
Step-by-step accrual of advance payment in 1s zup. Where is the method for calculating the advance payment indicated?

Let's look at how to calculate the advance for the first half of the month and calculate the planned advance (fixed amount) in 1C ZUP 2.5 (8.2).

Planned advance (fixed amount) in 1C ZUP 2.5

In 1C ZUP 2.5, this option allows you to assign a certain amount as a planned advance and pay it.

How to assign a planned advance

All planned advance amounts are stored in the information register Advances to employees of organizations. In 1C ZUP 2.5 you can fill out this register:

  • Directly by hand. Open the register through the Payroll calculation by organization menu and use the Add button to make an entry for an employee:
  • Using the Employees directory. Open the list of employees and enter the required amount in the Advance column:

How to pay a planned advance

In 1C ZUP 2.5, an advance is paid using the document Salaries payable to organizations: Desktop – Salary calculation – Salaries payable:

We select the month for which we pay the advance. From the example this January 2016, payment option Through the cash register and be sure to indicate what we are paying Planned advance. Next you just have to click Fill and we will see that the 1C ZUP 2.5 program automatically filled out the document with employees, with fixed advance amounts from the Advances to employees of organizations register.

Important! When paying a planned advance, the 1C 8.2 ZUP 2.5 program does not know how to correctly take into account employee absences.

If an employee was absent for the entire billing period, for which the advance is considered, then the 1C ZUP 2.5 program can be taught to understand such a situation. To do this, just check the box in the accounting parameters Take into account absenteeism:

For example, if an employee was on vacation from the 1st to the 15th, then he will not be included in the advance payment document. But if the employee was not absent for the entire billing period, then the 1C ZUP 2.5 program will offer to pay him the full amount of the advance and will issue a warning.

For example, let’s send an employee on vacation from January 11, 2016. until January 14, 2016:

Now we will pay the advance for January 2016. The 1C ZUP 2.5 program offers to pay the full amount of the advance in the amount of 4,500 rubles, although the employee worked only one day, but at the same time displays a message. Next, you need to decide: either leave the full amount of the advance, or reduce it, but this will have to be done in the document for payment of the advance manually:

Calculation of advance payment for the first half of the month in 1C ZUP 2.5

Using this accrual method in 1C ZUP 2.5, you can get a more accurately calculated advance amount for the first half of the month, that is, from the 1st to the 15th, taking into account the time worked.

In order to correctly calculate and pay such an advance, it is necessary to perform all the actions that personnel officers and accountants perform when they calculate and pay the full salary, only the billing period in this case is half as long.

Procedure for correct calculation of advance payment in 1C ZUP 2.5:

  1. All personnel documents are entered - hiring, transfers, dismissals;
  2. All absences - vacations, business trips, sick leave, etc.;
  3. Salary is calculated for the first half of the month;
  4. An advance is paid for the first half of the month.

Using the T-13 report, we will make sure that the organization has an employee New S.S., who is absent (on leave):

This means that when calculating wages for the first half of the month, absence (vacation) must be taken into account in the calculation. Let's create and calculate the Payroll document with the accrual mode First half of the current month. From the example it is clear that:

  • When calculating the advance payment from employee Novenkiy S.S., for which vacation was paid, the result is calculated taking into account one day worked in the period from 01/01/2016. until January 15, 2016;
  • Samoilov A.V. was hired on January 10, 2016. and did not work the entire billing period of the advance, so he was calculated the amount for 5 days worked:

All that remains is to pay these amounts using the document Salary to be paid indicating what we are paying Advance payment for the first half of the month. The 1C ZUP 2.5 program will automatically fill in the lines with the amounts that were calculated for the first half of the month, taking into account the time worked:

Advance in 1C 8.3 ZUP rev.3.0

The following methods for calculating an advance in the 1C ZUP 3.0 program are possible:

  1. Planned advance (fixed amount);
  2. Percentage of the employee’s payroll;
  3. Calculation for the first half of the month.

Before you begin calculating the advance, you must indicate which option for calculating the advance each employee will have. Information on the selected option is reflected in the information register Planned advances. This register has a period, that is, the date from which this entry is valid. Thus, in the 1C ZUP 3.0 program, you can change the methods for calculating and paying advances for an employee:

You can assign a method for calculating an advance in 1C ZUP 3.0 using the documents:

  • Personnel documents - personnel transfer, change in terms of payment for parental leave, return from parental leave;
  • Changes in wages;
  • Advance change;
  • Initial staffing.

Advance upon hiring in 1C ZUP 3.0

When hiring an employee, on the Remuneration tab, in the Advance field, indicate the required accrual method.

For example, employee Sokorina A.I. the method of calculating the advance payment is assigned as “Percentage of the tariff” indicating 40%. The tariff is the payroll (payroll fund) of the employee:

Such a payroll is made up of planned accruals, which are assigned to an employee when hired, taking into account that in setting up such an accrual there is a sign:

According to our example, payroll = 17,325 rubles. and it was formed from payroll, salary payments and allowances for leading a team. In order to view these components, you need to display the Contribution to Payroll column by clicking on the green pencil.

The Contribution to Payroll column is filled in for all accruals, except for the monthly bonus, all because the Include in Payroll checkbox is not set in the settings for this accrual:

Thus, by setting this attribute, you can control the accruals that will be included in the payroll. For our employee, the advance will be 40% of 17,325 rubles.

  • In case of payment of an advance in a fixed amount, you must select the appropriate method and indicate the amount of the advance:
  • When calculating the advance for the first half of the month, the corresponding value is also selected:

Calculation of advance payment in 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.0

Once the employee has been assigned a method for paying the advance, you can begin paying it. However, before you start making payments in ZUP 3.0, you must enter all personnel documents on the hiring of new employees, dismissal, documents on changes in planned accruals, as well as the absence of employees during the advance payment period.

  • If the advance to an employee is assigned a fixed amount or a percentage of the payroll, then you can then begin to pay it.
  • If the advance is calculated for the first half of the month, then it is necessary to make a calculation. To calculate the advance payment for the first half of the month, use the document Accrual for the first half of the month.

In order for employee absences to be taken into account when calculating the advance payment, it is necessary that such absences be approved by the accountant.

Let's look at an example. A user with the rights of a personnel officer contributes to employee A.I. Sokorina. failure to appear for an unknown reason from 02/01/16 to 02/04/16 is carried out by this document:

In the list of documents, the new document created by the personnel officer is posted, but highlighted in thick font. That is, the document was entered by the personnel officer, but not approved by the accountant. This means that it cannot be accepted for accounting in the 1C ZUP 3.0 system as a document recording the absence of an employee for a given period:

In the T-13 report for the first part of February according to Sokorina A.I. “NN” is displayed, which was entered by the personnel officer:

Let's create a document Accrual for the first half of the month for an employee for a given period, where you can see the discrepancy in the number of days/hours: according to the timesheet 7 days, and in the calculation of the advance payment 11 days:

This discrepancy arose only because the absence was not approved by the accountant. Therefore, let's approve the document:

And let’s calculate the accrual for the first half of the month again. Now T-13 and crew coincide in terms of time worked:

Important! In order for the time worked to be taken into account in 1C ZUP 3.0 when calculating wages for the first half of the month, it is necessary that all documents be approved by the accountant.

Also, when calculating for the first half of the month, you can only include a certain list of planned accruals. In our case, the monthly bonus is also not included in this calculation, since it does not have the following attribute:

In addition to the fact that all accruals are calculated in the Accrual document for the first half of the month, it also calculates all planned deductions and personal income tax:

The amounts of personal income tax withholding are the amounts that will be taken into account when paying the advance, that is, the result of the accrual will be reduced by the amount personal income tax withholding. As such, personal income tax, as a calculated tax, is not yet in the 1C ZUP 3.0 program; it will appear only when the salary for the month is finally calculated.

Also, there is no accrual as such in the 1C ZUP 3.0 program yet. If you look at the form or payslip, these forms will be empty. The accrual document for the first half of the month makes a certain calculation, which in the future will be used only when paying the advance.

For more details on how the advance payment is calculated for the first half of the month in the 1C ZUP configuration (8.3), see our video lesson:

Advance payment in 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3)

  • When paying an advance in a fixed amount or as a percentage of the tariff, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3) program does not adjust the amount taking into account the time worked. Therefore, if an employee has worked a pay period for which the advance is not paid in full, then the amount of the advance needs to be adjusted manually.
  • If the employee did not fully work the period from 01 to 15, then when paying the advance, he will not be included in the payment document.

Advance payment in 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3) is carried out with the following documents:

  • Statement of salary payment through the bank;
  • Salary payment sheet through the cash register;
  • Statements of transfers to accounts;
  • Statement of payment through the distributor.

The purpose of payment must indicate Prepaid expense. In 1C ZUP 3.0 by button Fill The document is filled out by employees who have received an advance payment, and it does not matter how it will be calculated.

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An advance is a prepayment that is given to an employee against future salary. When paying the employee's salary, the advance amount will be deducted. In this instruction we will consider the question of how to calculate an advance in 1C ZUP.

It should immediately be noted that there are three various types calculation. The first method is called “Calculation for the first half of the month”, here it is carried out in proportion to the number of days worked. If this option is selected, the advance must first be calculated. Second option “ Fixed amount” and the third option “Percentage of the tariff”. In the last two cases, the time worked is not taken into account.

If you have questions on the topic of how to calculate an advance in 1C ZUP, ask them in the comments under the article, our specialists will try to answer them.

Initially, the type of accrual in the program is established when preparing personnel documents, such as “Hiring”. On the “Payment” tab we are interested in the “Advance” detail, select one of the above methods. When choosing the third option, you must also specify the percentage; by default, the program is set to 40%.

When applying through the document “Hiring by list”, i.e. in the case where several employees are hired at once, the type of accrual is indicated in the same way.

If one of the methods is already set for an employee, then you can also change it and select another. Do this using the document “Change of advance payment” from the “Salary” section. We create a document and fill in the necessary details.

We indicate the organization and month from which the new payment method or a different advance amount will be applied, if the payment option has not changed. If necessary, fill out the division and change the calculation method. Next we add employees. Click the “Set size” button to set the value for all rows. Then we carry out the document.

The second option is to change the calculation method. To do this, go to the “Salary” section and select the “Change employee pay” item. Next, click “Create” and specify the operation “Change wages”. Fill in the header details.

Check the box “Change advance payment” and select one of the methods. We carry out the document. A third option for changing the method is also possible through the “Personnel Transfer” document. Change Actions


Next, let's move on to accrual. For the “Calculation for the first half of the month” option, you need to go to the “Salary” section and select the “All accruals” item. Next, click “Create” and select “Accrual for the first half of the month.”

Fill in the details in the header. The program automatically substitutes the 15th date for the calculation date “until”. Then click “Fill”. The document will include those accruals and deductions that have the corresponding checkbox checked.

The document will also calculate deductions and personal income tax. It should be noted that the document will not include employees who had no appearances due to sick leave, vacation, business trip and other absences. If necessary, the data can be corrected manually. Then we carry out the document.

If the employee has the “fixed amount” or “percentage” option set, then the payment can be made immediately. Payment can be made through a bank, to accounts or to a cash desk. Let’s go to the “Payments” section and select the “All statements for salary payments”. Next, click “Create” and in our example, select the “Statement of Accounts” document.

Fill in the details of the new document and select “Advance” as payment. We fill out the tabular part with employees.

Then we carry out the document.

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At its core, a planned advance is a salary issued to an employee in advance, that is, the employee incurs a debt to the company (unless, of course, the company previously had a debt to the employee).

The 1C “Salary and Personnel Management” 8.3 program provides three types of advance payment calculations:

  • Fixed amount.
  • Percentage of the tariff.
  • Calculated for the first half of the month.

The method for calculating the advance payment is indicated when hiring an employee in the document ““:

In the future, this information can be seen in the “Employees” directory:

Let's look at the types of advance payment calculations in order.

Payment and settlement in a “fixed amount” and “percentage of the tariff”

Everything is simple. The amount of the advance is set in advance, there is no need to calculate anything, and all we have to do is pay it. To do this, use one of the statements:

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  • to the bank;
  • to the cashier;
  • payments through the distributor;
  • statement of transfers to accounts.

For example, I chose “Statement to the cash register”.

We select the organization whose employees will be paid an advance, indicate the month and date of payment, the cashier, and be sure to select “Advance” in the drop-down list of the “Pay” field.

In the tabular section we add the employees of the organization who are due payment (you can use the “Fill” button).

If everything is done correctly, we should see something like this:

Click “Swipe and close”.

If an employee is asked to calculate the advance payment as a “Percentage of Tariff”, when selecting it in the document, the 1 C ZUP 8.3 program will automatically calculate the advance amount for him based on the percentage that is set for him. I think there is no need to give an example here.

Calculation for the first half of the month in 1C ZUP

It’s worth noting right away that in 1C 8.3 this calculation implies a calculation proportionally spent days.

For the calculation we will use the document “Accrual for the first half of the month”. To create it, go to the “Salary” menu, select “All accruals”. By clicking the “Create” button, select the line “Accrual for the first half of the month”. A window for creating a new document will open. Similar to the previous calculation, fill in the required fields and add the employee to the tabular part.

Please note that when added using the “Add” button in the “Accrual” column, it does not cost anything, but it is required. Here you should choose from which accrual the advance amount will be calculated. In my case, it will be “Payment based on salary” (the employee indicates that he receives a salary based on salary).

According to the law Russian Federation, an employee’s salary must be paid at least once every half month. To do this, in 1C programs: Salaries and Personnel government agency 8 (edition 3) and 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 (edition 3) a mechanism has been implemented for calculating and paying advances, and only then salaries. The software supports three options for calculating an advance: a fixed amount, a percentage of the tariff and calculation for the first half of the month.

The option for calculating the advance payment is set in the “Hiring” document. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the option is set for an employee, and not for an individual. It means that individual may hold the main position and work part-time, while he may have specific different types advance payment for each activity.

In this article we will cover the entire cycle of setting the necessary settings and charging an advance to an employee by calculation for the first half of the month, and at the end of the article I will also make a reservation about another, simpler, method of paying an advance - a fixed amount.

For any option, you must first set the dates when the advance payment and salary will be paid. To do this, follow the hyperlink “Organization details” from the “Settings” section:

The following window will open:

Let's go to the last tab, there we will use the hyperlink, as shown in the figure:

After setting the advance payment date, we will begin work by creating a new employee in the “Employees” directory:

After clicking the “Create” button in the list of employees:

We fill out the form with the necessary data, then based on it we create a “Hiring” document:

In the form that opens, fill in the required fields:

The software automatically sets the option for calculating the advance payment - “Calculation for the first half of the month”; if necessary, you can select other calculation options provided by the program:

After accepting a new employee, all information about him has been entered and saved, it is necessary to create time and attendance documents. In the article, the option of calculating for the first half of the month is selected; it is required to enter documents for recording working hours in 15-day increments. This can be done using the “Tablet” document:

Click the “Create” button in the list to create a new document:

Change the “Data for” attribute to the “First half of the month” type:

Then click on the “Fill” button to automatically generate work time employees according to the production calendar and work schedule. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all existing work schedules must be completed and updated in the institution (to be completed once a year).

We proceed directly to calculating the advance payment. In the “Salary” section, create a new document “Accrual for the first half of the month”:

You need to select the month of accrual, then use the “Fill” button and automatically generate the document:

The accrual of the advance is completed, now we will pay the advance to the employees. At the beginning of the article when setting payment dates wages and advance payment, the type of payment “Credit to card” was also selected, without indicating the salary project. We will make the advance payment using the document “Statement of Transfers to Accounts”. Accordingly, for payment through the cash register, the document “Statement to the Cashier” is used, and if a transfer is made to personal accounts created in salary project organization – “Statement to the Bank”.

Each employee is required to indicate the type of salary payment. You can do this by using the hyperlink from the card, as in the figure below:

Set the switch to the desired position and enter the employee’s bank account:

When required settings installed, create the document “Statement of transfers to accounts”:

Click the “Create” button to create a new statement. In the document, in the line “Month of payment”, write down the current month and change the details “Pay” and the assignment “Advance”:

Let's use the "Fill" button again. This is filled in by those employees who have selected the “Payment by transfer to a bank account” option.

Under the “Pay” requisite, it is possible to configure the share of payment of accrued amounts (interests) with which the statement will be filled out. To create a statement for advance payment, you need to set 100 percent:

I would also like to note that if the institution has other accruals in addition to standard ones, then it is necessary to configure these accruals in such a way that they are also included in the advance calculation:

In the form of the list of charges, select the one you need:

In the very bottom line of the accrual form, set the flag in the attribute “Accrued when calculating the first half of the month”:

This article discussed all the necessary settings and documents required for calculating the advance payment using the “Calculation for the first half of the month” option.

And in conclusion, I would like to add that in software, in addition to the considered option for calculating the advance payment, the “Fixed amount” option is quite often used. If this option for calculating the advance is selected, additional documents for entering working hours and accruals are not entered, and a payment document is immediately generated.

Let's look at the operation of standard 1C functionality (in the configurations "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management for Ukraine", "1C: Salaries and Personnel Management for Ukraine" and "1C: Agricultural Enterprise Management for Ukraine" (from release 2.1.40 and higher).

To calculate and pay an advance in the above configurations, create a document “Accrual of salaries for employees of the organization” with the “Preliminary calculation” flag turned on with the date of payment of the advance. To automatically fill out and calculate the document, click the “Fill and calculate all” button (Fig. 1).

Fig 1. Document “Payroll for employees of organizations”

To record time worked you should:
When using the deviation method, record absenteeism, vacations, sick leave, etc. relevant documents;
When using the direct timesheet method, it is necessary to generate a “Working Time Sheet” document. The document can be filled out either for the first half of the month (strictly from the 1st to the 15th) or for an arbitrary period.
The configurations provide options for conveniently filling out this document. For example, you can fill out a document with a list of employees for whom the advance amount is calculated (the “Fill” button in the “Employees” tabular section), fill in the accruals (the “Fill” button in the document command panel or in the “Accruals” tabular section) and perform the calculation (the "Accruals" button “Calculate” in the command panel of the document or in the “Calculate” tabular section).

You can analyze the accrual process for a specific employee using the “Calculate” and “By employee with comments” buttons (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. Document “Payroll for employees of organizations” with comments

Let's look at the example of employee Lutskova L.P. The accountant calculates the advance payment for September, document dated September 15, 2015. All primary data was entered using the document “Hiring to the organization” and is stored in the information register “Planned accruals of the organization’s employees” (Fig. 3).

Fig 3. Document “Hiring to an organization”

In the comments to the document “Calculation of salaries for employees of organizations” (Fig. 2) it is clear that “Salary by day” is a type of calculation (specified upon hiring), the calculation method is “At the monthly tariff rate”, the calculation procedure is indicated in the calculation type “Calculation type plans”\”Basic accruals of organizations” (Fig. 3).

In our example, the paid time in days is calculated according to the “Five-day” work schedule (the schedule is specified upon hiring) until the document date (09.15.15) and amounted to 11 days. The time standard of 22 days is also taken from the work schedule (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Directory “Work Schedules”

The tariff rate is indicated in the document “Hiring of organizations” and can be changed using the documents “Input of information on planned accruals of employees of organizations”, “Personnel transfer of organizations”.

The calculation result is 8500 =17000/22*11
Payment of an advance for time worked is documented in the document “Salaries payable to organizations” with the type of payment “Advance (based on preliminary calculation)” (Fig. 5).
This document calculates all taxes that should be transferred from this advance payment by clicking the “Calculate taxes” button. The “Amount” column will indicate the calculated amount to be paid.

Fig 5. Document “Salaries payable by organizations”

The program provides payment methods through a bank and through a cash register. In order to make a payment through a bank, you must fill out the document “Entering information about employees’ bank cards.”

Fig 6. Document “Entering information about employees’ bank cards”

Depending on the method of payment, based on the document “Salaries payable to organizations”, a document “ Payment order outgoing" (with the transaction type "Salary transfer") or the document "Expense cash order"(with the type of operation "Payment of wages according to the statement").

Fig 7. Document “Outgoing payment order”

Fig 8. Document “Cash receipt order”

Payment documents for advance payment and tax payments can be generated automatically using processing called up by clicking the “Go” button from the “Salaries payable to organizations” document.

Fig 9. Processing “Generation of payment documents for contributions to funds”

When you click the “Create” and “Post” buttons, “Outgoing Payment Order” documents will be generated with the type of operation “Tax Transfer”.

To automatically generate payment documents for paying taxes, you must fill out the information register “Parameters of payment documents for contributions to funds.”

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