
The best friend of "Ivanushka" Oleg Yakovlev evicts his beloved from the apartment. Oleg Yakovlev's niece is at war with his widow for the inheritance Oleg Yakovlev's niece spoke about the artist's will

Passed away on June 29, 2017. The ex-soloist of the Ivanushki International group died of advanced pneumonia at the age of 47. The artist's parents died many years ago, and he himself was never married.

His niece Tatyana, common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol and friend Roman Radov fought for Yakovlev's inheritance. Oleg left two apartments in Moscow - on Derbenevskaya embankment (that was where he lived with Alexandra) and on Ryazansky Prospekt.

After the announcement of the will, it turned out that the singer did not mention Kutsevol among the heirs. All property bequeathed to Roman Radov and his niece Tatiana. In particular, Moscow apartments were transferred to a friend of the musician.

Roman Radov. TV frame

Alexandra Kutsevol did not agree with Yakovlev's decision. At first she tried to prove that she was married to an artist, and when they proved the falsity of the marriage certificate presented to her, she said that Oleg was signing a will "in a bad state." Nevertheless, the court sided with Radov and recognized his ownership of Yakovlev's apartments.

“Now we are establishing who lives with Alexandra Kutsevol. It is believed that her parents live with her. We will write all these people in statement of claim.

We will ask everyone to be evicted, because the property right is registered to Roman Radov, ”Roman Radov’s lawyer explained to the NTV channel correspondent. The lawyer added: “When Alexandra found out that we had received a certificate for the right to inherit, she filed a claim. Now our principal cannot dispose of the property freely, since the court has so far imposed a ban on transactions with the apartment. "

Photo: Persona Stars @ivanushki__fan @sashakutsevol

Former soloist of the group "Ivanushki International". Recall: the artist died in one of the capital's clinics at the end of June. The common-law wife of the singer Alexander Kutsevol said that Oleg had an advanced form of pneumonia and died as a result of cardiac arrest.

However, Yakovlev's friend, singer Anna Kalashnikova (by the way, the former bride of Prokhor Chaliapin), voiced a different version.

Oleg had the fourth stage of liver cirrhosis, - she told reporters.

Nephews and illegitimate son

Now the show-party is wondering: who will get the singer's inheritance? After all, Oleg did not have an official wife and children.

I have a niece Tatiana and two grand-nephews - Mark and Igor, - Yakovlev once admitted to "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

After the death of the artist, Yakovleva's niece Tatyana contacted the journalists. The woman said that Oleg left a will and that it does not contain the name of the common-law wife of the singer Alexandra Kutsevol.

I am the only relative of Oleg! Kutsevol, in fact, is no one, just a former common-law wife, - announced Tatyana Yakovleva. - The will contains only me and one more heir. But I will not say who this person is.

Meanwhile, in an interview with "KP" Yakovlev mentioned that he has an illegitimate child who lives in St. Petersburg. But then he refused a detailed comment. A little later, the singer's friends told us: we are talking about the son of "Ivanushka", who was born from the extramarital affair of the musician with a St. Petersburg fan.

If this is true, then the son of Yakovlev could become the main contender for the musician's inheritance. First of all, to his Moscow apartments (see "Specifically").

I invested everything in real estate

According to the artist's friend Evgenia Kirichenko, the artist invested all his fees in the purchase of real estate. By preliminary estimates, Yakovlev's inheritance could amount to about $ 3 million.

These are the singer's apartments, bank accounts, cars.

After six months of work in "Ivanushki" I bought an apartment in Angarsk for my relatives, - Oleg Yakovlev recalled in one of his last interviews with "KP". - When I was buying my apartment, I reviewed the options for a long time and finally settled on a four-room stalinka next to the Paveletskaya metro station. Bribed the view from the window: two monasteries at once - Simonov and Novospassky. I knew right away: mine. I decided to make a free layout with a large living room that goes into the kitchen. I also have living space in St. Petersburg (the singer, according to his relatives, left one of the apartments in St. Petersburg to his illegitimate son - Ed.) And Montenegro. I'm thinking about real estate in Sochi. I bought a small apartment in St. Petersburg in 2006, and later in Montenegro. Why do I need them? Maybe in the future they will come in handy - for relatives.

On June 28, 2017 it became known that the vocalist of the popular group Ivanushki International Oleg Yakovlev was taken to the hospital in serious condition with a diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia caused by liver cirrhosis. However, the efforts of the doctors were not crowned with success - the very next day the artist's heart stopped.

After that, litigation began for the ownership of his apartment, which is located in Moscow. There were two applicants: the common-law wife of the artist Alexander Kutsevol and his friend, Roman Radov. About who got the stellar living space after a year of scandals, read further in the material.

By the tribunal's decision, metropolitan apartment the singer received Roman Radov, since it is his name that is indicated in the will, which was written by Oleg Yakovlev. This was announced by the lawyer Radova, noting that at the moment the artist's beloved lives in the apartment.

She added about the assumption that her parents also live with Alexandra Kutsevol. The lawyer promised to write everyone into the statement of claim with a request to evict them from the apartment, in view of the fact that the ownership of the artist's property belongs to Radov.

Alexandra Kutsevol was furious with the court's decision. She argued that at the time of drawing up the will, he was very sick, and therefore could not give an account of his actions. The girl "Ivanushki" filed a statement of claim challenging the notary's decision, so his friend will not be able to dispose of Yakovlev's property, since the court forbade any manipulations with the apartment.

Earlier, Alexandra stated that for six years she was a legal spouse, and their marriage was registered in Serbia. However, this turned out to be a lie: the performer's niece provided the journalists with documents proving this.

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