
What is better in the morning for breakfast. What you need and useful for breakfast

Right breakfast This is a great start, as well as the basis of your day. Morning meal gives us the necessary energy for full-fledged body activities, launches metabolism. What you eat for breakfast affects health, shape, mood and metabolism.

Many still have the right diet causes association with boring, monotonous and non-fertile dishes. In fact, given your tastes, you can make a healthy breakfast not only useful and nutritious, using your favorite products, you can also decorate dishes and make your favorite drinks - all this will look attractive and appetizing, and of course it will be delicious.

Breakfast is actually the most important meal. From how you are breeding, will depend on the routine of your day - the mood, energy, strength. Morning food intake is very important - food for breakfast should give enough glucose, run the processes of metabolism, to give sufficient energy and forces.

In case you regularly start skipping breakfasts, in addition to the occurrence of the decline of forces, fatigue, irritability and apathy, your body will require those calories that you did not have breakfast during lunch or dinner. As a result, it is fraught with overeating, also, on the second half of the day there will be a greater number of calories. Such nutrition is fraught with the appearance of excess weight, a decrease in physical and mental activity, the development of various diseases, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

A full-fledged proper breakfast should be about 40% of the entire day diet, it is about 350 to 520 calories. In the first meal, you must include products rich in all macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is important that these are complex carbohydrates, as well as plant fats and fiber.

Products that preferably use for breakfast:

  • Natural Muesli, Granola or Bran
  • Eggs (boiled, in the form of omelet, etc.)
  • Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, pended, rice.
  • Lean meat (chicken, turkey)
  • Fresh fruits
  • Greens (parsley, arugula, etc.)

Despite the fact that breakfast should be satisfying, not all the food is useful. There are also products that are not recommended to use in the morning.

  1. Citrus (can't eat on an empty stomach)
  2. Sweets (including sweet porridge)
  3. Smoked and fatty food (sausage, bacon, sausages)
  4. Raw vegetables (especially tomatoes)
  5. Cold drinks
  6. Coffee (on an empty stomach irritates his mucous membrane, harms the pancreas)
  7. Dry breakfasts (fast cooking flakes are not helpful, contain many carbohydrates, after a short hunger will appear again)

When planning a menu for breakfast, it is very important to take into account the individual features of your body. For example, to those who have gastritis or an increased acidity is observed, it is not recommended to eat fresh fruits, vegetables or drink fresh fruits on an empty stomach.

Breakfast should be satisfied, useful, give the energy to our body, and not spoil digestion.

Carbohydrated breakfast

It implies the use of all macronutrients. In no case cannot exclude one or another component, it will lead to health problems.

Therefore, considering the principles proper nutritionBreakfast can be carbohydrate. Its foundation will be different cereals from cereals, natural muesli. You can add nuts, pieces of fruit to breakfast, you can use a small amount of natural juice as a drink.

What can be used for breakfast with carbohydrates:

  • Buckwheat porridge. You can eat boiled, cook or you can do steamed buckwheat. You can add nuts, berries or fruits. You can eat buckwheat, pouring warm milk.
  • Muesli. They can be eating, bay yogurt, milk or cream. The main thing is that Muesli have the most useful - with low sugar.
  • Bread oil oil (thin layer), cheese, vegetables, greens, low-fat meat.
  • Lavash with vegetables, greens, low-fat meat, low-salted fish.
  • - You can make it with the addition of cocoa, or add greens.
  • Oatmeal and other cereals. It is one of the most popular breakfasts, along with oatmeal. You can add pieces of banana and other fruits, dried fruits, berries, nuts.

For sandwiches with loaves and pita, it is better to take low-fat meat - turkey, chicken and in small quantities.

You need to eat satisfy, but at the same time observe the measure and do not overeat, otherwise the feeling of discomfort and gravity in the stomach is provided for the whole day.

Protein breakfast

Protear breakfast is especially useful for those who are actively engaged in sports, or if your work is unable to physically work. All the famous classic breakfast option with a protein is eggs, both in a boiled form and in the form of an omelet. But in addition to this traditional dish, there are other delicious options.

What can be used for breakfast with squirrels

  1. Cottage cheese (preferably soft). It can be eaten not only refueling yogurt, but also use sandwich for cooking, smeared on the loaf. You can cook.
  2. Sandwiches with loaves - prepare egg-glazing, put it between two soft loaves or between slightly roasted (as for a toast) bread with bran. You can make fillings from cottage cheese, greens, add low-salted fish.
  3. Eggs. This universal product is familiar to everyone - you can eat boiled, make an omelet (add greens or spinach), prepare the ovarian glazing or the eggs Benedict. You can also prepare from them.

Each of the suggested breakfasts can be complemented with vegetables, berries, nuts, honey and fruit.

In the morning, an empty stomach, half an hour or an hour before meals, you should drink a glass of warm water. It will improve digestion and launch metabolism. It is impossible to use only a drink for breakfast (even if it is useful). The drink can be a supplement to the main meal.

During breakfast, you can use such drinks as:

  • Green tea. It contains useful trace elements, contributes to the removal of toxins from the body.
  • Black tea. You should give preference to good high-quality tea welding (and not tea in bags). The taste and aroma of such a beverage acts awesome.
  • Fresh juice. It is necessary to drink in small quantities and in the absence of contraindications.
  • Natural black coffee. For many coffee - an indispensable morning attribute, so try to use high-quality coffee without additives. Such a drink gives cheerfulness, accelerates metabolism.

In case you are not used to eating in the morning, you need to gradually teach yourself to everyday breakfast. It is necessary to start with small portions and easy to assimilate food. For example, you can start with light yogurt with fruit, fruit salads, soft cottage cheese.

Food with fiber and vitamins

Fresh vegetables, greens and fruits are basic suppliers of fiber and vitamins. These products must necessarily be present in your diet, and in breakfast in particular. What can be prepared from vegetables and fruits?

  1. - Universal drink in which you can mix different fruits and vegetables with greens. Fruit smoothies can be made on the basis of milk (as ordinary, almond, and soybean). Vegetable smoothies can be based on kefir, yogurt or diluted with water, as well as with the addition of greenery (salad, parsley, rucals, etc.)
  2. Vegetable or banana fritters. You can cook, and if you like sweets - then with pancal pancakes. This is a more useful and easy dish than traditional dough fritters. Such pancakes are prepared without adding oil.
  3. Fruit salad - can be prepared in a small amount, as an addition to breakfast. Mix your favorite fruits and refuel with natural yogurt.
  4. Baked apples are obtained very tasty if you bake in the oven with the addition of cinnamon, honey and nuts.

Useful breakfast can not only provide our body with energy and cheerfulness for the whole day, but may also be delicious, diverse and help to support our body in tone, and the body is healthy.

Hello, dear readers. Nowadays, many people make a big mistake when they refuse breakfast. I want to now convince you that you should not miss the morning meal, as well as tell what you need to eat for breakfast. One of the most important reasons why you should not refuse breakfast - this is excellent ability to work during the day.

When the body breaks out of the embrace of Morpheus, it needs to compensate for the energy that was spent during the night on the snoring. Just kidding, what kind of snoring! If you, after waking up, provide your body with healthy products, then you will "start" the digestion process.

It will give you a feeling of satiety for a long time. Morning food intake significantly strengthens memory. At first glance, it seems strange such, but this is not me invented. So approve authoritative scientists. They also proved that people who have breakfast every day, very hardy and stress resistant.

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So, I continue. If you're before going to work "forget" to eat your breakfast, then this can cause overeating during lunch or even gluttony. And you do not need to invent various excuses for yourself! They say you don't know what you need to eat for breakfast, therefore do not eat in the morning. Now then it will not be accurate!

In addition, without breakfast, during dinner you will not think about how useful products you consume are or harmful. You will absorb everything that will be on your hand. Remember that the morning meal has a positive effect on metabolism!

Breakfast and excellent spirit of the Spirit will not leave you. But if you refuse breakfast, you can have nervousness, weakness and scattering. You need it?! Let me remind you that your body needs substances that increase the mood. In order not to be bored and smoke, you will preferably consume for breakfast after waking up strawberries, oranges, bananas, etc.

High resistance of the body disease will be guaranteed! Just do not forget about breakfast. Your morning meal should include foods saturated with ascorbic acid, calcium and other useful substances. This will help you reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol, prevent problems with your heart, normalize the activity of the nervous system, as well as reduce the likelihood of colds.

What you need to eat for breakfast

The products included in the breakfast should be nutritious, but at the same time light. Your body needs carbohydrates and fiber. Therefore, you need vermicellies, fruits, berries, etc. Also should not forget about proteins. They can "get" from low-fat fish or eggs. As for fats, they are in nuts and flaxseed oil.

What is useful to eat for breakfast after awakening

  1. Citrus. These are mandarins, oranges, and so on. They are saturated with ascorbic acid. I will note that citruscoas make the brain work more active.
  2. Berries. This is a blueberry, grapes, and so on. You can, there are them with cottage cheese or create all sorts of desserts.
  3. Chocolate. This product activates endorphins.
  4. Bird and fish. Some believe that such products should not eat after awakening for breakfast. However, if you dare or birds in the morning, then provide your own protein organism. You have a long time will not be desire to eat.
  5. Persimmon, apples and bananas. These fruits contain a considerable amount of pectins, vitamins and other beneficial substances. Therefore, you can easily, stand in the morning a little earlier, quickly collect the fruit salad.
  6. Nuts. For you, pistachio, hazelnut, cashews and other nuts will be very useful. They are peculiar batteries for the body. You can learn about the magnificent dessert from walnuts.
  7. Porridge. If you after waking up to accurate yourself to consume porridge, then your body will receive a considerable amount of fiber and minerals. Your intestine in a short time will get rid of harmful substances. The most useful porridge is buckwheat and Hercules.
  8. Milk products. These include cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, etc. These products contain calcium and vitamins.
  9. Eggs. They must be included in the morning meal. However, keep in mind that the yolk should be semi-fingered. Many prefer and do not ship themselves as a question: "What can be for breakfast?". Such an option believes not the worst.
  10. Fresh vegetables. They perfectly complement dairy and meat breakfasts. Enzymes in vegetables contribute to the timely processing of proteins.
  11. Homemade baking. It is also recommended to cook and pancakes. You can eat them with honey or jam. Rich breakfast guarantees well-being for quite a long time. In addition, he raises the mood.

Some of us are also often wondering about what is treated for breakfast after awakening in other countries. Apparently thinking that they are much more delicious and more good and more useful.

The French in the morning watches never eat cheeses and salads. They prefer cocoa and a small bun. Instead of a bun sometimes consume sandwiches with a jam.

Italians love croissants for breakfast. They prefer them as a drink. Children usually offer milk. Italians are also eating sandwiches with cheese or sausage.

As for the Spaniards, their morning menu includes sandwiches with garlic and tomatoes.

Regarding the Greeks, it can be said that they are amateurs for breakfast puff cake with cheese or spinach.

In our relatives of Russia, raise dishes are consumed for breakfast since a long time. For example, porridge cooked on milk. We usually prefer semolina or Hercules. Someone else's soul scrambled eggs. Many also eat sandwiches with cheese or ham. As beverages, Russians prefer cocoa or coffee.

Ukrainians are akin to us. They love the semolina and Hercules too. Sometimes they can. Some are not averse to breakfast with meat dishes. As drinks, they also prefer coffee or cocoa.

India. Here they love tightly for breakfast. In India, after the "night wanders", they usually consume roasted potatoes, rice noodles, toasts, eggs, as well as sesame.

Japan. IN lately The Japanese are eating after awakening the egg and toast. From drinks they choose tea. I note that some residents of Japan, preserving the facilities to tradition, breakfast rice and fresh vegetables.

Summing up today's lecture I want to tell you one thing, decide what you need to eat for breakfast. The choice is always yours, and choose, as you can see, there is from what.

And for the one who wishes more seriously and in detail to study the question how to eat in the morning I propose to go through the master class from a certomated nutritional doctor. Kruglova Natalia is a member of the National Association of Natologists and Nutriciologists. Over the years, she has been issuing proper nutrition and efficient weight loss.

P.S. I thought here at your leisure an interesting article to write. Not that culinary, but not quite so for a remote topic. I wonder what?! Edible insects! Someone will exclaim: "Wow! Real jam!". OK see you. Come in tomorrow

The main mass of the inhabitants of the Earth in the morning hurry does not have time to eat or eats the usual sandwich. No less often happens that yesterday's residues of evening meal or scrambled eggs with sausage are included in breakfast. Neither in the first nor in the second version there is no benefit in breakfast. However, everyone knows that from full breakfast It depends well-being and normal efficiency throughout the day.

The composition of the useful breakfast

So, what do you need to eat in the morning? Doctors converge in a single opinion that the nutritional breakfast should consist of:

  • orange juice, in which in large quantities contain vitamins and minerals;
  • rye or whole grain bread, which includes the amount of mineral salts necessary for the human body, vitamins in, fiber, carbohydrates and minerals;
  • fruits whose benefits are indisputable. But, remember that in the winter and early spring time on the shelves of supermarkets, you can hardly find something useful. Dried fruits can save the situation: dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins or pear;
  • cheese, which can be safely attributed to the category of amazing products. So much protein and calcium is no longer contained in any milk product;
  • honey - breeding energy. Total 1 Spoon will give strength and protects from stress throughout the day;
  • dairy and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, etc.);
  • egg dishes (boiled or fried eggs);
  • different porridge.

Morning drink can be tea with honey, but no coffee. Tea with honey and lemon is a drink of health and reliable prevention of any viral disease. Do not forget about cocoa. Hot milk in combination with natural bitter cocoa powder can cheer up the body, besides, in such a drink a lot of useful substances.

There is an opinion that if you eat porridge in the morning, you can not eat anything for a day, since there is a lot of calories in it. It should not be afraid of the appearance of extra kilograms in this case, it is better not to remember that porridge is a huge source of energy and useful substances that your body will be provided for the whole day.

Note! It is much more useful to prepare a porridge on your own, rather than resort to the use of fast cooking.

What do not have breakfast

And now let's talk about those products that are not recommended in the morning and even represents some danger.

The breakfast should not include:

  • fat, sharp and salty dishes (such food does not bear any benefit of the digestive organs);
  • coffee and flour products, so they adversely affect the blood sugar level;
  • meat dishes (for their assimilation requires a large amount of energy);
  • corn flakes and muesli;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee can lead to irritation of the stomach and the development of peptic ulcer.

Chips, fast food, as well as porridge and fast food soup are very harmful, as they contain fragrances and preservatives in large numbers. This is many people know.

But far from everyone knows that it is not necessary to get carried away by using cornflakes and muesli for breakfast. Of course, a handful of cornflakes or muesli is very comfortable to pour into milk and think that you make contribution to your health and weight loss. In fact, such fast breakfasts contain a large amount of refined fats, sugar and synthetic additives. If you can not deny yourself this pleasure, choose a product without sugar with the least amount of additives.

Note! Frequent use of cornflakes and muesli can lead to weight gain, as such a very caloriene breakfast.

The use of bananas provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases, as in this case, magnesium and potassium are in the body in an unbalanced form.

Note! Soluble coffee is undesirable to use. The benefit of a soluble drinking coffee is questioned, it, according to scientists, can not even be called the word "coffee". Natural coffee, on the contrary, is rich in flavonoids, minerals, antioxidants and other useful substances.

Every parent since childhood is trying to explain to his freight with a simple truth: it is possible to grow big and strong only subject to good nutrition. However, adults themselves for some reason make themselves forget that the right and rational food is a guarantee of health.


Look at this video material to find out what breakfast is good for health:


Rules of useful breakfast

The morning meal is rightfully considered the most important, since it is it charges the energy for the whole day. Delicious and useful breakfast improves the mood, improves performance and allows you to prepare for the upcoming day in a relaxed atmosphere. But what to do, if there is no way in the morning? Simple recommendations will help to cope with this problem:

  1. To fill the glycogen in the liver, you need to have breakfast for an hour after awakening. But it should not right from bed run into the kitchen - the body needs time to wake up. In order for the first sense of hunger, it is not bad to charge and take a cool shower.
  2. After waking, it is recommended to drink a glass of filtered room temperature water, which will prepare the stomach to the first reception. To purified water, you can add a mineral milling with a large content of magnesium, the useful anti-stress trace element.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, breakfast should not be too dense. Overeating causes a sense of drowsiness. Better part of the first meal move to Lunch. If it is not possible to eat a second breakfast, you can replace it with nuts or dried fruits.
  4. It must be remembered that the carbohydrate breakfast is useful to people of mental labor, and protein, first of all, is needed to those who work physically.
  5. You need to eat delicious and varied. The absence of appetite in the morning is not at all surprising, if for breakfast every day there is the same thing.

Dietitian Kovalka about a useful breakfast

Options of protein breakfast

Protein products are better saturated and accelerated metabolism in the body. They are rich in calcium, vitamins and trace elements. People who prefer such a breakfast variant are not prone to overeating during the day. In addition, the protein is the main building material for muscles, hair and nails.

Omelet or scrambled eggs

Scientists have proven that cholesterol contained in the egg yolk is not at all dangerous. Its deposit is hampered by lecithin and choline - substances, also included in this useful product. A cooked of 2-3 eggs dish is better to combine with vegetables, for example, with tomatoes or bell pepper. Such breakfast will enrich the body with a protein for a whole morning.


It's no secret to anyone, which is useful for breakfast yogurt. Only without sugar, dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives. Thanks to the content of beneficial fungi and lactobacilli, this product normalizes the work of the intestine and allows you to stabilize the metabolism in the body. It is very easy to cook it at home: in a special yogurney, a slow cooker or in the usual thermos. In natural yogurt, you can add any fillers: syrups, fresh fruits, nuts, oatmeal.

Cottage cheese

In order not to load the pancreas in the morning too heavy food, it is better to use cottage cheese 5-9% fat. It should not be preferred by a degreased product, because for the normal assimilation of calcium, the body needs simultaneous consumption of fats. Sweet tooths can pamper themselves with cottage cheese with berries or fruits with adding a spoon of honey or jam. Lovers of salted food will like cottage cheese with sour cream and greens. Beautiful breakfast will be cheese or useful casserole.

Variants of carbohydrate breakfast

Carbohydrate products are necessary for the active work of the brain. But not all of them are suitable for useful breakfast. Simple carbohydrates (cookies, white bread, cornflakes) are quickly absorbed. Finding into the blood, they are immediately converted to sugar. Insulin produced by the pancreas removes it, turning into fat. The blood sugar level falls, a feeling of hunger and fatigue appears. Complex carbohydrates are absorbed longer, therefore are an excellent energy supplier for a whole morning.


First of all, complex carbohydrates include cereals. That is why several times a week for breakfast is helpful there are cereals. It is better to choose oatmeal, buckwheat, millet or barley. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements, as well as the necessary fiber. Whole grain porridge will provide energy for several hours, and coarse fibers will help the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. It should be remembered that the semolina and white rice belong to simple carbohydrates. Their consumption will cause drowsiness, and soon the next attack of hunger. Porridge is recommended to boil on water or low-fat milk. You can add to the taste of pumpkin, dried fruits, nuts and honey.


This useful mixture will give a charge of cheerfulness for a whole day. Thanks to the content of a large number of unsecured fiber, such a breakfast is ideal for people with overweight. The body will spend a lot of energy in an attempt to recycle coarse fibers, thereby burning calories. There are often many sugar and artificial additives in the shopping muesli. Therefore, it is better to prepare such a mixture yourself. Useful muesli must contain untreated oatmeal, unjected whole grain grains, nuts and dried fruits. You can fill the mixture with low-fat milk or yogurt.

Whole grain bread sandwiches

Few know that it is useful to eat sandwiches for breakfast. Only not white bread with sausage and cheese. They contain simple carbohydrates, preservatives and harmful cholesterol. Such morning meal is only awakening appetite, and in an hour or another there is even more. If the time for breakfast is very small, you can eat sandwiches from whole grain bread with pieces of boiled chicken breast or fish. Instead of oil it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese with greens, add fresh vegetables and lettuce leaves. Useful sandwich can be eaten as a second breakfast, capturing him with me anywhere. By the way, grain bread is an excellent source of fiber and group B vitamins required for beauty and hair health.

Whole grain pancakes

When, if not in the morning, you can please yourself with calorie pancakes without prejudice to the figure? You can not worry about the weight gain - the calories obtained are burned in the day. It is only more useful to prepare them not from wheat flour of the highest grade, but from whole grain, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. Bake such pancakes is better in a frying pan with a non-stick coating without adding oil. They will become an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and create a feeling of satiety for a long time.

A good mood, high performance and a sense of vigor for a whole day dependely from the food consumed in the morning. Breakfast will not take much time, and the health benefits will bring colossal. Start your day correctly!

Useful breakfast sets a mood for the body for the whole day. However, the incorrectly selected menu can cause the body to feel stress, and the regular absence of breakfast in the morning leads to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The importance and rules of the useful breakfast

To understand whether to have breakfast in the morning, it is enough to know how useful it is for the body:

  1. The right breakfast starts the work of the digestive system, so the food taken during the day will be faster to assimilate, which contributes to weight loss.
  2. The risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.
  3. If you eat in the morning by the fact that it is useful for the body, you can not be afraid of premature aging of the skin.
  4. Having received nutrients in the morning, the brain will work more efficiently, which will affect performance and mood.

In order to decide what is for breakfast, it is recommended to follow easy rules:

  1. The menu needs to be in advance, and every evening to harvest either dishes for breakfast or products for its preparation.
  2. Do not miss breakfast.
  3. Immediately after waking, it is recommended to drink a glass of drinking water or water with lemon juice and honey.

What is useful to eat for breakfast

When drawing up a list, which is useful to eat for breakfast, nutritionists are based on the composition of the product, its calorieness and nutritionality.

Porridge is considered the most useful food in the morning. Groats are rich in fiber, vitamins and proteins. They are digested for a long time, because a person does not feel hunger before lunch. Packs in packages, the preparation of which takes 2-5 minutes is not useful, since flakes were created from cereals without a grain shell, which contains fiber. In porridge you can add berries, fruits, nuts, and it is boiled on both milk and water.

No less useful product is the cottage cheese. The use of cottage cheese regulates the operation of the digestive tract, which allows during the day without injury to use fatty or acute food. Berries and nuts can be added to the curd.

Despite the fact that the fruits contain many useful substances, they are little suitable for breakfast due to their fast digestibility. If you eat only fruit in the morning, the feeling of hunger will appear in a few hours. However, they need and can be used as an additive to the main dish, for example, with a sandwich or cottage cheese, you can eat an apple.

Sandwiches can also be useful for breakfast, but only if they are prepared from rye or whole grain bread, which is useful than white bread, which is long digested and does not benefit the body. Fat foods, mayonnaise and ketchup as a stuffing sandwich is better not to choose, but instead take vegetables, fermented milk products or honey.

Also useful products for breakfast are considered:

  • sour cream;
  • natural yogurts;
  • dried fruits;
  • non-fat meat;
  • greens.

What to drink for breakfast

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices for breakfast give the body a stock of vitamins and trace elements, so that there is a tide of strength and vigor during the day. Orange juice is considered to be most useful, but it is undesirable to drink on an empty stomach.

Coffee for breakfast can be used, but only natural, and not soluble caffery-containing product. Coffee must be boiled in the Turk, then this drink will not only be invalid, but also useful. This also applies to cocoa.

Equal milk products, such as milk, kefir, drinking yogurt, you can drink without restrictions for breakfast.

Sample breakfast menu for a week

If it is difficult to come up with something to eat for breakfast, the table of the approximate menu is provided for a week. Drinks can choose any of those helpful.

Day Products Recipe
Monday Fruits or dried fruits, sour cream or yogurt. Sliced \u200b\u200bfruit pieces are refilled by sour cream or yogurt and mixed. Salat needs to be broken for 15-20 minutes. Fruits for breakfast enrich the body with vitamins and microelements.
Tuesday Groats (wheat, rice, semolina, corn, buckwheat), milk or water. You can cook porridge both in a slow cooker and in a saucepan. Crupe must be pouring with milk or water in a ratio of 1: 3 and put cooking.
Wednesday Cottage cheese, eggs, flour, fruit (to taste). 2 eggs are added to 300 g of cottage cheese, the resulting mass is taken. Gradually, flour sweeps to the test. After the acquisition with a tight consistency, it is divided into round flat parts - future cheesecakes. To fry them is undesirable, it is better to put in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of + 180 ° C.
Thursday 2-3 eggs. In people suffering from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the chicken egg yolk can cause an aggravation, because it is recommended to eat only protein. Eggs are drunk 6-8 minutes in water, after which the dish can be salted or delivered by greens.
Friday Rye bread, cottage cheese, greens and berries (to taste). Green is finely cut and mixed with cottage cheese, after which the mass is smeared into pieces of bread. Before use, you can decorate the sandwich berries.
Saturday Cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, salad leaf, apple, lemon juice. All products are finely cut and stirred. You can season such a salad with sour cream or yogurt, then add some lemon juice.
Sunday Bread (rye or whole genera), sour cream, cheese, honey, cucumbers and tomatoes. Slices of bread are divided into two parts: one will become sweet sandwiches, and others - vegetable. For the first it is necessary to mix sour cream and honey and smear this stuffing sandwich. Sliced \u200b\u200bcheese, thin rings of cucumbers and tomatoes are put on the remaining bread, after which they are covered with cheese and bread. Before use, you can put in a microwave to melt cheese.

People on a diet are wondering if it is possible to have cottage cheese for breakfast if it contains a lot of fats. Cottage cheese low-fat or low fat content is also useful as homemade cottage cheese, but contains less calories.

Morning products

Useful breakfasts can be spoiled by the following products:

  1. Juices in packs. They contain a lot of sugar and simple carbohydrates.
  2. Fast cooking cereals, sweet balls for breakfast. Caloric products, but do not benefit the body.
  3. Sausage, sausages. They have little meat, but there are fat and soy products.
  4. Fat pastries.
  5. Chocolate bars, curd cheese.
  6. Chips and Fast Food.
  7. Instant coffee.
  8. Black sturdy tea.
  9. Carbonated drinks.

Need to remember: best breakfast - The one that likes and benefits.

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