
The most profitable long-term deposits. Long-term deposits. Zapsibcombank presented the seasonal contribution of "Growth Traditions"

Deposits placed for long term, as a rule, are characterized by a higher yield. If the client is ready to wait until 5 or more, the bank is ready to pay for such patience with elevated rates.So, the long-term bank deposit will help not only save, but also to increase the accumulation.

Long-term deposits are the most profitable for several reasons. First, the nominal interest rate on them is initially higher than on deposits for a shorter period. Secondly, an effective interest rate (with percentage capitalization, when interest accumulates from month to month as a snowball) may be even higher. For example, on deposits for 5 years, it is capable of exceeding a nominal value by more than 3%.

In addition to higher returns, long-term deposits have one more advantage. They enable the interest rate on a sufficiently long period. And if the banks begin to reduce the bets, this will not affect your profitability, since the rate remains unchanged high throughout the entire deposit period. Let's figure out which Russian banks offer the most attractive conditions for long-term deposits.

Maximum income - Up to 11.25% per annum in rubles - provided for the "note - capital" contribution to the bank. Such a bet can be obtained by placing the amount from 1 million rubles for a period of 3 years (the maximum deposit period is by agreement of the parties). Placing a smaller amount - from 30 thousand to 1 million rubles - for the same time, you will receive a yield of 11.1% per annum in rubles. The contribution can also be discovered in US dollars, the euro (yield is 0.6-3% per annum), Swiss francs (yield - 0.3-2.75% per annum). The payment of interest is carried out at the end of the term, to the current account or account of the bank card. Capitalization of interest - no. Replenishment and partial removal of funds are not provided. Early termination - at a request to demand. The contribution can be opened in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Queen, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Surgut, Tyumen, Ufa.

Preservation of the rate in early dissemination of funds The deposit provides for the deposit "without percent loss" in the Russian trading bank. Interest are accrued at the rate for the actual period of cash in deposit: 181-369 days - 5% per annum in rubles, 370-546 days - 10.52% per annum, 547-730 days - 10.53%, 731-912 days - 10.54%, 913-1095 days - 10.86%, 1096-1460 days - 10.9%, 1461-1825 days - 11.15%. That is, you decide to place funds for 5 years, then the rate (11.15%) will continue if the tools lie in the deposit from 4 to 5 years. The minimum amount for opening is 50 thousand rubles. Payment of interest - every month, for the current account. Capitalization of interest - no. Replenishment is possible, but no later than 30 days before the end of the deposit period. Partial removal of funds is not provided. The contribution can be opened only in Moscow.

The monthly payment of interest is also provided for the contribution of the "Monthly Income" in the Interactive Bank. This option will suit for those who do not want to wait for the term of gradation to receive income . Percentage payments are made every month, the capitalization of interest is at your request. The minimum amount for opening is 500 thousand rubles. The rate is 11.01% per annum in rubles PR placing funds for 5 years. Replenishment and partial removal of funds are not provided. Early termination - at a request to demand. The contribution can be opened only in Moscow.

The monthly payment of interest is also provided for the contributions of "urgent" in the RTS Bank, "stable income" in Ivi Bank, "Universal" in the bank "Noosphere", "Savings Plus" in the bank of Tatt. Quarterly payment of interest - on the contribution "Reliable" in the bank "Kansky".

And the contribution "on your conditions" in the bank "Credit-Express" suggests that depositor himself can choose when it will receive interest - once a month, quarter or at the end of the term. Placing funds from a period of 1 year (the maximum period is not limited), you get the yield of 9% (the amount is from 50 thousand rubles) or 10% per annum in rubles (the amount is from 50 thousand rubles). In dollars and euros - 3.75% per annum (minimum amount - from 1 thousand dollars or euro). Capitalization of interest - no. Replenishment is possible, the minimum amount is 3 thousand rubles or 200 dollars / euro. Partial removal of funds is not provided. Early withdrawal of funds - at a request to demand. The contribution can be opened in Moscow, Mytishchi and Rostov-on-Don.

Maximum freedom of disposal by means Provides the contribution of the "Universal" in the bank "Noosphere". The minimum amount for the discovery of the contribution is 10 thousand rubles. The rate under the placement of funds from 5 years - 10.5% per annum in rubles. The payment of interest is monthly, without capitalization of interest. The depositor can be made to replenish the contribution (to obtain a greater yield) and take part of the funds (if necessary). The minimum amount of replenishment is 1 thousand rubles. The minimum unumbed residue with partial removal of funds is equal to the initial deposit amount. Early termination - at a request to demand. The contribution can be opened only in the Altai Republic (in Gorno-Altaisk, Onguda, Ust-Koks).

If you do not have large sums To accommodate, then you will be the contribution of "Savings Plus" in the bank of Tattta. You can open it, having only 3 thousand rubles (100 dollars or euro). Term - 5 years. Rates - 10.38% per annum in rubles, 4% per annum in dollars and euros. The bid in rubles is indicated for the entire period; There are only two percentage calculation periods. The first 730 days - 10.2% per annum, the following days - at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation + 2.25% per annum. Payment of interest - monthly, capitalization of interest - yes. Replenishment and partial removal of funds are not provided. Early termination - on preferential terms. By deposit, you can get an increased rate, placing a large amount: 5-10 million rubles (or equivalent in foreign currency) - by 0.3% per annum, 10-15 million rubles - by 0.6%, over 15 million rubles - by 1 % per annum in rubles. The contribution can be opened in Achinsk, Kansk, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Nizhny Ingashe, Rostov-on-Don, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Journal, Uyar, Ytyk-Cuele, Yakutsk.

Open online (Through the Internet Bank), you can contribute "Strategist Online" in the Bank "St. Petersburg". The rate under placement of a period of 3 years (the maximum period is not limited) 9.5 (the amount is from 10 thousand rubles) and 9.6% (from 1.5 million rubles) per annum in rubles, 3.9 (amount - from 500 dollars) and 4% (from 50 thousand dollars) per annum in dollars, 3.4 (amount - from 500 euros) and 3.5% (from 50 thousand euros) per annum. At the request of the depositor, the Visa / MasterCard payment system is drawn up without charging the main card maintenance commission, or for 50% of the value of the annual card maintenance (depending on the deposit amount). Posted interest - at the end of the term. Capitalization - no. Replenishment is possible, the minimum amount is 5 thousand rubles, 300 dollars / euro. If an additional contribution went to the account on the contribution of 30 days and less than the expiration date of the contribution, then interest is charged on the existing rate of the contribution of "to demand". Partial removal of funds is not provided. Early termination - at a request to demand.

Table 1. "Top-12 of the most profitable long-term deposits"

Bank, Contribution

Max. rate

Min. sum


1 million rubles

Russian trade bank, "without percent loss"

50 thousand rubles

4 years - 5 years

Interactive Bank, "Monthly Income"

500 thousand rubles

NK Bank, Urgent

10 million rubles

Bank "Kansky", "Reliable"

100 thousand rubles

RTS Bank, Urgent

50 thousand rubles

Ivey Bank, "Stable Income"

700 thousand rubles

6 years and 6 months

Bank "Noosphere", "Universal"

10 thousand rubles

Bank "Tattta", "Savings Plus"

3 thousand rubles

"Credit-Express", "On your conditions"

390 thousand rubles

"Investment Union", "Cumulative"

3 million rubles

Bank "St. Petersburg", "Strategist Online"

1.5 million rubles

Data for September 2014

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  • accrual and payment of interest on the balance of funds in accounts
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7 Favorable features of RKO in Alpha Bank

  1. Free open account and Internet Bank connection
  2. Free service At the tariff "Just 1%"
  3. Free maps release To work with cash
  4. Free plates To the budget and business clients of Alfa-Bank
  5. Free translations to a personal account in the alpha bank to 100,000 rubles. / month.
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  7. Online service: Convenient Internet Bank for entrepreneurs and a cool mobile bank will provide you with access to the account from a computer, tablet or smartphone at any time.

If you choose a service package suitable for your business, you will be able to reduce the cost of cash service, and when paying at once in 9 months for another 3 months your company will serve for free. After opening an account, you will also be able to receive discounts on goods and services from bank partners and useful services for business as a gift.

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More recently, deposits for a long time did not particularly attract depositors: after all, the situation on the financial stage is not very stable. But nevertheless, the desire to earn, nothing at the same time, above. It is stupid to keep money at home when they can enhance. Therefore, guided by this, it is better to attribute them to the bank and choose a convenient long-term contribution.

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What it is?

The long-term deposit implies a cash that is entered into the bank under the condition of long-term storage without the right to premature withdrawal, which is allowed only after the expiration of the deposit period.

Such deposits can be stored dozens of years, and the investor gets good interest. Distinguish open and closed deposits. The openly counted the deposits that can be replenished. At the same time, the percentage is accrued to the resulting residue.

Closed, respectively, are not replenished deposits. But the advantage of the latter is high interest rates.


Before making an investment in any financial institution, it is better to familiarize yourself with the conditions they offer.

Namely, the choice should affect the following:

  • The possibility of replenishment. It is necessary to clearly understand that with a replenished contribution, the rate will be less, but also accrual interest will occur on the end balance on the account.
  • Withdrawing funds. In long-term deposits, this function is absent - there is neither partial removal nor early seizure of the entire amount. This should be remembered by choosing the time interval.
  • The presence of capitalization. This function allows you to accrue interest both on the initial amount of the deposit and the balance monthly. Capitalization is carried out either every month or every quarter.

Where to place long-term deposits

To date, not so many banks offer long-term deposits, but nevertheless the most proven can provide such an opportunity.

Long-term deposits include those deposits where investment time starts from year to year, while noting funds are not recommended. Banks offer various programs, among which the depositor will choose the most optimal one.

With replenishment

The table presents deposit options with the possibility of replenishment..

Video: Investment

On the child

There are long-term contributions that are opened in the name of minor citizens. In frequent cases, this is a cash on training that parents prudently walked for their child.

Sberbank offers an optimal contribution to the child's "Child deposits for a child".

This deposit has several advantages over any other:

  • The initial contribution is 1,000 rubles;
  • There is capitalization of interest;
  • Replenishment can be carried out at any time to the bank's separation, while any relative can make funds, presenting the passport of the Russian Federation;
  • There is the option "Preservation of Money", i.e. Partial removal of funds can be made only with the consent of the guardianship bodies;
  • Full access to money, the child receives an 18-year-old achievement;
  • From the age of 14 can partially manage the deposit.


This type of contribution speaks for itself - he must accumulate. And for the fact that investors give to banks their blood, the latter in turn offer contributors favorable conditions and interest. One nuance is the more profitable the conditions for the client, the less percentage.

What options for accumulative contributions can be found in financial institutions?

  • With a nominal rate. Investment, where the calculation is fixed throughout the total time and interest is removed only after the expiration of the attachment time. You can pick up money and prematurely, but in this case the rate declared by the bank is canceled. This feature is from Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Bank Revival, Rosbank.
  • Growing interest rate. Choosing this condition, you need to be ready to make an impressive first installment without the right to replenish the account in the future. But what is the essence - the contribution opens under a small percentage, but after the expiration of a certain period it increases. And this happens throughout the entire time of the contract. At the end, the client receives a good amount. Such a condition is provided by Sberbank, Alpha Bank, Russian Standard.
  • Capitalization of interest. Those money in the form of percent, which dripped on the attached amount every month will be some premium to it. As a result, the contribution itself increases and the percentage is accrued for the final amount. It turns out that the profit grows slightly by about 0.3%. In addition, such investments are replenished. This condition is valid in Gazprombank, opening, Alpha Bank, Sberbank.

For 10 years

When investing your funds for up to 10 years, the investor must remember that it is subject to a certain risk. Namely because of the unstable financial situation, the entire contribution can be lost.

In the banking services market, the organization is closed, so deciding for a long investment, the bank must be chosen with the mind. At the moment, deposits for ten years offer only 16 organizations from 50 proven.

But despite the risk, ten-year deposits have their advantages:

  • The profit percentage will be more than on urgent deposits. And this is despite the fact that the interest rate is much smaller;
  • The ability to replenish in accumulative deposits makes it possible to collect money for certain needs;
  • Availability of capitalization conditions;
  • In many banks, in investing for 10 years there is a program to reduce other banking expenses, as well as the provision of a variety of bonuses (reducing the loan rate, opening of an account, etc.).

When choosing such a contribution, it should be carefully examined by all the conditions that the bank provides and familiarize themselves with the contract. Because many organizations are silent that the rate throughout this period can decrease and the desired interest can not receive.

For example, you can consider the contribution for 10 years from Rosselkhozbank.

Such deposits include investments opened for a child, i.e. Prior to reaching the majority, or accumulative deposits, for example, to retirement age.

There are no specific contributions for twenty-year term in modern banks, because no organization will give guarantees for such a long time. But there are such deposits that can be renewed as much as possible.

Name of the bankSberbankGazprombankBinbank
Deposit NameSaveRentierContribution to the Future
Interest rateFrom 5.50%From 7.50%From 11.5%
Minimum contribution1 000 rub.15 000 rubles.50 000 - 150,000 rubles.
Conditions for the extension of the contractNot limitedNot limitedAfter the end of the contract is extended by an automatic for the tariff "Profitable +"
Term of investmentUp to 3 yearsUp to 3 yearsFrom 6 months.
Deposit currencyRuble, $, €Ruble, $, €Ruble, $, €
Premature removal or partial seizureNotNot0,001%
Additional platesNotNotNot

If there is a desire to save for a long time and without risks, then it is better to choose the prolonged deposits. There is practically no risks to lose their interest and profitability.

With capitalization

How can I make money on your investments? Very simple. Open a deposit with the capitalization of interest. For many it will seem that this is something unreal, and in fact it is a fairly favorable condition that the bank can offer.

Under capitalization it is understood to add accumulated interest to the principal amount of investment. And then the percentage will be accrued already for the amount resulting in the result.

It turns out that the profit brings not only the initial payment, but also interest, which are accrued every month. This condition can be performed every month, every quarter or at the end of the year.

Due to the high profitability, not all banks offer capitalization of the contribution, but not all investors want to use it.

Consider the reasons why interest is not capitalized:

  1. There is a desire to receive interest on a personal account as an additional earnings;
  2. The Bank's branch itself and the discovered contribution does not provide for this condition;
  3. The rate with capitalization is much lower than the usual deposit.

To date, investment with capitalization of interest is offered Russian Standard, VTB 24, Sberbank, OTP Bank.

Under the high percentage

The deposit under the high percentage suggests more stringent conditions for investors than in conventional investment.

This can be attributed:

  • High first installment when opening a contribution;
  • Lack of capitalization;
  • No account replenishment;
  • Minimum investment deadlines without extension;
  • Interest is paid at the end of the contract.

Nevertheless, banks work with such deposits. Among the most sought-after deposits of Sberbank, VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank, Gazprombank, the Bank of Moscow, the Russian standard can be called.


Long-term deposits can be divided into:

  • replenished, or open;
  • not replenished (closed).

Based on the names, it is clear that in the first case the depositor has the ability to make payments to your account.

At the same time, concluding a contract, the timeline is specified when the invoice can be replenished: every month, every day or once a year. In the second case, payments are not made on the deposit, but the rate with the initial payment here will be more.

How to open

Today there are two ways to open the contribution: online services and personal visits to the bank office.

If you wish to open a deposit online, you must first have been a bank client who provides such a function.

Because the opening of the account via the Internet occurs in the Personal Account of the Depositor. Online opening of the contribution with favorable conditions is offered Sberbank and Binbank.

Today, a lot of people think about where it is profitable to invest money with minimal risk and good income. Investing is one of the most popular profit options, but not all methods are safe. Therefore, before investing your savings in a particular project, we should weigh everything for and against, and already take a conscious decision. In our difficult and unstable from an economic point of view, the optimal option of investing funds is a bank deposit, where the state is responsible for the depositors money. In the case of bankruptcy, a credit and financial institution is paid amount not exceeding 1.4 million rubles. But this, provided that the bank is in the list of replica insurance system registry. That is why it is necessary to choose a bank with the maximum responsibility to which you want to entrust your funds in order to profit.

To date, hundreds of banks that offer customers have a wide variety of deposit products. Choose really have from what. Of particular attention deserves long-term deposits, which give the opportunity to earn a well earn. What is the feature of such deposit programs? This question requires more detailed consideration.

What are the long-term deposits

It is worth saying that even recently, such an investment option caused concerns of people, some are still afraid to trust their savings for a long period. Basically, these concerns are that the economic situation in the country is not stable, and even experts cannot predict what will be in a few years. However, the desire for people to earn, while absolutely nothing doing anything, it turns out to be stronger. Yes, and the meaning of keeping funds at home, if you can easily earn.

Long-term deposits in banks are a type of investment, where the contributor puts its money on a deposit account on long-term storage conditions without the possibility of their early removal. That is, it can be removed only after the end of the contract.

Attention! Long-term deposits can be opened for any period at the request of the client from 1 year and lasting dozens of years. Most often, banking organizations offer deposit programs for up to 10 years. At the same time, long-term replenished contributions are often found among the variety of deposit products, which can be replenished at any time at any time, thereby increasing the deposit amount.

To pay attention to when choosing a long-term deposit:

  • this is the possibility of replenishment. In this case, you should consider the moment that the replenished contribution will be proposed a slightly smaller interest rate, but the percentage is always charged on the final residue. That is, the big amount on the deposit account, the more benefit will be;
  • pay attention at the time of making money. Each capital holder should understand that favorable long-term deposits do not imply such a function as partial or early removal of funds from the account. Therefore, preferring this deposit, this moment should be taken into account, and choose an optimal time interval of the deposit agreement for yourself;
  • is capitalization in deposit provided. This feature makes it possible to accrue interest, both at the initial amount and on the monthly residue. Most often, the most profitable long-term deposits have a percentage capitalization. But here it is worth considering all the conditions of the deposit agreement, because in different banks they may differ, and the benefit of the depositor will depend on it.

Many financial and credit organizations offer such a type of deposit as a long-term accumulative contribution. In this case, the name of the contribution itself speaks for itself, namely what it should accumulate money. Depositors give banks their savings, and those in turn offer favorable terms of cooperation and an attractive interest rate. But it is necessary to take into account the moment that in this form of the contribution, the more profitable the conditions for the investor will be, the less the interest rate will be. Most often, credit institutions offer the following types of accumulative contributions:

  • with the presence of a nominal bet. That is, throughout the entire action of the deposit agreement, interest will be accrued in the interest rate, which is registered in the contract and was established initially;
  • with the presence of a growing interest rate. As a rule, it will be necessary to immediately make a fairly large amount and without the possibility of further replenishment. Over time, a small interest rate will increase, and at the end of the deposit action the investor will be able to get quite a decent income;
  • with capitalization of interest.

Deposits, long-term

Ranier strategy allows, opening a long-term deposit, to obtain a stable monthly income in the form of rent (monthly payment of interest without capitalization).

The most favorable long-term deposits are issued for a period of 3-5 years, but a bit of such deposits is presented in the market. The bulk of contributions opens for 3 years. It is explained by the fact that it is difficult to predict the economic situation for several years ahead, so only professionals are ready to risk large sums.

By deciding on the long-term investment of money, you need to choose whether you regularly shoot the money from the account, or increase the accumulated amount due to the capitalization of interest.

Review of long-term deposits of different banks

Sberbank of Russia

Long-term deposits of Sberbank are distinguished by the possibility of replenishment, removal of funds from the deposit, an individual timeline and an increase in interest rates with increasing deposit amount. In case of early termination of the contract for more than 6 months, there are special conditions for accrualing interest rates. When making an online deposit, elevated interest rates are provided.

Contribution "Manage"

The depositor can choose any deadline for deposit in the range from three months to 3 years. The minimum amount is 30 thousand rubles, 1000 US dollars, 1000 euros. The deposit is allowed in a minimum amount of 1000 rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros. Perhaps partial removal of funds to an unsigned residue.

Interest accrued monthly, capitalization is provided. The interest rate depends on the period and the amount of replenishment. Upon reaching the following amounts of gradation, the interest rate increases. The interest rate in rubles - 4.05% -6.5% per annum, in currency - 1% -2.8% per annum (excluding possible capitalization of interest).

Contribution "replenish"

The deposit term chooses the client - from 3 months to 3 years. The minimum amount is 1,000 rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros. The deposit is allowed in the amount of from 1000 rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros. Removing funds from the deposit is not provided. Interest is charged monthly and at the request of the client can be capitalized.

The interest rate depends on the term and deposit amount. Upon reaching the following amounts of gradation, the interest rate increases. Interest rate in rubles - 4.85% -7.25% per annum, in currency - 1.1% -3% per annum (excluding capitalization of interest). For pensioners there are preferential conditions for deposits.

Contribution "Save"

Deposit term - from 3 months to 3 years. The minimum amount is 1,000 rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros. Replenishment and removal of the part of the funds from the deposit is not provided. Interest is charged monthly and can be capitalized. The interest rate depends on the term and the amount of the deposit and is in rubles - 4.9% -8% per annum, in the currency - 1% -3.25% per annum. For customers of pension and pre-pre-age ages, special conditions on deposits apply.

VTB 24

"Freedom of choice"

The deposit period can be selected in the range from 31 to 1830 business days. The minimum amount is 15,000 rubles, 3000 dollars and euros. Interest is charged monthly, quarterly or annually. Possible capitalization of interest at the request of the client. The interest rate depends on the term and deposit amount, as the deposit is replenished, the interest rate increases.

Interest rate in rubles - 4.95% -7.4% per annum (without capitalization), in dollars - 1.15% -3.1% per annum, in euro - 0.95% -2.9% per annum. The minimum amount of replenishment is 1,000 rubles or 100 US dollars, euros. Only capitalized interest can be removed from the deposit.

By September 3, 2013, the action is valid: special conditions for early division deposit for up to 394 days in rubles (early termination without losing interest) are provided.

"Rising income"

The minimum deposit amount is 30,000 rubles, 500 dollars and euros. Term - up to 3 years. Perhaps replenishment of the deposit. The minimum amount of additional contribution is 1000 rubles or 100 US dollars, euros. Interest is charged monthly, quarterly or at the end of the term and at the request of the depositor are capitalized. Only capitalized interest can be removed from the deposit.

The interest rate depends on the period, the amount and grows in the process of increasing the deposit amount. Interest rate - 4.9% -7.4% per annum in rubles, 2% -3.4% per annum in dollars, 1.8% -3.2% per annum in euros. For pensioners there are elevated interest rates.

Alfa Bank

"Prize" - regular income

The minimum deposit amount is 10 000 rubles, 500 US dollars, 500 euros. The term is 92 days, 184 days, 276 days, 1 year, 550 days, 2 years, 3 years. Percentages are accrued monthly: they can be received in cash or translate to another account. The amount of interest rates depends on the period, the amount of the contribution and is in rubles - 6.6% -9.5% per annum, in dollars - 1.3% -3.7% per annum, in euro - 0.7% -3.5 % per annum. In case of early termination, the rate is valid - 0.005% per annum.

"Victory" - a highly profitable contribution

The minimum deposit amount is 10 000 rubles, 500 US dollars, 500 euros. The placement period is 92 days, 184 days, 276 days, 1 year, 550 days, 2 years, 3 years. Interest accrued monthly and capitalized. The amount of interest rate depends on the term, the amount of the deposit and is in rubles - 6.6% -9.5% per annum, in dollars - 1.3% -3.7%, in Euro - 0.7% -3.5% annual.

"Premier" - growing percentage

The minimum deposit amount is 10 000 rubles, 500 US dollars, 500 euros. The placement period is 92 days, 184 days, 276 days, 1 year, 550 days, 2 years, 3 years. The minimum amount of replenishment is 5,000 rubles, 200 dollars, 200 euros. The amount of interest rate depends on the period, the deposit amount. When replenishing the contribution there is a transition to the next summion range with an increase in the rate. Interest accrued monthly and capitalized. The interest rate in rubles - 5.7% -8.4%, in dollars - 0.8% -3.1% per annum, in euros - 0.4% -3% per annum.

Tinkoff Credit Systems


The minimum deposit amount is 30,000 rubles, 1000 dollars and euros. The maximum amount is 10,000,000 rubles, 300,000 euros, 300,000 dollars. Perhaps partial removal of funds in the amount of 15,000 rubles, 500 euros, 500 dollars.

The minimum amount of replenishment is 1 dollar or euro. Making funds for the contribution is made no later than 60 days before the expiration of the contract. The interest rate depends on the term of the deposit and is in rubles - 6% -11% per annum, in currency - 1.5% -4% per annum. Interest is paid monthly or capitalize.

Eurocommerce Bank


The minimum deposit amount is 10,000 rubles of the Russian Federation or 300 dollars, 300 euros. Term - from 3 months to 5 years. Accrual and payment of interest is made monthly. Deposit replenishment is possible during the first two years. The interest rate depends on the terms of placement of funds and is in rubles - 2% -11.5% per annum, in currency - 1.5% -4.5% per annum.

Automatic prolongation of the contract is possible. In the case of early termination of the contribution, there are special conditions for interest accrual, depending on the term of the deposit in the bank.

"Pension Earlier"

For registration of the deposit, it is necessary to present a pension certificate. The minimum deposit amount is 10,000 rubles of the Russian Federation. Term individual: from 3 months to 5 years inclusive. Accrual and payment of interest is made monthly. You can replenish the contribution without restrictions on the amount and frequency.

The interest rate depends on the period of finding funds in the bank and is 2.5% -12% per annum. There are special conditions for accrualing interest rates in case of early termination of the contract.

Transnational Bank


The minimum deposit amount is 30,000 rubles, 1000 dollars and euros. It is provided for an individual period in the range from 15 to 1095 days. Interest is paid monthly. Removal and deposit replenishment is not allowed. Automatic prolongation of the contract is possible.

The interest rate depends on the term, the deposit amounts and amounts to 7% -11.95% per annum, in dollars - 4% -5% per annum, in euros - 3.5% -4.5% per annum. For pensioners there are elevated interest rates. Automatic deployment prolongation is allowed.


The minimum deposit amount is 20 000 rubles, 1000 dollars, 1000 euros. Term - 1095 days. Percentage payments are made monthly. Deposit is allowed. The minimum amount of additional contribution is 5,000 rubles, 200 dollars and euros. Removing part of the funds from the account is not provided.

The interest rate increases depending on the period of finding funds in the bank and is in rubles - 10.5% -12.5% \u200b\u200bper annum, in the currency - 4% -6% per annum. Automatic prolongation of the contract is not provided.

Features of long-term deposits

Deposits for a period of 3 to 5 years are characterized by high interest rates and allow to obtain solid profit. The maximum income can be obtained by investing large amounts with the capitalization of interest during the entire term of the contract. Given the capitalization of interest, an effective interest rate increases, and the profit reaches the highest mark. However, removing monthly interest, it is possible to obtain a stable income subject to the execution of a contract for a large amount and the right choice of the deposit program.

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