
Mandatory liability insurance for dangerous objects. Safety of dangerous objects. Problems in the insurance of public health organizations

Insurance of hazardous production facilities is a mandatory type of insurance in accordance with current legislation. Both dangerous stationary objects and those that transport cargo containing hazardous substances are subject to insurance. The operation of such facilities can lead to harm as a result of fires or accidents of a sanitary-epidemiological or environmental nature. Liability insurance for owners of hazardous facilities is relevant primarily for those legal entities that operate specific production facilities and sites legally, which is confirmed by a set of permitting documents.

HPF insurance allows you to ensure the property interests of an organization acting as an insured to compensate for damage caused to property, health or life of third parties or the state of the environment. The insurer determines the amount of insurance payment, guided by the investigation report into the causes of the accident, court decisions and other materials containing data on the amount of damage caused.

On January 1, 2012, the new Federal Law No. 225-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage resulting from an accident at a hazardous facility” (OPO) came into force. It should be noted that before this date, other conditions for insurance of this type of liability were in force, but since 2012, all dangerous objects must be insured in accordance with new standards. From April 1, 2012, all owners of dangerous objects who did not manage to conclude an insurance contract in accordance with the new law will be fined. Officials will be fined up to 20 thousand rubles, legal entities up to 500 thousand rubles.

The risk of an accident at a hazardous facility is the basis for coverage under a hazardous industrial facility insurance policy. The wording of “accident” is clearly stated in the law. Accident - damage or destruction of structures of technical devices used at a hazardous facility, explosion, release of hazardous substances, failure or damage to technical devices, deviation from the technological process mode, discharge of water from a reservoir, liquid waste from industrial and agricultural organizations that arose during the operation of a hazardous facility and resulted in harm to the victims.

Insurance amounts and rules for insurance of dangerous objects.

The insurance amounts are established according to the following rules: if The enterprise provides for the mandatory development of an industrial safety declaration at a dangerous object, then the following scale applies:

What if development of an industrial safety declaration is not provided, then the insured amount is determined based on the following conditions:

Basic conditions for insurance of hazardous production facilities:

Key points and main conditions of the new law on liability insurance for the operation of hazardous facilities (HFO):

  • The insured amount is not aggregate, i.e. For each insured event within the framework of one insurance contract, a payment equal to the insured amount can be made.
  • Insurance rates from 0.02% to 4.94%.
  • The responsibility for insurance lies with the owner of the dangerous object.
  • The insurance covers damage to workers at a hazardous facility.
  • The law sets a payment amount of 2 million rubles for each victim in the event of death as a result of an accident.
  • Harm to the environment and the environment is not covered.
  • Tariffs, amounts of insurance amounts, insurance rules, standard documents for insurance of hazardous production facilities are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • The insurance contract for hazardous objects within the framework of 225-FZ is concluded only with an insurance company that has membership in the National Union of Liability Insurers (NULI).
  • All insurance companies involved in insuring hazardous objects have the same rates.
  • The insurance contract is concluded on a single, specially designed form with protection against forgery.
  • Hydraulic structures are also insured under 225-FZ.

Exclusions from insurance coverage have both a number of standard formulations and certain special clauses fixed in the law and insurance rules. Accidents that occur due to:

  • exposure to radiation, nuclear explosion;
  • military actions;
  • civil unrest, strikes, civil war;
  • sabotage and terrorist acts.

The insurer does not indemnify:

  • damage caused to the property of the insured;
  • harm caused to the property of the victim whose intentional actions caused an accident at a hazardous facility;
  • damages that are lost profits, including losses associated with the loss of the marketable value of property, as well as moral damage;
  • harm to the natural environment;
  • harm caused outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

On January 1, 2012, Federal Law No. 225 “On compulsory liability insurance of the owner of a hazardous object” (OPO) came into force. It regulates the relations of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and determines liability for causing harm to the life and health of victims as a result of an accident that occurred at any facility on the territory of the Russian Federation.


Compulsory civil liability insurance for the owner of a dangerous facility was not introduced by chance. The cause was several major emergencies, which resulted in damage to people. The most notorious incident occurred on December 3, 1984 in Bhopal (India) at the Union Carbide enterprises. As a result of the explosion, 18 thousand people died, of which 3 thousand died on the spot, and the rest died in subsequent years. The total number of victims is 600 thousand people.

One of the consequences of such accidents was the introduction of insurance for hazardous objects. In the Russian Federation, until 2012, the process was regulated by Law No. 116 “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities.” A new regulation has now been introduced.


The provisions of the law apply to:

  • A dangerous production facility, the operation of which is at least partially carried out at the expense of public funds. These workplaces produce, process, transport and store hazardous substances. The equipment operates under excess pressure of steam, gas (0.07 MPa), water (115 C), and other liquids (0.07 MPa).
  • Elevators and escalators in multi-storey buildings.
  • Hydraulic structures (dams, power plants, tunnels, canals, locks, ship lifts, erosion control devices).
  • Liquid fuel gas station.

Owners of such structures must take out insurance for hazardous facilities at their own expense for the entire period of their operation.

HIFs are divided into 4 types:

  • extremely high hazard class;
  • high level of danger;
  • middle level;
  • low-risk objects.


In the absence of an agreement, the following measures are provided:

  • a fine against the owner of a hazardous production facility in the amount of 300-500 thousand rubles;
  • prohibition on operating the facility until the policy is issued;
  • the possibility of presenting claims of a regression nature;
  • transfer of part of the prize to the treasury of the Russian Federation.


Let's take a closer look at the differences between laws No. 255 and No. 116 “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”:

  • payment amounts were increased to 6.5 billion rubles;
  • the maximum amount of compensation for one victim is 2 million rubles;
  • the new law defines the term “accident” - this is an event after which an insured event occurs;
  • money is paid after violation of living conditions;
  • For each day of delay in payment of compensation, a penalty of 1% of the amount is provided.

Mandatory insurance of dangerous objects

The maximum damage from the accident in Russia is 100 billion rubles. per year. In this case, harm will be caused to the environment, businesses and individuals. OPO insurance can cover 30-40% of the damage. There are more than 230 thousand enterprises operating on the territory of the Russian Federation that pose a threat. All of them must insure liability for damage to health and property. The amount is calculated using special coefficients and depends on the object.

Despite the growth of the market, there are not many companies where you can actually obtain insurance for hazardous production facilities. But the law contributed to the opening of a new niche in the market. In 2012, the National Union of Insurers (NUU) was created, which controls the new direction, like the RSA. It includes 23 companies with experience in insuring industrial facilities.

Only participants with two years of experience in the voluntary liability insurance market, having branches in at least 7 regions and a volume of funds of more than 1 billion rubles will be able to work in this segment. The payment amounts are large, so most organizations will not bear such risks. The creation of the NSSO will also make it possible to avoid a situation where small market players who are not members of pools sell policies at a price lower than that regulated by law.


Compulsory insurance of dangerous objects has a number of features compared to other areas:

  • The government has established uniform tariffs. Therefore, it is impossible to find an insurer who would offer special conditions for purchasing a policy.
  • Only companies that are members of the NSSO can provide liability insurance for the owner of a hazardous production facility. There are only 40 of them. At the same time, insurers have the right to monitor the technical condition of objects.
  • The agreement is concluded in relation to each object for a period of at least one year. An insurance policy is issued to confirm the transaction. It is issued on “orange” forms. They are pre-printed for NSSO members.

Insurance organization

The amount of compensation depends on the type of object. If the enterprise provides for the development of a safety declaration, then a scale of the possible number of victims is applied. So, for example, if more than three thousand people may be injured as a result of an accident, then the payment amount is 6.5 billion rubles:

  • 1 billion rub. - up to 3 thousand people;
  • RUB 0.5 billion - up to 1.5 thousand people;
  • RUB 0.1 billion - up to 300 people;
  • RUB 0.05 billion - up to 150 people;
  • RUB 0.025 billion - up to 75 people;
  • 10 million rubles – up to 10 people.

If a declaration is being developed, the amount of compensation is calculated according to the following conditions:

Insurance rates for all companies are approximately the same. They depend on the class of the object and range from 0.05-5% of the limit. The premium is paid in installments. The agreement comes into force from the moment the first payment is credited. In case of violation of payment terms by more than 30 days, the company may demand termination of the contract.

An insured event is the occurrence of civil liability for obligations that arose due to harm caused to victims, resulting in compensation. The case is recognized as such if:

  • The damage was caused by an accident that occurred during the term of the contract. Damage caused to several victims is the result of one insured event.
  • The accident took place at a hazardous production facility.

Sequence of actions

  1. Owners of hazardous production facilities must identify objects.
  2. Prepare data characterizing the maximum harm from the accident.
  3. Objects registered before 03/15/13 must be re-registered in order to assign them a hazard class.
  4. Select a company and obtain liability insurance for dangerous objects.

To conclude a contract you must provide:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the registration certificate of the public organization;
  • copies of ownership documents;
  • information about the OPO.

Liability insurance for dangerous objects provides compensation for:

  • individuals whose life and health were damaged;
  • legal entities whose property was damaged.


To receive payment, the victim must provide the insurer with:

  • statement;
  • passport (copy of constituent documents);
  • documents certifying family ties with the victim or confirming the authority of persons at the enterprise where the accident occurred;
  • an act or medical report confirming harm to life and health or property.

Insurance payment is made by cash or non-cash payment. The company is obliged to transfer funds or provide a reasoned refusal within 25 days from the moment the causes of the accident are established and the full package of documents is received.

Tariff changes

In July 2015, the Central Bank prepared a project to reduce tariffs by 2 times for most objects. The reason for the innovations is the imbalance of fees and payments. During the existence of the law, insurers receive billions, but pay very small amounts: 4-7% of annual premiums. But three years of history is not a long time to draw conclusions about the sufficiency of the tariffs, since the number of insurance cases is very small. Fortunately, accidents occur 2-3 times a year. The previously existing maximum payment limit of 6,500 million rubles, at the end of 2014, reached the level of total collections. Insurance of dangerous objects is socially significant. Therefore, it was decided to reconsider the terms of the transactions.

On September 1, 2015, new tariffs for owners of hazardous production facilities came into force. The increase in premiums for mines and hydraulic structures was 1.5-2.5 times. But for owners of other properties the price was reduced. According to analysts, new instructions from the Central Bank will lead to a reduction in fees in 2016 to 3.5 billion rubles. Mandatory insurance of hazardous facilities is expensive for industrialists. Therefore, most of them were satisfied with such innovations.

Previously, the Ministry of Finance prepared amendments to the law to increase insurance amounts by 10 times for owners of certain categories of objects, for example, mines. But the project was not introduced. Therefore, tariffs were developed that are feasible for the real sector of the economy. Insurance of dangerous objects is not unprofitable. But this is most likely due to owners underestimating the number of accidents. The maximum payment is 3.5 billion rubles. But companies are not yet in a strong enough financial position to withstand two maximum payments.


As a result of the innovations, fees will be halved in 2016 - to 3-3.2 billion rubles. The reason is not only tariffs, but also changes in safety factors (0.6-1.0). The maximum discount on insurance contracts is 40%.

Reinsurers mainly participate in transactions involving hydraulic facilities. Their innovations will practically not affect them. Objects with smaller limits are reinsured within the NSSO. There shouldn't be any problems there either. But for small companies, the profitability of transactions can become negative. Therefore, the pool capacity will change.

Every year, the NSSO collects information about which participants intend to continue working. As the market structure changes, the share of large players is growing. Thus, in 2014, the Top 5 companies owned 65% of assets, in 201 – 68%.

To operate in this segment, you need to incur fixed costs. First of all, these are membership fees. If they decrease, then managers calculate cost effectiveness. Now the volume of premiums may decrease due to changes in tariffs. Therefore, the issue of profitability will again become relevant.

In practice, there have already been cases where victims tried to recover amounts more than they were entitled to, but these are rare. And almost always the court sided with the insurer. In this type of service, all the nuances are spelled out in the law and the table for calculating tariffs. Therefore, clients' attempts to collect large sums are not successful.

Accidents at enterprises operating hazardous facilities can have serious consequences, and major accidents can cause harm to a large number of not only the population, but also the employees of the enterprise itself.

In the event of large-scale man-made disasters, the number of victims can reach several thousand people.

Almost any enterprise operating hazardous facilities, especially large industrial enterprises, mining and resource supply, is at risk of accidents with serious consequences.

For these reasons, the safety requirements for enterprises that operate hazardous facilities, and the safety of enterprises that operate hydraulic structures, are strictly regulated by a number of regulations and legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ "" and the Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 No. 117-FZ "".

Since 01/01/2012, organizations operating hazardous facilities are required to insure their liability in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 225-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility.”
Attention! Operation of a dangerous object is not permitted if the owner of the dangerous object fails to fulfill his insurance obligations.

Legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs who are owners (operators) of a hazardous facility are obliged, under the conditions and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to insure at their own expense as an insured the property interests associated with the obligation to compensate for the harm caused to the victim by concluding agreement between the OS HPF and the insurer for the entire period of operation of the hazardous facility.

On April 1, 2012, Art. 5 of Federal Law No. 226-FZ on financial sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, safety of hydraulic structures and compulsory insurance.

According to the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

A) sanctions for non-compliance with compulsory insurance requirements.

Art. 9.19 Code of Administrative Offences. Operation of a dangerous facility, with the exception of the commissioning of a hazardous facility, in the absence of a compulsory insurance contract for civil liability of the owner of a dangerous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials - from 15,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles, for legal entities - from 300,000 rubles. up to 500,000 rub.

B) sanctions for violations of industrial safety and hydraulic structures safety requirements.

Clause 1 of Article 9.1 of the Administrative Code. Violation of industrial safety requirements or the conditions of licenses for carrying out activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 2,000 rubles. up to 3,000 rubles; for officials - from 20,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rub. or disqualification for a period of 6 months to 1 year; for legal entities - from 200,000 rubles. up to 300,000 rub. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Art. 9.2 Code of Administrative Offences. Violation of safety norms and rules during the design, construction, acceptance, commissioning, operation, repair, reconstruction, conservation or decommissioning of a hydraulic structure shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 1,000 rubles. up to 1,500 rubles; for officials - from 2,000 rubles. up to 3,000 rubles; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 2,000 rubles. up to 3,000 rub. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days; for legal entities - from 20,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rub. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

An insurer engaged in compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for harm resulting from an accident at a hazardous facility must have a license to carry out compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for harm resulting from an accident at a hazardous facility and be a member of a professional association of insurers, acting on the basis of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 225-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility.”

PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh" has a license to carry out compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility OS No. 0001 - 04, issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) on May 23, 2016 and is a member of the National Union of Liability Insurers (NUSO) - .

Rosgosstrakh offers liability insurance
owners of hazardous facilities.

Call us toll free 8-800-200-0-900 (for calls from a landline throughout Russia) - we are ready to answer all questions and promptly issue a civil liability insurance contract for the owner of a dangerous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Gas consumption networks that belong to the category of hazardous production facilities are subject to compulsory insurance. In accordance with paragraphs. 1 clause 1 article 5 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 225-FZ:

"1. Dangerous objects whose owners are required to carry out compulsory insurance include...:

1) hazardous production facilities, subject to registration in the state register in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities.”

Thus, the owners of most gas consumption networks are required to insure their liability to third parties for harm that may be caused to citizens (employees, etc.) and organizations in the event of an accident at a hazardous production facility.

How much does insurance cost on a gas consumption network?

Basic cost of insurance for gas consumption networks(insurance premium) - 16,500 rubles.

You can also get up to -40% discount on insurance of gas consumption networks your organization. To do this, fill out and send us the discount form (an active download link is provided).

The system will determine the size of the reduction factor automatically, based on the level of technical safety of your hazardous facility.

How to obtain insurance for a gas consumption network

To apply for a policy for insurance of gas consumption networks, prepare and send us:

1. Details of your organization (enterprise card).

2. Certificate of registration of the public organization (scanned copy).

3. HPF registration card (if your facility was registered before 02/14/2017, scanned copy)

4. Information characterizing the hazardous production facility (scanned copy, not a document MS Word).

3. Document confirming the right of ownership of the hazardous production facility - certificate of ownership, lease agreement (operational management, economic management, etc.):

  • to the boiler house building (gas network site);
  • to the external gas pipeline (if any).
Please note:

1. We will fill out the application for insurance of the gas consumption network for you (other companies may not do this). This is why we need your details.

2. First, you need a scanned copy of the ownership document. Next, you will need a paper copy of it, certified by the signature of the head (or other authorized person) and the seal of the organization.

3. Even if the hazardous production facility is not yet registered in the Rostekhnadzor register, we can insure it. For this you need:

  • your details;
  • completed Information characterizing the public organization, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of your organization;
  • a document on the right of ownership of a hazardous production facility (if any) or a document on the ownership of a land plot.
There are two ways to take out an insurance policy for the gas consumption network:

1. Pay the insurance bill by bank transfer (from the account of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or at a branch of any bank). In this case, the insurance policy and the original application will be delivered to you by courier (in the case of the Moscow region - express delivery, in the case of the regions - registered mail by Russian Post).

Insurance of especially dangerous objects today is mandatory for owners, as well as organizations involved in their operation.

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This point is fixed at the legislative level. That is why today a very large number of insurance companies provide this service to their clients.

What is it

A hazardous production facility today is an object during the use of which an incident may occur that causes serious damage to the property, life and health of third parties.

Hazardous objects also include anything that can have a negative impact on the environment. In the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, all types of hazardous production facilities are enshrined at the legislative level.

You should know that a dangerous object is not considered a separate structure or equipment, but the entire site on which the property falling under the definition is located.

But it happens that the enterprise as a whole is not a dangerous object. But they recognize any separate division of it.

That is why it often happens that at an energy or other enterprise there are several dozen or even hundreds of sites that are especially dangerous.

This point is very important to take into account when concluding a contract for hazardous production insurance. Since the amount of the insurance premium directly depends on the property that is included in the insurance coverage.

Insurance rules for hazardous production facilities

As well as for other services of this type, insurance of hazardous production facilities must be carried out on the basis of insurance rules.

This document contains the following sections:

  • "Terms and Definitions";
  • "Insurance Subjects";
  • “Object of insurance”;
  • “Insurance risks and insured events”;
  • “Procedure for determining the insured amount”;
  • “Term of insurance”;
  • “The procedure for determining the insurance tariff, insurance premium, insurance premium”;
  • “Conclusion of an insurance contract”;
  • “Rights and obligations of the parties”;
  • “The procedure for determining the amount of damage and making insurance payments”;
  • “Grounds for refusal to make insurance payments”;
  • "Procedure for resolving disputes."

The paragraph entitled “Terms and Definitions” contains interpretations of the terms used in the insurance rules. This point is very important for understanding the document.

Since if the policyholder does not familiarize himself with it, then there is a high probability of misunderstanding of the terms of the agreement being concluded. In the section “Insurance Subjects” all participants of the insurance contract are indicated.

Most often there are only three of these subjects:

There is a special item called “Object of Insurance”. It highlights issues relating to the property interests of the policyholder. Since they are the ones who are protected by a special insurance program designed for public health organizations.

“Insurance risks and insured events” - highlights events upon the occurrence of which the insurance company is obliged to fulfill its obligations.

The list of insurance risks may include a variety of events. All of them are agreed upon in advance and included in the insurance agreement. Subsequently, it must be signed by the policyholder and the insurer's representative.

The paragraph entitled “Insurance Period” indicates the duration of the concluded contract. Throughout the entire period, the insurance company is responsible for all risks.

Most often, the client, according to these rules, has the right to choose the duration of the insurance contract.

“The procedure for determining the insurance rate, premium, contribution” announces prices for the provision of insurance services of the type in question.

This section also identifies all the factors that are taken into account when calculating the amount of the insurance premium required to be paid.

The concluded contract comes into force only after the required amount of funds has been received into the account of the insurance company.

The paragraph entitled “Rights and obligations of the parties” contains all the information regarding the obligations that arise between the policyholder and the insurer immediately after signing the agreement.

This section is one of the most important in the document under consideration. Since it contains information regarding the rights of the client and the insurance company itself.

A contract of this type may include a fairly large number of different risks. At the same time, there is a list of exception cases, in the event of which the obligation to pay monetary compensation does not arise.

All information regarding this issue is indicated in the section entitled “Grounds for refusal to make insurance payments.”

The very last paragraph of the rules under consideration is the “Dispute Resolution Procedure”. Various situations often arise in which the insurance company and the insurer cannot find a common language. Most of these cases can be resolved through peaceful negotiations.

The procedure for resolving the situations under consideration is covered in this section. If a compromise solution has not been found, then the policyholder or the insurer have every right to go to court to resolve disputed cases.

The need for a policy

Insurance of dangerous objects is strictly mandatory, this point is enshrined in law.

The main reason for this is the very high probability of the risk of damage to property, health, and the lives of third parties.

Moreover, in most cases the damage is extremely great. Many objects (for example, nuclear) during an accident can hit an area with radiation many times larger than the area of ​​the enterprise itself.

Organizations that own or operate hazardous facilities, carrying out any work on them, very often do not have sufficient funds to pay for the damage caused by the accident. At the same time, they bear civil liability. That is why it is imperative to insure hazardous industrial facilities.

Since a special program from a strong insurer will not only protect the property interests of the owner of the property, but also compensate for all damage caused to third parties.

Most insurance companies use reinsurance services. This allows the insurance company to compensate for the damage at the expense of the pool even if it exceeds its financial capabilities. Therefore, the policyholder should not fear bankruptcy.

What applies to objects

The following can be classified as HPO:

  • facilities where various types of work are carried out with the following substances:
    • highly flammable;
    • rapidly oxidizing - this process causes a rapid increase in temperature, which leads to a fire;
    • spontaneously combustible;
    • easily explosive;
    • toxic.
  • facilities where all kinds of equipment are used, the operation of which is carried out at an excess pressure of more than 0.07 megapascals with:
    • gas, steam (any type);
    • water (the temperature of which is more than 115 0 C);
    • various other liquids that begin to boil at a pressure of 0.07 megapascals.
  • facilities where various types of lifting mechanisms are installed and actively used: escalators, funiculars, cable cars (with the exception of elevators, as well as lifting platforms for the disabled);
  • objects where work with molten metal is carried out on equipment whose productivity is at least 500 kg/h;
  • objects where mining is carried out by blasting;
  • facilities where processing, use, and storage of plant materials are carried out, resulting in the formation of explosive mixtures.

There is also a list of exceptions to the rules. Thus, many objects can be classified as dangerous based on their main characteristics.

But at the same time, according to current legislation, they are not such. This applies to car gas stations where you can buy liquid and gaseous fuel and other similar facilities. They cannot be insured under the type of program in question.

How it is done

The process of insuring hazardous production facilities is quite complicated. Since in most cases the insurance company carrying it out requires not only the provision of various types of documents, but also an inspection of the object by specialists.

Most often, the insurance process looks like this:

  • Company specialists inspect the insured production;
  • The legal department studies all submitted documents in as much detail as possible.

And only after completing the preliminary two stages do the parties sign an insurance contract. Sometimes the process of preparing to sign an agreement lasts several months - until the insurance company analyzes all the factors that influence the likelihood of an insured event occurring. The insurance premium is calculated based on these factors.

What risks might there be?

The risk when concluding an insurance contract is damage to health, property, or life caused to third parties as a result of:

  • radiation exposure;
  • toxic effects;
  • explosion.

Moreover, payment for the risks indicated above is possible only if certain very important conditions are met:

  • claims of third parties for compensation for damage caused by the insured were brought before the expiration of the limitation period;
  • an accident at the facility occurred during the period of validity of the insurance contract;
  • there is a connection between the accident and the conduct of permitted activities by the insured.

If at least one of the specified conditions is violated, then it will simply not be possible to receive monetary compensation from the insurance company.

Problems in the insurance of public health organizations

Insurance of dangerous objects today is carried out by a fairly large number of different companies. Despite the fact that the service in question has been provided for quite a long time, a variety of problems can arise when insuring hazardous production facilities.

They are due to the following:

  • the authorized capital and insurance reserves of most companies are not large enough;
  • insurance experience does not allow insurance company employees to objectively assess:
    • insurance risk;
    • risk management;
    • damage caused as a result of an insured event.

If the problem with the authorized capital and small reserves can be resolved quite simply with the help of reinsurance, then other issues continue to cause some difficulty.

This is especially true for damage assessment. In addition, many companies try to minimize their costs of paying compensation, and therefore sometimes slightly underestimate the amount of compensation.

Payment amount

The amount of insurance compensation is regulated by the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

If damage is caused to third parties, they have the right to demand monetary compensation from the insurance company, but only within the amount specified in the insurance contract.

If the amount of damage is more than this value, then the policyholder himself is obliged to cover the difference. When calculating the amount of insurance payment, the minimum market value of compensation for the damage caused is taken into account. And regardless of its type.

If damage was caused to health, then the insurance company must pay for the treatment of the victim. If any property is destroyed, the company must pay its full value.

If there are deaths, monetary compensation is also paid to the relatives of the victim. In addition, funeral expenses are covered (usually at least 15 thousand rubles).

Insurance of hazardous production facilities is strictly mandatory today - the absence of a valid insurance contract is grounds for the imposition of a serious fine.

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