
How to reserve a current account in Sberbank. Online reservation of a current account Online reservation of a current account

Current account reservation- a popular service that has recently been offered by an increasing number of banks. This is a convenient tool that speeds up the process of obtaining a bank account number without visiting a credit institution and handing over papers. In Russia, the service has only recently been introduced, but in the world it has been in demand for a long time. After booking a current account, the resulting number can be indicated in agreements with partners and in other documents.

When is it convenient?

Bank account reservation accepts the application form submitted online. The goal is to obtain current account details at a credit institution in advance. After completing the service, the bank allocates a time during which the client must appear to transfer the required package of papers and receive the account as usual. Only after this all account options will be available.

Booking a current account will come in handy :

  • For urgent transfer of account number to business partners.
  • When you need to participate in a tender, but there is no time to fully reserve an account.
  • For use as a spare r/s to protect yourself from force majeure situations.
  • If you wish, open an account with your chosen bank in the near future and reduce the time it takes to receive services.

How is a current account reserved?

One of the client’s main tasks is strict adherence to the algorithm of actions during the registration process. Bank account reservation done like this:

  • The client enters data into the questionnaire of the selected institution, after which the account is automatically recorded for the applicant.
  • The bank sends the account number by e-mail, as well as a link to the list of papers that must be presented at the account registration stage.
  • Within the agreed period (it is different for each bank), the client must come to the institution with papers and sign the agreement. If this is not done, current account reservation is cancelled.

What should you indicate in the application form?

Applying for account reservation involves entering the following data into the form:

  • Citizenship information (resident or not).
  • Forms of company management.
  • Titles.
  • OGRN and INN.
  • Type of current account.
  • The branch where the service will be provided.
  • Name.
  • Phone and mailbox.

Basic rules

Before using the service, it is important to study the requirements put forward by the credit institution.

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Reserving a current account has a number of nuances :

  • The room is reserved for a certain period. Most often, no more than thirty days from the day the application was submitted.
  • The current account number that is provided to the applicant is for informational purposes only. This means that conducting transactions on such an account before full registration is impossible.
  • If a certain amount is sent to a reserved account, it “hangs” in the accounts of unknown funds for up to five days. This money is credited to the client's account only if the latter goes through the full procedure. In another situation, the money sent earlier is returned to the sender.
  • If the client has submitted an incomplete package of documents at the account registration stage, after 30 days the current account reservation application is canceled.

What are the advantages?

Option current account reservation gained popularity due to a number of advantages:

  • The money can be received by the credit institution at the organization’s address already on the day of registration. In this case, the account works only for enrollment until the transfer of the full package of papers. As soon as the procedure is completed, all transactions (including expenses) become available to the client.
  • The account number is transmitted via the Internet, which saves time on visiting a credit institution.
  • The process of reserving a bank account is available 24/7, that is, every day and around the clock.
  • The reserved number can be registered in various documents - agreements with clients, invoices and other papers.
  • After full activation, the number remains unchanged.

Account reservation process - a great way to speed up registration and start business activities even before opening a full-fledged account.

Citizens engaged in commerce are required to open an account/accounts with a banking institution. This is stipulated by the law of the Russian Federation. Opening an account with Sberbank for a legal entity is quite simple. You need to know a few nuances that will help you complete this operation quickly and without problems.

What is a current account

The presence of such a tool allows you to make transactions, buy necessary goods, pay salaries to company employees, and much more. Doing all this remotely is much more convenient and comfortable. Many people prefer to cooperate with Sberbank. This financial and credit institution has an excellent reputation and trust among clients.

Documents for opening

Sberbank allows you to open a current account if a legal entity provides the necessary papers (package of documents). Before going to the organization’s branch, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the conditions and programs on the bank’s official website http://www.sberbank.ru/ru/person

It will also provide information regarding current promotions and tariff plans. To complete the account opening operation, the following documents will be required:

  • Constituent documents of the company;
  • A document that confirms registration at the state level;
  • Individual taxpayer number;
  • Extract;
  • A paper that confirms the company's tax registration;
  • Confirmation from the state. statistics;
  • Questionnaire. Examples of filling are available in the bank;
  • If necessary (based on the type of activity of the company) – licenses;
  • Certificates and documents that confirm the authority of the chief accountant or manager;
  • Sample signatures of the manager and accountant and seal impressions.

As a rule, clients submit original documents. The bank makes certified copies. You can use photocopies of documentation, having first certified them by a notary.

These are all the documents you will need to bring in order to open an account with Sberbank. Next, the identification procedure will be performed, followed by the conclusion of the contract. The most difficult thing in this process is having enough free time. Since visiting a bank branch is mandatory.

When to open a current account and what parameters to consider a financial institution

Completing the operation

A bank employee must verify (identify) the legal entity and process the received data. The procedure is carried out on the basis of documents that were transferred to the organization (bank). In most cases, to open an account with Sberbank for a legal entity, no additional documents are required. However, in individual situations this happens. You need to be prepared for this in advance.

The last step is signing the contract. The procedure is carried out by an organization (legal entity) and a bank. Everything is confirmed by the seals of both institutions. After this, the employee of the financial and credit company creates an account in the registration book. Opening an account with Sberbank for a legal entity is no longer a problem. It is registered and can fully function.

It is important to remember that information regarding opening an account must be sent to the tax service, social insurance authorities and the Pension Fund.

The operation must be completed within 7 days (weeks). It is recommended to clarify in advance whether we are talking about working days or calendar days. Otherwise, an unpleasant situation may arise.

Opening an account for a legal entity online

This procedure is available to every bank client. Especially when there is no time to go to the bank office. Many managers face this problem. The remote registration function will save time and fill in the necessary data without leaving your workplace.

However, a legal entity will not be able to register an account with Sberbank in this way. The remote option only allows you to reserve a seat. The manager will still need to visit the branch within the next five days. This approach is justified if at the moment there is no opportunity to go to the bank in person, but it is necessary to open an account. The following actions need to be taken:

  • Click on the Small Business tab on the website and use the Banking services link;
  • Select the section Opening and maintaining accounts;
  • Click on the Online current account number button.

Thus, virtual registration is performed. You can open an account with Sberbank online only in this way. You will need to enter all the information necessary and required by the system.

The reserved account will have limited functionality until the customer visits the bank branch in person. In particular, financial transactions cannot be carried out. Such an account only allows you to receive funds transferred to it.


Opening an account with Sberbank for a legal entity is quite simple. Knowing what documents need to be prepared when reserving an account online, this procedure can be completed much faster.

Every legal entity and most individual entrepreneurs have to open a current account. Even if your business operates only in cash, LLCs are only allowed to pay taxes to the budget by non-cash payment. Sberbank is the largest bank in the country, including in terms of the number of corporate clients it serves. To be serviced by Sberbank for a legal entity and individual entrepreneur, you need to collect a package of documents.

Documents for opening a current account in Sberbank

The list of required papers may vary from bank to bank. For example, d for Sberbank LLC asks for a large package.

Documents for account in Sberbank:

  1. Constituent documents of a legal entity (Charter and/or Memorandum of Association). You can provide originals or notarized copies.
  2. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity and/or certificate of entry into the unified state register of legal entities. Original required.
  3. Certificate of registration with the tax authority. An original is provided, from which an authorized Sberbank employee can make copies.
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. An original or a notarized copy will do. It is also allowed to submit a copy made through the tax service service and signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the Federal Tax Service. For legal entities registered for no more than 1 month, instead of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a Record Sheet in form P50007 may be submitted.
  5. Card with samples of signatures and seal impressions. The card must be notarized. Another option is to get a card directly at the bank in the personal presence of all the persons indicated on it.
  6. Client information according to the bank form. The form must be downloaded from the Sberbank website.
  7. Documents confirming the authority of the persons indicated on the card to manage the account. The term of office must be reflected. Originals or notarized copies must be submitted.
  8. Documents confirming the powers of the sole executive body of a legal entity, including extension of the term of office. Original or notarized copy.
  9. Identity documents of the persons indicated on the card. Originals required.
  10. Licenses (permits) - if the activities of the LLC are subject to licensing.
  11. License to work with state secrets (if available).
  12. If you plan to open a current account for an LLC through a representative, then a power of attorney is required to confirm his authority, as well as an identification document.
  13. If a client connects to the E-invoicing service and submits an application to receive a qualified electronic signature key, it is additionally required to submit SNILS (insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance).

Reservation of a current account in Sberbank

As you can see, opening a current account with Sberbank for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs is not so easy. You need to collect documents in advance, almost immediately after registering the company. While you are preparing the documents, you can use the service of reserving a current account. Sberbank offers to reserve an account through an online service posted on the website. You can receive your future account details in just 5 minutes.

A reserved account can only work for depositing funds; you will not be able to withdraw money. Within 30 calendar days from the date of reservation, you must provide all documents to the bank. If the bank considers the documents correctly executed, the reserved account will become a full-fledged settlement account. You will be able to manage all accumulated funds and perform any banking transactions.

If you have not provided a set of documents within 30 days, the reserved account is canceled and the funds on it are returned to the senders.

Sberbank tariffs and service packages

Of course, one of the key points when choosing a bank is tariffs for opening an account and beyond cash management services. In the table below we reviewed the most popular Sberbank service packages with current prices as of January 1, 2017. The information concerns the city of Moscow. In other regions, the cost of services may vary.

Package "Salary"
4800 rub./month.
Package "Minimal"
1700 rub./month.
Package "Basis"
3100 rub./month.
Package "Active"
3200 rub./month.
Optima package
4100 rub./month.
Internet banking using the Sberbank Business Online system
up to 30 payment orders per month Cash withdrawal up to 200,000 rubles per month Transfer of funds to individual accounts under a “salary” agreement
Internet banking using the Sberbank Business Online system up to 5 payment orders per month

Cash acceptance up to 50,000 rubles per month

Internet banking up to 10 payment orders per month

Accept cash up to 80,000 rubles per month

Cash withdrawal up to 140,000 rubles/month.

Internet banking up to 20 payment orders per month

Cash acceptance up to RUB 300,000.

Cash withdrawal up to 100,000 rubles.

Internet banking up to 30 payment orders per month

Accept cash up to RUB 150,000.

Cash withdrawal RUB 250,000.

Advantages of Sberbank

  1. High bank reliability. In times of economic instability, bank closures are not uncommon. In Russia, since the beginning of 2016, the licenses of more than 70 banks have been revoked. You cannot envy the clients of these banks, since it is very difficult for them to return their own funds. Opening an account for legal entities with Sberbank can be a guarantee against sudden bankruptcy. The country's largest bank will not lose its license.
  2. Wide branch network. Sberbank leads in the number of branches and branches. This is a bank within walking distance. Even abroad you can use its services.
  3. Sberbank provides advice and support on foreign economic activity. Opening a foreign currency account on the same day is not a problem.

Disadvantages of Sberbank

  1. Cost of services. Opening a current account for an LLC in Sberbank will be more expensive than in many other banks. The cost of service packages is higher than similar conditions offered by competitors. There are fees for internal transfers, unfavorable exchange rates, etc.
  2. Sberbank is reluctant to work with small businesses; it is interested in large clients. A small LLC may be refused to open an account.
  3. Sberbank, as a very large financial structure, is inert. Quite a lot of bureaucracy. The package of documents for opening an account is “bloated”. When servicing legal entities, queues are not uncommon.
  4. Sberbank lacks flexibility and an individual approach to the client. Today, many banks offer the client to create his own personal package of services, which includes only those operations that are really needed.
  5. Your current account may be unexpectedly blocked if the transactions you carried out seemed dubious to bank employees. Unblocking is a long and tedious process.
  6. There is a problem with technical means. Users mainly criticize Sberbank Online for the lack of the ability to fully manage accounts.


In this article, we tried to talk about all the main points that accompany opening an account with Sberbank. Whether to follow our recommendations and where to open is, of course, up to you. In any case, you should not rely on “luck” or the opinion of one or two people. Carefully analyze and compare the tariffs, conditions, and capabilities of different banks. Read reviews on the Internet, talk to bank employees. These steps will help you make the right decision and choose exactly the bank with which you will be pleased to cooperate.

This article is the first of three that talk about the most popular banks for opening a current account. Read also our articles about and bank.

How to open a current account in Sberbank for a legal entity and individual entrepreneur updated: November 30, 2018 by: Everything for individual entrepreneurs

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The account reservation service on the Sberbank website makes it possible to quickly open a current account and use its details immediately after registration. The service is provided online or through a Contact Center operator. You can make a non-cash payment to an open account or receive data for processing documents; other operations will become available after registration at a bank branch. This must be done within 30 days.

What kind of service is this - online account reservation?

Remote account reservation is a free opportunity to register a ruble account with a bank and transfer funds to it. To apply for the service, just go to the Sberbank website and fill out a form, or call the Contact Center.

Any legal entity registered in Russia, with the exception of credit institutions, can open an account. The main condition for providing the service is registration with the tax service. The service is available 24 hours a day on any device.

After registering an account at a bank branch, it becomes possible connection of additional services:

1. Sberbank Business Online— a system that allows you to accept and send electronic payment documents, monitor the movement of funds, and check information about counterparties. The system allows you to create templates for quick payments, find out the status and stage of processing of payment orders, and integrate ready-made documents in the 1C program format.

2. Self-collection is an option with which you can deposit money into your current account at any time of the day through Sberbank ATMs.

3. Service packages. Currently, the bank provides 6 package options, differing in the number of payments made, the limit for the introduction and withdrawal of cash. The advantage of a fixed set of services is the provision of favorable conditions for transactions.

Online reservation conditions

The service is provided for legal entities registered in the Russian Federation and registered with the tax authority. All necessary details are provided immediately after filling out the form on the website or through the Contact Center.

  • Annual maintenance for free,
  • Payments are accepted from 6.00 to 23.00.
  • Account currency — rubles.

The account number is retained by the client within 30 days. To confirm registration, you need to contact a Sberbank branch with a package of documents, otherwise the account will be cancelled. Funds transferred to an unconfirmed account are stored for 5 working days. After this period has expired, they are returned to the senders.

After online registration, only two services are available - transferring payments to the account and receiving information about the details. Before completing the package of documents, it is impossible to replenish the account in cash, make collection, pay from a bank card (esquiring), and also credit funds aimed at supporting the contract under the State Defense Order.

The following account numbers are available for reservation:

How to reserve an account for a legal entity

There are 2 ways to instantly create an account:

  • on the official website of Sberbank;
  • via the Contact Center phone number.

Online registration is available on the Sberbank website in the section... Details for transferring funds are available immediately after completing the application form. Cash withdrawals and payment transfers will become available after contacting the Sberbank office with a package of documents. The period allotted for confirmation of registration is 30 days.

You must enter the following information in the online form:

  • name of the organization;
  • legal address;
  • email address and phone number;
  • type of activity;
  • revenue volume for the year;
  • main state registration number (OGRN).

Another way to register an account is to call the Contact Center number. Bank operators advise the client, enter data and provide details. To register an account, you need to call the 24-hour number 8 800 5555 777

Documents for reserving and opening a current account in Sberbank

To confirm the online registration of an account, a legal entity must provide a package of documents to the bank branch, including:

1. Constituent documents depending on the organizational and legal form of the legal entity.
The client can provide originals or copies of documents certified by a bank, notary or the body that registered the organization. In some cases, the law allows you to transfer paper details to the bank if the documents are published on the Internet on the website of official sources.

2. Original or notarized copy of a license or permit to carry out activities. If the organization's activities are related to state secrets, the client is required to provide a license or information about it.

3. Original entry sheet in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities according to form No. P50 007.

4. Original or certified copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. You can have the photocopy certified by the tax office, a notary, or the bank itself.

5. Card with samples of signatures and seals of the manager and chief accountant, as well as other persons who will carry out transactions on the account. Certified by a notary or directly at the bank.

6. Employee documents presented on the card. If the kit includes a notarized card with signatures, instead of documents you can attach a letter with the necessary data and the signature of the head of the organization.

7. A set of documents confirming assumption of office and defining the terms of reference of the manager and chief accountant, as well as other persons who will carry out transactions on the account.

8. Bank card containing information about the client. Material from it is published on the Sberbank website.

9. Documents confirming the powers of the sole executive body of a legal entity. If an authorized person is involved in registering the account, the following documents are added to the specified package:

  • original or copy of power of attorney for account registration;
  • citizen's passport;
  • migration card and residence permit for persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation.

To open a budget account, you must present papers confirming your right to service at the bank. If the organization is declared bankrupt, the decision of the Arbitration Court is added to the package. Homeowners' associations must provide a certificate of ownership of the chairman of the HOA, an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights or minutes of the HOA meeting, which contains information about the chairman's property.

Additional documents include SNILS when the bank provides an electronic signature, a state or other contract for a defense order, or papers confirming completed purchases for unitary enterprises.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Undoubtedly, it’s a convenient thing when you don’t have to wait many days for the bank to fully open a current account.

This service, as well as the recently introduced opportunity, makes the life of entrepreneurs much easier. The Bank undoubtedly strives to win the trust and loyalty of not only countless individuals, but also legal entities. And it is becoming more and more noticeable how the bias in banking services is moving towards online, without visiting offices.

The service can be ordered at sberbank.esphere.ru

What is Account Number Reservation?

An application is filled out online on the website indicating the details of the entrepreneur. After this, a current account with limited functionality is immediately created for 5 days (or 90 for government contracts). The limitation is due to the fact that This account can only accept payments , but it cannot be carried out. Sometimes it happens that you urgently need to accept a payment to another account, and this is where the reservation service comes in handy. There is no need to wait the old fashioned way for your account to be fully connected; you can accept payments within 5 minutes after completing your application.

As for the restriction only on accepting funds, it is lifted after completing the documents at the office. You can bring documents to any of the Sberbank branches selected in the application. Also, after completing the application online, the client will receive the full details of the newly created account and will be able to provide them to current counterparties.

What are the main conditions Sberbank imposes for online account reservation?

  • The service for online ordering of a current account is valid for legal entities (except for credit and autonomous non-profit organizations) and individual entrepreneurs, residents of the Russian Federation, information about which is contained in the Federal Tax Service database.
  • The reserved account must be formed within 5 days from the date of reservation (up to 90 days for support of State contracts under the State Defense Order) by submitting the necessary documents.
  • If documents are not provided within 5 days, the account is canceled and, if funds are available, the money is returned.
  • The bank may refuse to reserve an account if there is a decision to suspend payments on the client’s accounts or if there is information about questionable transactions on the accounts.
  • Only 1 account is allowed to be reserved for one client/organization
  • The reserved account is opened in rubles.
  • During the reservation period (5 days upon receipt of the online account number), the bank temporarily stores the received funds and will credit them to the account after the account is fully opened.

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