
Reporting to the Social Insurance Fund. The procedure for submitting reports to the Social Insurance Fund. Electronic reporting to the Social Insurance Fund. How to submit? Is it possible to send FSS by mail?

→ Reporting to the Social Insurance Fund

The article was written a long time ago
Last updated 06/16/2019

Payers of insurance contributions who make payments to individuals transfer contributions and submit reports to the Social Insurance Fund.

Reporting to the Social Insurance Fund is submitted by:
— organizations;
- individual entrepreneurs with employees.

Individual entrepreneurs without employees do not submit reports to the Social Insurance Fund.

The name of the reporting submitted by payers is Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases, as well as expenses for payment of insurance coverage (Form 4-FSS).

FSS Form-4 form

On the website you can download both old and new FSS forms-4:
— download Form-4 FSS form dated 06/07/2017 No. 275 (new form)
— download Form-4 FSS form dated March 19, 2013 No. 107n (old)
— download Form-4 FSS form dated March 12, 2012 No. 216n (old)

Report submission deadlines

Reporting can be submitted in paper form, or electronically.
If reporting is submitted “on paper”, the deadline for submission is the 20th.
If submitted electronically, the due date is the 25th.

Thus, reporting is submitted:
— 1st quarter: until April 20 on paper (until April 25 in electronic form);
— half-year: until July 20 on paper (until July 25 in electronic form);
— 9 months: until October 20 on paper (until October 25 in electronic form);
— year: until January 20 on paper (until January 25 in electronic form).

If the deadline for submitting reports falls on a holiday or weekend, the due date is postponed to the next business day.

The procedure for submitting reports to the Social Insurance Fund

Taxpayers submit reports to their territorial branch of the Social Insurance Fund. Your branch number can be found in the card that you were given when registering with the FSS.

What about in Moscow?
The Moscow branch of the FSS allows you to submit reports at client centers - that’s great! You don’t have to travel far, especially if you submit reports to different branches.

Addresses of FSS client centers in Moscow, where reports from all branches are accepted:

  • Dubrovka metro station (2nd Mashinostroeniya Street, building 11)
  • Chkalovskaya metro station (3rd Syromyatnichesky lane, building 3/9, building 2)
  • Perovo metro station (Kuskovskaya street, building 9)
  • metro station Shabolovskaya, Tulskaya, Leninsky Prospekt (2nd Verkhniy Mikhailovsky proezd, building 9, building 2)
  • Aviamotornaya metro station (Entuziastov highway, building 21, building 1, 2)
  • Annino metro station (Dorozhnaya street, building 60, building 3)
  • Proletarskaya metro station (Marksistskaya street, building 34, building 7)
  • Perovo metro station (Green Avenue, building 13)
  • Zelenograd (Zelenograd, building 2003)

Reporting can be submitted in several ways; I have arranged the reporting options in priority (for me) order.

Option #1— submit reports in person to the Social Insurance Fund. This is the best option for submitting reports. When you are personally present at the submission of reports, you have the opportunity to answer possible questions from the inspector and comment on this or that line in the calculation. After delivery, you will have in your hands a copy of the FSS Form-4 calculation with the inspector’s stamp. The disadvantage of this option is that you will have to spend time, because... submission can take from several hours to a whole day, which is quite wasteful for an accountant. Therefore, you can send a smart assistant accountant to the Social Insurance Fund.

Option No. 2— send Form 4-FSS via telecommunication channels. To submit reports electronically, you must have an agreement with one of the operators or directly with a branch of the Social Insurance Fund. The electronic method of submitting reports is convenient because the report can be submitted literally at the very last moment, even on the last day at 23:59. The document confirming the submission of reports will be the operator’s confirmation of delivery. The disadvantage of this option is possible technical failures during data transfer, when you have a positive report in your hands, and the FSS branch receives information with errors.

Option No. 3— send Form 4-FSS by mail. We can say that every accountant used this method of submitting reports: sending a report by mail is just like a lifesaver for a carefree accountant. But using this option is not always convenient: after receiving your settlement envelope, employees of the FSS branch enter the numbers into their database, which can lead to possible typos or errors (since the branch simultaneously receives hundreds of letters in a very short time).

I recommend sending the report by mail if you:
a) zero reporting to the Social Insurance Fund or
b) if you are late in preparing the report and you have no other option.

I do not recommend sending calculations with completed sections by mail, except as an emergency solution. The envelope must be sent by registered mail with a list of the contents - the list of contents and the receipt receipt will serve as supporting documents for you.

Addresses of FSS branches

Saint Petersburg

Transfer of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund

In addition to submitting reports, policyholders are required to transfer contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.
Previously, two types of contributions were listed:
— contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for temporary disability and in connection with maternity

Then the state modernized the work of the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund and transferred to the tax inspectorates the responsibility for servicing contributions for temporary disability and in connection with maternity.

Reporting is still submitted to the Social Insurance Fund.

Currently, one type of contribution is transferred to the Social Insurance Fund:
— contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for injuries

The amount of contributions for temporary disability and in connection with maternity is 2.9% of the salary. The amount of contributions for injuries ranges from 0.2% to 8.5% of salary. After you confirm your main activity, the Fund will assign your organization a professional risk class, according to which you will transfer the interest.

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If reporting is submitted once a quarter, then contributions must be transferred to the budget monthly, until the 15th of the next month. Because contributions to the Social Insurance Fund relate to salary taxes, the scheme for transferring contributions looks like this - let’s say employees have received their salaries for May, then the accounting department must have time to calculate the amount of contributions and transfer them to the budget by June 15.

Penalties when submitting reports to the Social Insurance Fund

For late submission of reports, the Social Insurance Fund has established the following amount of penalties - 5% of the amount of insurance premiums accrued for payment for the last three months of the reporting (calculation) period, for each full or partial month from the day established for its submission, but not more than 30 percent of the specified amount and not less than 1,000 rubles (212-FZ, Article 46, Part 2).

For non-payment or incomplete payment of insurance premiums as a result of understating the base for calculating insurance premiums, other incorrect calculation of insurance premiums or other unlawful actions (inaction) of insurance premium payers, a fine is imposed - 20% of the unpaid amount of insurance premiums (125-FZ, Article 19 , paragraph 1, paragraph 5).

A report to the Social Insurance Fund by mail in 2018 will significantly reduce the time it takes to receive documentation. Innovations involve electronic submission of insurance reporting forms, thanks to which the company will not only submit all the necessary documentation faster, but will also have the opportunity to redistribute the working hours of its employees.

Reporting changes in 2018

The transition to the Unified Social Insurance Tax involves new forms of submitting relevant reports. This process has its advantages:

    reducing the burden on entrepreneurs;

    simplification of control and analysis of insurance premiums.

The expected results from the reorganization and introduction of amendments boil down to improving the overall economic situation in the country by increasing the collection of insurance premiums. The introduction of the ESSS will slightly improve the situation, not only by increasing control over such payments, but also by reducing the overall documentary and financial burden on enterprises.

This stage of innovation significantly simplifies the work of entrepreneurs, since thanks to the ESSS, the tax contribution is made to a single service, and not, as before, to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. The number of forms has decreased from four to one.

For this purpose, a new BCC is being introduced, which should be approved in December 2018. The receipt of the ESSS by the Federal Tax Service will be accompanied by subsequent redistribution among funds.

New reporting forms

Taking into account the fact that the procedure for paying insurance premiums has changed, a new form RSV-1 has also appeared. The new form is practically no different from the old one, except for the size, which has become smaller, and a different numbering of the same tables.

Submission of these reports must be made within certain deadlines, violation of which is highly undesirable without a compelling reason:

    by the twenty-fifth, send in electronic form;

    and until the twentieth - in paper.

Another condition is the number of employees working at the enterprise: if there are more than twenty-five, electronic reporting is allowed.

Since RSV-1 is canceled along with Form 4-FSS, the latest reporting for it for 2018 must include complete information regarding insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund.

Who must submit reporting form RSV-1?

Since this form is a stage of general reporting and stands for “calculation of insurance premiums”, its submission is necessary:

    for organizations;

    Individual entrepreneurs carrying out their activities with the help of hired workers;

    individuals who have entered into an employment contract with other individuals, not being an individual entrepreneur.

The settlement period of the DAM is a year, which in turn is divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter, the submitted information complements each other, resulting in annual reporting.

When closing an enterprise, RSV-1 is also submitted, and after that the process of terminating activities begins with writing a corresponding application.

This report must include the following information:

    complete information about the enterprise, including everything from name to Pension Fund code;

    average data on employees;

    number of insured employees.

It should be remembered that the first section is always filled in last, since its data is affected by all other filled tables.

Since this form is submitted for the last time, those enterprises that are already registered with the Pension Fund of Russia, since they previously had hired workers, have the right to use zero reporting. If there were no hired workers at all, reporting under RSV-1 is not submitted.

Reporting in 2018: conclusions

Since many amendments are planned for 2018 and these changes will affect everyone, a number of points should be taken into account:

1. Insurance payments will be paid to one authority according to one BCC. This reduces the documentary burden on entrepreneurs and allows tax authorities to handle large amounts at a time, controlling them. With the new rules, the government hopes to improve the economic situation in the country because as the burden decreases, insurance premiums are expected to increase.

2. Filling out RSV-1 according to the new established form is still mandatory for the last reporting period for 2018. The filling procedure has changed somewhat, as the form has become smaller and some tables have been renumbered, but the data entered has not changed.

3. Even when closing an enterprise, you must first submit insurance reports and only after that write a statement of termination of activity.

Enterprises with an average workforce of up to 25 people have the opportunity to choose the method of presenting data. Organizational forms of enterprises with more than 25 employees must submit calculations only in electronic form. The condition for limiting the number of employees when choosing a reporting method applies to existing, reorganized and newly created enterprises. Failure to comply with the form for submitting the calculation will result in a fine of 200 rubles being imposed on the enterprise.

The average number of employees is determined taking into account the following features:

  • The indicator is calculated according to the rules established by statistical authorities.
  • The number of employees is calculated within a calendar year, on an accrual basis.
  • Data is determined for all days of the month on the basis of orders and information from time sheets.
  • In case of receipt of data on exceeding the maximum limit, the submission of a report in electronic form is carried out from the period when the right to use paper media is lost.

Calculation forms for electronic and paper forms are used in the same form. When filling out an electronic form, you must comply with regulations that allow you to undergo formal control when sending payments through communication channels and combining them with FSS databases. A paper form sent by mail will be accepted even if it is not filled out correctly. After accepting the calculation, the inspector must send a letter to the enterprise indicating the identified inaccuracies.

Comparison of characteristics of calculation presentation methods

Methods of presenting calculations have advantages and disadvantages. The taxpayer chooses the method of submitting the calculation independently, taking into account the limiting number. The convenience of using postal services is the ability to send a calculation after the end of the working day of the FSS branch.

Condition Delivery in person Mailing Electronic form
AdvantagesChecking the main indicators by the inspector upon deliveryThere is no need to waste personal time visiting the FSS, the possibility of sending before the end of the day of the due dateEfficiency, the ability to check on a formal basis and identify errors at an early stage of delivery
FlawsAdditional time is required to visit a fund branchThere are financial costs for shipping, the likelihood of erroneous indicators appearing when FSS employees enter data into the databaseThe need to have and use an electronic signature obtained from a specialized center

When using postal mail, it is important to ensure that the recipient's address is correct. The calculation of Form 4-FSS is submitted at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur or the address of the location of the legal entity or its separate division.

Enterprises can send both initial and updated calculations by mail. A paper data submission form is used. There is no need to attach external electronic media to the calculation. At the request of a representative of the enterprise, the FSS puts a receipt mark on a copy of the policyholder’s calculation sent by mail.

Drawing up a letter when submitting a settlement by mail

The sender of the reporting must have evidence of the fact of transmission and confirmation of the submission of the reporting of a specific form. The document is sent by registered mail - registered mail with declared value and return receipt requested. Sending calculations by simple letters without registration is not possible.

Insured letter is an item that has a valuation indicating the amount at the discretion of the sender. For business correspondence, use the minimum possible value. The purpose of evaluating the letter is to obtain the opportunity to draw up an inventory of Form 107, certified by mail. When issuing a notification, the sender instructs the postal service with payment for the service to report the delivery of the document to the specified address. Inventory and notifications are filled out by the sender.

Accompanying documents must be kept along with a copy of the calculation. A copy of the receipt and a document confirming payment are attached to the advance report for postal expenses.

Drawing up an inventory of attachments in a letter

When using the method of submitting a report by mail, you must have guarantees that the document will be received by the FSS. Without drawing up an inventory, it is quite difficult to prove the transfer of a specific payment. To prevent disputes with the FSS, a description of the contents must be drawn up without fail. The description could be:

  • Compiled and certified by the head of the enterprise in any form. A postal worker is not required to certify the organization's inventory with a stamp. In the absence of confirmation of the inventory with a mail stamp, the document is only a covering letter and does not confirm the presence of reporting.
  • Done on postal letterhead and certified by an employee of the institution. A postal inventory is available for valuable items. The document indicates the amount of declared value, the sender, the period for submitting the calculation, and the number of sheets of attachment.

Proof of dispatch is the mail inventory compiled according to Form 107, approved in the Postal Rules of 04/22/1992. A mail inventory in 2 copies is drawn up by the sender and certified by an employee of the institution. The sender must provide the postal worker with an unsealed envelope to compare the contents of the description with the document submitted for shipment. The second copy of the inventory is received by the sender.

Actions of a company representative in case of loss of payment

Despite the reliability of the shipment, there is a possibility that the report will be lost. If a letter is lost for various reasons, the company has the opportunity to prove the timeliness of submission, while avoiding penalties.

The payer of contributions submits copies of documents to the Social Insurance Fund:

  • Calculation sent by mail.
  • Inventory of the contents of the attachment.
  • Shipping receipts and delivery receipts.

Based on the documents submitted to the Social Insurance Fund, the calculation data is entered into the database of the regional office by the date of sending the contributions by the payer. If there are any doubts about the accuracy of the data reflected in the database of the territorial office, it is necessary to reconcile the calculations. A request for reconciliation is submitted in any form to the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund.

Determining the report submission date

The date of dispatch is confirmed by the number indicated on the receipt. According to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District, information about the date of dispatch must be obtained not from the stamp of the envelope, but from the receipt issued to the sender (Resolution of September 10, 2007 in case No. F04-6097/2007(37903-A81-34).

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Failure to submit a payment on time will result in penalties. The procedure and amount of collection are defined in Federal Law No. 125-FZ dated July 24, 1998. The amount of the fine is 5% of the amount of contributions accrued for the last 3 months of payments not submitted on time, but not less than 1,000 rubles. A sanction is imposed for each month (full or partial period) of missing the deadline. The maximum sanction is 30% of the accrued amount.

Additionally, if the deadline for submitting the calculation is missed, the official may be subject to an administrative fine in the amount established by Art. 15.33 Code of Administrative Offences. The amount of the fine is set at 300 to 500 rubles.

Question No. 1. Is it necessary to have a power of attorney for the right to submit reports when sending 4-FSS calculations by mail?

When using communication services, an enterprise enters into an agreement. A power of attorney is submitted to the post office for a person who has the right to send and receive correspondence on behalf of an organization or individual entrepreneur. A separate power of attorney is not required to send reports.

Question No. 2: Is it possible to find out what stage of travel a report submitted by mail is in?

Each shipment is assigned its own unique number. You can track the status of a payment sent by mail using the identifier indicated on the receipt. Enterprises receive information about the reflection of data in the Social Insurance Fund database in the fund’s personal account.

In accordance with paragraph 10 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund”, payers of insurance premiums who the average number of individuals in whose favor payments and other remuneration are made for the previous billing period exceeds 50 people, as well as newly created (including during reorganization) organizations whose number of specified individuals exceeds this limit, submit the calculations specified in Part 9 of this article to the body monitoring the payment of insurance premiums in established formats in the form of electronic documents, i.e. .e. in the case of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation - to a department of the Fund or its branch, depending on where the payer is registered as an insured.

In order to submit reports electronically, the following is required:

Obtain extended access rights on the FSS portal;

Receive from a special organization - the Certification Center a certificate of electronic signature (ES) of the insured organization on a key medium (floppy disk, special device protected from unauthorized access, flash drive, etc.);

Install certified cryptographic information protection (CIPF) tools on your computer, for example, CryptoPro CSP or VipNet CSP;

Install FSS ES certificates and a special program (utility) for encrypting and signing documents using ES on your computer.

Let's consider these points in more detail.

1.Obtaining extended access rights on the FSS portal

First you need to register on the FSS portal fz122.fss.ru by clicking the "Registration" button at the top left of the portal page. When registering, you must indicate a valid (up-to-date) email address, since emails will be sent to this address. registration notification indicating your login and a link to confirm registration, but you must remember the password (and write it down in a safe place) yourself, because it is not contained in the letter.

After receiving the letter, you need to confirm your registration by clicking on the link included in the letter.

After confirming your registration, in order to receive extended access rights, you must fill out your company details on the “Organizations” tab. When filling out the details, you will need to select a regional department/branch of the Fund from the list - usually the number of the regional branch of the FSS coincides with the first four digits of the policyholder’s registration number and is indicated in the report on Form 4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation in the column “Subordination Code”.

After saving the completed details, you can proceed to the formation of the “Insured’s Application for Granting Extended Access Rights in the Search and Monitoring System of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.” When you select the “Policyholder Application” menu item, the data will be entered automatically from the organization’s details.

Next, we print out the application, sign it with the manager, certify it with a seal and transfer it to the Social Insurance Fund, to the branch in which the payer is registered as an insured. You can also send the original application by registered mail. Within a few days, the application will be reviewed and an email will be sent to you notifying you of the granting of extended access rights.

Detailed step-by-step instructions are provided in the document " Recommendations for submitting payslips according to Form 4-FSS in electronic form using an electronic signature", which can be found on the website portal.fss.ru.

2. Obtaining an electronic signature certificate on a key medium

We warn you right away: “free reporting through the FSS portal” only means that the FSS itself does not need to pay anything. However, if we do not have a digital signature, we will have to order it from the providers of this service - Certification Authorities - for money.

A list of trusted Certification Centers of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation can be found at the following link: http://fss.ru/uc/ .

The procedure in different certification centers varies in detail, but the essence is the same. Details can be found by going to the website of a specific certification authority or calling them by phone.

3. Obtaining certified cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF), for example, Crypto Pro CSP or VipNet CSP

CIPF "CryptoPro" CSP. Program distribution Crypto Pro CSP can be downloaded from the website http://cryptopro.ru after registration. The free version of the program is valid for 30 days, and then you need to purchase a license to use the product.

To download the distribution package of the Crypto Pro CSP program from the website, you need to select the Products menu on the main page - CIPF “CryptoPro CSP/TLS/JCP” - File download.

To begin with, it is recommended to download the file “Documentation for installing and using CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R2” and from the list of proposed distributions, select the one that is suitable for the operating system that is installed on your computer.

CryptoPro distributions designed for 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows are available for download. To determine the version of your system, go to Control Panel – System/System Information on your computer. If the system type is not specified, then most likely it is 32-bit. Installation of the CIPF CryptoPro CSP distribution kit must be carried out by a user who has administrator rights.

Then you need to install and configure the program, guided by the documentation for installing and using the CryptoPro CIPF.

The ViPNet CSP program can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website http:// infotecs. ru

4.Obtaining ES FSS certificates and utilities for encrypting and signing ES documents

To continue working you need to go from the site f4. fss. ru download and install the following files on your computer:

Root certificate of the CA FSS of the Russian Federation;

Certificate of public key signature of an authorized person of the FSS of the Russian Federation for encrypting the report and verifying the receipt;

A utility for encrypting and signing electronic documents.

You need to install FSS certificates and configure the encryption utility, guided by the “Recommendations for submitting payslips according to Form 4-FSS in electronic form using an electronic signature,” mentioned in paragraph 1.

After installing and configuring all components, you can proceed to preparing the report file. This file can be prepared using the website service portal.fss.ru (section Form 4-FSS), which will allow you to check the relationships between the calculation tables, and at the end download the calculation as an XML file.

The prepared report file must be signed with a private key (organization's electronic signature) and encrypted with the public key of an authorized person of the FSS in accordance with the FSS Recommendations. After signing and encrypting, the report file can be sent either using the Signing and Encryption Utility arm.exe, or directly to the FSS RF gateway f4.fss.ru. After submission, the report will be assigned a unique Identifier– You must write down and save this number.

If errors are identified when checking the report file, you must once again repeat the steps of filling out the report, followed by saving, signing and encrypting it.

You can view a transcript of the error by using the “Download report” link on the FSS portal and opening it in Notepad.

Upon successful completion of the four stages of verification of the report file, a Receipt will be generated, which must be downloaded and saved on your computer. The receipt can be downloaded on the FSS portal in the “Check and Control” section, using the unique ID report. The Receipt file is legally significant document, confirming the receipt of the FSS report.

Using the utility AWS signing and encryption F4 on the " Check signature" you can decrypt and check the signature of the Receipt. The decrypted Receipt must be printed and filed with the report.

Please note that the report file can be processed on the FSS portal within 48 hours, so it is necessary to submit the report in advance.

If the buttons that should be active are not available in the browser, try making the following settings in the browser:

Tools menu - Internet Options - Advanced tab - Restore Defaults;

- Security tab - Trusted sites - Other button - Active X controls and connection modules – select “enable” in all subsections;

- “Privacy” tab - Options - select level low;

- Privacy tab - Pop-up blocker – Enable pop-up blocker - uncheck the box;

- “Advanced” tab - “TLS 1.0, SSL 2.0 SSL 3.0” - tick the boxes;

- "Advanced" tab - Show notification about every script error - check the box;

- “General” tab – Browsing history – “Delete” button - delete Cookies, temporary Internet files.

After this, there should be no problems with the operation of the FSS RF portal.

All branches Branch No. 4 Branch No. 7 Branch No. 12 Branch No. 15 Branch No. 29 Branch No. 30 Branch No. 31

Branch No. 4

Telephone: 677-87-17
Email: (Deputy Director); , (on-site inspections); ; ; , ; ; (arrears); (reimbursement of expenses);

Director:E.N. Chernogubovskaya

Director's office hours: Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 7


Address: st. Bolshaya Posadskaya, 10A
Telephone: 677-87-17
Email: ; (on-site inspections); (information on ELN); (); (); (arrears); (reimbursement of expenses); ()
Director: E.V. Belova
Director's office hours: Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 12


Telephone: 677-87-17
Fax machine: 677-87-17, ext. 4308
Email: (branch Manager), (For all questions), (reporting), (debt),
Director: A.V. Pasenyuk
Director's office hours: Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 15


Address: Instrumentalnaya st., 3B (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12)
Telephone: 677-87-17
Fax machine: 346-24-95, 346-35-70
Director: A.A. Ryakhovskaya
Director's office hours: Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 29

Districts: Vyborgsky, Kirovsky, Kurortny

Address: Instrumentalnaya st., 3B (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12)
Telephone: 677-87-17
Fax machine: 234-05-67
Email: (general issues); (collection of arrears, penalties); ; ;
Director: E.G. Kostina
Director's office hours: Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 30

Districts:Vasileostrovsky, Nevsky, Pushkinsky

Address: Instrumentalnaya st., 3B (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12)
Telephone: 677-87-17
Fax machine: 677-87-17 ext. 4167
Director: THEM. Sevidova
Director's office hours: Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 31

Address: st. Instrumentalnaya, 3B (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12)

Telephone: 677-87-17
Director:E.B. Trinity

Branch page

Branch No. 4

Districts:Krasnoselsky, Petrodvortsovy, Central
Address: st. Bolshaya Posadskaya, 10A
Telephone: 677-87-17
Email: (Deputy Director); , (on-site inspections); (registries of certificates of incapacity for work, information on electronic health insurance); (benefits to individuals in case of non-payment by the employer); , (financing preventive measures); (Form 4-FSS, requirements for making corrections to reporting); (arrears); (reimbursement of expenses); (discounts and surcharges to the insurance rate)

Director:E.N. Chernogubovskaya

Director's office hours: Wednesday, from 09:00 to 12:00 at the address: st. B. Posadskaya, 10A, office. 133 (entrance from Malaya Monetnaya street). Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 7

Districts:Kolpinsky, Moscow, Petrogradsky

Address: st. Bolshaya Posadskaya, 10A
Telephone: 677-87-17
Email: (Deputy Branch Director); (on-site inspections); (registries of certificates of incapacity for work); (information on ELN); (benefits to individuals in case of non-payment by the employer); (financing preventive measures); (Form 4-FSS, requirements for corrections in reporting); (arrears); (reimbursement of expenses); (discounts and surcharges to the insurance rate)
Director: E.V. Belova
Director's office hours: Tuesday, from 09:00 to 12:00 at the address: st. B. Posadskaya, 10A, office. 135 (entrance from Malaya Monetnaya street). Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 12

Districts:Admiralteysky, Kronstadt, Primorsky

Address: Instrumentalnaya st., 3B (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12)
Telephone: 677-87-17
Fax machine: 677-87-17, ext. 4308
Email: (branch Manager), (For all questions), (reporting), (debt), (registers of certificates of incapacity for work)
Director: A.V. Pasenyuk
Director's office hours: Tuesday, from 11:00 to 12:30 at the address: st. Instrumentalnaya, 3B, window No. 21 (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12). Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 15

Districts:Kalininsky, Krasnogvardeysky and Frunzensky

Address: Instrumentalnaya st., 3B (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12)
Telephone: 677-87-17
Fax machine: 346-24-95, 346-35-70
Email:(reporting); (on-site inspections)
Director: A.A. Ryakhovskaya
Director's office hours: Wednesday, from 13:00 to 16:00 at the address: st. Instrumentalnaya, 3B, window No. 21 (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12). Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 29

Districts: Vyborgsky, Kirovsky, Kurortny

Address: Instrumentalnaya st., 3B (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12)
Telephone: 677-87-17
Fax machine: 234-05-67
Email: (general issues); (collection of arrears, penalties); (financing of preventive measures, discounts - allowances); (registers of bank accounts, questions regarding payments to a personal account); (sign up for expense verification, questions about reimbursement)
Director: E.G. Kostina
Director's office hours: Monday, from 09:00 to 10:30 at the address: st. Instrumentalnaya, 3B, window No. 21 (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12). Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 30

Districts:Vasileostrovsky, Nevsky, Pushkinsky

Address: Instrumentalnaya st., 3B (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12)
Telephone: 677-87-17
Fax machine: 677-87-17 ext. 4167
Email:(on-site inspections); (reception of reports); (overdue debt)
Director: THEM. Sevidova
Director's office hours: Monday, from 13:30 to 15:00 at the address: st. Instrumentalnaya, 3B, window No. 21 (entrance from Aptekarskaya embankment, 12). Registration by phone: 677-87-17

Branch page

Branch No. 31

Regarding payments to victims of industrial accidents, occupational diseases and issues related to citizens of preferential categories

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