
House with lions in Ermolaevsky Lane. House with lions in Ermolaevsky Lane - Modern Classic

"House with lions", Ermolaevsky Lane House 9.

The first name of the house at the beginning of construction in 1939-1940 "Residential House of the Higher Commostav", a new name "Residential House of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces" was completed after the war in 1945-1946 by architects of the MM.M. Jisco and Nikolai Ivanovich Gaigarov. Full name M.M. Dzitko did not find, only initials. And this, by the way, the identified object cultural heritage. The project also took the participation of M.L. Kaganovich, N.A. Skartinskaya and engineer MA Lavrov. There is an opinion that Ivan Vladislavovich Zholevsky supervised the project.

By the way, Ermolaevsky lane since 1961 to 1994, was called Zoltovsky Street.

This is what Sergei Konstantinovich Romanyuk writes in the book "From the history of Moscow lanes." Maybe the most noticeable building from the surrounding pond is the house number 9, which the famous architect F. Novikov said that this is "manifestation of false monumentality, genuine meshness in architecture." It will not stand out from afar, not in the measure of large columns and lions, in the past century, we decorated almost every estate, noble or the one that I wanted to seem. However, this house was not built in the last century, but in 1944 - 1945 for generals. Apartments There consisted of such rooms: front, hall, living room, cabinet, toilet, corridor, children's, bedroom, dining room, front kitchen, housekeeper room, kitchen, storage room, restroom.

In the house six apartments of middle square about 200 square meters Each. To learn another list of the first residents of these apartments. Those who managed to learn: Konstantin Andreevich Vershinin - Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and the main marshal of the USSR Aviation, Algis Mazisovich Jurajtis - Conductor of the Bolshoi Theater, Elena Vasilyevna Executiveova - Metzo-Soprano and People's Artist, Mikhail Sergeevich Malinin - General Army, his wife Nadezhda Grigorievna Grekova - Political and State Worker of the BSSR, Ivan Egorovich Shavrov - General of the Army.

Sculptures did V.A. Lviv (amazingly - Lviv did Lviv), Bordereflates L.A. Cardinsky, stucco works D.M. Nikulin. The painting on the plaffones did artists Lion Aleksandrovich Bruni, Vladimir Andreevich Favorsky, Georgy Aleksandrovich Eyeist, Dora Volkovna Brodskaya, S.S.prusov.

Dora Wolkovna Brodskaya was his wife Nikolai Ivanovich Gaigarov since her studies at the Graphic Faculty of Vhowemas, and this is 1927-1928.

In the magazine "Our Heritage" in rooms 43-44 for 1997, released for the 850th anniversary of Moscow, there is an article by Yuri Nikolayevich Gayigarova "Double portrait on the background of the city", telling ... about two extraordinarily talented people who studied, lived and worked in Moscow and largely devoted their creativity to the beloved city, artist Dore Brodskaya and architect Nikolae Gaigarov. A touching story.

Curious memories of this pair left the writer Vladimir Aleksandrovich Possov in the book "Stories of Old Arbat" ...is he(Gaigarov) Then he was the chief architect of the military project - he was impossible to be luxurious three-room apartment In the house designed by him for the highest commander on the Smolensk Embankment(We are talking about house 5/13 on the Smolensk Embankment, a residential building for general composition). The building of the Smolensk Embankment was developed in 1955 by architects B. G. Burchin, M. M. Lerman and N. I. Gaigarov.

Nikolay Ivanovich Gaigarov in 1931 graduated from the Supreme Architecture and Construction Institute. Gaigarov in collaboration built in Moscow CSKA swimming pool in 1955 and the building of the Central Museum of Armed Forces in 1965. Nikolay Ivanovich in 1964 became the Honored Architect of the RSFSR.

Curious information emphasized the interview with Marusi Gorina with the architect Evgeny Viktorovich Ass. ... But this gate, which with lions. These lions, in fact, were dedicated to Lerl Vladimirovich Rudnev, in any case, from architects, the authors of this house, which I knew personally, Mikhail Ivanovich Jiazko and Nikolai Ivanovich Gaigarov: they argued that these lions they set themselves to perpetuate the memory of Lion Vladimirovich Rudnev.

But everywhere the initials at Zisko M.M. And here Mikhail Ivanovich. Yes, and writing the surname varies Jisco and Jiazko. Unfortunately, Marusi Gorina has a number of inaccuracies, such as ... In our house there were well-known military chiefs - Shtyumenko, Malinin, Grechko. I don't know Shtyumenko, and no one knows him, General Army General Sergey Matveyevich Shtemenko, during the war, head of operational management of the General Staff. Yes, and Sergey Matveyevich never lived in a house with lions, but lived in the house, which is in my photo in his rear, in a middle, leaving the facade in the garden. There's a memorable board there.

P.S. Somewhat later

House Ivan Kuznetsova on meat Built in neoclassicism style and is one of the most beautiful houses of Moscow.
The structure is decorated in gray tones. The entrance is a sculpture of a lion with a coat of arms in the paws. Bas reliefs in the form of semi-nailed figures are stylized under antiquity. In the center of the structure issued a major arch. A statue of Mercury appeared over the northern facade - the god trade.

In the perimeter of the building of the Patriarch Pond
attention is drawn to the house, resembling the appearance of the old nobility estate, but increased, grotesk proportions. With mighty columns of a giant Corinthian order, stretching at the height of three floors, and two pairs of powerful lions on high couches, flanking gates on both sides of the building. And it was not built in the XIX century, but in the middle of the twentieth, at the very end of the Great Patriotic War.
This apartment house It was built in 1944-1945 by architects M. M. Zisko and N. I. Gaigarov (workshop I. V. Zholtovsky) for the Soviet military leaders, as recognition of their merit in the defeat of the enemy and a gift to the winners. The building has two established names: "House with lions" and "General House for Patriarchals". It is believed that earlier in this possession stood an emergency mansion with a column portist and lions, which allegedly inspired the authors of the project. The processing of facades "Houses with Lions" also has a remote similarity with the finish of the neighboring neoclassical building, built in 1911 for Prince A. D. Sidamon-Eristov architect V. A. Great and since the 1930s on the balance sheet of the People's Commissariat (Ministry) of Defense.
In the "House with Lions" there were wonderful multi-room apartments with halls, housekeeping rooms, pantry.
Currently, "House with Lions" stands on state protection, as an object of cultural heritage regional importance.

Street Small Milkovka House 8 Building 1. Even in pre-revolutionary Moscow, a small silence was often called "Street, where the house with lions."
Former profitable house Gordon. Built in 1913-1914 in the style of Modern architects Ivan Gavrilovich Kondratenko, Semyon Alexandrovich Doroshenko and Vasily Nikanovich Volokitin.
In this house in 1917-1918 on the fifth floor in the apartment 19 (though I do not know how old the apartment numbering corresponds to today's) Writer Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy and his wife Natalia Vasilyevna Krandiyevskaya-Tolstaya, Visiting His poets of Klyuev and Yesenin.
Marina Tsvetaeva came here and Sergey Efron to their familiar, actress of the chamber theater, Maria Kuznetsova (Grineva). Greenieva in the "Memoirs about Marina Tsvetaeva"
I lived in the apartment 25 Poet Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin.
Yes, lions in soviet time They had an interesting cinematic fate. They starred in the films "Officers", "Twelve Chairs", "Girl Without Address." But that the lions are also visible in the film "End of the Operation" Resident ", Nobody remembered from Mos Mosmounds. Coming the gap.

The undoubted decoration of the street of Ostozhenka is the house of Leo Kekushev. This gothic mansion is considered from the admirers of Mikhail Bulgakov "mansion of Margarita", or rather - one of the most likely "applicants" on this glorious role ... For myself, I decided to tell about all these applicants and, I must say that Kekushev's mansion on a downtown is the most likely From the point of view of his mysteriousness, romance and compliance with the description of a number of specific features in the Master's novel. Let's see how and under what circumstances this mansion appeared on the map of Moscow, and consider some details related to the name Margarita in this immortal novel.

Pyatnitskaya, 64. "House with lions" - Mansion Rekk
Wilhelmina (Minna) Ivanovna Rekk, the wife of the famous entrepreneur and the founder of one of the largest in pre-revolutionary Russia of house-building firms Ya.A. The river, ordered the construction of the house, which was erected in 1897. This mansion is located on Pyatnitskaya Street, 64. This building is known as "House with Lions".
In fact, the construction of the house was started by I.G. Markova, who had previously been the owner of the manor. But even at the beginning of the construction works, Wilhelmina Rekk bought it at the former mistress, and the building project was subjected to (at the request of new owners) substantial alteration. The author of the new project remained the former - Sergey Vladimirovich Sherwood, the son of the famous architect V.I. Sherwood.
The construction of the mansion was completed in 1897.

November 7th, 2014, 05:57 pm

On my route "Dear Unclean Force", based on the work of Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", I often had to deal with the guards of Moscow houses and streets in the form of sculptures of Lviv, as well as Griffonov, Gargons and other mystical animals.

Therefore, the presence of lion's guards and the presence of dark spirits and devils on the streets of Moscow will become the continuation of my mystical theme.
The compilation of the map of lion's places, and their visit, perfectly complement the image of mystical Moscow, and as they speak in the people - it is better to see once than hear a hundred times ...

The biggest lions in Moscow appeared in 2005, at the christ of Christ the Savior. And again, A. Mukhukhnikov became the author of the current sculptural composition (architect Igor Voskresensky and artist Sergey Sharov also participated). Composition in unity with the monument to the king Alexander 2, looks very enchanting ...

This is a rare, natural copy of the lions and the only place where you can hold the lion for the disadvantaged mouth.

After the bronze lions seen, I turn to the topic.
When visiting the habitats of sculptural lions, I draw attention to the fact that they are often located opposite each other, protecting their possessions and squeezing the unclean strength away further ...

  • Part one

Direction: Garden, Patriarch Ponds, Spiridonovka, M. Razhevsky, Bread, Rorskaya, M. Molchanovka.

* Metro Mayakovskaya, in the Garden "Aquarium" obviously lacks Lviv, but apparently the place is occupied, so here we have "Draw-Satyr" and Mascaron Non-Church "Medusz-Gargon". Aura of this place, as is known not very friendly and trying to drive out unwanted guests back, on the garden ring.
In the garden, we pass a house with a bad apartment number 50, there is a unclean force there, and from the entrance to the entrance runs a huge black cat, lions also do not break through ...
We go to the patriarch ponds (formerly a goat-fucking swamp), and we see the first on the route of huge lions, they lay on the high ramps of the arch of the General House. Their views are fixed on all people passing along the Patriarch line. The left lion is resting but focused and ready for the jump, but it's time for the cosmetologist to twist the spout from the restorers.

Opposite their lion's gaze to the patriarch ponds, another lion is located. Basinist Ivan, not homeless, and wings. He fell apart as the king of animals, the chest on the disarm as a mane at the lion, all such an important and unshakable. And what is interesting in the Summer Garden of Peter, the sculpture of the Crowdow is lion, and here, on the patriarch, the composition itself is a lion.

Goat Kozne swamp, we go out to the street of Spiridonovka to the house 17, this is the "House of the Ghost", the mansion of Savva Morozov, with ridges and lions on the balconies. There is even a lattice of the fence, topped with the images of the Gargulian head, now the reception center is located in the mansion, for meetings with foreigners, and at night, the "ghost" of the owner-suicide Savva is wandered.

Moving along the winding ul. Spiridonovka, stop at an angry leva, which is tearing a dragon to pieces. The history of the owner of this house is also quite mystical, in the years of the revolution he just disappeared ... and the ownership passed to the Bolsheviks ...

Today, it is a mansion of the Greek Embassy, \u200b\u200blooking for Lviv moving. House number 9, here, too, on the facade there are masqueands of driving lions, it is a small two storey housebuilt before the revolution.

After passing the spiridon, we turn to the knife, score, bread and cook.
At M. Rzhevsky, we draw attention to the Embassy of Georgia D.6, it is a house with bats, mermaids and lions. This is a modern building (built in 1902 by the architect C.O.Solovyevoy) has a mystical story to Roman M. Bulgakov "M.M.", as a mansion where Margarita could live, who agreed to become the queen of darkness ...

Next, turning on Khlebnikov D.15, we see the estate of Gribova, the owner hurriedly left the ownership of Lenins, during the revolution ... Now there is a residence of Belgium. This is very "necessary" lions in Moscow, they are important with a swelling of the paws, guard the lair foreigners.

in the square, the sculpture of Leo Tolstoy, reminds you tired of the lion's road ...
well, the bitter at the house of writers is also important and proud, but not lion.

Further in the mansion of Mendovsky on the Cook in 1903-1904 there were two mansion, both on the draft Lion Kekushev. They acquired a rich manufacturer Ivan Mindovsky ... Now the house number 44 holds the Embassy of New Zealand. Above the semicircle of the eaves, there was a statue of a stranger and on the right on the Gothic turret was the head of a lion, there are also lions inside the house.

On the other side of the Cook Street, Lions are found at the House of Justice and the House of I. Bunin.

On the cook, there is still the Embassy of Germany and here on the eaves and above the doors, too, the masks of Lviv.

Moving along Rzhevsky, we go on a small silence, here is the famous for all Moscow, the historical "house with lions". This is three meter large lions, similar to the Belfort Lion in Paris, Lions-bears Grizzly, they look huge strong. In this house there are only 17 apartments, and if you believe the Internet, the daughter of I. Kabzona periodically lives.

At the end of the first part, go with the new Arbat, to the old one, where the brutal manner is already organized, like Okudzhava, "I am evisted with Arbat, Arbat emigrant" ... / cm. Continued /

Walking Patriarch ponds The look is caught by the majestic mansion at the address Ermolaev Lane, 9. It seems that it was clearly supposed to be built in the eyelid, stage, XVIII-XIX. As a last resort - at the beginning of the XX century.

Such conclusions come, considering the entrance gate with the monumentally fulfilled pylons, to which the formidable guards of the urban estate are murdered - African lions.

And immediately before your eyes, luxurious crews, a rich public, secular conversations in the front halls ...

Photo 1. Ermolaevsky Lane, 9 in the city of Moscow

History of the "General Home" or "Houses with Lions"

Everything turns out to be more prosaic. In fact, this magnificence rebuilt in last years The Great Patriotic War - for the period from 1944 to 1945 (according to other data - it was launched in 1939 and ended in 1946).

The history of the construction of the "Houses with Lions" in the Patriarch Ponds in Ermolaevsky Per., D. 9 began with the wishes of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin to express his appreciation to the Higher General General General for serving the Motherland in the Terrible War years and settle them in the center of the capital in the luxurious, classicism, mansion .

Lead construction work We instructed little-known specialists from the Architectural Bureau Ivan Vladislavich Zholtovsky - Mikhail Mikhailovich Jisko and Nikolai Ivanovich Gaigarov. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an unusual incarnation of the wishes of the leader belongs to their leader.

It is assumed that as the basis of the architectural project was taken by the city mansion of the pre-revolutionary building. True, the new building got more decor and, accordingly, looked pompous and original.

The same applies to the planning of the General Home.

Apartments, the total number of which in a three-story building is only six, even for our time are considered luxurious: 12 rooms, a huge hall, a mandatory living room and anterior, premises for the office and children's, bedrooms and rooms under the tangent.

In the era of Khrushchev, when the struggle with, so-called, architectural excesses began in the USSR, the house number 9 in Yermolaevsky Lane was one of the objects of attacks and an example of whether "how not to build".

The history of the house is connected with the names of Mikhail Sergeyevich Malinina, General Army, Glavkomov Konstantin Andreevich Vershinina, Colonel-General Medical Summer Efim Ivanovich Smirnova, Minister of Defense of the USSR Andrei Antonovich Grechko, as well as spouses - conductor Algisa Mazhelovich Jurajtis and Opera Diva Elena Vasilyevna Exemplary.

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