
How to make money on banking investment products. Rating of structured bank products What investment products are offered by Forex market leaders

Hello! In this article we will talk about the features of investment deposits.

Today you will learn:

  1. Is it worth opening an investment deposit?
  2. How to open an investment deposit and which bank to choose;
  3. What risks exist for an open deposit;
  4. Are investment deposits insured?

Investment contribution as a way to increase capital

The investment deposit is suitable for novice investors. If you are at the stage of actively studying the stock market, but cannot yet trade on your own due to a lack of skills, an investment deposit will be the first step towards professional asset trading.

If you are conservative and do not allow a possible loss of funds, then an investment contribution should not be considered. It is also not suitable for those who are ready to invest their last money, since in the end you will find yourself without a significant share of the latter.

If the result is successful, the investment deposit will be able to bring high profits, which will bring additional funds. They can be used for personal purposes or again transferred to an investment deposit. This method of investing is gaining momentum, which means that more and more people are interested in a new method of savings.

Whether you will become one of them is up to you to decide. The main thing is to compare all the pros and cons, realize how much of your capital you can easily bear losing, and choose the appropriate instruments for trading.

Under what conditions will the bank open an investment deposit?

As you already know, investment deposits can be opened in banks. The main condition here is that the bank has its own management company, which has the ability to buy and sell shares of mutual funds.

However, not everyone can become a depositor. Due to the “non-standard” features of the deposit, requirements are imposed on the owners of free capital. They may differ between different credit institutions.

The main conditions under which banks enter into an investment deposit agreement:

  • You must be at least 18 years old. An investment contribution implies that you are aware of your actions and understand the possible consequences of investments (in the form of losses). Therefore, responsibility for the money on the deposit lies solely with the owner of the funds, who must be an adult;
  • Only persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, that is, residents, are accepted as depositors. This is primarily due to taxation. All taxes from investment activities in our country must go to the Russian treasury;
  • It is not allowed to open a deposit for a deposit amount greater than the funds invested in mutual funds. This is due to the guarantee of return of the deposit portion. If its amount is significant, then such a transaction will be unprofitable for the bank. In this regard, the investment period does not exceed 12 months. This condition is necessary to protect banking organizations from growing inflation rates;
  • For large deposit amounts, the bank has the right to demand. The banking organization does not care where you get the funds for your deposit, but it can control your financial viability. Therefore, if you do not officially work anywhere, you will have an obstacle to opening a deposit.

If you are an adult who lives most of the time in Russia, then opening an investment deposit will not be difficult for you.

Having a source of income, you need to document it for the bank. This is largely due to prohibited types of economic activity. They prevent the bank from legally accepting your funds for subsequent trading in the stock market.

Opening an investment deposit

Opening a deposit is not much different from the process of concluding an agreement on a regular deposit. Difficulties arise only with the choice of bank, instruments and investment terms. If you are new to this matter, it is better to consult with a competent specialist who will tell you how to take the first step correctly.

To open an investment deposit, you will need to go through the following steps:

  • Select a bank and management company. The latter will be one of the divisions of the banking organization. Here you need to pay attention to the bank’s experience in opening investment deposits. You should not trust your money to a recently opened organization: choose a reliable leader among the banks represented in your city. Pay attention to the conditions for opening a deposit (amount, percentage ratio of the deposit and the amount of shares, mutual fund instruments and other features);
  • Buy mutual fund units. You must clearly understand that the fate of your money depends on this action. Any miscalculation can lead to loss of capital and negative experience. Find out the opinion of the management company consultant about certain shares and draw your own conclusion;
  • Open a bank deposit. To do this, an agreement is drawn up for new clients or an application for existing ones. Your passport will also be required in some cases. The application form will indicate the period for placing funds and the features of opening a deposit;
  • Bring to the bank documents confirming the purchase of shares. The bank must verify the transaction you have completed, and therefore you must transfer the fixed number of shares in the mutual fund to a banking specialist;
  • Deposit money into account. This can be done by bringing cash to the bank teller. In this case, the operator will print and give you a copy of the receipt order, which is best kept for the duration of the deposit. You can also deposit funds online. If you are an existing bank client, then you probably have a connected online bank and, for example, a savings account. After transferring money from one account to another, print out the payment receipt and provide it to the bank.

After you have deposited funds into an investment deposit, the latter is considered open. The countdown date is indicated in the contract you signed.

You can view your investment deposit in your personal online banking account. The funds you receive as income will be credited to your account automatically upon completion of the deposit period.

TOP 12 banks offering the opening of investment deposits

If you decide to open an investment deposit, then you need to do this in a reliable and experienced bank. We have selected for you 12 banks that have the longest period for opening investment deposits and a high percentage of profitable transactions.

We have collected the conditions for investment deposits of the TOP 12 banks in the table.

Bank's name Minimum deposit amount in rubles Minimum placement period in days Maximum interest rate (%)
Bank Rosgosstrah 100 000 91 8,5
Sberbank 100 000 31 12
Gazprombank 25 000 91 9,1
Russian standard 30 000 180 12
Rosselkhozbank 50 000 180 8,75
VTB 24 350 000 180 11,75
ATB Bank 167 000 182 10,5
Promsvyazbank 50 000 184 9
Renaissance 100 000 181 9,25
Binbank 50 000 270 12
Uralsib 50 000 181 9
Rosbank 100 000 92 9,2

As you can see, the most acceptable deposit period for banks is six months. At the same time, the table shows the interest rates that you can receive based on the results of investing funds. They may vary slightly depending on the amount and term of the deposit.

The highest interest rate covers periods of 6 months. If you leave funds for a longer period of time, the interest goes down. The same thing happens with a period of up to 6 months.

What risks await owners of investment deposits?

You probably already realized that opening an investment deposit is a rather risky activity. Before concluding an agreement with the bank and management company, weigh the pros and cons.

If risk and money are incompatible concepts for you, then it is better to trust such a proven method of saving savings as a deposit.

And investment mutual deposits carry the following risks:

  • The instability of the market economy makes it impossible to predict the result of investments. Jumps and volatility in the Russian market are commonplace phenomena, as a result of which you can lose all your money in a short period of time (if the deposit amount is minimal). The management company does everything possible to ensure that clients’ funds generate income. This is due to the fact that its profit depends on the success of the result. But in any case, the bank will remain in the black, since even for unprofitable transactions a commission is provided in favor of the management company. If things go wrong, you will lose up to 50% of your capital;
  • You could lose a decent amount of money. It is worth understanding that banks are not responsible for the results of transactions. If the latter are unprofitable, you will not be able to return your money with which you purchased the shares. In this case, even the court will not help. You signed an agreement, which initially stated that you are aware of the possible consequences and have no claims against the management company;
  • Reduced liquidity. Not all banks are ready to part with money so easily, even if it is yours and is on an investment deposit. Be prepared for the fact that if at some point you urgently need to withdraw money from your deposit, it may take some time. When drawing up an agreement, ask a banking specialist about the conditions for its early termination so that they do not come as a surprise to you.

These are the main risks that will affect you when opening an investment deposit. It is worth understanding that any investment involves risks. If you want to get high returns, then be prepared for possible changes.

An investment deposit is a transitional form from a simple deposit to investment. It is considered the least risky, as it guarantees the return of part of the investment for any result.

Once you gain experience as an investor, you can move on to more serious forms of capital injection. This is where your calculation of possible risks comes in handy.

Are investment deposits insured?

An investment deposit is a deposit and investment in one product. We know that deposits are insured at the state level, but no one undertakes to insure investments.

How do things stand with the investment deposit in this case? Let's figure it out.

The adopted deposit insurance system guarantees that in the event of a bank's license being revoked, each depositor will be returned the amount of their deposit, but not more than 1,400,000 rubles (previously it was 700,000 rubles).

This means that if you opened a deposit of 500,000 rubles, then when the banking organization closes, the entire amount will be returned to you. If you deposited 3,000,000 rubles into your bank account, then only 1,400,000 rubles will be accepted for return.

Those holding millions in deposits have the right to recover the remainder through legal action.

The investment deposit has a deposit part, which is insured according to this system. In other words, everything that is deposited will be returned to you in the event of a losing trade. If you placed an amount in excess of 1,400,000 rubles, then you have the right to appeal to the judiciary.

The remaining funds that you contributed for mutual fund shares will not be returned in the event of a losing transaction! Their insurance is not provided for by law. This is the biggest risk of an investment deposit.

This important feature of the deposit is indicated in the contract and is disclosed to the client first. If the management company was unable to profitably place the capital entrusted to it, then no one will cover your losses. You will also not be able to challenge the bank’s actions in court, since you yourself signed the agreement and agreed to the proposed conditions.

Thus, the deposit part of the deposit is insured, as expected, for 1,400,000 rubles, and everything related to the shares falls on your shoulders.

This is why the choice of bank and management company is so important. You are transferring your funds, which may not return to you. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select a bank and analyze the offered instruments for trading.

Do you want to make a profit by investing in an investment product? Every Internet user has probably encountered such a proposal more than once. Especially if he is interested in Forex trading. Here the number of investment products is growing by leaps and bounds. But is it true that each of them will definitely bring high profits? What is hidden under the beautiful and clever phrase “investment product”? Let's try to find answers to these and other important questions.

Investment risks and opportunities.

Actually, investing is just one way to allocate capital. Moreover, it is not the most reliable and not the most profitable. It is much more profitable to develop your own business. Although, you can achieve success in it only if you have good ideas, knowledge of your business, perseverance and, as a rule, hard work... It is much safer to invest money in a bank (preferably some state savings bank, since commercial ones burst from time to time). The risks will be minimal, but the profit will be symbolic.

The advantage of an investor is that, without doing practically anything, he can “cut off” interest on his capital. Profits are higher than in bank accounts. But neither in Russia nor in other countries of the world does the state guarantee the investor the safety of his capital. Therefore, he must always remember the likelihood of financial losses and choose the investment product in which the ratio of profit and risk will be optimal.

By the way, an investment product is any object of investment: an agreement, a business plan, property - anything in which large or small capital can be profitably invested. If you buy a bond, a share in a fund, shares or a piece of property in a commercial company, you are investing in an investment product. You can invest in a portfolio that consists of several assets at once. You can structure it by making up both highly reliable and highly profitable but risky assets.

Just like on stock exchanges, investments in Forex are made in order to invest them in profitable projects. Your money is needed by traders who know how to effectively manage capital and conduct profitable trading. It is more profitable for them to attract investors than to take, for example, loans. After all, the loan must be repaid within the agreed time frame and with predetermined interest. If the borrower gets into trouble, the lender will still demand his money with interest. The investor will receive income only when the product he has chosen turns out to be profitable.

The return on investment directly depends on the success of the manager. If the investment product fails and the trader loses capital, you will also be left without money. Therefore, it is so important to make the right decision when choosing an investment property.

1 1,025.00 154 34 1,145.00
2 1,025.30 121 31 1,115.30
3 1,034.00 50 6 1,078.00
4 1,032.20 43 13 1,062.20
5 782.00 89 12 859.00
6 335.60 268 7 596.60
7 318.00 79 13 384.00
8 317.50 89 31 375.50
9 329.50 43 5 367.50
10 303.00 74 13 364.00
11 270.20 78 20 328.20
12 226.00 64 23 267.00
13 196.60 34 17 213.60

Types of investment products on Forex.

Various services, financial instruments, portfolios, strategies offered by managers can become the object of your investment. Forex opportunities to invest in a standard product or create your own individual project are very great. Even if we wanted to, we couldn’t even list them all. Let's look at just a few that are popular.

  • PAMM accounts: You give your money to the management of an experienced trader. He carries out transactions on the Forex market simultaneously with his own and attracted capital, earning profit for himself and his clients. The manager's services are paid in the form of commissions on turnover or profits.

Advantages : An experienced trader who knows his business well and makes a minimum of mistakes is trading instead of you. The return on such investments is almost always higher than that of novice Forex traders trying to make trades on their own.

Flaws : Guarantees of capital safety come down to the fact that in the event of bankruptcy, the manager will lose his money along with yours. But for various reasons, many PAMM accounts turn out to be unprofitable.

  • PAMM account portfolios: You can choose several managers between whom you will distribute your capital. The rest is the same as in the previous paragraph.

Advantages : It is reliable that several managers will not drain deposits in unison, making the same mistakes.

Flaws : Portfolio returns look like a cross between the results obtained from successful and unsuccessful traders. That is, you will earn less.

  • PAMM account indices: The product is very similar to a briefcase. The index is compiled by brokerage companies themselves from several of the most profitable accounts. Profit is calculated as the arithmetic average of the results of all PAMM accounts included in the index.

Advantages : The selection of accounts for investment is carried out by specialists of the brokerage company, which allows you to avoid most mistakes at this stage. If a manager does not provide profitable trading, he is excluded from the index.

Flaws : All the same, the assessment of investment prospects is made based on the past results of managing traders. We have to believe that there will be no changes for the worse in the future.

  • Auto trading: Automatically copying transactions of successful traders, trading using signals or setting up robot advisors. Transactions are made on your account, but without your participation.

Advantages : You can stop automatic trading if you are not making a profit.

Flaws : Strict requirements for the minimum amount of invested capital. When the nature of the market changes, signals may not work effectively.

  • Strategy portfolios: The broker tests a number of auto trading strategies, choosing the most profitable ones at the moment. A portfolio of strategies is formed that are offered to be configured on the trader’s trading terminal. All you have to do is subscribe and start performing transactions automatically.

Advantages : Risk protection is higher than investing in individual auto trading advisors or signal providers.

Flaws : Typically an even larger deposit is required than for auto trading.

  • Precious metals, CFDs, futures and other financial instruments on the Forex market: Actually, they can be traded like currency pairs. But it makes sense to keep positions open for many months, waiting for a significant change in quotes, which will actually become an investment.

Advantages : Prices for gold, oil, shares of the world's largest companies, etc. behave more predictably than currencies, which makes it easier to find a strategic entry point into the market.

Flaws : Despite the fact that you do not need to sit in front of a computer monitor all day, your risks are just as great as those of other traders.

  • Active investor- investment product of the brokerage company PrivateFX:

Advantages : you can work from one trading account in several directions at once;
you can use the best strategies of each manager. At the same time, in real time you can monitor the progress of traders’ trades; the investor selects to his taste those that correspond to his personal preferences. Receive greater profits compared to classic PAMM managers.

Flaws : Usually an even larger deposit is required.

What investment products are offered by Forex market leaders?

The ranking of the best investment products of 2017 includes companies occupying leading positions in the Forex market. Let's see what investment products are available to clients of brokers who have received the highest ratings from the MasterForex-V Academy (more than 500 points).

  1. PrivateFX. The company offers PAMM accounts, PAMM account indices and a new service "Active Investor", which is something between PAMM and autocopying, and also includes the ability to trade independently. By the way, this service helped the broker win the “Discovery of the Year” status in 2015.
  2. FxPro. The company develops trading strategies for its clients, offers risk management systems, as well as special platforms for automated trading.
  3. Saxo Bank. The broker offers investing in bonds, stock indices, futures, stocks, options and other instruments.
  4. You can invest in PAMM accounts, PAMM portfolios, investment funds and structured products.
  5. Swissquote. You can invest in funds, bonds, indices, futures and other instruments.
  6. Offers PAMM accounts, auto trading and creation of trading strategies.
  7. FBS. The broker offers its traders and investors investments in the Forex currency market.
  8. . The broker gives you the opportunity to invest in the following investment products: Project "Personal Trader", "PROFIT-COPY", "Passive Income" 26% per annum.
  9. The broker provides the opportunity to invest in the CopyFX transaction copying service and RAMM accounts.
  10. . This Forex broker gives its traders the opportunity to invest in their PAMM service.
  11. . Forex market broker allows traders to invest in PAMM
  12. Alpha Forex. You can invest in precious metals, raw materials and energy, Eurobonds, American stocks, European stocks, Russian stocks, indices, forwards.
  13. . The Forex company provides the opportunity to invest in LAMM and PAMM accounts. It is possible to connect trading signals from MetaQuotes.
  14. Instaforex. InstaForex company provides the following investment instruments: Forex options, ForexCopy system, PAMM system, InstaWallet system.

How to choose an investment product?

First of all, decide on two points:

  • How much money are you planning to invest?
  • What is your goal?

Once you answer these questions, your choice of investment property will narrow down on its own. However, try to answer them correctly.

Unfortunately, the Russian average person still has to explain that it is better to keep money set aside for treatment or education to oneself and not invest in risky enterprises. Moreover, you don’t need to take out a loan secured by a single apartment in order to make a profitable investment. It is customary to invest only available funds, the probable loss of which will not lead to a significant decrease in your standard of living. If you calculate the amount of investment based on these considerations, no disaster will ever happen. Even if attempt number one fails, the second or third time you will win back your losses.

Now about the goal. An investor's primary goal is to protect his capital from inflation. Over time, even the most reliable and highly liquid currencies depreciate. If they are not multiplied by at least the percentage of inflation, capital will evaporate like water from a puddle on a hot summer day. Alas, not all bank deposits allow you to achieve at least this goal. But conservative investment products with high guarantees make it possible to beat inflation, receiving not only nominal, but also real profits.

On the Forex market you can find many products that promise very rapid capital growth. Naturally, the risks of such investments are high. Therefore, investors are not advised to invest all their money in strategies and traders that have an aggressive trading method. Risky investments, of course. They may be present in your portfolio, but their share should be small, and possible losses should be covered by income from reliable instruments.

People who pursue the goal of getting rich quickly and easily, in 99% of cases “quickly and easily” lose their capital. Choose investment products offered by serious companies. Check the effectiveness of strategies, managing traders, auto trading systems, etc. Do not rush to immediately invest more than the required minimum. Invest serious capital only in those products that you have been able to test in the process of long-term cooperation.

Why do you need the MasterForex-V Academy rating?

The winner in the nomination will be the broker who, by the end of the year, scores the most points (the sum of points received from the experts of the MasterForex-V Academy and the votes of ordinary Forex market participants minus the “against” votes).

To take part in the voting, just register on the MasterForex-V Academy website and click on the corresponding button in the rating table. From one IP address you can only cast one vote for or against each broker. Accordingly, each vote adds or subtracts one point.

MasterForex-V Academy encourages voting participants to take a responsible approach to their choice. Vote only for (or against) those companies whose proposals you understand. It largely depends on you which of the nominees will become the winner of the rating of the best investment products of 2017.

MasterForex-V Academy ratings allow you to determine the leaders of the Forex market by certain parameters. For many traders and investors, they have already become a reputable platform for choosing the right brokerage company in which to effectively and safely place capital.

Most modern people understand that money has no place at home in a nightstand or dresser drawer. After all, it is not enough to simply accumulate savings. It is necessary to preserve, and even better, increase your own funds. To do this, they should be invested in investment products, goods or services.

Unfortunately, most of the citizens of our country have a very limited understanding of the theory and practice of investing. These people are accustomed to investing their free cash in a bank chosen on the basis of their ideas about the reliability and profitability of investments.

At the same time, the modern financial world offers a huge number of investment services, products and goods that can bring much greater returns to the investor. Let's take a closer look at their types and look at everything using specific examples.

An investment product is one of the basic concepts in economic science. It should be taken literally. It should be understood as a product purchased with invested funds. Investors use such products to organize the production process at enterprises. With their help, production is expanded and modernized, the volume of output is increased, and production capacity is increased.

Investment goods are:

  • buildings and structures in all their manifestations. This could be a factory workshop, an electrical substation, a warehouse for finished products, or office premises. That is, all the structures that are necessary for the normal organization of the enterprise;
  • transport communications. They should be understood as roads and railways, gas and oil pipelines;
  • machines and production lines. This should also include spare parts and components of all mechanisms and equipment that are used in the factory or plant in question;
  • raw materials and supplies. This group includes everything from which the final products produced by the enterprise are made.


An investment product is an object in which investors can invest the funds at their disposal. They are the main investment targets for most private investors.

Currently, there are a huge number of similar products on the financial market. Anyone can choose an asset that fully meets their ideas about riskiness and profitability.
Investment products include:

  • bank deposits or deposits;
  • units in mutual investment funds;
  • different types of securities;
  • investment programs of microfinance organizations;
  • PAMM accounts and so on.

An investor needs to be very careful when choosing a specific investment product to invest money in. You should remember that there are a large number of scammers in the investment market. In this regard, when choosing an investment object, you must adhere to a few simple rules.

  1. First of all, you should evaluate the reliability and actual guarantees provided by the company offering a specific investment product. This should be done in relation to banks, microfinance organizations (MFOs), mutual funds, brokerage companies, and so on. If the guarantees do not seem reliable enough to you, then you should not invest money in the product in question.
  2. An investment product must have an investment memorandum or prospectus. They are usually understood as documents for an external user. They must demonstrate to potential investors the attractiveness of such investments, as well as provide opportunities for analyzing likely investment risks. Moreover, such a memorandum and prospectus must be legally supported. In other words, they must be registered with the relevant government regulatory and supervisory authorities.
  3. An investor needs to pay attention to the quality and level of service. If the employees of a bank or mutual fund do not make the right impression, do not understand what they are talking about, or do not behave correctly, then you definitely should not cooperate with such a company. After all, if they behave this way with potential clients, then one can only guess what happens to them when communicating with real ones.


Investment services are provided by various financial market entities. These could be banks, consulting agencies, brokerage companies.

In particular, consulting agencies specialize in collecting, analyzing and providing information about a particular investment asset or entity. The services they provide are very diverse. For example, specialists from a consulting agency can undertake the development of an investment strategy, which will include an assessment of the characteristics of the industry chosen by the investor, the level of potential risks and other indicators.

Investment services provided by banks require a separate serious discussion. Let's look at a specific example. This type of service includes the purchase or resale of shares (bonds, other securities). In this situation, the bank can act as an intermediary and guarantor of security for the issuer placing shares or for an investor who wants to buy them.

Brokerage companies provide services to private investors regarding the formation and trust management of their money. In particular, the broker can, on the customer’s instructions, create and manage an investment portfolio. Such services are necessarily specified in an agreement between the parties, which stipulates all the terms of cooperation and the commission for the work.

You are not required to top up your account at the beginning of the year. You choose the convenient moment yourself.
For example, deposit a certain amount in March, and at the beginning of next year you can qualify for a deduction. If you deposit it in December, you can also count on a deduction under the same conditions. Which is especially convenient if, for example, at the end of the year you have a bonus, or your 13th salary.
It's important to remember: to get a tax deduction, you need to have official income on which you usually pay tax. This is what the state will return to you.

In order to receive the maximum deduction from 400 thousand rubles, it is enough to have an income of 34 thousand rubles.

there are risks

“Where will my money be all the time while I’m not using it? Can I lose them?
These and other questions are asked by people who have never encountered investments. The answers are very simple.

An income of 13% is guaranteed by the state.
This means that the investor, that is, you, does not bear any risks and cannot lose his money. The entire time you do not use the money, which is three years, it is stored on the stock exchange, and this is also a government structure.

Profitable investments

Your IIS can earn significantly more than 13%. The money in your account can be invested and receive additional income. Such investments will no longer be 100% safe. A simple rule works here: the higher the potential income, the greater the risks.

Federal Loan Bonds

The most conservative way to receive additional income from an IIS is
is to lend your money to the state. That is, buy Federal Loan Bonds. These securities are considered the most reliable, and here's why. You will not receive income from them only in one case, if the state declares a default. If this happens, bonds are the last thing that will worry you and me. This happens during wars, revolutions, or even more rare social upheavals.

Model portfolios and structured products

This is the name for the packages of securities that analysts select for you. Having assessed the risks, and they can be significant, you yourself decide whether such investments are convenient for you.

The choice of financial instruments is large, each has its own pros and cons

Model portfolios are a ready-made investment tool. Analysts compile them for you, taking into account your preferences, such as profitability and risk level. The higher the risks, the higher the profit. You can sell your model portfolio at any time and take profit or loss. But the money cannot be withdrawn from the account for 3 years, otherwise you will have to return tax deductions.

You don't need to have a lot of money to start investing. A small starting amount of only 50 thousand rubles is enough.

You choose the composition of the portfolios yourself: your portfolio can consist of stocks, bonds, or a combination of both. It can be made up of securities from one sector, such as oil companies or US stocks. ITI Capital creates such portfolios.

How to buy
model briefcase

We have simplified this process as much as possible. To buy a fashion briefcase, just click a couple of buttons in your personal account.

Securities portfolios are compiled by our company’s analysts, so that everything works reliably, they analyzed each company whose shares or bonds were included in the portfolio.

It may also happen that our analysts no longer see growth prospects for a particular company. Then they remove that company's securities from the portfolio and replace them. This procedure is called rebalancing your model portfolio. You can be sure that we closely monitor market movements and quickly draw conclusions.

Investment risks
into model portfolios

Model portfolios, like any investment product, involve risks. It is impossible to avoid them, but you can wisely diversify, that is, divide and reduce them due to the fact that there are several securities in your portfolio.
If your portfolio consists of several securities, then the probability of your financial losses decreases mathematically. In addition, you will receive a 13% tax deduction in any case, you just need to have an official income.

IIS for professional investors

Your individual investment account can be of two types. Under the first type, you receive a deduction of 13% at the end of the year from your official income.

The second type of IIS is convenient for those who have turned trading on the stock exchange into their main activity. You don't have an official employer, but you make money through trading? Then trade on IIS and exempt trading from taxes.

To learn more

  • What is a structured product?

    A structured product (derivative financial instrument, derivatives over-the-counter contract) is a ready-made investment strategy, a complex financial instrument with a predetermined term. It makes it possible to invest in a specific asset and at the same time fully or partially protect investments from possible losses. Investors should take into account that structured financial products are not bank deposits and investments in them are not insured by the DIA.

  • Why is the product called structural?

    A structured (sometimes structured) product is based on simpler financial assets and consists of several parts, each of which performs its own function, protective or investment. The structure of the product may include deposits, securities, currencies, precious metals, raw materials and other assets, as well as derivatives on them.

  • Who are structured products suitable for?

    A fairly large circle of investors, in particular those who want to invest in market instruments and at the same time have guarantees of complete or partial safety of funds. For example, you want to invest in successful companies (Google, Apple, Lukoil, Gazprom, Sberbank, etc.) and make a profit, but are not yet ready to enter the stock market on your own by buying shares.

  • What are the benefits of structured products?

    saving investor time - funds are placed in different assets with one investment; flexibility - choice of terms, amount, risk level; accessibility - special knowledge and skills are not required. An additional advantage of Premier BCS is the choice of more than 100 options for ready-made structured products or the ability to develop an individual product .

  • What types of structured products are there?

    Structured products are divided into several categories: protective products with full capital protection - suitable for conservative investors, as they eliminate risk or clearly limit it; income products with partial capital protection and aggressive - have a high return potential with an increased level of risk; products with individual conditions .

  • How much can I start investing with structured products?

    The minimum amount is 80,000 rubles. Premier BCS recommended minimum amount is 300,000 rubles. It will allow you to create a simple investment portfolio with specific goals, for example, funds for a reserve fund or a starting base for future savings. To receive regular income or achieve serious financial goals, you should consider amounts from 1-3 million rubles. However, the maximum amount is not limited.

  • What is the investment time frame?

    From 3 months to several years.

  • Where to begin?

    Before investing with structured products, it is important to determine your financial goals in the near and distant future. The choice of the category of structural product will largely depend on this. A personal financial advisor from Premier BCS will help you create a strategy for achieving your goal for free.

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