
India. India in Indian territory and prepare about them

"Indian culture" - The traditions of classical Indian music were continued by outstanding musicians, mostly Muslims. The introduction of the English model of education and the activities of Christian missionaries had a huge impact on the cultural life and religious self-consciousness of the Indians. The first Muslim buildings in India were characterized by austerity and simplicity of lines.

"Culture in India" - Tabla. Figurine of a dancing girl (Mohenjo Daro-III thousand. A characteristic feature of the Indian theater is the unity of music, singing and dance. Brahma formulated the main tasks of the theater: to teach and entertain. Questions and tasks: Music of India. Medieval period Consists of pre-Islamic and Islamic periods of development.

"World of India" - Along the foothills of the Himalayas, the great river Ganges flows through the lowlands. Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the entire world. Flag of India. India is very rich in mineral, soil, water and biological resources. Fishing is of great importance in coastal areas. Holy cow. India is a secular state and any discrimination based on religion is punishable by law.

"The Art of India" - Religion and Science. The culture of India has influenced the development of the entire world culture and science. Introduction. Architecture. Conclusion. Architecture, sculpture, painting (presentation). The Himalayas, the Ganges, the jungle - the nature of the country is colorful and diverse. Art of India. The first mention of India dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. e. Religious teaching - Buddhism.

"Music and Theater of India" - Drums. The sanctuary tower collapsed in the 19th century. What is the Vedas? Thanks to this dressing, a soft and rich sound was achieved. Stringed instruments. What are the official languages ​​in India? This technique allows you to extract very diverse sounds from simple instruments. Kailasanatha Temple at Ellora.

India Economic and geographical characteristics of the country General information

  • Territory - 3.28 million km2.
  • Population -1 billion 16 million people
  • The capital is New Delhi.
Geographical position
  • The Republic of India is located in South Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula. It also includes the Laccadive Islands in the Arabian Sea, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal. India borders Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar. The maximum length of India - from north to south - 3200 km, from west to east - 2700 km.
  • The EGP of India favors the development of the economy: India is located on the sea trade routes from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, halfway between the Middle and Far East.
  • Indian civilization arose in the third millennium BC. e. For almost two centuries India was a colony of England. In 1947, India gained independence, and in 1950 it was proclaimed a republic within the British Commonwealth.
  • India is a federal republic consisting of 25 states. Each of them has its own legislative assembly and government, but while maintaining a strong central authority.
  • India is the second country in the world in terms of population (after China). The country has a very high rate of population reproduction. And although the peak of the “population explosion” has already been generally passed, the demographic problem has not yet lost its urgency.
  • India is the most multiethnic country in the world. Representatives of several hundred nations, nationalities and tribal groups live in it, at different stages of socio-economic development and speaking different languages. They belong to the Caucasoid, Negroid, Australoid races and the Dravidian group.
  • The peoples of the Indo-European family predominate: Hindustanis, Marathas, Bengalis, Biharis, etc. The official languages ​​in the country are Hindi and English.
  • More than 80% of the inhabitants of India are Hindus, 11% are Muslims. The complex ethnic and religious composition of the population often leads to conflicts and increased tension.
  • The distribution of the population of India is very uneven, since from ancient times the fertile lowlands and plains in the valleys and deltas of the rivers, on the sea coasts were first settled. The average population density is 260 people. per 1 km2. Despite this high figure, there are still sparsely populated and even deserted territories.
  • The level of urbanization is quite low - 27%, but the number of large cities and millionaire cities is constantly increasing; in terms of the absolute number of citizens (220 million people), India ranks second in the world. But nevertheless, most of the population of India lives in crowded villages.
Natural conditions and resources
  • The main part of the territory is located within the Indo-Gangetic lowland and the Deccan plateau.
  • The mineral resources of India are significant and varied. The main deposits are located in the northeast of the country. Here are the largest iron ore, coal basins, deposits of manganese ore; this creates favorable conditions for the development of heavy industries.
  • The minerals of South India are diverse - these are bauxites, chromites, magnesites. brown coal, graphite, mica, diamonds, gold, monazite sands, ferrous metal ores, coal; in the state of Gujarat and on the continental shelf - oil.
  • The climate of the country is mainly monsoonal subtropical and tropical, in the south - equatorial. The average annual temperature is about 25°С, only in winter in the mountains it falls below 0°. The distribution of precipitation over the seasons and across the territory is uneven - 80% of them fall in the summer, the eastern and mountainous regions receive the largest amount, and the northwest receives the smallest amount.
  • Land resources are the natural wealth of the country, since a significant part of the soils has high fertility.
  • Forests occupy 22% of India's area, but there is not enough forest for economic needs.
  • The rivers of India have a great energy potential and are also the main source of artificial irrigation.
Industry and Energy
  • India is a developing agro-industrial country with huge resources and human potential. Along with the industries traditional for India (agriculture, light industry), the extractive and manufacturing industries are developing.
  • At present, 29% of GDP falls on industry, 32% - on agriculture, 30% - on the service sector.
  • The creation of an energy base in the country began with the creation of hydroelectric power plants, but among the newly built power plants in recent years, thermal power plants predominate. The main source of energy is coal. Nuclear power is also developing in India - 3 nuclear power plants are operating. The total capacity of India's power plants is 94 thousand MW (1999).
  • Electricity generation per capita is still very low.
  • Ferrous metallurgy. This is a growing industry. The current level is 23 million tons of steel (1998). The industry is represented by enterprises located mainly in the east of the country (Kolkata-Damodar industrial belt), as well as in the states of Bihar, Adhra Pradesh, etc.
  • Non-ferrous metallurgy is also developed in the east. The aluminum industry, based on local bauxites, stands out.
  • Engineering. India produces a variety of machine tool and transport engineering products (TVs, ships, cars, tractors, airplanes and helicopters). The industry is developing rapidly.
  • The leading centers of mechanical engineering are Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Hyderabad, Bangalore.
  • In terms of production of the radio-electronic industry, India has taken second place in overseas Asia. The country produces a variety of radio equipment, color televisions, tape recorders, and communications equipment.
  • Chemical industry. In a country with such a role of agriculture, the production of mineral fertilizers is of exceptional importance. The importance of petrochemistry is also growing.
  • Light industry is a traditional sector of the economy, the main areas are cotton and jute, as well as clothing. There are textile factories in all major cities of the country. In India's exports, 25% are products of the textile and clothing industry.
  • The food industry is also traditional, producing products for the domestic and foreign markets. The most widely known in the world is Indian tea.
  • India is a country of ancient agricultural culture, one of the most important agricultural regions in the world.
  • Three-fifths of India's EAN is employed in agriculture, but the use of mechanization is still insufficient.
  • 4/5 of the value of agricultural products comes from crop production, agriculture needs irrigation (40% of the sown area is irrigated).
  • The main part of the arable land is occupied by food crops: rice, wheat, corn, barley, millet, legumes, potatoes.
  • The main industrial crops of India are cotton, jute, sugar cane, tobacco, and oilseeds.
  • There are two main agricultural seasons in India - summer and winter. Sowing of the most important crops (rice, cotton, jute) is carried out in the summer, during the summer monsoon rains; in winter, they sow wheat, barley, etc.
  • As a result of several factors, including the Green Revolution, India is completely self-sufficient in grain.
  • Animal husbandry is much inferior to crop production, although India ranks first in the world in terms of livestock. Only milk and animal skins are used, meat is practically not consumed, since Hindus are mostly vegetarians.
  • Fishing is of considerable importance in the coastal regions.
  • Among other developing countries, India's transport is quite developed. In the first place in terms of importance are rail transport in domestic transportation and maritime transport in external ones.
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India is a state in southern Asia, which stretches from the peaks of the Karakorum in the north to Cape Kumari in the south, from the deserts of Rajasthan in the west to Bengal in the east. In the south, east and west, the country is washed by the Arabian, Laccadive and Bengal seas and the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. India borders on the west and northwest with Pakistan, in the north the Himalayas separate the state from China and Bhutan, in the northeast

From Nepal and to the east - from Bangladesh. India (or Bharat, as the Indians themselves call their country) is one of the largest

countries of the world with vast natural resources. It ranks second in the world in terms of population and seventh in area.

About the population of India

In terms of population (1,177,635,000 people), India ranks second in the world after China. Rapid population growth creates additional difficulties for the national economy. In this regard, the Government of India is implementing a large-scale program aimed at reducing the birth rate.

Almost 70% of Indians live in rural areas, although in recent decades migration to big cities has led to a sharp increase in the urban population.

The implementation of early marriages in the country is considered the norm. birth in

each family of numerous children has also become a normal phenomenon. men in

country more than women. Women often die due to early marriages and multiple births. Girls in every family are valued much less than

boys. This is because sooner or later the girl will leave her family and

can't see their parents. In addition, for them it is necessary to give more and


In terms of population density, India is in 19th place among all countries.


India turned out to be the only country in Asia where the share of the population employed in agricultural labor has remained unchanged since the beginning of the 20th century. unchanged - at the level of 70-72%. The state is making great efforts to improve agriculture. As a result, India is self-sufficient in grain, albeit at a low level of consumption. Despite the "green revolution", the level of agricultural technology and productivity in India remains one of the lowest in the world. Agriculture in India has a pronounced crop orientation. The main food crops are rice and wheat. Despite the world's largest number of cattle, animal husbandry in India is specific. Cattle are used primarily as draft power. Since most of the population are vegetarians and religious beliefs forbid the slaughter of cows, beef animal husbandry is generally not developed and is limited to the breeding of small ruminants and poultry. In India, much attention is paid to the development of the dairy industry. For the inhabitants of a number of areas (especially in Bengal), fish is one of the essential foodstuffs.

The specificity of the Indian industry is that it combines a variety of forms

production - from large factories equipped with

state-of-the-art, to primitive handicrafts. The labour-intensive small handicraft industry remains an important area of ​​employment for the majority of India's industrial population. This applies primarily to artisan weavers, whose

the government buys products through the network

specially designed items. High

Indian hereditary qualification

masters ensures the stable development of the diamond industry. India holds four world records: for the number of diamonds cut and polished per year, for their total

carat weight, by the number of people employed in it

workers and in terms of exports. India has a huge impact on the global diamond trade as it is the only

the country that produces the users

the most widely sought after fine diamond

weighing from 0.001 to 0.02 carats. All over the world, such diamonds are called Indian. The food industry produces goods for

domestic consumption and for export. Most

Indian tea is widely known in the world.

In the chemical industry, the production of mineral fertilizers stands out. The importance of petrochemistry is growing. resins are produced

Soil resources

The mineral resources of India are diverse and their reserves are significant. The main deposits are located in the northeast of the country. Iron ores are of high quality. General geological reserves are over 19 billion tons. India also has significant reserves of manganese ores. Somewhat north of the iron ore are the main coal basins. The explored reserves of hard coal in the country are about 23 billion tons. In the north-east of the country, there is a particularly favorable concentration of minerals for the development of heavy industries. The state of Bihar is the most mineral-rich region in India. The minerals of South India are diverse. These are bauxites, chromites, magnesites, brown coal, graphite, mica, diamonds, gold, monazite sands. In Central India (the eastern part of Madhya Pradesh) there are also significant deposits of ferrous metals and coal.


Foreign trade is of great importance for

the country's economy. The country exports fabrics, ready-made garments, jewelry and gems, agricultural and food products, machinery, as well as minerals, medicines and other goods. India accounts for 21% of world tea exports. The main exports are textiles, jewelry, engineering products and software. The main trading partners of India are the USA, the European Union and China. India exports iron ore mainly to Japan, as well as to some European countries. In the commodity structure of imports, the share of fuel resources, machinery, equipment, weapons, and lubricating oils is large.


India's main imports: oil

and oil products, machinery and equipment, pearls and precious stones, mineral fertilizers, vegetable oils, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, chemical products. The main trading partners of India are the USA, China, Switzerland.

India's GDP, 2014

India's GDP in 2014 was equal to 1937.8 billion dollars, ranked 10th in the world. The share of India's GDP in the world was 2.6%.

GDP per capita in India in 2013 it was equal to 1548 dollars, ranked 163rd in the world.

India- a developing agro-industrial country with a developed industry, the 3rd economy in the world in terms of GDP after the USA and China since 2014


India was the first of the developing countries to start developing nuclear energy, the aerospace industry, the intensive introduction of the latest technologies, the creation of new scientific and technical centers, and the development of the military-industrial complex.

Main industries: ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and oil refining, diversified mechanical engineering (machine tools, diesel locomotives, electric motors, tractors, military aircraft, ships, etc.), pharmaceutical and jewelry industries.

In terms of production of chemical products, the country ranks 12th in the world and 3rd in Asia. India produces various organic and inorganic compounds, agricultural chemicals and fertilizers, fine organic synthesis products (color pigments and paints, food additives and dyes, household detergents and cosmetics), pharmaceuticals (more than 80 thousand items in total). An important place among petrochemical products is occupied by polymer compounds used in almost all areas of industrial production (plastics, polymers, synthetic fibers, intermediate chemical products, etc.).

India is the world's second largest jewelry manufacturer and diamond cutting and polishing center.

The leaders in the automotive industry are the domestic companies Tata Motors and Chero Honda.

Old traditional industries: textile (cotton, jute), food (tea, sugar, tobacco) industry.

The agricultural sector accounts for 14.5% of GDP, providing employment for about 60% of the population. The main branches of Indian agriculture are meat and dairy farming, poultry farming, growing fruits and vegetables, cereals (rice, wheat, cereals, beans), oil seeds, spices, tea and tobacco leaves, coffee beans, various varieties of nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds , cashew), sugar cane, seafood production, fishing, horticulture, natural rubber production, sericulture.

The country is the largest producer and exporter of tea (27% of world production, 13% of world exports) In the world production of coffee (Robusta and Arabica varieties), India's share is 4% (sixth place in the world). The country is also one of the world's largest producers natural rubber.

Animal husbandry plays an important role in India's agriculture. In terms of the number of cattle (221.9 million tons), India ranks first in the world. There are 58.8 million sheep, 18 million pigs, 9 million camels. India ranks second in the world in terms of agricultural production.

Festival of Colors - Festival of Colors

Feast of Brothers and Sisters - "Rakhi" (or "Raksha Bandhan")

Diwali - the festival of fire and love

Landmarks of India

Mausoleum Taj Mahal

Lotus temple - the temple of all religions

Landmarks of India

Lakshmi Narayan Temple

Meenakshi Temple - millions of colorful figures and the blessing of an elephant.

Indian food The main feature of Indian cuisine is the abundant use of spices and spices in the manufacture of various dishes. More than 25 types of various spices are used to prepare Indian cuisine, each of which has certain healing properties.

Unusual traditions and customs of India

  • In India, instead of shaking hands for greetings, as well as for gratitude and farewell, a special gesture is used - folded palms and fingers are brought to chest level, in special cases to forehead level
  • It is customary to address by name. Respectful appeal to a man and women - "Ji" (respected, dear - Hindi). Appeal to women older than you - "Didi" (older sister - Hindi). Appeal to a man - "Bhaya / Baya" (brother - Hindi).
  • It is considered offensive to call someone to you with your finger, or to point at him. For such cases, the gesture of fully closed fingers of the right hand is used here.
  • There is a strong belief that girls born on certain days will bring death to their husband. Therefore, they marry twice. For the first time - for any inanimate object: a vase, a tree.

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