
Why don't they pay a lump sum payment of maternity capital? Is it possible to receive maternity capital in cash? What can you spend it on?

At the birth of the second and subsequent children, the family has the right to. Its funds can be used strictly for the intended purpose determined by law. However, since 2018, it is possible, under certain conditions, to withdraw part of the money in cash every month in the form of a special payment.

The issue of receiving maternity capital in cash was considered by the State Duma earlier. For example, in 2018 it was possible to withdraw 25,000 rubles at a time. Now the lump sum payment has been replaced by monthly payments. Let's take a closer look at who can receive funds and how and what documents are needed for this.

Opportunities for obtaining mat. capital in cash

If a family does not have enough money for current needs, it is inappropriate to talk about improving living conditions. Therefore, in different years of the program’s existence, the government considered options for providing support to families with children using capital funds.

In 2009 and 2010, it was possible to receive 12 thousand rubles at a time, even if the child was not yet 3 years old. In 2015, by analogy, a payment of 20,000 rubles was provided. The money was intended for low-income families. In 2016, a decision was made to make a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles, regardless of family income, as well as whether funds had been received in the form of payments previously. In this way, the state tried to support families with children during the difficult years of the crisis.

In 2018, the LDPR party proposed the introduction of another one-time payment in the amount of 50,000 rubles. However, it did not find support. As a result, it was decided to pay the funds not once, but monthly for a limited period. This support measure is also valid in 2019. According to the latest news, no changes in this matter are expected yet.

Monthly payments in 2019

The changes in 2019 are such that one-time and one-time payments from maternity capital are cancelled. All that remains is the monthly allowance for the second child. This is evidenced by paragraph 2 of Article N1 of Federal Law N418. It was approved and signed at the end of 2017. You can receive a payment if:

  1. The second child was born or adopted no earlier than 01/01/2018.
  2. The newborn and mother are Russian citizens.
  3. Family income does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level per person in the family.
  4. The monthly payment is equal to the child's subsistence level.
  5. The benefit is paid from the date of birth or adoption until the child turns one and a half years old. To receive full funds, parents must submit a package of documentation before the child turns 6 months old. If the deadline is missed, payments will be transferred from the moment of application.

To apply for benefits, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund of Russia or send it through the microfinance organization in your area.

Amount and calculation procedure

The amount of the monthly payment is equal to the cost of living established in the region for the 2nd quarter of the previous year. On average in the Russian Federation it is 11,163 rubles. The maximum benefit amount is 22,222 rubles. It is provided to residents of the Chukotka region. The minimum is set in the Belgorod region and is equal to 8,247 rubles. These amounts are deducted from maternity capital upon receipt, and if the family then decides to use the certificate to purchase large real estate, then its amount will be calculated minus the money already received.

To understand whether a family is entitled to a monthly payment, consider a simple calculation example:

  1. Mom’s income is 200,000 rubles a year.
  2. Dad's income is 350,000 rubles a year.
  3. Total income per year is 550,000 rubles. There are no additional cash injections.
  4. The family consists of 4 people: two children and two adults. Therefore, the amount of income per year is divided by the number of months in the year (12) and the number of people in the family (4). This works out to 11,458 rubles per family member per month.
  5. The family lives in Volgograd, where the cost of living is 9,664 rubles. If we multiply it by 1.5, we get 13,977 rubles. This means that it is important for this family to apply for monthly payments.

Nowadays it is no longer relevant to carry out calculations manually, because there is a free calculator. Any citizen can use it on the Pension Fund website. To calculate, you must enter your region, income and family composition. As a result, you will see whether you are eligible to receive benefits and in what amount.


Receipt algorithm in 2019

In order to make monthly payments, you need to contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence with an application or visit the Multifunctional Center. List of required documents:

  1. Statement.
  2. Birth certificates of children and passports of all family members.
  3. Confirmation of family income.
  4. Details of the account to which funds will be transferred.

In some situations, additional documents may be required. For example, if the guardians of an infant apply, they must provide confirmation of the legality of their actions in relation to a minor child.

The period for reviewing documentation is 30 days. Another 10 days are given to transfer funds directly. The benefit is provided for a year. Upon application, it can be extended for another six months (until the child turns 1.5 years old). But its size will be revised based on the new cost of living.

Payments are made until the child turns one and a half years old. There is also another list of circumstances that are grounds for termination of payments:

  1. Moving to another region.
  2. Voluntary refusal of benefits.
  3. Death of a baby.
  4. Death of the parent who received the benefit.
  5. Use of all certificate features.

Either parent can submit an application and a set of documents.

A one-time payment from maternity capital will not be provided in 2019. This could only be done until the end of November last 2016. It was possible to submit an application not only in person to the pension fund, but also via the Internet.

The question of how to receive a one-time payment from maternity capital interests thousands of citizens. In 2016, a law was passed according to which families entitled to maternity capital have the right to make a one-time payment of 25 thousand rubles. In 2018, along with this program, legislative innovations on payments from maternity capital to families with two or more children will come into force. The goal of the program is to increase social protection for large families. It is planned that the allocated funds will help increase the income of low-income families. Citizens can use the money at their personal discretion (purchase of an apartment with maternity capital).

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What is needed to receive a lump sum payment?

Families who have a certificate for receiving maternity capital can apply for this type of social assistance using maternity capital funds. Moreover, no matter how much time has passed since the birth of the baby.

Those who are eligible for a certificate but have not yet completed the paperwork can also receive one-time assistance. Such people can contact the pension fund at their place of registration, apply for maternity capital and at the same time receive a lump sum payment. The main condition for receiving money is living in Russia. It is necessary to clarify that a lump sum payment from maternity capital was not made in 2019 and was replaced by a monthly one.

To receive a one-time payment, you will need the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Bank details by which the payment amount will be credited.
  3. or an application for monthly payments at the birth of a second child, which must indicate the series, number of the certificate mat. capital and number (SNILS).

All papers will need to be submitted in person to the pension fund at your place of registration.

Those who previously received assistance in the amount of 20 thousand rubles are also entitled to receive 25 thousand rubles. But if the balance is less than this amount, the applicant receives funds in the amount of the available balance.

How to apply for a lump sum payment online

Today, Internet technologies make it possible to carry out many operations without leaving home. It is also possible. Application for receiving 25,000 rubles. online submitted in accordance with the established procedure.

  1. A person who has received the right to financial assistance must register on the official website of the State Service www.gosuslugi.ru
  2. Then, in the “Authorities” section, you need to select “Pension Fund” and “Management of Maternity Capital”.
  3. Next, you will need to select your region and fill out the form provided.

Such an application is equivalent to a direct visit to the pension fund. But it has a number of significant advantages: you don’t need to spend a lot of time going to the pension fund, the whole procedure takes only a couple of minutes, and you can do it at any time.

To receive a payment to those who have changed their place of residence, you need to contact the Pension Fund or MFC with an application to request a personal file in the region where maternity capital is issued. The time for such a request takes from three days (if the move was within one region) to three weeks (in case of a change of region).

Payments in 2019

Federal Law dated December 28, 2017 N 418-FZ “On monthly payments to families with children” established the possibility of receiving a monthly payment in connection with the birth of a second child in the family by a citizen who has a certificate for maternity capital (Article 1, Part 4). In connection with this innovation, a change was made to the main regulatory document - Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On additional measures of state support for families with children.” Art. 7. Part 3 of this law is supplemented by a clause on receiving a monthly payment on the basis of the above law.

Such payments are due to families in which a child was born or adopted since January 1, 2019 and whose total family income does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level for the previous six months in this region. The duration of payments is one year.

Regarding maternity capital in general, there will be at least until December 31, 2019. That is, you can receive maternity capital in 2019, but a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles. will not be provided. According to the Russian government, this year the mat. About 830 thousand families will apply for capital. And this will require 324 billion rubles from the federal budget.

In accordance with the regulations adopted at the end of 2017, one-time payments from maternity capital ceased to be valid, but from January 1, 2019, citizens can qualify for a monthly cash payment. The amount of monthly assistance may vary depending on the region, since there is a direct dependence on the cost of living.

The following may exercise the right to receive a monthly cash payment:

  • citizens permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • if the second child and mother have Russian citizenship;
  • the child was born after January 1, 2019;
  • the amount of income per family member does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of last year.

Is it possible to get

For many Russian families with children, support in the form of payments from maternity capital in cash has already become habitual. For the previous two years, it was provided in the amount of 20 and 25 thousand rubles, and the Pension Fund annually accepted about 2 million applications for its receipt - this is the overwhelming number of the total number of unused certificates for maternal capital! Therefore, many parents have already begun to forget its “anti-crisis” nature and rightly hoped for its provision in 2017 - that is for the third year in a row(especially since in 2015 and 2016 a one-time cash payment could be received in the summer, which for most came in very handy for preparing children for school, preparing for kindergarten, or simply for organizing a summer vacation).

However, these expectations were not destined to come true - unfortunately, there will be no one-time payment from maternity capital in 2017 despite the fact that it was a social bloc and was carefully considered by the Government for many months!

The final decision on this issue was announced on June 1, 2017 by the head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin in response to a question from a journalist from the Rambler News Service agency. The same information was later announced by the PFR press service:

Is it possible to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2017 25 thousand?

Despite the Government’s completely clear position on this issue, formulated back in June 2017 ( no, you can't!), on the Internet on many unofficial sites continue rumors spread that this decision is not final and that the Pension Fund is about to begin again or has already begun accepting applications for 25 thousand from maternity capital in 2017(a link is given to some "latest news", which in reality do not exist). At the same time, at first in these numerous rumors the date was named July 1 (obviously, by analogy with), and now suddenly the date appeared from somewhere October 1, 2017. And some even associate the start of the new payment with the presidential elections in Russia in 2018, etc.

It should immediately be noted that all these speculations have nothing to do with reality! There is a clear public procedure, eliminating the possibility of any rumors, according to which a decision is made and payments from maternity capital are provided (and this was the case in all previous years).

Just getting ready to start providing cash payments takes several months, during which there is broad public discussion of all stages of the event. This discussion is open in official sources- on state television, in newspapers and on the official websites of all authorities involved in decision-making:

  • in the Government— at the stage of preparation and approval of the bill;
  • in the State Duma— at the stage of consideration of the bill and its adoption;
  • in the Federation Council— at the stage of approval of the law adopted by the State Duma;
  • in the Kremlin— at the stage of mandatory signing of the law by the President and its official publication;
  • in the Pension Fund, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection— at the stage of the law coming into force and the beginning of accepting applications for a one-time payment.

Unlike previous years, in 2017 there is none of this! All discussion of this issue was completed.

Now we can say with confidence that in 2017 there will be no payment of 25 thousand from maternity capital— the months remaining until the end of the year would simply not be enough even to comply with all the organizational procedures established by the Constitution of Russia related to the adoption of a new law.

25 thousand - changes and latest news

It should be noted that the decision not to pay a lump sum payment in 2017 was not made immediately. However, from the very beginning this issue was controversial, and there were lengthy disputes among interested parties regarding the possibility and feasibility of its provision in 2017. In this case:

  • Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev did not support either side and initially (back on January 19, 2017) instructed the relevant ministries develop an agreed solution;
  • The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has traditionally advocated providing a new lump sum payment in 2017 (and later even prepared a corresponding bill);
  • The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development in turn noted the inappropriateness of payment cash part of the maternity capital due to its anti-crisis nature, while statistics indicate that the country is emerging from the crisis and the beginning of new economic growth.

Due to the lack of an agreed decision by the deadline (before April 5, 2017), the Government made a final decision not to provide the payment. However, later the President of Russia Vladimir Putin during the annual Direct Line, held on June 15, 2017, he suggested once again “thinking” about the advisability of providing it, but there was no further development of this topic.

Latest news about payments from maternity capital in 2017

Below is a detailed chronology of how the 2017 formal discussion regarding the advisability of providing a repeated lump sum payment from maternity capital:

  • In December 2016 The government has begun development “Action plan to increase the growth rate of the Russian economy in 2017”(note - not an “anti-crisis plan”, like in previous years!). The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection proposed to include new one-time payments from maternity capital in this plan as a measure to stimulate domestic demand in the country.
  • The plan was adopted without including payments from maternity capital, however January 19, 2017 Dmitry Medvedev ordered by April 5 consider the issue “on the advisability of granting in 2017 the right to use part of the MSC funds for a one-time cash payment”.
  • On March 23, 2017, the government Rossiyskaya Gazeta, citing the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, reported that in 2017 the Government does not plan issue families with part of the maternity capital in cash and the Ministry of Labor did not make a corresponding proposal, since “according to statistics, people’s incomes have begun to grow”. This news caused many angry responses among Russian families, and in April 2017 a petition was even created in support of the payment to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The size of maternity capital and its indexation. Directions for using the certificate. How to realize maternity capital. Application review period.

One of the priority areas of state social policy is to stimulate the birth rate in order to solve the demographic problem in the country. Having three or more children is considered the exception rather than the norm, and many spouses do not risk having a second child, facing financial difficulties that impede the establishment of a family and its way of life. That is why at the federal level a decision was made to provide maternity capital.

Briefly about maternity capital

A program to provide assistance to families with two or more children started in Russia back in 2007. It is being implemented to support such families in vital areas of life. It is believed that this motivates people to have more than one child, which has a positive effect on solving the demographic problem in the country.

The amount of the first maternity capital was 250 thousand rubles, and by 2015 this figure increased almost 2 times - to 453 thousand 26 rubles.

The provision mechanism is designed in such a way that money is not given to the applicant personally. The right to the capital amount is confirmed by a certificate. It can be implemented in strictly designated areas, which may be supplemented in the future:

  • improvement of the housing situation;
  • education and child care;
  • pension savings;
  • social support for certain categories of families.

Those wishing to take advantage of government support are forced to contact government agencies twice:

All procedures are carried out by contacting the applicant:

  • to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence;
  • to the nearest multifunctional center;
  • to the Gosuslugi website.

Families decide for themselves when they can use the money. The law does not set a deadline during which the certificate can be cashed. It is issued once, regardless of how many more children are born after the birth of the second child.

Duration of the family support program

The family support program is limited in time and accepted for a certain period. Initially, the issuance of capital was planned until 2018, but later the period of assistance was extended to 2021. The decision to continue is fixed by Federal Law No. 432-FZ of December 28, 2017.

Taking into account the importance of the state’s social functions, there is hope that the program will be extended further. It is difficult to imagine that families who gave birth to two or more children after the program expired would find themselves in unequal conditions with those who received the certificate. Like any government policy measure, support for families in this form is criticized by its opponents.

Thus, many officials are convinced that the program does not contribute to the growth of the well-being of families, but, on the contrary, encourages the spread of dependency and an increase in the social burden on the state. The fact is that many families, mostly disadvantaged ones, strive to have children in the family precisely for the sake of receiving money and solving pressing problems. Unfortunately, the current mechanism, due to objective imperfections, is not able to guarantee 100% effective management of funds.

Maternity capital in 2019: latest news on the amount of benefits

All potential recipients of assistance are interested in the question of the amount for which they can claim. Previously, its size increased annually due to indexation, but since 2015 the increase has stopped.

State authorities decided not to index the benefit, citing the banal wording: “to avoid budget deficit.” There is some logic in this decision. The fact is that money in the budget to provide support to families is allocated annually to a certain amount, taking into account forecasting. However, many families wait years before receiving help. It turns out that upon receipt of the certificate, one amount is indicated in accordance with the amount of capital established at that moment, and when applying for money next year and later, the family claims a larger payment, taking into account indexation. Thus, the authorities are forced to find additional funds to cover the resulting difference.

The decision to suspend the annual increase in support is valid until January 1, 2020. It is planned that from now on families will be able to become owners of a certificate worth 470 thousand 241 rubles.

Table: indexation of maternity capital by year

YearAmount of maternity capital, rub.Difference from previous year% increase in maternity capital, %
2007 250 000,00 - -
2008 276 000,00 + 26250 10,50
2009 312 162,00 + 35902 12,99
2010 343 378,80 + 31226 10,00
2011 365 698,40 + 22320 6,50
2012 387 640,00 + 21942 6,00
2013 408 960,50 + 21360 5,50
2014 429 408,50 + 20448 4,90
2015 453 026,00 + 23618 5,50
2016 - -

Goals for which maternity capital can be spent in 2019: latest changes

Legislation strictly regulates and controls the use of maternity capital. The heated discussion of spending purposes has not stopped since the year the first certificates were issued. In the current 2019, the rules for using the benefit will be relevant, taking into account the changes adopted last year. The possibilities for targeted spending of money have expanded due to such areas as the purchase of necessary goods for disabled children.

One of the latest changes has allowed families with difficult financial situations to use capital money to receive additional payments to the child benefit each month. The right to spend capital in this way belongs to families with low incomes not exceeding 1.5 times the subsistence level in a particular region per person.

As for education, previously money could only be spent in organizations with state accreditation. This requirement was removed in 2018.

Directing funds to solve housing problems: recent changes

The most popular area is solving housing problems. The use of money for housing raises the most questions and is subject to additional legal regulation. Funds can be spent on:

  • purchase of a residential property. The certificate can be used to pay for the transaction in a lump sum, or to repay a loan or make a first deposit;
  • construction and reconstruction of a house.

The procedure for use is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 No. 862 “On the Rules for allocating funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital to improve housing conditions.” The latest changes were made after the adoption of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2018 No. 631.

More than 80% of applications for the disposal of maternity capital are related specifically to solving housing problems

The most important changes in legislation introduced in 2018 and regulating the use of assistance to improve the housing situation are the following:

  • since 2018, it has become possible to allocate benefits for the construction of a house on a garden plot;
  • When paying for housing using a loan, the certificate is subject to sale regardless of the moment of conclusion of the loan or mortgage agreement. Families who took out a loan before receiving the certificate can use it to pay off the debt.

Many families express the opinion that it is necessary to expand the list even taking into account the changes. For example, in their opinion, buying a car and satisfying consumer needs (purchasing household appliances and furniture, repairs) could be a popular area.

However, the authorities are not ready to expand the list radically, explaining this as follows:

  • In each subject of the country there is a system of measures to help families, which also provides for the issuance of regional maternity capital. Local authorities independently determine possible areas of use at their level. As a rule, they are much broader than those operating at the federal level. For example, in some regions you can buy a car for this money;
  • The number of fraudulent schemes for cashing out benefits is growing every year. Today there are many companies on the market offering their intermediary services for the withdrawal of capital funds. Those wishing to use the certificate illegally enter into a criminal conspiracy with such structures, enter into fictitious agreements and receive cash for a certain fee.

Any actions to receive benefits in circumvention of the rules entail administrative or criminal liability, depending on the method of committing illegal actions and the damage caused to the state.

Dear parents, you still don’t understand! “The money was withdrawn from MK”, “The money has been written off from MK’s account a long time ago”, “our money from MK is walking around somewhere” and other nonsense has nothing to do with reality! There is no “MK account” in which you would have the money for your certificates, like in some bank, from which this money could be “withdrawn” in one motion, as soon as you submit an application for disposal (for a lump sum payment) to the Pension Fund!

In fact, all the so-called “your money” is located impersonally (that is, literally in one pile) in the general budget of the Pension Fund, where it goes to finance this program only from the federal budget (as V. Putin signs the law).

However, the Pension Fund stores and maintains all information about persons who received a certificate for maternity capital (as well as about the amount of funds remaining on the certificate and about your submitted and satisfied applications) in the special federal register of persons - it is from this that you see information in your personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, when you check the balance of funds on the certificate and see if the money has been “written off” for a one-time payment of 25 thousand rubles.

If the balance of funds on your certificate has already decreased by 25,000 rubles, this does not mean that “the money has been written off” and is “lost somewhere”!

  • For now, this only means that the Pension Fund has just accepted decision to satisfy your application for payment of 25,000 and displayed this information in your federal register.
  • After that, he needs to somehow take money from this “general budget pile” in the required amount, formalize it correctly and send it for transfer to your bank using the details specified in the application.

At the same time A pension fund is not a bank, he can’t just transfer money somewhere!

Anyone who has seen or made payments for insurance premiums knows that the Pension Fund itself served by the Federal Treasury Departments (UFK), which, according to the law, are engaged in the transfer of funds between managers and recipients of budget money.

Important feature - the Pension Fund sends approved applications for payment not every day. They can accumulate for a certain time after approval and are processed for payment all together in a larger batch. Only after this, the next generated portion of payments for the payment of 25,000 rubles (according to applications accepted and approved over a wide period of time) goes from your territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to the UFK servicing it, where it is processed in accordance with the regulations day after day.

Thus, between the moment the application is approved by the employees of the Pension Fund, the information in your federal register is updated about the decrease in the balance of funds under the certificate for maternal capital, and the payment order for your application reaches the federal treasury many days may pass. And even then, after processing the payment order at the treasury and sending the money to your bank, it can take up to 3 days for it to arrive in the account you specified!

And as a result, it takes much more time than if it was simply a matter of withdrawing money from one bank account and transferring it to you in another account. Maybe, of course, they are playing it safe a little when they write in the law "within a month", but in fact, for most citizens, money from maternity capital already arrives earlier than a month after the application is granted!

Therefore, we ask you to be prudent - there is no need to look for deception in everything!

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