
Population and political map of africa. Africa population Anthropological composition of the population of Africa

The area is very uneven.

The most densely populated sea coasts, coastal islands, lower reaches, mining regions of South Africa, Zaire and. In these areas, the population density ranges from 50 to 1000 people per 1 sq. km. km. In the vast expanses of the Namib, the population density barely reaches 1 person per 1 sq. km. km.

The uneven distribution is manifested both at the level of the region as a whole and at the level of individual countries. For example, almost the entire population lives in the delta and valley of the Nile (4% of the total area), where the density is 1,700 people per 1 km2.

Ethnic composition of the population of Africa is of great variegation. 300-500 ethnic groups live on the mainland. Some of them (especially in) have developed into large nations, but most are still at the level of nationalities and tribes. Many of the ethnic groups still retained the remnants of the tribal system, archaic forms of social relations.

Linguistically, half of the population of Africa belongs to the Niger-Kordofan family, the third part belongs to the Afrosia family. Residents of European origin make up only 1%. But at the same time, the languages ​​of the former metropolises remain the state (official) languages ​​of the majority: English (19 countries), (21 countries), (5 countries).

The "quality" of the population of Africa remains very low. The illiteracy rate in most countries exceeds 50%, and in countries such as Mali it is 90%.

Religious composition of Africa also has great variegation. At the same time, Muslims predominate in its northern and eastern parts. This is due to the settlement of the Arabs here. In the central and southern parts of Africa, the religious beliefs of the population were significantly influenced by the metropolitan countries. Therefore, many types of Christianity are widespread here (Protestantism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, etc.). Many peoples of this region have preserved local beliefs.

Due to the diversity of ethnic and socio-economic difficulties and the colonial past (borders), Africa is a region of numerous ethno-political conflicts (Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, etc.). In total, over 35 armed conflicts were recorded in Africa during the post-colonial period, in which more than 10 million people died. More than 70 coups d'état resulted in the assassination of 25 presidents.

Africa characterized by very high rates (more than 3% per year). According to this indicator, Africa is ahead of all other regions of the world. First of all, it is determined. For example, the birth rate in Somalia, Mali exceeds 50 o / oo, i.e. 4-5 times higher than in Europe. At the same time, Africa is the region of the highest mortality and the lowest average (men - 64 years old, women - 68 years old). As a result, the age structure of the population is characterized by a high proportion (about 45%) of children and adolescents under 15 years of age.

Africa is characterized by the highest level, the vast majority of which is of a forced nature and is associated with interethnic conflicts. Africa hosts almost half of the world's refugees and displaced persons, the vast majority being "ethnic refugees". Such forced migrations always lead to outbreaks of diseases leading to increased mortality.
Africa is a region of high labor migration. The main centers of attraction of labor from the African continent are and (especially the countries of the Persian Gulf). Within the continent, labor flows mainly from the poorest countries to the richer ones (South Africa,

A prime example of African-style urbanization is the city of Lagos in Nigeria. This city has long been the capital of the state. In 1950, its population was 300 thousand people, and now - 12.5 million. Living conditions in this overcrowded city are so unfavorable that in 1992 the capital was moved to Abuja.

The population of Africa is over 1 billion people.
Africa is considered the ancestral home of mankind, because it was on the territory of this continent that the remains of the most ancient species of Homosapiens were discovered. In addition, Africa can be called the birthplace of religions, because in the regions of Africa you can find a huge variety of cultures and religions.
Africa is home to:

  • Algerian, Moroccan, Sudanese, Egyptian Arabs;
  • Yoruba;
  • hausa;
  • amhara;
  • other nationalities.

On average, 22 people live per 1 km2, but the most densely populated place on the continent is the island of Mauritius (about 500 people live per 1 km2), and Libya is the least populated (1-2 people live per 1 km2).
The northern part of the African continent is inhabited by the peoples of the Indo-Mediterranean race, south of the Sahara is inhabited by the peoples of the Negro-Australoid race (they are divided into 3 small races - Negro, Negril, Bushman), and the northeast of Africa is inhabited by the peoples of the Ethiopian race.
There is no official language in Africa: they are the languages ​​of groups that have lived in this territory for a long time. The main ones are the Afrosian, Nilo-Saharan, Niger-Kordofan, Khoisan, Indo-European language families. But the actual language is English.
Large African cities: Lagos (Nigeria), Cairo (Egypt), Alexandria (Egypt), Casablanca (Morocco), Kinshasa (Congo), Nairobi (Kenya).
The population of Africa professes Islam, Christianity, Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism.


Africans live on average 50 years.
The African continent is characterized by rather low life expectancy rates (on average, people in the world live up to 65 years).
Tunisia and Libya are leaders: here people live on average up to 73 years, residents of Central and East Africa - up to 43 years, and Zambia and Zimbabwe scored the lowest - here people live only 32-33 years (this is due to the wide spread of AIDS) .
Low life expectancy is due to outbreaks of epidemics: people die not only from HIV / AIDS, but also from tuberculosis. And children often die from measles, malaria and malnutrition.
Health problems largely depend on the lack of medical workers (doctors and nurses flock to developed countries).

Traditions and customs of the peoples of Africa

An integral part of the customs and traditions of the peoples of Africa are shamans with supernatural powers and unique knowledge. All rituals are performed by shamans in special masks, which can be made in the form of the head of a non-existent animal or monster.
Africa has its own ideals of female beauty: beautiful women here are those that have long necks, so they hang rings on their necks and never take them off (otherwise the woman will die, because the neck loses muscle due to wearing hoops).
Africa is a hot and wild continent: despite the fact that today planes fly to all its corners, it is still a mysterious land of alluring dreams for us.

What do you know about Africa? Probably the fact that blacks, Arabs and Zulus live there. There are crocodiles, hippos, giraffes, zebras, lions and tigers. There are pyramids, the Nile River, Lake Victoria and the Sahara desert. Children are constantly starving there, there are wars and people do not live well. So, what is Africa, let's get to know this amazing continent better.

General information about Africa is as follows: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory - 30 221 53 km2, the population is about 1,1-1,2 billion people, the number of countries - 55 . This is the second largest continent after Eurasia - it is approximately 6% of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe planet and 20.4% of the total land area. Africa crosses the equator ...

Next, I will try to tell you what Africa is from the point of view of the economy and what place it occupies among other economies of the world. You will be able to compare indicators such as territory, population size and density, nominal and PPP GDP, as well as per capita. You can see tables, charts, maps of African countries and much more.

Africa is usually divided into territorial and economic zones as East Africa, West Africa, North Africa, Middle Africa and South Africa.

Africa - table, territory, population, GDP and economy

During 1970-2016 Africa's GDP increased in current nominal prices from $107.2 billion to $2321 billion, which means it grew 21.65 times. Agree, Africa has made a big leap in these 46 years.

We also have constant price data relative to 1970 between 1970 and 2016. According to them, Africa's GDP increased from $107.2 billion in 1970 to $535 billion in 2016, which means that the real purchasing power of Africa as a whole has grown by 4.99 times over 46 years.

The population of Africa in 1970 was estimated at 364,634,000 people, and finally in 2016 it is estimated at 1,216,129,000 people, which means that the population of Africa has grown by 3.33 times in 46 years.

The table below needs some explanation. You can see the dynamics of Africa's GDP growth from 1970 to 2016 there. Current prices are nominal prices in US dollars for that year of measurement. 1970 constant prices is what Africa's GDP would be if the purchasing power of the dollar were the same as it was in 1970.

Table of African GDP 1970-2016 at current and constant prices

Year GDP, billion, dollars, GDP per capita, USD GDP, billion, dollars, GDP growth, % share in the world, %
current prices constant prices 1970
1970 107,2 293 107,2 3,2
1971 120,5 321 111,1 3,6 3,2
1972 137,6 357 116,5 4,9 3,2
1973 171,5 434 121,5 4,3 3,3
1974 229 564 129,8 6,8 3,9
1975 258,7 621 133,2 2,6 3,9
1976 289,5 676 141,5 6,2 4
1977 329,5 749 146 3,2 4,1
1978 379,2 839 148,9 2 4
1979 444,2 956 154,3 3,6 4
1980 555,8 1163 159,5 3,4 4,5
1981 521 1061 161,1 1 4,2
1982 511,1 1012 164,3 2 4,1
1983 520,7 1003 164,6 0,18 4,1
1984 508,4 952 169,8 3,2 3,9
1985 502,1 914 176 3,7 3,7
1986 440,7 781 177,9 1,1 2,8
1987 440,2 759 179,2 0,73 2,5
1988 472,1 792 187,1 4,4 2,4
1989 480,7 785 194,2 3,8 2,3
1990 539,4 857 199,7 2,8 2,4
1991 536,9 831 202,8 1,6 2,2
1992 555,6 838 202,6 -0,099 2,2
1993 545,5 802 202,5 -0,049 2,1
1994 519,6 745 207,4 2,4 1,9
1995 564,5 789 213,3 2,8 1,8
1996 591 806 224,7 5,3 1,9
1997 611,3 814 231,7 3,1 1,9
1998 603,7 785 238,3 2,8 1,9
1999 606,4 769 244,4 2,6 1,9
2000 631,3 782 253,2 3,6 1,9
2001 615,6 745 263,4 4 1,9
2002 635,6 751 279,3 6 1,8
2003 760,5 877 294,3 5,4 2
2004 928,1 1045 311,9 6 2,1
2005 1097,6 1206 330,6 6 2,3
2006 1259,5 1351 349,9 5,8 2,5
2007 1465,5 1533 371,3 6,1 2,5
2008 1733,6 1769 391,7 5,5 2,8
2009 1620,3 1613 403,5 3 2,7
2010 1910,8 1856 424,3 5,2 2,9
2011 2105,2 1995 428 0,87 2,9
2012 2261,3 2090 449,6 5 3,1
2013 2322,4 2094 464,7 3,4 3,1
2016 2321 1933 535 3,08

This is followed by a table that displays the latest data for African countries for 2016. In it you can look at parameters such as territory, population, population density, nominal GDP and purchasing power parity, population density, GDP per capita and the percentage contributed by each country to the total nominal GDP of Africa. The table is dynamic, you can sort it by all columns.

Table Africa 2016: population, area, GDP

The countryTerit., thousand km2Population, millionGDP nom, billion $% of GDP nomGDP PPP, billion $GDP nom, $, per capita.GDP PPP $, per capita.Density population, km2
Africa30370 1200,608154 2321 100,00 6103 1933 5083 39,5
Algeria2382 40 168 7,25 609 4180 15135 16,9
Angola1247 20 99 4,26 194 4899 9620 16,2
Benin115 11 8,302 0,36 23 763 2072 94,8
Botswana582 2,156 11 0,47 37 5078 16934 3,7
Burkina Faso273 17 12 0,51 33 685 1890 63,4
Burundi28 11 2,742 0,12 7,892 245 706 401,6
Gabon268 18 15 0,63 36 804 2000 67,7
Gambia10 1,882 0,886 0,04 3,387 471 1799 181,4
Ghana239 27 38 1,64 121 1411 4477 113,4
Guinea246 12 7,067 0,30 12 608 1000 47,3
Guinea-Bissau36 1,693 1,116 0,05 7,537 659 4451 46,9
Dem. Repub. Congo2345 81 42 1,81 69 517 845 34,7
Djibouti23 0,847 1,903 0,08 3,327 2248 3929 36,5
Egypt1010 95 331 14,25 1093 3494 11542 93,7
Zambia753 16 21 0,89 65 1269 4020 21,5
West Sahara267 0,587 1 0,04 1 1543 1543 2,2
Zimbabwe391 13 14 0,61 28 1087 2169 33,4
Cape Verde4,033 0,525 1,745 0,08 3,649 3324 6950 130,2
Cameroon475 24 31 1,33 77 1267 3171 51,2
Kenya581 47 69 2,98 153 1478 3264 80,5
Comoros2,034 0,795 0,625 0,03 1,255 786 1579 390,7
Congo342 4,852 10 0,42 31 2013 6421 14,2
Ivory Coast322 24 34 1,48 85 1444 3593 73,6
Lesotho30 1,953 2,096 0,09 6,017 1073 3081 64,3
Liberia111 4,300 2,106 0,09 3,879 490 902 38,6
Libya1760 6,542 39 1,70 91 6021 13894 3,7
Mauritius2,040 1,348 14 0,58 23 10051 17298 660,9
Mauritania1030 3,677 4,718 0,20 17 1283 4544 3,6
Madagascar587 24 10 0,42 37 399 1535 41,6
Malawi118 19 6,149 0,26 22 331 1176 156,7
Mali1240 17 12 0,51 31 680 1774 14,1
Morocco447 34 109 4,69 288 3236 8543 75,4
Mozambique802 26 19 0,82 37 734 1424 32,3
Namibia826 2,436 10 0,44 27 4179 11096 3,0
Niger1267 19 7,652 0,33 20 411 1085 14,7
Nigeria924 186 485 20,90 1166 2606 6267 201,4
Rwanda26 13 8,763 0,38 20 675 1566 493,1
Sao Tome and Prince.0,964 0,198 0,351 0,02 0,694 1777 3513 204,9
Swaziland17 1,451 4,357 0,19 11 3002 7632 83,6
Seychelles0,459 0,093 1,419 0,06 2,608 15228 27987 203,0
Senegal197 14 15 0,65 39 1061 2717 72,8
Somalia638 11 5,707 0,25 6 528 555 17,0
Sudan1886 37 84 3,63 167 2296 4547 19,5
Sierra Leone72 6,019 4,563 0,20 10 758 1642 83,9
Tanzania947 52 47 2,01 151 890 2870 55,4
Togo57 7,757 4,499 0,19 12 580 1490 136,6
Tunisia164 11 42 1,83 131 3807 11750 68,1
Uganda241 38 27 1,15 85 695 2221 159,0
CAR623 5,507 1,782 0,08 3,206 324 582 8,8
Chad1284 12 13 0,55 34 1082 2848 9,2
Equator. Guinea28 0,759 7,884 0,34 24 10381 31265 27,1
Eritrea118 5,870 5,352 0,23 9 912 1554 49,9
Ethiopia1104 102 67 2,91 170 659 1665 92,7
South Africa1221 54 327 14,07 742 6014 13673 44,5
South Sudan644 13 14 0,60 23 1103 1826 19,4

For greater clarity, here is a map of Africa with population by country for 2016

Based on the data presented, it is possible to compile a table of how much purchasing power there was per African in 1970, and account for in 2016 at constant 1970 prices and current prices.

As can be seen from the table above, the purchasing power of the average African increased from 1970 to 2016, not only in current-nominal prices, but also in constant 1970 prices. In current-nominal prices, it has grown 6.6 times, and in constant 1970 prices it has grown 1.5 times. Which for Africa is not so bad, I would even say amazing, indicator.

Economic performance of Africa, African countries, and African sub-regions in tabular form 1970-2013

In the following tables and explanations to them, you can get information about the structure of the economy, GDP by individual subregions and other economic indicators of African countries from 1970 to 2013. I specify the latest data below are the maximum for 2013.

Dynamics of the African economy, billion dollars, 1970-2013, current (nominal) prices

Structure of the African economy, %, 1970-2013

Year Agriculture Industry Building Trade Transport Services
1970 23,1 23,2 5,4 13,2 8,5 26,6
1980 17,2 29,8 7,1 12,2 10,6 23,1
1990 18,6 27,8 4,8 14,8 7,7 26,3
2000 15 29,4 4,3 14,6 8,7 28
2010 15,6 29,5 5,3 14,4 9 26,3
2013 15,8 28,6 5,5 14,6 9,1 26,3

The picture more clearly shows the structure of the African economy by sub-region in 2013.

Nominal GDP in Africa by sub-regions, billion dollars, 1970-2013

Year North Africa West Africa South Africa East Africa Middle Africa
1970 24,5 35,2 19,3 18 10,2
1980 137,6 237,8 87,4 53,3 39,6
1990 184 115,9 123,6 66,6 49,4
2000 260,5 116,2 148,4 72,6 33,6
2010 645,5 487,6 406,3 194,2 177,1
2013 743,9 673,3 399,2 260,2 245,9

Nominal GDP per capita in Africa by sub-region, dollars, 1970-2013

Year South Africa North Africa West Africa Middle Africa East Africa
1970 759 279 333 252 169
1980 2648 1221 1736 753 374
1990 2939 1265 645 705 347
2000 2885 1483 497 359 287
2010 6910 3242 1598 1417 568
2013 6606 3552 2033 1811 699
place Sub-regions, countries GDP, billion, dollars, share, %
Africa 2322,4 100
1 North Africa 743,9 32
2 West Africa 673,3 29
3 South Africa 399,2 17,2
4 East Africa 260,2 11,2
5 Middle Africa 245,9 10,6

The picture below clearly demonstrates how much each sub-region of Africa contributes in % to the total treasury of Africa's GDP for 2013.

There are also leaders in Africa in terms of nominal GDP growth, below will be shown a picture-table of African leader countries from 1970 to 2016. Some countries fell out over time, some, on the contrary, took the lead. The picture walks up showing the economic situation of the most economically developed countries in Africa.

As you can see, Nigeria was the largest country in terms of nominal GDP from 1970-1980, then it lost the lead to the country of South Africa, which was in the lead from 1990-2010, then Nigeria again regained its position in 2013 and remains the leader now.

Second place in 1970-1980 was occupied by South Africa, then in 1980-1990 Nigeria was in second place, in 1990-2000 Egypt was in second place, then Nigeria again in 2000-2010, then in 2013 South Africa broke through to second place, and since 2016 Egypt will be on it again.

The third place at different times was occupied by such countries: 1970-1980 - Egypt, 1980-1990 - Sudan, 2000-2010 - Nigeria, 2010-2013 - Egypt, and since 2016 this place has been occupied by South Africa.

For 2016, the top eight countries in terms of nominal GDP looks like the table below

The country Terit., thousand km2 Population, million GDP nominal, billion $ % of GDP nominal GDP PPP, billion $
Nigeria 924 186 485 20,9 1166
Egypt 1010 95 331 14,25 1093
South Africa 1221 54 327 14,07 742
Algeria 2382 40 168 7,25 609
Morocco 447 34 109 4,69 288
Angola 1247 20 99 4,26 194
Sudan 1886 37 84 3,63 167
Kenya 581 47 69 2,98 153
Africa 30370 1201 2321 100 6103

For greater clarity, I will place this data in the form of a diagram.

Findings for Africa

Africa and the countries located on this continent develop, of course, African countries are still far from the developed countries of the world, but they will confidently move into a happy future. As you can see, not all Africans sit under palm trees and wait for a banana or coconut to fall to the ground at their feet. Although a banana is not a tree, a banana is a grass!

Jokes about Africa in the topic:

The Negro lies under a palm tree in his homeland. A businessman from Europe passes by.
- Here you are a black man, lying idle, but you could climb a palm tree, pick bananas. Go to the market and sell.
- What for?
- Well, why! With the money from what was sold, you can buy a cart and earn a lot more!
- What for?
- Yes, you can already buy a truck from the sold one and carry large volumes, then you will hire workers, and you yourself will lie and do nothing!
- And I, in principle, and so I lie and do nothing!

The journalist asks the Negro:
- Tell me, how do you get coconuts?
- And we are waiting for the wind to blow, they fall, and we collect them.
What if there is no wind?
- Well ... then crop failure

You can also view related articles Economy and GDP analysis of Japan 1970-2016 and Table of countries of the world 2016 (area, population, GDP) . Thank you for your attention and all the best!

Africa is a huge continent, on the territory of which there are 55 states. The population of Africa is 1 billion people. About 130 peoples live here, 20 of which number more than 5 million people each, and 100 - more than 1 million people each. In total, there are about 8,000 nationalities.

Population of Central Africa

The entire population of this region belongs to the Negroid race. This race is characterized by the presence of swarthy, almost black skin, dark eyes, hard dark curly hair. These include the Yoruba, Bantu, Hausa, Athara, Tubu, Kanuri peoples. Among the Tubu and Kanuri tribes, an admixture of the Caucasoid race can be seen. They have lighter skin and less wavy hair.

Representatives of the Nigrill race live in the equatorial forests of the Congo and Gabon. Their feature is short stature (up to 150 cm) and a reddish or yellowish skin tone. In proportion to the body, the head is very large. Many scientists explain their unique characteristics by living in dark forests.

The Bushmen also live in Central Africa. This is a nomadic people, representing a mixture of Negroids with Mongoloids.

Rice. 1. Negroid woman.

Population of North Africa

On the territory of North Africa, mainly peoples belonging to the Caucasoid race live. They have a swarthy (but not black) face, dark eyes and hair. These peoples include Arabs, Nubians and Berbers. On the southern outskirts there are representatives of the Negroid race, as well as many mixed types and mestizos. 90% of the people living in this region are Muslims, and the main language is Arabic. The second language in terms of the number of people speaking it is the Berber language. It is distributed in almost all countries except Sudan.

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Rice. 2. Arab woman in a hijab.

East African population

Ethiopians, Bushmen, representatives of the Negroid and Negril races live on the territory of East Africa. Ethiopians arose as a result of mixing representatives of the Caucasian and Negroid races. In the equatorial forests, which are also represented in East Africa, pygmies also live.

Rwanda is the most populated country in Africa. With a population of 12 million people, the density is 430 people per 1 sq. km. meter.

Rice. 3. Ethiopian.

Population of South Africa

The main peoples of South Africa are the Bushmen and Hottentots. These peoples are characterized by a combination of features of the Negril and Negroid races. Representatives of the Caucasian race and Asians also live here. All of them once emigrated here and stayed forever.

The population in the region is unevenly distributed. The main population is concentrated in large cities: Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town.

Population of West Africa

The population of this region is 280 million people. Most of the population belong to the Negroid race (Wolof, Kisi, Serer). Berber-speaking Tuaregs live on the territory of several states. The main religions are Islam and Christianity (to a lesser extent). Of the foreign languages, English and French are common.

What have we learned?

This article briefly examines the characteristics of the population of each of the 5 regions of Africa. Representatives of the Negril race, the Negroid race, Europeans, Bushmen, Pygmies and many other peoples live in Africa. The country with the highest population density is Rwanda and the one with the smallest density is Namibia.

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(L. Leakey, K. Arambur, F. Howell and others) in the late 50s - early 70s. of our century, they carried out thorough research on the territory and (Olduvai Gorge, the eastern shore of Lake Turkana, the valley of the Omo River, Hadar, etc.). First, the remains of fossil forms of great apes related to modern chimpanzees and gorillas were found. Then they discovered the immediate predecessors of the most ancient people - Australopithecus. From among these two-legged primates, about 3 million years ago, creatures emerged that made the first artificial tools. Scientists believe that it was they who created the oldest Paleolithic culture - the Olduvai - and thereby laid the foundation for the human race.

The main part of the territories of the mainland is inhabited by peoples belonging to the Negroid branch of the equatorial race. Negroids are characterized by a dark skin color that protects the body from the scorching rays of the sun. Thick curly hair forms an air gap that protects the head from overheating. For representatives of this race, wide noses with a low nose bridge, swollen lips are common. However, these signs are expressed differently in different representatives of this race. Thus, the color of the skin varies from light brown in some tribes of the southeast of the mainland to almost among the tribes living in the Upper basin and east of the lake (Nilotic tribes).

Pygmies living under the canopy of the equatorial (Zaire) are distinguished by peculiar signs. The skin color of the Pygmies is lighter than that of the Negroids, the lips are thin, their average height is 142 cm, the maximum is 150 cm. Bushmen and Hottentots have survived in the deserts. They have a yellowish-brown skin color, a wide flat face, which gives them a certain resemblance to the Mongoloids. It is obvious that the conditions of life and semi-deserts bring these peoples closer to the inhabitants - the Mongoloids.

Each group of the Negroid branch of the equatorial race has its own spoken language. Sub-Saharan Africans speak languages. The peoples of Central, Southern and parts of East Africa speak Bantu languages.

The north of the mainland is inhabited by Berbers and Arabs who moved here from Asia. They belong to the southern branch of the Caucasian race. Berbers and Arabs have dark skin, dark hair and eyes, an elongated skull, a narrow nose and an oval face; they speak mostly Arabic.

In areas of mixed habitation of different races, groups of peoples were formed, combining various racial characteristics. So, Ethiopians occupy an intermediate position between Negroids and Caucasians. there was a type of people (Malagasy) with signs of Negroids and Mongoloids, who penetrated here, probably from.

For several centuries it was in colonial dependence on a number of European states. Therefore, a newcomer population of European origin was formed in the former colonies. Europeans live in Africa mainly in areas with a favorable Mediterranean climate. In the north, along the coast of the sea, there are many French; in the extreme south of the mainland - the British and Boers (descendants of Dutch settlers).

More than 550 million people live in Africa, which is approximately 1/10 of the world's population. On the territory of the mainland, the population is distributed extremely unevenly. The population density in the Nile Delta is very high - more than 1000 people. per km2. This is one of the densely populated areas not only in Africa, but throughout the globe. The coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Guinea, and the south and southeast of the mainland are relatively densely populated. In the deserts and semi-deserts of Africa (, Namib,) the population is very rare, some areas are completely deserted.

The peoples of Africa have gone through a long historical path of development. In ancient times in Africa there were highly organized states with a developed culture and medicine, flourishing crafts and trade, and a developed building art (, Ethiopia).

The era of the slave trade and colonial robbery by European capitalists lasted for about four centuries in Africa. Only during the period of the slave trade, about 100 million people were taken out of Africa. During the colonial conquests, the indigenous population of the mainland became a cheap, almost free labor force in the mines and plantations. To justify the capture of the best lands, the predatory export of the wealth of African land (diamonds, gold, ores of non-ferrous and rare metals; coffee, bananas, cocoa and other agricultural products), as well as horrendous working conditions and beggarly wages for slave labor, the European colonialists substantiated the false the theory according to which the peoples of Africa supposedly belong to an “inferior race” and are not able to manage their own economy, govern their countries, develop science and art. Although, as we noted, Africans successfully did all this long before the arrival of Europeans.

By 1950, only four states remained independent politically: Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Union of South Africa (with a special system of brutal exploitation of Africans and racial oppression - apartheid). Since the 50s. In the twentieth century, a national liberation movement unfolded in Africa, which led to the collapse of the colonial system. Only in 1960 did they free themselves from colonial oppression 17 . By the end of the 60s. there were already 42 independent countries on the mainland, and by the mid-80s. - more than 50. Now there are no colonies in Africa, although many countries are economically dependent on former colonizers.

The leading capitalist countries of the world are striving to maintain their economic and political dominance in the newly-free countries. This is facilitated by the difficulties to which the peoples of Africa have been subjected to centuries of exploitation: economic backwardness, illiteracy of the majority of the indigenous population, chronic food shortages, poor medical care, and so on. Currently, most African countries belong to the group of developing countries, and to the category of lagging behind in their development or the least developed. The first of them is dominated by a mixed economy with strong remnants of feudal relations; second, consumer agriculture. In general, Africa is the least economically and socially developed region of the world. And although in the past two decades the population of Africa has been growing faster than on Earth as a whole, the pace of development of many countries has increased after gaining political independence, these countries are still only at the beginning of a long journey to the level of European civilization.

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