
Design of buildings of private houses. Individual design of country houses and cottages. The composition and timing of the development of the water supply and sewerage project

Before starting the construction of your own country house, the future owner needs to make a large number of different decisions. Starting from the location, size and shape of the site, and ending with the type and color scheme of finishing materials for the facade and interiors of the future home.
Some decisions are based on personal preferences, the needs of the family or its specific representatives - they are relatively easy to deal with. But there are many technical issues, for making a decision on which, it is necessary to have at least some baggage of relevant knowledge.
For an unprepared person, such a volume of information may be simply unbearable. That is why, professionals should deal with the design and construction of a country house. This will save not only time by competently completing the design of the house, but also planning the construction work so that the costs are minimal and there are no alterations during the construction process.

To start building a house, you need an architectural project that takes into account everything - from the features of the site, its location relative to the cardinal points, the location of utilities, and to the requirements of all future inhabitants of this house for planning solutions and decoration. You can use a typical project, but it will not take into account the characteristics of a particular site and a particular family. Equally important is the quality of project documentation. A well-executed cottage project will allow you to calculate the most accurate estimate and will not allow unreasonably expensive and useless solutions.

We have more than twenty years of experience in the design of cottages and their construction. A very large number of objects have been designed and built, from multi-storey complexes to private houses and apartment interiors. This gives us the right to claim that we have accumulated sufficient experience to design and build a house for the most demanding customers.

Individual design of cottages and country houses

Our individuality, first of all, is manifested in our home. All our interests and hobbies, one way or another, are reflected in the layout of the house, interior design, objects that fill the space. Someone needs a large office with a view of the forest, another needs a workshop for creativity, a third needs a pool. All this affects the layout of the house, which, in turn, affects the construction of the facade and the landing of the house on the site. The more pronounced the individuality of a person, the more difficult it will be for him to choose a “typical” project for himself. And if there is a whole family of such individuals?

Individual design of the house is necessary so that the built house, in the end, meets all the requirements of each of the family members.

Designing a house - a dialogue between the customer and the architect

Designing a house or cottage always begins with a dialogue between the customer and the architect, the more the customer tells about his wishes and considerations regarding the arrangement of the future house, the more accurately the architect will be able to implement all this in the project. At the same time, the architect will always advise on issues of interest and warn against making erroneous decisions. Designing houses according to this principle is, as practice shows, the most optimal and leads to a result that satisfies both parties.

To start designing a country house, the architect needs initial information, both about the requirements for the composition of the premises, the height of the ceilings, stylistic preferences in solving facades and interiors, and about the selected basic building materials. From whether you want to build a cottage made of wood or brick, whether you need a garage in the basement or it will stand separately, whether there will be a pool or a sauna in the house, what kind of roofing is chosen, depends not only on the appearance of the building, but also on planning, constructive, as well as engineering solutions. It is better to decide on these and many other questions before you start designing a cottage in order to avoid rework in the process of working on the project of your future home.

If you have already found answers to the main questions for yourself, then it's time to draw up a technical assignment, according to which the architect will begin work on designing a cottage - a house, from start to finish, designed for you and your family.

We carry out projects:

  • Cottages;
  • country houses;
  • Residential and public buildings;
  • Shops and shopping centers;
  • Restaurant design;
  • Interior design of residential and public premises;

We use modern design methods, thus saving the customer time and money.

We make every effort when designing houses, creating a truly individual, reliable and comfortable home that meets the requirements and needs of your family.

We provide a full range of services for the design of cottages, starting with the collection of initial data and ending with the transfer to the customer of a complete set of working documentation necessary for construction. All work is carried out by highly qualified specialists in a short time.

In the Portfolio section you can see examples of designed cottages and country houses.

We are always happy to advise you on possible architectural and construction solutions and joint work schemes.

Also, you can get acquainted with the order of design work and our prices for the design of country houses.

Order a country house project

In order to order a house project, just contact us by phone or through the feedback form on the website. To start working on the project, we will need from you a site plan and a list of the necessary premises, with their approximate area.

When ordering a house project from us, you will receive:

  • Our twenty years of experience in design and construction.
  • Endless attention to the details of your future home.
  • Detailed draft design with photorealistic computer visualization of the future home.
  • Working documentation (architectural and construction section) made using BIM technology.
  • Detailed specification of general building materials and custom-made e-s.
  • Architectural supervision of construction.
  • Beautiful, modern, thought out to the smallest detail and liquid country house.

For many people, a country house is something like a cherished dream - the prospect of taking a break from the bustle of the city in a cozy corner seems quite rosy. Moreover, you want not only to purchase a ready-made building with a landscaped garden plot, but to create a homestead of your dreams, in which all the wishes regarding design and layout will be correctly embodied. There is only one thing left - to transfer your ideas to paper, and only then, having drafted a house and determined its location on the site, put it into practice (engage directly in building a house). If regarding the second point, by definition, there can be no doubt about the need for outside help - even if you are a professional builder, you will not be able to build the right mansion on your own, but the costs of drawing up an architect can be eliminated. How can design and construction be made cheaper? Yes, it’s very simple - it’s quite possible to do his work yourself, even without any special skills in creating a private house project. Designing a house (drawing it schematically on paper), in fact, is not so difficult!

What should you consider when designing your own home?

The most important thing is that the house construction project developed by you is created based on the following principles:

  1. Multiple functionality - that is, the house built according to this project will be convenient and practical in all respects. Do-it-yourself house project should be no worse than an architect's;
  2. Simplicity of design - it will not be difficult to make a project at home only if it does not involve any frills. The creation of some particularly complex project, the implementation of which will require a huge amount of creative frills, is highly discouraged for a person who does not have a special education, because some fundamentally important things can be ignored;
  3. Aesthetics - of course, a country house should look beautiful and please the eyes of its owners. The project of a reliable home should also be spectacular!

Remember - in the event that the project is created taking into account these principles, then it will be very good in life. Again, we are talking about a rather primitive independent structure - an amateur will not design a premium-class cottage. Only an architect should be involved in designing houses of this level - beginners here very often make mistakes.

Geological exploration of the site of the house

How to start "working on a project at home with your own hands"? First of all, when working on a house project on your own, it is necessary to conduct a geological survey of the site - to assess the nature of the terrain, soil and find out the level of standing groundwater. The best time of the year for this is spring, when their level is as high as possible and it is possible to determine this indicator with maximum reliability. It is very important to do this based on the fact that it is this indicator that is most important when laying the foundation of a private house.

To determine the depth of groundwater, we recommend contacting a specialist

Home design start

For an illustrative example, our editors used the free demo version of the Vizicon program. But all actions can be performed on a regular sheet of paper. For example, a simple project of a two-story house 10 m x 10 m was chosen

To design houses, it will be necessary to “arm yourself” with an ordinary squared notebook sheet and a pencil, while setting the appropriate scale. It is most rational in this situation to proceed as follows - to conditionally designate ten meters of the site with two cells. Thus, one centimeter on the ruler will equal 1 meter in real life - a ratio of one to a hundred.

Step 1: draw the outline of the house on a notebook sheet using a ruler and a pencil on a scale of 1:100, i.e. 1 cm on paper is equal to 1 meter

Drawing on paper the contour of the site itself, as well as future buildings. In this case, all work must be carried out in strict accordance with the correct scale - carefully measuring each meter on the ground and applying it to paper in accordance with the dimensions of one to a thousand, you ensure the reliability and aesthetics of the building being erected. You can draw a project in this way very quickly. It is imperative to take into account not only the contours of the site allocated for design and construction, but also all the objects located on the site that were there even before its planned construction, and at the same time there is no possibility of transferring them. After that, it will be possible to start designing the building itself - to simplify the task, suppose that the house being designed will consist of four rooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms (standard housing for a family of several people).

Basement / foundation

A few words about the design of the basement. It should be noted that it is not always necessary for it. For example, in the event that groundwater is high, then it will be a very expensive pleasure - it will be much easier to include another room in the project - as an additional room.

Ground floor project

We put a vestibule and a hallway on the sketch - and already from it there will be transitions to the kitchen and other rooms. It is necessary to arrange the premises taking into account the following points:

  1. The bathroom and the kitchen should be placed in close proximity to each other - thanks to this arrangement, it will be much easier to carry out communications;
  2. It is very good if the drafted project implies the absence of walk-through rooms - this is an integral element of comfort;
  3. On the ground floor, it is necessary to take into account the presence of all auxiliary structures and premises - their location will be very important not only to ensure the functional suitability of the house, but also for the comfortable movement of residents.

Step 2: draw all the rooms and premises of the first floor with the required size

After that, we arrange and plan all the doors of our house

Step 3: designing the doors on the ground floor

Then windows, taking into account the desired illumination of the rooms and your budget

Step 4: design windows on the first floor

As a result, we get such a first floor:

This is how the 3D model of the first floor turned out

Draw the second floor

Here everything will be much easier - after all, the premises in the house can be located identically (the most important thing is not to change the relative position of the bathrooms - in order not to complicate communications). It will be enough to design the location of the front door (many architects recommend making two entrances to the second floor - at home and from the street) and windows.

Step 5: Similarly, we plan the premises of the second floor. Do not forget about communications - we have bathrooms and a bathroom under each other

Step 6: Positioning the Doors

Step 7: Draw the Second Floor Windows

We got this 3D model of the second floor

Attic and roof design

We decided to create a house project ourselves - there will be no need to try to draw some too “abstruse” roof with a lot of bends. Remember, the roof is one of the most important structural components in a home, and it's definitely not worth trying to create additional aesthetics by calling into question reliability. All this will lead to the fact that leaks will occur in places of bends. You draw a project - be so kind as to profess the principles of minimalism in architecture.

You can't do without an architect to design such a roof

House design dependency with insulation

There is one very important rule - all auxiliary premises must be built on the north side. Despite the fact that thermal insulation performed with building materials is of paramount importance, the relative position of the rooms also cannot be overlooked - if only because of the savings in energy consumption for heating the house.

Approval of the project to start construction

The need to correct the project. Even if you yourself were able to draw the house of your dreams on paper, it will be necessary to consult with specialists before starting the construction of the house - the opinion of a competent foreman or architect will not be superfluous. At a minimum, the following points will need to be agreed upon:

  1. Carrying out electricians;
  2. Carrying out own sewerage;
  3. Carrying out water supply;

It must be understood that all of the above issues are not an artistic or architectural part of the project. These are all the most routine issues, a competent approach to solving which is provided only by professionals in their field. In extreme cases, any oversight in the independent drafting of a house project, which was made by a person who does not have a specialized education, can be corrected by a competent foreman who understands the practical side of any idea much better. Although even if the project is drawn up by professional architects, purely practical shortcomings are also not ruled out.

Independent work on a project at home and its benefits

You can create the project of your house yourself - in order to develop drawings of the relative position of certain premises, as well as to determine the place of the house on the site, you do not need special knowledge. A competent and responsible approach to business will ensure the success of your event. However, in terms of communication, it will be necessary to consult with professionals. Thus, it will be possible to properly plan a house that will serve you faithfully.

7 votes)

Here you can order a house project and get the exact embodiment of your wishes on paper. Individual design of houses and cottages is carried out in close cooperation with the client. All the works in our portfolio are made by the same person. We create a space for life in all its manifestations - for study, for work, for recreation. Professional design of private houses also allows you to get highly liquid real estate.

Individual design of houses and cottages includes the following services:

  • The architectural and construction part of the project: we select the concept, layout, materials, the number of buildings on the site and their purpose.
  • Engineering, communications and automation for your home.
  • Design. The design development service involves the complete organization of the interior space of your home, including the selection of furniture, equipment, materials and cost estimates.
  • Landscaping and landscaping. At this stage, we locate the buildings on the site and perform the selection of plants. It is more convenient to order a house project in a complex.

The development of projects for country houses in Moscow is carried out only for 5 clients at a time, which guarantees complete immersion in the task.

For projects of country houses of any area (300 m2 or more), we use modern architectural solutions with a flat roof, a second skylight and panoramic windows of a large area. You choose the number of rooms and their purpose: your house can have a workshop or a pottery studio, a cinema or a greenhouse, a stable or a photo studio, a sauna or a billiard room, the required number of bedrooms, bathrooms and cabinets.

Why is it worth ordering an individual project at home? Key benefits for you

  • We specialize in low-rise and cottage design and construction. We use exclusively modern style and premium technologies, including BIM design of cottages with visualization.
  • Environmental friendliness and safety of materials. In the construction, we mainly use monolithic reinforced concrete and brick, which can be used without additional finishing. Deciding to order a house design, you get a modern solution.
  • Energy efficiency. We sell passive houses, class A - A ++ (60% higher than the standard value) This is especially true for large houses, since this reduces utility bills by up to 50% or more.
  • There is constant communication with the client. By ordering an individual project at home, you can be sure that you will get a solution worthy of your family. Author's support is provided at all stages.
  • Integrity. Architecture, design and landscape form a single space complementing each other. Excellent illumination due to the use of panoramic glazing technologies.
  • Reasonable pricing: up to 5-10% of the total budget for the implementation of a house construction project. When implementing the architect's idea without making adjustments, we give a 10% discount. We also offer a bonus - author's support when ordering construction in our company.

Designing cottages: what technologies do we use

The design of country houses is carried out using the following principles:

Stages of design and delivery of a turnkey house

step 2

working draft

Based on the agreed draft part, design documentation, detailed drawings and diagrams of architectural and structural sections necessary for the construction of the cottage are developed.

step 3

Construction estimate

After the development of the architectural and construction part, an estimate is calculated according to the specifications and bill of materials. You can start construction work.

step 4

Network engineering

An engineering communications project is ordered, which takes into account the capacity of the boiler house, heating, ventilation, electricity, water supply and sewerage.

step 5

Interior Design

The interior design is worked out in parallel with the sections of the engineering project. Electrical networks are created in advance to provide channels for cable laying.

step 6

landscape design

The landscaping project is created at the draft stage, along with the general concept of architecture and design, engineering sections can be worked out during construction work.

Operating procedure. How to order a house project?

This is the only way to order an individual project at home


If you feel that our vision of architecture coincides with yours, then just fill out an application.


We meet at the site or in the office, discuss the details of the future project, you tell how you see your future home.

Collection of initial data

Therefore, we will need the results of geological and geodetic surveys, an extract from the USRN, technical specifications for connecting engineering communications, and the requirements of a cottage village.

Contract and payment

Based on the terms of reference, the cost is formed and the contract is concluded. we receive the first part of the payment, we proceed to the creation of a project for an individual residential building.

Author's control

Design prices. The cost of your house depending on the area, rub/m2

Stages and sections: Price
1 Architectural and construction part (AS)
Concept sketch (EP) from 1,000 rubles/m2
Architectural Solutions (AR) from 1,000 rubles/m2
Structural and space-planning solutions (CR) from 1,000 rubles/m2
2 Interior design project (DP)
concept sketch from 1,000 rubles/m2
Working design project from 1,500 rubles/m2
Selection of furniture, materials and equipment from 1,000 rubles/m2
decoration from 500 rubles/m2
3 Engineering systems (IS)
Heating and heat networks (OH1) from 250 rub./m 2
Ventilation (OV2) from 150 rubles/m2
Air conditioning (OV3) from 150 rubles/m2
Boiler room (TM) 50,000 rubles / up to 70 kW
Water supply (VK1) from 100 rubles/m2
Sewerage (VK2) from 100 rubles/m2
Power supply (EOM) from 200 rub./m 2
Low current systems (SS) from 100 rubles/m2
4 Landscaping (LP)
Concept sketch of a landscape project from 5 000 rub./sotka
Working draft of the landscape from 10,000 rubles/sotka
5 Escort
Author's supervision 40 000 rub.month
General contract 10%


Project composition

The composition and timing of the development of a draft design of a country house

  • Explanatory note
  • Situational plan of the area
  • General plan (scheme of the planning organization of the land plot)
  • Planning solution with explications of premises
  • facades
  • cuts
  • Roofing design
  • 3D design and visualization
  • Development time: 10-15 working days

    Composition and terms of development of architectural solutions

  • Basement planning solution (Marking / Masonry plan)
  • Floor planning decision (Marking / Masonry plan)
  • Planning solution indicating the main positions in the premises
  • Calculation scheme of loads of walls and partitions
  • Calculation scheme of the floor device
  • Calculation scheme of the device floor overlap
  • Calculation scheme of the roof device
  • cuts
  • facades
  • List of filling window and door openings
  • Composition and terms of development of design solutions

  • Calculation scheme of the foundation device
  • Foundation cuts
  • Structural nodes of individual elements of the foundation and details of the base
  • Structural units of walls and partitions
  • Structural nodes of floors and ceilings
  • Structural nodes of the roof
  • Structural units of facade elements
  • List of facade finishing materials
  • Structural schemes of individual positions (Staircase, Fireplace)
  • Project of power supply, water supply, sewerage, heating systems.
  • Development time: 20 - 30 business days

    Composition and timing of the development of the master plan

  • Title page
  • Sections of the GP to be developed in conjunction with the landscape project
  • The location of buildings in the structure of the site
  • Site organization plan
  • The composition and timing of the development of the water supply and sewerage project

  • Title page
  • common data
  • Plumbing plan
  • Sewer system plan
  • Axonometric diagram of the plumbing system
  • Axonometric diagram of the sewerage system
  • Layout plan for cold water hot water switchboards
  • Specification of technical constituent materials and equipment
  • Development time: 10 - 15 business days

    composition and timing of the heating and ventilation project

  • Title page
  • common data
  • Radiator heating plan
  • Axonometric diagram of a radiator heating system
  • Specification of the technical components of radiator heating
  • Underfloor heating plan
  • Axonometric diagram of the system of underfloor heating mains
  • Complete set of underfloor heating system cabinets
  • Specification of the technical components of the underfloor heating
  • Structural units of devices and installation diagrams of heating systems
  • Piping system
  • drainage system
  • Axonometric diagram of the pipeline
  • Axonometric diagram of drainage
  • Development time: 10 - 15 business days
  • Title page
  • Thermal diagram of the boiler room
  • Boiler plan
  • Axonometric diagram of the boiler room
  • Specification of the technical components of the boiler room equipment
  • The EOS section is being developed in conjunction with the design project of the premises of the complex
  • Title page
  • Layout plan for electrical equipment
  • Lighting layout plan
  • Lighting scenario plan
  • Switch layout plan
  • Socket layout plan
  • Layout plan for low-voltage equipment
  • Specification of technical components of lighting elements and equipment
  • The PNO section is being developed in conjunction with the landscape project and the design project of the premises of the complex
  • Title page
  • The layout of the lighting elements of the facades of buildings
  • The plan for the placement of lighting elements of the territory
  • Specification of technical components of lighting elements
  • Title page
  • Storm system device
  • Drainage system device
  • Specification of the technical components of the storm and drainage network system
  • Title page
  • Plan of external water supply networks
  • Plan of external sewerage networks
  • The device of the automatic watering system of the territory
  • Specification of the technical components of outdoor water supply and sewerage systems
  • Why it is worth ordering an individual, rather than a typical house project

    Typical planning decisions are made without taking into account the geology and geodesy of your site. They do not correspond to the modern style, do not look status and spectacular, do not provide for the possibility of replacing materials. You will have to settle for a solution that is not fully suitable for your family, not optimized for your needs.

    It is quite another matter - an individual project of a cottage. In this case, you receive working documentation that fully meets all the requirements:

    • the shape and relief of the site are taken into account, the depth of the foundation is selected taking into account the type of soil;
    • the appearance and style of the facade are selected according to your preferences;
    • building and finishing materials are selected for functionality, comfort and environmental friendliness;
    • be sure to take into account the liquidity of materials, so that if you wish, you can sell the house quickly and expensively;
    • the areas of each room and functional room are planned according to your requirements.

    We design both houses and complex solutions, with the placement of all necessary buildings and elements of landscape design on the site. You choose what exactly is needed.

    We answer popular questions about country house projects

    Design of an individual residential building or a standard project - what to choose?

    Sample project

    Individual project

    House area

    over 250 m2

    Implementation budget

    up to 60000 rub/m2

    more than 60 thousand per sq. meter

    Land area

    up to 20 acres

    over 20 acres

    Implementation timeline

    limited, you get the project immediately

    ready to wait, the development of an individual project of a private house takes up to 6 months

    What is the procedure for payment of works?

    You can order an individual project at home. The total cost of the project is divided into 2 parts. Payment is made in stages: first - 100% prepayment of the draft design, then - 100% prepayment of the working design.

    Do you have finished house plans for sale?

    Yes, there is, and you can buy them. These are 6-8 standard solutions created taking into account architectural trends. The construction of a country house in this case is carried out without any changes, solely according to the vision of the architect.

    Can I build a house according to your project in another construction company?

    Oh sure. After we have transferred the working documentation, you can contact another construction company. However, this is not profitable: you will need to order and additionally pay for the author's support of the project from us. If we build, then maintenance is not paid separately.

    How to find out the exact price of a complete construction project?

    The final price of designing a house is formed only after the preparation and approval of the terms of reference. Leave a request and we will contact you to clarify the details.

    How does the total area of ​​the house affect the cost of the project?

    The cost of the service directly depends on the area of ​​the house, as prices are per m2. Also, the number of wishes of the customer and the technical complexity of their implementation affect the costs.

    Order the development of the project of your own home!

    We will think over all the subtleties of the project, taking into account the peculiarities of your family's life, taking into account existing hobbies and possible replenishment. We will make sure that everyone is comfortable in the cottage! You will be happy to return here from trips. Forget cramped boxes and bad layouts. Your favorite home starts right here, write.

    The architectural bureau created by the construction company iDomPK specializes not only in the development of ready-made projects, but also provides services for the individual design of country private houses and cottages of any complexity on a turnkey basis.

    We develop complete project documentation, consisting of architectural and structural sections, as well as low-voltage systems, all sections of engineering networks, including boiler room piping. We design houses of any structural complexity, in various architectural styles. We are a self-regulatory organization, having a certificate of admission to a certain type (SRO).

    Our portfolio is our catalog of finished projects!

    Construction company iDomPK is an independent subdivision of one of the largest architectural firms with offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg. We have been operating since 2002. During this time we have designed a huge number of cottages. You can see this if you take a look at our project directory (numbers starting with id).

    Some works from our catalog

    Cost of work

    Below are the main prices for architectural and construction documentation (AR + KR), as well as for engineering networks (IS). We do not develop a separate draft solution or architectural section. Prices are given for reference, so that you understand how much it costs. Please note that the price for the IP is indicated without the section on ventilation with air conditioning. Prices are subject to change. The final cost of individual design depends on the structural complexity and architectural style.

    Below are prices for houses up to 200 sq.


    345 rub/m2

    Network engineering

    Composition of sections of engineering networks:

    • The set of drawings of the VK brand includes:
      general data, house water supply system (floor by floor), house sewerage system (floor by floor), collector nodes of B1, T3, T4 systems, K1 circuit diagram, B1 input node circuit diagram, specification of the main equipment of products and materials (K1, B1, T3, T4 ).
    • The set of drawings of the CO brand includes:
      general data, general data of the heat supply system, system of heating devices (floor by floor), "warm floor" system, schematic diagram of the piping of the boiler room equipment, schematic diagram of the radiator heating system, specification of the main equipment, products and materials.
    • The set of drawings of the EM brand includes:
      general data, electrical single-line ASU circuit, electrical equipment (floor by floor), electric lighting (floor by floor).

    The larger the house, the cheaper its project!

    * - for houses with an area of ​​​​200 m2 or more, the cost of designing will be 400 r / m2, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b300 m2 - 350 r / m2

    What are we designing?

    We are ready to conduct your facility completely - from the development of working documentation to construction, including the installation of all engineering networks. The main directions are the design of private houses, baths, duplexes, townhouses, quadrohouses.

    Private houses and cottages

    architectural styles

    For us, there are no restrictions on style. We will design a cottage in any style. In our catalog you can see examples of works in various styles. Here we will give only the main styles that are popular in our country.

    Consultation with an architect

    Why do you need a house plan?

    Without project documentation, it is impossible to start building a house. Of course, you can start construction with only a draft solution on hand, consisting of floor plans and facades with all the necessary dimensions. This approach is questionable and requires a huge skill builder. The result in this case may turn out to be unpredictable, because. the builder in this case will rely on his experience and assumptions. Cost according to the sketch is a very responsible decision. Why? Because the builder will not have worked out structural elements, all roof sizes and material specifications.

    Standard or individual? What's better?

    Before contacting us for individual design, we recommend that you look at our catalog of cottages. The advantage of a standard project is only in price and terms. Individual design is always more expensive and takes 3-5 weeks, depending on the seasonal workload of our architectural bureau.

    If you want to change the standard solution, then the cost and terms increase. How much? It all depends on the complexity of the changes being made. Sometimes the volume of edits is very large, then in this case we offer to design a house on an individual basis. If you already need to start building a cottage, then we always issue a foundation project in the first place, and it does not matter if it is a typical cottage with changes or an individual one.

    Example of project documentation

    Stages of design and delivery of a turnkey house

    1 Agreement and TK

    Before starting work, a detailed technical task for the design of the house is being worked out. The contract is signed.

    2 Preliminary design

    The first stage is the development of a draft solution. You will see planning solutions for all floors and facades of your future home.

    Answers to your frequently asked questions

    Where to begin?

    It is best to start with a visit to our office, so that the architect listens to you carefully and draws up a technical task, which will become an annex to the design contract. If you do not have the opportunity to come to our office, then you can request a template of the terms of reference. If you encounter any difficulties in filling it out, you can feel free to call us. We will advise you on all points and orient you on the cost of various technologies and materials.

    How to pay?

    Payment is made in the ratio of 50/50. You make the first advance payment before work begins. Final calculation after sketch approval. If the area indicated in the terms of reference differs from the actual one, then the final calculation is adjusted. You pay only for the actual area.

    What do you think of open spaces?

    All areas of open areas (terrace, porch, balcony) are calculated with a coefficient of 0.3. For example, if their total area is 50 square meters, then you pay for 15 square meters.

    Visualization is paid separately?

    Not! 3D modeling and visualization of the house are included in the design cost.

    I need a calculation of all loads. Will you?

    Yes, we are ready to issue a calculation of all loads on such elements as the foundation, floors and roof. In this case, the design cost increases by 200 rubles per sq. m.

    The construction process is long, multi-stage and complex.
    Its beginning is the drafting of a house. And to do it without fundamental knowledge in architecture is to risk your own funds and waste time.

    — sketch development;
    - drawing of the floor plan;
    - budgeting;
    - development of design;
    - preparation of documentation.

    How to design a cottage correctly?

    The construction process is long, multi-stage and complex. Its beginning is the drafting of a house. And to do it without fundamental knowledge in architecture is to risk your own funds and waste time.
    Professional design of houses allows you to reliably determine:

    - construction time - each individual stage and the entire process as a whole;
    — the necessary costs associated with the acquisition of materials and equipment;
    – the schedule and cost of the work of specialists involved in the process of construction and improvement of the facility.

    Incorrect calculation of structures or choice of materials can result in big problems in the operation of the house and the safety of its inhabitants.

    Where to order the design of houses in Moscow?

    Designing houses is a laborious process that requires a specialized approach and therefore is divided into periods - preparatory and working.
    A pre-assessment of the site intended for the construction of the house is carried out.
    The construction technology and the choice of materials used for the construction of the foundation and load-bearing structures largely depend on the relief and quality of the soil. Leaving for the measurement and assessment of the site, a representative of the ARXY company makes the binding of the house project to the surrounding landscape. In the future, this will allow us to develop a design of the building that harmoniously fits into its surroundings.
    In our bureau, the departure of specialists to the place of future construction is a prerequisite, without which we cannot guarantee the high result of our work.

    The design of houses takes place in several stages:

    — sketch development;
    - drawing of the floor plan;
    — calculation of constructive and engineering solutions;
    - budgeting;
    - development of design;
    - preparation of documentation.

    If a general drawing is within the power of its future owner, then further calculations must be entrusted to a specialist who is thoroughly familiar with GOSTs, SNiPs and other standards developed for the construction industry.
    Only in this case it is possible to guarantee the quality of the building erected according to this house project.

    With many apparent benefits of using standard and time-tested options, we recommend doing a custom home project for your home. Each family is unique in composition and needs.
    And limiting yourself, squeezing into the boundaries of the space created for others, is moving away from realizing your dream of a comfortable home.
    When designing houses, ARXY studio architects take into account many factors that affect the appearance of future housing and its internal layout:

    - the purpose of the dwelling - permanent or temporary;
    - the number of residents and their personal requirements;
    - neighboring buildings and objects;
    - landscape data of the building site.

    Designing houses in the ARXY studio takes into account all current trends in interior space planning and design.
    This allows you to create the most modern houses and fully consistent with the developer's idea of ​​​​a comfortable and cozy home.

    As long-term practice of work shows, the purchase of a finished project at home is not cheaper, since it will definitely require refinement, which will lead to an increase in its value.
    The architectural bureau ARXY offers to immediately choose individual construction - this is the only way you will get what you want. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the projects of townhouses, as well as container houses: projects and prices.

    So, you came here to see what we design and build houses, and read about it. Now you have to make your choice: buy a standard project or order an individual design of cottages. Pros and cons: we specialize in an individual approach, and therefore our cottage project is unique and the features of the customer are recognized in it, because this is precisely what the work is focused on. After a thorough acquaintance with you, with your history, surroundings, hobbies and work, we begin to create a sketch, which includes planning solutions and the appearance of the house. Each room and hallway will match your lifestyle. Each window, part of the roof or any decorative element will be designed according to your perception of beauty, you must admit that beauty is common, but everyone has their own taste! We do not rule out the possibility of creating several variants of sketches, since sometimes it is from different ideas that one worthy of implementation is obtained.
    But! The design of cottages is not only an architectural solution, after it it is necessary to develop engineering sections and structures, and they are also carried out individually. In the modern world, a large number of possible options for air conditioning, ventilation, heating and even plumbing.

    Is it possible to buy a standard solution to meet your requirements?

    Not! — Based on our own many years of experience, we have concluded that almost 95% of ready-made standard projects are made not convenient; poor structurally, due to which cracks appear after a few years; extra building materials are laid down (often an overpayment for materials pays for an individual project) and many other unsuccessful decisions, so we strongly recommend ordering your individual project from us.

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