
Online high resolution map. Satellite map of Russia online

(Total 29 photos)

1. Forward, "Discovery"! On October 23, 2007 at 11:40, I first went to space on the "Discovery" shuttle. Opochremen ... It is a pity that this is his last flight. I look forward to going aboard the ship, and he will arrive at the station in November.

2. Earthly shine. The space station in the blue earthly radiance, which appears when the rising sun permeates the thin atmosphere of our planet, and the station is poured with blue light. I will never forget this place ... sow sow from such a type, and the heart wants a flight.

3. Astronaut NASA Douglas H. Wilok.

4. Huang De Nova Island in the Mozambic Strait between Madagascar and Africa. Amazing color scheme of these places can compete with the views of the Caribbean.

5. Northern Lights in the distance in one of the beautiful nights over Europe. The photo is clearly visible to the Davrian Strait, however, like Paris, the city of lights. A small fog over the western part of England, in particular, over London. How incredibly seeing lights of cities and towns against the background of deep space. I will miss this view of our amazing world.

6. "Fly Me to The Moon ... Let Me Dance Among The Stars ..." (take me to the moon, let's dance among stars). I hope we will never lose the feeling of the miracle. Passion for research and discoveries is a great heritage that can be left to your children. I hope someday we will rule the sail and go on a journey. Someday this wonderful day will come ...

7. Of all the places of our magnificent Planet, few can compete on the beauty and wealth of paints with. In this photo, our ship "Progress-37" is visible against the background of the Bahamas. How is our world all the same!

8. At the speed of 28163 km / h (8 km per second) ... We are rotating in the Earth orbit, making one turn every 90 minutes, and watching sunsets and dawns every 45 minutes. So half of our journey takes place in the pitch darkness. For work, we simply need lights on helmets. On this photo, I prepare the handle of one device ... "M3 Ammonia Connector".

9. Each time when I look out into the porthole and see our beautiful planet, my soul sings! I see blue skies, white clouds and a bright blessed day.

10. Another exciting sunset. In the orbit of the Earth, we see 16 such sunsets every day, and each of them is truly valuable. This beautiful thin blue line is that it highlights our planet among many others. In space it is cold, and the earth is an island of life in a huge dark sea of \u200b\u200bspace.

11. An excellent atoll in the Pacific, photographed with a 400-Milimmeter lens. Approximately 1930 km south of Honolulu.

12. Beautiful reflection of sunlight in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Cosmos does not see borders ... From there, there is only an exciting view of the spirit, such as, for example, the view of this island of Cyprus.

13. Above the center of the Atlantic Ocean, before the next amazing sunset. Below in the rays of the setting sun, the spirals of Hurricane Earl are visible. An interesting look at the life of our sun. Solar rays on the left side of the station and in Hurricane Earl ... These two objects collect the last particles of energy before immersion in the dark.

14. A little further east, we saw the sacred monolith of Uluru, the more famous called the rock of Ayers Rock. I have never had the opportunity to visit Australia, but someday I hope that I will stand next to this miracle of nature.

15. Morning over Andami in South America. I do not know for sure the name of this top, but it was simply amazed by her magic stretching to the Sun and the winds of the vertices.

16. Over the desert sugar, approaching the ancient lands and millennial history. The Nile River flows through Egypt by Pyramid Giza in Cairo. Further, the Red Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, as well as the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea and Greece on the horizon.

17. Night view of the River Neil, stretching snake through Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea, and Cairo, located in the river delta. What a contrast between the dark lifeless desert of North Africa and the River Nile, on the shores of which life boils. In the distance in this picture made by the beautiful autumn evening, the Mediterranean Sea can be seen.

18. Our drone 'Progress 39p' is approaching the ISS to refuel. It is full of food, fuel, spare parts and all necessary for our station. Inside there was a real gift - fresh fruits and vegetables. What a miracle after three months of nutrition from tubes!

20. The module of the Union 23C "Olympus" is docked with a side of the nadir. When our work is over here, we will return home, to Earth. I thought you would be interested to see this spectacle through the dome. We fly over the snowy peaks of the Caucasus. The ascending sun reflects from the Caspian Sea.

21. A flash of color, movement and life on the canvas of our amazing world. This is part of a large barrier reef at the Eastern Coast of Australia, filmed through the lens of 1200 millimeters. I think even the great impressionists would be amazed by this natural picture.

22. All the beauty of Italy is clear summer evening. You can see many beautiful islands adorning the coast, Capri, Sicily and Malta. Naples and Vesuviy volcano stand out along the coast.

23. In the southern end of South America lies the pearl of Patagonia. The amazing beauty of the rocky mountains, massive glaciers, fjords and the open sea are combined in amazing harmony. I dreamed this place. I wonder what it is like to inhale the local air. Present magic!

24. "Dome" on the side of Nadir Station gives the panoramic view of our beautiful planet. Fedor made this snapshot from the window of the Russian docking compartment. In this photo I sit in the dome, preparing a camera for our evening flight over Hurricane Earl.

27. Clear star night over the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient lands with a thousand-year history extend from Athens to Cairo. Historical lands, fabulous cities and tempting islands ... Athens - Crete - Rhodes - Izmir - Ankara - Cyprus - Damascus - Beirut - Haifa - Amman - Tel Aviv - Jerusalem - Cairo - they all turned into tiny lights in this cool November night. From these places, it seems to be grace and tranquility.

28. At this time of year, you can fully enjoy the beauty of polar mesospheric clouds. With the help of our high illumination angle, we were able to capture a thin layer of silvery clouds at sunset.

29. Shannon, I and Fedor in our Sokol costumes in the MRM-1 module. We got into the "Olympus" capsule for sealing and checking leaks on our costumes. All systems are running, the countdown went.

Many users are interested in online satellite maps, giving an opportunity to enjoy the view of the favorite places of our planet from the height of a bird's flight. There is enough number of such services in the network, while all their diversity should not be misleading - most of these sites use the classic API from "Google Maps". However, there are also a number of resources using their own tools for creating high quality satellite cards. In this material I will talk about the best satellite maps high resolution Available online in 2017-2018, as well as explain how to use them.

When creating satellite cards of the earth's surface, both snapshots from cosmic satellites and photos from special aircraft, allowing photographing at the height of bird flight (250-500 meters).

The satellite cards created in this way are regularly updated, and usually pictures with them have age no more than 2-3 years.

Most network services do not have opportunities to create their own satellite cards. Usually they use cards from other, more powerful services (usually google MAPS). At the same time, at the bottom (or at the top) of the screen, you can find a mention of the copyright of any company to demonstrate maps data.

Viewing satellite real-time satellite cards is now not available for a regular user, since such a toolkit is used mainly for military purposes. Maps are available to users, photos for which over the past months (or even years). It is worth understanding that any military facilities can be deliberately naked in order to hide them from interested parties.

Let us turn to the description of the services that allow us to enjoy the capabilities of satellite cards.

Google Cards - View from Space in High Resolution

Bing Maps - Satellite Card Service Online

Among cartographic online services A decent quality cannot be passed by the party by the Bing Maps service (Bing Maps), which is the brainchild of Microsoft. Like the other resources described by me, this site provides quite high-quality surface photos created using satellite and aerial photographs.

Service "Bing Maps" - one of the most popular cartographic services in the USA

The functionality of the service is similar to the above-described analogues:

In this case, using the search button you can define online the location of a particular satellite, and clicking on any satellite on the map you get a brief information about it (country, size, launch date, and so on).


To display high-resolution satellite cards online, it is worth using one of the network solutions listed by me. The largest popularity in the global scale has the "Card Google" service, therefore I recommend using this resource to work with satellite cards online. If you are interested in viewing geolockations in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is better to use the toolkit "Yandex.Maps". The frequency of their updates in the relations of our country is superior to the same frequency from Google MAPS.

Each user was at least once interested, how to find his home, using aerial photographs.

Surprisingly, access via the Internet to this information is now completely free.

Thanks to the launch of the commercial observations of the Earth, we have become available online tools that allow you to easily see your home from space.

In our modern cosmic era there are more than 8,000 satellites that are constantly in the orbit of the Earth.

The overwhelming majority of the data and transmit the encoded information to the Earth.

Many of them are equipped with high-power cameras. Just look into the sky, and you will definitely see the trail of the satellite after the satellite will fly over his head.

But how can you gain access to these satellite data and aerial photographs of your home?

Satellite shots of the whole land

If you want to just watch satellite images of the entire planet, you have a few simple solutions.

You can go to the site of NASA weather forecasters. Every three hours the site appears on the site, made by the geostationary operational ecological satellite NOAA.

This is the release of images of the whole hemisphere of the planet Earth.

From these pictures, you can see the basic changes in weather conditions affecting different hemispheres of the Earth.

The pictures are so accurate that you can see a certain place on the ground with a maximum approximation.

In these photos, the maximum realistic is striking. Weather changes that you see on these pictures occur on the planet right now.

If you do not want to view the video, but just want to enjoy the extraordinary hemispheres of the earth, you need these pictures.

Also on the Internet you can find amazing new satellite pictures The lands that are coming from the 3rd generation of the European Space Agency with the Meteosate Space Agency.

Approximation. We look at satellite satellites of houses

If these photos from the weather satellites will not be enough for you, let's see how close the image is so so that you can look at the houses from the space.

To do this, we will need the best tool for today in the market, in my opinion,. All you need is a web browser and internet connection.

When you first start the user gets a view from the satellite, which is located above North America.

Then you can increase or move the camera over the surface to see any place on Earth.

You can also enter the exact address you want to see.

As soon as you do this, you will get free access to satellite images of the house whose address you indicated. You can save the image or print it.

Another interesting tool is Google Earth. Access to it can be obtained by reference: http://earth.google.com..

The main differences between Google Maps and Google Earth is that you have to download and install the appropriate application on your local computer (they have a version for PC, Mac, Linux and even iPhone).

After you downloaded and installed, you can see the 3-dimensional view of the Earth, which can be increased and reduced.

You can also rotate the 3-dimensional model of our planet. You can enter your address and look at your home from above.

In Google Earth, the print function works much better than in Google Maps, as a printer is used directly, and not through a web browser.

There are among modern users those who prefer not to use the products of this search engine leader suspected that the company's technical engineers are spying for them.

Microsoft service was previously called MSN Maps, now the developers have changed the name on Bing Maps, fully updating the interface and functionality.

Yahoo service is called Yahoo Maps, and it is very similar to Google Maps.

Between these two services there is a big difference.

On the Internet you can find a cool application that allows you to see both of these applications side by side.

Compare them, it can be understood that the latter are worked in more detail.

And most cities are better to consider exactly through this application.

Where do all these photos come from?

Google Maps and other popular cartographic services in really just customers.

They are the same as users use the services of satellite communications, which actually download these photos from space.

There are several main service providers in the market, including GeoEye.

GEOEYE's main competitors are DigitalGlobe and Spot Image.

Each company has a fleet of satellites that they use to observe the earth.

Their technical capabilities allow us to remove tiny land objects.

Minimal object that is on this moment It was possible to fix about 45 cm (18 inches).

In other words, the 45-centimeter object will look like one pixel in the photo.

Private satellites producing round-the-clock observation of our planet:

  • GeoEye - 5 satellites: Ikonos, Orbview-2, Orbview-3, GeoEye - 1, GeoEye-2 (in 2013).
  • DigitalGlobe - 4 satellites: Early Bird 1, QuickBird, WorldView-1, WorldView-2
  • Spot Image - 2 Satellites: Spot 4, Spot 5

Each of these services allows customers to purchase satellite shots directly, but prices are extremely high: hundreds or even thousands of dollars for specific satellite images.

It is usually impossible to buy direct photos of the company, the owner of the satellite.

Most often in such cases use the services of international intermediaries.

The average users are better to adhere to free sources.

When you look at these amazing pictures from space, you can surprise accuracy and detail. In fact, this is not the most relevant data.

At the moment, in free access, you can find snapshots of two-year limitations.

More relevant data is redeemed by special services, intelligence organizations and never come to free access.

But, if you have a thirst for getting actual informationIt is worth contacting other sources that will give you a living look for the land from the space.

For example, you can access a live broadcast from the NASA International Space Station.

About 40% of the time, if you go to their website, you can see the video of the Earth from the space station.

Another service called Urthecast launched a broadcast from a high-resolution camera with an international space station in 2013 to broadcast the video of the Earth from space.


Google Maps is not just a popular program used by the company, but it is also one of the most popular cards used for hybrid web applications.

It makes Google Maps a very popular and universal tool that is used in different directions.

It is used in localization applications, in services for weather forecasting.

Learn to use the application simply. So you can navigate in various hybrid web applications based on cards.

Although some of these hybrids are changing some default settings.

But knowledge of Google Maps will allow you to quickly adapt to small changes in the programmatic display.

Tip: While reading instructions for using the application, try transferring cards to a separate browser window. You can practice in parallel, reading useful tips.

What are Google maps? This is a service that consists of several applications provided for free and includes a Google Maps cartographic site and a program for a route laying (Google Transit). Cards from Google offer a view from a satellite for very many cities of the planet and include a detailed location scheme of streets, houses, travel paths public transport or car, reference book on various objects and so on.

Features of work

Google Maps Map is displayed in two variations:

  • conventional Traditional Card (Analog Mercator Cards)
  • and pictures from the satellite (not online, but made a certain time ago).

The scale of the cards is also based on the projection of the Mercator, that is, it is constant and varies from the poles to the equator towards the decrease.

With Google MAPS, another separate project of the Corporation is closely connected - Google Planet, corresponding to the globe, which is clearly visible to the region of the Earth's poles.

For what seats are satellite images offered? Not for everyone, but only for large cities of Russia, England, America, Canada and others.

Not all governments approved such placement and use of pictures (as the placement of some objects that are clearly visible on the maps can use terrorists for planning and implementing attacks).

That is why many objects on maps are shaded. Such "classified" objects refers, for example, a white house or capitol.

Different places on satellite images are given in different resolution - the area is less populated, the less it is detailed. Also, some places in the pictures can be hidden due to the shadow of the clouds.

Google online cards

  • switch to satellite mode - lower left corner;
  • increment / decrease - Lower right corner.

Untime, the company presented a new service, a wave of interest in the satellite pictures rolled around the world.

The creation of sites on which satellite images of interesting places, unusual architectural attractions, stadiums, anthropogenic formations began to be placed in free access. Since 2008, the US meteorological service has become used to prepare its forecasts of the Google map.

It should be noted that not all images are made from the satellite - most of the pictures are obtained by aerial photography from a height from 300 meters.

Online google maps Maps are widely used by JavaScript. When the user moves around the map, dragging it, the new plots are loaded from the server and displayed on the page.

If the user is looking for specific objects, the search result is inserted on the sidebar, and the page itself does not require a reboot. The location on the map is displayed dynamically through the red marker icon.

  • In 2006. year appeared the first version for mobile phonesAnd in 2007 the second version appeared. To determine the location of the phone, a service similar to GPS is used.
  • In 2008. yearMaps Google It was possible to apply for android, Windows Mobile, Simbian, Blackbey, Java (from 2+), IOS (Apple), Palm OS (Centro +).
  • In 2011. The Corporation announced that it provides a cartographic service of more than 150 million customers.

For third-party owners can use Maps, Google announced a free API card service in 2005 (Application Programming Interface).

The map can be placed on any site using this technology to interact software. To date, more than 350 thousand such sites around the world.

Satellite Maps from Googleenjoy popular. This is a convenient and practical tool that allows you to see the planet under any scale. Image from the satellite reveals the details: small streets and docks next to the house, cities, countries and continents. It was possible due to satellite shooting.
Earlier for receipt snapshots from Cosmos The shooting of a television camera was used to drive a signal to a station or a special photographic camera, the pictures of which were displayed on the film. Today, modern space technologies allow you to look at the planet due to the scanning mechanism laid out in the satellites.

Satellite Map: Application and Objectives

Currently, the world map from a real-time satellite is used in many areas: the condition of agricultural fields, forests, ocean and identification of the location of friends with a smartphone is analyzed. For these resources, the Google satellite map is used.
The main purpose of using Google Satellite Snapshots remains navigation. The site contains a world diagram with the display of continents, states, cities, streets and trails. It helps to navigate the terrain, evaluate its landscape and just travel around the ground, without leaving home.

Quality of pictures world map online from satellite

Snapshots of the highest permission are available for the largest cities of Ukraine, America, Russia, Belarus, Asia, Europe and Oceania with a population of more than a million people. For settlements With a smaller number of residents, snapshots are available in limited quantities and worst quality.
Despite this, each wishing can consider in detail the territory of his home, nearby streets, see the photo of the planet almost from any point. Snapshots disclose accommodation:

  • cities, towns, villages,
  • streets, Lullekov
  • rivers, seas, lakes, forest zone, desert, etc.

A good quality of cartographic snapshots allows you to consider the landscape of the selected area in detail.

Google Cards from Satellite:

Google satellite maps help detailed to consider objects that are difficult to evaluate on ordinary charts. Snapshots from the satellite retain the natural shape of the object, its size and color. Ordinary classic maps Before printing and circulation, the editorial study is undergoing to match the scale, as a result of which natural colors of the terrain and form of objects are lost. In cartographic images, naturalness is preserved.
In addition, on the map you can quickly find the city of interest in any country. The diagram has a graph in which in Russian you can specify the country, a city and even the house number. During a second, the diagram will increase the scale and display the location of the specified object and those that are next to it.

World satellite map mode

Satellite images have the ability to switch to world map mode. It helps to view the territory on the surface of the planet, as close as possible to the selected object, consider the placement planning. This mode allows you to quickly and conveniently plan the route of travel, movement around the city, to find the sights and others.
Indicating the house number, the chart in a second will display its placement relative to the city center. It is also possible to pave the route from the specified originally object. To do this, click on the appropriate button and enter the address.

Earth map from satellite to the site

the site provides the ability to use a real-time satellite card for free. For convenience, the map is divided into countries. To search for a specific city or acquaintance with the area of \u200b\u200bthe state, click on the "travels" you are interested in and start. The service is constantly improving, work is carried out on the placement of pictures from the satellite in the high resolution of small settlements.
A good quality of online satellite cartographic images posted on our website helps to quickly find the necessary object, inspect the landscape, assess the distances between cities, find out the location of the forests, rivers, seas and ocean. Together with the VOWEB travel the world has become even more affordable.

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