
Period s. What is a period? The meaning of a multifaceted concept. What is the oscillation period

- (Greek periodos "bypass", "circle") a term introduced by Aristotle to mean "speech that has a beginning and end in itself and is easily embraced by the mind." P. should be understood as follows. arr. a large syntactic unit, a complex sentence, or ... ... Literary encyclopedia

PERIOD- period, m. [Greek. periodos] (book). 1. A period of time, during which ends some. repetitive process (scientific). Synodic period of the planet's revolution (the time during which the planet makes one complete revolution around ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Period- PERIOD (Περιοδος detour, circle). This word in ancient Greece was called that closed, ring road on which games and competitions took place during the Olympic festivities. With this term, Aristotle began to designate a special species ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

PERIOD- (Greek periodos path around). 1) the time interval between two important historical events. 2) in astronomy the same as a cycle; in arithmetic: the number of digits repeated, in the same order, countless times. 3) especially developed complex ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

period- a, m. période f. lat. periodus periodos traversal, gyration, orbit of a celestial body. 1. The period of time in which one or another part of the general process takes place. ALS 1. There are periods in his life during which he performs from ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

PERIOD- husband. term or period of time, duration; time from one event to another. History is divided into periods, periods. The period is the primordial sedimentary period, the timing of the formation of the earth's strata. | The duration of the event itself, action, state; ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

PERIOD- (1) the period of time during which a process begins, develops and ends; the smallest time interval after which the randomly selected instantaneous values ​​of the periodic value are repeated; (2) P. in ... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

Period C- Studio a ... Wikipedia

PERIOD- period of flow economic process, action, plan, contract, guarantee, payment of debts, payment of taxes, performance of work (warranty period, planning period, taxation period, payback period). Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., ... ... Economic Dictionary

period- Cm … Synonym dictionary

PERIOD- oscillations, the smallest time interval after which the oscillating system returns to the same state in which it was at the initial moment, chosen arbitrarily. The period is the reciprocal of the oscillation frequency. The concept of a period ... ... Modern encyclopedia


  • The period of disintegration, Alexander Afanasyev. They say that with the collapse of the communist system, our world became calmer and safer, and the Third World War- is simply impossible. Do you remember the bloody assault on Grozny on the eve of 95? NATO ... Buy for 180 rubles
  • Half life. In a nuclear hell, Alexey Makhrov. Nuclear war 2014 brought humanity to the brink of total annihilation. Everything big cities lie in ruins. Whole countries have been turned into a radioactive desert. Moscow burned to the ground in the nuclear ...

Period, periods, period, periods, period, periods, period, periods, period, periods, period, periods Zaliznyak grammar dictionary

  • period - Borrowing from French, where periode goes back to the Latin periodus, which in turn goes back to the Greek periodos (from peri - "around, around" and hodos - "road"). Krylov's etymological dictionary
  • period - Period, m. [Greek. periodos] (book). 1. The period of time during which some n ends. repetitive process (scientific). Large dictionary of foreign words
  • period - the period since Peter I (Smirnov 224). Through the French. période from lat. periodus from the Greek. περίοδος "circulation, circulation" (origin - from astronomy); see Dornseif 17. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • period - PERIOD m. term or period of time, duration; time from one event to another. History is divided into periods, periods. The primordial period is the sedimentary period, the timing of the formation of the earth's strata. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • period - PERIOD, a, m. 1. The period of time during which something is. happens (begins, develops and ends). Post-war P.P. flourishing. Incubation p. Disease. The first p. Of the game. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • PERIOD - PERIOD - in geology - a large interval of geological time during which the rocks formed that make up the geological system. Periods are divided into geological eras. Big encyclopedic dictionary
  • period - -а, m. 1. Time interval in developing smth.., characterized by certain features, features. Winter period. Incubation period. Transition period... Flowering period. The period of building socialism. Post-war period. Small academic dictionary
  • Period - (from the Greek. Periodos - circumambulation, circulation, a certain circle of time) - the simplest compositional form, which is part of larger forms or has its own. meaning. Main P.'s function is a presentation of a relatively complete muses. thoughts (themes) in production. Musical encyclopedia
  • Period - Groups - the least common multiple of the orders of the elements of a given group (it is assumed that the group is periodic and the orders of all its elements are limited in aggregate). P. group called. also an indicator of the group. O. Encyclopedia of mathematics
  • Period - I Period (from the Greek. Períodos - circumambulation, circulation, a certain circle of time) 1) a period of time during which a process takes place. 2) The stage of social development, social movement. Cm. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • PERIOD - PERIOD (from the Greek. Periodos - bypass, circulation) - eng. period; German Periode. 1. The period of time during which k.-l. process. 2. The stage of education, development, history of ch.-l. Sociological Dictionary
  • period - PER'IOD, period, · ​​husband. (· Greek periodos) (· book). 1. The period of time during which some repetitive process ends (scientific). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • PERIOD - The duration of the economic process, action, plan, contract, guarantee, payment of debts, taxes, performance of work (warranty period, planning period, taxation period, payback period). Economic glossary of terms
  • In this article I will introduce you to the meaning of various phrases that include the word "period". You will learn what a period is, as well as the period of any circulation and the period of oscillation, the embryonic or incubation period, as well as other meanings.

    What is the oscillation period

    The oscillation period in physics is the minimum period of time during which the oscillator completes one full cycle of oscillations (one oscillation), when the oscillator deviates from its original position and then returns to it. An oscillator is any device that produces a repeating signal. In part, the physical period of oscillations coincides with the mathematical period of a function, if the function is understood as a dependence on a physical quantity.

    What is the grace period

    The concept " Grace period»Slightly differs in the insurance and banking sectors. In the banking sector, the grace period is the time during which the principal amount of the loan is not repaid. During this period, the payer either does not pay at all, or only pays the interest on the loan. Also, a grace period means that at this time the bank calculates interest on interest rate(of course, preferential) for the use of the loan funds provided.

    As for the insurance sector, the grace period here means the time during which the insurer is obliged to pay the specified in the contract sum of money in the event of an insured event.

    What is the reporting period

    The reporting period is a period of time that includes events occurring during this time related to the direct activities of the company - the provision of services, the purchase and sale of products, etc. This term is used primarily in accounting in the reporting work.

    What is the tax period

    This is the time set tax code, for which one or another type of tax is calculated, as well as the payment of various taxes and all kinds of fees. At the end tax period the amount of tax to be paid is calculated and payment is made. Any entrepreneur is familiar with the concept of the tax period.

    What is the incubation period

    In medicine, the incubation period is the time that elapses from the moment a microbe or bacteria enters the body until the first symptoms of a disease caused by this microbe or bacterium appear. You can also find other names: latent period or latent period.

    In biology, the incubation period is the time elapsing from the moment of fertilization to the moment of fruiting in some organisms, animals and fish.

    What is the billing period

    The billing period is the time for which the consumer must pay for certain services without applying additional penalties to him. So, for example, the billing period when paying utilities, telephone and electricity is a month. Typically measured in months settlement periods and when paying the loan.

    What is puberty

    In fact, it is synonymous with the maturation of a young organism. The pubertal period is called the changes in the child's body, leading to his maturation, transformation into an adult personality. These are well-known physiological changes that actively occur in adolescence. As scientists have found out, puberty begins at the moment when the child's brain begins to send signals to the genitals, as a result of which the latter begin to actively develop.

    This is accompanied by other changes in the body, that is, the appearance of so-called secondary sexual characteristics - the figure changes, the voice breaks in boys, etc.

    What is the embryonic period

    The embryonic period is the time when the initial development of the fetus or embryo takes place. It is often referred to as the embryonic period. If we talk about a child, then the embryonic period is the first 10 weeks of its development from the moment of conception.

    On the other hand, the embryonic period is often called a period that covers the entire life of an individual before birth.

    What is the circulation period

    This term is most commonly used in astronomy. The period of revolution is such a period of time during which a celestial body (as a rule, a planet) makes a complete revolution around the star. So, the period of the Earth's revolution around the Sun is 365 days or 1 year. The circulation period is most often measured in years.

    On the other hand, there is such economic concept... In this case, we are talking about the circulation period banknotes... For example, for Soviet post-reform money, such a circulation period was 30 years - from 1961 to 1991.

    - (Greek periodos "bypass", "circle") a term introduced by Aristotle to mean "speech that has a beginning and end in itself and is easily embraced by the mind." P. should be understood as follows. arr. a large syntactic unit, a complex sentence, or ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Period, m. [Greek. periodos] (book). 1. A period of time, during which ends some. repetitive process (scientific). Synodic period of the planet's revolution (the time during which the planet makes one complete revolution around ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Period- PERIOD (Περιοδος detour, circle). This word in ancient Greece was called that closed, ring road on which games and competitions took place during the Olympic festivities. With this term, Aristotle began to designate a special species ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    - (Greek periodos path around). 1) the time interval between two important historical events. 2) in astronomy the same as a cycle; in arithmetic: the number of digits repeated, in the same order, countless times. 3) especially developed complex ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    period- a, m. période f. lat. periodus periodos traversal, gyration, orbit of a celestial body. 1. The period of time in which one or another part of the general process takes place. ALS 1. There are periods in his life during which he performs from ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    Husband. term or period of time, duration; time from one event to another. History is divided into periods, periods. The period is the primordial sedimentary period, the timing of the formation of the earth's strata. | The duration of the event itself, action, state; ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    PERIOD- (1) the period of time during which a process begins, develops and ends; the smallest time interval after which the randomly selected instantaneous values ​​of the periodic value are repeated; (2) P. in ... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    Studio a ... Wikipedia

    The duration of the economic process, action, plan, contract, guarantee, payment of debts, payment of taxes, performance of work (warranty period, planning period, taxation period, payback period). Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., ... ... Economic Dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Oscillations, the smallest time interval after which the oscillating system returns to the same state in which it was at the initial moment, chosen arbitrarily. The period is the reciprocal of the oscillation frequency. The concept of a period ... ... Modern encyclopedia


    • The period of disintegration, Alexander Afanasyev. They say that with the collapse of the communist system, our world has become calmer and safer, and the Third World War is simply impossible. Do you remember the bloody assault on Grozny on the eve of 95? NATO ...
    • Half life. In a nuclear hell, Alexey Makhrov. The nuclear war of 2014 brought humanity to the brink of total annihilation. All major cities are in ruins. Whole countries have been turned into a radioactive desert. Moscow burned to the ground in the nuclear ...

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