
Particularities of the Deposit Universal from Sberbank. What is the contribution "universal" from Sberbank? What is the deposit of Sberbank 5 l

Sberbank continues to develop its online services and presents the free service "Piggy Bank".

Using it, Sberbank customers can configure automatic translations from their debit card to a savings account or a replenished contribution.

Perhaps three different variants of piggy banks, depending on the principle of the flow of money amount for translation:

  1. Fixed amount - You set a specific amount that will be listed at a specific date, monthly, quarterly or with another frequency.
  2. Percentage of income - You set the percentage of money from your card, which will be automatically transferred to the contribution. The piggyback does not take into account one-time revenues, translations between their accounts, return operations. In order for the piggy bank to work, the listing should relate to one of the categories:
    • the salary;
    • scholarship;
    • pensions;
    • various government benefits;
    • compensation for deposits of Sberbank;
    • translations from the banks of the Russian Federation;
    • international translations;
    • dividends on Sberbank shares.
  3. Percentage of expenses - You set the percentage of expenses per day. The piggy bank will be replenished approximately 3-5 days after expenditure operations. Transfers are not considered transfers between their accounts, repayment of loans and commission, return operations.

No commissions go other payments for money transfers within piggy banks are not charged, so the service is completely free.

How to connect a piggy bank

At the moment, connect the piggy bank in Sberbank online and in the bank branch.

You can find out the parameters, edit them or disable a piggy bank in the "information on the contribution" of that contribution to which you connected the service.

Checkbox information - Sberbank Interface Screenshot Online

For each listing within the service, you will receive an SMS message from the mobile bank. In addition, if the amount of translation is higher than the established limit, then you will be prompted to confirm it.

How to turn off the piggy bank

As practice shows, not all Sberbank customers are glad to this service. The main reason for this is that the negligent employees of the Bank independently, without notifying the client, connect the piggy bank when making them, for example, a debit card in the bank branch.

In addition to the fact that the service can also be disabled in the department by writing a written application. Be sure to write a complaint against an employee who allowed himself without your notice or contrary to your will, connect the service.

There are ways that do not require a hike to the bank.

Through the Sberbank Internet Bank online

The easiest and fastest way to turn off the piggy bank is to use the Sberbank Personal Cabinet online.

If for some reason you still do not use Sberbank's Internet bank online, as in it register.

The issue of accumulation of money is now very relevant. And everyone has its own foundations. Someone wants to make a cherished purchase, and someone go to the sea. For Sberbank's customers, there are several ways to replenish your capital. For example, the recently opened function "Piggy", which allows you to leave part of the funds in your intention and safety. The "Universal" contribution may also serve as good soil for savings. All this below is presented in more detail.

Universal Contribution of Sberbank: Conditions, interest rate and prolongation

Many do not understand much regarding the "universal" contribution of Sberbank of Russia for 5 years. What it is? Let's in order.

  1. This account for indefinite grounds with the ability to replenish the rest or make money partially.
  2. Despite the wording from Sberbank himself, the maximum deposit period to which funds can be put - 5 years.
  3. The minimum amount for the opening of the deposit is only 10 rubles.
  4. Annual rate, which is accrued in parts every three months - 0.01% (if you navigate the rubles).
  5. The work and overseas currency is taken into account: US dollars, euros, pounds sterling and others.

According to Sberbank's policy, all the percentages come are summarized and serve as a basis for increasing income in the calculations of the next period.

How prolonged

  1. The contribution is extended automatically with the interest rate, which is valid at the time of prolongation.
  2. The number of renewals is not limited by the Bank.

About premature termination

You can get money from the "universal" at any time. Even ahead of time. If it was necessary to terminate the contribution ahead of schedule, interest on the account remains excluding capitalization.

Opening Deposit through Sberbank Online

Other deposit conditions

If the account is needed on a foreign currency, but not for US dollars and euros, then it is possible to open it in all branches of the bank. This information should be clarified by contact phone. The removal and transfer of funds from the contribution can be done only if the sum of the expenditure operations is above the minimum uncomplicated residue, which is specified on the account.

The universal account in Sberbank is the ability to dial the necessary amount with the help of a piggy bank or independent replenishment of funds.

What is "Piggy Bank": the main features of the service

We figured out that such a universal contribution of Sberbank for 5 years. "Piggy Bank" is a slightly different service that allows you to automatically accumulate funds on the account. To connect the service, 3 conditions are needed:

  • availability of Sberbank card (Visa or MasterCard);
  • activated Mobile Bank service;
  • savings account or replenished contribution to which accumulation will move.

Depending on the needs, you can configure a fixed translation of funds to certain dates or percentage of the amount of replenishment / write-off from the card.

How to connect a "piggy bank"

To do this, you can use Sberbank online or contact one of its branches. Online "Piggy" connects through the menu "Parameters" The card with which the accumulation is planned. There will be a function "Connect a piggy bank". In the settings you need to specify the name and adjust:

  • view (fixed amount, percentage of consumption or income);
  • the contribution to which funds will be enrolled;
  • replenishment date;
  • the desired amount or percentage (depending on the type of piggy bank).

You can also put restrictions on the maximum size of the enumerations (as a percentage of the amount).

How to track accumulations

You can control the remainder of the accumulated funds using the SMS alerts service. When the "piggy bank" is replenished with a new amount, the client comes a message with detailed information. Additional View the account status is possible right in the online office. There, the service can be seen among your accounts.

Customizable and transparent service

All "Piggy Bank" options are available for shift at any time. Each power to change the terms of enrollment, account or write-off map. And in the menu item "Information" The client will receive an extract with the balance of funds.

One of the convenient services that many users of the service noted are setting the non-governmental residue. This does not allow the card account to go into minus with an insufficient deposit amount.

There is a responsive alerts system that will always warn about the exceedable layout, an insufficient amount for translation and cancellation of the operation (in the absence of income within 10 days).

How to disable

On the menu "Deposits" You must select an account to which the service is connected. Deploying conditions, you can see the tab "Piggy bank" And click on it. A window will open with accumulation details. Select item "Operations" and click on the button "Disable".

If we talk about savings, "piggy bank" and "universal" contribution of Sberbank for 5 years - the optimal services that in the aggregate allow everyone with time to postpone a decent amount.

Read 7 min. Views 86. Published 07/14/2018

Universal deposits are quite popular among domestic banks. The characteristics of such deposits depend on the specific financial institution, however, you can allocate certain general features, one of which is the ability to replenish and remove funds at any time. Usually this factor negatively affects the interest rate. Such a product is presented in Sberbank. "Universal" contribution to Sberbank for 5 years - what is it, what are the requirements put forward to customers and what interest should count?

Features of the Deposit "Universal"

A feature of such contributions is the possibility of their replenishment at any time. This statement applies to the withdrawal of monetary signs. Quite often, similar products are used by individuals as current accounts. This is the main difference between this deposit program from other types of deposits with certain negative consequences.

Conditions of opening

The contribution can be opened only by an individual. To open, it is necessary to personally visit one of the offices of the financial institution, the remote design method is not provided. The account can be kept in one of the following currencies:

  1. Rubles.
  2. Euro.
  3. Dollars (USA, Singapore, Canada, Australia).
  4. Yen.
  5. Crowns (Norway, Denmark, Sweden).
  6. Pounds.

The ability to open an account in a certain currency depends on the specific branch. For more information, it is recommended to contact the Bank's local branch staff. Minimum deposit amount:

  1. 10 rubles.
  2. 5 dollars / euro.
  3. For all other currencies - at least five dollars after conversion at the rate of the bank.

The amounts above are simultaneously acting as an unsigned residue. The minimum deposit period is 5 years. It is agreed in the contract, which is during the opening of the deposit. The contract can be terminated at any time, but the withdrawal of funds before the abnormal residue without termination of the document is allowed. After the expiration of the five-year period, automatic prolongation of the deposit period occurs (if the client does not want to close it).

Interest rate

Regardless of the term of the deposit and the amounts stored on it, according to the "universal" contribution "Sberbank" (for 5 years), the interest rate does not exceed 0.01% per annum. This applies to all currencies in which you can open an account. Betting occurs every three months. There is a capitalization of interest (not taken into account in the case of a premature termination of the contract).

Replenishment and removal do not affect the accrued percentage. The interest rate is formal, it will not allow the client to earn due to the storage of money and will not cover the inflationary processes. Such conditions are associated with the purpose of the Deposit "Universal", which is not created for earnings. Such products are used to conduct non-cash operations and secure storage of funds.

Benefits for pensioners

The conditions described above are distributed to all categories of citizens. Benefits in this case are not used. The interest rate cannot be higher than 0.01% per annum, and the validity period is amenable to automatic prolongation.. This fully applies to such a category of citizens as pensioners. Persons of old age should not expect any special conditions.

For pensioners in Sberbank, there are benefits on the programs "Keep" and "replenish", as well as on their analogues, issued in remote mode ("save / replenish online"). Taking advantage of these products, the pensioner will be able to get the maximum interest rate, regardless of how many funds were listed on the account.

How to open a deposit "Universal for 5 years" in Sberbank

Today, the application for the opening of many deposits can be sent online. In the case of this program, it is impossible to apply in remotely. It is necessary to personally visit the bank branch located at the place of residence of a citizen. Not in all branches you can use the currencies mentioned above.

Requirements for depositors

Unlike loan programs, citizens wishing to become depositors of the bank are put forward minimal requirements, especially on this product. Persons, discover the contribution to the banking organization, must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Be registered as individuals. The legal entity does not have the ability to use this product.
  2. Have citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  3. Have permanent registration in the country (the specific address does not have a value).
  4. Stay over the age of 18.

These are the basic requirements put forward by the Bank. However, some citizens can open the contribution, even if one of the conditions described above is not performed. To do this, you need to contact the department manager. The latter can go to meet the client and open a contribution to him when certain items are not fulfilled. There is also a possibility of opening an account to a minor, but in this case you need to have a written permission from parents.

Preparation of documents

The "universal contribution" of Sberbank of Russia is also allocated due to the fact that the list of documents that must be provided for its design is minimal. Enough passports citizen of the Russian Federation. Other papers - Income certificates, Labor book, military ID - do not need.

Some citizens cannot provide a passport due to objective reasons: loss, restoration, document replacement. These processes require time. If a person can not wait, you can use other documents that can confirm the identity of a conveyed citizen. As such a paper can be:

  • international passport;
  • driver's license;
  • military ID.

With you, with you, one of the documents described above, a citizen can visit the nearest branch and report a bank employee about the desire to discover the contribution. The latter will introduce the client with the features of the product. After signing the contract and investment, the person will be able to use the contribution at its own discretion.

Early closing of the deposit

Under the conditions of the bank, a citizen can close a deposit at any time, that is, terminate the contract, which was previously concluded with the bank. No penalties for this are not provided for (except for the recalculation of interest without their capitalization). You do not need to pay for closing the contribution. The funds that are stored on it will be transferred to the client in a manner convenient for it.

The only difficulty that may arise from a citizen concerns the recalculation of interest rates. In the case of premature termination of the contract, it is recalculated. However, given the formal size of interest (0.01% per annum), you can not be afraid of large cash losses. But it should be remembered that, according to the terms of this deposit, a citizen has the right to remove funds without terminating the contract and recalculation of interest.

To terminate the contract, it is necessary to personally visit the bank branch, to pass the identification procedure (by providing a passport), after which you write a special application. Deposit will be closed on the same day.

The advantages and disadvantages of the contribution of "universal"

Like all other banking products, this deposit has both advantages and disadvantages. The following factors can be attributed to the strengths of the Investment "Universal":

  1. The bank puts forward minimum requirements for citizens wishing to discover the contribution.
  2. You can arrange a deposit by providing only a passport or another document that can confirm the identity of the affected person.
  3. If necessary, a citizen can make funds stored on the account at any time. Moreover, since the amount of the unsigned residue is equal to 10 rubles (5 dollars / euro), you can remove almost all means without terminating the contract with the bank. Deposit is also allowed at any time.
  4. Due to the possibility of informing funds, the deposit can be used for non-cash payments, payment for services on the Internet, transfer of monetary signs to accounts opened in other financial institutions.
  5. Upon expiration of the contract, its automatic prolongation is allowed.

All these nuances make the "universal" attractive for citizens. A small minimum threshold of funds to be made to open a deposit makes it available to wide segments of the population. But you also need to pay attention to the disadvantages, including:

  1. Formal interest rate. The rate of 0.01%, even taking into account the capitalization, is insufficient to get real income from the placement of funds.
  2. You can only discover the contribution in the Bank's Office. Applying an online application is not allowed. This makes the design process not too convenient.
  3. Open the contribution in all currencies listed above is possible only in some, as a rule, the central branches of the bank.

Analyzing the flaws of the product, should proceed from its purpose. The main goal of the opening of such a deposit is the storage of funds with the possibility of using them at any time, and not profit, which levels the first drawback.


Thus, in Sberbank, any adult citizen of the Russian Federation can open a "universal contribution for 5 years." You can arrange a deposit in one of several currencies. The product is distributed in the amount of 0.01% per annum, with a capitalization condition. You can open the contribution in the Bank's Office, providing a passport or other document confirming the identity.

Commercial organizations today try to invent new ways to earn money, offer their customers investing, opening and more. But so far the most reliable way that provides the ability to receive a stable passive income is the opening of a bank deposit. The advantage of deposits is the choice of optimal term, amounts, currency, etc. Banks, offering them, provide customers with quality service, offer services such as Internet banks or service packages, such as others.

Sberbank - the contribution "Universal"

Sberbank today offers the opening of several deposit options with interest rates to 6.49% per annum. Their design is possible both in the bank office and remotely online. In this case, it can help in accrual interest earned. The "Universal" contribution opens for 5 years and is a convenient and reliable way of storing and multiplying savings.

Terms of registration

The minimum amount required for attachment, according to conditions, is only 10 rubles, 5 euros, 5 dollars or equivalent of 5 dollars in any currency. The interest rate in any case can be only 0.01% per annum, and the term is 5 years. An account replenishment is available without restrictions and partial removal of funds up to the amount of the abnormal residue. Percentages are accrued every 3 months and added to the principal amount. Early demanding of the entire amount from the account is possible throughout the term without any commissions and recalculations. Automatic prolongation is possible.

Tip: In the conditions of the crisis, it should be carefully related to deposits in currency. On the one hand, the earnings in this case develops from the main income in the interest rate and the difference in the exchange rate of currency fluctuations. But on the other hand, the instability of the course can lead to losses.

How to discover the contribution?

The design and replenishment of the deposit through this online playground is available only for some of the proposals, and today it is not included in the Universal Account. To open it, it is necessary with a prepared amount, passport and pension certificate (if any) contact the Bank's office and sign the appropriate contract.

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Deposits are a great way to maintain and multiply accumulation. But today they are offered a lot. The choice of the deposit for each client is an individual task. However, there are optimal suggestions that may be suitable for anyone. One of these proposals is the contribution "Universal" for 5 years from Sberbank. In the case of this proposal, it is possible to make replenishment, expenditure operations with almost no restrictions. In addition, you can open a deposit in almost any convenient currency.

Among all services, which offers Sberbank, there are those on which you can earn. Among them allocated the contribution of universal for 5 years. This is a completely optimal option for obtaining additional dividends, as well as a way to implement translations and payments.

"Universal" is a long-term contribution. Specialists call it a "reliable safe", which is easy to store small and large amounts of money. The contribution opens on such conditions:

  • Wide currency list. The contributions are permissible to do both in Russian rubles and cash equivalents of other countries. In the list of Canadian or Australian dollars, francs, pounds sterling;
  • For all currencies, the bet is one. This is 0.01% per annum;
  • The minimum for the balance on the deposit depends on the variety of currency. For rubles - 10 rubles, for dollars, euros and other currencies - equivalent 5;
  • The contribution contract is 5 years;
  • You can replenish the account as much as possible for any amounts;
  • Partially money can be removed. At the same time, the transfer of funds to other accounts and making payments is allowed.

The contract is allowed to terminate and early, without fines and penalties.

The process of placing money on the contribution "Universal" Next:

  1. Filling out an application that resembles a questionnaire. It needs to specify personal data;
  2. Complete study of the agreement, signing;
  3. After the client's name, Sberbank specialist opens an account;
  4. A citizen who has discovered the contribution receives a savingsbook. It will come in handy throughout the term of the agreement. The document is needed at the moments of removal of interest or money transfers.

What papers will be needed when making a contribution?

This is not a loan and there are no high requirements for the client. You do not need to provide a large package of Sberbank employees. Approval of the application is also not necessary to wait.It will take only:

  • Passport;
  • In the case when the main document is lost or on a replacement, you can provide another identity card: SNILS, driver's license, passport;
  • Completed form.

What is the percentage and order of its accrual?

It is offered 0.01% per annum. Preasurement to the principal amount occurs every 3 months. Interest with the deposit is immediately summarized, and new accruals are considered from the last amount.

Is it possible to terminate the contribution agreement ahead of schedule?

According to the law and conditions of the contract, refuse to further storing money on the account, the client has the right at any time, before the expiration of the contract period. Often this is facilitated by the unforeseen circumstances, with whom a person faced. In this case, the Bank's employees without complaints will terminate the contract on the first requirement of the depositor.

With such a situation, certain conditions are valid: interest is accrued at the rate set at the time of the deposit, according to his mind. Capitalization will not be. This is provided for by the terms of the agreement.

Date of termination of the transaction - the day of acceptance of the application from the client. If money was removed earlier, you will have to fill out an application for refusal to the contract. It must be filed as soon as possible and before removing funds. It is advisable to write a statement in a few days.

Is it possible to extend the contract for the contribution of "Universal"?

The agreement is automatically prolonged. You can leave money on the deposit as much as possible. The interest rate will be the same as valid at the time of automatic extension.

Key Features:

  1. You can make an attachment in any of the types of currencies in all branches of Sberbank. This is especially true of rare types of currencies. Information on where you can open "universal" in pounds-sterling or Australian dollars should be clarified by telephone from Sberbank specialists;
  2. Transfers and payments are permissible to do only within the amount, which is on the deposit and does not exceed the size of the uncompanied balance. Loan money will not give;
  3. Due to the exchange rate fluctuations, the deposit balance may be lower than the contract. In this case, the contract with the client will not dissolve. The percentage is charged by the one that was set at the time of placement of money in the account;
  4. It is allowed to design power of attorney and drawing up a testament to order by means of deposit by other persons.

Since the interest rate according to this type of deposit is rather low, the income will be insignificant. "Universal" is beneficial to those who have a constant increase due to social enumerations.

With the help of "universal", it is permissible to pay utility services, taxes, goods and any products, to conduct non-cash payments, send translations. Such a contribution is an excellent opportunity to create a financial pillow, which will help in a difficult situation. In this case, the contribution brings profit, although minor.

Means can be disposed of by anything, and the balance in the account is multiplying for 5 years or more. It is especially interesting to such a type of contribution for those who want to safely post large amounts of money and melt the opportunity to take them at any time.

By the way, Sberbank employees offer other types of deposits, with a higher percentage per annum. In addition, to open a deposit is permissible remotely, in online mode, with the help of Sberbank-online. To do this, make a hike to the bank not needed.

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