
How to get unemployment benefits? Maximum unemployment benefit. The procedure and deadlines for the payment of unemployment benefits

The unemployed are citizens aged 16 years according to the following conditions:

  • do not possess income in the field of employment of the population;
  • have the ability to fulfill labor duties;
  • are actively looking for a place of work (engaged in creating their own business or consist in accounting in employment services);
  • ready to start labor activity.

Obligatory stage in solving the issue how to get unemployment benefitsis the appeal to state bodies. Registration of the unemployed in Russia produces the employment service.

For registration with the purpose of providing citizens of employment options, the following are required documentation:

  1. passport or other document establishing a person;
  2. labor book or other references to confirm the experience;
  3. documents where the applicant's qualifications is established (diplomas, certificates of discharge, category or confirmation of other professional skills);
  4. help with the same place of work on average income over the past 3 months.

Unemployment benefit

The magnitude of payments due to unemployment has a lower and upper permissible limit. Minimum unemployment allowance in 2019 will be 1,500 rubles, and the maximum size is 8000 rubles.

This is the first indexation of unemployment benefits over the past 4 years.

Unemployment benefit Directly depends on the income received by the citizen before dismissal. It takes into account the last three months of work. Additional condition It is a year before the loss of employment site for 26 weeks (with full employment).

If a citizen has worked part-time, then recalculation is performed. As a result, it is determined whether the total duration of work is 26 weeks.

How the unemployment allowance is calculateddepends on the duration of the job search period.

Transfers for the first three months will be:

N \u003d nz * 75%where

P - unemployment benefits;

SZ - middle earnings According to the document provided.

The listings for the next 4 months will be:

N \u003d nz * 60%.

For the remaining 5 months, the amount of payments is defined as follows:

N \u003d nz * 45%.

For the second year, unemployment the amount of payments corresponds. In 2019, the size of the minimum wage is 11230 rubles.

Payment period of benefits

Payments from employment services are produced every month. The accrual is performed from the first day when a citizen is recognized as not employed.

This provision does not apply to persons who have lost employment due to or liquidation activities in the organization. They receive an amount equal to average earnings, within two months after dismissal.

For a period of a year and a half, payment benefits are made throughout any 12 months. If during the specified period, citizens could not work out, then payments are prescribed again. For a three-year period, the duration of payments is no more than 24 months.

Additionally unemployed should not more often two weeks pass re-registration. If this procedure is violated without a valid reason, the payments are terminated for up to 3 months.

For the passage of re-registration requires a passport and employment record (if available). In the case of admission to work, the citizen is removed from the record.

  • for persons who have not achieved at the duration of the experience of 25 years (men) and 20 years old (women), the period of transfers increases over one year for 2 weeks for each year in excess of the specified experience;
  • in the absence of the possibility of employing a citizen can become a recipient (if you are executed the necessary conditions (Elimination of the organization or reduction) and to retirement age remains 2 years or less).

The amount of benefits in foreign countries

Pay unemployment benefits in USA largely depends on the state. In average citizens get 50% From earnings at the same place of work. To obtain payments, a number of conditions are required: a certain level of earnings or a spent period of time, the cause of dismissal. If a citizen has lost his job for a breakdown breakdown, it cannot count on payments. The beneficiary of the manual should be shown that he is searching for work.

The size manuals in Germany make up 60-80% From earning a citizen in the last place. Payment of funds is not made in cases where the dismissal occurred own initiative citizen. For benefits, it is necessary for the applicant to have a continuous experience of one year.

IN United Kingdom benefit It is believed to citizens who are ready to start working responsibilities within 2 weeks. If a citizen refuses the proposed posts without good grounds, then payments are terminated. The amount of benefits depends on income and contributions. Young people per week pays around 56 pounds. If the age of the applicant exceeds 25 years, then the listings are 100 pounds weekly.

For getting benefits in France It is necessary that the applicant deduct contributions in favor of the state for four months and more. The amount of payments is about 70% of earnings. The duration of transfers is from four months to two years.

IN Belarus payment benefits 26 weeks lasting during the year. The amount of payments is calculated as 70% of average earnings For the first 13 weeks, over the next gap - 50% . In the presence of children in the family under 14 or children with disabilities, surcharges to the manual.

IN Ukraine Minimum amount benefits numbers 1280 hryvniaMaximum - 6400 hryvnia. The amount of payments is determined taking into account the earnings, the experience of insurance and the cause of dismissal. The total duration of the listings is 360 days for the two-year period.

Example for unemployment benefits

Dunaev Egor Sergeevich was fired in January 2018. From February 1, it was registered in the employment center as unemployed. Earnings Dunaev E.S. amounted to 25 thousand rubles. From June 1, a citizen found a new job

In this case, the calculated unemployment benefit in 2018 will be:

  • for February, March and April: 25 000 rubles. * 75% \u003d 18 750 rubles.;
  • for May - 25,000 rubles. * 60% \u003d 15 000 rub.

Since the amounts received exceed the established allowance limits, Dunaev E.S. The maximum size is paid - 4900 rubles.


  1. Unemployment benefits increased from January 1, 2019.
  2. A citizen is recognized as unemployed if he is able to fulfill labor duties and is ready to start work.
  3. Registration of citizens is made in local employment centers.
  4. For a citizen's statement, a number of documents confirming its status are required.
  5. Citizens who do not have experience and specialty are invited to undergo training.
  6. Payment of benefits It is performed for a certain period.
  7. In the absence of jobs, a citizen may ahead of time to become a recipient of a pension.
  8. How many enumerations will be calculated on the basis of the earnings received.
  9. In the Russian Federation there is a minimum and maximum threshold of unemployment payments.
  10. The amount of allowance Corrected depending on the unemployment period.
  11. In foreign countries, the allowance is calculated based on the earnings of a citizen, the deductions of insurance premiums and the causes of termination of the employment contract.

One of the most significant problems in the Russian Federation for the government is a large number of unemployed in the country. And the capital is an indicator of this problem, because even in Moscow the percentage of the unemployed is quite high. A person who does not fulfill labor duties has the right to apply for a monthly allowance.

However, for this, a citizen must act at the established order, because immediately after the dismissal, no one just will pay for money. At a minimum, you will have to register one of the employment centers in Moscow. Depending on the individual indicators, a specific amount of compensation for the status of the unemployed will be determined.

Manual in Moscow for unemployment in 2018

The person who was fired with reduction or other circumstances can stand on the stock exchange and receive money a certain time before being new work. Employment Center employees will in every way contribute to the search for optimal working conditions for a citizen. While the right job will not be found, the money will be listed as a dismissed person for the status of the unemployed.

The rights to get on the stock exchange are deprived of disabled faces and people who have undergone 16 years of age. Also do not recognize the unemployed students, pensioners, entrepreneurs and founders of companies. But those who are convicted of correctional work, to get this status in Moscow can. First of all, they are interested in how much unemployment benefit in 2018 in Moscow. This size depends on the average earnings, however maximum size Reaching in Moscow, you can get up to 7 thousand rubles.

Size of unemployment benefits in Moscow

When calculating the amount of unemployment benefit, navigate the all-Russian regulations. For this you need to familiarize yourself with the text of the 1032 law. It indicates that possible payments range from 800 to 4,900 rubles. However, there are clarifications that regional authorities may issue their decrees in order to increase this size. This should take into account the standard of living in the region. Since the Moscow standard of living is considered the highest, the additional coefficient here is the maximum. Accordingly, Muscovites can count on the rescue in the amount of from 2890 rubles to 6940 rubles.

Minimum unemployment benefit in Moscow in 2018

The minimum payments to which the unemployed Russian may apply to 800 rubles. The capital provides for a premium plus 800 rubles. Also, Muscovites are compensated for the costs of monthly transportation costs, and this is another 1190 rubles.

Get the minimum amount can:

  • previously not worked;
  • worked at the last workplace less than 26 weeks;
  • the period after the last dismissal is more than a year.

In this way, they will be transferred to payments 2890 rubles. For comparison, there are no surcharges.

Maximum unemployment benefit in Moscow in 2018

The same quantities add in Moscow employment centers and maximum payments: 800 rubles per local coefficient and 1190 rubles for transportation costs. Therefore, Maximum level - 6940 rubles. The maximum amounts are paid in cases where the average earnings for the last three months of the disadvantaged face more established in the region restrictions.

Where to place unemployment benefits in Moscow?

Dismissed employees often ask a question to personnel workers about where to apply for unemployment benefits in Moscow? You need to seek in the territorial departments engaged in employment, in accordance with the registration address.

For example, Goljanovo registered in the area of \u200b\u200bGolian ZN WAO, residents of East Ismailov - in the Ivanovo Division of the JN WAO, and the residents of Sokolnikov - to the Preobrazhensky Division of the same Center for Employment.

How do unemployment benefit in Moscow in 2018?

If a person quit and appealed to the employment center, then on the 11th day it may be decided to pay him financial resources. On the stock exchange with the help of a calculator, the average monthly earnings for the three-month period before the termination of the contract is calculated.

If earnings fit into the framework of restrictions, then the needy will first pay 75% of the established level, after 3 months. - 60%, and after 4 months. - 45%.

To list money, the employee can only in one year for 1.5 g. When the calculated amount is more than 6940 rubles., Then every month will start paying exactly 6940 rubles.

By law, the unemployed may be recognized fully able-bodied citizens who have reached 16 years. At the same time, they should not be:


Full-time students learning


Founders of firms and enterprises,

Convicted to imprisonment or correctional work.

Accept the employment service should be at the place of permanent registration. Detailed information About labor exchanges, addresses, telephones and a list of documents can be found on the official website of the Center for Employment of Moscow. Contacts of employment centers in the Moscow region can be found on the sites of administrations of municipalities or

According to the lawyer in labor law, the candidate of law, Master of Law of the London University of Olga Mitkina, register at the employment center is necessary during the first year since dismissal. Otherwise, when registering the unemployed will be appointed minimum size benefits. If after three months from the moment of registration, it will refuse to teach or socially useful paid work, the allowance will stop paying altogether.

In addition, according to Labor Code The Russian Federation dismissed to reduce the state or in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise, the average salary for a period of up to two months is maintained. If the employee after dismissal was registered with unemployment within two weeks, then by decision of the employment center, he could be paid average earnings and for the third month.

What documents to collect

For registration in the center, you need the following list of documents:

Passport (to confirm the person and register);

Labor book (if there is an experience);

A document on education (if the diploma is not issued in Russia, it will have to first translate it into Russian and notarize it);

Pension certificate;

Help from accounting from the last place of work on the average wages three months before dismissal, which is done on the basis of a 2-NDFL reference (a form can be obtained in the employment service or download from the official website;

Disabled disabilities with partial disability provide a rehabilitation program with the recommendations of the nature and working conditions.

Procedure for obtaining benefits

Specialists of the State Exchange of Labor have the right to verify the accuracy of the documents submitted to them and send requests to the relevant organizations or state institutions.

If within 10 days the applicant will not pick up the appropriate job, then on the 11th day it is put on unemployment. At the same time, he receives the official status of the unemployed and the right to the appropriate manual.

The registration of registration of unemployed citizens is carried out by entering into a register recipients of public services in the field of employment of the population. At the same time, the official status of the unemployed will have to constantly update and confirm. To do this, you must visit the Employment Center at the place of residence and undergo re-registration. If this is not done, the citizen will remove from accounting and will cease to pay benefits.

Reasons for refusing

Refuse to obtain the status of unemployed and, accordingly, in the manual may be in several cases:

If a person rejected two different suitable vacancies (a suitable work, which corresponds to education, is permissible for health, is located in the accessibility zone of urban transport, and the salary above subsistence minimum). At the same time, if at the same place of the job, the applicant was paid less than the subsistence minimum, then a suitable vacancy with remuneration is not lower than the previous earnings;

If a citizen has not previously worked officially, but refused two vacancies or learning;

Failure to appear in the employment center at 10 days after registration for the selection of vacancies without a good reason;

If a person has not appeared at the designated term at the labor exchange for registration;

If an incomplete set of documents are filed, they are incorrectly decorated or containing false data.

According to the lawyer Olga Mutkin, in these cases a decision is made to refuse to recognize the citizen unemployed. After 1 month, he can again contact the employment center in order to record it.

How the amount of benefits is calculated

A citizen who was recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner can count on material benefit. The amount of payments depends on a number of factors, including:

The magnitude of the work experience;

Salary size at the previous job place;

Average salary in the region.

If the employee is fired under the article, in the last place of work worked less than 26 weeks, unauthorized and without good reason left the place of study, where he was sent by the employment center, or does not have an employment experience, the minimum amount of the benefit is automatically charged.

The amount of benefits also depends on the standard of living in the region. It is calculated as a percentage of average earnings, but cannot be higher than the maximum installed. In the first three months, it will be 75% of the average earnings of the previous place of work, then for four months - 60%, in the remaining months - 45% and less.

So, the unemployed in the suburbs receive from 850 rubles to 4900 rubles. In Moscow, the city authorities pay out for citizens of 850 rubles to the maximum and minimum allowance and compensate for transportation costs in the amount of 1190 rubles.

It is worth considering that the manual is paid only for 1.5 years. If during this time you could not find a job in your fault, then payments will extend for another year, but in this case you will only be the minimum amount.

The modern labor market is characterized by a high level of competition, and it is not always possible to quickly find work as an experienced employee after dismissal and a young specialist without work experience. The state is interested in reducing the level of unemployment - that is why there are measures to support unemployed citizens who are not only in material assistance, but also in assistance in a suitable workplace. How to get unemployment benefits in the suburbs and which amount of payments is provided for in 2017, read the site in the material of the portal.

Who can receive

Source:, Sergey Gordeev

Only those citizens who can be attributed to unemployment benefits to all the following categories:

Able-bodied citizens;

Reaching 16-year-olds;


Universally universities who are universities;

Not engaged in entrepreneurial activities;

Not holding the position of founders of enterprises and firms;

Not convicted to correctional work or imprisonment.

Where to design

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Roman Ventsev

To arrange unemployment benefits, it is necessary to register at the employment center () at the place of registration. If a citizen temporarily lives in the territory of the Moscow region, and registered, for example, in the Kirov region, then contact the CNZ it will be at the place of registration.

For registration, the following documents will be needed:

Labor book (if available);


Education Document (if it is a diploma of a foreign university, then a notarized translation is required);

Help O. medium salary at the previous job site (if a citizen was employed);

The certificate of the average wage is made in the accounting department of the organization, where the employee worked earlier. It should be prepared within three working days from the moment of the written appeal of its extradition.


Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Sergey Bivovarov

To pay the unemployment benefit to a citizen only in the event that within 10 days from the date of registration in the center of employment it was not possible. During this period, the institution will offer its available vacancies (including temporary), appropriate education and experience. If the center has no participation in public works or vocational training, if there is no work in the profile of the existing formation in the region.

At the same time, the citizen has the right to refuse to give up the work suggested by him. Under the appropriate work is understood by the one that corresponds to education, the state of health is paid not lower than the subsistence minimum and is located in the area of \u200b\u200baccessibility of urban transport. If a citizen has never appeared on a 10-day term in the CZN to select vacancies, then it cannot be recognized as unemployed and receive benefits. At the same time, after this month, he will again receive the right to contact the Employment Center.

If the job search did not bring results for 10 days, the citizen is registered, and it is officially assigned to status. At the same time, the unemployment benefit is paid monthly.

Unemployment benefit

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