
Renaissance life policy conditions of life insurance. How to return loan insurance from Renaissance Life. Insurance cases. insurance programs

It is easy for the borrower to return the paid loan insurance from Renaissance Credit Bank if the “cooling period” has not expired. In other cases, difficulties may arise. Let's consider all possible situations.

Whether it is possible to get back the funds spent on loan insurance at Renaissance Bank depends on the moment at which the borrower decided to do this:

  • during the “cooling off” period – immediately after the loan is issued;
  • upon early repayment of debt;
  • after closing credit debts on schedule.
  • Option 1: refusal of insurance during the “cooling off” period

Option 1: refusal of insurance during the “cooling off” period

The “cooling off” period is the time given to the borrower to refuse the imposed product or service. Its duration and features completely depend on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

After issuing the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, banks must stipulate in their contracts a period of at least 5 days: This is the time when customers can terminate the agreement and get a refund of the money paid. From the beginning of 2018 the period is extended from 5 to 14 days.

According to the law, when receiving a loan for personal needs, life insurance is an additional service that the potential borrower has the right to refuse.

According to the law, a bank client can return the cost of insurance if:

  • a personal insurance policy has been issued;
  • no insured events occurred;
  • insurance is issued only against unemployment, death or accidents.

The Renaissance Credit borrower has the right to “change his mind” about using the services of an insurance organization and cancel the policy (including against loss of work) until a week has passed - 5 working days. The main condition here is the absence of insurance claims.

Based on a written request, the insurance company is obliged to compensate the cost of the policy in full.

When concluding insurance policies, Renaissance-Credit acts not on its own behalf, but on behalf of another company with which it cooperates - OOO IC Soglasie-Vita. There is also a subsidiary - OOO SK Renaissance-Life.

The basis for the return of money spent is the written request of the client.

A sample application for cancellation of the insurance contract of IC "Renaissance Life" is as follows:


The document to fill out is available for download via this link.

The application form for refusal of insurance from IC Soglasie-Vita is not posted on the official website. To write an application, you can contact the insurance company directly, or fill it out yourself, including the following information:

  • company name and postal address;
  • number and date of drawing up the insurance contract;
  • Full name, passport details of the applicant;
  • address of actual residence and registration;
  • phone number;
  • requirement to terminate the agreement indicating a specific date;
  • an indication of the need to return the premium amount;
  • signature, full name the policyholder and the date of the application.

Sample application for termination of a life insurance contract:

In addition to the above information, it must indicate where the payment of funds should be made: the bank account number for transfers and the details of the bank itself.

Copies of two documents are attached to the application - a passport and an insurance contract. Upon receipt, the employee makes official notes: assigns an incoming number, indicates his position and full name, and signs. Consideration of the issue takes two weeks.

Is it possible to cancel an insurance contract if 5 days are missed?

If the 5-day “cooling-off” period has been missed, you can refuse insurance only if this is provided for by the terms of the policy.

Insurance organizations - partners of Renaissance-Credit Bank do not return paid insurance if the client applies for cancellation of the contract after 5 days (working days are considered).

Option 2: return of insurance upon early closure of a bank loan

Borrowers can return the money paid for insurance if they repay the loan ahead of schedule, if this is provided for in the contract.

To terminate a life insurance contract, you need to visit the insurer and provide documents immediately after closing the loan agreement:

  • passport, copy of the insurance contract;
  • a certificate from the bank confirming the closure of the loan debt;
  • an application for compensation of part of the insurance premium, drawn up in the name of the director of the company.

The rules of Renaissance Life insurance provide for the return of part of the insurance on the loan in case of early repayment of obligations. But it is not profitable for the borrower to terminate the policy.

The Renaissance Life insurance contract contains a clause stating that the client's costs for insurance consist of 98% of the insurer's administrative costs. This allows the company to return only a tiny portion of the premium received.

In such a situation, it is more profitable not to terminate the insurance contract. It will not be possible to get the funds back in any significant amount, and if the contract continues, then if an insured event occurs, for example, loss of a job, the client will receive compensation.

The application for termination of the insurance contract of LLC IC "Renaissance Life" must contain all the necessary information, as in the sample.

Below, the employee marks receipt. You can download the application form for early termination of the insurance contract using the link.

If the insurance was issued by IC Soglasie-Vita, the client can unilaterally terminate the insurance contract, but the company will not return the previously paid amount of the insurance premium.

The policy terms of Soglasie-Vita do not contain a clause on the return of part of the insurance when repaying a bank loan before the due date.

But if you still need to close the policy ahead of schedule, you can download the application form for termination of the insurance contract of LLC IC Soglasie-Vita from the link. Or contact the insurer's office directly and fill out the document on the spot.

What data will be needed:

  • Full name, series and number of passport, residential address of the applicant;
  • amount to be returned;
  • Bank details.

At the end of the document there is a date of completion and a signature. Copies of the policy and passport are attached to it.

Option 3: is it possible to return the insurance if the loan is closed on time?

In a situation where loan obligations are closed on schedule and early payments have not been made, the validity period of the insurance policy, as a rule, has also expired. In this case, the service is considered provided and the money spent cannot be returned.

It is possible to return the insurance after repayment of the loan, when the insurance contract is also completed, only in court and only if the client proves that the service was imposed.

Judicial practice on this issue is different. However, according to the latest agreements, it more often does not work out in favor of the client, since the bank basically formally complies with all the requirements of the law.

How to return the insurance included in the loan: features

If the insurance is paid for using a loan, then in the event of cancellation of the insurance contract, all funds for it are transferred to reduce the amount of debt. It will not be possible to receive a refund in cash or to another account if the obligations are not closed at the bank.

In case of early repayment of a bank loan, the insurance premium is returned in accordance with the policy conditions without any special features.

What to do if there are problems with the return?

If, when receiving a loan, the insurance was “sniffed”, and before the expiration of 5 days the client decided to return the money, the insurance company is obliged to fulfill his request. To avoid problems, you must make a copy of the application in advance, which will indicate the date of application and acceptance. Subsequently, it may be useful for drawing up a letter of claim or statement of claim.

There are three organizations where you can contact to solve the problem:

  • The main office of the bank (toll-free hotline 8-800-200-0-981) or insurance company where the claim is sent.
  • District Court.
  • territorial branch of the Central Bank.

If there are no reasons for refusal to pay, the complaint will be satisfied, and the borrower will be able to receive money to the bank account specified in the application.

Most often, problems arise when returning insurance at the end of the “cooling off” period. According to reviews, most clients are denied compensation for two reasons:

  • Payments after a week from the moment the loan is issued are not provided for by the policy conditions.
  • Clients provide an incomplete package of documents, and the procedure is delayed.

Usually, if there are no grounds for refusal, the required amount is transferred within 8–10 days. If this does not happen, you should go to court, and if the claim is satisfied, not only the main money is transferred to the client’s account, but also a penalty for each day of delay in payments from the company

It is possible to return the insurance after repayment of the loan, when the insurance contract is also completed, only in court and only if the client proves that the service was imposed. Judicial practice on this issue is different. However, according to the latest agreements, it more often does not work out in favor of the client, since the bank basically formally complies with all the requirements of the law. How to return the insurance included in the loan: features If the insurance is paid for using a loan, then in the event of cancellation of the insurance contract, all funds for it are transferred to reduce the amount of debt. It will not be possible to receive a refund in cash or to another account if the obligations are not closed at the bank. In case of early repayment of a bank loan, the insurance premium is returned in accordance with the policy conditions without any special features.

Insurance rules



  • 1 Insurance – “baggage” of a loan from Renaissance Bank
  • 2 Is it possible for the client to refuse insurance?
  • 3 Procedure for returning unnecessary insurance
  • 4 Application form
  • 5 When a bank may refuse to return insurance
  • 6 Subtleties, nuances

A loan for any bank is a risk. After all, you need to give a certain amount to a stranger (of course, the risk is lower when a regular client applies).

Therefore, financial institutions try to protect themselves by including additional conditions in the contract. Insurance is considered the most effective means. Without it, the bank may completely refuse to issue a loan.

How to return insurance on a Renaissance loan - procedure


If you refuse insurance after receiving the money, you must provide along with the application:

  • a certified copy of the passport;
  • original insurance contract.

If the contract is terminated due to early repayment, a certificate of no debt to the bank is additionally required. Important! The application must indicate the list of documents that will be attached to it.

When submitted directly to the insurance company or through an agent bank, you must obtain the employee's visa on a copy or a second copy of the application for acceptance, and when sending by mail, make an inventory of the attachment. After termination of the contract, the insurance company has up to 60 days to transfer the calculated refund amount.

Return of life insurance on a loan to Renaissance Credit: 3 possible options

Refund of insurance upon early repayment of a loan If the borrower decides to pay the credit institution ahead of schedule, then after repaying the debt, he has the right to return part of the insurance premium for the unused insurance period. The client will be calculated the redemption amount for the remaining period minus the insurer's costs for conducting the case.

At the same time, the policy terms stipulate that administrative costs can reach up to 99% of the amount paid by the borrower. Under collective insurance agreements, in case of early termination of a loan, a refund of the insurance premium is not provided.

How to return insurance issued at Renaissance Life To return the amount paid, you must notify the insurer in writing of your intention to cancel the contract. The application can be submitted to the organization in person (if a representative office is available to the borrower), through a partner bank, or by sending it by registered mail.

Rules for life and health insurance of loan borrowers

What to do? Contact the court directly. Draw up an application - a claim to the judicial authority, fill out other necessary forms. The list of documents and requirements for them can be clarified via telephone.


Important: the bank’s client is not always a person. Sometimes entire organizations apply for loans. Then these LLCs or LLPs organize a lawsuit with Renaissance Life and return the loan insurance.

Subtleties, nuances Is it possible to revive a canceled insurance contract? If a person initially refused, considering the insurance company’s services unnecessary, but then decided to insure his life (separately). Yes, you just need to contact specialists from the insurance company. The company has its own official website, where the conditions and cost of services are described, in addition there is a feedback tab.
There, the visitor can leave a review, asking questions that interest him.

"Renaissance Life": return of loan insurance

When receiving a consumer loan, the bank may offer to sign up for an insurance program in case of loss of job or loss of health (assignment of disability) and/or death. If after signing the contract the client changes his mind, he can terminate the policy.

Before submitting an application to cancel the contract, it is important to understand under what conditions the deposited amount will be refunded. Insurance at Renaissance Life Renaissance Life is a large insurance company offering comprehensive borrower coverage for cash loans or for the purchase of goods and/or services.

An insurance policy can be issued in case of:

  • the client passes away or becomes disabled;
  • job loss;
  • diagnosing a fatal disease.

Most policies are issued through an insurance company agent - Renaissance Credit Bank.
What to do if there are problems with the return? If, when receiving a loan, the insurance was “sniffed”, and before the expiration of 5 days the client decided to return the money, the insurance company is obliged to fulfill his request. To avoid problems, you must make a copy of the application in advance, which will indicate the date of application and acceptance.

Subsequently, it may be useful for drawing up a letter of claim or statement of claim. There are three organizations where you can contact to solve the problem:

  • The main office of the bank (toll-free hotline 8-800-200-0-981) or insurance company where the claim is sent.
  • District Court.
  • territorial branch of the Central Bank.

If there are no reasons for refusal to pay, the complaint will be satisfied, and the borrower will be able to receive money to the bank account specified in the application.

Renaissance insurance rules for life insurance of loan borrowers

An exception is the situation when the client manages to apply within the “cooling off period” specified by law - within 5 working days after the conclusion of the contract. In such a situation, payment will be made:

  • in full if the agreement has not entered into force;
  • minus the insurer's expenses for the days that the contract was “valid” if it was active on the date of application.

There will be no refund of the insurance premium when taking out group insurance.

This type of agreement means that the contract is drawn up between the bank and the insurance company, and the client only agrees and joins the existing conditions. Important! The “cooling period” defined by law does not apply to agreements providing for collective protection. If an insured event occurs before the termination of the policy, then the amount will not be returned, but the due compensation will be paid.
How to return insurance on a Renaissance loan? Perhaps it? If yes, what documents will be required and where to apply? Insurance - the “baggage” of a loan from Renaissance Bank “Renaissance Credit” began to cooperate with “Renaissance Life”, it is this insurance company that deals with insurance contracts. Life insurance – the client taking out a loan signs an insurance contract.

If one of the insured events specified there occurs, the insurance company covers all actual bank expenses associated with the loan. For the bank, such a deal is extremely profitable. However, all costs associated with the insurance itself are borne directly by the client. The person receives a loan agreement plus debt insurance. Types of credit transactions subject to insurance:

  • car loan;
  • mortgage;
  • cash loan (large amounts).

Insurance is often imposed even on clients taking out small consumer loans.
И▒oФR'·д^ч▓vд╧oаЦ╨.│к∙]b▌9▓END9ж└`≥К╔п≈·|48ы&ТмзЭШЧИ┌Э╧.╜Us▌/ ЖWе0еsО!vwЭ/Ф╬fЛ endstream endobj 54 0 obj<Is it possible for a client to refuse insurance? Yes, and the client’s freedom is protected by law. Until 2016, banks could impose insurance contracts on people, but then special acts were adopted in the legislation, according to which the client has the right to choose.

However, in practice, the refusal of a client who does not want to take out insurance is perceived by the bank as a statement of the person’s insolvency. Getting a loan is almost impossible. Why don't people want life insurance? In the West, this procedure is extremely popular.

Many people enter into special agreements, trying to protect themselves and their loved ones from various misfortunes. There, insurance often provides medical care; without it, a person may not be admitted to the hospital. There are several reasons. In the West, lending is not associated with insurance. People calmly choose a company, compare conditions and enter into contracts. Contributions are made gradually.

case No. 2-1105/2016


In the name of the Russian Federation

Shpakovsky District Court of the Stavropol Territory composed of: presiding judge Tolstikov A.E., with the participation of the representative of the plaintiff Bukalova G.A. – FULL NAME3, with Secretary Bunina I.E., having considered in open court in the premises of the Shpakovsky District Court of the Stavropol Territory a civil case on the claim of Bukalova FULL NAME3 against LLC Insurance Company "Renaissance Life" on the protection of consumer rights,


Bukalova G.A. filed a lawsuit against Renaissance Life Insurance Company LLC for the protection of consumer rights, asked the court to recognize the Life Insurance Agreement of loan borrowers No. concluded between G.A. Bukalova. and SK Renaissance Life LLC from DD.MM.YYYY. invalid (void) by force of law; to recover the amount of unjust enrichment in the amount of rubles, interest for the illegal use of funds in the amount of rubles, expenses for paying for the services of a representative in the amount of rubles, compensation for moral damages in the amount of rubles, a fine for failure to voluntarily satisfy consumer demands in the amount of rubles, expenses for paying for services a notary for the preparation and certification of a power of attorney in the amount of rubles.

In support of the stated requirements, the plaintiff indicated that DD.MM.YYYY. between Bukalova G.A. and CB "Renaissance Credit" (LLC) (loan agreement No. was concluded, for a period of months with the condition of paying interest on the use of the loan, % per annum and the amount of rubles.

When concluding the Loan Agreement, LLC CB Renaissance Credit, acting as an insurance Agent in LLC IC Renaissance Life, entered into Insurance Agreement No. dated DD.MM.YYYY in relation to the borrower. in accordance with the Policy conditions for the life insurance program against accidents and illnesses of the Borrowers of the loan, under the terms of which the Plaintiff insured the insurance risks: 1) death of the insured for any reason; 2) disability of the insured group 1 for any reason. The validity period of the insurance contract is months from the date the insurance premium is written off from the policyholder's account in CB Renaissance Credit (LLC) in full, CB Renaissance Credit (LLC) is designated as the beneficiary.

Under the terms of the insurance contract, the insured amount in rubles is equal to the amount of the initial loan amount under the loan agreement at the time of its conclusion (clause 5 of the Insurance Contract).

Clause 5 of the Insurance Agreement provides that during the validity of the insurance agreement, the insured amount decreases as the insured’s debt under the loan agreement is repaid and is equal to the amount of the insured’s current loan debt under the loan agreement on the date of the insured event. The insurance premium is determined by the formula SP = SS (sum insured) x DT (insurance rate equal to 1.1%) x SD (contract term in months).

According to the insurance contract, the insurance premium for the insurance Tariff applied by the Insurer's Agent within the framework of the concluded insurance contract amounted to 1.1% of the insured amount established by the insurance contract - per month.

DD.MM.YYYY. on the basis of clause 3.1.5 of the Agreement, the bank made a transaction of credit funds to the Insurer’s account as part of the payment of an insurance premium under the concluded insurance agreement in the amount of rubles, which is confirmed by the Account Statement.

Subsequently, having compared the calculations and the Tariff applied by the Insurer to the Insurance Contract, the Borrower discovered that, in the terms of the Insurance Contract, the Agent (Insurer) applied insurance Tariffs that were not provided for by this insurance program.

According to the Tariffs applied to the Policy Conditions of the Life and Accident and Illness Insurance Program of Loan Borrowers for insurance risks 1) death of the insured for any reason; 2) disability of the insured group 1 for any reason, the following calculation methodology is applied (gender of the policyholder, his age, insurance period and amount of the insured amount), the following applies to this insurance contract: gender - female; the age of the Policyholder on the date of concluding the insurance contract is 47 years; insurance contract term - 4 years (insurance term); at the maximum profitability ratio of the Insurer - 5% = 0.389% of the insured amount (insured event of death for any reason), = 0.377% of the insured amount (insured event of disability of the 1st group of the Insured) Total: .

Thus, the amount of the insurance premium that must be applied by the Insurer in this insurance contract in accordance with the Tariffs and the calculation methodology that must be applied to this Insurance Contract is 70 times higher than the cost of insurance provided for in the insurance Tariffs and Insurance Rules that must be applied to this program, information on the application of which was communicated to the Policyholder before concluding the Insurance Agreement.

In particular, when determining the procedure for calculating the insurance premium, contrary to the applicable Tariffs, a monthly coefficient was used to determine the calculation of the insurance premium, rather than an annual one.

The Bank (Agent) applied insurance Tariffs not provided for by the insurance program, and also applied, when concluding an insurance contract, insurance conditions and rules not provided for by the public offer, which must correspond to the conditions offered to loan Borrowers on the basis of a public offer, thereby placing the Borrower at an unequal (discriminatory) level. conditions as a participant in public legal relations to the concluded insurance contract. In addition, the rights of the Borrower (consumer) to timely receive information about the cost of services, the right to choose, the procedure and conditions for their purchase were categorically violated and limited.

According to clause 1, clause 5 of Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 N 4015-1 “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”, the activities of insurance agents are understood as activities carried out in the interests of insurers or policyholders and related to the provision of services to them in selecting an insured and (or) an insurer (reinsurer) ), insurance (reinsurance) conditions, registration, conclusion and maintenance of an insurance (reinsurance) agreement, amendments to it, execution of documents when settling claims for insurance payment, interaction with the insurer (reinsurer), and implementation of consulting activities.

Insurance agents are individuals, including individuals registered in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation as individual entrepreneurs, or legal entities operating on the basis of a civil contract on behalf and at the expense of the insurer in accordance with the powers granted to them.


The claims of Bukalova, FULL NAME3, against Renaissance Life Insurance Company LLC for the protection of consumer rights are partially satisfied.

Recognize the Life Insurance Agreement for loan borrowers No. concluded between Bukalova FULL NAME3 and SK Renaissance Life LLC DD.MM.YYYY. - invalid (void) by force of law.

To recover from SK Renaissance Life LLC in favor of Bukalova FULL NAME3 the amount of unjust enrichment in the amount

To recover from SK Renaissance Life LLC in favor of Bukalova FULL NAME3 interest for illegal use of funds in the amount of.

To recover from SK Renaissance Life LLC in favor of Bukalova FULL NAME3 compensation for moral damages in the amount

To collect from SK Renaissance Life LLC in favor of Bukalova FULL NAME3 a fine for failure to voluntarily comply with consumer requirements in the amount.

To recover from SK Renaissance Life LLC in favor of Bukalova FULL NAME3 the costs of paying for the services of a representative in the amount

Judicial practice on the application of Art. 151, 1100 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Invalidation of a transaction

Invalidation of a purchase and sale agreement

Judicial practice on the application of Art. 454, 168, 170, 177, 179 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Invalidation of the contract

Judicial practice on the application of Art. 167 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Under insurance contracts

Judicial practice on the application of Art. 934, 935, 937 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

When receiving a consumer loan, the bank may offer to sign up for an insurance program in case of loss of job or loss of health (assignment of disability) and/or death. If after signing the contract the client changes his mind, he can terminate the policy. Before submitting an application to cancel the contract, it is important to understand under what conditions the deposited amount will be refunded.

Insurance at Renaissance Life

Renaissance Life is a large insurance company offering comprehensive borrower loans for cash or for the purchase of goods and/or services.

An insurance policy can be issued in case of:

  • the client passes away or becomes disabled;
  • job loss;
  • diagnosing a fatal disease.

Most policies are issued through an insurance company agent - Renaissance Credit Bank. Employees can offer the client protection when submitting an application at a branch, purchasing goods in a store, or receiving services on the territory of the bank’s partners.

The contract with IC Renaissance Life comes into force from 00-00 o'clock on the day following the day of full payment of the insurance premium or transfer of part of the premium if there is an agreement to transfer in installments.

The law determines that the bank does not have the right to impose or refuse to issue money to a client due to the lack of a formalized personal protection agreement.

Termination of the insurance agreement at the initiative of the client

The client can contact Renaissance Life with an application to terminate the policy at any time. Depending on the chosen type of insurance, the conditions for refunding payments will differ.

For programs to protect the life and health of borrowers, as well as when taking out insurance in case of diagnosis of fatal diseases, what amount will be returned depends on the period within which, after issuing the policy, the client applied to cancel the agreement:

  • within 14 calendar days - payments will be made in full, the date of termination will be the day the agreement comes into force;
  • after 14 calendar days, the insurance premium for the remaining period is returned, taking into account the insurer’s costs of conducting the case.

Important! The policy conditions provide for the possibility of withholding up to 98% of the deposited amount for administrative costs.

If insurance against job loss is canceled at the client's initiative, the premium paid will not be refunded. An exception is the situation when the client manages to apply within the “cooling off period” specified by law - within 5 working days after the conclusion of the contract. In such a situation, payment will be made:

  • in full if the agreement has not entered into force;
  • minus the insurer's expenses for the days that the contract was “valid” if it was active on the date of application.

There will be no refund of the insurance premium when taking out group insurance. This type of agreement means that the contract is drawn up between the bank and the insurance company, and the client only agrees and joins the existing conditions.
Important! The statutory cooling-off period does not apply to agreements providing for collective defense.
If an insured event occurs before the policy is terminated, the amount will not be refunded, but the due compensation will be paid.

Refund of insurance upon early repayment of loan

The client will be calculated the redemption amount for the remaining period minus the insurer's costs for conducting the case. At the same time, the policy terms stipulate that administrative costs can reach up to 99% of the amount paid by the borrower.

Under collective insurance agreements, in case of early termination of a loan, a refund of the insurance premium is not provided.

How to return insurance issued by Renaissance Life

To return the amount paid, you must notify the insurer in writing of your intention to cancel the contract. The application can be submitted to the organization in person (if a representative office is available to the borrower), through a partner bank, or by sending it by registered mail.

If you refuse insurance after receiving the money, you must provide along with the application:

  • a certified copy of the passport;
  • original insurance contract.

If the contract is terminated due to early repayment, a certificate of no debt to the bank is additionally required.

Important! The application must indicate the list of documents that will be attached to it. When submitted directly to the insurance company or through an agent bank, you must obtain the employee's visa on a copy or a second copy of the application for acceptance, and when sending by mail, make an inventory of the attachment.

After termination of the contract, the insurance company has up to 60 days to transfer the calculated refund amount.

Features of obtaining insurance in popular banks:

© “Kreditka”, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

(5 ratings, average: 4,40 out of 5)

Likewise. It’s a shame. And wherever the authorities look.


I read your reviews, I don’t understand where so much dirt comes from against a company that has been on the market for so many years??? I took out a large loan from VTB to cover several, the amount was very large. Life insurance (just in Renlife) is a mandatory condition, the manager at the bank didn’t even raise it as a question or choice.. This is not a car or a refrigerator, I managed to pay it off ahead of schedule for several years, the terms there are not short, like in a mortgage. There was not even a thought to terminate. I still said goodbye to this money and paid it, I understood that I was also taking the insurance premium on credit. If I paid everything anyway, then at least my life will be insured for another three years! If something happens, then Renlife provides protection and coverage. And so - nothing will happen.

Renaissance Life 01/24/2020 9:59

Dear Customer!

Thank you for your feedback and we would like to inform you that the “Valuable Asset” program from Renaissance Life is
this is a completely new product in the field of life insurance, which we invented specifically
for the 15th anniversary of our company in 2019.

The “Valuable Asset” program will allow you to accumulate a large amount while remaining protected for the entire period. The funds under the insurance contract are paid to you personally or to the beneficiaries you specify in the contract. That is, the program you have chosen is a life insurance program, which makes it possible to accumulate a significant amount by a certain period, without making much effort, and also to receive reliable insurance protection in the event of unforeseen situations.

It's nice to receive feedback like this. We are once again convinced that we are acting in the right direction. Our guideline is quality service and the most favorable conditions.

SC "Renaissance Life"

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