
In Dolgoprudny, the complex “Studio two hundred plus. Plant of the new millennium

Dolgoprudny became the center of Russian film production - on June 13, the Studio Dvesti + film studio complex was solemnly opened on its territory.

The main guests and participants of the ceremony were Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Viktor Egerev and the head of the city of Dolgoprudny Oleg Troitsky. They told about the future work of the complex general manager"Studio 200 Plus" Dmitry Tomko, chief producer of "Studio 200+" Oleg Osipov.

The appearance of the cinema complex has become a landmark event for domestic producers of television films. They picked up the baton of Brazilian soap operas a long time ago, but they still did not have their own film studio. All series in Russia are filmed on rented sites, in residential entrances and apartments, which is inconvenient not only for artists, directors, cameramen, but also for residents of nearby houses. Now, with the completion of the construction of the film studio complex in Dolgoprudny, the Moscow region has a modern, well-equipped site for filming television series and more.

The history of the complex began in 2008. It was then, in an economically difficult period, that it was decided to move from plans to action and begin the construction of a film studio, for the first time in post-Soviet Russia.

A suitable site for construction was found in Dolgoprudny, between Likhachevskoye Highway and the Canal. Moscow. Studio Dvesti+ took a risk, and after three years of construction, a modern film studio complex opened its doors to film crews. It has the most modern equipment. In order to use the maximum of its capabilities, studio employees specially traveled to Hollywood to learn from the experience of using innovative technologies in film production.

On the site of the film studio complex there are natural scenery of city buildings, real city courtyards, benches, entrances of various types multi-storey buildings. At the same time, five or six TV series and feature films can be filmed in the complex.

For Dolgoprudny, the film studio complex means 130 new well-paid permanent jobs. Plus, the regular involvement of residents of the city and the region for one-time technical, construction work, and even to participate in the filming of mass scenes.

In addition to the production of high-quality television products, the creators of the complex also pursue educational goals. The Museum of the History of Cinema, which is planned to be created here, is intended to help with this. Exhibits - equipment, scenery, plots and film sets. The purpose of the museum is to tell and show the inhabitants of the Moscow region, and primarily Dolgoprudny, how cinema is actually made, how this creative process takes place in reality; to attract talented young people to the film industry, to the creation of good, high-quality Russian TV series.

The city's main park continues to change. Now the finishing touches are being applied, but it is they who form the final image.

Near the entrances to the paths, signs are posted indicating which is for runners and which is for cyclists. For clarity, also on the road surface.

True, there are no cyclists yet, and runners use their path, although gravel was brought in especially for them, which is more useful to run than asphalt. But Magnitogorsk athletes are not used to innovations yet.

Not everyone appreciates new park. Young street racers found it a good place for racing, for which they are already responsible. And we found signs of passive looting.

Other signs appeared in the park. For example, the designation of parking and parking for disabled cars.

On the territory where the playground will appear, workers are laying tiles in two colors. They said they would finish the installation. until December 1st.

But most of all, brand new wooden benches are striking in the renovated park. Installed today 200 things! And next to them 200 rubbish bins.

Blue signs, white markings and light brown benches gave the park a new color. But the appearance of the main color is yet to come - environmentalists plan to plant a resting place with different tree species.

The group of companies "Steelsoft" opened a new building in Stavropol and is going to increase the volume of production by one and a half times

On May 14, a new building of the Stilsoft plant, the leading Russian manufacturer of security systems for the borders of Russia and the perimeters of specially protected objects, was solemnly opened in Stavropol.

Together with the owner of the company, Yuri Stoyanov, the Governor of Stavropol, Vladimir Vladimirov, announced the grand opening of the building.
- "Steelsoft" from just a dream of one person has risen to a large team and multibillion-dollar turnover. I want to wish: let the team be stable ... and let there be as many such production buildings in our Stavropol Territory as possible, - the head of the region addressed those present.

Among the guests of honor is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bangladesh to Russia S.M. Saiful Khok, representatives of the border service of the FSB, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other no less significant structures.

One of the wonders of Stavropol

The delegation of guests makes it clear the geography of the plant's deliveries. Steelsoft security systems operate in 84 Russian regions, not counting foreign deliveries. The Republic of Bangladesh is called an important area of ​​cooperation in the company itself. The second side also highly appreciates the partnership - the country's ambassador Saiful Khok came especially to the opening ceremony.

– We have been working on the territory of the Republic of Bangladesh for three years with Steelsoft, which guards our border. I am confident that Bangladesh will continue to cooperate,” the ambassador announced without going into details.

As we managed to find out, the successful experience in protecting especially sensitive sections of the border promises the company a contract for the protection of a number of energy facilities of the republic. At the same time, Bangladesh is not the only successful case of the Stavropol plant in foreign markets. As commented at Rosoboronexport, SteelSoft has already become one of the regular participants in the organization's stand, and security systems are included in Russia's "complex" proposal, along with armored vehicles and weapons for internal troops - in particular, Vietnam is now considering the supply of such a kit.

During the meeting with Ambassador Saiful Hock, Governor Vladimir Vladimirov presented him with a collection book "45 wonders of Stavropol". Later, the representative of Bangladesh was surprised that he did not find SteelSoft on this list.

Moved - already crowded again

The new building of the Stilsoft company was opened for its 16th anniversary. Built in three years, it immediately increased the production area by 11 times: to the existing thousand square meters workshops, a whole hectare was added - 10,000 meters.

The main reason is the need to expand production, sometimes fulfill large and urgent orders, without losing product quality. As Yuri Stoyanov noted during a tour of the building, this will also allow fulfilling the state defense order:

– In the previous production building, we could not afford to increase the production volume dramatically four times. Unfortunately, the state defense order sometimes falls down in November and it is necessary to issue it before December, - the owner of the enterprise notes.

At the old premises, Steelsoft closed 2017 with impressive figures: shipment volume increased by a quarter, 40 new products entered the conveyor, and the total assortment amounted to about six hundred items.

The company needed both the expansion of existing workshops and the launch of new ones. Now more than 20 structural divisions. Among them are workshops for machining, soldering, pad printing, as well as a laboratory for testing products and a laboratory for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles.

New production facilities will allow recruiting an additional 200 people to the existing 550, and increasing the volume of product shipments by at least 1.5 times. But opening a new site, the leaders of "Steelsoft" are already thinking about new construction. The director spoke about this behind the scenes:

- From the old area of ​​a thousand "squares" we moved, occupying five thousand - this is half of the new building. Plus, new equipment, laboratories, and development plans do not stop there, - shared Yuri Stoyanov.

Security systems master the sky

The site of the new building gives Stilsoft new opportunities for the development of a relatively new direction in the field of security systems. For three years now, the company has been integrating four-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (quadcopters) into its systems. Today, they meet the most stringent requirements of the border services: on the signal of a border violation, they reach the place of violation of the border as soon as possible in the heat, frost and gusty wind.

Of the variety of drones produced around the world, the Stavropol ones “hold” one of the most extreme conditions. And most importantly, they are independent: the control system itself collects data from all sensors (and Stilsoft produces not only all existing types sensors, but also has a unique - patented - radar), noticing violations - forms a flight path and sends the drone to "find out" who crossed the border. Upon completion of the task, the copter itself returns to charging; a person is only required to make a decision on the picture sent by the automatic assistant.

- We have invented a flying camera that does not need a pilot, does not need a UAV operator. We need a person who knows how to drive with a mouse, no one else is needed, - Yuri Stoyanov announces, showing the guests a copter along with a launch pad. Such independence is at the level of the most advanced world analogues.

But the innovation doesn't end there. In addition to quadrocopters, there are also gliders - drones of the "aircraft" type. They are released in different countries, but Steelsoft plans to be the first to create a vertical take-off glider.

Such a UAV will be able to carry a more “long-range” camera on board, which means it can fly higher. From a height of hundreds of meters, the noise of the motor will not be heard, so you can use louder engines, and feed it not with electricity, but with gasoline, methane or hydrogen. This will increase the duration of flights to several hours, which means that the flying camera will be able to scan hundreds of kilometers in a single flight.

Plant of the new millennium

The company "Steelsoft" has been leading the history since 2002. Its creator, programmer Yuri Stoyanov, rushed between different directions for a couple of years, including creating websites and developing software for various city infrastructure departments, but in the end he decided on the main thing: the creation of security systems.

At that time, it was not yet fashionable to talk about import substitution, and the development of domestic high-tech production was not a prominent part of the agenda. Nevertheless, this is exactly what the new enterprise was doing, ahead of the Russian industrial policy. Security systems were overgrown with their own hardware, and its production was controlled by the company from earlier and earlier stages.

Today, Stilsoft even produces its own packaging; buys a little - lenses for cameras, part of radio components, metal, mainly from Russian manufacturers. The depth of processing, the complexity of technologies, the number of developments and patents, the volume of production make the company one of the industrial leaders in the Stavropol region - one of the few created already in Russian Federation, but before the formation of systemic support for civil industry by the state.

The products of the group of companies are not only surveillance cameras and sensors for tracking abroad. "Steelsoft" has a range of traffic cameras, industrial uninterruptible power systems and reliable safe doors. Produces access control systems with its own face recognition algorithm.

This algorithm allowed the development of another unique product - a mobile facial recognition system that can be deployed in a couple of minutes, for example, to search for criminals in a crowd. It is enough for a law enforcement officer to hang a mobile camera on his chest and take a secure phone with him; the system, having noticed someone from the “black list” in the crowd, will send a notification.

Accompanying conquests

Although everything Stoyanov creates is exclusively for security and video surveillance systems, ideas inevitably arise to apply the potential of equipment in other areas. So, there are plans to use UAVs for aerial monitoring of farmland: a useful service for farmers, and companies - an additional test of devices in real flight.

The governor also spoke about this direction. He does not believe that the development of drones will be limited to monitoring the earth, but one can only guess what use they will find in a few years:

“We don't fully understand the potential of these technologies. Maybe now we are stuck in traffic jams - and in the future such devices will allow organizing multi-tiered traffic, - says the head of the region.

There are other examples as well. So, "Steelsoft" releases solar panels and wind turbines of our own design to provide security systems with autonomous power. But as a nice bonus, the company plans to equip the boat of the Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov with its windmill.

The main thing is personnel (and sports)

In his speech at the opening of the building, Governor Vladimir Vladimirov emphasized the importance of working people in the development of the plant. He recalled that only a healthy working atmosphere and a decent salary can save the team, and wished to keep both of these factors.

They understand this at the factory. In addition, Steelsoft has been asking questions about preparing a new shift for several years. So, in NCFU there is a basic department of the enterprise, where current employees teach. They also look after promising students, invite them to practice and prepare them for employment.

Turns "Steelsoft" and to the middle professional education. With the assistance of the Ministry of Industry of the Territory, the group of companies signed an agreement with the Stavropol Regional College of Computer Science and Electronics. Promising areas are lectures for students from practicing employees, field trips, laboratory equipment and, of course, a lot of practice at work.

The founder does not forget about team building: he holds regular field trips and other corporate events. And the best confirmation of this attention was the construction of a new building of a heated football field on the roof - on it the teams of "Steelsoft" can play all year round both among themselves and with guests.

The tour of the new building ended on the field. V work time, while no one is playing football, a quadrocopter is training there.

Yaroslav Rasputin.
Photo: Sergey Parkhisenko.

A-ah ... A-ah-ah-ah ... U-u-u ... Oh-oh-oh ... - Khokhlov groaned and finished. Recovering his breath, he rolled off his huge sweaty body, lowered his legs off the sofa, felt for his slippers, climbed into them and, scratching his wet and hot mud, wandered into another room. A lone body stirred on the sofa, and Khokhlov heard behind him the slapping of bare feet—she slapped into the bathroom. Khokhlov entered the hall, littered with all sorts of rubbish: books, tools, newspapers, nails, old televisions, oscilloscopes, acoustic speakers, radiograms, etc. He made his way to the wall, took a felt-tip pen from the dead refrigerator and drew a rectangle the size of a matchbox on the faded wallpaper. Then I connected it with a horizontal ruler with a continuous series of exactly the same rectangles that stretched from one end of the wall to the other. In total, three full rows were stretched on the wall and the fourth was slightly more than half. Then Khokhlov, shivering from the cold, drew the current date, month and year over the fresh rectangle, and drew three vertical lines on the square of the figure itself. Looking closely at the neighboring rectangle, Khokhlov performed a simple mathematical operation in his mind and entered the number 218 in the fresh rectangle. Then Khokhlov stopped and glanced at the door leading to the bathroom, behind which there was a tight murmur. Bath and toilet at Khokhlov were combined. The murmur weakened, began to fail and completely stopped. Khokhlov again turned to the wall and brought out, now under the rectangle: “Lena. 37. Waitress. This whole composition meant that he was Khokhlov on such and such a date, such and such a month, in such and such a year, threw three sticks to Lena, thirty-seven years old and a working waitress. The number 218 showed the total number of sticks thrown by him for reporting period . Khokhlov put the felt-tip pen back, looked at his work and once again experienced a hidden feeling akin to sacred awe. In these harmonious rows of recorded personal orgasms, all of his Khokhlovo worldview was contained, on which his true, recently acquired happiness was based. Khokhlov looked at the first rectangle from which it all began and recalled that fateful day, the day of his thirty-third birthday, the day of insight and the day of the beginning of a new path. On that memorable Monday, Khokhlov realized that he was in a big mess. All night he tried to fuck his own wife, but he never finished. And this despite the fact that he did not climb on it for more than six months. For twelve years of their married life, only the first year Khokhlov finished with pleasure. Then the wife became pregnant and lost all interest in him. Khokhlov jerked off, but did not dare to go to the side. Then a daughter was born and away we go: diapers, screaming and shouting, washing. There was not enough money, and then the plant was closed and Khokhlov ended up on the street. The wife wanted money. Khokhlov strained, worked hard at two jobs, and gradually began to hate his wife. He even stopped jerking off. They fucked now less and less, and if it happened, it was usually drunk. When the daughter grew up and went to the nursery, the wife herself hit the business, as she called it. An old girlfriend showed up at her, who kept a salon to straighten out destinies. In general, she was a soothsayer and read the tarot. They sniffed very quickly. Nothing was ever discussed in his presence, but Khokhlov felt that a conspiracy was brewing against him. The wife very quickly began to earn much more than him. Khokhlov was no longer allowed to ****s even when drunk. He realized that she was **** on the side. His hatred began to take on painful forms. Khokhlov hated her things, her smell, her voice. Hatred spread to the daughter, who over the years became more and more like a wife. And then Khokhlov realized that they were simply using him, taking away everything - health, strength, life, and leaving him nothing. He was even deprived of his orgasm, those rare moments when he could undoubtedly enjoy. So why was he straining all this time, clutching at any job, scouring the city, fighting and suffering? What was left for him, for Khokhlov? Disdainful looks? Thrown through teeth, caustic remarks? Smehuechki numerous girlfriends oborzevshego in the root of his wife? It was then that this idea matured in Khokhlov's head, the idea of ​​accumulating disparate personal orgasms into a single whole by means of their fixation and addition. And now, looking at this ever-increasing amount, he saw and knew why he continued to strain, work hard, scour the city, fight and suffer. Behind this amount was a part of his life in which he was undeniably happy. 218 orgasms - this was his capital, which will never burn out, will not fly out into the pipe. Khokhlov tasted them in full, he was at the pinnacle of bliss.
- Well, why are you stuck there? heard behind.
Khokhlov woke up from his thoughts and looked at the waitress. She stood in the doorway, covering her not the first freshness charms.
"Get ready, it's time for you to leave," he said as he walked into the bathroom. “The wife should be here soon.
He knew in advance what was going to happen, but he did not feel the slightest discomfort.
- How? But you…
- Well, you never know what I said, - cut off Khokhlov. “I said it because I wanted to fuck you.” Now I'm done and I don't want to anymore.
For two years of life new system values, Khokhlov developed a trouble-free mechanism for removing and sewing women. He took pride in his ability to run an orgasm business. Everything was thought out to the smallest detail, starting with the selection of a candidate and ending with the withdrawal of the material used beyond the boundaries of its existence. Khokhlov rarely turned to the same material twice. He appreciated only the first three orgasms, they were real diamonds, unclouded by the corrupting spirit of everyday life. Slender rows of diamond placers were visible to his eyes when he looked at the wall.
- Well, you and rubbish! Bad cattle! Stinky creature! - the waitress poured, tangled in her clothes.
She was lost, offended and comical.
Khokhlov lit the gas and put on the kettle. Now he will make fresh tea and drink two or three cups of baked milk.
- You **** ec! Wait soon they will come to you and will **** until you die!
Khokhlov chuckled, he knew that there was no one behind her. The diner she worked at is dead, no one will strain because of the **** problems of a **** hot waitress.
Khokhlov wanted to offer her to pick up the unfinished bottle of whiskey, which she actually bought into, but decided that it was not worth finishing her pride. In principle, she is a good woman, gentle and affectionate. But otherwise it is impossible with such, too sticky. And there the devil knows what will trample out of her. Yeah, it's none of his business. She gave him three diamonds, she has nothing more for Khokhlov.
Khokhlov went into the hallway and opened the door. The waitress couldn't hold back her tears and they welled up as she put on her shoes. Khokhlov turned away, was about to leave, but she suddenly ran up to him and spat in his face. Khokhlov grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and deftly shoved her out the door.
Going into the bath, Khokhlov rinsed his defiled face, wiped himself off, and went to drink tea with baked milk.

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