
Bank home credit debtors. Home loan debt collection service. Home Credit: overdue. What does this mean for the borrower?

Today, many are interested in whether there is an official website for loan debtors. He can help find himself on the list of debtors, but he is not there. After all, the information is secret.

You are wondering whether there are blacklists of loan debtors. They are of interest not only to you, but to everyone who took out a loan. Yes, of course, each bank has its own lists. There are, for example, home loan debtors. Each bank shares lists with other banks. This is said figuratively. That is, all lists are entered into the database and are available to all banks. This also applies to countries. But it's harder here. Each country has its own lists of debtors. For example, debtors on Russian standard loans are Ukraine. All banks in Ukraine have access to them. But it is more difficult to access the lists of another country. This is your entire credit history. If it is not very good, then it will be very difficult for you to get a loan. It is given only to those who have a good credit history.

Conversation with a collector, home loan - video

The list of debtors has its own hierarchy. There are debtors who do not pay the loan at all, who rarely pay it. There are also those who have never paid, and so on. This is how, for example, the list of debtors for Sberbank loans looks like. That is, without paying the loan at least once, you are already included in the list.

Debtors on the loan

So, if you have not paid the loan, you will have to face some problems. To begin with, the bank will start calling you and reminding you that you have not paid. You will also need to explain the reason for your debts. If you have guarantors, they will also call.

If the calls do not help, then they will sue you, and then they will decide what to do with you. The court will consider all the nuances and then render a verdict. If you had a deposit, then they will definitely take it away; if you did not have it, then you may be fined or an inventory of the property will be made. But these punishments are individual.

It is very important to draw up the contract correctly. There you must indicate the amount you took, the amount that needs to be returned, the interest on the overpayment, the loan term, the collateral and the guarantor. You indicate the collateral and guarantor only when you have them. You can also specify in the agreement the reason why you may not pay the loan. We indicate them in the contract. The bank, of course, must agree to this. We sign the agreement with the help of a notary. You must read it carefully before signing it. Consider all the nuances and details. And most importantly, remember that if you signed the agreement, then there is no turning back, you agreed with its points. It is very important. The contract will then help you prove that you had a reason not to pay. But she must be very, very respectful.

Assistance in obtaining a loan for debtors

So, let’s say that you have already become a debtor and nothing can be changed. What to do? Of course, ask for help. You have the right to do so. There are several options for help you can receive. This is, for example, credit holidays. They are provided to those with a valid reason. For example, unexpected job loss, layoff. In this case, you may be given a deferment on payments. To do this, be sure to go to the bank and find out. If you decide to arrange your own vacation, even if the reason is valid, then you will be considered a debtor. The bank must be warned. And remember that you may not get credit holidays. This is decided individually.

Legal assistance for loan debtors is another option for assistance. It is provided to everyone. Here you can get help with paperwork, advice and much more. Also here they will tell you if you have the opportunity and at least a small chance of getting a loan again.

There is another option for help. This is credit union assistance. You must enter it and become a member. Only then will you receive help, advice, and cooperation.

Loan debtor database

Of course, today there is a single database of loan debtors. That is, this database contains all the information about those who did not pay the loan. There is information about absolutely all banks. That is, if you have not paid a loan in one bank, then other banks will also know about it. All banks have access to it.

The database is electronic and is available only at the bank; by visiting the bank, you will find out if you are in it.

It’s better to pay the loan anyway and not worry about being a debtor. Remember that if you have a negative credit history, you will not get a loan. Only private individuals can give it to you, and their percentage of overpayment is much higher. Moreover, they can deceive. A bank is a bank and it's better to go there.

Home loan and debtors - video

Commercial banks in Russia (Russian Standard, Home Credit Bank, etc.) are focused mainly on providing services to individuals, often considering them as priority clients. Financial institutions always require the client to strictly fulfill their obligations. When there are delays and long-term non-payments, they transmit information to the Credit History Bureau. You can find out the data in several ways completely free of charge.

Blacklist of bank debtors: how to look at yourself?

To check whether your name is on the blacklist of defaulters, there is more than one way:

  • in BKI (to find out which bureau the required document is located in, you need to make a request to TsKKI - Central Catalog of Credit Histories);
  • in most cases, you can find out its status on the bank’s website or by contacting a branch;
  • view information on the FSSP website in the unified register of debtors;
  • use the state portal Electronic government of public services for free, where you can find out the status of traffic police fines and the status of your personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Pretty hard. Few financial institutions are willing to accommodate willful defaulters and develop special programs for such clients (for example, Tinkoff, Renaissance Credit, Citibank), but the interest rate will be increased.

Russian Standard Bank - loan debtors

When signing a contract, you should especially carefully study the clause on late payments. At the initial stage, the institution simply notifies the client about the missed payment (mail notifications, calls). After about 2 weeks, the case is transferred to the bank’s collection department, and the data is recorded in the BKI. If the situation worsens, the financial institution may sell the debt to a collection firm or file a lawsuit.

To view your payments on a Russian Standard loan (Home Credit Bank, etc.), you can use the unified database of defaulters on the FSSP website. You should not trust paid services with supposedly hacked lists of debtors; as a rule, they are created by scammers. You can also contact the BKI with which the financial institution cooperates. To clarify where the client’s data is stored, you need to make a request from the Bank of Russia website to contact the TsKKI (central catalog of credit histories). You can also send a letter, including by email, to: [email protected]. A client of a financial institution can receive information not only about the status of his loan payments, but also about financial institutions that transmitted data to bureaus, individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities that had access to payment reports. In addition, he can partially or completely challenge this information by submitting a special application to the BKI.

Alfa Bank loan debtors

If, due to circumstances, the client cannot repay the loan, do not aggravate the situation by ignoring the bank’s notices. If problematic situations arise, you need to contact the branch with a request for a deferment or restructure your debt, receiving a new payment schedule with a higher interest rate (about 35%, but other organizations, for example, Russian Standard, Home Credit Bank, have different conditions). Despite the last nuance, there is a chance to legally and safely repay the debt, improve your credit history and remove your name from the bank’s blacklist of defaulters.

When late payments occur, the bank sends the client notifications about the need to pay, and over time may sell the debt to a collection company or, under special conditions, offer to take out a new loan to pay off the debt from another institution. You can clarify the details of your payments on an Alfa Bank of Russia loan by making a request to the Equifax Credit Services Bank in writing or through any branch of a financial organization. In this way, the organization reduces its financial risks and minimizes non-repayment of debts. The BKI report will contain personal data (last name, passport series and number, telephone number) of the client, terms and amounts of loans, overdue payments, and a list of creditor organizations. The service is paid – 1000 rubles.

Sberbank - loan debtors

To find out whether the name of a client of this bank is in the unified database of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP), you can fill out a special application on its website in the “Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” section or use the services of BKI. It is also possible to clarify the necessary data online at any time through the Sberbank Online Internet service. How long do you need to wait for the result? Just a couple of minutes. You need to log into the service using your login and password, select the Other category - Credit history and create a request. The report will appear automatically.

An ordinary client cannot view information about other bank debtors; only some managers who decide on issuing a loan have access to it. The financial institution has also developed profitable mortgage programs. According to one of them, it is possible, but for this you need to have maternity capital. In all other cases, you need to prepare an amount of 20% of the cost of potential housing (Russian Standard, Home Credit Bank have their own conditions).

Debtors of Home Credit Bank

For late payments, Home Credit Bank charges fines from the first day of delay, and if the situation worsens, it requires early repayment of the debt. All these actions are recorded in the client’s credit history. In order not to be blacklisted by the bank's defaulters, if difficulties arise, you should use some of its suggestions to your advantage:

  • warn about the impossibility of paying the required amount 2 weeks before the payment date;
  • You can postpone the payment date once, taking into account interest for those days that will be missed before the date chosen by the client;
  • file for bankruptcy (subject to certain conditions) and apply to the arbitration court at your place of residence.

To clarify the status of your payments to Home Credit Bank, you need to make a request to BKI. If the client does not know in which bureau the necessary information is stored, it is necessary to clarify this by submitting an application to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories of Russia (for this you will need a payment history subject code, it is invented by the client himself). You can also receive data once a year for free.

Advice: data on loan payments is stored in the BKI database for 10 years from the date of the last change.

Blacklist of debtors: what are the consequences

If a person is included in the unified FSSP database, difficulties often arise with traveling abroad. The temporary ban was first introduced back in 2005. But the mere existence of a loan debt does not mean that such a restriction is already in effect. In order not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation before planning a foreign holiday or business trip, it is worth checking the status of your debts on the website of the FSSP of Russia. In most cases, a person will not be able to leave the country if enforcement proceedings have been initiated against him. In particular when:

  • the debtor did not comply with the requirements in the writ of execution, issued on the basis of a judicial act, within the prescribed period;
  • the claimant's application was filed in the case provided for in Part 2 of Art. 30 Federal Law (if the executive document is an act or issued on the basis of it);
  • An application has been submitted to the court on behalf of the creditor or bailiff for a temporary restriction for the defaulter to travel abroad.

If a decision was made against the debtor to restrict his travel abroad, then after such a decision is made, copies of documents will be sent to him at the address specified in the court decision. For loan debts of less than 5 thousand rubles, such a measure of influence, as a rule, is not applied.

To remove your name from the blacklist of Russian Standard, Home Credit Bank or others, you first need to pay off the debt and present a receipt for payment to the court. He must make a decision on lifting the restriction on travel abroad within 24 hours. How long does it take to lift the ban in reality? In practice, this process can last from a week to 30 days.

How to request a credit rating?

If enforcement proceedings have been initiated against the debtor, then data about him is entered into the database of enforcement proceedings. You can view the information using a special form where personal data is entered. The simplicity and convenience of the service allows you to find out the credit rating of both the client and the financial institution from which he will take a loan at any time (to check his reliability). You can make a request in several ways:

  1. You can find out your status by contacting a bank branch or online on the website of a financial institution. As a rule, the service is paid (costs around 300-500 rubles)
  2. Use the BKI service (checking once a year is free, repeated requests are paid). On the website of the Central BKI we find a link to an online request, enter personal data: first and last name, passport series and number, mobile phone number, email address, special code of the subject of the credit history. It is indicated in the contract, and you can also find it out by making a request to the BKI database.

Advice: You can get the necessary information about a loan without even visiting the BKI. If desired, you can send a notarized application by mail. Its form should be clarified at the specific bureau.

If the client does not want to enter his data online, you can view the report for free by sending a telegram to the Russian Post (it must be certified by the operator) to the following address: 107016, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, house 12, TsKKI. In addition to your data, you must indicate your email address in the form. The sent report will contain information about the client’s personal data, his loans, and their status.

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When applying for a loan from a bank, you need to remember that any life situations will not serve as an excuse for delays. No matter how much the client owes, the financial institution will always demand fulfillment of its obligations. If you repay the loan on time, the client will be able to maintain his reputation, improve his credit history and prevent unnecessary expenses, even if he is included in the bailiffs’ unified database of debtors.

In contact with

Home Credit Bank, like any structure, engages specialized agencies to collect debts. At Home Credit, collectors can be different, and the methods of their interaction with clients also differ.

The procedure for transferring debts to collectors

The stage when Home Credit sold the debt to collectors is considered the last. Before this, a number of events take place and the collection service of the bank itself comes into operation. She is looking for ways to interact with debtors and exerts moral influence in order to awaken responsibility.

Reasons for non-payment of a loan

If the client is unable to make payments for good reason, the bank is ready to revise the repayment schedule, provide a deferment, or launch a restructuring program. These may be considered:

  • Loss of permanent income (dismissal);
  • Changes in the family’s financial situation due to unforeseen circumstances;
  • Being on treatment or temporary loss of ability to work;
  • Birth of a child.

When faced with a problem, it is recommended not to wait for any action, but to go to the department yourself and explain the current situation. It is better to have documentary evidence that is attached to the application. We need to get it accepted. If the institution does not make concessions and does not offer solutions, a timely request from the client will indicate its respectable position. This will also come in handy in court if the case comes up.

The procedure for transferring debt to collectors

Home Credit transfers debts to collectors, starting with the most problematic ones. These include bills that have not been repaid by the borrower for several years, and he himself deviates from conversations, possibly changing his contact information and even his place of residence. The sale itself takes place openly through a tender.

Organizations that have purchased a certain amount of obligations have the right to add their own increase to the amount of the borrower’s debt, which covers their expenses associated with conducting business.

In order not to deal with such institutions and not to overpay later because of their markups, you should still interact with the bank itself and try to resolve all issues with it.

Features of interaction with collectors

Home Credit Bank collectors, whose reviews are very diverse, begin their contact by telephone.

Rules of communication with collectors

The debtor should remember the basic rules:

  • The bank must notify the borrower of the transfer procedure. If this did not happen before the collector “appeared,” it is worth visiting the branch and making sure that the actions of a particular company against you are legal.
  • The collector must have a contract with the bank on the transfer of debt, indicating the contract number, name and amount of overdue.
  • The collector has no right to threaten or take illegal actions against the debtor. When faced with this, you should file a complaint with the police, preferably obtaining evidence (for example, recording a telephone conversation).
  • There is no need to transfer funds to the account specified in the collector’s letter until you are sure of the legality of their actions.

Principles of debt collection

Depending on which collectors Home Credit works with, the principles of collection may differ significantly. In particular, there was a pleasant experience of interaction when collectors offered a convenient scheme and write-off of part of the fines. For a respectable borrower, this option will be acceptable. There are cases when contacts with agencies occurred almost in violation of the law, including threats and intrusive telephone calls.

Going to court

Sometimes, if a client’s debt has exceeded all normal limits due to constantly accruing fines and penalties, it was easier for the borrower to wait to go to court. This solution often allows you to significantly reduce the overall value. The loan amount including interest will always remain mandatory, but the court may cancel the remaining penalties if the borrower proves his integrity.


Considering how Home Credit collectors work, and reviews confirm this, it can be difficult to wait for a trial. Typically, collectors resort to this measure after prolonged exposure, having no other options to solve the problem.

The borrower has the option of going to court himself to get rid of the companies’ intrusiveness. At the same time, it is worth enlisting a lawyer experienced in such matters who will help reduce the amount of debt as much as possible. This will allow you to legally discharge your obligations.

Early repayment of a loan from Home Credit Bank or its refinancing cannot be carried out without knowing the exact amount of debt. Let's consider options for how a borrower can quickly and reliably find out loan debts, the amount of the monthly payment and accrued interest at Home Credit Bank.

There are three ways to determine what your debt is with Home Credit Bank over the phone:

  • Contact center. The toll-free number 8 800 700 80 06 is open 24 hours a day. You chat with the answering machine for a few minutes, then the call is forwarded to the call center operator. Before calling, prepare your passport and write down the loan agreement number. This will be needed to identify the client by a bank employee. If you have a Home Credit bank credit card, you can find out the debt by calling its number and code word, most often your mother’s maiden name.
  • Telephone banking. In order to independently find out the amount of debt, account balance, contract status and the amount of the minimum monthly payment, you must:
  1. Call 8 800 700 800 6;
  2. Select the number “0” using the voice menu;
  3. Enter the contract or credit card number;
  4. Enter the secret TPIN password created when you contacted the contact center.
  • SMS notification. Regular sending of SMS messages to your mobile phone about cash flows on your credit account or card. The cost of the service is 50 rubles per month.
  • Credit office. An online service for tracking loan payments without a separate connection. It is enough to enter the borrower’s date of birth and mobile number on the bank’s website.
  • Internet banking. You can activate the service free of charge at any branch or by contacting customer support. In addition to viewing credit transactions, clients can pay for services and goods through the Internet bank, open deposit accounts, make private transfers, etc.
  • Mobile banking. To install it, you need to download the free mobile application. It allows Home Credit Bank clients to find out and control payments using a smartphone or tablet.

How to get information about whether there are debts on loans in a Home Credit Bank branch

A proven and reliable way to make sure that you have fully repaid your debt from Home Credit Bank is a personal visit. A bank specialist will not only advise you on your current loan, but will also tell you about new programs and promotions. He will also issue a bank statement for the account or card.

In recent years, the number of litigations between borrowers and banks has increased significantly. According to statistics from the credit history bureau of Home Credit Bank, bank debtors are 20% more likely to end up in court than debtors of other banks. Last year the number of such citizens already exceeded 200 thousand.

The deterioration in the quality of borrowers has been known for a long time, but now the situation is even worse due to economic instability in the country. According to Irina Lobanova, head of the research department at NAFI, in 2014-2015 the situation became simply catastrophic. 43% of debtors are confident that the bank will provide them with a deferment on loan repayments. If in 2012, non-payment of loans on average began after 8 months, then over the last year this period has decreased to 4.5 months, and 2014 broke all records for the growth of overdue debt, as statistics show. Last year, Home Credit Bank sued 4 billion of its funds through the courts.

Home Bank analyzed the situation and identified several typical mistakes of borrowers, which subsequently lead to arrears.

  1. Many borrowers believe that it is more profitable to take out another loan to pay off the debt on the first one. This only worsens their financial situation. In this situation, it is better to turn to relatives and friends for help;
  2. When applying for a loan, potential debtors do not think about whether they will be able to pay the required amount every month. It is necessary to carefully compare your financial capabilities and monthly loan payments;
  3. Waiver of insurance. Of course, you don’t want to think about the bad, but insurance can save the situation in the event of loss of disability or layoff at work;
  4. They don't answer calls from the bank. Such behavior can only worsen the situation of the defaulter. In this case, it is better to pick up the phone and talk to a bank representative, explain what difficulties have arisen. Perhaps the bank will agree to make concessions and provide a deferment on the loan. By visiting the Home Credit website, you can request a deferment in writing or discuss your debt issue with a specialist by calling online;
  5. Guarantee. Even if the person whose guarantor you are is a relative or friend, the risk is still very high. In case of non-payment of the loan, the bank will be forced to demand repayment of the loan from the guarantor. And, even if the borrower delays payments, the guarantor’s credit history may be damaged, and an application for a loan for himself may be rejected in the future.

Home Bank's work with debtors takes place in several stages. At the first stage, the debtor’s case is dealt with by the department for dealing with early arrears. If the payment delay is from 30 to 120 days, debtors receive regular SMS with a polite reminder of the need to repay the debt. The borrower is called by call center employees, who are required to speak politely to clients.

The work of a call center is conventionally divided into 5 “skills” (stages). In the first “skill,” the call center employee politely reminds about the overdue payment and waits for some time. If the client does not pay for another month, the case is transferred to an employee of the second “skill”, who warns the debtor that his credit history may be damaged for a long time. At the fifth “skill,” the conversation with the client takes place in a more aggressive form and the debtor is presented with a demand to repay the loan amount in full. The conversation rules for each “skill” are written in scripts, which every department employee must follow.

If the client still does not pay, the case is referred to the later delinquency department. Employees of this department make visits to the debtors’ place of residence and place of work. They find out what kind of lifestyle their client leads and how solvent he is. If the client does not live at the specified address, the department inspector must find out where he can be found. To do this, he has the right to make requests to the pension fund and other authorities.

At the third stage, the bank takes the case to court and the debtor is dealt with by bailiffs who find out whether the client has any property or real estate that will be seized in case of non-payment. Not very long ago, banks were allowed to sell particularly complex cases to collection agencies. And they, as you know, do not stand on ceremony with their clients at all, since they are directly interested in returning the required amount.

Bank clients need to remember that if there is a risk of non-payment of a loan, the best solution is to contact the bank employees personally and discuss the current situation, or go to the Home Credit Bank website and request a deferment in writing.

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