, fines

The certificate contains information for the entire organization about the presence or absence of debts on taxes, fees, penalties, and fines. That is, the certificate contains information only about the fact of fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the obligation to pay, indicating the inspection codes where the debt exists.

Reconciliation of calculations with the budget for taxes and duties is the “sacred” duty of any accountant. SBS will help you perform it efficiently and effectively:

  • Previously, you received a long and inconvenient printout from the tax office. Using SBiS, you receive a visual reconciliation report with clearly marked results and clear decoding.
  • Previously, you waited two weeks for the results of the reconciliation; in SBIS you will receive a ready-made report in just a couple of hours.

If you can’t often reconcile calculations with the tax office “live” simply physically, and especially for the same period, then with the help of SBC++ you can do the reconciliation at least every week! It’s easy to create a request - its form is already in SBIS, and you can select any type of document from those provided by the tax office. Sent? You can calmly do other things, the answer itself will come to you, and you will see it right in the SBS. And if your Federal Tax Service supports ION-online technology, then you will receive data from your personal account without delay directly on the tax office website.

What does the received statement look like? Let's get a look. On the left is the “set of sheets” that you receive from the tax office, we have even reduced this stack - the entire statement consists of 9 sheets. On the right is the information as it appears in SBS.

In “SbiS++ Electronic Reporting” you receive a document that is clear the first time, where all turnovers, types of accruals, opening and closing balances for each tax are highlighted. The name of the tax in the certificate is also a hyperlink; clicking on it opens a detailed report on the selected tax. In essence, this is an adapted version of the budget settlement card, which is maintained for each taxpayer by the Federal Tax Service in accordance with the recommendations set out in Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 16, 2007 No. MM-3-10/138@.

SBIS has turned the reconciliation of calculations with the budget into a convenient tool for an accountant. Now, using the service, you can:

  • take over the business from your predecessor, making sure that you receive accounting in perfect order, and not a pig in a poke;
  • control the company’s personal account with the Federal Tax Service, thereby avoiding both arrears and overpayments of taxes, payments and fees;
  • make sure there are no debts to the budget in advance if you need to provide this information to receive a loan, participate in a tender, etc.

Services for reconciling settlements with the budget are included in the delivery when connecting under basic and corporate licenses, when connecting an authorized tax representative.

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