
Tomilin administration. Tomilino - Lyubertsy timetable for suburban trains. Construction technology. Architecture

The current schedule of electric trains Tomilino - Lyubertsy includes 98 electric trains (suburban trains, diesel engines) that connect these stations, among which there are night, morning, daytime, evening. The fastest electric train (suburban train) is recommended, which departs at 21:39 from Tomilino station and arrives at Lyubertsy station at 21:42. Km - Moscow-Kazanskaya, in this case the trip will take 0 h 7 m. Between the stations of Tomilino and Lyubertsy this train passes 1 stops. On this page you can always find the timetable of trains Tomilino - Lyubertsy, including seasonal, valid in summer and winter. Before planning a trip along the Tomilino Lyubertsy route, first check the timetable on our website, and also check this timetable at the nearest station, as some operational changes are possible.
Tickets for the train Tomilino - Lyubertsy can be purchased at the box office of the nearest station.

: 55°39′00″ s. sh. 37°57′00″ E d. /  55.65000° N sh. 37.95000° E d./ 55.65000; 37.95000(G) (I)


Dvornikov Igor Nikolaevich

Based Center height Population Timezone Telephone code Postcode car code

50, 90, 150, 190, 750

OKATO code Official site
K: Settlements founded in 1894


The urban-type settlement of Tomilino is located in the center of the Lyubertsy district on the Yegoryevskoye highway P105 on both sides of the railroad of the Ryazan direction.

From the east, Tomilino borders on the urban settlements of Kraskovo, located on the other side of the Pekhorka River, Malakhovka, and the Ramensky municipal district. From the west, the city of Lyubertsy adjoins Tomilin, from the north - the Moscow district of Nekrasovka. From the south are the settlement of Yegorovo and the village of Kirillovka, administratively subordinate to the urban-type settlement of Tomilino.


Tomilino has had the status of an urban-type settlement since 1961.


1926 1970 1979 1989 2002 2006 2009 2010
1930 ↗ 22 682 ↗ 26 017 ↗ 27 736 ↗ 28 545 ↘ 26 000 ↗ 29 318 ↗ 30 605
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
↗ 30 979 ↗ 31 130 → 31 130 ↗ 31 159 ↗ 31 364


A number of large industrial enterprises are located in Tomilin, including the Zvezda plant, known for the production of space suits for Soviet and Russian cosmonauts starting with Yuri Gagarin, one of the best ejection seats in the world, which has proven itself in many emergency situations. Nearby is the Moscow Helicopter Plant. M. L. Mil (MVZ). A Russian-Italian joint venture HeliVert is being created to assemble AW-139 helicopters.

In the village of Kirillovka, there is the Moscow Production Association for the Production of Diamond Tools (MPO VAI, formerly the Tomilinsky Diamond Tool Plant - TomAl), which grew out of the pre-revolutionary mill of the merchant Kalashnikov, the Soviet enterprises Gornet and Kirillovsky Khimik for the production of shoe polish. Later, the chemical enterprise grew into the Tomilinsky Abrasive Plant for the production of sanding paper. With the beginning of the development of natural diamond deposits in Yakutia, the plant began to produce diamond wheels for processing materials. Since 1963, the production of synthetic diamonds has been launched. In 1977, some employees of the plant and VNIIALMAZ became laureates of the USSR State Prize for the creation of mass production of domestic diamond tools. After the collapse of the USSR, the plant began to experience difficulties with the purchase of synthetic diamond powders, and stopped production. The reorganized diamond synthesis workshop allowed the plant to reach a production capacity of 20 million carats per year..

Tomilinsky Plant of Semiconductor Devices (TZPP, formerly TEVZ - Tomilinsky Electrovacuum Plant, now part of the NPO ITELMA group of companies under the name NPP "Tomilinsky Electronic Plant" and OAO "Tomilinsky Semiconductor Plant"), which began work in 1958 and went through bankruptcy proceedings - bankruptcy proceedings were completed in 2003. On May 8, 1971, a concert by Vladimir Vysotsky was held at the TZPP.

In addition, there is a textile factory.

The former poultry farm "Tomilinskaya", founded in 1929 on the initiative of A.E. Badaev, has become a large warehouse complex - TLC "Tomilino". By 1941, egg production reached 11.6 million. per year, contained about 160 thousand birds. The enterprise worked during the war years. By 1950, egg production exceeded pre-war levels and amounted to 14.6 million eggs. in year. In 1975, a large-scale merger of the Tomilinsky poultry farms took place - the Tomilinsky Poultry Production Association (TPPO) was created on the basis of the Tomilinskaya, Mirnaya, Chekhovskaya and Konstantinovskaya poultry farms, which became the largest poultry farm in the USSR. Production reached 11 million chickens and 450 million eggs per year (676 million in 1989). In the post-perestroika period, the enterprise experienced a decline, which led to bankruptcy in 2000. In 2001, after the change in the composition of the shareholders of ZAO Tomilinskaya Poultry Farm and the removal of external management, it was decided to abandon the production of eggs and poultry meat "due to environmental problems" due to the proximity to Moscow and Lyubertsy, the lack of its own fodder base, and the unprofitability of production ..

The clothing base of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is stationed in Tomilin, subordinate to the clothing service of the Western Military District.

Culture, social sphere

Sports school, house of children's creativity, music school, boarding school "Nash Dom", SOS Children's Village, sanatorium-forest school No. 11. The newspaper "Tomilinskaya Nov" has been published (since 2001). Since December (2009), the Tomilino TV channel has been broadcasting.


Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (XVIII century), chapel of the Vladimir Mother of God.

Most of the streets in the village are named after famous poets and writers (St. Pushkin, Fonvizin, Gogol, etc.), the exceptions are st. Pioneer, Gmeiner, Kolkhoznaya.

Notable residents

  • Fursov Andrei Ilyich - Soviet and Russian historian, social philosopher, social scientist, publicist, candidate of historical sciences.

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  1. www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2016/bul_dr/mun_obr2016.rar Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. THE USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the Union republics on January 1, 1980 / Compiled by V. A. Dudarev, N. A. Evseeva. - M .: Publishing house "News of the Soviets of People's Deputies of the USSR", 1980. - 702 p.- S. 175.
  3. . - Moscow Statistical Department. - M ., 1929. - 2000 copies.
  4. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  5. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  6. . .
  7. . .
  8. (RTF+ZIP). Development of local self-government in the Moscow region. Retrieved February 4, 2013. .
  9. . Retrieved 2 January 2014. .
  10. (Russian). Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 9, 2013. .
  11. . Retrieved May 31, 2014. .
  12. . Retrieved November 16, 2013. .
  13. . Retrieved 2 August 2014. .
  14. . Retrieved August 6, 2015. .
  15. , The New Times Magazine, November 19, 2012
  16. , Newspaper "Tomilinskaya Nov", 30.07.2009
  17. TLC Magazine Review No. 1 2008 (published by TLC Tomilino)
  18. The Children's Village consists of 12 residential 2-storey doi, each of which is designed to accommodate a family of 6-8 children and a mother-teacher. There is also a public and administrative center and a utility block with a garage.


An excerpt characterizing Tomilino

“I should have asked him! .. Is he himself? two mounted dragoons.
The police chief, who went that morning on the count's order to burn the barges, and, on the occasion of this commission, bailed out a large sum of money that was in his pocket at that moment, seeing a crowd of people advancing towards him, ordered the coachman to stop.
- What kind of people? he shouted at the people, who were approaching the droshky, scattered and timid. - What kind of people? I'm asking you? repeated the chief of police, who received no answer.
“They, your honor,” said the clerk in a frieze overcoat, “they, your honor, at the announcement of the most illustrious count, not sparing their stomachs, wanted to serve, and not just some kind of rebellion, as it was said from the most illustrious count ...
“The count has not left, he is here, and there will be an order about you,” said the chief of police. – Went! he said to the coachman. The crowd stopped, crowding around those who had heard what the authorities said, and looking at the departing droshky.
The police chief at this time looked around in fright, said something to the coachman, and his horses went faster.
- Cheating, guys! Lead to yourself! shouted the voice of the tall fellow. - Don't let go, guys! Let him submit a report! Hold on! shouted the voices, and the people ran after the droshky.
The crowd behind the police chief with a noisy conversation headed for the Lubyanka.
“Well, gentlemen and merchants have left, and that’s why we’re disappearing?” Well, we are dogs, eh! – was heard more often in the crowd.

On the evening of September 1, after his meeting with Kutuzov, Count Rastopchin, upset and offended that he was not invited to the military council, that Kutuzov did not pay any attention to his proposal to take part in the defense of the capital, and surprised by the new look that opened to him in the camp , in which the question of the calmness of the capital and its patriotic mood turned out to be not only secondary, but completely unnecessary and insignificant - upset, offended and surprised by all this, Count Rostopchin returned to Moscow. After supper, the count, without undressing, lay down on the couch and at one o'clock was awakened by a courier who brought him a letter from Kutuzov. The letter said that since the troops were retreating to the Ryazan road beyond Moscow, would it be desirable for the count to send police officials to lead the troops through the city. This news was not news to Rostopchin. Not only from yesterday’s meeting with Kutuzov on Poklonnaya Gora, but also from the battle of Borodino itself, when all the generals who came to Moscow unanimously said that it was impossible to give another battle, and when, with the permission of the count, state property and residents were already taken out every night to half we left, - Count Rostopchin knew that Moscow would be abandoned; but nevertheless this news, reported in the form of a simple note with an order from Kutuzov and received at night, during the first dream, surprised and annoyed the count.
Subsequently, explaining his activities during this time, Count Rostopchin wrote several times in his notes that he then had two important goals: De maintenir la tranquillite a Moscou et d "en faire partir les habitants. [Keep calm in Moscow and expel from If we admit this dual goal, any action of Rostopchin turns out to be impeccable. Why weren’t the Moscow shrine, weapons, cartridges, gunpowder, grain supplies taken out, why were thousands of residents deceived by the fact that Moscow would not be surrendered, and ruined? in order to keep calm in the capital, answers the explanation of Count Rostopchin. Why were piles of unnecessary papers taken out of government offices and Leppich's ball and other objects? - In order to leave the city empty, the explanation of Count Rostopchin answers. One has only to assume that something threatened people's peace, and every action becomes justified.
All the horrors of terror were based only on concern for the people's peace.
What was the basis of Count Rostopchin's fear of public peace in Moscow in 1812? What reason was there to suppose a tendency to rebellion in the city? Residents were leaving, the troops, retreating, filled Moscow. Why should the people revolt as a result of this?
Not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia, when the enemy entered, nothing resembling indignation occurred. On the 1st and 2nd of September, more than ten thousand people remained in Moscow, and, apart from the crowd that had gathered in the courtyard of the commander-in-chief and attracted by him, there was nothing. It is obvious that even less unrest among the people should have been expected if, after the Battle of Borodino, when the abandonment of Moscow became obvious, or at least probably, if then, instead of disturbing the people with the distribution of weapons and posters, Rostopchin took measures to the removal of all sacred things, gunpowder, charges and money, and would directly announce to the people that the city was being abandoned.
Rostopchin, an ardent, sanguine man, who always moved in the highest circles of the administration, although with a patriotic feeling, had not the slightest idea of ​​the people he thought to govern. From the very beginning of the enemy's entry into Smolensk, Rastopchin in his imagination formed for himself the role of the leader of the people's feelings - the heart of Russia. It not only seemed to him (as it seems to every administrator) that he controlled the external actions of the inhabitants of Moscow, but it seemed to him that he directed their mood through his appeals and posters, written in that snarky language, which in its midst despises the people and whom he does not understands when he hears it from above. Rastopchin liked the beautiful role of the leader of popular feeling so much, he got used to it so much that the need to get out of this role, the need to leave Moscow without any heroic effect took him by surprise, and he suddenly lost the ground on which he stood from under his feet, in resolutely did not know what to do. Although he knew, he did not believe with all his heart until the last minute in leaving Moscow and did nothing to this end. Residents moved out against his will. If government offices were taken out, then only at the request of officials, with whom the count reluctantly agreed. He himself was busy only with the role that he had made for himself. As is often the case with people endowed with ardent imagination, he had known for a long time that Moscow would be abandoned, but he knew only by reasoning, but he did not believe in it with all his heart, he was not transported by his imagination to this new situation.
All his activity, diligent and energetic (how useful it was and reflected on the people is another question), all his activity was aimed only at arousing in the inhabitants the feeling that he himself experienced - patriotic hatred for the French and confidence in itself.
But when the event took on its real, historical dimensions, when it turned out to be insufficient to express one’s hatred for the French in words alone, when it was impossible even to express this hatred in a battle, when self-confidence turned out to be useless in relation to one question of Moscow, when the entire population, like one person , throwing their property, flowed out of Moscow, showing by this negative action the full strength of their popular feelings - then the role chosen by Rostopchin suddenly turned out to be meaningless. He suddenly felt lonely, weak and ridiculous, without ground under his feet.
Upon awakening from sleep, having received a cold and imperious note from Kutuzov, Rostopchin felt the more annoyed the more he felt guilty. In Moscow, everything that was exactly entrusted to him remained, everything that was state-owned that he was supposed to take out. It was not possible to take everything out.
“Who is to blame for this, who allowed this to happen? he thought. “Of course not me. I had everything ready, I held Moscow like this! And here's what they've done! Bastards, traitors!” - he thought, not properly defining who these scoundrels and traitors were, but feeling the need to hate these traitors, who were to blame for the false and ridiculous position in which he was.
All that night, Count Rastopchin gave orders, for which people from all parts of Moscow came to him. Those close to him had never seen the count so gloomy and irritated.
“Your Excellency, they came from the patrimonial department, from the director for orders ... From the consistory, from the senate, from the university, from the orphanage, the vicar sent ... asks ... About the fire brigade, what do you order? A warden from a prison... a warden from a yellow house...” - they reported to the count all night without ceasing.
To all these questions, the count gave short and angry answers, showing that his orders were no longer needed, that all the work he had diligently prepared was now spoiled by someone and that this someone would bear full responsibility for everything that would happen now.

Apartment type Price per apartment Area, m2
Studio from 1.8 million rubles 24
1-room from 2.7 million rubles 37
2-room from 3.2–4.8 million rubles 47–58
3-room from 3.4 million rubles 50


  • from 5.5 million rubles
  • Stakhanovskaya (opening in 2020)

Apartments from 5.5 million rubles, 100 meters from the metro. SEAD. Panoramic glazing. Weekly New Year's deals. Metro within walking distance (Nizhny Novgorod 15min, Stakhanovskaya opened in 2019, 5 minutes on foot). Ready infrastructure, occupied 2 stages. Underground and surface parking.

General information about the complex and the developer

Residential complex "Tomilino" has been built since 2014 in the Lyubertsy district on the territory of Zhilino-1. This is a large low-rise economy class residential complex, which will include 43 residential buildings and a wide range of infrastructure facilities - a children's and adult polyclinic, 4 kindergartens, 2 schools, a shopping center with a cinema and a sports and recreation complex. The project is being implemented with the participation of the development holding GK Rassvet.

Features of LCD "Tomilino":

  • low-rise buildings;
  • facades of houses are decorated with portraits of Russian classics;
  • boulevard and square with the embankment;
  • own pond, garden and park.

At a cursory examination of the residential complex "Tomilino" seems to be an interesting object. But on the official website, the new building looks more attractive than in reality. If the renders show a well-maintained area with modern houses, wide green streets, shops and recreational areas, then real photos of houses are returned from heaven to earth. Cases look very mediocre even for the economy class. Design is one of the weakest points of a new building.

In other respects, the situation with the residential complex "Tomilino" is more optimistic - the microdistrict is located away from the metropolis, but not cut off from it. The area around is almost uninhabited, but the developer is building its own socio-cultural facilities. A recreational area with a pond and a landscaped park will be organized next to the houses. Housing is built of brick and promises to be warm in winter. At the same time, the cost of apartments is democratic, there are budget studios for young people and family multi-room options.

Rating: 8/10 with a "plus" for the scale of development, low-rise buildings, the ecology of the area and the construction of its own infrastructure; “minus” for a depressingly lackluster architectural project that not everyone will like.

Location: 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road, near the Tomilino railway platform

The new building is located 6 km southeast of Moscow, in the Lyuberetsky district. It is surrounded by small villages, wastelands and forest areas. This area is still little developed, but the authorities plan to launch a large construction site there in the coming years. Under it, the territory next to the residential complex has already been allocated. The lack of infrastructure facilities is compensated by a favorable environment - there are no industrial enterprises near the residential complex "Tomilino", and 1 km from the busy Novoryazanskoye Highway.

Sales office at the construction site

How to get there by car and public transport

For future residents of the Tomilino residential complex, several options are available at once to get to Moscow and back. The microdistrict is located 10 km from the interchange of the Moscow Ring Road. By car, it can be reached along the Ryazan highway - the route is located 150 m from the new building. An alternative route passes through Novoryazanskoe highway, 1 km from the houses of the microdistrict. The level of congestion there, as elsewhere outside the Moscow Ring Road, is quite high during peak hours and weekends. Taking into account traffic jams, you can get to the new building in 25-30 minutes or faster - it all depends on the traffic situation.

The nearest railway station is Tomilino, 2 km away. From there you can take an electric train to the Kazansky railway station, they run daily with a frequency of 10-20 minutes. It takes no more than 40 minutes to get to the city. From the stop "Harvest" on the Ryazan highway to the station. m. "Lermontovsky Prospekt" there is a fixed-route taxi No. 534.

Rating: 7/10 with a "plus" for the presence of a railway platform within walking distance and access to two highways; "minus" for the isolation of the new building and the undeveloped area.

Construction progress: queues and deadlines for the delivery of buildings

The developer of the facility is Rassvet Group of Companies, and the general contractor is LLC TomStroy, affiliated to it. The company has been operating since 1999, to date, with its participation, 500,000 sq. m of residential real estate in Ufa and the Moscow region. Among the recent projects of the holding are the already populated residential complexes Flamingo and Gogol-2. These facilities were commissioned successfully and on time, which cannot be said about the residential complex "Tomilino" - its construction has been underway since 2014. The deadlines for the delivery of the first houses were repeatedly shifted due to difficulties in laying communications. Also, a long pause in construction had to be done in 2016-2017 in order to resolve problems with documentation.

Initially, it was planned to build high-rise buildings in the residential complex, but due to the negative reaction of local residents, the number of storeys had to be reduced. Now they are building a maximum of 7-storey buildings. The plan provides for 6 stages of development, a number of houses of the 1st stage are already ready - you can buy an apartment there. By 2020, the developer wants to complete work on the site. Whether the developer will keep his word this time will be clear in 2 years.

Parking spaces: ground car parking, guest parking

An underground multi-level parking with a capacity of 700 cars will be built in Tomilino Residential Complex. The houses of the 1st stage of construction are not provided with separate garage boxes - the construction of parking lots is planned for 2020. Until this time, cars can be left in guest parking lots or near the entrances - the entrance to the yards for vehicles is not limited.

Rating: 6/10 with a "minus" for the repeated postponement of the delivery of residential buildings and the fact that residents of the 1st stage will be deprived of normal parking for cars for 2 whole years.

Construction technology. Architecture

LCD "Tomilino" compares favorably with most new buildings - the buildings there are not monolithic or panel, but with walls made of Porikam ceramic blocks. This is a modern porous brick, which is made from clay, sand, sawdust and water - without chemical additives. After firing, the blocks become very durable, houses made of them can be used for up to 75 years. The material has high heat and noise insulation, due to its porous structure, an optimal microclimate will be provided inside the apartments. The exterior finish of the houses is painted plaster. The apartments have plastic windows with double-glazed windows.

The houses have classical entrance groups with steel doors. They are located above ground level, with steps and ramps leading to them for the disabled and young mothers with strollers. Interior decoration is also standard, there is no separate area for bicycles. In 7-storey buildings, cargo-passenger elevators were installed - one per entrance. There are no garbage chutes, waste can be disposed of in containers.

Architecture The concept of the Tomilino facility involves the creation of a low-rise residential complex for 3,500 apartments. The master plan looks thoughtful: the houses are arranged in neat rows and form separate courtyards. Among these mini-quarters are social. objects, roads are laid - there is even its own ring road. Exactly in the middle of the ensemble there is a pond with a bridge stretched across it.

It is completely incomprehensible why the architects decided to make the houses look like panel “Khrushchevs” built in the 70s. The sandy color scheme only adds to the similarity with the Soviet "secondary" - it's sad to imagine what will happen to these residential buildings in 5-7 years, when the finish begins to fade. The portraits of Russian classics printed on the facades create a depressing "library" atmosphere, but the idea itself is interesting - if you add bright colors, the prints would look better.

Rating: 7/10 with a "plus" for the unique construction technology, which is rarely used in the construction of new buildings, and a "minus" for an ambiguous architectural project.

The choice of apartments: few layout options, there are balconies and loggias

Initially, in the residential complex "Tomilino" it was possible to buy apartments with an area of ​​​​30 sq.m., but by March 2018, only lots of 58-83 sq.m. remained in the houses of the 1st stage. m. These are standard dvushki and treshki with a ceiling height of 2.7 m. The cost per square meter is 73,000 - 120,000 rubles. This is a democratic price tag for a low-rise clay brick house. Those who want to purchase budget housing should wait for the start of sales in the 2nd stage buildings in 2019 - then it will be possible to purchase a compact studio of 30 sq. m for only 2.5 million rubles.

Types of apartments by format:

  • studios;
  • 1-room;
  • 2-room;
  • 3-room.

Housing in houses is sold with a turnkey finish. You can move into the apartment immediately after the purchase - all that remains is to arrange the equipment and furniture. The quality of construction work corresponds to the economy class. There are stretch ceilings, laminate and linoleum on the floors, domestic plumbing in the bathroom and in the kitchen. The walls are covered with wallpaper for painting, in the "wet areas" ceramic tiles are laid out.

Apartment layouts

Due to the fact that the houses in the residential complex "Tomilino" are small, the choice of layouts is limited. On the floor there are 6-8 apartments, of which up to 50% are odnushki and studios. There are two- and three-room options with a two-way view, but they are few. In general, no more than 10 layouts are presented in the houses, there are non-standard ones - with sloping walls. The apartments have balconies with an area of ​​about 2-4 square meters. m, in some cases - large loggias of 7.5 sq. m.

Dimensions of residential premises - from 11 to 16 square meters. m. The configuration is different, there are cube rooms and elongated rectangular options, there are also non-standard shapes close to a triangle. There are no complaints about comfort, if you do not take into account the studios - with a living area of ​​​​14 square meters. m there will be cramped, because it includes a combined kitchen

Public spaces are also not very spacious. The area of ​​​​the kitchen, even in large apartments, fluctuates around 10-12 square meters. m. The dimensions of the room can sometimes be slightly expanded due to the balconies and loggias adjacent to them - but this will require redevelopment. There are two types of bathrooms: separate and combined. At the same time, the option with a bathroom and a toilet is not so attractive. Their dimensions are on average 1.5 and 3 square meters. m respectively. Even if you add up these areas, it's still 4.5 square meters. m lose to a large combined bathroom of 7.5 sq. m.

Rating: 6/10, since the choice of apartments is very limited, euro-singles turned out to be too cramped, there are few planning solutions.

Non-residential fund: premises for business, parking spaces in 2020

In houses 2, 7, 8, 9 and 10 on the first and basement floors commercial premises for free use ranging from 100 to 900 sq. m. m with access to the street. They can organize almost any business - from a store to a large restaurant, bar or office. The cost of the lot is discussed only on an individual basis during a visit to the sales office.

In 2020, a surface parking for 700 cars will appear on the territory of the complex. While the project is at the development stage and sales have not started, therefore, information regarding the areas of garage boxes and their cost is not provided.

Rating: 5/10 "minus" for the obvious lack of parking spaces for the residents of the new building and "plus" for the large areas of commercial premises - although for some this may be a disadvantage.

Infrastructure and ecology: social. facilities in neighboring villages, clean air in the area

It is not yet possible to call the Lyubertsy district developed - most of the territory around the Tomilino residential complex is occupied by dachas and cottages. In addition to the private sector, there are no clinics, kindergartens, or schools within a radius of 1.5 km. The shops in the district can be counted on one hand - next to the new building on the Ryazan highway there is a Dixy supermarket, and on Kolkhoznaya street there is a Melania grocery store. In the future, commercial premises in the houses will be bought up and more shops will be organized there. But how quickly this will happen is unknown. The developer also plans to build its own social. objects.

Internal infrastructure of LCD "Tomilino":

  • 2 schools (1,520 places);
  • 4 kindergartens (680 places);
  • children's and adult polyclinics;
  • shopping and entertainment center;
  • sports and recreation complex;
  • park with an apple orchard and a pond.

According to the information provided by the managers, the construction of the listed facilities will be completed by 2020. Until that time, residents will have to use the district infrastructure. The nearest polyclinic is located in Tomilino, next to Shevchenko Street. From it to the new building 1.8 km, or 20 minutes on foot. There is a school and a kindergarten in Zhilino-1 and Zhilino-2, but it is unlikely that there are available places. To arrange for your child to study, you will have to go to Tomilino again.

But there is an advantage in the absence of infrastructure - the uninhabited "green" area next to the residential complex "Tomilino" as a whole creates a favorable ecological environment. But the local wind rose still drives air from the industrial southeast. The Satovka River flows 250 meters from the houses, which flows into Pekhorka in the southeast. A forest park is located 1.6 km to the east.

Rating: 6/10 - until a school, a kindergarten and a clinic are built, residents will have to travel to neighboring villages, for which the new building receives a "minus"; the area is favorable from an environmental point of view - this is a "plus".

Conditions for the purchase of apartments: one-time payment, mortgage, installment plan

Real estate in houses under construction LCD "Tomilino" is sold with the drawing up of an equity agreement (214-FZ). It is possible to pay 100%, make a deal with the attraction of credit funds - including with subsidies.

The developer provides an interest-free installment plan of up to 17 months. The minimum down payment is 20%. There are also mortgage offers from a number of reliable Russian banks. Maternity capital is accepted for payment. Military mortgage available.


Rate, from

First installment, from



Bank opening

Moscow credit bank

Communication Bank

Raiffeisen Bank


Renaissance Bank





Absolut Bank

Current promotions

Rating: 10/10, because the developer has provided ample opportunities to pay for apartments, regularly holds promotions and supports the state. programs.

Summary: the pros and cons of a new building

The class of housing in the residential complex "Tomilino" fully corresponds to its cost - for a low price, the developer offers small houses with standard apartments, which have been finished on a budget. If all the promises regarding the creation of their own infrastructure are fulfilled, then there is no need to fear for the future of the new building. But in any case, as the houses are populated, the issue of a lack of parking will arise - the yards in front of the houses will most likely be clogged with cars. The unreliability of the developer can also be added to the disadvantages, which has already postponed the deadlines for the delivery of the first stage buildings three times.


low-rise buildings;
- democratic prices;
- own park with a reservoir.


Repeated postponement of delivery dates;
- mediocre facade design;
- parking and infrastructure only by 2020;
- high building density.

Housing in the residential complex "Tomilino" is suitable for those who lead a quiet lifestyle. Low-rise buildings allow you to forget about the skyscrapers of the metropolis for a while, and a park and a large pond will help you relax. Unfortunately, for the first tenants, all this is available only in the future - so far only a part of the complex is ready, which includes only a number of residential buildings. But as an investment, the project looks very attractive.

Overall rating for LCD: 7/10

The developer of the Tomilino Residential Complex project is the Rassvet Group of Companies, which has been carrying out development activities since 1999. It is planned to create a whole microdistrict with several residential quarters, an area of ​​57 hectares has been allocated for construction.


New buildings are located in the southeast of the Moscow region, in the Lyubertsy district, in the village of Tomilino - a picturesque and environmentally friendly place. It is 8 kilometers to Moscow along Novoryazanskoye Highway or Oktyabrsky Prospekt.


Tomilino is a project with a height of houses from 3 to 7 floors, built of brick. The maximum ceiling height is 2.7 meters. The developer offers apartments ranging from 35 to 85 sq.m., with a layout of 1 to 3 rooms. Near the new district there is a picturesque pond and forest park Tomilinsky.

All apartments in the residential complex are rented with a turnkey finish. This includes electrical, plumbing, wall covering, flooring, glazing, installation of entrance and interior doors.


4 kindergartens, 2 schools, a polyclinic for adults will be opened in the residential complex. Playgrounds and parking are also the obligations of the developer.

Lyubertsy already has its own infrastructure. Residents, if necessary, will be able to use already operating schools, kindergartens, hospitals and medical centers, a music children's school.


Twenty minutes from the LCD Tomilino is the metro station "Kotelniki", "Zhulebino". Bus and railway routes run daily.


The complex, despite some remoteness, promises to become a comfortable place for family life for everyone who appreciates the environment and peace.

The cost of apartments is from 1,800,000 to 4,800,000 rubles.

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