
How to solve the housing problem if there is no money. I don’t have my own home - where to turn and what to do? How to solve a housing problem without having a lot of money

Buying real estate today without the use of borrowed funds is quite difficult. Prices for apartments not only in Moscow, but also in the regions are quite high compared to the average salary of an average family in Russia. A mortgage is a real way to buy your own home. But how economically justified is it? How to save the family budget for the purchase of an apartment and at the same time not take on long-term loan obligations? This, as well as options for buying an apartment without a mortgage, will be discussed in the article.

Economic feasibility of mortgages in the current situation

The economic reality today is such that solving the housing problem at the expense of only one's own funds is a rather difficult task.

How can you buy your own apartment in Moscow without having a lot of money at your disposal? The most obvious answer is to take out a mortgage.

As a result of a decrease in demand and, as a result, a fall in prices in the market for new buildings, mortgages are becoming relevant again.

A mortgage loan is a long-term banking product that allows you to purchase your own housing using credit funds. A mortgage, like any loan, is issued at a certain annual interest rate and involves monthly payments. With each payment, a part of the principal debt and accrued interest are repaid.

Conditions for buyers this year have improved compared to last year. People who have the money to buy an apartment (or have money for a down payment) expected a decline in real estate prices. Many of them realized that prices had reached a minimum, and such favorable conditions should not be missed. Therefore, the number of purchase and sale transactions increases, and the market revives a little.

How economically profitable is it to take a mortgage loan to buy a home in the current conditions?

To answer this question, you need to understand the purpose for which real estate is purchased with a mortgage. If for the purpose of making a profit and further sale or lease to tenants, then it is rather unprofitable. To make a profit, it is necessary that the income exceeds the investment. Then, for example, in order for the rental of property to become profitable, it is necessary that the rates for rental payments exceed the credit ones. These conditions are not currently met. Approximate market rental rates for ordinary housing today are no more than 5% per annum relative to its price. Mortgage rates are 2 times higher.

Therefore, if we compare the economic feasibility of renting an apartment and acquiring it in a mortgage, then it is still more profitable to rent a house. Again, if you do not take into account that you will pay off the loan for your own housing, and when renting for someone else's. Before the crisis, the situation was different.

If we compare the current conditions of the mortgage with the conditions of last year, then the mortgage today is more attractive. Interest rates under the programs of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending are reduced due to the reduction of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Their size practically corresponds to the pre-crisis level. Given the decrease in the cost of apartments, the amount of mortgage loans has also decreased, and hence the size of monthly payments. Thus, today a loan to buy an apartment is significantly more profitable than before the crisis.

Looking ahead, we can say that a mortgage will become really profitable when prices for real estate purchased today (at a reduced cost) go up again.

How to solve a housing problem without having a lot of money

When there is not enough money even for a down payment, the issue of obtaining a mortgage disappears by itself. Now a very small percentage of banks lend to borrowers without a down payment.

Where in this case to get the money to buy an apartment without a mortgage?

You can ask for a loan from close relatives or, for example, if your parents have a large living space, exchange it for 2 small ones.

But what if you have to rely only on yourself?

Calculated data show that if the level of interest rates on deposits is higher than the average, it will be profitable to set aside part of the money from the salary for the purchase of an apartment every month. However, this option is optimal if it is possible to live, for example, with parents.

Usually, experts advise saving 10% of the family income every month, but this amount will have to be increased to purchase housing.

Consider, using a specific example, whether it is realistic to save up for your own housing without a mortgage

First, let's calculate how mortgage payments will look like if the apartment costs 5 million rubles. and an initial contribution of 1 million rubles.

The table shows the data of the loan calculator for a mortgage loan at a rate of 10% per annum with a term of 10 years. Monthly payment RUB 52,860.29

Payment Interest Main debt Balance owed
Total 6342960,2 2342960,2 4000000 4000000
December 2017 52860,29 33969,61 18890,69 3981109,31
January 2018 52860,29 33719,78 19140,52 3961968,8
February 2018 52860,29 31392,65 21467,65 3940501,15
March 2018 52860,29 33375,83 19484,47 3921016,69
April 2018 52860,29 32139,48 20720,81 3900295,87
May 2018 52860,29 33035,29 19825 3880470,87
June 2018 52860,29 31807,14 21053,16 3859417,71
July 2018 52860,29 32689,06 20171,24 3839246,48
August 2018 52860,29 32518,21 20342,09 3818904,39
September 2018 52860,29 31302,49 21557,8 3797346,59
October 2018 52860,29 32163,32 20696,98 3776649,61
June 2027 52860,29 2530,03 50330,27 257489,95
July 2027 52860,29 2186,9 50673,39 206816,56
August 2027 52860,29 1756,52 51103,77 155712,79
September 2027 52860,29 1279,83 51580,46 104132,32
October 2027 52860,29 884,41 51975,88 52156,44
November 2027 52585,12 428,68 52156,44 0

Then we calculate how much it will come out if we attribute approximately the same amount to the bank as a deposit at an average rate of 7%. We add the absence of a down payment to the conditions.

It can be seen from the calculations that it is possible to accumulate money with a systematic replenishment of the deposit in 7 years, saving even a little less. But this is only suitable for those people who have the opportunity to wait and not pay for rented accommodation. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that under adverse economic conditions, the inflation rate can devalue savings.

Attention should also be paid to ways to save costs and replenish the family budget.

Economy principles

  1. Regular monitoring of income and expenses. Keep track of how much and what you spend each day. This will allow you to get information about your financial condition, analyze it and find sources of savings. You can keep records on paper, but it is more convenient to use special applications for the phone.
  2. Refusal of bad habits (cigarettes and alcohol). If you calculate, these expenses make up a significant part of the family budget.
  3. Reduce the number of entertainment, trips to restaurants and bars. If it is not possible to reduce them to a minimum, then you can try to take a certain amount of money with you and fit into it.
  4. When going to the grocery store, especially the supermarket, make a specific grocery list and follow it. Take a limited amount of money.
  5. Buy food products at wholesale food bases.
  6. If you're renting at a not-so-cheap price, look for less expensive rentals or, if possible, move in with your parents.
  7. Do an analysis of your family's other expenses. It is possible that some articles could be shortened. For example, change a gym membership to a less well-known and, accordingly, cheaper one.

But savings alone are not enough, you need to think about how to increase family income:

  • it is worth trying to evaluate your professional skills and abilities and how to get additional income with their help. For example, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will allow you to engage in tutoring, the presence of working skills will allow you to take orders for minor repairs;
  • studying an additional profession in the presence of free time will also allow you to start receiving additional income upon obtaining an initial qualification;
  • develop yourself in your main job, try to get a promotion. The higher you climb the career ladder, the higher your salary will be.

Additional income:

  1. The money you put aside should generate income on its own. The easiest way is to put money in a bank account. The average bet is around 7%.
  2. There is also an alternative to deposits - these are various mutual funds, trading on the Forex exchange. They have a high profitability, but also high risks of losing money.
  3. If you have your own car, which you very rarely use, you can rent it to work in a taxi. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the mileage of the car will increase significantly.
  4. There are many other ways to get additional income, it all depends on the skills, ideas and capabilities of a particular person.

Other options for buying a home without a mortgage

In addition to the possibility of using family savings, there are the following options for acquiring housing without using a mortgage:

  1. Take part in government programs to provide affordable housing for Russian citizens. At the moment, there are several housing subsidy programs under which certain categories of Russian citizens can apply for preferential conditions for buying their own housing. These include military personnel, civil servants, young families, young scientists, large and low-income families, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, orphans, etc. To participate, you must meet certain conditions and provide the required package of documents to the authorized body. You can find out about all the nuances of housing subsidies by contacting the territorial body of social protection of the population.
  2. Get a consumer loan. This option is suitable for people who lack 25-30% to buy an apartment. In this case, the rates will be higher and the period will not exceed 5 years, but the purchased apartment can be disposed of at your own discretion.
  3. Collect money for the down payment, buy an apartment in installments from the developer in a house under construction. In a crisis, in order to maintain demand for housing, developers are willing to provide favorable installment terms. For example, YIT gives its shareholders an interest-free installment plan until the end of construction with a first installment of 30%.
  4. Draw up an annuity agreement with a single pensioner or a life-long maintenance agreement with a dependent. In the first case, the renter can apply for a monthly financial assistance in the amount of at least two minimum wages, while household assistance is not obligatory. In the second case, in exchange for an apartment, an elderly person is provided with lifelong care, the purchase of food and medicine. Cons of this option: the contract can be terminated through the court if the pensioner thinks that the conditions are not met. In addition, the term for obtaining an apartment is not defined.
  5. If you own real estate, sell it and buy a new one using maternity capital. Russian families with two or more children apply for maternity capital. You can spend it on improving living conditions after the child reaches the age of three. The amount in 2017 is 453,026 rubles.

There are options for buying an apartment without resorting to a mortgage loan, but they all involve some kind of cost and conditions.

Housing affordability is an urgent problem for many families; according to statistics, only 10-15% of the population have the opportunity to purchase real estate with their own funds. For the vast majority of citizens, their own savings represent a small part of the price of housing, so they have to solve the problem in other ways. There are state subsidy programs on a gratuitous and reimbursable basis, aimed at improving living conditions, providing benefits for the purchase of residential premises or land.

According to the current regulations and developed systems of assistance to those in need, citizens can count on state assistance. First of all, we should mention the mother's certificate, the provision of housing for social employment - all these are affordable options for solving the housing issue. With the help of the municipality, it is possible to draw up a commercial lease agreement, when part of the payment for rental housing is paid at the expense of the region. In addition to gratuitous subsidies, there is the option of repayable subsidies, installment payments on an interest-free basis, preferential loans and social mortgages.

Provision of social housing

In order for a family or a citizen to be able to participate in any state program to solve the housing issue, one should decide on the available benefits and the opportunity to join the queue of those in need of improved conditions. Art. 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of privileged categories of citizens who can receive a gratuitous subsidy or join the queue for social housing.

At the forefront of public housing are people suffering from certain chronic diseases who do not have to share a room with other family members. For example, citizens suffering from an open form of tuberculosis. People living in a dilapidated and dilapidated fund, who do not have running water, central heating, or sewerage, also have priority in providing housing.

Citizens who own real estate or under a social contract of employment cannot become the waiting list, if the area is higher than or equal to generally accepted standards. But if unrelated families live in the same building, they have the right to join the queue for social housing.

You can register by providing a package of documents containing confirmation of the right to social employment. After receiving the documents, representatives of the social protection department conduct an inspection of housing conditions and draw up an act confirming the stated requirement. The decision of the municipality is issued after consideration by the commission of the issue of registration or refusal, which must be reasoned in writing.

State housing certificate

The second way to receive state assistance is a housing certificate. This document confirms the right to a gratuitous subsidy that can be used to purchase real estate or pay off a mortgage. You should contact the district administration to find out about the possibility of obtaining a subsidy, because the list of preferential categories is quite wide.

Families with many children, low-income citizens, employees of budgetary and state organizations, and young professionals can count on a housing certificate. Each region establishes a number of additional, different from federal, conditions for receiving subsidies. After submitting the required package of documents, the applicant will be informed about the assigned amount, since it is always individual and depends on the calculated coefficient.

The coefficient depends on the number of children, place of residence, available housing conditions. For example, the maximum coefficient for the city is 30-40% of the value of the acquired property, and in rural areas it is 70%. A prerequisite for obtaining a subsidy is the availability of own housing, which can be improved, bank funds for the purchase of real estate, an already issued mortgage or a loan agreement.

You can prove your ability to pay by providing a certificate of income from a permanent place of work or a mortgage agreement with a note on timely payments. The housing certificate is issued for nine months and only once. Having confirmed his right to participate in the program, the applicant receives a certificate, which he transfers to one of the indicated banks within a month.

After the purchase of the property, the bank transfers the amount of the certificate to the seller, or, in the case of repayment of the mortgage, to the lending bank. The operation takes 14 days, while the owner of the certificate does not receive money in his hands.

Affordable housing for a young family

This program has been running since 2005 and has helped many families. The main condition for receiving a free subsidy is the age of the applicants: spouses must not be older than 35 years. The absence of children is not a reason for refusal, but it affects the coefficient for calculating the amount of material assistance. Single women with children and guardians of minors can participate in the program.

The received subsidy can be used in various ways: for social mortgages, the purchase of housing by installments from the city fund, for the rental of social housing and the acquisition of a land plot. The housing issue in a big city can be solved in many ways for a young family if the spouses participate in the Affordable Housing for Young people program.

A young family can take advantage of the lease of commercial real estate owned by the city on preferential terms. The list of required documents for entry into the program and the conditions for subsidizing can be found in the department of social protection or the district administration. Do not forget about the mother's certificate, which helped many families change their living conditions.

If you want to improve living conditions for yourself and your loved ones, you should take advantage of state support programs available to many needy citizens.

An important step in starting a full independent life for young people is moving away from their parents. Usually, young professionals start by renting an apartment or room, and after a few years, some of them manage to acquire their own housing. The IRN.RU editors found out how young residents of Moscow solve the housing problem.

start with someone else

According to NAFI, Russians most often move from their parents at the age of 18-21 years (42%), 22% moved out before the age of majority, 16% - between 22 and 24 years old, 20% - after 25 years. If you do not take into account the hostels for out-of-town students, the most affordable way to move is to rent an apartment.

According to Roman Babichev, head of the rental department at Azbuka Zhilya, over the past two years there have been noticeably fewer applications for rent from people under the age of 28: “First of all, this is due to the financial component. The fall in incomes of the population affects the ability to live separately. People who can live with their parents live with them and at the same time save up for their own housing.” Some young people do not refuse rent, but are forced to rent a room instead of a full-fledged apartment. Sometimes students and young professionals cooperate and rent an apartment jointly. Read the article “New communal apartments: rooms are rented not only by students” about this.

According to the director of MIEL-Arenda, Maria Zhukova, young tenants are mainly looking for one-room (47% of total demand) or two-room (39%) apartments. “For the younger generation, apartments with a good modern renovation have advantages over the “grandmother’s” option, unlike the older generation, whose main criterion is to be comfortable: close to work, with a kindergarten, with a school, etc., ”says Roman Babichev.

Usually people consider rent as the first step in solving the housing problem and at the same time try to save up for their own housing. But some eventually decide not to rush. Internet marketer Mikhail (26) and his wife spent three years renting a small one-room apartment not far from the Vykhino metro station for 25,000 rubles and saving money to buy an apartment. During this time, the young couple managed to accumulate 3.5 million rubles. Just when this amount was collected, the landlady of the rented apartment offered them to buy it for this price. “At first we were inspired, but then we thought about it and decided not to hurry,” says Mikhail. “We denied ourselves a lot because of the desire to buy an apartment as soon as possible, we didn’t go on vacation, but in the end we realized that we were quite satisfied with the rent: we are not tied to a place and can always change housing if necessary.” After some time, Mikhail broke up with his wife, leaving her all the savings. “Now I continue to save up for an apartment myself, but without fanaticism: when I collect the necessary amount, I will buy my own housing, but I no longer strive to do it as quickly as possible,” he says.

Active youth

Nevertheless, young people make up a rather active category of buyers. “Of course, the main share of transactions falls on older people (35-40 years old), however, those who are 23-28 years old apply to the company in order to purchase real estate,” says Tatiana Podkidysheva, head of the department of new buildings at NDV-Nedvizhimost. About 15% of transactions in the company are in this age category.

According to Est-a-Tet, buyers under the age of 30 account for about 23% of transactions. 45% of young buyers have a Moscow residence permit, residents of the Moscow region - 19%, and regionals - 36%. “If this is a mortgage deal, then these are young people who have already graduated from universities and work at a permanent place of work, who are confident in their stable salary. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the buyers are 100% paid by the parents,” says Valery Ruchiy, head of the Est-a-Tet sales department.

There are even more young people in the secondary market. According to the Azbuka Zhilya company, 21% of transactions in the affordable housing segment are for very young people - up to 25 years old. In 72% of cases, such buyers have not yet had time to start a family.

Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group, notes that young people under 25 most often buy apartments with their parents’ money: “It is not uncommon for them to come to inspect an apartment after their parents have chosen an object and made a decision to purchase.” But after 25 years, buyers are already quite independent. Sometimes their parents also help them, for example, they give money for a down payment on a mortgage, but they pay the bulk of the purchase themselves.

The main thing is mobility

Mobility and the ability to quickly get to the center of Moscow are very important for young professionals. Therefore, as soon as apartments within the Moscow Ring Road became more accessible, the choice of young people shifted noticeably from the region to Moscow. So, in just a year, the share of Moscow purchases among young people increased from 45% to 65%. One-room apartments are most in demand among young people (51%). The average area chosen by young buyers is 54 square meters. m, and the average purchase budget is 6.8 million rubles.

“Young people coming from the periphery are more likely to stay in the near Moscow region,” says Alexander Lunin, senior manager of the secondary housing department of the Azbuka Zhilya real estate agency. - As a rule, this is a one-room apartment in a new building or a one-room new building at the stage of completion, in most cases with a mortgage and an initial payment of 500,000 - 600,000 rubles. Muscovites have other possible options: exchanging their parents' apartment for two squares. For example, a two-room apartment for parents is being sold, a “one-room apartment” is being purchased for parents, and children buy an apartment in Moscow for an additional payment and with the involvement of mortgage funds.

How much to save

According to hh.ru, novice specialists in Moscow can expect a salary of 25,000 - 45,000 rubles. The lowest starting salary is offered in the hospitality and manufacturing industries, and the highest income is offered by programmers and financiers. Despite a modest starting income, young people quickly gain experience and after three to five years, even without very fast career growth, young specialists can count on a salary of 60,000 - 70,000 rubles.

Maria Litinetskaya calculated how much a young specialist can save up for a down payment for a budget apartment in the capital. A studio in Moscow can already be found at a price slightly less than 3 million rubles. The initial payment for such an apartment will be about 550,000 rubles. Usually parents are ready to add at least 300,000 for the down payment, the rest of the young buyer must save up on his own. “With a salary of 50,000 rubles, you can save 25,000. Thus, the required amount will be collected in about 10 months. A monthly payment on a loan for a period of 15 years at a rate of about 12% will cost the same 25,000 rubles a month,” the expert says.

The calculation for an apartment near Moscow was given by Tatyana Podkidysheva: “As an example, consider the Krasnogorsky microdistrict, where you can buy a studio for 1.6 million rubles. The amount of the down payment will be 320,000 rubles (this amount can be accumulated if you save about 23,000 rubles for 14 months). The amount of monthly payments (for 15 years, the loan amount is 1.28 million rubles, the rate is 11.4%) will be about 14,900 rubles. Taking into account the fact that the employee will rent housing, a salary of 55,000 rubles will be quite enough.”

However, the figures show that young people started buying houses later, meaning they need more time to save up for an apartment. Thus, according to Est-a-Tet, among all buyers under the age of 30, the share of purchases in the category over 28 years has increased over the year (from 49% to 55%). At the same time, the share of clients aged 25-27 decreased from 37% to 31%.

Specialists of the analytical center "Real Estate Market Indicators IRN.RU" attribute this trend to the emergence of more affordable projects in Moscow. The purchase budget within the Moscow Ring Road is still higher than in the region. However, in the past, young professionals with a low income, in principle, could not count on an apartment in Moscow, but now they can afford it, they just have to save a little longer for an apartment.


Currently, one of the effective options for acquiring a roof over your head is a mortgage. Many citizens are very frightened by the impressive amount of the down payment, namely 20-30% of the cost of housing. If you decide to take it, then you need money, and you can find it by contacting a real estate agency. If you sell the old living space for good money, then this amount will be the first step towards a new life and a new home.

Future housing will someday become your property, and therefore you will be able to suit your taste. But as for the housing you rented, it will never belong to you. And you will not be able to arrange everything the way you would like. By paying off the mortgage, you are investing money in your future home, and the rent is lost without a trace. However, mortgage housing will become your property only in 15-20 years, and during this time its value will either decrease or increase. Having analyzed all these points, most citizens come to the conclusion that a mortgage is still preferable. Therefore, you need to decide what is easier for you to pay: paying off your mortgage or paying rent.

Young families are in dire need of housing. And if you are, then you can hardly afford to take out a mortgage. In this case, the solution to the problem will be renting a separate living space. At the same time, a rented apartment costs relatively, but most young couples do not consider renting a home to be a profitable business. Even if we exclude the risks that may be associated with the termination of the contract and eviction, then the money that is paid monthly to the landlord simply goes nowhere, and mortgage payments gradually bring borrowers closer to full ownership of the apartment as soon as possible. Of course, the mortgage in this aspect is more profitable.

In addition to all of the above, there is a chance that sometime in the future you will become a full owner of a home acquired by inheritance. In another case, the housing problem will be solved with the participation of the municipality. In general, there are many different alternative possibilities for solving the housing problem, but they are all distant in time.

If you have no housing at all, the city administration is simply obliged to provide you with a roof over your head. If you were refused: they say, there is no housing - take a room and arrange it as temporary housing. Demand your living space, go to court.
Be sure to monitor the queue for housing at all times.

To get public housing, you must register. You will be put on a waiting list if you live in a room that does not meet sanitary/technical standards. Open the Housing Code and check if there are grounds for registering you, for example, if you have benefits.

After everything has been clarified with benefits and meters, submit an application to the administration of your city, to which attach a copy of the financial personal account, an extract from the house book, certificates from health care institutions, BTI and other documents.

State apartments are provided on a first-come, first-served basis under commercial/social lease agreements. Under social lease agreements, they are provided to low-income families. You can become the owner of such housing free of charge after the conclusion of the lease agreement in case of not using the right to privatization. You will have to wait for housing from 5 to 30 years.

IN surveys about the purchase of their own apartment, like the one given below by Denis, are asked to me with frightening regularity.

This question is extremely difficult and painful, emotionally very strongly charged and acutely facing, without exaggeration to say, ALL people.

Yes, voiced by Denis "Apartment" arithmetic is shocking! After all, just the realization that over the next 20-30 years you will have to live from hand to mouth and deny yourself and your family everything you need ( including in good clothes, delicious food and bright travel-entertainment) - can plunge any person into severe depression for a long time.

So here's the question I got from Denis :

"Medium"salary in our region ( Western Siberia) - 20 t. R./month The cost of a one-room apartment is approximately 1200-1500 thousand rubles. To buy a home, you need to take a bank loan of about 1 million rubles.

If we take for 20 years, then the monthly payments on the loan: 13 tr. It takes about 5-7 thousand rubles for food + travel. There are also utility bills for an apartment: 2-3 tr.

In this way, the minimum "living" expenses are greater than the "average" salary per month and you have to work very hard just to make the mandatory payments and not be hungry.

The situation is exactly the same with renting an apartment.

Question: what advice would you give to an "ordinary" worker whose income is not growing very quickly in order to solve the housing problem?

20 years to lead half-starved existence and be actually "enslaved" by the bank? That is, if everything goes "normally", then by the age of 50 the apartment will finally become "mine".

You can, of course, make an allowance for buying an apartment together, as a family, but then you need to take into account that children will be added, the wife will not work for some time, and food / travel / other expenses will increase proportionally. You can adjust for income growth and inflation. In general, I would like to hear the opinion of an expert on this issue.

Yes, I forgot to add that it is imperative to solve the housing issue, because it is impossible to rent housing for retirement. That is, you can only live in your own apartment and pay utility bills.

Or maybe an expert can offer an alternative way to manage money?

See my video answer to Denis's question - click on the black triangle in the center to watch the video

I voiced several options for solving this PROBLEM in my video answer to Denis ( watch my video above).

I went into more detail and detail about the various working ways to solve any financial problems. Ibid specific step-by-step recommendations are given and tools that have already been tested by many thousands of my students to increase their personal income.


Most people are much stronger than they think. They just forget sometimes to believe in it.

Everything will work out for you!

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