
The procedure for paying subsidies to military personnel for the purchase of housing. For how long should a housing subsidy be provided to a military personnel? What is the priority for providing housing subsidies? How is a military personnel recognized as needing housing?


This article discusses the rights to receive a housing subsidy for the purchase or construction of residential premises for military personnel, persons discharged from military service, and other categories of citizens in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On the status of military personnel.”

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🔵 The main condition for receiving a housing subsidy

From the table above it can be seen that the main condition for receiving a housing subsidy is recognition of a serviceman as needing housing. Recognition of those in need of housing in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation occurs by regional departments (link) of housing support (and their territorial departments), and in other ministries where the law provides for military service - by housing (housing and welfare) commissions.

🔵 How eligibility for housing subsidies depends on length of service

The next condition for receiving a housing subsidy is the presence of a certain length of service - depending on the date of the first contract.

For those who entered into their first contract before January 1, 1998, length of service did not matter - from the very beginning of the housing subsidy in 2014, since the first five years for which official housing is provided have long passed. And on the day of preparation of this material, everyone who entered into the first contract before January 1, 1998 already has 20 years of service in calendar terms.

For those who entered into their first contract after January 1, 1998, a prerequisite for receiving a housing subsidy is having 20 years of calendar service. For those dismissed on so-called preferential grounds (health status, organizational and staffing arrangements and reaching the age limit for military service) - at least 10 calendar years.

🔵 The right of discharged military personnel to receive housing subsidies

Citizens discharged from military service are also entitled to receive a housing subsidy under certain conditions:

  • ⭐ if a citizen during military service was recognized as in need of housing;
  • ⭐ if a citizen was fired and remained on the waiting list.

Confirmation of recognition as needing housing for former military personnel of the Ministry of Defense is inclusion in the unified register posted on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. For other ministries where the law provides for military service, confirmation is the Decision (Minutes) of the meeting of the housing commission. Dismissal while remaining on the waiting list is confirmed by an extract from the dismissal order.

There are frequent cases when a serviceman, during his military service, was recognized as in need of housing, but was still dismissed without being left on the waiting list. The reasons may be:

  • ❗ there is no sufficient length of service;
  • ❗there is no “preferential” reason for dismissal;
  • ❗not knowing the law and your housing rights;
  • ❗passive behavior of the serviceman himself (did not submit a corresponding report).

Such citizens discharged from military service cannot count on receiving a housing subsidy.

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🔵 The right to receive a housing subsidy by family members of a deceased (deceased) serviceman

Family members of a military personnel (with the exception of military personnel who are NIS participants) have the right to receive a housing subsidy:

  1. if a serviceman was killed (died) during military service,
  2. if, after completing military service under a contract, a citizen dies (died) after being discharged from military service

In the first paragraph, housing subsidies are provided in any case and do not depend on any conditions (length of service, date of conclusion of the first contract, etc.).

In the second case, a housing subsidy is provided subject to dismissal upon reaching the age limit, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing events, with calendar service of 10 years or more, or, regardless of the reason for dismissal, with calendar service of 20 years or more.

Another mandatory condition for the provision of a housing subsidy under the second point is that the serviceman, during his military service, was recognized or could be recognized those in need of housing.

🔵 Features of calculating subsidies by family members of a deceased (deceased) serviceman

  1. ⭐ When determining the number of family members taken into account deceased soldier.

The soldier has a wife and two children. In the event of the death of a serviceman, his widow will have to submit an application and indicate the deceased serviceman in the appropriate column “family composition”, that is, the family composition will be not three, but four people.

  1. ⭐ Applicable maximum coefficient 2.75 – regardless of length of service.

🔵 Who is eligible to receive a housing subsidy at their chosen place of residence?

The housing subsidy is provided by transfer to the military personnel account, which can be opened anywhere. Therefore, even such concepts as “receiving a housing subsidy at the chosen place of residence” and “receiving a housing subsidy at the place of service” cause an ordinary person bewilderment. You can read more in my article “Receiving a housing subsidy “at the place of duty” and “at the chosen place of residence”, published in issue 7-8 of the magazine “Law in the Armed Forces” for 2016. The article provides a detailed analysis of the legislation, as well as a grammatical analysis of the rules of law and an explanation of how errors in legal technique led to incorrect interpretation of the law.


This updated calculator. (Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2018 No. 387pr)
Relevance: from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018

This is a housing subsidy calculator for military personnel, as well as rules for calculating housing subsidies depending on length of service, number of family members, the right to additional space and if you own and use other residential premises

Russian Federation



(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2016 N 1540,
entered into force on January 1, 2017)

Attention! Relevance of the document as of March 1, 2018
See the current version on the websites of legal systems, for example here: Link 1 Link 2
How can I find and download the current document?

In accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Rules for calculating subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (living premises) provided to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation and other persons in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated February 3, 2014 N 76


  1. These Rules determine the procedure for calculating subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (living premises) provided to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation discharged from military service, recognized in the prescribed manner as needing residential premises (improving living conditions) (hereinafter referred to as - military personnel), and other persons in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” (hereinafter referred to as the subsidy).
  2. The calculation of the subsidy is carried out by the federal executive body (federal state body), in which military service is provided for by federal law, according to the following formula:


N - standard for the total area of ​​residential premises, determined in accordance with paragraphs 3 - 6 of these Rules;

C - standard cost of 1 sq. meters of total living space in the Russian Federation, determined by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation;

K is an adjustment factor taking into account the total duration of military service (hereinafter referred to as the adjustment factor), established in accordance with paragraphs 7 - 9 of these Rules.

  1. The standard for the total area of ​​residential premises is established in the following amount:

33 sq. meter of total living space - for a serviceman living alone;

42 sq. meters of total living space - for a family of 2 people;

18 sq. meters of total living space for each family member - for a family of 3 or more people.

  1. The standard for the total area of ​​residential premises established in accordance with paragraph 3 of these Rules is reduced:

on the total area of ​​residential premises owned by a serviceman and (or) members of his family;

for the total area of ​​residential premises occupied by a military personnel and (or) members of his family under a social tenancy agreement, if in relation to this area the indicated persons do not undertake a written obligation to terminate the social tenancy agreement, vacate it and transfer it to the body that provided the residential premises ;

to the total area of ​​residential premises, by which, as a result of actions committed by a military personnel and (or) members of his family and civil transactions, the size of occupied (available) residential premises has decreased or in respect of which alienation has been made. Such reduction is made within 5 years from the date of commission of these actions or civil transactions.

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  1. The standard for the total area of ​​living space, established in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of these Rules, increases by 15 square meters. meters if the serviceman has the right to additional living space provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 15.1 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”. If there is a right to additional living space on several grounds, the right to one of them is taken into account.
  2. For persons specified in paragraph 3.1 of Article 24 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” the standard for the total area of ​​living quarters is established in accordance with paragraphs 3 - 5 of these Rules based on the composition of the serviceman’s family on the date of his death.
  3. The correction factor is set as follows:

from 10 years to 16 years of military service - 1.85;

from 16 years to 20 years of military service - 2.25;

from 20 years to 21 years of military service - 2,375.

Starting at age 21, the adjustment factor (2.45) increases by 0.075 for each year of military service over 21 years, up to and including 2.75.

8. For persons specified in paragraph 3.1 of Article 24 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” the correction factor increases to 2.75.
Note 1 website website:

Clause 3.1 of Article 24 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel"

3.1. Family members of military personnel (with the exception of military personnel who participated in the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel) who died (died) during military service, and family members of citizens who served in military service under a contract and died (died) after dismissal from military service they have reached the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, the total duration of military service of which is 10 years or more, and if the total duration of military service is 20 years or more, regardless of the grounds for dismissal, they are recognized as needy in residential premises or who had grounds to be recognized as needing residential premises in accordance with this Federal Law, before the death (death) of a serviceman or a citizen discharged from military service, funds for the acquisition or construction of residential premises or residential premises are provided in the manner and on the terms, which are provided for in paragraphs 1, 16, 18 and 19 of Article 15 and Article 15.1 of this Federal Law, taking into account the right of a serviceman or citizen discharged from military service to additional total living space on the date of his death.


  1. For military personnel whose total duration of military service is from 10 to 20 years and who are specified in paragraph 13 of Article 15 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” the adjustment factor increases to 2.375.

Note 2 website website:

Clause 13 of Article 15 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel"

Attention! Relevance as of March 1, 2018
13. Citizens discharged from military service, whose total duration of military service is 20 years or more, and upon dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing measures for the total duration military service of 10 years or more, who were not provided with a housing subsidy or living quarters at the time of dismissal from military service, cannot, without their consent, be deregistered as those in need of living quarters at the last place of military service before dismissal and are provided with a housing subsidy or living quarters in the manner prescribed by this Federal Law for military personnel.

Purchasing your own living space to this day remains a difficult and, for many, impossible task, which is sometimes almost impossible to solve without government assistance. In order to provide Russian citizens with the opportunity to obtain their own square meters, social programs are in place for preferential categories. Housing subsidies for military personnel also serve as such a benefit.

Who is granted the right to receive assistance from the state, and what is the procedure for implementing this opportunity, we will consider further. First of all, it should be noted that funds are allowed to be used exclusively in three directions:

The subsidy provided to military personnel for the purchase of real estate gives them the right to independently choose their region of residence, combine state money with their own savings and decide how to realize it. In other words, the military has the opportunity to buy housing in a shorter time.

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Terms of service

Given recent changes in legislation, in order to receive a subsidy for the military, you only need to meet two requirements:

  • Have ten years or more of service;
  • Do not own any residential real estate to the military personnel and members of his family.

Receiving social assistance for the purchase of new housing, its construction or debt repayment occurs on a first-come, first-served basis. Such a subsidy carries a significantly smaller burden on the state budget, in contrast to the provision of housing free of charge, so you won’t have to wait for years.

It can be noted that all military personnel who meet the requirements described above have the right to receive a subsidy, but the amount of financial assistance will not be the same for everyone. The amount of the subsidy due will directly depend on how many years of service the military man has and the composition of his family. It is important to keep in mind that not only the service member, but also his family members can. The latter is a very common case when a widow is left without her own home.

How is the subsidy calculated?

The size of the social subsidy payment for military personnel depends on several factors. Standards regarding the cost of one square meter are set in the form of the current average cost of a residential property.

The area of ​​the apartment will be calculated when calculating the subsidy. Its size depends on the number of family members of the serviceman. That is, for one military man the area will be smaller than for spouses, and it will grow in accordance with the number of children. For example, a married couple has the right to receive forty-two square meters, and a military man who is not officially married only thirty-three. Further, taking into account children, each person is entitled to eighteen square meters.

There is an important nuance in which the calculated standards for the purchase of real estate will be reduced:

  • If a military man has a rental agreement;
  • If he or his spouse have been participants in a transaction involving the sale of living space over the past five years.

Another factor is the length of military service, which today contains four main categories, starting from ten years. The more years of service, the higher the subsidy ratio.

Documents to be received

To exercise his legal right to receive a subsidy, a serviceman must register as people in need of housing. This is done by submitting an appropriate application to the executive body with a package of certain documents.

List of documents for the application:

The period for consideration of the application and documents is no more than twenty days from the date of their registration. The response will be given to the applicant in writing, which will indicate whether the serviceman has been registered or whether the subsidy has been denied. In case of refusal, a letter must be sent with clearly motivated reasons for such a decision.

Payment procedure and terms

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is in charge of issuing subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing, where you need to submit a corresponding application with documents. The sequence of actions to receive government assistance is as follows.

🔵 What documents need to be provided

To transfer housing subsidies, military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families submit the following documents to the Regional Housing Administrations (or their territorial departments, branches):

  • ⭐ agreement on opening a bank account;
  • ⭐ an application for the transfer of housing subsidies indicating bank account details, signed by them and all members of their families.

🔵 What documents regulate the procedure for providing housing subsidies?

Laws on the topic

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2014 N 510 “On approval of the procedure for providing subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and citizens of the Russian Federation discharged from military service "

To conclude a bank account agreement, contact the nearest branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

When concluding a bank account agreement, ask for your account details on a separate bank letterhead: sometimes RUZHO specialists require bank account details separately, and certainly on the bank’s letterhead.

Where exactly should I go? Example: if a serviceman is doing military service in Rostov-on-Don, he sends documents to the Regional Department, to Ugregion Housing, and if he is doing military service in Krasnodar, then to the Territorial Department of Krasnodar.

For more details about the structure of RUZHO, see.

🔵 Where to get a sample application for transfer of housing subsidy

The form of the document - application for the transfer of housing subsidies is not established by law. We offer you our own version of the statement, prepared on the basis of examples available on the Internet.

🔵 Actions of housing authorities upon receipt of a serviceman’s application.

Having received an application and a bank account agreement from a serviceman or his family members, the Regional Housing Directorates will send additional requests to Rosreestr in order to verify the presence/absence of residential premises in the property.

The decision to provide a housing subsidy is made no later than ten working days from the date of receipt of information from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and transactions with it on the rights of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families to residential premises throughout the territory Russian Federation.

A copy of the decision to provide a housing subsidy is issued by the RUZHO or its territorial branch within three working days from the date of its acceptance against the signature of the military personnel, or is sent in a way that makes it possible to establish the fact that the military personnel received such a notification, and is also sent to the personnel authorities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

🔵 Notification of readiness to provide housing subsidy.

Laws on the topic

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2015 N 333
“On measures to implement in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation the third paragraph of paragraph 1 of Article 23 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel”

The Regional Housing Administration (RUZHO) or its Territorial Department (branch) draws up a Notification of readiness to provide a subsidy for the acquisition or construction of housing for a military personnel according to the recommended model, which is sent to the central authorities of military administration, associations, formations, military units and organizations at the place of passage military servicemen.

If a soldier refuses upon receipt of the Notification, the head of the military command body or a person authorized by him draws up an Act on the refusal of the serviceman to receive notification of readiness to provide a subsidy for the acquisition or construction of residential premises according to the recommended model

The act is signed by the head of the military command authority or a person authorized by him, as well as two military command officials present when delivering the Notification to the serviceman.

🔵 Implementation of the responsibility of the housing authority to provide a housing subsidy.

Housing subsidies are provided to military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families by transferring it to the bank account specified in the application.

After this, the serviceman is removed from the register of those recognized as needing residential premises, he is given (sent) a copy of the decision to remove the serviceman from this register

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🔵 How can you use housing subsidy?

You can purchase residential premises anywhere. There are no restrictions for purchasing housing abroad. You can purchase one or several residential premises - there are no restrictions here either.

The housing subsidy provided to military personnel can be used by them:

  • solely for the purpose of acquiring or constructing residential premises (residential premises);
  • under conditions under which they will lose the grounds for recognizing them as in need of residential premises.

The last point requires clarification with an example.

One of the types of government assistance to military personnel is providing them with housing. Until 2013, officers recognized as needing an apartment (or increasing existing living space) received square meters from the funds of the Ministry of Defense.

Due to the fact that the number of departmental apartments did not correspond to the number of conditions in need of improved conditions, the queue for housing could last for several years. For this reason, legislative documents were adopted to allow military personnel to exercise their right to receive housing through a one-time cash subsidy.

Grounds for receiving housing subsidies

Receipt of payments from the state for the purchase of housing is guaranteed only to those military personnel on the waiting list who were accepted for housing registration until 2005. Military personnel who have received the status of needing housing in subsequent years can count on purchasing an apartment only within the framework of the military mortgage program. Article 15 of Law No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel” establishes the grounds on which officers can apply for a housing allowance:

  • conclusion of a military contract in the period before 1998;
  • lack of home ownership;
  • having the status of someone in need of an apartment or improvement of existing conditions;
  • at least 10 years of service;
  • dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit or health condition (if you have 10 years of service);
  • officers living in service apartments and having at least 20 years of service.

The provision of financial assistance by the state is exclusively targeted. A serviceman can spend the money received on the purchase or construction of housing - both in a new building and on the secondary market.

The right to choose the type of residential premises and its geographical location remains with the recipient of the subsidy.

What determines the size of the housing subsidy for the military?

The amount of state housing subsidies allocated to military personnel directly depends on the following factors:

  • the size of the living space entitled to the applicant on the basis of legislation;
  • established average cost per square meter;
  • an adjustment factor proportional to the military experience of the person on the waiting list.

Size of area to apply for a subsidy

The housing standard for the provision of subsidies is determined in Resolution No. 76, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, which sets out the procedure for determining the amount of subsidies.

In accordance with these documents, the state guarantees housing to military personnel in the following amounts:

  • for single officers - 33 square meters;
  • for a family of two people – 42 square meters;
  • for families consisting of three or more people - at least 18 square meters for each person.

Basic standards for the provision of housing can be adjusted in one direction or another if there are objective grounds.

An increase in the current size of living space when calculating subsidies is allowed for the following beneficiaries:

  • teachers of military educational institutions or corresponding departments in civilian universities;
  • officers with scientific degrees or honorary titles accepted in the Russian Federation;
  • military personnel who have risen to high ranks - marshals, generals, colonels, or having the position of commander.

If there are several reasons for increasing the amount of housing financed, the serviceman has the right to choose only one of them.

The size of the footage established for calculating the cash payment may be reduced in the following cases:

  • if a serviceman acquired real estate ownership over the years of service (in Russia or abroad);
  • if during the last five years before applying for a subsidy, the potential person on the waiting list sold his existing housing;
  • if an officer and his family occupy an apartment on the basis of a social tenancy agreement and have the opportunity to privatize it.

In these situations, the amount of “paid” square meters required for calculating the subsidy is established minus the living space that served as the basis for reducing the square footage.

To receive 100% financing for the purchase of their own housing, military personnel living in municipal apartments on social rental terms have the right to rent out their existing apartment to the official owner. Termination of a social tenancy agreement and refusal of the possibility of privatization is formalized in writing.

Housing cost standard

The basic value of the average market cost per square meter of living space is calculated by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services in accordance with the prices in force in a particular region. The calculation of the standard for the purposes of calculating government subsidies is carried out twice a year. Thus, in the first half of this year, the price of 1 square meter was fixed at 37,208 rubles.

For individual cities of federal significance and individual regions, the Ministry of Construction calculates separate standards for the cost of 1 m 2 of living space.

First of all, this applies to Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the price per square meter is 90,400 and 58,112 rubles, respectively, as well as to the Moscow and Leningrad regions, the Crimean Republic, and Sakhalin.

Adjustment of service member's length of service coefficient

The amount of housing financing directly depends on how many calendar years the military person on the waiting list devoted to serving the Motherland. Resolution No. 76 of 02/03/2014 lists the size of the adjustment coefficients that are used when calculating the subsidy:

Algorithm for calculating housing subsidies

For military veterans with more than 21 years of service, the law establishes an annual increase in the coefficient by 0.075, subject to continued performance of their duties. The maximum adjustment factor is 2.75.

The formula that underlies the mechanism for calculating housing subsidies for military personnel is as follows:

BC = RM * NSJ * KK, where:

  • ВС – the amount of the subsidy;
  • RM – the size of the required footage depending on the number of family members of the officer;
  • NSZh – the cost per square meter established by the Ministry of Construction;
  • CC – adjustment factor.

All values, with the exception of the average market cost per square meter, are variable and are taken into account for each specific case.

An example of calculating a one-time payment for housing

A serviceman with the rank of colonel, holding the position of head of a military department at a university, has 17 years of service.

The number of family members living with him is 3 people. He has been registered and has the status of those in need of housing since 2003.

When calculating the subsidy, you must enter the following information:

  • The size of the footage according to the standard is 4 * 18 square meters = 72 square meters. meters. In addition, a benefit is applied to increase the permissible living space on one of the grounds - rank or position held. The total footage, taking into account the benefits, will be 72+ 15 = 87 sq. meters;
  • cost standard for 2017 (first half of the year) = 37,208 rubles;
  • the adjustment factor for 17 years of service will be 2.25.

The total amount of the one-time housing subsidy will be:

BC = 87 * 37208 * 2.25 = 7,283,466 rubles.

In situations where one family has 2 or more family members applying for a housing subsidy, it is necessary to choose one, the most profitable option. Housing subsidies for individual family members cannot be summed up; the state will pay money only to one of those on the waiting list.

If a serviceman died after reaching the maximum age of service or died while serving, then the family of the deceased (died) person on the waiting list is entitled to an increase in the adjustment coefficient when calculating the amount of state assistance.

Documents for obtaining a housing subsidy and the procedure for receiving it

The housing subsidy is issued on the basis of the package of documents collected by the beneficiary:

  • personal identification documents of the person on the waiting list and all family members (passports, birth certificates of children);
  • marriage certificate or divorce certificate;
  • a document confirming the current status of those in need of improvement/purchase of housing;
  • certificate of availability and amount of military experience;
  • an extract from the house register or personal account of the tenant for the last five years;
  • a certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the absence of real estate registered on the military waiting list;
  • documents confirming the availability of benefits for calculating footage.

The listed papers must be accompanied by an application for payment of the subsidy, which must contain the handwritten signatures of all family members. An indispensable attribute is a bank account agreement for the transfer of government funds.

The generated package of documents is submitted for review to the territorial housing department of the Ministry of Defense, where the information provided is verified within 20 days. At the same time, the housing department sends a request to the Rosreestr authorities to confirm the benefit recipient’s right to receive financing.

After a period of days established by law, the housing support body of the Ministry of Defense is obliged to make a decision on the provision of a subvention for the purchase of real estate. The maximum period allotted by the legislator for a one-time preferential payment cannot exceed 30 calendar days. There is only one reason for refusing to transfer money - if the serviceman has lost the right to improve the area due to a change in his living conditions.

The law allows for the possibility of a serviceman on the waiting list purchasing an apartment, the footage of which will exceed the established standard, taking into account all the benefits. In this case, the surplus will be paid by the serviceman himself based on the average cost per square meter. When calculating excess footage, the design features of the purchased housing are taken into account. The decision to provide increased funding is not binding and is made by the command depending on specific circumstances.


State subsidies for the provision of housing for representatives of military professions are not without shortcomings. In particular, in some regions the price of 1 m2 significantly exceeds the normatively calculated cost.

However, with the introduction of the financing mechanism, it provides a real opportunity to purchase an apartment for officers and their family members in almost any city in the country. And taking into account the possibility of simultaneous use of military subsidies, maternity capital and other preferential instruments, you can qualify for the purchase of substantial real estate.

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