
Calculate the interest ratio online. How to calculate the percentage of the amount of numbers in Excel

One percentage is a hundredth part of the number. This concept is used when it is necessary to designate the attitude of the share to the whole. In addition, in percentage, you can compare several quantities, and necessarily indicating relative which interest is calculated. For example, expenses above income by 10% or the price of railway tickets increased by 15% compared to the tariffs of last year. The number of percent above 100 means that the proportion exceeds the whole, as often happens with statistical calculations.

The percentage as a financial concept is a fee, a borrower to the lender for providing temporary money. In business, there is an expression "work percentage". In this case, it is understood that the amount of remuneration depends on profits or turnover (commission). Do without calculating interest is impossible in accounting, business, banking business. To simplify the calculations, a percent online calculator is developed.

Calculator allows you to calculate:

  • Percentage of specified value.
  • Percentage of sum (actual salary tax).
  • Percentage of difference (VAT from).
  • And much more...

When solving tasks on the percent calculator, you need to operate with three values, one of which is unknown (according to the specified parameters the variable is calculated). The calculation script should be chosen based on the specified conditions.

Examples of calculations

1. Calculation of percent of the number

To find a number of 25% of 1,000 rubles, you need:

  • 1 000 × 25/100 \u003d 250 rubles.
  • Or 1 000 × 0.25 \u003d 250 rubles.

To calculate on a conventional calculator, you need to be 1,000 to multiply by 25 and press the% button.

2. Determination of an integer (100%)

We know that 250 rubles. It is 25% of some number. How to calculate it?

Let's make a simple proportion:

  • 250 rubles. - 25%
  • Y rub. - 100 %
  • Y \u003d 250 × 100/25 \u003d 1 000 rub.

3. Percentage between two numbers

Suppose profit of 800 rubles, and got 1,040 rubles. What is the percentage of exceeding?

The proportion will be like this:

  • 800 rub. - 100 %
  • 1 040 rub. - y%
  • Y \u003d 1 040 × 100/800 \u003d 130%

Out fulfillment of the profit plan - 30%, that is, the execution is 130%.

4. Calculation is not 100%

For example, 100% of buyers come to the store consisting of three departments. In the grocery department - 800 people (67%), in the department of household chemicals - 55. What percentage of customers comes to the household chemical department?


  • 800 visitors - 67%
  • 55 visitors - y%
  • Y \u003d 55 × 67/800 \u003d 4.6%

5. How much percent one number is less than another

The price of goods fell from 2,000 to 1 200 rubles. How much percent has fallen in price or how much percent 1,200 less than 2,000?

  • 2 000 - 100 %
  • 1 200 - y%
  • Y \u003d 1 200 × 100/2 000 \u003d 60% (60% to digit 1 200 from 2 000)
  • 100% - 60% \u003d 40% (number 1 200 less than 2,000 by 40%)

6. For how many percent one number more than another

The salary rose from 5,000 to 7,500 rubles. How much percent increased salary? How much percent is 7,500 more than 5 000?

  • 5 000 rubles. - 100 %
  • 7 500 rubles. - y%
  • Y \u003d 7 500 × 100/5 000 \u003d 150% (in digital 7 500 150% of 5,000)
  • 150% - 100% \u003d 50% (number 7 500 more than 5,000 by 50%)

7. Increasing the number to a certain percentage

Product price s above 1 000 rub. by 27%. What is the price of goods?

  • 1 000 rub. - 100 %
  • S - 100% + 27%
  • S \u003d 1 000 × (100 + 27) / 100 \u003d 1 270 rub.

An online calculator makes calculations much easier: you need to choose the form of the calculation, enter the number and percentage (in the case of calculating the percentage - the second number), specify the accuracy of the calculation and give the command about the start of actions.

Rule. To find percentage Two numbers, you need to divide one number to another, and the result is multiplied by 100.

For example, calculate how many percent is the number 52 from the number 400.

According to Rule: 52: 400 * 100 - 13 (%).

Typically, such relationships are found in tasks, when the values \u200b\u200bare specified, and you need to determine how much percent the second value is greater or less (in the question of the problem: how much percent exceeded the task; how many percentaged work; how much percentage decreased or the price and T . d.).

Solving tasks for the percentage of two numbers rarely assume only one action. A cup of such tasks consists of 2-3 actions.


1. The plant was supposed to produce 1,200 products for a month, and produced 2,300 products. How much percent of the plant exceeded the plan?

1st option
1,200 products are a plant plan, or 100% plan.
1) How many products made a plant over ...

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Simple tasks

In order to correctly hold ...

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The comparative characteristic of two values, showing how much one of them differs from the other, is called their ratio. If one of the compared values \u200b\u200b(or their sum) is taken equal to one hundred percents, then the differences between values \u200b\u200bcan also be expressed as a percentage. Such a comparison will be called the percentage ratio.

How to calculate the percentage ratio

Word the task according to logic if you are not specified exact wording. For example, if there is a test result (80 of the correct answers and 20 incorrect), then for 100 percent, the sum of known values \u200b\u200bshould be taken (80 + 20 \u003d 100). Based on this, you can determine interest ratio Two values \u200b\u200bas 80% to 20%. And if, under the conditions of the task, the number of correct answers (80) and the number of questions (100) is known, then for 100 percent one of the known quantities should be taken, and not their sum. Having determined which magnitude should be considered one hundred percent ...

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Thanks to online calculator You have the opportunity to quickly calculate the percentage ratio of several numbers. To start a mathematical operation, you will need to know only two numbers. Actually, between them will be calculated by the percentage. After you click on the special button, the calculation will be completed. As a result, you will receive an answer in the column called "Growth is".

Such an application can be used in the process of solving a fairly wide range of tasks, because it is necessary to calculate how much more than the number is often necessary enough. It can be accounting calculations, and school mathematical tasks, as well as many and more.

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We consider the percentage ratio - an example and formula.

Any modern man Must be able to count well. Of course, today there are special devices that help people produce calculations, but do not forget that the score in the mind at all times was considered the most efficient charge for the mind.

The simplest algorithms of mathematical calculations can be useful to any cultural person. As an example, let's try to calculate the percentage ratio.

Simple tasks

Calculate the interest ratio is necessary in order to show comparative characteristic These values. With this relationship, you can visually see how much one value exceeds the other and is really very comfortable and simple.

It is said that if one of the compared values \u200b\u200bare percent of one hundred percent, the relation between this value and compared (expressed as a percentage) and will be called a percentage ratio.

In order to correctly ...

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Today at modern world Without interest it is impossible to do. Even at school, starting from grade 5, children learn this concept and solve problems with this value. Interest are found in any field of modern structures. Take, for example, banks: the amount of overpayment of the loan depends on the amount specified in the contract; The dimension of profits also affects interest rate. Therefore, it is vital to know what percentage is.

The concept of interest

According to one legend, the percentage appeared due to stupid typo. The photo driver had to set the number 100, but confused and set as follows: 010. This was the reason that the first zero raised a little, and the second dropped. The unit has turned into a reverse slash. Such manipulations served as a percent sign. Of course, there are other legends about the origin of this magnitude.

The interests of the Indians knew back in the V century. In Europe, the decimal fractions with which our concept is closely interrelated, appeared after Millennium ....

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The ratio of two any numbers X and Y is their private, that is, the fraction of the species X / Y. The percentage ratio of such numbers is the private, multiplied by 100.

History of concept

The percentage comes from the Latin expression "Pro Cento", which means "on a hundred". In mathematics, the percentage is a hundredth part of the number. The expression of parts from the whole was relevant in antique times when people first began to use the fractions. In ancient Egypt, the so-called Egyptian fractions were widely popular, which were the sum of several different fractions that necessarily contain in the numerator. For example, the expression 13/84 Egyptian mathematicians would express in the form of 1/12 + 1/14 sum. However, 1/100 - the most convenient way Express parts of the number.

Interest originated in ancient Rome, long before the emergence of the Arab system of numbers. Many domestic issues, like the measure of goods or the amount of tax, were defined as a hundredth part of the whole. In Russia, such calculations ...

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Percentage calculation - a simple mathematical operation that is often found in everyday life. For example, you need to count how much people saves, using discount card Shop or buying goods on a discount with a discount, under what percentage takes a loan. Interest can be calculated using a calculator or proportion, the formula for calculating percent and knowledge of elementary known ratios is useful.

What is the percentage of the number

The calculation of interest in the school program is studied class in the 5th, if not earlier. According to the definition, the percentage is one hundredth of the number. The term appeared in ancient Rome and literally translates as "from one hundred." Initially, the idea of \u200b\u200bcalculating interest originated in Babylon. In parallel, in ancient India learned to consider interest with the help of proportion.

In order to find the percentage of the number, this number must be divided into 100. It is obvious that 1% of 100 is equal to one.

The ratio of two any numbers X and Y is their private, that is, the fraction of the species X / Y. The percentage ratio of such numbers is the private, multiplied by 100.

History of concept

The percentage comes from the Latin expression "Pro Cento", which means "on a hundred". In mathematics, the percentage is a hundredth part of the number. The expression of parts from the whole was relevant in antique times when people first began to use the fractions. In ancient Egypt, the so-called Egyptian fractions were widely popular, which were the sum of several different fractions that necessarily contain in the numerator. For example, the expression 13/84 Egyptian mathematicians would express in the form of 1/12 + 1/14 sum. However, 1/100 is the most convenient way to express parts of the number.

Percentages originated in, long before the occurrence. Many domestic issues, like the measure of goods or the amount of tax, were defined as a hundredth part of the whole. In Russia, such calculations were introduced much later by Peter first, because the Russian system of measures used the number, not a multiple hundred. Interest is still actively used in real life and occupy an important place in many areas of activity.

What is the percentage

So, this is one hundredth of something. If we have 100 apples, then 5 fruits of them are five parts from hundreds or 5%. If we have 200 peaches, then 23% of them mean 23 parts of 2 fruits each or 46 peaches. Obviously, these indicators can be expressed in the form of ordinary fractions. In the case of apples, we will get a shot 5/100 \u003d 5%, and in situations with peaches - 46/200 \u003d 23%. Using this equation, we can find the percentage ratio of two numbers. And not only.

The percentage ratio of two numbers

The percentage is the ratio of two numbers translated into the decimal fraction and multiplied by 100. In mathematical record, it looks like this:

m / n × 100 \u003d p,

where M is the size of the part, n - the size of the whole, P is the percentage.

Knowing two of three parameters, we can easily define the third one. Our calculator uses this expression to search for a percentage, a whole or part of the number. Accordingly, the program is indicated as a numerator, as a denominator, and the percentage remains percentage. In practice, it looks like this.

Examples of percent calculation

Suppose we have 200 kg of sugar. We want to find out:

  • how much sugar must be shipped if it is required to put 37% of the initial mass;
  • 3 kg of sugar wake up, and you need to specify the percentage of lost product.

So, in the first task, we already know the percentage p \u003d 37, as well as the size of the whole part n \u003d 200. We have a denominator and percentage, and it is required to find a numerator. To do this, select the "Calculate Numerator" option in the calculator menu and enter percent and denominator parameters. In response, we get 74 kg.

In the second task, we again have the value of the whole (denominator, equal to 200), as well as the size of the part (the numerator equal to 3). To solve the task, you need to determine the percentage. To do this, select "Calculate the percentage" in the program menu, we enter the corresponding values \u200b\u200band see the instantaneous result in the form of 2%.

There is a third task. Suppose we do not know how much sugar was originally, but we want to find out. We know that 56 kg is 18% of the initial volume. Now we need to find an integer or denominator. Select the corresponding calculator point and enter known parameters, that is, the percentage and numerator. Thus, initially in the warehouse there were 311 kg of sugar.

The percentage difference between numbers

Our calculator also allows you to determine the percentage difference between numbers. To calculate this parameter, a simple formula is used:

(a - b) / (0.5 × (a + b)) × 100%.

If you are for solving practical tasks It is required to calculate the percentage difference between the two values, it is enough to select the desired item in the Calculator menu and calculate the desired indicator.


Suppose, for the first month of work you received a net profit of $ 500, and in the second - $ 650. Let's find out how much interest has changed your past month. To do this, select the "Difference percentage" calculator type in the program menu and enter the specified profit indicators. In this case, it doesn't matter what of the cells you will have a number, since the difference in any case will be the same. As a result, we will receive an answer - the profit has changed by 26%. In our case, it has increased.


Interest occupy an important place in our lives - the calculation of these parameters is necessary in virtually any human activity: from promoting sites to calculation technological processes. Use our calculators in their activities - programs will use you both in school and at work.

Private two numbers call relation These numbers.
Thus, with the help of letters, the ratio of numbers a and b is recorded, and, and the previous member, B is a subsequent member. (Reminder: fractional feature means a sign of division).

Rule. To find the percentage of two numbers, you need one number to divide to another, and the result is multiplied by 100.
For example, calculate how many percent is the number 52 from the number 400.
According to Rule: 52: 400 × 100 - 13 (%).
Typically, such relationships are found in tasks, when the values \u200b\u200bare specified, and you need to determine how much percent the second value is greater or less (in the question of the problem: how much percent exceeded the task; how many percentaged work; how much percentage decreased or the price and T . d.).
Solving tasks for the percentage of two numbers rarely assume only one action. A cup of such tasks consists of 2-3 actions.

Task 1.
The plant was supposed to produce 1,200 products for a month, and manufactured 2,300 products. How much percent of the plant exceeded the plan?
1st option
1,200 products are a plant plan, or 100% plan.
1) How many products made a plant over plan?

2 300 - 1 200 \u003d 1 100 (ed.)
2) How many percent of the plan will be superplanted products?
1,100 from 1 200 \u003d\u003e 1 100: 1 200 × 100 \u003d 91.7 (%).

2nd option
1) How many percent is the actual issue of products compared to the planned?
2 300 from 1 200 \u003d\u003e 2 300: 1 200 × 100 \u003d 191.7 (%).
2) How much percent is exceeded the plan?
191,7 - 100 = 91,7 (%)
Answer: 91.7%.

Task 2.
We must plow the field of the field in 500 hectares. 150 hectares plowed on the first day. How many percent is a plowed plot from the entire site?
To answer the question of the task, it is necessary to find the attitude (private) plowed part of the site to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site and express its relationship as a percentage:
150/500 = 3/10 = 0,3 = 30 %
Thus, we found a percentage, that is, how many percent one number (150) is from another number (500).

Task 3.
The worker made per shift 45 parts instead of 36 by plan. How many percent actual production is from the planned?
To answer the question of the task, it is necessary to find the ratio (private) number 45 to 36 and express it as a percentage:
45: 36 = 1,25 = 125 %.

Task 4.
In soy seeds contain 20% oil. How many oil is contained in 700 kg of soy?
The task requires to find the specified part (20%) from the known value (700 kg). Such tasks can be solved by the way to bring to one. The basic value of the value is 700 kg. We can take it for a conditional unit. And the conditional unit is 100%. Since proportional dependence Direct brief conditional conditions can be written as follows:

We will prepare the proportion and find an unknown member of the proportion:

Answer: 140kg.

Finding a number by its percentage.
Task 1.
The raw cotton obtains 24% fiber. How much do you need to take raw cotton to get 480 kg of fiber?
480 kg of fibers are 24% of some mass of raw cotton, which we will take for x kg. We assume that X kg is 100%. Now briefly the condition of the task can be written as follows:

Answer: 2000kg \u003d 2t.
This task can be solved otherwise.
If, in the condition of this problem, instead of 24%, to write an equal number 0.24 equal to it, then we obtain the task of finding a number according to its known part (fracted). And such tasks are solved by division. From here it follows another solution:
1) 24% \u003d 0.24; 2) 480: 0.24 \u003d 2000 (kg) \u003d 2 (T).
To find a number according to its interest, it is necessary to express interest in the form of a fraction and solve the task to find the number on this fraction.

Questions to the abstract

In the garden, 5 bushes of yellow roses are growing. This is 25% of all roses in the garden. How many rose bushes in the garden?

Give the attitude towards natural numbers:

To get to the recreation center, the tourist drove 80km, which is 40% of the total path. What distance left to drive to get to the base?

An anonymous number A 56% less than a number in, which is 2.2 times less than the number of C. What is the percentage of the number with relative to the number e? Nmitra a \u003d b - 0,56 ⋅ b \u003d b ⋅ (1 - 0.56) \u003d 0.44 ⋅ bb \u003d A: 0.44 C \u003d 2.2 ⋅ B \u003d 2.2 ⋅ A: 0,44 \u003d 5 ⋅ AC 5 times more AC per 400% more A anonymous help. In 2001, revenues increased compared with 2000 by 2 percent, although planned 2 times. How much percent is undervalued the plan? Nmitra a - 2000 year b - 2001 b \u003d a + 0.02a \u003d a ⋅ (1 + 0.02) \u003d 1.02 ⋅ A b \u003d 2 ⋅ A (plan) 2 - 100% 1.02 - x% x \u003d 1.02 ⋅ 100: 2 \u003d 51% (plan) 100 - 51 \u003d 49% (no plan) anonymous help answer the question. Watermelon contains 99% humidity, but after drying (put on the sun for several days) the humidity is 98%. How much will the weight of the watermelon change after drying? If you calculate mathematical means, it turns out that I have a watermelon completely. For example: when weighing 20 kg, water is 99% of the mass, that is, the dry weight is 1% \u003d 0.2 kg. Here the watermelon loses fluid, and consists of 98%, therefore, the dry weight is 2%. But the dry weight cannot change due to water loss, so it is as before 0.2 kg. 2% \u003d 0.2 \u003d\u003e 100% \u003d 10 kg. Anonymous Tell me, please, how to calculate the percentage itself in the range of 2 values? Say, what percentage in the number 37 in the range of values \u200b\u200b22-63? I need a formula for the application, previously solved such tasks in a couple of minutes, and now the brain is oral). Check. Nmitra I have this way: percent \u003d (number - z0) ⋅ 100: (z1-z0) z0 - the initial value of the z1 range is the final value of the range for example, x \u003d (37-22) ⋅ 100: (63-22) \u003d 1500 : 41 \u003d 37% for example below converges

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Anonymous A is the current date B - the beginning of the term C - the end of the term (A-B) ⋅ 100: (C-b) an anonymous table and a chair stand together 650 rubles. After the table has become cheaper by 20%, and the chair is more expensive by 20%, they began to cost 568 rubles. Find the starting price of the table, beginning. Cost of chair. Nmitra Price tables - x Price stool - 0.8x + 1,2Y \u003d 568 0.8x \u003d 568 - 1,2Y x \u003d (568 - 1,2Y): 0.8 \u003d 710 - 1,5Y x + y \u003d 650 y \u003d 650 - xy \u003d 650 - (710 - 1,5y) \u003d -60 + 1,5y y - 1,5y \u003d -60 0,5y \u003d 60 y \u003d 120 x \u003d 710 - 1.5 ⋅ 120 \u003d 530 Anonymous question. On the car park stood passenger and freight cars. A passenger cars are 1.15 times. How many percent of passenger cars are more than freight? Nmitra by 15%. Kesha help please. Already the head has a swollen ... brought the goods to 70,000. Goods are different. 23 species. Of course, purchasing prices are different from 210 rubles. up to 900 rubles. Total consumption for transport, etc. \u003d 28 000 rubles. How do I now consider the cost of these different goods? Quantity 67 pcs. And I want to add 50 percent and sell. How should I calculate the cheat 50% for each type of product? Thank you in advance. Regards, Kesha. Nmitra Suppose, brought 4-re goods (35 rubles, 16 rubles, 18 rubles, 1 rub) total 70 rubles. On transportation costs, etc. Paste 20 rubles. The percentage of each product in the total amount of 70 rubles - 100% 35 rubles - x% x \u003d 35 ⋅ 100: 70 \u003d 50% cost 35 rubles + 10 rub \u003d 45 rubles
35 50% 10 45
16 23% 4,6 20,6
18 26% 5,2 23,2
1 1% 0,2 1,2
70 100% 20 90
Cheat 50% for the cost of 45 rubles - 100% x rubles - 150% x \u003d 45 ⋅ 150: 100 \u003d 45 ⋅ 1,5 \u003d 67.5 rubles
35 50% 10 45 67,5
16 23% 4,6 20,6 30,9
18 26% 5,2 23,2 34,8
1 1% 0,2 1,2 1,8
70 100% 20 90 135
Tigran Hovhannisyan Kesha, there are two ways. The first method is described in the top comment. The second way - take the amount of transport and divide on the quantitative amount of the goods (in your case 67), that is, 28 000: 67 \u003d 417.91 rubles per product. Here is 418 (417.91) Add to the cost of goods (there are many nuances that you can take into account, but in general, everything looks like this). Anonymous and help me, please count. One person gave on the general development of 1 thousand euros, another - 3600. For several months of work, the amount turned out to be 14,500. How to divide ??? To whom how much)) I'm not a mathematician, explained simply. The amount from the initial rose three times with the tail. It is easy to count: 14 500 divide on 4600, we get 3,152. This is the number to which you need to multiply the attached amount: 1 thousand - 3 152 3600 multiply on 3,152 \u003d 11 347 everything is simple) without any formula. Nmitra is true to think! 100% - 1000 + 3600 x% - 1000 x \u003d 1000 ⋅ 100: 4600 \u003d 21,73913% (percentage in the initial capital of the one who gave 1000 €) 100% - 14500 21,73913% - x x \u003d 14500 ⋅ 21,73913: 100 \u003d 3152.17 € (one who gave 1000 €) 14500 - 3152,17 \u003d 11347,83 € (one who gave 3600 €)

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