
Bona Capona: Mental Italian Restaurant in Kupchino. Bona Capona: a sacheant Italian restaurant in Kupchino Corner of Bucharest and Salov

Speaking about the historical past territory where it is now located Kupchino, it should be noted that the first information comes from XV century when these lands belonged Novgorod.. At the beginning of the XVII century, this territory was captured swedes And settled finns-immigrants. On the old Swedish maps of the end of the XVII century on the banks of the River, the Village of Antollla, Sutilla, Quaraxia were indicated on the banks of the river (later black river. During the Northern War, these lands were returned to Russia, and the village of Old Swedish settlements of Volkova and the village of Kupchino (Cresino) were transferred to the village of Alexander Nevsky Monastery at the beginning of the XVIII century. In 1714, the decree of Tsar Peter I, these lands were given to the Son - Alexey. Later, they again moved to monastic possessions. In the documents of the XVIII century, the name is permanent, and the location of this village is indicated on the maps. Thus, Kupchino is one of the oldest names in our city.

Here, on the shore of the bush in a quarter adjacent to Belgrade Street, between the Alpine Lane and Dimitrov Street and the historic village of Kupchino was located.

From the grounds of St. Petersburg and its gradual growth the city began to stretch with the products of the peasants from the villages. City authorities saw a reason for the increase in government revenues. On the roads at the entrance to the capital, the heads were established, on which the duty was charged with passing. On the Kiev tract it was a middle slingshot point. But the men - who was not with money, who did not want to get out, - quickly found a way to avoid meeting with the then "fininistors": not reaching the middle slingshot, turned to the right, to the village road, where the village of Kursino was in the versts in three from the tract existing since time immemorial. Here they were expected by St. Petersburg traders, the purchase and sale of delivered products and goods took place. Not very convenient in the pronunciation of Cresino gradually, somehow turned into Kupchino. Ros Petersburg, grew up the village. In the XIX century, it was inhabited by the mainly gloomy and cabings. The village of Vitebsky Prospekt was in the village of Vitebsky Avenue. By the beginning of the 20th century, the village began to resemble a large village, crushed to three streets: the old, New and Kupchinskaya, who was then in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Prospectus of Fame and Belgrade Street. A school appeared, reading room, forge. Residents were engaged in milk animal husbandry, growing vegetables. Kupping cabbage and potatoes were especially famous. There was a fire depot in the village, where members of a voluntary squad were on duty.

In 1903, residents of the village decided to build their own temple and six years later laid near the canvas railway (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current d. 46 in Belgrade Str.) An amazing beauty of a wooden church in the name of Rev. Gerasima. The project of the temple was created in Russian-style architects I. T. Sokolov and V. V. Sandinaki. The church was closed in March 1938 and the summer of the same year was demolished. Shrines from her were transferred to the Nikolo-Epiphany Cathedral.

It was next to the village of Kupchino, in the southern tip, and its cemetery. The cemetery was a wooden Trinity Chapel, ascribed to the local church. Even in the early 1990s, it was possible to be seen in the thickets of the shrub in the frangments of destroyed gravestones remaining from the natural line.

From the city feature Kupchino was three kilometers away. They were communicated to the capital on horseback or on foot, as the railway platform did not exist. After the revolution, life has almost changed, was the same measured and quiet. Only in the early 1930s, the collective farm named Telman was organized on the Kupchinsky lands. At the same time, on the line, now the Vitebsk Railway arranged a half-in-law, but not all suburban trains stopped on it. In December 1972, simultaneously with the launch of the new metro station "Kupchino" - the first in Leningrad, combined with the railway station - the name "Kupchino" began to wear the former station "Vitebskaya" on the 12th kilometer of the road in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kupchinsky coal warehouses, and the old Renamed to the "Prospect of Glory".

During the Great Patriotic War, the population of the village was evacuated to Leningrad, and residential buildings, for the exception of three, left for military purposes, disassembled fuel. Already in 1944, the Kupovans were reached into native places, the first villages rose on the ruins. Kupchino was revived, though, in smaller sizes than before the war. However, exist village It remained only 20 years old.


More interesting details (in my opinion):

1. Between Salova, Fuccus, Belgrade and Plugging - Construction hippodrome.
2. Kupchino in the population exceeds such cities like Arkhangelsk or Kursk.
3. Square between Zagreb Boulevard and Bucharest Street - the former city dump.
4. Bucharest Street - the longest street in the city
5. Sofia Street had to become a continuation of the pea, and Bucharest - to go to the Ligovsky Prospect straight through the street of Tosin.
6. The project of the Southern Owl Canal was not implemented (it was supposed to go through Turku Street, or rather instead of her), who had to connect Neva south of the Volodar bridge with the Finnish bay.
7. There is an apple orchard on Belgrade
8. The project of stomatologists. Polyclinics (2 in Kupchino - at Budapest and Prague + 3 more in other areas) received the Grand Prix at the All-Union Architectural Exhibition 1981 (Red Square Building)
9. Opposite the cinema "Balkans" there is an interesting house (No. 87) from red bricks, formed from bottled volumes, with large open and glazed loggias. According to the "local aborigines", this building was built in the early 90s. Using the project typical Eastern Hermann hostel.
10. Next to the construction site of the temple (Seraphim of Vyritsky), on a high bulk hill in the middle of Zagreb Boulevard, St. Petersburg pagans equipped paganopeIn the middle of which the wooden figure of the Divine is installed. Community fees are held here, tournaments on the Valuely Slavic Martial Arts.

After last year's unsuccessful cycle, I try to start riding again. More or less regularly successfully managed to travel to the parents to Zagreb, through everything Kupchino from the north to south. While the photos of our sad sleeping gop-district got only two posts, but the series is clear to be continued;)

Roses in us in Kupchino everywhere. Nice to look, nice to sniff! :)

Ul. Budapestskaya, d.44, k.1. In the early 1970s On the second floor of this shopping center There was a beer "Aquarium", whose name borrowed one little-known Leningrad group. However, this is the version of George, the BG does it all denies;)

Prospect of Glory, D.21. Such brick houses in glory are three pieces, they were built in the early 1990s, in order to close the quarters of the Khrushche. "Bricks" were considered in those days elite houses, And now I would not go to them and I did not go - too dirty and noisy.

McDuck at the corner of glory and Budapest.

The registry office of Frunzensky district - in one of the "bricks" in glory.

Restaurant "Yalta" at the corner of Fame and Bucharest. The former casino "glory", historically - a typical cinema of the late 1960s., What a lot of things were built in Leningrad. Now they are actively demolished, so "glory" is still lucky.

Monument to Marshal G.K. Zhukov (1995) on the avenue of Fame.

Military monuments (except Zhukov have others, I still show you them) Among the Khrushchka is our Kupchino! \u003d)

"House-wall" (the end of 2000s), he "iron", at the corner of Bucharest and Fame, opposite Yalta.

The angle of Fame and Bucharest: on the left "Yalta", right "Iron".

View of "Yalta" and "Iron" from the Internationalist Park.

Well, after all the wall!

"Kupchino-Arena" (2011) in the park of internationalists. Periodically there are concerts in the fresh air.

Well, it is necessary! ;)

Ponds in the park of internationalists - the remains of the river line of the river, filled in 1972-73.

LCD "New Europe" (mid-2000s) on the Avenue of Fame, built his Finns from "Yit" a.

In the "New Europe" 1497 Apartments: At the time of construction, this house was the largest of the number of apartments in St. Petersburg.

Roses again!

LCD "Slavburg" (mid 2000s - N.V.), the second line of long-term. Poor sharers! .. :(

Prospect of Glory, D.40. Brick house of the mid-1990s., Which covers a school and a quarter of the wise crushes.

Once here, on the shores of the bush, there were gardens and dachas. Cherries and apple trees near the ponds are the remnants of the past luxury ...

In the same ponds blooming RDEST.

The circle in the park is closed, we again at the corner of Fame and Bucharest. Here, on the territory of the park, a monument to the warriors - Internationalists (1998) is established. A monument to special forces is also built nearby.

In addition, the complex includes the Church of George Victorious (1997-2003). She also has no ten years, and the restoration has already needed! Some, by the way, consider it the most beautiful from all St. Petersburg Novodelov.

Townhouses (mid 1990s.). Nowadays it was believed that some sectarians were built for themselves. Now part of the premises are occupied by the Employment Foundation.

The brick plant on the southern highway is demolished, there will be a residential area in his place.

Cyadic careers have long been flooded long ago, they catch fish and sometimes bathe, for they are key and therefore relatively clean. There is a possibility that careers will be covered and built up residential houses. Or not at home - the head of the Frunzensky district proposes to build a zoo here, and not in junts. For quarries - LCD "Silver Keys" (2000-10s) at the corner of Malaya Bucharest and Dimitrov.

"Tape" on Bucharest is one of the first hyperers in St. Petersburg.

Opposite the "ribbons" - LCD "Twin Pix" (2000-10), a monolithic concrete long definition, the construction of the distributions were waiting for 10 years ...

LCD "Emerald Island" (2000s) - brick-monolithic.

LCD "Russian Fairy Tale" on Zagreb Boulevard (end 2000s).

LCD "Raduga" (2000-10s.) On the part of the Bucharest Street ...

And he is from the side of Street Budapest.

Houses of the 137th series on Bucharest.

Dormitory on Zagreb.

Church of Seraphim Vyritsky (2005-1x.) On Zagreb Boulevard. Architecture here, unfortunately, does not smell: (it is slow, now they started plastering the northern wall.

Table Tennis Center "Comet" on Zagreb Boulevard.

Social home (2009-1x.) On Zagreb, next to the infectious hospital under construction.

On Fame Pr., 43/47 A new institution has appeared - Restaurant Bona Capona.


Bona Capona is one of those new restaurants, thanks to which the outskirts of the city are becoming humane. This is not a network car, not a freeb bar and not even a beer five hundred pressure gastropab. Bona Capona is an Italian restaurant with a fresh interior, open kitchen and good intentions.

Formerly here, on the corner of Fame and Bucharest, was just a beer bar with red leather sofas. The new interior of a similar eccentric refuses to favor a cute, home environment. The large hall with racks, partitions with artificial grass and elevations are divided into several zones. On the ceiling - shdled to order giant lampshades, at the other end of the entrance - an open kitchen.

Italian dishes are the main part of the long menu: Bread Tuscan Salad of Pancanell - 260 rub., Caprese - 330 rubles., Talezhio - 290 rub., Spaghetti di garbage with beef, mushrooms and paprika - 370 rub. A bit Russian, for example, Beefstoganov with mashed potatoes - 390 rubles. Grilled: Steak Ribe - 890 rubles. Or fully roasted Sybas - 540 rubles. Chef - Andrei Mikhailov ("Apartment No. 55", Kwakinn). The Japanese part came to put a sushi from the Moscow Nobu: Sushi from 50 rubles, Rolls Baked, templar, vegetarian from 140 rubles. By mid-May, a children's menu will appear.

For popular dishes special price. "We did not exaggerate the price for Caesar, as they usually do, on the contrary, reduced the markup by 40%. The one with chicken costs 280 rubles. So people will be able to easily compare our restaurant with others by this dish, whose taste they know, "says cEO, co-owner and ideological inspirer of the project Denis Sknovakov (Svelto, "Mustra").

You treat visitors here as good buddies. I liked the beer mug - take. You want to buy a vase to bring the flowers to the house - will give. Want to eat what is not in the menu and was not - twisted, prepare.

Photos: Elena Nagaenko

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