
Skyrim jagged crown how to open. Jagged Crown in Skyrim. Message for Whiterun

The beginning of this quest mirrors the opening quest of the Imperial Legion, only now you will need to talk to the rebels.

You will get your first chance to join the Stormcloaks right after Helgen, when you leave the caves with Ralof. Otherwise, you will just need to find any rebel, a conversation with which will activate the task.

Having received the assignment of the same name, go to the city of Windhelm, where the residence of the usurper Ulfric Stormcloak is located. Talk to him, and then step into the next room to meet the ruler's faithful companion - Galmar. After the conversation, you will receive the first task, during which you will need to prove yourself and do the rebels a favor.

Joining the Stormcloaks

Your target is on an island with ice ghosts. You will have to go to the right side of the city and not far away. The name of this part of the land was given for a reason - one of the Stones of Power under the sign of the Serpent is located on it.

Apart from this creature, no one else will try to prevent you from completing the quest. If you have difficulties directly with the ghost, then stock up on the appropriate tinctures that increase frost resistance.

After killing the monster, all you have to do is visit back to Galmar. Speak the Pledge of Allegiance to become an official member of the Rebels.

3 jagged crown

When you deal with the ghost and return to the palace, you will find Ulfric and Galmar arguing, who cannot resolve the issue of some kind of crown.

The leader of the Stormcloaks doubts that the ancient Nord artifact still exists, but Galmar has a completely different opinion. According to him, the Jagged Crown still lies somewhere in the ruins of Korvanjund, so the rebels must get it in order to secure Ulfric's claims.

Finally, the Thunderbird gives the go-ahead to search for the artifact - go to the indicated point to start the task. On the spot, you will find that the legionnaires found out about your intentions and reached the ruins before, so get ready to fight.

Inside, the soldiers will not offer you much resistance, since you will be accompanied by Galmar. This NPC is invulnerable, so just follow him.

After the first and second halls, where you have to attack opponents head-on, Galmar will sense an ambush and ask you to explore the upper level.

Walk to the right and in a circle of the upper tier get to the next room. There on you will see enemies that can be quickly eliminated by knocking down a container of fire above a puddle of oil.

One way or another, but after the start of the battle, the rest of the comrades will come to your aid, so that the battle will become equal. Ultimately, passing the corpses of draugrs and legionnaires, you will reach the Hall of History with a locked door that can be opened with a claw key (it lies right next to the corpse near the obstacle).

Install the parts of the door in the specified order: wolf-insect-dragon, and then the path will open.

After that, you will run into another puzzle, only now it will be a hidden lever that opens the necessary door.

To find it, climb to the upper level and pass a small bridge - it is behind it that there is a lever. When the door is opened, Draugr will suddenly attack your comrades.

As a result, you will reach the final hall, where the regalia is located. The serrated crown is worn by a particularly strong draugr, which will immediately wake up as soon as you get close to it. Deal with them, search the bodies, explore the Dovakin's wall and go to Ulfric.

Keep in mind that at this stage you can still change your mind and take the crown to the opponents of the rebels - the imperials and their leader, General Tullius. After this task, it will be impossible to change sides.

With a message for Whiterun

When Ulfric Stormcloak receives the crown, he will praise you and offer you to start a new task. Its essence is as follows: it is necessary to deliver the ax to the Jarl of Whiterun, thereby deciding the fate of the city.

Whiterun is located in the center of the province of Skyrim and is the main trading artery, which makes it the tidbit in the civil war. That is why it needs to be taken over, but there is one thing - the local Jarl Balgruuf sympathizes with the Empire, so you will have to resort to cruel measures. If he refuses to accept the ax and asks for its return, then, as the ancient Nordic tradition says, there will be war.

When you deliver the package to its destination, in addition to Balgruuf, you will stumble upon his advisers. In your presence, they will arrange a meeting, after which the jarl will say the final word - he refuses your leader's proposal. Return the ax back to Ulfric to begin the next task - the conquest of Whiterun.

Battle of Whiterun

As soon as the quest appears in your journal, go to the outskirts of Whiterun and look for Galmar and the Stormcloak army there. Ulfric's adviser will make an exciting speech, after which he will order the attack to begin.

Together with your brothers in arms, head towards the walls that protect the city. It is necessary to break through the barricades and climb up, where there is a lever with which you can lower the suspension bridge and enter Whiterun.

Once in the city, you will find many legionnaires and defensive structures. The ultimate goal of the campaign is to get to the Jarl's palace and finish him off, so get ready to fight your way through. During the entire mission, you will not be able to interact with the local population and enter the houses, so move forward and do not get distracted.

After fighting your way through dozens of Imperials, you will finally reach the Dragon's Reach. In addition to Balgruuf, his advisor and the usual garrison will be inside, who will try to stop you. It is not necessary to kill everyone - it is enough to lower the Jarl's HP to a quarter, after which he will order everyone to lay down their weapons.

Whiterun has been conquered, and now a new jarl will rule in the city - Vignar Greymane, loyal to the Stormcloaks. When you inform Ulfric about the successful siege, he will promote you in rank, give you a unique cannon and offer you the next assignment.

About the liberation of Skyrim

This voluminous task is a set of conquest operations, during which you will finally subjugate the territory of Skyrim. Along the way, you can bring the main story campaign to the Endless Time quest, in which the parties will conclude a truce and exchange possessions.

That is why the goals of this task may differ for each player, since the negotiation process is quite dynamic and offers several options. What cities you will transfer to the Empire, such you will then have to win back during this mission.

The first region that you will have to reconquer after the capture of Whiterun is Falkreath. To continue the mission, visit the rebel camp indicated on the map, which is located below and to the right of Riverwood.

Galmar will inform you that the Stormcloak squad was captured by legionnaires, who then placed it in the Neugrad fortress. Comrades need to be released, so go to the marker.

On the spot you will meet Ralof, whom you know. He will rejoice at your presence and offer you options: attack the fortress in the forehead or sneak in on the sly, using the secret door on the side.

The chosen option will not affect anything: in the first case, you will simply fight in the open, and in the second, you will gain an advantage due to surprise.

To sneak to Noygard unnoticed, go to the lake and jump into it, as the hidden door is in the very center of it. Using the door, you will immediately enter the dungeon where your comrades are being held.

Cells can be opened with master keys or a key, which is located nearby by a guard. Release the prisoners, and then go outside to deal with the garrison.

Throughout the battle, you will fight alongside the liberated rebels. After the battle in the courtyard of the fort, you need to go into the central building, where there are even more opponents.

Deal with them and talk to Ralof, then return to Stormcloak and report your success. As a reward for this, you will again receive a promotion, a cannon, as well as the opportunity to purchase property in Windhelm.

Reach Capture

The next task to liberate the region in Skyrim from the power of the Empire. It will become unavailable if you hand over Markarth to the Legion after the truce has been signed.

In the camp at the Reach, talk to Galmar to learn about the plan of action. The fact is that Jarl Markarth has a weak point - his uncle named Rerik, about whom there are terrible rumors.

This time you will have to play the role of a blackmailer and a thief - you need to steal evidence confirming that Rerik worships the god Talos, now banned in Skyrim.

Once in the city, make your way to the palace, which is the residence of the jarl, and then step to the right of the throne. So you can get into the personal rooms of the assistant ruler, where the desired chest is located. It is there that the Talos amulet lies, clearly speaking about Rerik's religion.

After that, it remains only to talk with Rerik in the central hall and show him the amulet. He is seriously frightened and agrees to cooperate, and then, as a sign of loyalty, he will inform you about the legion's caravan with valuable supplies, which is moving to the main city of the empire.

Moreover, if you put more pressure on the adviser and use persuasion, he will give you gold from above.

Tell Galmar about the information received, and then go to the highway, where the Stormcloaks are already waiting for you, ready for the raid. Together with them, you will capture the wagon and kill the guards. By the way, here Ralof will again help you, who will offer to attack from afar or strike openly.

When the deed is done, Ulfric's adviser will order you to capture Sungard Keep. The fort is located below and to the right of Rorikstead, and the task itself is a classic for Skyrim capture of the fortress.

You will need to kill the defenders until their strength, expressed as a percentage on the side of the screen, drops to zero. After the battle, inform Ulfric that Sungard is now yours. As a reward, the leader will raise you in rank and hand you a cannon.

Capture of Hjaalmarch

During this task, which you will receive in the camp above and to the right of Morthal, you will have to misinform the imperial headquarters, thereby violating their plans.

To complete the task, you will have to kill the messenger with the letter or simply steal documents from him. The messenger himself moves along the highway from Morthal to the capital of the Imperials, Solitude, during which two taverns can be found, in each of which the messenger decides to stop.

It doesn't matter in which tavern you find the messenger - in any case, you will have to convince the owner that the imperial soldier may soon be killed, which you want to prevent. As a result, the innkeeper will tell you about the location of the messenger, saying that he has gone away for a while, but will soon visit the establishment again.

After that, the messenger will be marked with a marker on the map, so you can immediately follow him and kill him on the way. However, be aware that the messenger moves in real time, which is why you may simply not catch up with him.

There is another option - wait for the messenger in the tavern, and then follow him and finish him away from civilization (murder in a tavern will become a crime).

When you have the documents, take them to Galmar. It turns out that Snowhawk Fortress is asking for soldiers, which the Empire would immediately provide if this information fell into the hands of the legionnaires. When Galmar corrects the information, take it to its destination in the city of Morthal, where Tadril Duliy is waiting for you.

To complete the task, you will have to complete the last assignment of Galmar - to capture the fortress of Snowhawk, which has lost support. Get to the place, start the attack and bring the number of garrison to zero percent.

You have to recapture the city of Dawnstar, which was originally under the control of the Stormcloaks. The quest will become available only if and when you turn it over to the Imperials during the Endless Time quest.

This time there are no unique missions waiting for you - only the capture of the Dunstad fortress. Listen to Galmar and go to the point where other rebels are waiting for you. Together with them, storm the fort until all its defenders fall.

You have to recapture the city of Riften, which was originally under the control of the Stormcloaks. The quest will become available then and if, when you hand it over to the Imperials during the "Endless Time" quest.

Visit Galmar's camp and receive the task. Next, go up and to the right of the city, where a squad of Stormcloaks awaits you. Besiege the fort with them and take it.

The city of Winterhold is ruled by Ulfric Stormcloak. You can give it away in the same way as the cities described above, during the Endless Time quest.

Visit the counselor at the camp near Windhelm. Your king's adviser will send you to conquer the fortress of Kastav. Together with other warriors, you will have to cut out the garrison until its number drops to zero percent.

The final task that makes up the long mission "Liberation of Skyrim". It will become available only after the capture of all cities, not counting the capital of the Imperials in Skyrim.

It is her - the city of Solitude - that you will have to win back during the next mission. This same is the forerunner - it will be necessary to recapture the fortress near Solitude, which is called Hrastgad.

Immediately go to the point where allies are waiting for you. Attack the garrison and bring its number to zero. When you report to Galmar about your success, he will send you to the main army, which has already begun the assault on Solitude.

Battle of Solitude

When you reach the outskirts of the city, you will find an army led by Ulfric Stormcloak himself. He will cheer up the warriors, and then send them and you to attack.

It will not be difficult to get behind the walls, since the city is almost unprotected from the outside. The bulk of the enemies are behind the walls, so go inside.

To complete the quest, you must kill General Tullius, who is located in the main palace. Getting there with the Thunderbird is not difficult, since he is invulnerable.

It will not be possible to get into the castle directly, since the path is blocked by a gate. Step on the side and break the first obstacle, then move forward into the residential area. From there, turn to the cemetery, from where you can also get into the castle. The local path will be blocked only by a barricade that must be broken.

In parallel, you will have to fight off opponents who will advance until you destroy the fence.

Finally, you will reach the castle itself and go inside. Together with your comrades, you have to defeat the general and his adviser. The adviser will fall, and the main target will be dying. One way or another, but she will be executed by your hand or the hand of Ulfric.

After that, together with the new king, you will leave the castle and go out to the rest of the soldiers. Ulfric Stormcloak will make a pathetic speech, and then say that he refuses to call himself king without permission. He will demand to convene the Jarls, who will have to decide the fate of Skyrim. At this point, the Stormcloaks campaign ends.


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Returning to the royal palace, you will hear a new dispute - about a certain crown, which can confirm Ulfric's rights to the throne, if it is obtained.

Galmar will be surprised to see us alive, but, there is nothing to do, he will take an oath from us to the Stormcloaks.

The oath marks a new stage in the hero's life - from now on he serves the Stormcloaks and will fight for them. The quest "Joining the Legion" will fail. However, the game will give you one more chance to switch sides a little later - but only one.

It's time to try yourself in battle - go with the Stormcloaks to the ancient Korvanjund cairn, where the old king Borgas rests. It's north of Whiterun and east of Lorea Farm. You can go for the crown on your own, but the writers have in store for a trip along with a group of Stormcloaks, among which will be Ralof, already familiar to us from the opening scenes.

The Imperials have already infiltrated the cairn, so we'll have to take it by storm. Several soldiers are on duty outside, the rest inside. If you don't feel confident, stick with the rest of the Stormcloaks.

The detachment will be led by Galmar Stonefist himself. Before the corridor, dangerous for an ambush, he will offer the hero to find a workaround. This path goes up a level. Pay attention to the lamps and spilled oil - this is a good way to eliminate one or two legionnaires quickly and safely. The rest of the separatists will come running to the noise and arrange a fight.

After a couple of turns, the group will begin to stumble upon traces of the legionnaires' battles with the draugr. But this, of course, will not stop the brave Nords. The Imperials, exploring the cairn, did not get further than the secret door, next to which lies the key - an ebony claw. Open the door with the wolf-butterfly-dragon combo. Behind it is a large hall with tombs eloquently standing around the perimeter. Galmar will send us to look for the lever that opens the door at the end of the hall. It is located directly opposite the door on the level above, next to a candle and a chest. Of course, this lever also opens the coffins in which the evil draugrs are sitting.

But the scene in the crypt will be the most interesting. We know that the draugr (King Borgas) sitting on the throne is pretending. But Ralof does not know and carelessly approaches him with the words: “Here is the crown!” What will begin after that you can easily imagine.

After fighting the three classic draugr bosses (lots of health, use screams), don't forget to pick up the crown and absorb the word of Power - time dilation from the wall at the end of the hall.


If the hero is not a Nord, Galmar will first ask suspiciously, why would a cat (lizard, imperial) fight for Skyrim?

While you have not taken the oath, you can go to the Imperial Legion and complete their introductory task at the same time.

Try not to swing your sword too much, so as not to hurt and anger your own. The same applies to powerful area-of-effect spells and slanting arrows.

If you take the crown not to Ulfric, but to General Tullius, you will be able to defect to the legion. This is your last opportunity to change sides in the story.

The next task to complete the game is to get the Jagged Crown. Having got it in your hands, it means to get power and the opportunity to change the outcome of the war. For the hero, completing the Jagged Crown quest in Skyrim will help not only get closer to achieving the cherished goal, but also choose the side of an ally for the last time.

To complete this task, you need to head to the southeast of Skyrim. You will have to carefully prepare for a long hike. If the hero is strong and not afraid of multiple battles with the strongest enemies, then you can go light. But still, it is better to stock up on support and help. The Storm Brothers can help, especially since they are already ready for the campaign. Having come a long way, having fought with numerous enemies, we find the ruins of Korvanjund. This is where you will have to sweat and apply all your ingenuity and strength to obtain the necessary artifact. We fight with the wars sitting in ambush, we make our way gradually inside the ruins.

But, do not rush to swing the sword on all sides, so that hitting an ally, you can get another enemy. Although, you can not fight at all, but wait until the ally's army clears the way. Gradually advancing, we find ourselves in a narrow corridor, but in order not to stumble upon another ambush, we need to find a workaround. And there is such a passage, but you have to climb one flight higher. From the corpses that meet underfoot, it is not difficult to understand that there have already been battles with the draugr. But do not rush to leave these places.

Moving deeper into the cave, we reach the door. In order to open it and find yourself in the halls of Korvanjund, you need to get a key in the form of a claw. He is not far away, near the corpse of the Draugram under the same door. Next, you need to unravel the combination of symbols to unlock the passage. The combination is as follows: fox - butterfly - dragon. Having correctly placed the symbols, activate them ... and voila, the door is unlocked and the path is clear. Alas, the desired artifact will not be behind the door, but only another locked door. Well, to go further it must be unlocked. To do this, we go back a little, find a ladder on the right side and climb it up. Once on the upper tier, you need to find a lever with which we can open the gate. The lever is at the end of the next room, which can be reached via a small bridge. The search doesn't take long either. In the room on the wall on the left, above the chest we will see the item we need. We turn the lever, and get ready for a little surprise.

The passage will open, but the tombs that stand around the perimeter of the entire room will also open. We fight with the draugr, who were sitting in ambush and we pass into the next room. And, finally, the main question disappears, where to find the Jagged Crown in Skyrim. At the end of the hall, the immovable King Borgas sits on a throne. But just take off the crown and leave with it will not work. The king himself rises to defend his symbol of power. We fight with him and with his subjects. And after the victory, the main thing is not to forget why a long way has been made. We take the artifact (ID - 000DA750) and head back. Yes, and if we look behind the throne, we will see another word of power. This time it's time dilation. We study it. And there we find an inconspicuous wooden staircase, using it you can get to the initial halls, thereby reducing the time for their temple to leave. On the way back, you have to think carefully about who you would like to see in the ranks of an ally. Having made the final decision, we give, everyone wants to receive, a relic either Tullius or Ulfric. And, hooray, you can relax - the mission of the Jagged Crown in Skyrim is completed. Also, while wandering through the ruins, do not forget to find one of the 24 stones for the crown of Barenziah. Of course, the game does not end there, even more interesting and exciting trips for the next artifacts are ahead.

After taking the oath, speak with legate Rikke, who will set up a meeting west of the ruins of Korvanjund.

Head to the ruins, Rikka and Hadvar with a small detachment will already be waiting for you there, discussing the situation with the scouts. Hadvar has a superstitious fear of these ruins.

Now you have to go together to the ruins. The entrance is on the right side, to which you first need to go down the stairs on the left.

In the fortress there is already a detachment of the Stormcloaks that arrived there earlier. Having defeated the rebels, head inside Korvanjund.

Head straight through the hall and up the stairs, where you will again have to face a group of Stormcloaks. Going down from the hall down, on the left you will see a door, closed from the inside.

In the next room, you can go down the broken bridge or you can go through the gallery. You need to get to the opposite side. In the next hall, you need to knock down the pendant lamps to set fire to the oil on the floor.
Follow the bridge. To the right is an empty chest, next to which lies a skeleton and the book Jornibret's Last Dance. Go down the stairs, turn left, then right, then left again. After passing through a small room in which there are funerary urns, you will again meet the Stormcloaks and the dead draugr. Get down to the door leading to the Halls.

In the Halls, go up the stairs, then along the corridor to the left. In the passage on the left is a trap with blades, behind which is a lever that disables it, and a chest. After you take things from the chest, return to the corridor and go down to the hall with bas-reliefs and a gate, closed with an ebony claw, which can be found lying nearby. Storms and an ebony claw.

The code to the door is depicted on the claw, this is the Wolf-Butterfly-Dragon.

Climb up the passage to the right of the grate. On the right side, take the dagger from the pedestal, as a result, a secret door to the room with a chest will open.

To open the grate, you need to go along the stone bridge to the chest and turn back, on the wall to the right above the burial urn there is a lever that will open the grate and wake up the draugr.

Upon entering the Crypt, you will enter the throne room and two sarcophagi. The jagged crown is on King Borgas, seated on the throne. When you touch the crown, Borgas and the Draugrs, resting in sarcophagi, will come to life.

After dealing with the draugr, take the crown, which Rikka will be ordered to take to Tullius. Behind the throne is a Wall of Power with the Slow Time shout and a chest.

A shorter way back can be found by climbing up the log stairs. The exit from the ruins is closed with a grate with a master level lock. After picking the lock, take things from the nearby chest and return to General Tullius.

The Stormcloaks are the opposition to the Empire, which seeks to completely control Skyrim and deploys its troops of soldiers in the vicinity all the time. The Stormcloaks, in turn, oppose her and fight to keep Skyrim independent. Among them you will meet the most courageous and fearless Nords. None of the belligerents can be called right. Each has its good and bad sides, as well as its own secrets. Therefore, the passage of the game Skyrim gives the player the right to take any side.

How to join the Stormcloaks?

To join their ranks, seek out a certain Galmar, nicknamed Stonefist, in Windhelm. He is located in the Royal Palace and conducts recruiting for newcomers. Tell him that you want to join the guild. He will answer you that there is always a need for new soldiers, but you must bring evidence of your usefulness.

Joining the Stormcloaks

The introductory task will be quite easy and short. Find the Serpent Stone (the map will help) and destroy the ice spirit near it. Complete the task and return to Galmar. Then read the oath and put on the clothes of the militia. Everyone, congratulations, you have joined the Stormcloaks.

jagged crown

Next, Stonefist will ask you to find the Jagged Crown to complete Skyrim. You need to go to the ancient burial place of the Nords. It is called Corvanjud. Whenever you come out, Galmar will claim to be ahead of you. Try to arrive at least five seconds ahead of him. The warrior will report that the Imperials have already invaded the burial and are waiting near the entrance. In addition, he will complain that the Stormcloaks are very cold, and the Imperials are warming themselves around their fires. You need to drive out the Imperials, but it's better to just kill them all. When you deal with everyone, the road to the ruins will be free and you can go in. There you will meet six more enemies - kill them too. Ahead of you will still come across the Imperials. Spare no one. Further, Galmar will begin to suspect an "ambush". He will ask you, as a "rookie", to go check and make a promise to join the battle, if anything. They will hear her. If you want to finish your Skyrim walkthrough, don't rush to go ahead. First try to go from above.

The Imperial below is probably not very smart. He stands in a puddle of oil that catches fire easily. And above his head is a flaming jar. Drop it on an enemy's head with either a spell or an arrow from a bow. Or you can just join them in battle. In addition to him, four more guards are in the room. When attacking them, you will see Galmar running in with his people. Deal with the enemies and go to the next tier of the burial. Upon entering, you will come across a locked door. The claw lying near the door will help open it. In addition, you will have to solve a very simple puzzle. Just line up the beast on top, then the bird, then the rest of the picture. You will then enter a room with a locked grate. Of course, you need to figure out how to open it. Above it, you will find a dagger lying on a button. To complete the game Skyrim, take it. Then you will see a secret passage that opens up. He will lead you to a room full of traps. Very carefully open the chest located there.

Otherwise, you cannot avoid the bullets fired at you. Do not press the lever - it closes the door. Take everything you need and go back. Then through the ledges get to the opposite side. Then you will see a handle that you need to press. Thus, you will open the grate, and at this time four Draugr will appear from their coffins. Kill them and proceed to the Crypt. Galmar will report that the crown is close. Start looking for her. Then on the throne you will see a man on whose head the thing you need rests.

Of course, the passage of the game Skyrim cannot be so simple and he will not give you the crown. You need to take it from the draugr by force. Destroy everyone and take the crown from their commander. And behind the throne you will find a new word of power written on the wall. Now take the found crown to the customer. However, take your time and do not run through the corridors. Near the wall where you read the word of power is a small ladder made of wood. If you climb it, you will see a corridor leading to the temple. It turns out that this is the first burial site. Then head to the Thunderbird, give him the crown. He, in turn, will send you to take the ax to Balgruuf, Jarl in Whiterun. This will be your next task.

Message for Whiterun

You need to not only hand over the ax to Ulfric, Jarl in Whiterun, but also wait for his answer. Go to the palace in Whiterun. In the event that you get there for the first time, the jarl's tan will stop you. To play Skyrim, tell him that you are coming with a message from the Thunderbird. Then they will let you in. In addition, if you have not been there yet, first go through the quest of the main plot (find the tablet and destroy the dragon). Only then will you receive an answer.

It turns out that Balgruuf decided to return the ax to Petrel. Fulfill his wish. But Ulfric still intends to start a war with Whiterun. And you, of course, will be on the front line. So, head to the military Camp, which is located in the vicinity of Whiterun.

Go there and listen to Stonefist's rant. Then join the battle. You need to open the way to the suspension bridge. Go to the opposite side as you like. You can climb over the ledges or jump over the top of the moat. Then climb up the gate and lower the bridge. Through it, enter the city and destroy all the enemies you meet. Get to the castle and kill all the guards in it, and grab the jarl after them. You will have a pompous dialogue with him. The jarl will repeat that you will all repent of your deeds. And Galmar will shout for him to be quiet and that you have conquered the city. You are really successfully completing the passage of the Skyrim game - after all, you have captured the city, which now needs command. You will be sent with a message about the victory in Windhelm.

Battle of Whiterun

Defeat the Whiterun guards and the Imperials. Get to the devices and lower the bridge down. Then break into the dragon's limit, where you will overthrow the jarl. After completing all the tasks, go to Ulfric.

Liberation of Skyrim

Now Galmar, nicknamed the Stone Fist, will ask you to conquer the forts one by one and kill all the imperial enemies there to complete the Skyrim game. Head to Stormcloak and tell him that you have captured Whiterun. Your nickname is now Ice Veins. Finally, Ulfric realized that with more features, you will become even more useful. But be patient, rejoice, first you will be persistently asked to go to Falkreath and support Galmar.

And he will give you a task to recapture a fort called Neugrad. Move forward to meet the scouts who are located southwest of the specified fort. Note: in the event that suddenly near Galmar the inscription "Awaiting orders" or something like that does not appear in any way, you need to run around him or approach from the other side on foot.

Go to the meeting with the scout. He appears to have known Ralof for a long time. The scout will inform you that you will need to make your way through the caves at the bottom of the lake to the prison, which belongs to the fleet. And there, free all the captives and quickly move to the courtyard. You will receive help from scouts in the battle against the Imperials. The further passage of Skyrim depends on your level: you can tell them that you do not have the stealth skill, but they will say that they believe in you and are ready to support you as soon as you are in the yard. Head towards the lake, dive into the water and swim towards the passage. If you still don't know how to sneak, just run into the yard and start a fight. Then the scouts will come running to you, and you will free the prisoners. And if you own stealth, go to the prison and release the captives (first kill the guard at the door and take the key to the cells from him). Then deal with all the enemies in the yard (four to five people). Now go to the fort and kill all the opponents in it (about ten people). Six of them fell asleep in the same room, so half can be killed by stealth, and the rest in open battle. After cleaning the fort, talk to Ralof and listen to his words of gratitude. He will send you to report your victory to Ulfric. To complete the Skyrim game, go to him and get a new task, which is to free the Limit.

Military Loot

Ulfric Stormcloak will ask you to find data that can be used to blackmail the manager in Markarth Rerik. Head to the Understone Keep in Markarth and look for a room there that belongs to Rerik. The door there is guarded by a guard. Wait until he leaves and quickly make your way into the room. You also have the option to use a potion that will make you invisible. In the dresser, take the Talos amulet that belongs to Rerik and head towards it. He will take you to his room and tell you about a caravan loaded with weapons and silver, which can greatly affect the course of the war. Then report everything to Galmar and, together with the scouts, go to the robbery of the specified convoy. On the way, you will meet Ralof, who will report the breakdown of his wagon and the placement of his camp very close by. Playing Skyrim again gives you a choice: continue the task on your own; Ralof and his people deal with the guards, and then you all rob the camp together and kill all the enemies.

In any case, destroy the Imperials, and then head to the Reach camp to Galmar.

Battle for Sungard

Now you have to retake Fort Sungard on the orders of Stonefist. The passage of the game Skyrim gives you a simple task - head to the fort and recapture it. Kill about 30 Imperials. The rest of the Stormcloaks will help you.

Note: here the game can run very slowly on not very powerful computers. You can even see a slide show instead of a game. After completing the task, go back to Ulfric.


Galmar will ask you to falsify documents belonging to the Imperials. However, first find their original. Go to the tavern called "Dragon Bridge" and talk to its owner. Ask her about the messengers of the empire and get the information you need. To do this, use bribery, fear or persuasion.

Having received the necessary information, move to the point marked on the map. You will find the messenger near the broken cart on the way south of the tavern. Kill him and take the papers. Give them to Galmar and take the forged copy right there. He will ask you to transfer the fake Legate named Taurin Dulius to Morthal.

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