
Valid visa card number. What is a credit card number

Most modern shoppers have credit cards. Sometimes people use them unconsciously, not fully understanding what kind of tool they have in their hands. It is important to understand not only what type of card you have in your hands.

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You must be able to handle her number correctly. Sometimes many people don’t even understand that this set of numbers has nothing to do with counting and is endowed with personal characteristics.

Where to find

Most holders at least casually glance at where the card number is. But if doubts remain, pay attention to the numbers - they are located in a long row on the front surface of the product. They come in different forms and are applied in several ways.

You can print them, or you can take advantage of the properties of plastic and make them convex. According to the rules, the credit card number of Google Play, MasterCard, as well as most Visa numbers consist of 16 digits, American Express - 15 digits, and also has series with 13-digit numbers.

Certain subprograms are implemented, so combinations of 19 numbers appear, so-called numbers are issued. additional cards. In rare cases, they decorate existing series of financial instruments.

The card number is never repeated and means something very specific, and is not selected at random


How is a credit card number deciphered? Its first digit indicates the payment system to which your payment instrument belongs. MasterCard uses 5 as the starting digit, American Express uses 3, Visa uses 4.

This is followed by three more numbers (from 2nd to 4th), each bank has its own. The next 2 digits indicate which bank issued it and provide information about the type of card. The first 6 digits, in addition, are the identifier of the issuing enterprise. They are called BIN, the abbreviation means “bank identification number”.

Indicators numbered 7 and 8 serve to designate the program of the enterprise through which the product was issued. Designations from 9 to 15 are, in fact, numbers. The way to create them is a special algorithm. In the standard version, it describes the currency of transactions, the number of the representative office that issued the transaction, the presence of a chip and other important characteristics.

The final number is a verification number. These are numbers from 0 to 9. They indicate a certain mathematical result obtained after operations on the previous points. But banks don't like to talk about their secrets. Among them, in particular, is the method for generating card numbers.

What is the difference between an account number and a credit card number

There is no need to confuse different types of bank services. The card number is represented by numbers printed on the front side of the plastic product. When a planned reissue of a payment instrument is carried out, the set of numbers does not change.

This only happens if the card is lost. The account number is unchanged, it cannot be lost, and it is not indicated on the card.


The credit card number must be hidden, it should not be visible to anyone. Thus, anyone can pay for a purchase with a card in a store on the Internet, where data is presented for registration, if he knows the first and last name of the owner, the number of the plastic product, and in some cases the expiration date, possibly the security code.

Do not take unnecessary risks by giving this product to anyone. You cannot disclose her number and other information in the presence of strangers. If a product from Sberbank or another bank is lost, you must urgently call the bank and block the card.

Credit card holders from time to time experience a number of difficulties associated with its use.

Problems can be avoided by following simple rules:

  • When conducting transactions using a card, try to hide its front side from strangers. In particular, you need to mask its number, .
  • Users come up with a PIN code themselves, and believe that this guarantees complete safety of funds. But this is not entirely true. Undoubtedly, the disclosure of this combination of numbers is prohibited. But experienced scammers can do without this data. It is necessary to hide any data about this financial instrument. Third parties must not rewrite them. It is also not recommended to disclose the product number to strangers. If this information gets to scammers, they can use it for their own purposes.
  • Do you make purchases online, through the websites of special stores? The site needs to be verified. It should work based on https protocols for financial transactions.

Often you have to withdraw money from ATMs. Here you simply need to hide your card data; you should not withdraw funds in places where there is no lighting or where there is a suspicious atmosphere.

Not every ATM can be used. Be careful, there are designs with additional cameras. Sometimes it is noticeable that the keyboard receiver has some problems.

Be vigilant when using a bank card. Follow safety rules.

If you have lost your card or forgotten it and don’t remember where, call the bank, prevent the risk of it being compromised, and then you need to visit the bank and fill out an application so that the institution issues a new card


You can learn to understand the information “encrypted” in the bank payment instrument number. First, you need to learn a few terms.

Banks, carrying out standard work, rely on a number of documents:

  • Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” Federal Law No. 395-1 dated December 2, 1990 ();
  • “Regulations on the issue of payment cards and on transactions performed using them” ();
  • Federal Law of December 10, 2003 N 173-FZ “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” ().

All these are documents with the necessary explanations. They will help you understand what the card owner has to deal with. Banks are required to comply with the rules specified therein.

There are also some other documents. You can find out about them by calling the bank that issued your card. These documents also spell out the rights and obligations of cardholders.

What is important to know about the 16 digits of a credit card

Bank credit cards are issued upon request. The user must fill out an application and provide the information required by the bank. A number is printed on the card and is unique.

On the front part of the plastic product there is a number; the order of its application is based on the international standard ISO 7812. It is extruded in a special way or printed. According to the standard, the credit card number is 16 digits, but there are exceptions, 19 or 13 digits.

It is important to know what your number is; it differs for different cards. But the principle of its formation is standard: it is created from 4 groups, each with 4 digits.

The 13 digits are also divided into 4 blocks. There are 4 digits only in the first block, and in the rest there are 3 of them. 19 digits are 5 blocks. They consist of 3 digits, excluding the first 4.

There are practically no cards in circulation decorated with a 13-digit number. Most often, it is represented by 16 characters. Rarely, according to certain programs, a card with 19 numbers is issued.

Is it possible to check the authenticity of a card by its code?

A card is a tool indicating a number of unique characteristics. This is necessary to identify the data; the bank must make sure that the card owner is paying and not the fraudster. The numbers are compiled according to a certain formula known to the bank; they cannot be falsified.

Many people believe that a card cannot be fake if it works when making a payment. But this is not always true. There are several codes indicated on the card; they are asked, in particular, if you are trying to find out the data of the corresponding area from the bank.

Do you have doubts about the authenticity of the card? To do this you need to contact the bank. There are a number of other authorities that resolve this issue, but, in addition, the procedure is carried out independently, for this it is necessary to carry out the so-called procedure. "checksum".

The study of the number begins on the left side, the numbers are grouped in twos. They take the “right” digits of the card number pairs in turn, multiply by 2, then each total is reduced to a single-digit number.

This principle is used: for example, after multiplying the number “6” by “2” we get 12, add the indicator in the form of two digits and sum them up: 1+2, that is, the required single-digit number will be 3. Then we add all the “left” digits between yourself.

The next step is to add up the data. Divide what you get by 10, you need to get the number without a remainder. This will mean that the card is genuine.

But the total amount is not always divisible by 10, then you should go to the bank that issued the card and find out why the number did not give the desired result during the arithmetic check against the control result; this does not always indicate a fake. Perhaps the card is defective, or it was issued fraudulently. Find out if your credit card is genuine by doing the necessary calculations.


Everyone has the opportunity to look at the card number, even if they don’t have one. You can go to the bank and ask for a sample. You can also look for examples on the Internet; don’t ask your friends for a map.

Bank cards are slowly replacing cash from everyday use. Almost every citizen who has an official job has one or more bank cards in his wallet. Today both schoolchildren and pensioners already know how to handle them.

In addition to being very convenient, bank cards ensure the security of payments. These are various codes, ciphers and numbers that allow you to make a piece of plastic unique.

One of these identifiers is her number. Where is the bank card number, what does it mean and why is it needed? The answers to all these questions are contained in the article.

What is a card number and what does it mean?

Before we talk about where the card number is, let's figure out what it looks like. This is usually the longest number that can be found on a plastic card. Most often it consists of 16 digits and is written as 4 four-digit numbers separated by spaces. Sometimes, however, the card number may consist of more characters. Some card numbers consist of 18 or 19 digits, but old-style cards have a number consisting of only 13 digits.

What do these numbers mean? The first digit of the identifier determines which payment system the card you are holding in your hands belongs to: Visa card numbers, for example, start with a four, American Express with a three, MasterCard with a 5.

All the first six digits are the bank identification number (abbreviated BIN). They show which organization produced the plastic. The seventh and eighth digits identify the type of program under which the card was issued.

Numbers nine through fifteen form a special code, which is the main number of the card itself. There is no order in its formation; it is generated using a special algorithm. This code encrypts:

  • number of the specific branch that issued the card;
  • its currency;
  • absence or presence of a special chip;
  • other information.

The last number is a verification number, which is the result of a number of mathematical operations carried out with the remaining digits of the number. Information about how a particular bank generates a plastic card number is completely confidential.

Where to find it

Most often, finding out where the card number is located on a Visa, MasterCard or any other card is very simple. It is enough to take it in your hands and turn it “facing” towards you. That is, the side on which the picture is drawn. Right in the center you will see a long row of numbers. This is the answer to the customer’s question: “Where is the card number?”

By the way, you can recognize it in another way, even without the physical presence of plastic. You may need this if the card is lost. To prevent anyone from using your money, you need to call the bank and block your “electronic wallet”. In this case, you will be asked to give your card number. It is worth worrying about making this possible in advance. Today, many banking institutions offer Internet banking services. This is registration of a personal account on the bank’s website. By logging into your page using a unique login and password known only to you, you can get all the information about the card and the status of your account. You can also make payments without leaving your home, order tickets for all types of transport, pay utility bills and much more.

Card and account number: what are the differences?

If you look for where the card number is located on a Sberbank or any other bank card, make sure that you do not confuse it with the account number. This is completely different data. The card number is the numbers embossed on the plastic itself. If you lose it and they give you another one, the numbers on it will be different. The card account number consists of other numbers and is indicated only in the contract; it is not on the plastic card. No matter how many times you lose your card, your account number will not change. The new plastic card will be “linked” to the old card account. To make it clearer, there is a figurative comparison: a card account is a safe, and a plastic card is the key to the safe. There can only be one safe (card account), but there can be at least a hundred keys to it (the cards themselves)!

You can also find out your account number by contacting any bank employee. Don't forget to take your passport with you.

Now you know where the card number is located on the card of Sberbank or any other financial institution.

Issue number

Since you now know exactly where the card number is on Visa, MasterCard, American Express and others, let's move on to the next question. It is usually of interest to those who buy goods on the Internet. When filling out the data, many users cannot understand where the card issue number is and what it actually is.

Everything is very simple. When we talk specifically about the issue number (in English, Issue Number), we mean a number that means how many times your card has been reissued. This is usually a single digit number located on the back or front of the plastic.

If you don’t find anything similar on the surface of the card and are sure that the card was issued to you only once and you did not change it, try entering “1”, it should work. If you changed the card only once, enter “2”, twice - “3” and so on. Strictly speaking, this number is not that important, so many forms allow you to skip this point.

Why does the card need a number?

So, we have already found out where the card number is. Now let's talk about why it is needed. Using this number, you can identify yourself as a payer and carry out financial transactions using the card. There are only two of them: crediting funds and writing them off. Knowing the number, you can transfer funds from one card to another, both between clients of the same banking institution and different ones.

You can also pay for purchases online and make other payments. But here you will need additional identifiers: the validity period of the plastic carrier and a special CVV code located on the back.

Safety standards

Many users know where the card number is, but not everyone understands how important it is to keep this information secret. Using the information on your card, fraudsters can gain direct access to your money. Therefore, you should never hand over the card to strangers, mention its number, and especially the CVV code.
If you discover that your card is missing, notify the bank as soon as possible or block it yourself through the online service. And remember, the bank’s security service never asks clients any questions about the information on the plastic card. Bank employees are generally not authorized to resolve issues over the phone. If something happens, you will definitely be invited to come to the financial institution in person.

VISA International Service Association (abbreviated as Visa) is an American payment system that is widespread throughout the world. Its story begins in America in 1958. She is relatively new to Russia, about 18 years old. The first plastic Visa cards in Russia were issued by Intourist JSC to members of the Soviet Olympic team, which was heading to Seoul for the Olympic Games in September 1988. Sberbank of Russia became the first Russian participant in the system in 1989, and since then the number of participating banks has been growing without stopping. The first ATM accepting Visa cards was installed in 1992 in Moscow.

VISA credit card number

In order to make purchases in online stores and pay for services via the Internet, you need to know the VISA card number, last name and first name of the owner, card expiration date and CVV2 security code.

As a rule, the VISA bank card number is located on the front side and is a 16-digit set of numbers, which is divided into 4 blocks of 4 digits. This is not just a set of numbers, each number (or set of numbers) has its own meaning:

  • The first 6 digits are the bank identifier of the issuer (bank) that issued the card. By the first digit you can determine whether the card belongs to a specific payment system - VISA card number - 4; American Express - 3, MasterCard - 3, 5 or 6.
  • Digits 7 to 15 are the bank card identification number, which contains information about the currency, region and product type (credit or debit card).
  • The 16th digit is a verification number.

There are also cards that have 18 and 19 digits. Typically, additional numbers indicate a specific subroutine or direction. For example, the Sberbank Momentum bank card has 18 digits.

The cardholder's name and expiration date are also printed on the front of the card.

VISA security code

The VISA security code is a special verification code that verifies the authenticity of a bank card. Having this code allows you to make purchases and pay for services using a bank card online. If such a code is not on your card, then it is impossible to carry out payment transactions online.

The security code on a VISA card is called CVV2 (Card Verification Value 2) and is printed on the back of the card, on the signature strip, immediately after the card number, or after the last 4 digits of the card number. The security code always consists of three digits.

Visa has developed a wide selection of payment cards that are suitable for any category of the population, depending on their income and lifestyle.

Visa Electron

Visa Electron- the most popular card in Russia, the CIS countries, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. All expense transactions require confirmation by the issuing bank of the availability of funds on the plastic card online in order to prevent accidental overdraft of funds in the account. Thus, the Visa Electron card can only be used in those electronic terminals that operate online.

Visa Electron cards are issued to clients with zero or minimal banking history, as well as to those clients who want to learn how to use cards. These types of cards are suitable for those segments of the population who have a minimum income (students and youth), as well as those who purchase a card for the first time (parents of schoolchildren, pensioners).

Despite the fact that Visa Electron is considered an entry-level card, it provides the client with a number of advantages:

  • withdrawing cash from any ATM that works with the Visa system, including abroad;
  • payment at millions of retail outlets around the world;
  • online payment;
  • Receive a lot of benefits by taking advantage of offers from retail outlets.

Very often, the Visa Electron card is used as a salary card. Organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and number of employees, today are trying to switch to Visa cards when calculating salaries, realizing their advantages. These can confidently include benefits such as cost reduction, time savings, privacy and security.

Visa Classic

Map Visa Classic- this is the next level of cards, used as the most unified payment instrument and accepted anywhere in the world where there is a Visa logo, including stores (real and virtual) and ATMs. This card is intended for citizens with an average level of income and for those who are already familiar with Visa cards.

Unlike the Visa Electron card, the Classic option gives the holder more opportunities for use, as it is serviced, including in terminals that operate off-line (common abroad).

In addition to the benefits already described for the Visa Electron card, the Classic adds such as a more reliable level of security, the ability to use for booking hotel rooms and car rentals, as well as more special promotions and offers from retail outlets.

Card data is also used by enterprises to pay wages.

Visa Gold

Your card Visa Gold will emphasize your prestige and provide a lot of privileges and opportunities. Visa Gold, one of the leading cards, is accepted worldwide and allows you to enjoy financial freedom.

With this card, you not only pay your expenses, but also receive benefits such as travel services, including legal and medical assistance. And also excellent customer support in the event of force majeure, theft or loss of the card.

Visa Platinum

Map Visa Platinum, which is valued all over the world, has been specially designed to fit your lifestyle. With it you will forget about any difficulties, even when you are far from home. It has a higher credit limit and has recently added additional services such as purchase protection and extended warranties on purchased items.

Map Visa Infinite opens up possibilities that you could never imagine. It offers a wide range of dining, travel and shopping options. Feel financially free and independent.

Look at the card number on your plastic card

Bankcard number– this is an individual number that is assigned to a specific card of a specific client by a specific payment system in a specific bank.

How can you determine a bank card number by looking at a card?
Each bank card has its own individual number, which is located on the front side of the card just above the name of its owner. The bank card number can be:

  • Printed, i.e. applied to the card using paint;

  • Embossed, i.e. embossed on the map.
The card number usually consists of 16 digits, divided into 4 blocks of 4 digits, and is the access number to the cardholder's bank account. Each digit from the number on the card has its own specific meaning. The structure of a plastic card identification number looks like this:

0 000 00 00 0000 0000

Where each of the 16 digits of the card means the following:

  • First 6 digits- this is the bank identifier of the issuer (bank) that issued the card (card BIN), which a specific payment system assigns to a specific bank for a specific type of card. By BIN you can determine the payment system and the type of card within this payment system, and the first digit out of six always indicates belonging to a specific payment system.

    So, the card number always begins with a number that indicates the payment system, namely: World - 2; VISA – 4; American Express – 3, MasterCard – 5, Maestro – 3, 5 or 6, JCB International – 3, China UnionPay – 6, UEC – 7,

    For example, the Classic MIR cards of Sberbank of Russia and the MIR Pension Card begin with the following numbers - 2200 0000 0000 0000; Aeroflot debit card (Visa Gold & Visa Classic systems) of Sberbank or Classic Visa card starts with - 4276 0000 0000 0000

  • Numbers from 7 to 15- this is the identification number of the plastic card and it encrypts the type of banking product (credit or debit card), card currency, region of issue and other information.

  • Last 16th digit– this is a verification number. According to a certain algorithm, the correspondence between the card number and the verification number is checked, which makes it possible to determine the “correctness” of the card number.

The location of the card number on a bank card is shown here:

Bankcard number

As an example, I will give two bank cards from Sberbank of Russia, on which the card number, consisting of 16 digits, is divided into 4 blocks of 4 digits:

  • Classic MIR card of Sberbank

    Card of the national payment system MIR

  • Personalized card

    Card of the international payment system VISA

    On certain types of cards, the bank card number consists of 18 and even 19 digits, in which the designation of 16 digits is described above, and additional digits divide the cards by subprograms or subdirections within which they are issued.

    As a rule, 18 digits consist of card numbers of the Maestro payment system, but there are also cards of the Visa payment system. So, for example, the number of the instant issue card “Momentum” Visa of Sberbank of Russia consists of 18 digits (4-4-4-6 characters), which looks like this:

    Sberbank instant issue “Momentum” Visa card - 18-digit number

    And the card numbers of the American Express payment system consist of only 15 digits, divided into groups of 4-6-5 characters. Sberbank virtual Visa and MasterCard cards also consist of 15 digits. Here's how these numbers are placed on the cards:

    The Platinum Card of Russian Standard Bank of the American Express system - 15-digit number

    Sberbank virtual cards of the MasterCard system - Number of 15 digits

    Sometimes the card number is not indicated on the surface of the bank card, but the first 4 digits are there. These 4 digits are usually indicated under the first group of digits of the card number, are printed and indicate a four-digit BIN (BASE Identification Number), which repeats the first group of digits of the card number. If there is no number on the card, only it will indicate which system the card belongs to.
    For example, in a Sberbank Visa gift card sometimes only the numbers 4374 are indicated:

    Card with four digit number

    How to find out a bank by card number?

    Is it possible to find out the bank that owns the card by the card number? It is possible to find out, or rather determine, but there is practically no necessary information in the public domain. The bank is identified by the first 6 digits of the card number, which show the bank identification number in the payment system, the abbreviated name is BIN. Next, the bank identification number is checked against the list of bank BINs, but I haven’t seen a list of BINs in the public domain. I think that this is classified information of payment systems, which is available only to its participants.

    It is easier to determine whether a card belongs to a specific bank by the bank’s logo, which must be present on the card. The logo of the issuing bank that issued the card is located at the top of the card in the right or left corner of the card and identifies the card as the property of a particular bank.

    Why do you need a bank card number?

    A bank card number is needed to carry out the following financial transactions:

    • when making a “transfer from card to card” both within one bank and between individual banks within one system (VISA-VISA, Master Card-Master Card).

    • when paying for goods and services in online stores (that do not support 3-D Secure technology), where you need to enter bank card details (full name of the holder, card number and expiration date, also indicated on the card).

    If the card is reissued due to loss or due to a change in personal data, the card number will partially change. If reissued due to the expiration of its validity period, it may not change.

    Sometimes people confuse the concepts - the card number and the card account number are two different numbers that contain different information, so it is not advisable to confuse or replace them; there may be problems when making payments and

Any bank plastic card has its own unique number, which is indicated on its front side. But some holders of a debit or credit card may confuse its number with an account. It must be said that these are different things, so in this article we will look at what these numbers symbolize and what they are needed for. This identifier is unique for each card. It is used when conducting absolutely all transactions, which include operations such as crediting funds, withdrawing them, transferring to another “plastic” or writing off as payment for a service/product.

A lot can be determined from these numbers. For example, which payment system the financial instrument belongs to, MasterCard or Visa, the credit card or debit card number is indicated on it.

By the numbers indicated on the front side of the “plastic” you can find out which bank it belongs to, in which region it was issued and in what year.

To better understand this, let's look at the structure and use of a unique card identifier in more detail.

Finding your credit card number

Almost always, identification numbers are printed entirely on a plastic card, since they are the only connection with its account. In fact, the card itself is the so-called key to the credit card holder’s account. If you pay attention to the number of any Visa or MasterCard credit card, and then compare it with the numbers on other plastic, you will be able to notice the difference in the method of application. If the identifier on the payment instrument is not convex, that is, the numbers do not protrude above the plastic, but are simply printed on its surface, this indicates that the card is not embossed.

Tinkoff Platinum credit card

Such plastic often includes instant credit cards or cards that have an entry-level payment system. As a rule, these are classic categories of cards and not personalized “plastic”. That is, without the name of the holder. An embossed card is often a more prestigious category (gold, platinum) and always has the name of its owner printed in Latin letters. To make it more clear, an example of an embossed credit card can be seen in the picture on the right. Well, now let’s move directly to the numbers of the credit card number themselves.

Credit card number structure

The most common payment instruments now are those with a number, which consists of 16 digits. It is divided into four blocks, each of which in turn consists of four characters. It looks like this:


And in a real example, like this: 4539 5339 3343 5655. Please note that:

  • The first character - U (4) - always indicates the payment system servicing the card. In numbers we see the example of a Visa credit card, since this particular payment system is characterized by a value of 4.
  • The first six characters are URRR RR (4539 53) – plastic BIN. It characterizes the identification number of the issuing bank of the credit card. That is, using this combination you can find out which bank issued the card.
  • The following characters - XX XXXX XXX (39 3343 565), starting from the seventh and ending with the penultimate - fifteenth, are called the identifier of the plastic itself. It is these values ​​that characterize the basic information about the card: debit or credit, what year it was issued, in what region, and much more. Having this information, you can easily identify fraudulent credit cards from Visa and other payment systems, which the security system of any bank skillfully does when conducting a transaction. The last designation is M (5) – a random number. It is a verification value and is calculated using an algorithm specially selected for the number of each specific credit card.

As mentioned earlier, the most common plastic is a number consisting of 16 digits. But you can also find credit cards whose identifier consists of only 13 characters. Often this is old-style “plastic”. You can also find an 18-digit identifier on credit cards. It is located in the same place as the Visa or MasterCard credit card number - on the front side of the payment instrument. For a clear example, you should pay attention to the Momentum Maestro Sberbank card in the picture on the left. There are 18 characters in No. But there is also “plastic” with a 19-digit identifier.

Sberbank credit card

In such cases, as usual, the first 16 characters (four blocks) are characteristic of the international standard designations, as we discussed above. The rest of the numbers, two or three, symbolize that the credit cards were issued as part of a program. Having such information, you can even find out what program we are talking about.

How is a payment system determined by credit card number?

Perhaps this is the only information available to all consumers from the entire cipher that carries the card number. As mentioned earlier, the first character of the identifier of any card always symbolizes the payment system that services it.

  • So the MasterCard credit card number always starts with the number 5;
  • If you see the first digit 6.5 or 3 in the credit card ID, then this is definitely Maestro;
  • The payment instrument of the Visa payment system always has an identifier that begins with the number 4;
  • The three (3) at the beginning of the number can also indicate an American Express credit card.

Why do you need a credit card number?

Since this identifier is directly related to the card account number, it is used for any payment transactions.

Now all services and payment platforms on the Internet, and even self-service terminals, require only a payment instrument number to complete a transaction.

If you need to deposit money, transfer it, pay for goods and much more, you need a card ID. But to protect your account from scammers looking for credit cards with money whose numbers can be generated, not only the card ID is used for all payment transactions.

As a rule, in order to transfer money or pay for a purchase on the Internet, you often need a CVV code, the name of the credit card owner and its expiration date. In addition, for almost any online transaction, you always need a mobile phone to which a credit card is linked. It is through it that you confirm the fact that the operation is performed by you, the card holder. Therefore, in order for scammers who know all the algorithms to be able to use your credit card account, it is not enough for them to know your credit card number. All safety rules must be observed, especially when using a payment instrument on the “global network”.

MTS credit card

If your card is lost or stolen, you should block it immediately. After this, you can restore it by contacting the issuing bank. Please note that when the bank reissues your card, its account will remain the same, but the identifier will be different. Sometimes not all numbers of the “plastic” identifier may be changed, but in any case, there will not be full compliance with the previous one. But this only happens if a payment instrument is lost or stolen.

If your payment instrument has simply expired, the bank will issue you an identical one, the number of which will remain the same. It is also worth adding that if the data of your payment method is available to third parties, even relatives, in order to avoid troubles, it is better to contact the bank to block and reissue the credit card.

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