
Cutting and Brick Test. Concept of mixed laying Technology implementation Mixed types of masonry

Introduction Technological part

1 Description of the technological process

1.1 Mixed masonry

1.2 Cutting and Brick Test

2 Tools, devices and materials used when performing work

3. Mixed Masonry Schemes

3.2 Quality Masonry from Natural and Artificial Stone

4 Safety and labor protection. Organizational and economic

1 organization of the workplace

2 Counting the volume of work and consumption of materials

laying Tool Brick Material


The profession of a mason is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. The most affordable building material was a natural stone for primitive man, from which he folded his hearth and built a dwelling. With the development of society, the production of building materials increased, among which the brick occupies a special place. Due to the small mass and universality of the application, the brick was exclusively widespread in housing, cultural and consumer construction, as well as during the construction of monumental buildings. Decorative stone masonry, masonry with cladding with ceramic stones, reinforced concrete and other products. It is necessary to develop and apply modern methods of work, improving the working conditions of the mason, the main purpose of which to make its work is high-performance and safe. The workplace of the Mason must be organized taking into account the requirements of the organization of labor, in order to: increase productivity, reduce fatigue, prevent accidents. In the production of stone works, modern cranes, lifts, tools and devices, facilitating the labor of masonry and making it high-performance are used. Combining professions, such as Kamenshchik - installer, Mason - concrete, helps to increase productivity by reducing downtime for organizational reasons and creates the basis for interchangeability of workers.

I. Technological part

1 Description of the technological process

Depending on the complexity of architectural design, the walls are divided into smooth, simple, medium complexity and complex. For example, the walls of the average complexity include the walls with an average (up to 30% of the wall area) content of architectural parts.

The thickness of the wall is taken in the multiple length of the brick or half of the brick and is performed in ½; one; 1 ½; 2; and 3 bricks. The brick in the masonry is usually stacked by a bed, that is, "Plafhmy", it can be laid "on the edge" (spoon), for example, when equipped with eaves and partitions, or "Star" (tych), for example, when laying ovens. To ensure the dressing of seams, the masonry is used by an incomplete brick: three-rig, halm and four. Incomplete stones are obtained by splitting full-time with the help of blades or celma.

The strength of the masonry and the productivity of Labor Masonicians is largely dependent on the seam dressing system. There are a large number of brick masonry neck dressing systems, of which the chain (single-row) and multi-row, as well as a three-row bandage by prof. L. I. Onistik.

Chain dressing system in which the tiley rows alternate with spoonful, reaches full overlap of all seams of masonry in the transverse direction on ¼, and in the longitudinal - on ½ Brick (Fig. 1, a). In the masonry laid out on the chain dressing system, all the posts, as well as all spoons on the facade of the walls should be on one vertical. In places of vertical restrictions of walls (for example, when equipped with door and window openings), the magnetic rows of masonry should begin with styling triples (Fig. 1, b) overlooking the facade of the Tychka, and the spoonful rows are styling three-tales addressed to the facade of the spoon. Forming the gap between three-rigs is filled with a whole brick, laid depending on the thickness of the walls with a spoon or a ton.

Fig. 1. Chain Sew Dressing System

a - direct sections of the wall; b - wall restrictions; in - right angle;

g - adjoining; D - intersection

When the corners of the brick walls on the chain dressing system, the rows laying are needed to begin (or finish) with three-rigs (Fig. 1, B). At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the rows in the mating walls alternately should be brought to the outer surface of another wall without a violation of the order of bricks layout. The same requirement is also presented to the masonry of the walls of the walls (Fig. 1, d).

In the intersections of the walls (Fig. 1, e), as well as during the masonry of the angles, the ranks of the mating walls alternately overlap on each other, and there are always spoon rows, and the tiley interrupted. Poles and seasplets during chain dressing of seams are laid out in compliance with the instructions given to masonry vertical limitations.

The multi-row dressing system is carried out in six rows of masonry and admits the coincidence of vertical longitudinal seams in five adjacent spoonful rows with overlapping them by the sixth tonchkov. At the same time, all transverse vertical seams in spoonful rows overlap not on "d bricks, as with a chain dressing system, and 7g bricks (Fig. 2).

Walls with a multi-row dressing system are elevated as follows. The first two rows of masonry are laid through a chain dressing system, given that the first row should be a tychkoe, and the second spoon. The subsequent third, fourth, fifth and sixth rows are laid out only with spoons with ligation of vertical transverse seams in ½ Brick. In fig. 2 shows the laying of walls with a thickness of 2 and 2 ½ Brick with a multiple dressing system.

When pairing the walls of the row of masonry, placed on the same level, unlike the chain dressing system are laid out the same, i.e., a tile row comes out on the facade of one wall, then the tile row should also be on the other wall.

Fig. 2. Multi-row dressing system of laying seams, and - wall in 2 bricks; B - 2.5 bricks

In the masonry of the corners, the first taches of conjugated walls begin to lay in outdoor versts on one brick-three-four. To them closely in the usual ways are put the tile rows. The remaining gaps are filled with foursome bricks. The second rows should begin with spoons of external versts with overlapping seams of underlying rows. To comply with the bandages of transverse seams in the slaughter, and with the thickness of the walls in L ½ and 2 ½ Brick and internal vest are additionally fastened (Fig. 3). In the subsequent rows of seams of spoonful versts overlap on ½ Brick.

The masonry of vertical wall restrictions can be guided as shown to the right on the layout of bricks in the corners in Fig. 3, and the laying of the walls of the walls - as shown in Fig. 4, a.

When the walls are crossing the walls, a series of one of them is passed through another mating wall. For example, when crossing the walls with a thickness of 2 bricks (Fig. 4, b) in the first row of masonry, the taching rows of one wall are imposed, without breaking the order of brick layout, onto the second wall, the adjoining of which is carried out using the fours' bricks.

In the second row, the tiley tile wall 2 is applied to the wall 1, and the latter to preserve the dressing of vertical seams enters the wall laying 2 on ½ brick. In subsequent from the third on the sixth rows, the slaughter in the wall 2 is applied to the mating wall 1, the plug-in rows of which are included in the wall laying 2 on ½ brick, and in the fourth and sixth rows of spoons, the slaughter ends with a brick, laid by postgas.

Fig. 3. Normal dressing system when laying corners and vertical restrictions

a - wall in 2 bricks; B - 2.5 bricks

Fig. 4. Multi-row Dressing Dressing Systems of Masonry when adjacent and intersection of walls in 2 bricks

1.1 Mixed Masonry

Mixed is called the masonry, which is performed from two different materials, for example, from bout and brick, from bricks and artificial stones, from bricks and natural rosane stones, etc. Mixed masonry is made, as a rule, to obtain beautiful wall cladding, increase its strength or for Reduced thermal conductivity. Essentially, it is a variety of laying with simultaneous facing.

With mixed laying, a reliable dressing of masonry of the main material with facing should be provided. For this purpose, the spoonful rows of cladding are tied up with the masonry walls of the tiley rows.

Mixed laying of light-concrete stones and bricks lead tiers with a height of no more than 1.1 m with lining of masonry at least by every three rows of a tychkid plotting brick nearby.

1.2 Cutting and Brick Test

For proper dressing of the seams of masonry at vertical restrictions, in places of adjoining and crossing walls, in the laying of pillars and simpleness, uncomplete bricks are required: Fourth, halves and three-rigs. They usually make bricklayers themselves directly in the workplace in the process of manufacturing work. For the manufacture of a quarter, three-hard and halves, it is necessary to use bricks with bang corners or other defects in order to save.

Each mason must be able to accurately determine the size of the desired incomplete brick and properly chop it. This is necessary because with incorrect sizes of stacked non-television bricks, the stacking of the seams is disturbed and the solution consumption increases, which reduces the strength of the masonry. In fig. 5 shows the receptions of cutting and brick tesse, which are used by the masonry.

Fig. 5. Cutting and Brick Test:

a - measuring the length of the three-way, b - Zadet on the handle of the hammer,

in - checking the length of the parts of the brick, r - the line of the cutting line of the three-tippe of the hammer blade, d - notch with a blow, directed perpendicular to brick, e - cutting,

well - the wrong reception of the cutting, z - the cutting of the Kielma, and - the cut along the spoon,

k - Brick Test

In order to correctly measure the length of the incomplete brick, scubons are made on the handle, corresponding to the lengths of the parts of the brick (Fig. 5, A, B, B). Line chipping bricks mark the hammer blade (Fig. 5, d). Then make a bowl of a hammer blow first on the spoon of one hand, then on a spoonful of the other side (Fig. 5, d) and, finally, a strong blow to reflect the brick on the marked line (Fig. 5, e). When cutting a brick, the hammer blow should be sent perpendicular to the spoon, otherwise the hardware line may be incorrect and the incomplete brick with a slant end (Fig. 5, g). If the brick needs to split along, they first apply light blows on the four planes (Fig. 5, and), and then a strong and short stubbling line on the line of bricks split it into the required parts. The brick is also chopped by a combined cell (celma edge), as shown in Fig. 5, s.

With a simple brick test (Fig. 5, K), used for the masonry of the baseballs of the rounded shape and other parts of the building, use the hammer-dying. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the direction of tangent shots on bricks passed by the arms and legs of the mason. The execution of this operation requires greater attention and caution.

More complex operations on brick test used for facial masonry architectural parts are performed on machines.

When splitting on a three-hard, halves and a quarter brick often grinds or dummed uneven parts. In order to simplify this work, construction devices use mechanical devices that make it possible to easily and accurately split the brick on parts of the desired size.

For example, a simple device consisting of two steel knives, placed between two guide vertical corners, is used on a number of buildings. On this device, acting on the principle of guillotine, brick can be split not only across, but also along.

The construction of masonry from bricks start with the installation of angular and intermediate orders. The coolers along the perimeter of the walls are installed on a plunder and in terms of or level so that serifs for each row on all coaches are in one horizontal plane. The orders are installed on the corners, in places of intersection and adjoining walls, as well as on direct sections of the walls at a distance of 10-15 m from each other.

After fixing, the apartments are fascinated and the moorings stretch. When laying outdoor versts, the jet cord is installed for each row, fastening it for the order. The pitch cord is tensioning at the level of the laid row with the retreats from the vertical plane of the masonry by 3-4 mm. Strengthening the part of the inner vests is recommended at the lighthouses using a bracket (Fig. 6, a, b), the sharp end of which is inserted into the seams, and to a stupid, longer end, based on the beacon brick, tie the part. The free part of the cord is wound on the staple handle. A turn of a bracket into a new position (in Fig. 6 shows the dotted line) obtain the line tension line for the next row.

So that the whar has not saved, under the cord should be put on a wooden light brick (Fig. 6, e), and on top of it

Fig. 6. Installation of the Pages:

a - Installation of brackets on the wall, b - bracket, in - use of wooden light bricks

After installation, coaches and perts lay bricks on the wall, then the solution is spread under the laying of the outdoor verst row and lead the walls.

2 Tools, devices and materials used when performing work

The labor productivity of the mason largely depends on the quality of the hand tool used.

Kelm type KB (Fig. 7, a) is a blade from a thin-sheet steel sheet with a curved handle from solid wood. It is used to resurmine the solution, filling vertical seams and trimming excess solutions.

Hammer-korchka type MKI (Fig. 7, b) Weight of 0.55 kg with a wooden handle up to 300 mm long used for cutting or brick tesse, ceramic stone. At the same time, the hammer blade should be at a right angle to the surface of the brick edge.

Fig. 7. Hand-made brick laying tool: A - Kelma, b - hammer-korcha

The dissolve shovel of the LR type (Fig. 8) has a sheet of leaf steel with a thickness of 1.6 mm. Round metal rod 320 mm long prevents wooden stalks from wear. The shovel is necessary for feeding and leveling the solution, as well as for mixing it in the box.

Fig. 8. Mass blade

PB-1 and PV-2 (Fig. 9) type (Fig. 9) have a working part in the form cut along the steel tube with a handle of solid wood. The processing and sealing of the seams of masonry is carried out with steel ducts having a concave and convex surface.

Fig. 9. Fields with concave working part (a) and with convex (b)

To accelerate the production of brickwork and increase the production of brickwork and improve its quality use small hand tools.

Steering brackets (Fig. 10) of the P-shaped form are fixed in the seams of masonry; Leaf steel brackets are put on a brick, laid by plastics.

Fig. 10. Steering brackets for fixing the cord

Twisted proprietary cord (Fig. 11) with a thickness of 1.5 ... 3 mm stretch along the laidden wall. It is intended to comply with the horizontal of the laidrid rows.

Fig.11. Steering cord in the case: 1 - housing, 2 - handle. 3 - cord

Intermediate beacons (Fig. 12) in the form of a rectangular body or welded frame fixes the stretched cord in vertical and horizontal planes.

Fig. 12. Intermediate lighthouses:

a - with a rectangular hull, b - with a welded frame, 1 - Poisoner,

2 - Case, 3 - handle, 4 - Roller, 5 - stops, 6 - Frame, 7 - Lock

The template (Fig. 13) in the form of a metal coated is used for marking and checking straight corners of stone walls. A template of two lines connected by clamping clamps is designed to mark the windows and doorways in the production of stone works.

Fig.13. Templates for marking and checking angles and openings (b)

Sliding rules; 2 - clamping screw; 3 - Khomuta

The plumb (Fig. 14) weighing 0.2 ... 1 kg, consisting of a steel cone-shaped case, a twisted cord and an aluminum plank, is designed to test the vertical of the angles and the surface of the masonry.

Fig. 14. Alliance

Rule (Fig. 15) from a pulled wooden bar or a duraluminum profile with a length of 1.2 ... 2 m is designed to control the surface of the laidden walls.

To verify the quality of brickwork, use a test tool.

Fig. 15. Rule: a - duraluminum, b - wooden

Folding meter and roulettes (Fig. 16) 2 ... 20 m long serve for linear measurements during the completion of masonry.

Fig. 16. Measuring instruments

Level (Fig. 17) In a metal case, 750 mm long is used to check the verticality and horizontal of masonry.

During the production of stone masonry, various inventory is also used.

Fig. 17. Level

Case: 2 - ampoules; 3 - Cover

Installation (Fig. 18) with a volume of up to 2 m3 is used for receiving, heating, stirring and porting the issuance of the commercial solution and the expenditure container for delivery to the workplace of the bricklayer.

Fig. 18. Installation for receiving and issuing a solution

Rem; 2 - tank with screw inside for mixing the solution; 3 - motor compartment; 4 - lid; 5 - sector shutter for issuing a solution; 6-suspension

The hopper with a jaw gate (Fig. 19) with a volume of up to 1.2 m3 is designed for acceptance and supply of the solution to the breaker of the mason.

Fig. 19. Cheap bunker

Steering with a burden; 2 - shutter

The metallic mortar box (Fig. 20) with a volume of 0.24 m3 serves to supply the solution to the bricklayer's workplace. It is allowed in the garland (up to six boxes at the same time).

Fig. 20. Metal solver box

Lifting loop; 2 - Lock

Picking-case (Fig. 21) with a lifting capacity of 1.5 T consists of two semi-infrastructors of the M-shaped shape fixed on the gripping levers ignorant-mounted on the axis pickup-case is designed to unload two brick packets from the car and feed them to the bricklayer's workplace.

Fig. 21. Pickup-case: 1 - gripping levers with wall, 2 - axis, 3 - pallet with brick

Self-tight seizure (Fig.22) with a carrying capacity of 1.75 T is a rectangular frame with a two-dimensional lever clamp. It is designed to unload packets of silicate bricks without pallets from motor vehicles and feed them to the placement location.

Fig. 22. Self-tight seizure:

Capture frame; 2 - stretch plates; 3 - clamping beams;

Capturing device

Brick wetting tank (Fig.23) is a container filled with water. In hot and dry weather, pallets with brick are lowered into the tank, wet and served to the workplace of the bricklayer.

Fig. 23. Buck for wetting bricks

The loop; 2 - Runs

Portable lamps (Fig. 24) in the form of a sliding frame with a telescopic rack having celefones, illuminate the workplace in the dark.

Fig. 24. Portable lamp:

Sliding frame, 2 - telescopic rack. 3 - Wire, 4 - Plaf

The container (Fig. 25) for storing clothes, tools and devices Brigade Brigade has a compartment for two shifts. An technologically necessary set of tools, fixtures and inventory, calculated on the brigade of masonry, is called normal. Its careful use contributes to improving the quality and productivity of the Labor Mason.

Fig. 25. Metal container: 1 - loop, 2 - double-circuit door

1.3 Mixed Masonry Schemes

The laying of stone (ceramic or silicate) and bricks (Fig. 26, a) begin with a tonchine row, then lay three rows of outdoor versts, the inner part of the wall is laid out of the stones on the chain dressing system. Communication externally versoes with the rest of the masonry provide the tile and spoonful rows of the slaughter.

Masonry from brick and stone (Fig. 26, b) start with styling of a tonge row of stones. Then laid out of the brick two rows of the inner verst on the chain dressing system.

Setting a spoonful mile from stones, lay the inner part of the wall, taking it away from the facade vest.

Masonry from concrete or natural stones and bricks (Fig. 26, c) begin with a plug-in stacking row, then stacked eight rows of outdoor bricks.

The inner part of the wall is laid out of stones or minor blocks on the chain dressing system. After every three rows, the masonry tied up with rows of bricks.

Building from butte stone and bricks (Fig. 26, d) begin with a verticle row of stones. On the other hand, on the same height lay out the vest of tiley and spoonful bricks and stacked the stones in the slaughter. Early 4-6 spoon rows are laid by a tonchkin, providing a dressing with masonry.

The considered variants of mixed masonry are used in the outer walls of stone buildings.

Figure 26. Mixed masonry

and - from stone and brick, b - from brick and stone, in - from concrete stones and bricks, g - from butt stone and bricks

3.1 Growing Masonry made of concrete concrete stones with facing brick

Often in mixed masonry brick performs the role of cladding laid out with spoonful rows. To communicate it with the main masonry in the seams, metallic staples 1 (Fig. 27, a) are laying through eight rows of cladding or perform masonry with lining and the main masonry by plotting brick-rows (Fig. 27, b) at least through eight rows of facing . Such a masonry is sometimes performed with an ardent vertical seam (air layer-Fig. 27, e).

The masonry of the walls of light-concrete stones with facing brick is starting with the laying of a twitching row of bricks, then put the first, second and third spoonful rows of brick cladding, after which a row of stones are again etched by stacking cladding bricks.

"The masonry of such walls is performed by the Troika link. The mason of the 4th category produces a masonry of the brick lining of the plotting series and the internal verst rows of stones, and also sets the mooring and checks the correctness of the masonry. / The first bricklayer of the 2nd discharge takes on the walls of the brick and stone. And spreads the solution, the second places the stones into the slaughter, falls asleep emptiness in the stones of the slag (when using hollow stones), and also helps the first bricklayer of the 2nd discharge to serve materials on the wall.

The average length of the defense for the Troika link at the height of the tier 1.1 m is recommended to be installed: when the walls are masoning from solid stones with a thickness of one stone with a cladding in the Pollipich - 14-21 m, when laying walls from hollow stones thick in one stone with facing In Polkirpich and backfill voids - 11-17 m.

Mixed laying of light-concrete stones and bricks can be performed by two twin links. With this organization of work, the first "Two" lay out the outdoor vest - facing, and the second "deuce", moving after the first, lay out the inside of the walls of the stones.

Fig. 27. Growing up masonry made of concrete concrete stones with brick facing:

a - masonry with a thickness of 420 mm of stones with slurpal voids without a paddle row, b - masonry with a thickness of 520 mm from three-frequency stones with a plot nearby,

e - masonry with an ardent vertical seam; 1 - metal brackets,

Facing Rows, 3 - Rows of Masonry, 4 - Stone with slightly voids (longitudinal half), 5 - Armored vertical seam

1.3.2 Masonry quality from natural and artificial stone

When constructing structures from artificial and natural stone, control the correctness of the dressing, thickness and filling of the seams, the horizontal of the rows, the vertical of the angles. At the same time, it is monitored by accurate observance of the size of the laid out of the structures and the right location of the openings, jumpers, pilaster, the quality of the facial surface.

Limit deviations of the size and position of walls and pillars made of natural and artificial stone, the same as in brickwork.

Deviations of the size and position of partitions (Fig. 28) from natural and artificial stone should not be treated and artificial stone should not exceed the following values \u200b\u200b(mm):

Displacement of the axis of the structure ..............................................10

Deviation of rows from horizontal by 10 m length .................. .. 15

Deviation by width of the opening ........................................... + 15

The deviation of the thickness .................................................................. + 10

Deviation from the vertical to the height of the room ........................... 10

Irregularities on the vertical surface .............................10

The quality of masonry from natural and artificial stone is tested by the same tool as in brickwork.

Fig. 28. Scheme of measurement of deviations in size and position of partitions laid out of natural and artificial stone

Displacement axis by design; 2 - deviation by width of the opening; 3 - the deviation of the horizontal by 10 m length; 4 - deviation in thickness; 5 - deviations from the vertical to the height of the room; 6 - irregularities on the vertical surface

4 Safety and labor protection

Forests and scaffolding are necessary devices when performing stone works, ensure safe working conditions of workers.

Analysis of accidents When working on forests showed that accidents occur mainly due to the loss of forest sustainability caused by various reasons:

a) incorrect and insufficient fastening of forests to the wall, uneven support of the struts on the ground;

b) overload, as a result of accumulation of materials and construction parts on forest flooring, exceeding permissible values;

c) dynamic impacts on the elements of the forest design and the loss of the strength of their individual elements.

The general safety requirements for the operation of forests and scaffolding include:

a) the strength of the structures and reliability of them during assembly and operation;

b) stability during installation and during operation;

c) the presence of durable fences that exclude the possibility of falling people and individual items from height, and solid flooring, a safe rise of workers and materials.

All work on the outer forests stop during a thunderstorm, strong (more than 6 points) wind, when the wind speed reaches 12 m / s, and when darkness occurs, if the place of production is not highlighted enough.

Workers familiar with the rules of safety for the operation of forest and scaffolding and injurious instructions, as well as instructing directly in the workplace are allowed to work on forests and submits. In addition, forest and submissions must be trained in safety regulations in the specialty.

With the introductory instruction, the worker is obliged to familiarize himself with the rules of safety as in its specialty and for the operation of forests, with individual means of protection and first aid methods for accidents.

Workers passing from one object to another must take place in the workplace by repeated safety instructions. Markings about conducting safety instructions are made in a special journal with a working signature that has received instruction.

Forests and scaffolding should be inventory and manufactured according to typical projects. It is allowed to work on non-inventory forests with the permission of the chief construction engineer, and with the height of forests, more than 4 m should be monitored by the project approved by the chief construction engineer.

The design of forests should be designed for stability, and individual elements - for strength. At the same time, the load on the forest is taken for a masonry of 2500 N / m2, for plastering works 2000 N / m2. Horizontal elements of forests are checked on a concentrated load weighing 130 kg (a lot of man with cargo). All inventory forests and scaffolding must be equipped with a manufacturer's passport. It is forbidden to mount and operate inventory forests and non-passports.

The surface on which forests and scaffolding is installed must be smooth, free from garbage. If forests are installed directly to the ground, the surface of the latter should be planned and tamped, drainage should be arranged. If the soil is very wet or not durable, it should be sealing with a rubbing rubble and broken bricks. It is forbidden to install forests on a nondes or on an uneven surface, as well as align them with bricks, stones, rampage creaming and any other random items.

Forests and scaffolding should be mounted in the sequence provided by the project. Experienced workers who have passed preliminary instructions are allowed to install and received a medical examination that is allowed to work at height. All installers must be secured by safety belts. Mounting and disassembling forests should be carried out under the direct manual of the wizard or manufacturer of work.

The racks of forests installed on the ground must be placed on the supporting lining from the boards with a thickness of at least 5 cm with such a calculation so that one-piece, non-adsit linings be under the ends of each pair of racks in the transverse direction of forests. Racks, frames, support stairs and other vertical elements of forests are installed exactly on the plumb and relax with connections according to the project. At the same time, the lower parts of the racks located in the passages must be protected from possible blows of passing transport.

On the forests and submits, the width of the flooring should be taken for stone work for at least 2 m, for plastering works 1.5 m and for painting and installation work at least 1m. The height of the passages on the forests should be in the light of at least 1.3 m. Forest and lobes are performed from standard shields that do not have slots and overlapping supports at least 20 cm in each direction. At the same time, the ends of the jammed elements of the elements in order to avoid formation of thresholds should be bevelled. It is forbidden to put the working flooring on random supports. When working from forests with a height of more than 6m, it is necessary to arrange at least 2 flooring at an altitude: working and protective.

To protect the shields of flooring from rapid wear and damage when the materials are delivered in the wheelbarrows or trolleys, cataly moves should be laid on the forest flooring. At the same time, the joints of the rolling strokes should not coincide with the joints of the workshops.

When working on the forests, it is necessary to check that the gap between the wall of the building under construction and the working flooring of forests or the lobes does not exceed 50 mm with a masonry and 150 mm in the production of plastering and painting. In case of finishing works, the clearances should be covered with removable boards after the wall processing.

In order to ensure the sustainability of forests in the transverse direction, they must be reliably mounted on the wall with the help of anchors in a checker order (through two racks on the third vertical and through two tiers on the third horizontal). It is forbidden to mount the forests to the low-resistant parts of the building (parapets, eaves, pipes, etc.).

When working from forests and scaffolds, above the level of earth or overlapping more than 1 m, they need to be protected by railing with a height of at least 1 m, consisting of the handrail, an intermediate horizontal element and onboard boards with a height of at least 15. For lifting workers on the forest, ladders with railing and platforms are arranged with a height of more than 12 m, and the slope of the stairs should not exceed 45 °. When lifting workers on the forests of greater height of the stairs with playgrounds, it is necessary to have a separate staircase next to the building frame. The entrances and exits in the building under construction, which has forests, must be protected from above and from the side of the sides to the entire width of the forests.

When building buildings with wooden floors and with the unpretentiousness of the latter, it is allowed to establish the abilities for temporary flooring laid on the beams. It is forbidden to establish the abilities for structural elements that are not calculated on additional loads.

Mechanisms and machines for lifting materials, as well as load-receiving platforms, must be installed so that they are not transferred to the forest additional loads not provided for by the project. On forests and submits it is necessary to post posters with load schemes and their permissible values, as well as instructions on the order of placement, number and capacity of containers for wall materials, decay boxes and other goods.

Approaches to stairs and stepladers should be free from materials, garbage, etc. The status of forests and lobes before the start of each shift must check the master leading the work in this area. When defects are detected, it is necessary to stop work immediately and eliminate faults. Eliminate malfunctions should assemblers, installing forests and scaffolding, under the guidance of the wizard or manufacturer of work. It is forbidden to repair the forests workers without the presence of persons responsible for their operation.

Before dismantling forests, more than 4 m, working should be trained by the rules of safe work. When installing or disassembling forests, unauthorized persons should be closed to the place of work. When disassembling forests, elements must be lowered with lifting devices. It is forbidden to throw forests, as well as reset individual elements from them. The doorways of the first floor, as well as balcony outputs below the forests must be closed.

In some cases, in the production of stone work on filling the framework of the building, suspended forests are used, consisting of steel ropes (suspensions), cross-shields, downstream shields and fences, as well as the top supporting device. At the same time, the diameter of steel strings and ropes that support lifting and suspended forests should be calculated with a margin of not less than six-time strength.

Before exploitation, lifting and suspended forests should be tested by a static load exceeding the estimated 25%, and lifting forests, in addition, the uniform lifting and lowering of the cargo, the weight of which exceeds the calculated by 10%.

Forest test results must be documented.

Winchs that serve to raise and lower forests should be equipped with a double brake device with safe handles. Loading capacity of winches must correspond to the greatest settlement loads. It is necessary to ensure that the movement of steel ropes have been free when lifting and lowering forests. They should not touch the structures or walls of the building under construction. To lead the lifting or lowering of lifting forests is obliged personally master or manufacturer of work. At the same time, the space under the forests should be free from people, the flooring is cleaned of materials, containers, garbage.

In order to avoid injury to working objects falling from lifting and suspended forests, the passages under them should be closed or protected by sheds. Suspended forest flooring should be fenced from the outer and end sides by railings or metal mesh with a height of at least 1 m. The openings for acceptance of materials should also be fenced to a height of at least 1 m. The stairs for the movement of people between suspended tiers should be securely suspended and secured Upper hooks and born or forest runs.

In order to avoid swinging suspended forests, they must be fixed to the sustainable structures of the building under construction using ribs from the rod or steel ropes. Console beams that are attached (with the help of steel ropes) suspended forests, should be based through the layers on the walls or columns of the building. It is forbidden to describe or lean the console beams on the cornism of the building. In order to prevent the shift or rotation of the consoles, they must be securely fixed on the supports. In order to avoid accidents, it is forbidden to connect adjacent sections of the suspended forests with each other by transitional flooring, eating stepladers or with palm stairs.

The winches installed on the ground, to lift and lower the lifting forests, should be loaded with ballast, the weight of which should be at least double the weight of forests with a complete settlement load; At the same time, the ballast must be firmly fixed on the frame to which the winch is attached. It is forbidden to be at the winches to unauthorized persons.

Before installation and fit of the suspended forests, the status of the strings must be checked, especially in places of welding of faces and the fencing brackets, as well as consoles on the absence of cracks or deformations. It is also necessary to carefully check the consolidation of the released crossing to the designs of the building and the correctness of the filament of the shields on the crossbars, as well as the place of the joints with adjacent shields.

When working on mobile forests:

the paths for which forests move should be horizontal in longitudinal and transverse directions;

forests should move smoothly, without jerks, with the help of winches or other mechanisms under the direct managing the manufacturer of works or master;

it is forbidden to move forests from one place to another with the wind by force of more than 3 points, as well as when finding people, materials, containers and garbage on the forests;

it is forbidden to move faulty mobile forests;

catching forest supports must be reliably fixed, and the forests themselves are attached in the wall of the building or were separated;

to move from one section of mobile forests to another, special transition bridges must be provided, firmly fixed and fenced by railings. At the same time, passages and passages under the transition bridges should be closed.

Graduation forests should be applied only in cases where the use of other types of forests is inappropriate or difficult.

Fastening fingers of graduation forests to exclude the possibility of their shift or tipping. In order to avoid overturning forests, the inner ends of graduation fingers should be securely fixed using the stops and clamps to the beams of the upper and lower overlap. With reinforced concrete precast floors, graduation forests are allowed to be attached to the overlapping itself. It is forbidden to mount the fingers of graduation forests for window sills. Trucks under the fingers of graduation forests must be checked with the calculation and fastened with fingers not only by wrinkles, but also bolts or brackets. It is forbidden to be dispersed to the protruding belts, sandriks and eaves.

To keep masonry a residential building with a floor height of more than 2.8 m, two-time lifting is necessary. This condition is satisfied with large-pointed impacts with two fixed floor heights. Such submits include inventory panel block scaffolding with folding supports. The laying of the walls of the second tier is carried out with lobes with complex supports at a flooring of 1.2 m, and the walls of the walls from the third tier - with open supports at the flooring of 2.2 m.

In order to safety work on the woods, the height of the passages should be at least 1.8 m. If necessary, undergrings of 50 ... 60 cm high can be installed on the flooring of forests and dismisses.

II. Organizational and economic

1 organization of the workplace

In the complex of activities on the scientific organization of labor, the central place is occupied by the organization of the workplace, the main task of which is to ensure the necessary conditions for the high-performance and safe work of the mason.

The work area, within which the production process is carried out, moves workers, are the materials, structures, fixtures and inventory, as well as ready construction products (part of the wall or partition), is called a workplace.

Improving the safe organization of the workplace is determined by the following features: the liberation of the bricklayer from large physical stresses, reducing the number of unnecessary movements, equipping the workplace with auxiliary devices that save working hours and injury preventing injuries.

The constant change of lockers of jobs requires compliance with the following conditions:

at the same time, workplaces should be prepared on the other invigorate at a link or brigade of wall masonry on one invigination;

the workplace must be prepared in such a way that the intervals in the work are minimal;

the dimensions of the plot and the reserve of bricks must provide a brigade (link) the ability to work without transitions to another place for a complete shift.

The safe organization of the workplace of the link or brigade requires it to ensure it with adaptations (suspensions, stairs, fences). At the same time, building materials, inventory and tools must be placed in the workplace area.

Thus, under the organization of jobs should be understood as a system of measures to create at every workplace of favorable conditions for the achievement of high work out when the technical capabilities of building machines and mechanisms, reduce fatigue and maintaining permanent performance. Providing conditions for high-performance work of masonry at each workplace is possible only when improving all elements of the organization's organization: layout, equipment and maintenance.

The workplace layout is characterized by this placement of materials and devices, in which the smallest path of bricks and the solution is ensured to their laying. Properly plan the workplace - it means rationally positioned on the capture of fixtures and tools, bricks and a solution. Excessive movements should be eliminated, walking without affairs and due to this reduced working fatigue; The loss of working time is reduced to a minimum, and labor efficiency is increased. The area of \u200b\u200bthe workplace of the link or brigade of masonickens is determined by the size of their interchangeable task (for example, the masonry of the plots to the height of one wall tier), taking into account the over-fulfillment of the production standards.

Fig. 28 Organization of the workplace when laying from natural and artificial stone sites of walls (a) and inland walls and partitions (b)

Pallets with stone; 2- with a solution with a solution; 3- Wall

Fig. 29. Organization of the workplace when laying partitions from gypsum concrete slabs

Plates; 2- partition; 3-box with plaster; 4-core with solution

Fig. 30. Typical schemes for the organization of the workplace during wall cladding

Mortar box; 2- pallet with facing plates (products); 3-pallets with brick

Working space shares conditionally in the width into three zones: the working, area of \u200b\u200bplacement of materials and transport. The working area (0.6 ... 1 m) is adjacent directly to the built wall and is designed to move the workers during the performance of production operations. The work area should always be free from materials and inventory.

The placement zone of materials should not exceed 1 m. Here are the containers with a solution at a distance of 2.5 ... 3.6 m one from the other, and between them - pallets or containers with brick and facing materials. Between containers with brick leaves a width of 0.25 ... 0.4 m. Examples of job organization are shown in Fig. 28, 29, 30.

The transport area may be a width of no more than 1.2 m and is designed to move workers engaged in delivery and placement of materials within the workplace. Passages to work places and transport area must be clean.

The equipment of the bricklayer's workplace includes the entire set of placed in its area of \u200b\u200binstrument and accessories, technological equipment, safety facilities, etc.

The equipment for the execution of brickwork includes: work, control and measurement tools, tool storage devices, inventory, containers, vehicles.

To properly equip the workplace, it is necessary to establish an accurate list, as well as the amount of equipment elements used in the process. Since the purpose of providing jobs with the equipment to the equipment is the organization of rhythmic and high-quality work of the link or brigade of mason during the shift, the number and types of fixtures and inventory must comply with the adopted masonry method, and their design is to contribute to the growth of labor productivity and the quality of work.

Equipment of continuous use should be fixed behind the link or brigade based on the established list of instruments, fixtures and inventory. These lists are being developed by research institutes or trusts "Orgtekhstroy" for each workplace, depending on the type of work and the recommended method of its implementation.

In the event that the workers perform stone work with a limited set of tools and devices, it reduces labor productivity and leads to low quality work. The widespread use of modern effective tools and devices is one of the most important conditions for the implementation of the scientific organization of labor in links and brigades.

For the safe organization of mason jobs, a significant role is played by low mechanization, i.e., equipping the link or brigade with various auxiliary equipment and a mechanized tool that facilitates manual operations and at the same time increases productivity. These include trolleys for the transport of solution and bricks within the capture, devices for the deposit of the joints of the precast concrete structures, etc.

The maintenance of the wall masonry process involves providing a brigade with materials, tools, technical control and sanitary services. High labor productivity can be achieved if the bricklayers are fully provided and timely materials, tools, the mechanisms are repaired on time, transport works clearly. The results of studies conducted by VNII labor in construction in many construction sites show that the cause of almost half of all intra-mona losses of working time is the unsatisfactory organization of job service. The main functions of service include: production and preparatory, transport, warehouse, instrumental, control and economic and household activities of leadership staff.

The production and preparatory function lies in the issuance of the tasks and configuration of materials according to project documentation and the production schedule of stone work.

Transport service should be carried out on calendar graphics. Accepting, storage, storage and accounting of materials and structures for stone works are the content of warehouse service.

Instrumental maintenance is a complete set of tools and devices by type and method of work, in organizing the care of them, sharpening and repair.

The quality of the work performed, the technical condition of the mechanisms, tools and equipment depends on the correct and continuous execution of the control function. The control function includes the quality of materials and structures, accounting and analysis of the amount of work performed.

Household service provides for the organization of sanitary and hygienic support for the production of stone works (wardrobe, washbasin, showers, facilities for meals and heating, drying, etc.). The correct solution of all issues of integrated job service contributes to more productive use of working time, improving the production at each workplace and a decrease in production injuries.

2 Counting the volume of work and consumption of materials

Depending on the type of construction and conditions in which this design will work as a project establish the main requirements for solutions (brand, water resistance, frost resistance).

Table 2. Minimum stamps of solutions for masonry of exterior walls of buildings.

Relative Humidity Room Indoor% Mixed Solution Brand With Degree of Durability Building 18PsDo 60 Cement-lime Cement-clay lime10 10 -10 10 44 4 4 Up to 75 cement-lime cement-clay25 2525 2510 25 More 75 cement-lime cement-clay50 5025 5010 25

The selection of the composition of the solutions is performed on the basis of the required grades, mobility, appointment of the solution and the conditions for the production of work.

The composition of the solution is expressed by the amount of outgoing materials to obtain 1 m3 of the solution mixture or the ratio of dry components (by mass or volume), while the consumption of the main binder is taken for 1. For example, the composition of the mortar mixture in which it accounts for 0.7 hours to 1 part of the cement. Lime and 6h. Sand, writes so 1: 0.7: 6

The preparation of raw materials for masonry solutions is used by sand of the maximum size of 2.5 mm: the content of clay and organic impurities in it is limited.

Lime is used in the form of a lime milk or less rare test, pre-skipped through a sieve No. 0.25 so that there are no outstanding particles into the solution. When instead of lime use clay, it is thoroughly discharged several days. In order to disconnect clay particles.

Solutions are used in the form of a mixture ready for use and less often in the form of dry mixes closed with water before use.

The process of preparation of the solution mixture consists of dosing of the source materials, load them into the drum of a solution mixer and stirring to obtain a homogeneous mass. In order for the solution to have the desired properties, it is necessary to achieve homogeneity of its composition. For this, limit the minimum mixing time for heavy solutions for at least 3 minutes. Light solutions are stirred longer. To facilitate stirring, lime and clay are injected into a solution in the form of a lime or clay milk.

To select the composition of the solution, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the materials: cement (brand Rz and bulk density of RCSNAS, kg / m3), inorganic plasticizer - lime or clay test "(PNP density, kg / m3), and sand (rpnas bulk density, kg / m3 ).

The selection of the composition of the solution in the second way is carried out as follows.

Choose a grade of cement and its flow per 1 m3 of sand (kg) based on the required grade of the solution, taking this table. The amount of cement in volume by 1 m3 of sand is calculated by the formula \u003d CC / Rchnas (M3).

2. The amount of an inorganic plasticizer (lime or clay test) ONP in m3 per 1 m3 of sand is determined by the formula ONP \u003d 0.17 (1- 0.002d). The mass of an inorganic plasticizer by 1 m3 of sand will be NP \u003d at HT pHm kg.

The composition of Raeweeter in volume will be (UC / UTS) :: (UNP / UTS): (UE / UE), where UE under the condition - 1 m3; The composition of the same massive solution will be 1: (NP / C): (p / c), where the mass of 1 m3 of sand, calculated as n \u003d 1m3: CPNAS

Knowing the composition of the mass solution and cement consumption per 1 m3 solution (Table), the amount of inorganic plasticizer and sand can be calculated (kg), which are required to obtain 1 m3 of the mortar mixture.

Water consumption (B) by 1 m3 of the dissolve mixture with mobility of a mixture of 9 ... 10 cm approximately calculated by the formula B \u003d 0.5 (C + NP1), kg, where C and NP1 - respectively, the costs of cement and an inorganic plasticizer per 1 m3 mortar mixture. The final consumption of water clarify the trial kneading, adjusting the water consumption until the required mobility of the mixture is obtained.

Calculation of the composition of the mixed solution

It is necessary to choose the composition of the grade 75 solution with the mobility of the mortar mixture of 9 ... 10 cm.

There is a portland cement grade 400 with a bulk density of 1100 kg / m3, a lime dough with a density of 1400 kg / m3, a quartz sand with a bulk density of 3500 kg / m3 with a humidity of 5%.

The cement consumption of the grade 400 per 1 m of sand will be 240 kg or volume 1 / c \u003d 240: 1100 \u003d 0.218 m3.

The consumption of an inorganic plasticizer - a limestone test - on 1 m3 of sand will be NP \u003d 0.17 x (1-0,002-240) \u003d 0.088 m3 or by weight 0.088-1400≈124 kg

To obtain 1 m3 of the solution, it is necessary to take cement 200 kg; limestone test - 200-0.52 \u003d 104 kg; Sand - 200-6,25 \u003d 1250 kg.

Approximate water consumption will be a \u003d 0.5 * (200 + 104) \u003d 152 liters. Water in the sand 1250-0.05 \u003d 62.5 liters. Therefore, we take 148-62.5 \u003d 85.5 liters

To prepare a trial kneading solution with a volume of 5 dm3, it is necessary to take 0.05 g from these quantities: cement - 1.0 kg; lime test - 0.52 kg; Sand - 6.25 kg; Water -0.43 l.

Mixed masonry

Mixed is called the masonry, which is performed from two different materials, for example, from bout and brick, from bricks and artificial stones, from bricks and natural rosane stones, etc. Mixed masonry is made, as a rule, to obtain beautiful wall cladding, increase its strength or for Reduced thermal conductivity. Essentially, it is a variety of laying with simultaneous facing.

With mixed laying, a reliable dressing of masonry of the main material with facing should be provided. For this purpose, the spoonful rows of cladding are tied up with the masonry walls of the tiley rows.

Mixed laying of light-concrete stones and bricks lead tiers with a height of no more than 1.1 m with lining of masonry at least by every three rows of a tychkid plotting brick nearby.

For proper dressing of the seams of masonry at vertical restrictions, in places of adjoining and crossing walls, in the laying of pillars and simpleness, uncomplete bricks are required: Fourth, halves and three-rigs. They usually make bricklayers themselves directly in the workplace in the process of manufacturing work. For the manufacture of a quarter, three-hard and halves, it is necessary to use bricks with bang corners or other defects in order to save.

Each mason must be able to accurately determine the size of the desired incomplete brick and properly chop it. This is necessary because with incorrect sizes of stacked non-television bricks, the stacking of the seams is disturbed and the solution consumption increases, which reduces the strength of the masonry. In fig. 5 shows the receptions of cutting and brick tesse, which are used by the masonry.

Fig. five.

a - measuring the length of the three-way, b - Zadet on the handle of the hammer,

in - checking the length of the parts of the brick, r - the line of the cutting line of the three-tippe of the hammer blade, d - notch with a blow, directed perpendicular to brick, e - cutting,

well - the wrong reception of the cutting, z - the cutting of the Kielma, and - the cut along the spoon,

k - Brick Test

In order to correctly measure the length of the incomplete brick, scubons are made on the handle, corresponding to the lengths of the parts of the brick (Fig. 5, A, B, B). Line chipping bricks mark the hammer blade (Fig. 5, d). Then make a bowl of a hammer blow first on the spoon of one hand, then on a spoonful of the other side (Fig. 5, d) and, finally, a strong blow to reflect the brick on the marked line (Fig. 5, e). When cutting a brick, the hammer blow should be sent perpendicular to the spoon, otherwise the hardware line may be incorrect and the incomplete brick with a slant end (Fig. 5, g). If the brick needs to split along, they first apply light blows on the four planes (Fig. 5, and), and then a strong and short stubbling line on the line of bricks split it into the required parts. The brick is also chopped by a combined cell (celma edge), as shown in Fig. 5, s.

With a simple brick test (Fig. 5, K), used for the masonry of the baseballs of the rounded shape and other parts of the building, use the hammer-dying. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the direction of tangent shots on bricks passed by the arms and legs of the mason. The execution of this operation requires greater attention and caution.

More complex operations on brick test used for facial masonry architectural parts are performed on machines.

When splitting on a three-hard, halves and a quarter brick often grinds or dummed uneven parts. In order to simplify this work, construction devices use mechanical devices that make it possible to easily and accurately split the brick on parts of the desired size.

For example, a simple device consisting of two steel knives, placed between two guide vertical corners, is used on a number of buildings. On this device, acting on the principle of guillotine, brick can be split not only across, but also along.

The construction of masonry from bricks start with the installation of angular and intermediate orders. The coolers along the perimeter of the walls are installed on a plunder and in terms of or level so that serifs for each row on all coaches are in one horizontal plane. The orders are installed on the corners, in the places of intersection and adjoining walls, as well as on the direct sections of the walls at a distance of 10--15 m from each other.

After fixing, the apartments are fascinated and the moorings stretch. When laying outdoor versts, the jet cord is installed for each row, fastening it for the order. The pitch cord is tensioning at the level of the stacked row with an indentation from the vertical laying plane by 3--4 mm. Strengthening the part of the inner vests is recommended at the lighthouses using a bracket (Fig. 6, a, b), the sharp end of which is inserted into the seams, and to a stupid, longer end, based on the beacon brick, tie the part. The free part of the cord is wound on the staple handle. A turn of a bracket into a new position (in Fig. 6 shows the dotted line) obtain the line tension line for the next row.

So that the whar has not saved, under the cord should be put on a wooden light brick (Fig. 6, e), and on top of it

Fig. 6.

a - Installation of brackets on the wall, b - bracket, in - use of wooden light bricks

After installation, coaches and perts lay bricks on the wall, then the solution is spread under the laying of the outdoor verst row and lead the walls.

Mixed is called the masonry, which is performed from two types of stone material. When using such a masonry, it turns out beautiful facing of the outer surface of the walls, their heat shield properties improve and increase the strength of loaded areas of structures.
Masonry from ceramic stone and bricks (Fig. 1, a) start with styling of a bricks of a brick. Then lay three rows of outdoor bricks. The inner part of the wall is laid out of stones on the chain dressing system. Communication of the outer versa, posted out of the brick, with the rest of the masonry is provided by a twist near the outer versa and a spoonful of a brick (in the slaughterhouse).
Masonry from brick and silicate stone (Fig. 1, b) start with styling of a tile row of stones. Then, two rows of internal versts on the chain dressing system are laid out of the brick.
Setting the spoonful mile from the stones, lay out the inside of the wall out of the brick, bandaging it with the outer vest.
Masonry from concrete stones and bricks (Fig. 1, c) begin with a plot series, laid out of the brick. Then lay out eight rows of outdoor bricks.
The inner part is laid out of concrete stones using whole stones and longitudinal halves for transverse dressings. A row of whole stones alternates with a nearby, where the spoonful verst is laid out of longitudinal halves, and the rudeness is from a whole stone. Every three rows, laying from concrete stones tied up with rows of bricks.
Masonry from butte stone and bricks (Fig. 1, d) begin with a verte row of stones. On the other hand, on the same height, the brick cladding of the choke and spoonful rows is laying down and put the slaughter from the stone into the inside of the wall. The burning of the brick facing is provided by the release of the tilex after 4 ... 6 rows in height in the direction of the edge masonry.

Fig. 1. Mixed masonry:

and - from ceramic stone and brick, b - from brick and silicate stone in - from concrete stones and bricks (view from the side of the room), g - from butovo stone and bricks; / - Brick, 2 - ceramic stone, 3 - silicate stone. 4 - outdoor versta of bricks, 5 - Posted row, 6- Row of whole concrete stones, 7 - longitium halves of concrete stone, 8 - inner part of the wall of natural stone

Mixed is called the masonry, which is performed from two types of stone material. When using such a masonry, it turns out beautiful facing of the outer surface of the walls, their heat shield properties improve and increase the strength of loaded areas of structures.

Masonry from ceramic stone and bricks (Fig. 52, a) start with the laying of a tonge row of bricks. Then lay three rows of outdoor versts from bricks. The inner part of the wall is laid out of stones on the chain dressing system. Communication of the outer versa, posted out of the brick, with the rest of the masonry is provided by a twist near the outer versa and a spoonful of a brick (in the slaughterhouse).

Masonry from brick and silicate stone (Fig. 52, b) start with styling of a tonge row of stones. Then, two rows of internal versts on the chain dressing system are laid out of the brick.

Setting the spoonful mile from the stones, lay out the inside of the wall out of the brick, bandaging it with the outer vest.

Masonry made of concrete stones and bricks (Fig. 52, c) begin with a plug-in series laid out of the brick. Then lay out eight rows of outdoor bricks.

The inner part is laid out of concrete stones using whole stones and longitudinal halves for transverse dressings. A row of whole stones alternates with a nearby, where the spoonful verst is laid out of longitudinal halves, and in order - from the whole

stone. Every three rows, laying from concrete stones tied up with rows of bricks.

Building from butte stone and bricks (Fig. 52, d) begin with a verte row of stones. On the other hand to the same height

and - from ceramic stone and brick, b - from brick and silicate stone in - from concrete stones and bricks (view from the side of the room), g - from butovo stone and bricks; / - Brick, 2 - ceramic stone, 3 - silicate stone. 4 - outer versta brick, 5 - plug-in row, 6-row from whole concrete stones, 7 - longitium half of concrete stone, 8 - the inner part of the wall of natural stone lay out the brick cladding from the tiley and spoonful rows and laid a slaughter from stone into the inner Part of the wall. The burning of the brick facing is provided by the release of the tilex after 4 ... 6 rows seal in the side of the edge masonry.

Control tasks

II. Drawings in Fig. 53 Complete the incision Mixed - І 1. Fig. 52, and masonry shown on | 2. Fig. 52, B.

§ 28. Device of small-list partitions

Related premises in the building are separated by partitions. Along with large-pointed partitions, partitions are used in modern construction, which are laying out of bricks, ceramic stone, dry-concrete plates and other small-piece products.

Prior to the start of work on the construction of the partition, the position of its longitudinal axis, the location of the opening, places of adjustment to capital walls are placed; Align the base solution

a - template for laying a bathroom partitions, b - an angular pattern for erection of partitions with a thickness of 65, 88, 120 mm, in-hydrogen lighthouse when laying partitions in 1/2 brick thickness, Mr. MoK in places adjoining partitions to the capital wall, d - Shield pattern for laying septal baths; I - inventory metal pattern, 2 - horizontal fittings, 3 - brick, laid on the edge, 4 - wooden template, 5 - angular order, 6 - moor. 7 - AN - Tispeted Wooden Lining, 8 - Ersh, scored in: Tenu, 9 - Intermediate order, 10 - Template shields, 11 - laid out part of the partition

under the partition or stacked antiseptic wooden gaskets; Install template and apartments.

Brick, ceramic stone is used when performing partitions of baths and rooms having increased moisture

The septum of the bathrooms in a quarter of a quarter of bricks in order to increase the productivity of masonry and improving the quality of work on the template (Fig. 54, d) collected from the shields. The masonry leads inside the template, laying bricks on the edge and pressing them to the template shields.

Gypsum concrete plates are used to build interroom and intercorporation partitions. The latter are performed by double with an air gap of 50 mm.

Prior to the start of the masonry on the base, the rubberoid 280 mm wide, which protects partitions from moisture. Signing the apartments and stretching the floor, the first row of ylit is installed. To fasten the installed plates in the container box prepare a portion of a gypsum solution. Falling asleep the desired amount of plaster binder, together with a sedler setting poured water and the whole mass is thoroughly mixed. The prepared solution is filled with vertical seams between the plates. In longitudinal grooves, plates put the reinforcement and fix it with the jerse, clogged into the adjacent walls.

The plates of the next row are placed on a stretched mooring, observing the dressing of the seams and the sequence of operations shown in Fig. 55. The gap between the partition and the ceiling close the pacles moistened in the gypsum.

The partitions from gypsum concrete slabs also erect with the use of a template (Fig. 56), which consists of two racks 6 equipped with mobile brackets 5. The rails are laid on the brackets 4. Partition plates are installed close to the rake and in the same level with it. The use of templates improves the quality of the masonry and the productivity of the mason.

Control tasks

I. From the draft projects, it is known that the mason must lay partitions thick:

And 65 mm, i.e.

B. 88 mm, i.e.

B. 120 mm, i.e.

II. Name drawings where laid out lighthouses are designed for laying partitions:

And the thickness is 120 mm (Fig...) І 1. 54, b; 2. 54, in

B. Thickness 88 mm (Fig....) | 3. 54, g

III. Examine and call pictures showing:

And wooden antiseptic gaskets (rice ....) B. Armenia used when laying brick partitions (Fig....)

B. Armature in horizontal seams (Fig. ...)

G. Templates for the acceleration of masonry (Fig. ______)

IV. Large partitions from gypsum concrete slabs

perform on ................................................ ..........................


1. without dressing seams

2. With Half Treatment or Quarter Plates

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