
How to get a mortgage from Sberbank using maternity capital. How to get a mortgage using maternity capital? How to get a mortgage using maternity capital funds

First, let's try to find out what maternity capital is. So, maternal or family capital is one of the forms of support for Russian families in which a second child appeared (was born or was adopted), and so on. The amount of maternity capital changes every year.

At the beginning of the support program, maternity capital was issued in the amount of 250 thousand rubles. In 2015, its amount increased to 453,000 rubles.

Maternity capital is intended for one of the child’s parents in the form of a non-cash certificate.

The assistance amount can be spent:

  • to improve housing for the family. This means the purchase or construction of a larger property, and it does not matter whether it is an apartment or a country house. Maternity capital can be used to make additional payments or repay a mortgage loan;
  • for the child’s education: payment for kindergarten, school, studies in higher educational institutions, and so on;
  • to increase the parents' pension in the child's future.

Spending capital for other purposes, for example, repaying consumer loans, is prohibited by law.

The issue of paying off a loan to purchase a car is currently being considered, but as of March 2015 this law has not been adopted.

You can receive a certificate for maternal capital at the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

For what purposes can you borrow funds?

One way to use family capital is to buy or build real estate. Sberbank of Russia and some other banks issue in the form of a mortgage loan.

With family capital you can:

  • pay off a mortgage loan previously received from the bank;
  • make a down payment or a certain amount on a newly acquired mortgage loan.

The law stipulates that capital funds can be used only after the child turns 3 years old. The exception is mortgage lending, to which you can redirect money almost immediately after the birth of a child.

Terms of a loan from Sberbank for maternity capital

Currently, Sberbank provides three lending programs for maternity capital:

  • purchasing a larger home;
  • purchase of real estate under construction;
  • self-building of a house.

The following conditions apply to a loan aimed at purchasing a new apartment:

  • a mortgage loan secured by family capital can be issued both in rubles and foreign currency (Euros or dollars);
  • The minimum loan amount at the beginning of 2015 is 450 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 18 million rubles. Loans in foreign currency are issued equivalent to this amount, based on the official exchange rate;
  • a mortgage loan can be obtained for a period of no more than 30 years;
  • In each case, the interest rate is calculated individually. It depends on factors such as the amount of the down payment, which should be from 10 to 15% of the loan amount and the loan term. The average rate is 12 – 13.5% per annum;
  • the acquired property must be registered in the name of the borrower and/or in joint ownership, including children;
  • The mortgage borrower must have at least 5 years of work experience. Of these, the experience at the last place of work must be 6 months or more;
  • Loan repayment is made once a month according to the developed payment schedule;
  • family capital funds must be transferred to the Sberbank account within the next 6 months;

If a loan for home improvement is taken out for a property that is under construction, then the same conditions apply to the loan as in the previous case.

A loan for self-construction of housing is issued under the following conditions:

  • the loan currency (rubles, euros or dollars) is chosen by the borrower independently;
  • the minimum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles or equivalent amounts in foreign currency;
  • You can get a loan for a period not exceeding 30 years;
  • on a loan, the interest rate is calculated based on the amount and term of the loan, as well as the size of the down payment made;
  • the loan amount is issued to the borrower in parts, according to the developed schedule;
  • the borrower can be a person with a total work experience of at least 5 years. At the last place of service, the length of service must be more than 6 months;
  • Debt repayment must be made every month according to the payment schedule.

Under any lending program, the purchased property will be pledged to the lender until the debt is fully repaid.

Procedure for borrowing money

A loan secured by maternal capital in Sberbank is issued according to the following scheme, standard for all products offered:

  • at a bank branch, the borrower fills out an application of a certain form, to which all the necessary documents are attached;
  • a decision from the credit institution is expected, which will take from 7 to 14 days;
  • After receiving the decision (if the loan is approved), it is necessary to collect all the documents for the property being purchased or under construction. If real estate is purchased, then the documents include a purchase and sale agreement for real estate and a copy and certificate of its state registration;

For housing under construction, shared construction agreements and copies of permits will be required. For independent construction, you will need a certificate of ownership of the land plot and a obtained permit for construction work.

  • all collected documents are transferred to the bank;
  • a collateral agreement is also concluded with the credit institution;
  • the collateral is insured by the borrower independently;
  • After receiving the funds, the borrower must submit an application to the Pension Fund to transfer funds to Sberbank for the loan received.

The application is reviewed within one month. Next, the family capital funds are transferred to the bank account.

What documents are needed

When submitting an application to receive family capital as collateral, a bank employee must provide:

  • completed application form;
  • a copy of the borrower's passport;
  • a certificate from your place of employment about your length of service and salary;
  • marriage certificate (relevant for two-parent families);
  • birth certificate of the child in connection with which the right to family capital arose;
  • maternity capital certificate;
  • an extract provided by the Pension Fund on the amount of the remaining capital;
  • documents for housing purchased or under construction;
  • confirmation of payment of the down payment;
  • documents required for concluding a pledge agreement.

To obtain the right to dispose of family capital, you need to prepare a package of documents for the Pension Fund:

  • relevant statement;
  • original and copy of the family capital certificate;
  • pension insurance certificate issued previously to the owner of the certificate;
  • passport;
  • a copy of the loan agreement concluded with the bank;
  • a certificate from the bank about the amount of debt;
  • a copy of the state registration certificate for the property purchased under the loan agreement;
  • a certificate of family composition and personal account status at the specified address of the property.

From the above it is clear that the package of documents is quite extensive. But if you go through all the authorities step by step, the documents will automatically be collected in full.

Drawing up and concluding a contract

After submitting all documents, a loan agreement secured by family capital is drawn up by Sberbank employees. Before signing the document, the borrower is recommended to read it completely.

If any unclear issues arise, it is better to contact a specialist for clarification.

A loan agreement providing for the use of family capital funds is practically no different from a mortgage agreement.

The document contains the following information:

  • about the identity of the borrower and the organization of the lender;
  • on lending conditions, including the amount, loan term and interest rate accrued annually;
  • about the acquired property;
  • on the rights and obligations of the parties.

The difference between the document is that the agreement specifies when and in what amount part of the debt will be repaid using family capital.

The loan agreement is concluded only in the personal presence of the borrower at a Sberbank branch.

Together with the main document, a pledge agreement is concluded and a debt repayment schedule is drawn up.

Sample contract

This document is an example only. Sberbank has the right, according to its rules, to change some clauses or add new ones.

Transfer of funds

Family capital funds cannot be obtained in cash, just like funds received as a result of mortgage lending.

Upon receipt of a mortgage, the entire loan amount will be transferred by the bank to the account of the apartment seller or to the account of the company responsible for the construction of the future apartment. You can receive money in your hands only through a program for lending housing built on your own.

After submitting an application to the Pension Fund, funds from the family capital account will be transferred to the Sberbank account.

Video: How to take out a loan from Sberbank and Russian banks

How to pay off debt

Repayment of a loan against maternity capital occurs in several stages:

  • by order of the owner of the certificate, the Pension Fund repays part of the debt with funds from maternity capital;
  • For the remaining amount, a debt repayment schedule is drawn up, according to which payments must be made.

You can pay off the remaining debt (after transferring money from the capital account):

  • at a Sberbank branch, using the services of an operator;
  • through an ATM in cash or a plastic card;
  • in any other bank using account details. In this situation, additional fees may apply.

The choice of debt repayment method is a borrower's priority.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a loan

Maternity capital issued by Sberbank has certain advantages and disadvantages.

  • availability of mortgage lending for families. Sberbank is more willing to issue loans using family capital than a regular mortgage. This is due to the fact that part of the money for repayment is transferred to the bank as soon as possible;
  • Sberbank has benefits for lending to young families;
  • interest rates on mortgages using family capital are slightly lower;
  • complete absence of various commissions, including for maintaining a bank account.

The most important disadvantage of a loan against family capital and mortgage lending directly lies in the presence of restrictions on real estate transactions purchased with borrowed funds, since the object of the transaction is pledged to the lending organization.

Maternity or family capital is issued to improve the standard of living of families with more than one child.

Although the funds received from the state can only be spent on a few needs, this is quite enough. It is especially good to expand the family’s living space with the help of maternity capital.

Video: Maternity capital with a mortgage: pros and cons

Due to its general availability, the mortgage service at Sberbank is becoming increasingly widespread among the population; in particular, there is great interest in housing loans using (family) maternity capital, which serves as a down payment. Sberbank dominates in the field of mortgage loans provided to young parents.

  • as a down payment;
  • in the form of partial repayment of debt (early repayment of an existing loan, etc.).

List of required documentation for submitting an application to Sberbank under the “Mortgage + Maternity Capital” program

One of the advantages of family capital is the ability to get a mortgage without a down payment. To provide a loan, you need to prepare certain documentation, namely:

If necessary, additional documents may be required, a full list of which can be provided by the manager and contact center operator. To prove your creditworthiness, it doesn’t hurt to collect as much documentation as possible.

After submitting an application for a loan, Sberbank will make a decision; this may take up to three days. The next step is to start looking for housing (it is possible to buy an apartment both in a new building and on the secondary real estate market).

After the transaction and the issuance of loan funds, you should write a petition to the Pension Fund, where it will be noted that the maternity capital money is intended to be spent on a mortgage. In this case, you should obtain a certificate of debt under the loan agreement from Sberbank.

Advantages of a mortgage from Sberbank with maternity capital as a down payment

Housing loans using family capital, spent as a down payment, contain a number of advantages:

  • no commission;
  • the ability to use purchased property and other real estate as collateral;
  • it is possible to attract co-borrowers;
  • due to the benefits provided, reduced interest;
  • It is no longer necessary to wait until the child reaches three years of age. Since 2017, maternity capital can be invested in improving comfort or expanding housing at any time.

Based on the laws of the Russian state, there are restrictions on transactions with real estate of close relatives and children who are minors. Certificate holders need to be aware of this. Maternity capital will be awarded to the family that has a second child.

Real state assistance is provided only once, regardless of the number of children and is strictly in cashless payments. In 2017, the value of the certificate document in monetary terms is 453,026 rubles. Every year the monetary value of maternity capital is indexed.

Options for using maternity capital

Financial resources from maternity capital can be used for:

  • increasing the comfort of housing;
  • payment for the child’s educational process;
  • increasing the mother's pension;
  • social adaptation of disabled children.

Also, one of the options for carrying out transactions through a certificate is the purchase of real estate from relatives. Such transactions are made to obtain real estate of a large area or to improve the home.

Legal nuances

It should be remembered that before drawing up a contract for the sale and purchase of an apartment, it is imperative to indicate that the mortgage is issued with a mother’s certificate as a down payment; such an action will eliminate possible legal problems when purchasing real estate.

A transaction between relatives using maternity capital is not prohibited by law. To buy, for example, an apartment from your parents with a Sberbank mortgage, it is necessary that they (the parents) own other real estate for living. Only in this case will Sberbank approve such a transaction for you!

Mandatory registration of common shared ownership

If one family expresses a desire to purchase real estate from relatives, this purchase and sale operation is carried out with the indispensable involvement of children. However, the agreement may be considered invalid if at the stage of its conclusion at least one child - the seller of the apartment - has not reached the age of majority, since this is contrary to current law.

However, in Article 37, paragraph 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation it is noted that neither the guardian nor the trustee, as well as their closest relatives, have the right to carry out transactions with the pupil, except in cases where real estate is provided to the ward as a gift or in free disinterested use, and at the same time it is prohibited to be a representative of the pupil when drawing up agreements or conducting court cases between the pupil and the guardian’s spouse and their closest relatives.

Initially, property is registered only in the name of the parents - spouses, in the form of common joint property. In this case, the real estate purchase and sale agreement can be drawn up in simple written form. But the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will transfer maternity capital to Sberbank only after the borrowers provide the pension fund with a notarized undertaking that subsequently, after repaying the mortgage and removing the encumbrance in the form of collateral, by force of law in favor of Sberbank, shares will be allocated to all family members.

At the final stage of the mortgage, common shared ownership is registered, since the purchased housing is registered in the name of each family member. After paying off the mortgage, the spouses, through a notary, draw up either a gift agreement for children or an agreement on determining the shares.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Maternity (Family) Capital” states that a person who used maternity capital funds to purchase real estate must register this real estate as the common shared property of the person who has the received certificate and his family (spouse) , children).

If, in a real estate purchase and sale agreement, common shared ownership is registered in the name of both spouses and children, then in this case a notarial form of the agreement is required, or, as an alternative, the spouses need to draw up a marriage agreement with a notary regarding future housing (besides, this option is cheaper). Tariffs for notarization of transactions are approved in each region. But the difference between the cost of notarizing a transaction and a marriage contract is approximately 7,000 - 10,000 rubles.

Upon registration mortgage loan maternity capital can be used for a down payment or partial early repayment of the mortgage. The down payment may be 10% lower compared to the terms of standard programs.

The program is designed for families with two or more children. If you are going to improve your living conditions with a mortgage with maternity capital from DeltaCredit Bank, you will be able to:

a) reduce the amount of own funds initially required to purchase living space;

b) save time: transfer of funds to the bank account is made by non-cash payment from the Pension Fund;

c) optimize the terms of the mortgage - using maternity capital for partial early repayment, the amount of monthly payments or the loan term can be reduced (at the borrower’s choice).

Requirements for a borrower for mortgage lending

Clients wishing to take out a mortgage (housing loan) using maternity capital must meet the following requirements.

  • The general, or basic, established by the bank for any program: age from 20 years at the time of registration and up to 65 at the time of repayment, confirmation of work experience (at least 6 months at the last place of work) and solvency.

  • Private, provided for by the special program “Lending taking into account maternal (family) capital”: the presence of an appropriate state certificate for and a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the amount of funds due to you.

What can you buy with a mortgage using maternity capital?

Real estate is available for lending in both the primary and secondary markets. By type of housing, it can be an apartment, a share in an apartment, a room, or a country house. DeltaCredit programs allow a potential borrower to choose a housing option based on their wishes and capabilities.

For example, living outside the city is becoming increasingly popular, especially among large families with children. By taking out a mortgage (housing loan) against maternity capital for a country house, you will ensure yourself space, natural beauty, clean air and independence from your neighbors without giving up comfort - houses in modern villages have the necessary communications, they are warm and reliable.

Taking out a mortgage against maternity capital for a share in an apartment or a room on the secondary market means expanding the existing living space (if, for example, we are talking about the last share) or taking care of the future (investing in a loan to purchase a separate home for a growing child).

And of course, within the framework of the program, you can get a mortgage using maternity capital for the most popular type of real estate - an apartment. In the case of a “secondary housing”, this is an opportunity not to postpone the move and not wait for the development of the area’s infrastructure; Housing under construction has a lower cost per square meter and an initially small down payment, which can be further reduced with a mortgage using maternity capital. You can check with our specialists for more detailed information.

Whatever market and type of real estate you are interested in, a loan from our bank will help you realize your plans and make the long-awaited purchase. Don’t miss your chance, because mortgage lending with maternity capital and additional options is a convenient and effective tool for solving the housing problem.

Check out the Bank's special offer

Buying a home is a pressing issue that every person faces in life. The largest banking organization in Russia, Sberbank, has developed a number of credit programs that allow you to obtain a loan to purchase housing on favorable terms. Some state bills also contribute to this, which makes the question relevant for study in 2019: “How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank?”

Additional funding from the state is issued upon the birth of a second child, but it can only be used for specific purposes. The demand for the program among the population contributed to the extension of the bill until 2020. It is first necessary to study the basic issues regarding obtaining permission to use finance and a list of additional documentation.

In this material we will look at:

  • what is maternity capital?
  • the possibility of using additional preferential financing for working with loans;
  • documentation requirements and other recommendations;
  • the relevance of a modern solution for today.

Mortgage plus maternity capital in Sberbank: conditions for obtaining

In order to increase the population, the general standard of living and the financial situation of residents, a state bill was adopted - a project on the payment of funds at the birth of the second and each subsequent child. This type of financing is called “maternity capital” and can be used for three years. However, subsequent amendments changed the current situation and allow funds to be spent on purchasing new or improving old housing conditions until the minimum threshold is reached.

Money can be spent:

  • to repay the balance of the loan for the above purpose;
  • as a down payment, which is included in the minimum threshold for the possibility of receiving funds.

When considering a mortgage loan for maternity capital at Sberbank, the conditions are as follows:

  • first obtain permission from the relevant government agency - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • decide whether you want to apply for a new loan or pay off an existing debt;
  • the list of documentation required to be provided may vary and is compiled individually;
  • The minimum period for completing the procedure for receiving money and processing your request is 1 month; take this factor into account when planning your purchases.

Although restrictions on the minimum age of a child have been officially eliminated, working with such clients may increase processing times and require additional confirmation.

What documents are needed

Although this requirement is established individually after contacting the Pension Fund, you must first familiarize yourself with the approximate list, since the time for collecting it may take longer. Each case should be considered separately, which will allow us to paint an approximate picture of the final situation after receiving a positive result for the issuance of funds.

If you are already a client of Sberbank and regularly repay your debt, order a statement with the current debt balance. The tariff plan used must support the possibility of early repayment and not impose penalties on this process. If the conditions meet the stated criteria, make a written statement in the prescribed form.

In this way you can:

  • pay off part of the remaining debt;
  • eliminate the mortgage completely.

Using preferential funds as a down payment will reduce the number of required payments and have a positive impact on the final interest rate. Here you will not need to make a balance request, you will only need the appropriate permission and written statement. Each of the above methods is quite interesting and requires separate study.

Sberbank - mortgage with maternity capital as a down payment

The use of maternity capital is most popular when making a down payment on a mortgage. This will solve financial problems that may arise when collecting the required minimum 15% of the cost of the purchased property. Having received the necessary certificate from the Pension Fund, you can begin further work with documents. After all funds have been credited, bank employees will recalculate and provide correct information about subsequent payments.

The interest rate and other conditions depend on the specific tariff plan, the choice of which plays an important role in the question “How to get a mortgage with maternity capital from Sberbank?”

The list of documents required to provide includes both information about maternity capital and the necessary data for obtaining a loan:

  • passport or other identification document;
  • income certificate in form 2-NDFL;
  • extract from current place of work;
  • documents for the purchased property;
  • extract from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • written statement;
  • other information that may be requested on an individual basis.

Mortgage repayment calculator with maternity capital in Sberbank

Apartment price:

Down payment:

Loan term:

months years

Interest rate:

% per year % per month

Repayment scheme

Annuity Classic

One-time commission

Monthly commission

Annual commission

Monthly loan payment:

Monthly commission:

Overpayment in monetary terms:


Loan interest:

In the list of financial institutions of the Russian Federation that have the right to work with maternity capital, Sberbank rightfully occupies one of the leading places. The main advantage of using this type of benefit at Sberbank is the possibility of obtaining a housing loan in the amount of 100% of the cost of housing.

Thousands of families have already taken advantage of the special program “Mortgage plus maternity capital”. Until now, funds could only be used to repay an existing mortgage loan. But since 2013, family capital has also been used to make a down payment on both finished and under construction housing. There are several loan programs in which benefits can be used to improve housing conditions.

Sberbank loan programs

How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital?

Family capital can be used to pay off an existing mortgage loan.

What steps need to be taken in this direction?

  • Receive a standard certificate from a Sberbank branch containing the following information:
    1. The amount of the mortgage balance (principal and interest);
    2. Type of lending;
    3. Data on overdue debts, if any.
  • With this certificate, contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund, where, using the established form, you need to write an application for the transfer of maternity capital to pay off the mortgage. The application must be reviewed within 1-2 months, then the benefit will be transferred to the bank as early repayment of part of the mortgage debt.

Detailed description of loan products using maternity capital

Loan for the purchase of finished housing

A loan for finished housing can be provided for a period of up to 30 years inclusive in an amount from 45,000 rubles to 85% of the estimated/contractual value of the property. The down payment is at least 15%.


  1. No loan fees;
  2. Insurance against various risks of collateral is mandatory;
  3. The housing being financed or any other property can be used as collateral;
  4. Three people can be involved as co-borrowers (the amount of their income will affect the amount of the possible loan);
  5. Benefits are expected in the form of a reduced interest rate and softer requirements in terms of proof of employment of the borrower.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Strict requirements for borrowers. To obtain a mortgage, the minimum work experience at the last place of work must be 6 months, the total work experience must be at least 1 year;
  2. To confirm income, an extensive package of documents is provided: a certificate in form 2-NDFL, a tax return, a certificate of receipt of a pension. Only official income is taken into account: wages at the main/second place of work, declared profits from business and a number of social benefits: pensions, temporary disability benefits.

Loan for the purchase of housing under construction
Most of the conditions for this loan program are similar to the previous one with all the advantages and disadvantages. The main differences include the procedure for registering a pledge.

Any premises other than the one being financed are accepted as collateral. A single loan rate applies throughout the entire lending period. When registering housing under construction as collateral until the mortgage is registered, the interest rate increases by 1%. If the loan amount is less than 300,000 rubles, registration of housing as collateral is not required.

What are the conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan from Sberbank using maternity capital?

The main conditions for obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank are the following:

  1. Only the holder of the certificate will be able to become an applicant for the transfer of maternity capital funds; he must personally present this document to the bank.
  2. Sberbank provides a mortgage loan for the purpose of purchasing square meters on the secondary housing market and in new buildings.
  3. When purchasing an apartment, it is necessary to register common shared ownership of all members of the borrower’s family: husband, wife and all children (optional), establishing the specific share of each of them.

Within 6 months from the date of granting the loan, you should contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application regarding the transfer of maternity capital funds to repay the loan and interest on it.

List of documents for obtaining a mortgage

When applying for a mortgage loan from Sberbank, you will need a number of documents: a standard set and an additional one, in accordance with the provisions of the “Mortgage plus maternity capital” program.

Standard package of documents:

  1. Application form of the borrower on the Bank's letterhead;
  2. Application form of a co-borrower/guarantor/mortgagor of an individual;
  3. Copies of all pages of the passport of the borrower, guarantor and/or Pledgor with presentation of the original;
  4. Documents relating to the employment and financial status of the borrower/co-borrower/guarantor, which indicate the amount of the Borrower’s income and guarantor and deductions from them:
    • Those working at enterprises provide a certificate of employment for the last six months on Bank letterhead;
    • Those working for an individual entrepreneur - a certificate for 6 months on the Bank's letterhead, a document in form 2-NFDL and an employment contract.
  5. Documents relating to the purchased real estate, in particular, a purchase and sale agreement, a copy of the certificate of state registration of the seller’s ownership of the apartment, an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It, and others;
  6. A certificate certifying the availability of the down payment (this can be an account statement or payment receipts).

For a loan amount exceeding 200,000 rubles, a guarantee from a spouse is required.

Additional package of documents for the “Mortgage plus maternity capital” program:

  1. State certificate for receiving maternity (family) capital.
  2. A document on the balance of family capital in the applicant’s account, provided by the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It must be provided no later than 4 months from the date the Bank adopted a resolution on the possibility of issuing a mortgage loan.
  3. Certificate of income of the applicant himself and his co-borrowers.

Examples of repaying mortgage loans using matkapital

Purchase of housing under construction

Let's say the borrower's average monthly income for 6 months is 40,000 rubles. with a loan term of 120 months, a down payment of 50% and the start of payments on 06/13/2014. In this case, we get the following payout algorithm:

Purchase of finished housing

Let’s say the borrower’s average monthly income for 6 months is 30,000 rubles. with a loan term of 60 months, a down payment of 50% and the start of payments on 06/13/2014. In this case, we get the following payout algorithm:

How to get a loan and pay a down payment?

Those wishing to use maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage at Sberbank must provide two documents to the bank: the certificate itself and a document from the territorial office of the Pension Fund about the balance of maternity capital.

This certificate is submitted to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund, where, according to the established form, you need to write an application for the transfer of maternity capital as a down payment. After reviewing the application, the necessary funds will be transferred to the bank.

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