
What is included in the improvement of the local area and who does it. What is included in the improvement of the local territory of the landscaping of the local area

MinStroy RF continues to work on the National Project "City Wednesday and Housing and Communist Party". On the site of the department, in the "Documents" section, you can find an interesting infographic in which the principles are presented. improvement of yard territories.

We propose to distract from the discussion of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2016 N 1498 and turn to the eternal - the content of common property in the MKD.

Land plot consisting of common property

The courtyard is the source of eternal disputes between the owners of the premises and managers. The land plot is part of the OI in the MKD, if formed under the MDC and put on cadastral accounting.

Most often, the house territory is owned by the residents of the MKD. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491, the house territory is included in, so the owners of the MKD premises must pay its content and improvement.

The management of the same organization for this money contains the local territory in a proper order.

Land plot under the MKD - house area with elements of landscaping and improvement, which refers to objects of common property in the MCD (part 1 of Art. 36 LCD RF). This is a community property, so it can not be someone's private ownership.

The boundaries and the size of the house territory are determined on the basis of the requirements of land and urban planning legislation (paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Art. 36 LCD of the Russian Federation). According to paragraph 4 of Art. 37 LCD RF, only owners on the OSS can change them, making a decision on reconstruction.

Who is responsible for the improvement of the local area

By virtue of Part 2 of Art. 162 LCD RF managing organization Under the Management Agreement undertakes:

  • work and provide MKD management services
  • create favorable and safe conditions for residence of citizens,
  • provide consumers in the MKD,
  • work and provide services for the maintenance and repair of OI in the MCD.

According to paragraph 11 of the rules for the content of the general property approved by PP of the Russian Federation N 491, the managing organization, including:

  • removes and conducts sanitary and hygienic cleaning of public premises, the land plot, which is part of the OI,
  • collects and exports TKO and MSW,
  • cares behind elements of landscaping and improvement, objects intended for service, operation and improvement of the MCD.

But this does not apply to land plots not included in the composition of the common property in the MKD. Listed actions in this case are carried out by the owners of land.

Improvement of the courtyard area

We offer to learn what principles improvement of the courtyard area Highlighting MinStroy RF. First of all, the department notes that all the courtyards of Russia combines a number of problems:

  • there are no clear boundaries between the citywide territory and the courtyard,
  • there are not enough parking spaces,
  • not set up lighting,
  • infrastructure is not developed for different groups of users,
  • there are no sites for domestic walking,
  • climate discomfort.

Six types of yards are distinguished: with historical, low-storey, medium-built, medium-built microdistrict, high-storey microdistrict and modern high-rise buildings.

If you are concerned improvement of the courtyard areaMinstroy the Russian Federation recommends starting from the distinction between the private and public space space. This is necessary to ensure the comfort and safety of various groups of the population.

To do this, you need to designate the entrance to the courtyard: put navigation elements, lights. To form the perimeter of the courtyard, and not necessarily with the help of the fence, it is best to plant a green fence. After - to organize basic and secondary passages, to equip the entrances to the entrances: to build ramps, cycling, etc.

The next step is to form a comfortable courtyard area - arrangement of Parkovok. MinStroy RF recommends organizing plane parking for residents at home and linear - for guests. The number of parking spaces is recommended to discuss with the owners. Be sure to foresee parking places for disabled.

To improve the lighting of the yards, you need to install additional lights:

  • at the entrance to the house (5-7 meters),
  • in children's and sports grounds (7-9 meters),
  • travels (7 meters).

The first group of users, which should be taken into account - children. For their versatile development, it is necessary to organize playgrounds that would respond to the needs of different age groups: 0-3 years, 3-7 years, 7-12 and 12-15 years.

At playgrounds must be installed:

  • urns
  • information booth
  • hedge,
  • soft coatings
  • seating,
  • canopy
  • board games,
  • thematic gaming complexes
  • elements for active games, etc.

Adult sites should be focused on both sports and a relaxing holiday - include places for street simulators, table tennis, board games.

Arrangement pet walking sites Must increase the sanitary condition of the territory and security for tenants. Such platforms can be non-stepped and fenced.

On the non-stepped area it is necessary to establish an information booth, urns, seating and a soft coating. On fenced - additionally put the gate.

Ecology of urban space

Another important and necessary thing is to landscap in the territory. This is a direct responsibility of managing organizations, unless, of course, the land plot is included in the composition of the common property in the MKD.

New trees and shrubs should increase climatic control and protect from:

  • noise and wind,
  • sun,
  • exhaust gases.

Of course, the above does not mean that all responsibility lies on the shoulders managing organizations. Above the national project " Urban environment and housing and communal services»There is a team from municipal authorities, managers, HOAs, HCD and LCD and residents.

The courtyard space is limited, so you should not try to accommodate everything into it. In each case, this is an individual project and solution. It is important that such decisions are accepted together with residents of houses.

The procedure for the development of the project of improvement of the courtyard territory is:

  • initially, the type of yard is determined,
  • the site zoning is carried out,
  • together with the residents discussed the concept of improvement,
  • jointly developed and the project is approved,
  • the project is also implemented joint forces.

To each house, be it for a long time-commissioned and hated or just built, the land is adjacent to the house. It is necessary to take care of it according to the established standards, landscaping: grow lawns, arrange the flower beds, build children's or sports fields. Let's deal with who depends on who is responsible for the improvement of the local apartment area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment building and what is included in the list of work on the improvement of the courtyard territory.

Rules of improvement

The boundaries and the total square of the local area are determined by the cadastral or technical passport of real estate. According to 16 article LCDThis territory belongs to all residents of the house on a share basis. The maintenance and care of it is carried out by the Criminal Code or, as well as the tenants and contractors themselves, with which the service agreement was concluded. They, for example, repair the oil territory of the Ministry of Measures.

Residential citizens are obliged to follow the order in an apartment building and belonging to him the land, do not litter, do not spoil buildings and so on. After all, after the tenants became owners of real estate, they undertake to keep it in order on the basis of the relevant government ruling.

The rules for the maintenance of the local area and its operation for owners of the apartment has a multi-storey building:

  • the sanitary content of the plots on which urns and garbage containers are installed;
  • , garbage removal;
  • preservation of flower and other sections of landscaping.

In most cases, residents conclude agreements from the Criminal Code, which is responsible for the care and maintenance of the courtyard territory of an apartment building. But in old houses, the municipality is often answered for it if the land around them is not privatized, as it still belongs to the state. And it will be in this case to be responsible for the improvement of the local area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment building.

The list of work on improvement and care of the yard depends on the time of year. In winter:

  • regular cleaning of a snowy layer, a thickness of more than 5 cm;
  • clearing tracks and approaches to the entrance from the gladuating sites;
  • cleansing sewers from snow and ice;
  • spring sand paths in ice.
  • additional cleaning of space around garbage tanks;
  • watering green plantings;
  • haircut of lawns, shrubs.

Measures on the maintenance of the local area in purity is also its improvement. Works are carried out on a schedule, taking into account the rationing of the labor of the residents themselves, hired contractors, janitor. Before you cook the design project of the courtyard of the apartment building of a dream, which would like to see tenants, should be carefully considered, first of all, to the content of it clean and integrity.

List of works

The law provides for the standards for the improvement of the local area, which is adjacent to an apartmently residential object. What is included:

  • cleaning of public areas, parking (if available);
  • installing garbage tanks;
  • summer and winter measures for cleaning the territory;
  • landscaping of the local area;
  • creating a playground in the yard;
  • staining of benches, fences, parts of structures installed in the site;
  • installation of fences at the receiving area;
  • repair work, as well as ensuring the safety of housing owners (sand tracks in ice, the destruction of icicles, setting the lids of hatches and so on).

We will analyze more elements of the improvement of yard territories:

  • landscaping: can be a roof, vertical, incomme;
  • arrangement of the country areas of ramps, steps, stairs;
  • coating: lawn, solid or soft, asphalt;
  • streets: fence, live fence;
  • erection of small architectural decorative buildings, fountains;
  • installation of furniture;
  • creation of sites for children, recreation, sports, under the garbage tanks, for walking animals, parking and transportation of transport;
  • installation of different functionality and destination lighting;
  • equipment for technical, sports, gaming equipment.

All of the above is included in the landscaping on the main project approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The list of general, which specifically measures to improve the purchase area must be done, is solved at the general meeting of residents by voting. Designing is the most important stage of the process, each item must discuss, after which, based on the results of the survey, create an improvement plan of the yard, prepare the design layout.

IMPORTANT! The legislation provides for the possibility of passing a part of the rail area under the rental of the food kiosk or parking lot. The decision is also accepted at the General Meeting, it also discusses the issue of distribution of rental income. Most often, the funds received go to pay for construction work on the improvement of the territory of an apartment building, utility debts and other needs of the house.

We will analyze in detail some of the improvement activities that request and perform most often.


The lack of high-quality road surface is a frequent problem, and the courtyards of apartment buildings are no exception. No one from the tenants are satisfied with the pits and a broken road, whether they are pedestrians or car owners. Deciding the question of the asphalting of the road inside the courtyard should owners of housing and the Criminal Code. For this, the management company creates a special foundation in which tenants make money for work on laying asphalt.

Since the asphalt is already available, despite its condition, then additional asphalting will occur at the expense of the owners of the apartments. That is why the order of this is that the organization of the Fund is held after the meeting with the voting, the counting of the approximate cost of work. After all, not everyone is ready or have the opportunity to pay the desired amount. As always, the question is solved by a majority vote for. At the meeting must be present more than half of the owners.

  • the layer of the asphalt coating should not be less than the set rationing of 15 cm;
  • it is recommended to use fine-grained composition;
  • 1 meter - the minimum width of the asphalt laid around the house;
  • mandatory laying of coverage on tracks to the entrance and parking lot.

Rules of paper

The fencing of the local house of the apartment building is permitted by law, but has a number of established norms and restrictions:

  • install the fence in such a way that it does not overlap the passage or travel to the house, otherwise it will be regarded as a deliberate attempt to prevent repair professionals or maintenance techniques or power lines. In this case, the fence will be demolished;
  • the fences of the local area should not be a hindrance for the tenants of neighboring houses or courtyards when moving through a fenced territory, otherwise they will be demolished after the complaints received;
  • the courtyard can not be blocked completely;
  • the partial or complete fence of the playground and parking is allowed.

Often, the metal fences of the local area are installed in order to park the residents of neighboring homes in the parking lot. The exceptions in this rule are:

  • emergency medical care machines;
  • gas supply services;
  • mES cars;
  • police.

All of them have the legal right to enter any fencing territory.

IMPORTANT! Even if the residents of the house received permission from the administration for the overlay of the servitude (limited use) to the fenced section, the fence must be dismantled completely or rebuilt so that it turns out to be through the passage through which the residents of neighboring houses can move.

To avoid unforeseen and unpleasant moments, it is best to prepare the design project of the yard in advance, with an indication of which incoming territory of an apartment building is planned to disappoint.

What to take into account when gardening

Region 170 from the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy) determines the norms on the gardening adjacent to the multi-storey houses of the land. In accordance with this order follows:

  • maintain a natural green house environment;
  • do not destroy selflessly and do not spoil trees, shrubs and other plantations at the railway area, which will be regarded as an offense and to fall under administrative responsibility;
  • it is recommended to regularly cut lawns and shrub landings;
  • do not increase the area of \u200b\u200blawns due to the reduction of pedestrian and travel tracks;
  • observe timely watering;
  • clean the dust, which can threaten the lives of people;
  • in winter, it is not stored for the assembled and containing the reagents of snow around the trees;
  • do not trample lawns and flowerbeds;
  • do not use trees as supports under swing or as promotional columns;
  • do not fit green plantings for commercial needs;
  • in the green zone it is forbidden to arrange parking spaces;
  • it is also impossible to arrange building warehouse building materials.

If the courtyards are landscaped by reservoirs, they should be constantly cleaning and ensured that the water is not blooming. To change the landscape of the landscaped area, it is necessary after the meeting, which will approved the landscaping scheme, to coordinate it with the municipal authority.

Arrangement of the playground

In those situations where neither the house nor the territory adjacent to it is privatized and remain in state ownership, the municipality is engaged in the construction and subsequent maintenance of playgrounds. If the multi-storey is in private ownership, then the Criminal Code is obliged to take over the construction, arrangement and maintenance of the playground.

The construction and service of playgrounds for children must comply with the norms of GOST:

  • place away from the roadway and pedestrian tracks;
  • to protect green plantings that could be given a shadow in the summer;
  • sanitary standards must be observed (regular sand replacement 1-2 times a year and so on);
  • the playground should not be close to parking, warehouses or trash can, the minimum distance from them is 20 m;
  • follow the cleanliness of the facilities on the site.

For the state of the site are obliged to follow the employees of the Criminal Code:

  • regularly examine;
  • do written and photo reports;
  • remove trash;
  • repair.

The design scheme for GOST provides for facilities for sites intended for children of different ages, as well as their separation. But in practice, most often they are in one site without any distinction. As a rule, this is due to insufficient placement. Therefore, not to violate the rules of the landscaping of the apartment territory of an apartment building, it is necessary to put a minimum of one design for each age category.

How to landscaping the courtyard

In order to ensure the courtyard, it is necessary to hold a meeting of apartment owners at home. On it, it is planned to discuss on it exactly what kind of landscaping activities are planned to be performed, the yard design is offered, to conduct a vote. If a positive decision is made by its results, the representative of all tenants is drawn to or the municipality with a jointly signed application. How to write a statement will be prompted in the office of the Criminal Code, there can also be a sample.

In some regions, programs for publishing and landscaping of areas adjacent to apartment buildings are held. In 2017, in February, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the rules for co-financing the improvement of courtyards, and regions were allocated subsidies of 20 billion rubles to carry out activities to improve the country territories.

If you fall under this program, you can apply for state aid to improve the yard and in a queue for its provision. The sample statement is in the administration, it is written on behalf of all owners of housing with an empty of signature of each. It is necessary to attach the technical documentation in which the state of the house or houses and the territory itself will be indicated.

Who pays

For work on the improvement of the courtyard territories of apartment buildings, tenants pay, whether they own residential real estate or only leaseing it. Of course, you can enlist the courtyard and your own hands, if there are activists who want to engage in small construction and other necessary work. In practice, this is not found too often. Also, such events can be carried out at the expense of public funds, if it is implemented by the Federal Program of Improvement.

Repair of the industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment building is also made at the expense of tenants. The current is considered to be the repair:

  • damaged areas of the road, that is, partial asphalting or other method;
  • fence and other enclosing structures;
  • children's structures;
  • sports structures.

Overhaul includes:

  • asphalting;
  • landscaping;
  • installation of fences and buildings;
  • equipment of cozoints, children's and sports.


According to the adopted program for the improvement, the content of the cities and most frequently used people of urban areas published a new, better level. This applies to the allocated funds, and the rules of improvement, content, effective cleaning systems, lighting and landscaping of the local area.

It is assumed that more than half of the financing in this case will be spent on the arrangement of the courtyards of apartment buildings. It should be noted that even if the region falls under the program, then without initiative, its implementation will not be for the specific local area territory. Therefore, it is necessary to write a corresponding statement, as mentioned above.

In order to carry out the necessary work, make a project, approve it at the meeting. It should be noted that the design layout of the future courtyard must comply with the SNiP established Russian legislation.

Based on the foregoing to the question - who should engage in landscaping - the answer is obvious. Despite the fact that the maintenance, care, improvement and in most cases it is paid by the tenants themselves, regulate its specific state standards established for almost every element to improve the courtyard areas.

And that the work done was not in vain, it should be carefully examined by the relevant legal acts and prepare a detailed plan for the improvement of the local apartment building. If you have any problems or questions about the arrangement of your local area territory, please contact the CM for the consultation.

Despite the fact that buying an apartment in a high-rise building, people pay for square meters of housing, which are "above the Earth", they would like to see the refined area and around the house.

What is the gardening and improvement of the territory of a multi-storey residential building? Children must walk on the neatly erected sites, near the house should be a parking place, you should also not forget about the norms of landscaping, because we all need clean air, and our look - in aesthetic pleasure from the type of clubs and svverings.

Outdoor territory refer to the land plotwhich is under and near the apartment building, and also includes all the infrastructure available on it, which we have listed above. This site has its own well-established boundaries that are general property.

The mention of this fact can be found in a technical passport to the construction issued in BTI. In addition, this rate was reflected in the order No. 59 of August 26, 1998, which refers to the size of land plots.

What is the landscaping of the local house of the apartment building?
Initially, a well-maintained area, immediately after the house - the merit of the developer. But such services immediately after putting the house - a rare exception. The improvement of the apartment territory of an apartment building is to carry out various events, which are intended to improve sanitary and environmental conditions around the house.

In addition, the improvement of the courtyard of an apartment building is aimed at bringing the state of the earth and located on it objects in aesthetically nice view. This may require the construction of small architectural structures, work on relief and landscape.

The meaning of landscaping and design

Gardening of the territory of an apartment building is an important event that allows for proper aesthetic and ecological status to build.

Unfortunately, often, the house territory is not framed, the developers pay little attention to this factor, And often, together with the apartment, the owner receives a dysfretened, filled with the construction trash of the wasteland instead of fragrant flower beds and neatly trimmed shrubs. And the question arises: how to arrange a local territory?

Gardening of the local area - This is a complex of manufactured work, which are carried out with the purpose of giving the region of the proper form.

This list of work is not developed by owners, developers or employees of the management organization, and already contained in the rules for the technical operation of the Housing Fund number MDC 2-03.2003.

The text of these rules is devoted to landscaping. Of these, owners can learn important information about which work should be carried out in the framework of the design of the apartment territory of an apartment building and if errors have been made from the workers - to eliminate them to hot trails.

Here are the basic principles of landscaping.

  1. The work can be performed only after the cleaning of the territory from garbage and construction waste is performed.
  2. Cutting the trees already available on the territory is prohibited if there is no appropriate permission.
  3. When selecting species of trees for landing, it is not recommended to plant women's types of silk, poplar and other plantations that contribute to clogging of the territory and air.
  4. Scheduled maintenance of integrated work to eliminate and prevent pests on plantings.

In addition, the rules contain a huge list of prohibiting actions that can lead to the loss of plantations or bring the territory to decline. Compliant requires not only employees in the housing and communal services, but also residents.

Who is responsible and who should be engaged in the improvement of the courtyard of a residential building?

Many owners are concerned about the question of who is responsible for the improvement of the local area?

To whom to make complaints, if reality does not match the desired. Who should engage in the landscaping of the local area?

  1. Check the contract for the transfer of an apartment building from the developer to the tenants or the management organization.

    If the items of this document contains a basis that makes it possible to require the development of work on the arrangement of the house territory - do not take an act of transmission until the relevant work is carried out.

  2. If nothing is said in the contract with the developer about the site, then the burden of arranging the courtyard of an apartment building falls on the shoulders of tenants and the management organization.

    The owners of the premises in an apartment building are obliged to deduct funds for the needs of the apartment area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment building, and the chosen organization for the content and management of the house should carry out appropriate work on these funds.

Should the developer landscaping the local territory?

The developer is obliged to exercise work on the arrangement of the courtyard of an apartment building, only if such an action has become agreed by the purchase and sale agreement of real estate and the act of transferring at home.

If there are no such conditions, unfortunately, the owners cannot require the completion of work on the improvement of apartment courtyards.

Rules of improvement

In addition to the rules for landscaping, the MDC document 2-03.2003 establishes the following rules for the improvement of the local area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment building.

The rules for the improvement of the courtyard of a residential high-rise building:

  1. The need to install containers for waste.
  2. The need to export garbage and snow, as well as removal of water.
  3. Erect, repair areas for recreation and playgrounds.
  4. Painting and proper maintenance of fences and benches.
  5. Cleaning common seats.
  6. Gardening the territory.
  7. Work on security work.

Plan of landscaping of the local house of an apartment building:

What improvement programs of yard and projects exist?

In the territories of some regions and municipalities, there are programs for the improvement of courtyards, allowing to subsidize a number of adequacy needs of apartment buildings and their territory.

The most popular and effective recognized the program of improvement of the courtyard territories of apartment buildings conducted in the Tula region, which was calculated for 2014-2016 and was adopted by the Decree of the local administration No. 135.

This program finances costs for:

  • landscaping;
  • device of playgrounds;
  • maintains repair and reconstruction of facades and fences;
  • creates the so-called green zones;
  • creates splashes for recreation and enjoyed them.

The state does not actively subsidize these programs, mainly funds allocated from the region's budget.

To familiarize yourself with whether such a program has a similar program in your place in your place, you can on the official website of the city administration.

Elements of landscaping

If you think about how to equip the area, let's consider what refers to elements of the improvement of the local area:

  1. Gardening:
    • roof;
    • vertical;
    • common.
  2. Surface covering (provide convenience of movement):
    • solid;
    • soft;
    • lawn;
    • combined.
  3. Surface pairing elements:
    • steps;
    • ramps;
    • stairs;
    • side stones.
  4. Fences
  5. Small architectural forms.
  6. Water devices.
  7. Furniture.
  8. Municipal domestic engineering equipment for the streets.
  9. Technical equipment.
  10. Game equipment.
  11. Sport equipment.
  12. Lighting equipment:
    • architectural;
    • functional;
    • light information;
    • illumination zones;
    • sources of light feed.
  13. Dischapalic structures.
  14. Nonstationary structures.
  15. Playgrounds:
    • children's;
    • for relax;
    • sports;
    • for garbage receivers;
    • for walking with animals;
    • parking;
    • pedestrian messages;
    • transport travel.

How to request improvement?

If you want work on the improvement of the territory of an apartment building, you can assemble the meeting of the owners of apartments, where you will raise this issue. If the majority support you, you can contact your management organization or local administration.

How to write and apply?

If you are confident that you have a program to work on landscaping and improvement of the territory of a multi-storey residential building, you can write a statement and queue to provide such assistance.

To do this, you must receive a sample application in the administration, as well as attach all the technical documentation regarding the state of the house and the local area.

The application is written on behalf of tenants with an affiliation of relevant signatures. The document must be compiled on a pure white sheet mainly on the computer.

If you appeal to your management organization, the application may be compiled on behalf of the owners, but already in any form.

Do not miss the ability to improve the place where you live. Use all possible resources to ensure that your home is encouraged by residents not only inside, but also outside.

On whom is the improvement of the courtyard of an apartment building? Who carries out the landscaping of the apartment territory of an apartment building? About this More in the article.

Improvement of the local house of apartment building

Who is responsible for the purchase property?

To answer this question, you need to first find out who owns and who is responsible for the improvement of the courtyard territory of an apartment building.

Renting new buildings into operation, the firms themselves carry out the cutting of the land plot, after which the tenants receive the right to manage this site.

According to his text, the tenants are obliged to ensure the safety of the natural environmental environment of the house.

Unauthorized destruction or damage of green plantings within the local area is considered administrative offenses.

The law prescribes not to plant trees, which during the summer period abundantly allocate fluff or pollen. It is necessary to cut and tint lawn.

If the area of \u200b\u200blawn increases, it should not lead to a decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tracks.

Residents are obliged to water green spaces in a timely manner. It is forbidden during the winter to put snow containing reagents, next to the holes of the trees.

If there are reservoirs on the territory, they also need to be cleaned, ensure that the growth of the flora does not lead to the appearance of unpleasant odors.

For the territories located in the Eternal Merzlot zone, there is a rule for which plant plantations must necessarily enrich the soil.

It is impossible to plant in the soil, very poor on fertilizers and minerals.

It is forbidden to pull lawns, the law prescribes tenants to strictly stop such actions.

It is impossible not only to walk on lawns, but also to lie there, arrange games, that is, to carry out any actions that can lead to damage.

It is strictly forbidden to use green plantings as a frame for a swing, or a convenient post for commercial ads. The plantings carry a purely aesthetic function, any attempt to adapt them to whose needs is an administrative offense.

You can not arrange a building materials warehouse next to plantations. It is strictly forbidden to breed in such places of landfills, arrange fires.

It is forbidden to arrange parking in the green zones.

If required by some reasons to change the landscape at the local area, it is necessary to negotiate with the tenants and the municipality.

Playgrounds in the courtyard of an apartment building

The norms that need to be guided by the construction and maintenance of the playground are regulated.

The responsibility for the maintenance of sites lies at the municipality if the house is not privatized.

If the house in private property, the duty falls on the management company, which hired tenants.

According to the State Standard, the playground should be away from pedestrian tracks, outside the accessibility zone for passersby. There should be green plantings around the platform, such as those in the summer would create a shadow for children.

The playground must correspond to elementary sanitary standards, that is, if there is sand in it, it should change at least once a year.

Residents are obliged to erase the inscriptions made by markers on the facilities of the playground.

The playground should not be near the parking lot of cars or garbage containers.

The distance from them should be at least 20 meters.

The employees of the management company must follow the condition of the site, once a month inspection, take photos and written reports, to correct breakage timely, and remove the trash.

REFERENCE. There are facilities for playgrounds provided for different ages of children.

It is advisable to divide them, but the developers pay little place to the playgrounds, so if there are at least one constructions for each age group, the rules are not violated.

Asphalting of the local area

Asphalting of the local house of an apartment building is a question that tenants and their management company should solve. A special fund is being created under the management company, where the tenants make money for additional work on laying asphalt.

Not less than 1 m. Must be a layer of asphalt, which was laid around at home.

Plan and standards

In practice, it most often happens that the plan for the improvement of the apartment territory of an apartment building is not required.

The house has a developer, with already asphalted paths, parking and children's playgrounds.

The tenants only make deductions to the Management Company Foundation, and that does not carry out insignificant repairs and takes garbage.

But if the work on improvement has not been done, a plan will be required. According to the already mentioned Decree No. 491, the plan should contain data not only about playgrounds, but also on basements, garbage containers, landscaping zones and fountains.

For the plan to approve, it is necessary to hold a meeting of owners.

But this is a simple formality and you can do the collection of signatures under the ready-made project of improvement.


The question is very often arising: "Who is responsible for the construction territory of an apartment building?".

Residents themselves are responsible for the arrangement of the local area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment area, if the house is not in state ownership.

They conduct landscaping, asphalting, build and repair playgrounds.

The standards of improvement of the local house of the apartment building regulate state standards.

We hope that this article is useful to you, and you now know what the rules for the content of the local area in an apartment building.

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