
Son debt analysis. Son duty

"Pumping-dragonfly, summer red lost, I did not have time to look around ... Pumping-dragonfly ... Pumping-dragonfly ..."
The lines from the children's poem closed tightly. Hundreds of dragonflies with transparent wings drove dance, firmly settled under the cranial box. Did not think. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
- Pumping-dragonfly, thrust-dragonfly ... - Groundly repeated out loud of Ren in the hope that the adultery rhymes will be quicted. - So call your mother! Conscience? - It is already louder. Almost hysterically. In the direction of the son of the son.
Max appeared in the doorway, twisted his finger at the temple and mockingly stared at the parent. Insects were finally farewell to those who were pregnant with a monstrous fan, folding all the wings in one - a huge, impressive, even frightening. It turned out, one can say, symbolic, and ... "Ostap suffered" ... Stop at the complete move of Ren could not. Rather, I did not know how. Or used to ... it was always. Almost daily. Usually after midnight. Creek passed into tears, tears - in sobs, sobbing - in hysterical laughter. And then - sedative, sleeping pills and nightmares in dreams.
Rena shouted on his son, and he silently chewed a sandwich and snatched tea. Indifferently and removed.
"No body understands me. And does not perceive seriously. I don't even ask for help. Everyone has friends. Relatives. Colleagues, in the end. They know that someone is heard. Will help. Will advise. And me? Where to me? To whom? .. Is it necessary? Anyway, not so much left ... What, someone knows the way to get rid of the deadly ailment? Or will offer to take advantage of the magic wand? "
Hysteria were part of her life. Its shelter, shell. She succeeded in them, like anything else. Make an elephant fly? Once spit! Brush, so that the fairy tale makes it? How twice two! Rena since childhood learned that the resistance made in one harness with the attack, sooner or later lead to the desired result, and stubbornly resisted. First, parents and orders first. The first attacked and always did, as I thought only herself. An alien opinion did not respected, it was not considered with him. When Ren was 14 years old,
she left home and first of all got rid of the hated name - Raisa, turning into Ran. In protest. And for self-affirmation. I was born to hippie, nomaded from the city to the city, wearing colored rags, smoked "grass" and not soap my head. Then the Vadik appeared, trying to re-educate it. Rena resisted again. The result was the fateful decision on the birth of a child, and Vadik disappeared from her life on the day when Max was born.
I had to turn into an ordinary single mother and even get a job on some time.
In the struggle for survival, already together with the child, Rena discovered some advantages. First, she spoiled her. Minor girl. Orphan (so it seemed to be a new acquaintance). How not to plan? Without making special efforts, a young mother received many benefits for free. Cute appearance, sociability, living tongue, innate intuition - opened the most non-danguable doors in front of it. And secondly, the lack of funds mobilized everything, still dormant, the talents of the girl. The gift to command men was basic. Here in this area of \u200b\u200bRen and decided to succeed, lush popular women's magazines during walks with her son.
- To live, how are millions of Russian treacherous aunt? Become one of them? Saving fat storms on the stocks on the sides? Pushes in queues? Ride in city transport in pinch among sweaty bodies? Never! - I often exercised Ren in autotraining in front of the mirror. She had no girlfriends, and she was not going to start them - a rival ...
- I am smart, successful, attractive. I have a sea of \u200b\u200bfans. Every day there are luxurious bouquets every day, I dress in the most expensive foreign boutiques, I rest at the most prestigious resorts of the world. Everything, without exception, men are idle me.
They say that if something really wants, it will definitely come true.
So and Ren. I wanted and got. With small reservations. "Prince" she met, but not on a fashionable resort, but in an inturist hotel, where occasionally worked as "confused". I did not heal at the Palace "Prince", and did not give the villa on the coast, but I didn't need to spend money in the center in the center of the capital, and you won't have to spend money on the hotel, and you can give a girlfriend to such a gift for a long time. Foreign friend visited Ren regularly, made gifts, let them not be the most expensive, but everything is completely imported - on the envy of the neighbors. Max was attached to an enterprising lover in a round-the-clock boarding of diploma, and did not give tangible trouble. Rena was broken: it became often abroad, loved the lazy rest in cozy hotels with a visit to mostly nudist beaches. I got used to spa treatments, regular campaigns in sports clubs and on beauty salons. And now, in his fifty with the tail, she looked amazingly young and elegant. Even Sinyan under the eyes did not spoil the roinino-humid face. And no one could give her more than forty years.
Just cook, wash, clean, keep the farm, not learned to exonomally, did not have learned, and the filling of the receipt for electricity has introduced a woman into a long stupor.
"Pumping-dragonfly ... dreamed. The prince aged. With my satisfaction removed. From the feedushka excused. Now you look at the young. I'll be former. Runs on the bars almost with schoolgirls. You might think about the old age they will delay it. How! Hold your pocket wider.
And my son is doing correctly. That's right. What was my mother? Nickidal. Echidna. Cuckoo. Who could - threw up. How much did he see me small? Ten years spent in the boarding school. Like in prison. The term has departed. Sometimes lazy on the weekend take it home. All intensified good reasons for the director. For what Max I love me? For a rag that Michael brought? Yes, it is indifferent to the clothes. For years in one jacket goes. And hates me. Really - it does right. Let him hate. And let him despise. If only I did not drive out of the house. And gave to die in his bed. Dialysis no longer helps ... There is no donor ... And there is no money to buy a queue closer. Michael, bastard, half a year no longer appears. After all, the only one knows what awaits me! .. But it does not want to help. Thirty years later he served himself. Sex cloth ... Yes, I was worn out. Now it's easier to throw out than to patch. Coward! Pathetic coward. Well, let him roll to hell! In your abroad. And I called him like I'll take it - and live the rest of my life in a new way. Right now and start ... new it ... "
"Mother, you, it ... don't be angry ..." Maxim approached and put his hand on the shoulder Ren. - I found your medical card. Accidentally. You know, mom, everything will be fine. I already went to your center and agreed about everything.
- What did you agree?
- About the operation ...
- I do not understand ... and the card ... You could not accidentally. She is locked in the table. Did you break the castle?
Ran in bewilderment stared at his son
- Well yes. Sorry. This is only for your benefit.
- benefit? - Rana was screamed over inertia, but immediately she unwound, remembering a new life.
"There is something awkward. Why Max rummaged in my table? Why? For what? He never did. He is generally the right child, in contrast to his unbelievable mother. About the operation says. Can not be. My turn will only work in a year, and maybe more. "
- Max, explanation. How will the kidney take? Did you bought it? For what? What are the means?
- No, no, no.
- What then? Bought a queue? Or everyone who is in front of me died at once? -Deed Rena.
- Mum! Take it easy. Sit down Here, we drink waters, - he gave a glass with a mineralique and turned away to the window, listening like mother greedily, big sips, drinking water.
- I will spend the donor. - Hard, tone, not tolerant, said Max. Renny's eyes were unnaturally rounded, she tried to say something, but only a fish opened her mouth, without uttering a sound. Mother understood that the decision, the enjoyment of his son was too big victim, which she should not. Rena raced himself, hands did not obey, lived some of their own, a separate life, and was still unbearable to the left of the first cervical vertebra. She tried to argue, but the son continued everything to the same, strict voice:
- We have one blood type group with you. We are close relatives. There is no go closer. It is so? - Mother unprobedly nodded - it turned out frightened. And in general, she felt like a little girl in front of her in the middle who became someone else and too adult son.
- That's good. Once close - my kidney will suit you. And it takes better. Than whose one.
At least Maxim and shovel, but the hair stuck to his forehead said about many things. The fear that would not go anywhere after the information received from the medical card of the mother, firmly settled in the shower, giving way, however, the road of love and nobility. And overcome this fear of Maxim lacked forces. However, he managed to cope with him, and was already gently added, looking at the sobbing mother:
- Yes, not roar, bad. I do not do anything supernatural. It's my duty. Do you understand?
Rena Mota's head: "No, no, no longer. I do not understand. It can not be. He hates me. No no. It does not happen to me ... "
- A, well, do not understand. "Maxim waved his hand and hurried from the room to do not hesitate himself, because the treacherous lump in his throat climbed higher and higher. - I went to watch the TV. There's football. He blocked in the doorway and unexpectedly sent himself to the stunned news of Ren to the air kiss. - I want you to show your grandchildren.

Book regiment for passing the exam in Russian

Dear applicants!

After analyzing your questions and writings, I conclude that the most difficult for you is the selection of arguments from literary works. The reason is that you read little. I will not say extra words in the edification, but will recommend small works that you read in a few minutes or per hour. I am sure that you will discover not only new arguments for yourself in these stories and the poster, but also new literature.

Express your opinion about our bookshelf \u003e\u003e

Kuramshina Irina "Son Duty"

Miniature story

"Pumping-dragonfly, summer red lost, I did not have time to look around ... Pumping-dragonfly ... Pumping-dragonfly ..."
The lines from the children's poem closed tightly. Hundreds of dragonflies with transparent wings drove dance, firmly settled under the cranial box. Did not think. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
- Pumping-dragonfly, thrust-dragonfly ... - Groundly repeated out loud of Ren in the hope that the adultery rhymes will be quicted. - So call your mother! Conscience? - It is already louder. Almost hysterically. In the direction of the son of the son.
Max appeared in the doorway, twisted his finger at the temple and mockingly stared at the parent. Insects were finally farewell to those who were pregnant with a monstrous fan, folding all the wings in one - a huge, impressive, even frightening. It turned out, one can say, symbolic, and ... "Ostap suffered" ... Stop at the complete move of Ren could not. Rather, I did not know how. Or used to ... it was always. Almost daily. Usually after midnight. Creek passed into tears, tears - in sobs, sobbing - in hysterical laughter. And then - sedative, sleeping pills and nightmares in dreams.
Rena shouted on his son, and he silently chewed a sandwich and snatched tea. Indifferently and removed.
"No body understands me. And does not perceive seriously. I don't even ask for help. Everyone has friends. Relatives. Colleagues, in the end. They know that someone is heard. Will help. Will advise. And me? Where to me? To whom? .. Is it necessary? Anyway, not so much left ... What, someone knows the way to get rid of the deadly ailment? Or will offer to take advantage of the magic wand? "
Hysteria were part of her life. Its shelter, shell. She succeeded in them, like anything else. Make an elephant fly? Once spit! Brush, so that the fairy tale makes it? How twice two! Rena since childhood learned that the resistance made in one harness with the attack, sooner or later lead to the desired result, and stubbornly resisted. First, parents and orders first. The first attacked and always did, as I thought only herself. An alien opinion did not respected, it was not considered with him. When Ren was 14 years old,
she left home and first of all got rid of the hated name - Raisa, turning into Ran. In protest. And for self-affirmation. I was born to hippie, nomaded from the city to the city, wearing colored rags, smoked "grass" and not soap my head. Then the Vadik appeared, trying to re-educate it. Rena resisted again. The result was the fateful decision on the birth of a child, and Vadik disappeared from her life on the day when Max was born.
I had to turn into an ordinary single mother and even get a job on some time.
In the struggle for survival, already together with the child, Rena discovered some advantages. First, she spoiled her. Minor girl. Orphan (so it seemed to be a new acquaintance). How not to plan? Without making special efforts, a young mother received many benefits for free. Cute appearance, sociability, living tongue, innate intuition - opened the most non-danguable doors in front of it. And secondly, the lack of funds mobilized everything, still dormant, the talents of the girl. The gift to command men was basic. Here in this area of \u200b\u200bRen and decided to succeed, lush popular women's magazines during walks with her son.
- To live, how are millions of Russian treacherous aunt? Become one of them? Saving fat storms on the stocks on the sides? Pushes in queues? Ride in city transport in pinch among sweaty bodies? Never! - I often exercised Ren in autotraining in front of the mirror. She had no girlfriends, and she was not going to start them - a rival ...
- I am smart, successful, attractive. I have a sea of \u200b\u200bfans. Every day there are luxurious bouquets every day, I dress in the most expensive foreign boutiques, I rest at the most prestigious resorts of the world. Everything, without exception, men are idle me.
They say that if something really wants, it will definitely come true.
So and Ren. I wanted and got. With small reservations. "Prince" she met, but not on a fashionable resort, but in an inturist hotel, where occasionally worked as "confused". I did not heal at the Palace "Prince", and did not give the villa on the coast, but I didn't need to spend money in the center in the center of the capital, and you won't have to spend money on the hotel, and you can give a girlfriend to such a gift for a long time. Foreign friend visited Ren regularly, made gifts, let them not be the most expensive, but everything is completely imported - on the envy of the neighbors. Max was attached to an enterprising lover in a round-the-clock boarding of diploma, and did not give tangible trouble. Rena was broken: it became often abroad, loved the lazy rest in cozy hotels with a visit to mostly nudist beaches. I got used to spa treatments, regular campaigns in sports clubs and on beauty salons. And now, in his fifty with the tail, she looked amazingly young and elegant. Even Sinyan under the eyes did not spoil the roinino-humid face. And no one could give her more than forty years.
Just cook, wash, clean, keep the farm, not learned to exonomally, did not have learned, and the filling of the receipt for electricity has introduced a woman into a long stupor.
"Pumping-dragonfly ... dreamed. The prince aged. With my satisfaction removed. From the feedushka excused. Now you look at the young. I'll be former. Runs on the bars almost with schoolgirls. You might think about the old age they will delay it. How! Hold your pocket wider.
And my son is doing correctly. That's right. What was my mother? Nickidal. Echidna. Cuckoo. Who could - threw up. How much did he see me small? Ten years spent in the boarding school. Like in prison. The term has departed. Sometimes lazy on the weekend take it home. All intensified good reasons for the director. For what Max I love me? For a rag that Michael brought? Yes, it is indifferent to the clothes. For years in one jacket goes. And hates me. Really - it does right. Let him hate. And let him despise. If only I did not drive out of the house. And gave to die in his bed. Dialysis no longer helps ... There is no donor ... And there is no money to buy a queue closer. Michael, bastard, half a year no longer appears. After all, the only one knows what awaits me! .. But it does not want to help. Thirty years later he served himself. Sex cloth ... Yes, I was worn out. Now it's easier to throw out than to patch. Coward! Pathetic coward. Well, let him roll to hell! In your abroad. And I called him like I'll take it - and live the rest of my life in a new way. Right now and start ... new it ... "
"Mother, you, it ... don't be angry ..." Maxim approached and put his hand on the shoulder Ren. - I found your medical card. Accidentally. You know, mom, everything will be fine. I already went to your center and agreed about everything.
- What did you agree?
- About the operation ...
- I do not understand ... and the card ... You could not accidentally. She is locked in the table. Did you break the castle?
Ran in bewilderment stared at his son
- Well yes. Sorry. This is only for your benefit.
- benefit? - Rana was screamed over inertia, but immediately she unwound, remembering a new life.
"There is something awkward. Why Max rummaged in my table? Why? For what? He never did. He is generally the right child, in contrast to his unbelievable mother. About the operation says. Can not be. My turn will only work in a year, and maybe more. "
- Max, explanation. How will the kidney take? Did you bought it? For what? What are the means?
- No, no, no.
- What then? Bought a queue? Or everyone who is in front of me died at once? -Deed Rena.
- Mum! Take it easy. Sit down Here, we drink waters, - he gave a glass with a mineralique and turned away to the window, listening like mother greedily, big sips, drinking water.
- I will spend the donor. - Hard, tone, not tolerant, said Max. Renny's eyes were unnaturally rounded, she tried to say something, but only a fish opened her mouth, without uttering a sound. Mother understood that the decision, the enjoyment of his son was too big victim, which she should not. Rena raced himself, hands did not obey, lived some of their own, a separate life, and was still unbearable to the left of the first cervical vertebra. She tried to argue, but the son continued everything to the same, strict voice:
- We have one blood type group with you. We are close relatives. There is no go closer. It is so? - Mother unprobedly nodded - it turned out frightened. And in general, she felt like a little girl in front of her in the middle who became someone else and too adult son.
- That's good. Once close - my kidney will suit you. And it takes better. Than whose one.
At least Maxim and shovel, but the hair stuck to his forehead said about many things. The fear that would not go anywhere after the information received from the medical card of the mother, firmly settled in the shower, giving way, however, the road of love and nobility. And overcome this fear of Maxim lacked forces. However, he managed to cope with him, and was already gently added, looking at the sobbing mother:
- Yes, not roar, bad. I do not do anything supernatural. It's my duty. Do you understand?
Rena Mota's head: "No, no, no longer. I do not understand. It can not be. He hates me. No no. It does not happen to me ... "
- A, well, do not understand. "Maxim waved his hand and hurried from the room to do not hesitate himself, because the treacherous lump in his throat climbed higher and higher. - I went to watch the TV. There's football. He blocked in the doorway and unexpectedly sent himself to the stunned news of Ren to the air kiss. - I want you to show your grandchildren.

Literature lesson in grade 9

"Pumping-dragonfly, summer red lost, I did not have time to look back ..."
"Reading with stops"

Galimova Guzel Khakimovna,

Russian language and literature teacher


Wood formation:

  • Personal Actions: (self-determination, sense formation, moral and ethical orientation)
  • Regulatory actions: (goaling, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, self-regulation)
  • Cognitive actions: (general educational, logical, setting and solving the problem)
  • Communicative actions: (educational planning, questioning, conflict resolution, partner behavior management, skill with sufficient accuracy and completeness to express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication)

Activity goal:formation of students in the ability to implement new methods of action.

Substantive goal:expansion of the conceptual base due to the inclusion of new elements into it.

1. Stage of motivation (self-determination) to learning activities

Stop №1 "Basket of Ideas"

"Pumping-dragonfly, summer red lost, I did not have time to look around ... Pumping-dragonfly ... Pumping-dragonfly ..."slide number 2.

The excerpt from the Basni sounds: "Pumping-dragonfly, the summer is red lost, I did not have time to look back ... Pumping-dragonfly ... Pumping-dragonfly ..."

Guys, we have a lesson today, which It will take place in an unusual form. After listening to the lines of the famous Basni Krylov, you, of course, thought about the theme of today's lesson.

What do you think we will talk about today?slide number 3.

I will not challenge your assumptions, let's start our conversation with reading the story of the beginner writer Irina Kurashina "Son Debt".

Slide 4 (portrait) brief biography

The name of the young prozaika should be remembered, I think, and the story will not leave you indifferent, although the text is unfamiliar to you.

Member of the Moscow Commonwealth of Writers (MSL), a member of the Russian Literary Club. Born in Siberia, by education economist, lives in Moscow, writes poems, stories, stories.

Reading with stops is such a reception, I think for us today will be the most appropriate.

1. Stage of motivation (self-determination) to educational activities Slide No. 5

Stop №2 Slide 6

The lines from the children's poem closed tightly. Hundreds of dragonflies with transparent wings drove dance, firmly settled under the cranial box.Did not think. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Pumping-dragonfly, thrust-dragonfly ... - Ground repeated out loud of Ren in the hope that pinch rhymes will be quicted. - So call your mother! Conscience? -It is already louder. Almost hysterically. In the direction of the son of the son.

Max appeared in the doorway, twisted his finger at the temple and mockingly stared at the parent. Insects were finally farewell to those who were pregnant with a monstrous fan, folding all the wings in one - a huge, impressive, even frightening. It turned out, you can say, symbolic, and ...

"Ostap suffered" ... StopRana could not. Rather, I did not know how. Or used to ... it was always. Almost daily. Usually after midnight. Creek passed into tears, tears - in sobs, sobbing - in hysterical laughter. And then - sedative, sleeping pills and nightmares in dreams.

Rena shouted on his son, and he silently chewed a sandwich and snatched tea. Indifferently and removed.

2. The stage of updating and fixing individual difficulties in the trial action.

After reading the passage, you drew attention to the special style of the writer. What techniques use the author in these paragraphs? What does the expression "Ostap suffered ..."?:

  • For what purpose?
  • What is the name of this composite part of the plot?Slide number 6.

What did we learn from the read fragment?(simple questions)

That is, you say that the heroine ...?

Are you saying that a woman ...? (clarifying questions)

Stop №3 Slide number 7

"No body understands me. And ne. Perceives seriously. I evennot to whom ask for help. Everyone hashave friends. Relatives. Collectants, eventually. They know that someone is heard. Will help. Will advise. And me? Where to me? To whom? .. Is it necessary? Anyway leftnot so much ... that someone knows the way to get rid of deathillegal? "

What is the name of the structural element of the work in which the rapid development of the plot begins?

Stop number 3 helps to reveal inner world Heroine.

What new information did we learn from this fragment?

That is, you claim that the heroine of the story is seriously ill, and she has no one to help?

The next episode opens some pages of the biography of our heroine. We turn over and we.

3. The stage of identifying the place and the cause of difficulties

Stop №4 Slide number 8

Hysteria were part of her life. Its shell, shell. She succeeded in them, like anything else.Make an elephant fly? Once spit! Brush, so that the fairy tale makes it? How twice two! Rena since childhood learned that the resistance made in one harness with the attack, sooner or later lead to the desired result, and stubbornly resisted. First, parents and orders first.The first attacked and always did, as I thought only herself. An alien opinion did not respected, it was not considered with him.When Ren is fulfilled14 years she left home and first got rid ofhateful name - Rais, turning into Ren. In protest. And for self-affirmation. K.hippie , nomaded from the city to the city, wearing colored rags, smoked "herbs" and no weeks not soap. Then the Vadik appeared tryingreleasing her. Rena resisted again. The result was the fateful decision on the birth of a child, and Vadik disappeared from her life on the day when Max was born.I had to turn into an ordinary single mother and even get a job on some time.

  • What are the means of expressive use in this episode?

Who are "hippies"?Slide number 9.

Why does Rena have no one who could help her? ________________

4. Stage of building an exit project from difficultySlide number 10.

In the struggle for survival, alreadytogether with a child, Rena discoveredsome pluses. First, her friends surrounding. Minor girl.Orphan ( so it seemed to be a new acquaintance). How not to plan? Without making special efforts,young milf received many benefits for free. Cute appearance, sociability, living tongue, innate intuition - opened the most non-danguable doors in front of it. And secondly, the lack of funds mobilized everything, still dormant,talents of a girl . The gift to command men was basic. Here in this area, Ren and decidedsucceed , leafing popular women's magazines while walking with her son.


"- live, how are millions of Russian inquisitive aunt? Become one of them? Saving fat storms on the stocks on the sides? Pushes in queues? Ride in city transport in pinch among sweaty bodies? Never!"

Frequently practiced Renautotraining in front of the mirror. She had no girlfriends, and she was not going to start them -competition ...

What was the most important in life for a heroine?

How did she achieve the goal?

Interpretation (explanatory) questions

5. The stage of implementing a built project.

What artistic technique helps to reveal the inner world of heroine?

By keywords Let's try to make a story about how events will develop

"Keywords" Slide number 11.

Successful, attractive

Intourist hotel

Foreign friend

24-hour boardingcourts

Beauty Salons

Dragonfly darned

And no money

6. The stage of primary consolidation with progress in external speech

Stop №5

"Keywords" (on a slide)

Creative questions

By keywords, let's try to make a story about how events further developed. (Students answer)

And now we turn to the text to confirm your assumptions. Creative questionsSlide number 12.

I am smart, successful, attractive. I have a sea of \u200b\u200bfans. Every day there are luxurious bouquets every day, I dress in the most expensive foreign boutiques, I rest at the most prestigious resorts of the world. Everything, without exception, men are idle me.They say that if something really wants, it will definitely come true.

So and Ren. I wanted and got. With small reservations."Prince" she met, but not on a fashionable resort, but ininturist Hotel. At the Palace "Prince" did not work out, and the villa on the coast did not give, but a smallapartment in the center of the capitali designed for Rano - in the future it will not need to spend on the hotels to spend, and you can bind a girlfriend for a long time.Foreign friendvisited Ran regularly, made gifts, let not the most expensive, but everything is completelyimported - on the envy of the neighbors.Max was attached to an enterprising friend inround-the-clock boarding circuit board And did not give tangible trouble. Rena was broken: it became often abroad, loved the lazy rest in cozy hotels with a visit to mostly nudist beaches. Accustomed to kSpa procedures Regular campaigns in sports clubs yes on beauty salons. And now,in your fifty with the tailShe looked amazingly young and elegant. Even Sinyan under the eyes did not spoil the roinino-humid face. And no onei could not give her more than forty years.

Let's determine the meaning of little familiar words: Intourist Hotel, Dipkorpus, 24-hour boarding school,

Slide number 13.

Just cook, wash, clean, keep the farm, not learned to exonomally, did not have learned, and the filling of the receipt for electricity has introduced a woman into a long stupor.

"Pumping-dragonfly ...Tedged. The prince aged. With my satisfaction removed. From the feedushka excused. Now you look at the young. I'll be former. Runs on the bars almost with schoolgirls. You might think about the old age they will delay it. How!Hold your pocket wider.

Creative questions

Suppose how events will unfold? The most busy moment is approaching. - What is the name of this composite element?

Stop number 6 Slide number 14

And my son is doing correctly. That's right. What was my mother?Nickidal. Echidna. Kukushkbut. Who could - threw up. How much did he see me small? Ten years spentin the boarding school. Like in prison. The term has departed. Sometimes lazy on the weekend take it home. All intensified good reasons for the director. For what Max I love me? For a rag that Michael brought? Yes, it is indifferent to the clothes. Years in one jacket goes. And hates me. Really - it does right. Let him hate. And let him despise. If only I did not drive out of the house. And gave to die in his bed.Dialysis no longer helps ... there is no donor... and there is no money to buy a queue closer.Michael, bastard, half a year no longer appears. After all, the only one knows what awaits me! .. But it does not want to help. Thirty years to him faith and truth served. Fire rag... yes I wear out. Now it's easier to throw out than to patch.Coward! Pathetic coward.Well, let him roll to hell! In your abroad. And I called him like I'll take it - and live the rest of my life in a new way. Right now and start ... new it ... "

Stop №7 Slide No. 15

Mother, you, it ... do not be angry ... - Maxim approached and put his hand on the shoulder Ren. -I found your medical card. Accidentally. You know, mom, everything will be fine. I already went to your center and agreed about everything.

What agreed?

About operation ...

I do not understand ... and the card ... You could not accidentally. She is locked in the table. Did you break the castle?Ran in bewilderment stared at his son

Well yes. Sorry. This is only for your benefit.

Benefit? - Rana was screamed over inertia, but immediately she unwound, remembering a new life.

"There is something awkward. Why Max rummaged in my table? Why? For what? He never did. He is generally the right child, unlike his unbelievable mother. About the operation says. Can not be. My turn will only work in a year, and maybe more. "

Slide number 16.

Max, explain. How will the kidney take? Did you bought it? For what? What are the means?

No, no, no.

What then? Bought a queue? Or everyone who is in front of me died at once? - wondered by Ren.

Mum! Take it easy. Sit down Here, we drink waters, - he gave a glass with a mineralique and turned away to the window, listening like mother greedily, big sips, drinking water.

- I will spend the donor. - Hard, tone, not tolerant, said Max. Renny's eyes were unnaturally rounded, she tried to say something, but only a fish opened her mouth, without uttering a sound. Mother understood that the decision, the enjoyment of his son was too big victim, which she should not. Rena raced himself, hands did not obey, lived some of their own, a separate life, and was still unbearable to the left of the first cervical vertebra. She tried to argue, but the son continued all the same, strict voice.

To understand the motives of the actions of heroes, fill clusters.

1 Group -Reen, 2 Group - Michael, 3 Group - Max

Slides number 16, 17, 18

7. Stage independent work With self-test on the standard

Estimated questions

1 group Is it possible to call Renu happy? Why?

2 groups - What impression was Michael? What is he?

3 Group - Why Max, not Maxim? How did you react to the actions of this hero?

Stop №8 Slide 20

We have one blood type group with you. We are close relatives. There is no go closer. It is so? - Mother unprobedly nodded - it turned out frightened. And in general, she felt like a little girl in front of her in the middle who became someone else and too adult son.

That's good. Once close - my kidney will suit you. And it takes better. Than whose one.

At least Maxim and shovel, but the hair stuck to his forehead said about many things. The fear that would not go anywhere after the information received from the medical card of the mother, firmly settled in the shower, giving way, however, the road of love and nobility. And overcome this fear of Maxim lacked forces. However, he managed to cope with him, and was already gently added, looking at the sobbing mother:

Yes, not roar, bad. I do not do anything supernatural. It's my duty. Do you understand?

The episode of their lifestyle is a single mother-lonely develops in a ball of very serious social and moral problems. - What problems rise in the story? Fishboy

8. Stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition Slide number 21.

Slide number 22.

Stop №8 Slide number 23

Rena Mota's head: "No, no, no longer. I do not understand. It can not be. He hates me. No no. It does not happen to me ... "

And, well, do not understand. "Maxim waved his hand and hurried from the room to do not hesitate himself, because the treacherous lump in his throat climbed higher and higher. - I went to watch the TV. There's football. He blocked in the doorway and unexpectedly sent himself to the stunned news of Ren to the air kiss. - I want you to show your grandchildren.

We read the story-thumbnail with you with the tax name "Son Duty."

9. Stage of the reflection of educational activities in the lesson

How to act in order not to be on the site of the heroine?

How would you do on the scene of the son?

Homework Slide number 24
"Leave me the last word"

"Unusual Catarity"Essay on the topic "Leave me the last word",

In which I would like to write about what we did not have time to talk in the lesson

(problem, topic, the question is that there is "for the scenes")

Collection of stories I. Kurarshina strikes the reader with some unobtrusive attractiveness: starting to read one of them, you feel that you can no longer go away. Which story neither take, it differs not only to the relevance, but also the freshness of the problems set by the author. The uncomplicated sketches of the life spied by the writer are forced readers, young people from 15 to 20 years old, not only to think about, but also make important conclusions about the good and evil, the moral choice of man, its appointment in life. L.M.Bendeleva - Teacher of Russia, "Honorary Worker general Education", Winner of the presidential grant within the framework of the National Committee" Education ".

* * *

Led Book Foreign Fragment Son duty. Collection of Story (Irina Quurashina, 2018) Granted by our book partner - LITRES.

"Pumping-dragonfly summer red lost, I did not have time to look back ... Pumping-dragonfly ... Pumping-dragonfly ..."

The lines from the children's poem closed tightly. Hundreds of dragonflies with transparent wings drove dance, firmly settled under the cranial box. Did not think. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

- Pumping-dragonfly, thrust-dragonfly ... - Groundly repeated out loud of Ren in the hope that the adultery rhymes will be quicted. - So call your mother! Conscience? - It is already louder. Almost hysterically. In the direction of the son of the son.

Max appeared in the doorway, twisted his finger at the temple and mockingly stared at the parent. Insects were finally farewell to those who were pregnant with a monstrous fan, folding all the wings in one - a huge, impressive, even frightening. It turned out, you can say, symbolic, and ... "Ostap suffered" ...

Stopping the run of Ren could not. Rather, I did not know how. Or used to ... it was always. Almost daily. Usually after midnight. Creek passed into tears, tears - in sobs, sobbing - in hysterical laughter. And then - sedative, sleeping pills and nightmares in dreams.

Rena screamed on his son, and that silently chewed a sandwich and snatched tea. Indifferently, removed.

"No body understands me. And does not perceive seriously. I don't even ask for help. Everyone has friends. Relatives. Colleagues, in the end. They know that they are listening. Help. Advise. And me? Where to me? To whom? .. Is it necessary? Anyway, not so much left ... What, someone knows the way to get rid of the deadly ailment? Or will offer to take advantage of the magic wand? "

Hysteria were part of her life. Its shelter, shell. She succeeded in them, like anything else. Make an elephant fly? Once spit! Brush, so that the fairy tale makes it? How twice two! Rena since childhood learned that resistance in one harness with the attack, sooner or later lead to the desired result. The first attacked and always did, as I thought only herself. An alien opinion did not respember, never was considered with him. When Ren was fourteen years old, she left the house and first of all got rid of the hated name of Rais, turning into Ren. In protest. And for self-affirmation. I was born to hippie, nomaded from the city to the city, wearing colored rags, smoked "grass" and not soap my head. Then Vadik appeared, trying to re-educate it. Rena resisted again. The result was the fateful decision on the birth of a child, and Vadik disappeared from her life on the day when Max was born.

I had to turn into an ordinary single mother and even get a job on some time. In the struggle for survival, already together with the child, Rena discovered some advantages. First, she spoiled surrounding. Minor girl. Orphan (so it seemed to be a new acquaintance). How not to plan? Without making special efforts, a young mother received many benefits for free. Cute appearance, sociability, lively language, skillfully used intuition opened the most non-danguable doors in front of it. And secondly, the lack of funds mobilized everything, still dormant, the talents of the girl. The gift to command men was basic. Here in this area of \u200b\u200bRen and decided to succeed, lush popular women's magazines during walks with her son.

- Live, how are millions of Russian inquisite aunts? Become one of them? Saving fat storms on the stocks on the sides? Pushes in queues? Ride in city transport in pinch among sweaty bodies? Never! - I often exercised Ren in autotraining in front of the mirror. She had no girlfriends, and she was not going to start them - a rival ...

- I am smart, successful, attractive. I have a sea of \u200b\u200bfans. Every day there are luxurious bouquets every day, I dress in the most expensive foreign boutiques, I rest at the most prestigious resorts of the world. Everyone without exception, the man is home to me.

It is said that if something really wants, it will surely come true.

So and Ren. I wanted and got. With small reservations. "Prince" she met, but not on a fashionable resort, but in an inturist hotel, where occasionally worked as confused. The Prince of the Palace did not give up and the villa on the coast did not give, but a small apartment in the center of the capital was designed for Rano - in the future it will not be necessary to spend money on the hotel, and you can not give a girlfriend with such a gift for a long time. Foreign friend visited Ran regularly, made gifts, even if not the most expensive, but everything is completely overturry - to envy neighbors. Max was attached to an enterprising buddy in a round-the-clock boarding of diploma and did not give tangible trouble. Rena was broken: it became often abroad, loved the lazy rest in cozy hotels with a visit to mostly nudist beaches. I got used to spa treatments, regular campaigns in sports clubs and on beauty salons. And now, in his fifty with the tail, she looked amazingly young and elegant. Even Sinyan under the eyes did not spoil the Roah's sleek face. And no one could give her more than forty years.

Just cook, wash, clean, keep the farm, not learned to exonomally, did not have learned, and the filling of the receipt for electricity has introduced a woman into a long stupor.

"Pumping-dragonfly ... dreamed. The prince aged. With my satisfaction removed. From the feedushka excused. Now you look at the young. I'll be former. Runs on the bars almost with schoolgirls. You might think about the old age they will delay it. How! Hold your pocket wider.

And my son is doing correctly. That's right. What was my mother? Nickidal. Echidna. Cuckoo. Who could - threw up. How much did he see me in his inside childhood? Ten years spent in the boarding school. Like in prison. The term has departed. Sometimes lazy on the weekend take it home. All intensified good reasons for the director. For what Max I love me? For a rag that Michael brought? Yes, it is indifferent to the clothes. For years in one jacket goes. And hates me. Really - it does right. Let him hate. And let him despise. If only I did not drive out of the house. And gave to die in his bed. Dialysis no longer helps ... There is no donor ... And there is no money to buy a queue closer. Michael, the bastard, not appear half a year. After all, the only one knows what awaits me! .. But it does not want to help. Thirty years later he served himself. Sex cloth ... Yes, I was worn out. Now it's easier to throw out than to patch. Coward! Pathetic coward. Well, let him roll to hell! In your abroad. And I called him like I'll take it - and live the rest of my life in a new way. Right now and start ... new it ... "

"Mother, you, it ... don't be angry ..." Maxim approached and laid his hand on the shoulder of Ren. - I found your medical card. Accidentally. You know, mom, everything will be fine. I already went to your center and agreed about everything.

- What did you agree?

- About the operation ...

- I do not understand ... and the card ... You could not accidentally. She is locked in the table. Did you break the castle?

Rena looked at his son in bewilderment.

- Well yes. Sorry. This is only for your benefit.

- benefit? - Rana was screamed over inertia, but immediately she unwound, remembering a new life.

"There is something awkward. Why Max rummaged in my table? Why? For what? He never did. He is generally the right child, in contrast to his unbelievable mother. About the operation says. Can not be. My turn will only work in a year, and maybe more. "

- Max, explanation. How will the kidney take? Did you bought it? For what? What are the means?

- No, no, no.

- What then? Bought a queue? Or everyone who is in front of me died at once? - wondered by Ren.

- Mum! Take it easy. Sit down Here, we drink waters, - he gave a glass with a mineralique and turned away to the window, listening like mother greedily, big sips, drinking water.

- I'll give me a donor! - Hard, tone, not tolerant, said Max.

Renny's eyes were unnaturally rounded, she tried to say something, but only a fish opened her mouth, without uttering a sound. Mother understood that the decision, the enjoyment of his son was too big victim, which she should not. Rana has shifted, hands did not obey, lived some kind of their own, a separate life, and still unbearably started to the left. She tried to argue, but the son continued everything to the same, strict voice:

- We have one blood type group with you. We are close relatives. There is no go closer. It is so? - Humped involuntarily nodded, it turned out frightened. And in general, she felt like a little girl in front of her in the middle who became someone else and too adult son.

- That's good. Once close - my kidney will suit you. And it takes better. Than whose one.

At least Maxim and shovel, but the hair stuck to his forehead said about many things. The fear that would not go anywhere after the information received from the medical card of the mother, firmly settled in the shower, giving way, however, the road of love and nobility. And overcome this fear of Maxim lacked forces. But he managed to cope with him and already gently added, looking at the sobbing mother:

- Yes, not roar, bad. I do not do anything supernatural. It's my duty. Do you understand?

Rena Mota's head: "No, no, no longer. I do not understand. It can not be. He hates me. No no. It does not happen to me ... "

- And, well, do not understand, - Maxim waved his hand and hurried out of the room, so that he himself was not distinguished, because the treacherous lump in his throat climbed higher and higher.

- I went to watch the TV. There's football, -Book him in the doorway and unexpectedly sent himself to the stunned news of Ren air kiss.

- I want you to show your grandchildren.

"Pumping-dragonfly, summer red lost, I did not have time to look around ... Pumping-dragonfly ... Pumping-dragonfly ..."
The lines from the children's poem closed tightly. Hundreds of dragonflies with transparent wings drove dance, firmly settled under the cranial box. Did not think. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
- Pumping-dragonfly, thrust-dragonfly ... - Groundly repeated out loud of Ren in the hope that the adultery rhymes will be quicted. - So call your mother! Conscience? - It is already louder. Almost hysterically. In the direction of the son of the son.
Max appeared in the doorway, twisted his finger at the temple and mockingly stared at the parent. Insects were finally farewell to those who were pregnant with a monstrous fan, folding all the wings in one - a huge, impressive, even frightening. It turned out, you can say, symbolic, and ... "Ostap suffered" ...
Stopping the run of Ren could not. Rather, I did not know how. Or used to ... it was always. Almost daily. Usually after midnight. Creek passed into tears, tears - in sobs, sobbing - in hysterical laughter. And then - sedative, sleeping pills and nightmares in dreams.
Rena screamed on his son, and that silently chewed a sandwich and snatched tea. Indifferently, removed.
"No body understands me. And does not perceive seriously. I don't even ask for help. Everyone has friends. Relatives. Colleagues, in the end. They know that someone is heard. Will help. Will advise. And me? Where to me? To whom? .. Is it necessary? Anyway, not so much left ... What, someone knows the way to get rid of the deadly ailment? Or will offer to take advantage of the magic wand? "
Hysteria were part of her life. Its shelter, shell. She succeeded in them, like anything else. Make an elephant fly? Once spit! Brush, so that the fairy tale makes it? How twice two! Rena since childhood learned that resistance in one harness with the attack, sooner or later lead to the desired result. The first attacked and always did, as I thought only herself. An alien opinion did not respember, never was considered with him. When Ren was fourteen years old, she left home and first of all got rid of the hated name - Raisa, turning into Ren. In protest. And for self-affirmation. I was born to hippie, nomaded from the city to the city, wearing colored rags, smoked "grass" and not soap my head. Then Vadik appeared, trying to re-educate it. Rena resisted again. The result was the fateful decision on the birth of a child, and Vadik disappeared from her life on the day when Max was born.
I had to turn into an ordinary single mother and even get a job on some time. In the struggle for survival, already together with the child, Rena discovered some advantages. First, she spoiled her. Minor girl. Orphan (so it seemed to be a new acquaintance). How not to plan? Without making special efforts, a young mother received many benefits for free. Cute appearance, sociability, lively language, skillfully used intuition opened the most non-danguable doors in front of it. And secondly, the lack of funds mobilized everything, still dormant, the talents of the girl. The gift to command men was basic. Here in this area of \u200b\u200bRen and decided to succeed, lush popular women's magazines during walks with her son.
- To live, how are millions of Russian treacherous aunt? Become one of them? Saving fat storms on the stocks on the sides? Pushes in queues? Ride in city transport in pinch among sweaty bodies? Never! - I often exercised Ren in autotraining in front of the mirror. She had no girlfriends, and she was not going to start them - a rival ...
- I am smart, successful, attractive. I have a sea of \u200b\u200bfans. Every day there are luxurious bouquets every day, I dress in the most expensive foreign boutiques, I rest at the most prestigious resorts of the world. Everything, without exception, men are idle me.
They say that if something really wants, it will definitely come true.
So and Ren. I wanted and got. With small reservations. "Prince" she met, but not on a fashionable resort, but in an inturist hotel, where occasionally worked as "confused". I did not heal at the Palace "Prince", and did not give the villa on the coast, but I didn't need to spend money in the center in the center of the capital, and you won't have to spend money on the hotel, and you can give a girlfriend to such a gift for a long time. Foreign friend visited Ran regularly, made gifts, even if not the most expensive, but everything is completely overturry - to envy neighbors. Max was attached to an enterprising lover in a round-the-clock boarding of diploma, and did not give tangible trouble. Rena was broken: it became often abroad, loved the lazy rest in cozy hotels with a visit to mostly nudist beaches. I got used to spa treatments, regular campaigns in sports clubs and on beauty salons. And now, in his fifty with the tail, she looked amazingly young and elegant. Even Sinyan under the eyes did not spoil the roinino-humid face. And no one could give her more than forty years.
Just cook, wash, clean, keep the farm, not learned to exonomally, did not have learned, and the filling of the receipt for electricity has introduced a woman into a long stupor.
"Pumping-dragonfly ... dreamed. The prince aged. With my satisfaction removed. From the feedushka excused. Now you look at the young. I'll be former. Runs on the bars almost with schoolgirls. You might think about the old age they will delay it. How! Hold your pocket wider.
And my son is doing correctly. That's right. What was my mother? Nickidal. Echidna. Cuckoo. Who could - threw up. How much did he see me in his inside childhood? Ten years spent in the boarding school. Like in prison. The term has departed. Sometimes lazy on the weekend take it home. All intensified good reasons for the director. For what Max I love me? For a rag that Michael brought? Yes, it is indifferent to the clothes. For years in one jacket goes. And hates me. Really - it does right. Let him hate. And let him despise. If only I did not drive out of the house. And gave to die in his bed. Dialysis no longer helps ... There is no donor ... And there is no money to buy a queue closer. Michael, the bastard, not appear half a year. After all, the only one knows what awaits me! .. But it does not want to help. Thirty years later he served himself. Sex cloth ... Yes, I was worn out. Now it's easier to throw out than to patch. Coward! Pathetic coward. Well, let him roll to hell! In your abroad. And I called him like I'll take it - and live the rest of my life in a new way. Right now and start ... new it ... "
"Mother, you, it ... don't be angry ..." Maxim approached and put his hand on the shoulder Ren. - I found your medical card. Accidentally. You know, mom, everything will be fine. I already went to your center and agreed about everything.
- What did you agree?
- About the operation ...
- I do not understand ... and the card ... You could not accidentally. She is locked in the table. Did you break the castle?
Rana stared at his son in bewilderment.
- Well yes. Sorry. This is only for your benefit.
- benefit? - Rana was screamed over inertia, but immediately she unwound, remembering a new life.
"There is something awkward. Why Max rummaged in my table? Why? For what? He never did. He is generally the right child, in contrast to his unbelievable mother. About the operation says. Can not be. My turn will only work in a year, and maybe more. "
- Max, explanation. How will the kidney take? Did you bought it? For what? What are the means?
- No, no, no.
- What then? Bought a queue? Or everyone who is in front of me died at once? -Deed Rena.
- Mum! Take it easy. Sit down Here, we drink waters, - he gave a glass with a mineralique and turned away to the window, listening like mother greedily, big sips, drinking water.
- I will spend the donor. - Hard, tone, not tolerant, said Max.
Renny's eyes were unnaturally rounded, she tried to say something, but only a fish opened her mouth, without uttering a sound. Mother understood that the decision, the enjoyment of his son was too big victim, which she should not. Rana has shifted, hands did not obey, lived some kind of their own, a separate life, and still unbearably started to the left. She tried to argue, but the son continued everything to the same, strict voice:
- We have one blood type group with you. We are close relatives. There is no go closer. It is so? - Mother unprobedly nodded - it turned out frightened. And in general, she felt like a little girl in front of her in the middle who became someone else and too adult son.
- That's good. Once close - my kidney will suit you. And it takes better. Than whose one.
At least Maxim and shovel, but the hair stuck to his forehead said about many things. The fear that would not go anywhere after the information received from the medical card of the mother, firmly settled in the shower, giving way, however, the road of love and nobility. And overcome this fear of Maxim lacked forces. But he managed to cope with him, and was already gently added, looking at the sobbing mother:
- Yes, not roar, bad. I do not do anything supernatural. It's my duty. Do you understand?
Rena Mota's head: "No, no, no longer. I do not understand. It can not be. He hates me. No no. It does not happen to me ... "
- A, well, do not understand. "Maxim waved his hand and hurried from the room to do not hesitate himself, because the treacherous lump in his throat climbed higher and higher. - I went to watch the TV. There's football. He blocked in the doorway and unexpectedly sent himself to the stunned news of Ren to the air kiss. - I want you to show your grandchildren.

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