
Comparison 1C and Bit Finance. "Bit. Finance": how we took finances under control. Briefly about the program Bit. Finance

Competitive advantages: a unique price offer on the market. Decision is tested on hundreds of organizations. Powerful functionality is combined with an intuitive interface of a single, seamless contour with accounting systems on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform Bit. Finance

Subsystem "Budgeting" Scenario period of the Central Federal District Article turnover on the budget Counterparty agreement Project Nomenclature Group Nomenclature Bank account Arbitrary analysts (warehouses, organizations, construction facilities, etc.) The following planning cuts are provided in the subsystem:

Budgets Directory: "Budgets" reference book is intended to store the list of budgets that are planned to be in the organization (budget of income and expenses, the budget of cash flow, etc.), and their structure. For each budget, it is set to a set of turnovers, in the context of which the budget will be drawn up and reports.

The document "Form of Intation of the budget" is designed to compile the budgets for the organization. It is a universal budget entry designer. The document is created by each CFI during the planning of the organization's budgets. The document interface is as close as possible to the usual spreadsheet: document "Budget Introduction"

Budget forms can be filled automatically using: Downloads from Excel; copying data, such as budget data or fact last year; obtain data from arbitrary sources in the database. Based on the charts of contracts filling the budget forms

Contract Management Contract Management is an important component of management financial accounting. The planning of the company's activities in the context of contracts, control of the execution of contracts, the availability of analytical information on contracts make it possible to make the right management decisions.

Formation of expenditure documents After the cost of the costs is agreed, on the basis of a document, one of the following accounting documents can be created: 1. Accounting of goods and services 2. Advanced report 3. Accessing additional expenses

Detailed information on access from your desktop, you have in an office invoice to the offices "First Bit" Write on we wait for you!

"Bit.Finance" today is a decision to automate finance management, which used more than 1.7 thousand companies in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. About how "Bit.Finance" arose and his features tells the head of the project of the First Bit company Viktor Agichev.

In 2004, when we just started work, during the projects we introduced the subsystem "Budgeting" in the product "1C: UPP". As a rule, such projects lasted 4-6 months, the costs of them were several million, and the product capabilities did not fully correspond to the needs of the client. For example, customers often had the need to introduce data into the system in MS Excel, but to move from a factory analysis to the primary document in accounting lacked analytical reserves of budgeting.

This pushed me and my colleague Mikhail Zyubin, the head of the development team, in the crisis 2008 to create its own product on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, which would maximize the needs of large and medium-sized businesses in terms of financial accounting. The 2008 crisis was a crisis of liquidity, and many companies that had not previously experienced financing problems began to look for tools for planning and monitoring the company's finance. In April 2009, we have already made the first sale, according to the results of 2009 there were only 70 sales.

Initially, our main competitor was the company Intraliaev, but I think that in terms of the product they did not put the convenience of users in priority, and their methodology based on the billing plan did not always approach customers. At the same time, they had a strong brand and a good experience in consulting. Today there are 14 products on the market, but only we have such a wealth of experience in the introduction of products in various industries. And we are always improving our product based on the experience of our employees and customers.

I can highlight the 5 basic principles that we are guided by creating and improving the "Bit.Finance":

  • convenience of users and administrators;
  • development from customer needs;
  • maximum performance;
  • versatility mechanisms;
  • seamless integration with "1C" accounting systems.

All updates are produced regularly, once every two months. If we talk about the last update, I would noted the following:

  • the / KPI indicator panels are translated into the use of HTML5 technology, which ensures the display of indicators in a thick, thin and web-client;
  • developed and released a mobile application;
  • integration with the decision of the company "1C: Commerce Management 11" is performed.

At the moment, 15 professionals work above the product. These include developers, analysts, testers, customer support group and marketer. Thanks to this team, 1.6 thousand sales have already been committed.

Among large companies that have chosen our product - subsidiaries of such companies such as Gazprom, Transneft, LUKOIL, Rosneft, Rosnano, Renova, MegaFon, Sberbank and others. As well as the company Okay, Tehnonolikol, Yota, Glavstroy, Oboronstroy, LenspetsSMU, Yuit, Aeroexpress, PonyExpress, "Russian Sea" and many others.


Decision Bit.Finance: Managed accounting of the Bit.Finance line is a ready-made box business application for comprehensive corporate finance management automation, including parallel management accounting for IFRS, US / UK GAAP and own internal standards, financial planning, management Treasury, holding a factory analysis based on any standards of financial accounting.

The solution is available for use with most standard accounting systems of the company "1C" on the program platform "1C: Enterprise 8", and can also be integrated with any other solutions on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform.

Bit.Finance: Management accounting will allow you to solve the entire range of key corporate finance tasks:

  • To implement within one system, keeping accounting for all necessary standards - RAS, well, IFRS, US / UK GAAP, internal standards based on one array of primary documentation;
  • Create a single base of NSI, including counterparties, contracts, articles, Tsfo, projects, etc.;
  • Introduce multi-billion budget planning in the necessary analytical cuts "top down" methods and "bottom-up", "from goals" and "from the achieved", etc.;
  • Introduce the procedure of sliding planning, with regular updating budgets and expansion of planning horizons;
  • Automate the work of the treasury, with the provision of operational control of the execution of the BDDS and multi-stage coordination of payments;
  • Automate receiving management accounting data for BDR and budget for balance from any accounting subsystem - RAS, IFRS, US / UK GAAP, internal standards;
  • Ensure that plan-file reporting on all types of on-line budgets with the possibility of obtaining all necessary decodents;
  • Ensure the full package of managerial and external reporting;
  • Ensure the receipt of consolidated reporting on any standards;
  • Ensure the management of the company's topical financial information in a visual graphic form using external dashboards.

For whom is the decision of the BIT. FINANS: management accounting?

  • Holding structures of medium and large business, any activities and forms of ownership, including geographically distributed structures;
  • Public companies, subcholes of public companies, companies with foreign capital;
  • Using the decision of the BIT. FINANS: management accounting is optimal in the case when management accounting is based on IFRS standards, US / UK GAAP or own accounting standards, in situations where accounting data is unambiguous enough to form reliable management indicators.


1C: Accounting 8;

1C: Accounting 8 Corp;

1C: Comprehensive Automation 8;

1C: Managing manufacturing enterprise 8.

Contents of delivery

User's manual;

Distribution on CD;

Registration form.


Cash Management (Treasury)

  • Applications for spending and receipt of cash;
  • Control of limits by budget in applications;
  • Registers of payments under the contract;
  • Automatic formation of payment documents;
  • Payment calendar and a factory analysis;
  • Store scanned copies of accounts, contracts and acts.


  • Formation of the budget of cash flow (BDDS);
  • Formation of budget of income and expenses (BDD);
  • Balance accounting and budget on the balance sheet;
  • Reports "Budget" and "Plan-Fact Budget Analysis";
  • Mechanism "comparison values \u200b\u200bAnalyst accounting and management accounting";
  • Mechanism "on-line broadcast of payment documents (fact on BDDS)";
  • The mechanism "On-line broadcast of accounting data (BRD)".


  • Movements are analyzed by reports. For example, the operating statement (management), account card (managerial) and others.
  • Separate plan for international accounting. Can be adjusted or completely new.

Mechanism broadcast

  • Translation rules can be assigned to one organization, a group of organizations or all organizations at the same time. It is possible to establish a period of action of the rules of compliance.
  • Unmocumented details of the form "Organization" and "Group of organizations" suggest that the rules specified in the table part will be active for all companies in the system. The start date of the rules is set.

Accounting for fixed assets

  • Accounting for fixed assets in IFRS is regulated by IAS 16. All fixed assets are divided into classes. For each class of fixed assets, the parameters of fixed assets are attributed to this assets group. The accounting model is set for each class of assets: a model of accounting for the historical (initial) cost or model of accounting for a fair (overvalued) value.
Formation of financial statements and financial analysis
  • The mechanism allows you to form reporting in user mode.
  • The form of the presentation of financial reports and notes to them is not regulated in IFRS, so their submission varies from the company to the company. Setting up layouts and forms is made directly by financial services.
  • Reporting can be formed in any language with any number of disclosures and notes to it.
  • For financial analysis and financial statements, you can contact any data of the system: the remains of the initial and final, debit and credit, credit, debit and credit accounts, in the context of the analysts presented in the configuration.
  • The ability to form as the reporting of one legal entity and the Group of Companies.

Accounting for investment property

  • The possibility of separating the facilities of fixed assets (according to IAS 16) and investment property (according to IAS 40) is implemented.
  • The asset can be transferred from fixed assets in investment property and on the contrary for investment property facilities are used the same documents as for fixed assets, but with the type of operation "Investment property".
Data analysis
  • Universal report on arbitrary data sources; Universal report close to MS Excel.

Information details

Bit.Finance: Management Accounting - This is a universal tool for prompt management of your business. The system functionality is designed to organize management accounting of an enterprise of any scale, any activities and forms of ownership.

In addition to the capabilities of the versions of Bit.Finance: Prof and Bit. Finance: Standard version Management allows you to implement several types of accounting in one system, pushing out of uniform primary documents. The basis of this is five independent account plans and unique mechanisms for setting up economic operations.

Resolved tasks

  • Management accounting at the enterprise for individual rules for reflection of economic operations adopted at your enterprise;
  • Full automation of the enterprise budgeting system: BDR, BDDS, BBL;
  • Simultaneous accounting and receipt of reporting on several standards: RAS, well, IFRS, US / UK GAAP;
  • The creation of a single information field and the consolidation of the reporting of the holding;
  • Receipt of the company's management of current financial information in a visual graphic form: charts, graphs, sensors.


  • Parallel keeping several types of accounting;
  • Formation and actualization of master budgets: BDR, BDDS, BBL;
  • Monitoring the limits of budgets and the execution of budgetary applications;
  • Conducting electronic document management, coordination and visiting documents;
  • Implementation of a factory analysis;
  • Maintaining multisarple planning and analysis: "What if ...";
  • Consolidation of reporting on a group of companies.

Results of implementation

  • Current management reporting, as well as reports under IFRS;
  • Obtaining a flexible mechanism for monitoring and conducting management accounting;
  • Opportunity on-line assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise, minimizing risks;
  • Care from MS Excel and the possibility of multiplayer work;
  • Differentiation of user access rights to documents, reference books.

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