
Congratulations on the first salary cool. Congratulations on the first salary

Your first salary!
Your success and your joy!
Daily work
Brought your award!
Achievements and success
And in labor, in the whole other!
On such a salary
Can you let everything!
Even yacht and car!
Only in a toy store!

You hold your first salary in your hands - the money that has earned himself by your skill, hard work, talent, abilities and desire. Let the money go to the money and the first earnings will start the beginning of your financial well-being!

How it is still nice to realize that I finally worked my first money! After all, the first salary is the first step to an independent life! Let none darken her! And subsequent salary only increase!

(Name), So you entered the real adult life! And now the day of your first salary! And I wish this salary from all my heart to increase! And today, let's walk it together! :)

So in your life, the day of the first salary has come - and today your pocket is hurt honestly earned money. The first salary is a sign of independence, your achievements in labor. So let each month the number of money earned in your wallet only adds!

It does not matter that today you hold in your hands not so much money. Yes, they are not enough to buy a gorgeous car, a country villa or a personal aircraft. But this money is your first salary, and you have something to be proud! After all, this is the first step of your independence!

You went for a long time to this wonderful event! On the beautiful day of the first salary, I wish you to celebrate it with best friendsAnd that each subsequent salary brings the same joy as the first! I wish your newborn salary with time to become a mighty hero!

Today a special day - this happens only once in life! After all, you finally entered the work path, and today we celebrate a fair reward - your first salary! I wish that every month your salary grew up and grew up, and that the guidelines for dignity would appreciate your work!

You worked a whole month and received a well-deserved award - your first salary! You are young and full of energy, over time you will kill the mountains, well, or just become the director. But these first money, even if not very big, stay in your memory forever!

You got a salary today
Look, comrade, check
How is your root beggar and patlat,
Beer is waiting for you in the shade.

He languishes, buckled sun,
He would be happy today for a jerk,
Drink a jar of liquid to tricky
Or just a soft beer ...

Don't dream about salary, and you dream about income,
That was enough for the car and in the country near the sea.
Let your salary or your income
To such transcendental heights will shoot
What is today's first pay
It will be soon from the total pack of the thing!

It is good to be a girl in a mink coat, it is possible both in the usual, but not that.
It would be nice to thousands of well, at least a hundred, you can and fifty dollars, but not that.
Well be married to the son of the king, it is possible for the janitor, but it will be in vain.
It's good to wear only silver, you can and fake, but not that.
So let's drink, girls, wine, whatever in our life everything was only then.

Here is the first salary!
That's the first to drink,
Here are the first money,
All friends are with you now.
We congratulate you all
And all the glad for you,
Spend money help
You do not feel, because we are love!

The first earned money carry more significant value than others, therefore the first salary equates to some special achievement! Working at the enterprise or firm, should be prepared for the fact that there will be congratulations on the first salary. However, the costs spent on the celebration of this event are often equal to half of this amount. This fact should not scare, because through such a dedication every new employeewhich in this way is poured into the team. Congratulations can be both verbal and more weighty - it all depends on how generous colleagues will be.

The first salary is the first step,
The staircase is high, you need to go through the whole.
From the first moment, with the first skill
Let your career be up to go.

There will be many difficulties, there will be chagrins
And the work will be different with you.
Pouring patience, but remember the main thing:
The first salary is the memory forever.

With first salaries
Life is rich
I wish in mind

To grab
On vacation and clothes,
To happen
Smaller work!

Finally, the first salary. Congratulations on this albeit not a grandiose, but a memorable event. I wish to spend my first salary with joy, badger and only for the pleasure of the soul. Let everything in your work it turns out, even with each new salary, its amount grows and grows!

Here is the first salary,
Sincerely we congratulate.
Let not a lot of Zlata
Just success wish.

Feeling of freedom
Now spend your funds.
And all the adversities,
You can plunge into childhood.

With the first salaries you congratulate you,
Already enlarged you I wish
Let the money run and always
Dry as water from the tap.

You can't waste your salary
After all, the one who sails, acquires wealth.
I wish you in dollars the capital,
So that you never knew you in money.

Salary first, it's time and put it,
I very much congratulations with her.
I hope you will swim in luxury,
And smile in the emerald of wondrous days.

I believe that this salary will not be the last,
More than once at the end will be supplemented with zeros.
You only think about health more often,
For days happy yourself take care.

"D Obroe to the team", -
Shouting month we back
And tied ligaments, glands,
The parish to us were so happy!
And a month that day passed,
And you worked without looking back,
Gratitude day came
But you will not get chocolates,
Get your first income -
With a salary first congratulations
We wish just go ahead,
In the career of growth wish.

So your recovery came.
Be proud and have fun people!
Let the first salary
Good luck will give in the working year.

Low work gives joy,
And let her be smaller.
Let work fatigue
It happens only on Friday evening.

Let the career go to the mountain
In the salary, pumped wallet,
Let the cabinet will not be at the time
And the staircase to the top leads.

Today is the first salary,
You will congratulate me let me.
And this reason is very important
With you, of course, alcohol.

Let the money, which is already mined,
Soak puts glorious affairs.
We work, dare, always cherish -
After all, this example is not the limit.

Let your income grow
Let the stimulus move to move.
I wish you always appreciated
Covera large was your work.

Today is your first salary,
And I congratulate me
I hope that it is enough for a long time,
What you will not spend nothing in vain.

And on this day so interesting,
I wish you happiness and warmth,
I wish that the head is honest,
On time paid always!

I still wish flourish,
Success to all your deeds
In vain so that all the stales were not
And so that turns to dreams!

That day came. He is all waiting,
Equating fortunately
When came to the card
Covenate finances.

And in your life
The first time the salary is accrued,
And not forget about friends
You need today.

Let your capital grow
Like other people's children.
And we will fill your glass
And all this will notice!

Congratulations: 18 in verse, 8 In prose.

With a salary first congratulations
And I wish this moment:
Work honestly, inspiring
With your example of the rest!
Do not cheat, but also not vain,
Do not avoid reasonable spending
And be sure to stand!
And God will return the stock edge!

Your day salary has come!
For a whole month you are baratchatil.
Let a modest capital
It will be spent with benefit.
I will give you one advice:
There will be a crisis or not -

I congratulate the first salary
She is yours, believe my friend!
And I wish you from the heart
To spend it to spend
For the fulfillment of desires -
Cinema, cafe, or suit.
You have to spend you without torment,
Salary first your own!

It's everyone felt sometime
On the day the cherished fifth number:
Congratulations on the first salary
And wish she grew up!

And even if the mountains of silver and the zlata,
But proud, in a royal, this look!
Rustling in the pocket of the first salary,
Your relatives, blood rustle!
You congratulate you today
As with the first swallow of financial freedoms,
We wish you a well-being!
Let it be a fabulous your income!

So the first salary is finally you!
We congratulate very happy, our dear friend, you!
How will you spend her - think and decide himself,
I just need to be noted - this is what you do not forget!
If you do not know with whom you break your head,
It's in vain: We're like here, you know it!
So cover the Polyana and call us as soon as possible
So that worked perfectly and the fun!

Everything! Need to buy a shovel,
And we will row money!
Today is the first salary
Someone should bring us!
Salary First - Start
Your financial victories!
We wish you enough in the future
Her on the state budget!

Still you hear sounds
Answer at least from the last forces:
How much did you get on your arms?
And how much have you been cut?
Of course, you are now rich!
I, by the way, waited -
Congratulate the first salary
I wanted, but, it can be seen, late ...

So be healthy!
Live richly
So much will allow
You have your salary!
And if salary
You will not live -
Well, do not live
No one is angry!

I congratulate you with the first salary!
And I believe, now you will live a rich!
Everything will be what you want - the car and the house,
You will all earn honest hard labor.
You are the first salary, my friend, be proud,
After all, you earned, and you do not get together
Sweep her wisely and know that she
For the work of your diligent you are given.

Well, I waited! Received
Today is the first salary!
No wonder you lecture taught
Five years. Now live rich!
But my advice, friend, accept,
Do not waste her where it fell
After all, she is the first, understand!
There will be no other than others.

At last! Earned! Yes, you just well done!
That's no wonder you were taught so many years mother and father!
Now it's not for nothing that the employer took you, believed in you!
And now in fact, as an employee you are checked.
You do not rush to spend the salary for gifts,
Better do you hide, hide her away,
Do not tell anyone where it lies in
Just do not forget, where to harvest it!

Don't dream about salary, and you dream about income,
That was enough for the car and in the country near the sea.
Let your salary or your income
To such transcendental heights will shoot
What is today's first pay
It will be soon from the total pack of the thing!

Divided the sky of Tuchci,
Lit up the sun brightly -
Will be the first pay
We are with your father!
Let the career be
With the team lucky!
Impregnable no barriers -
You can achieve heights!

Your day salary has come!
For a whole month you are baratchatil.
Let a modest capital
It will be spent with benefit.
I will give you one advice:
You do not waste all the money right away.
There will be a crisis or not -
Your oil bread will be Mazan.

How beautiful to be rich!
How nice your budget!
Look, the first salary
All do not worry about me!

With the first salary
I have a hurry.
And let everything be smooth,
I'll tell you this.
I'll tell you one day,
Everything in the world for the first time.
And does not happen twice
Salary as now.

You got a salary today
Look, comrade, check
How is your root beggar and patlat,
Beer is waiting for you in the shade.
He languishes, buckled sun,
He would be happy today for a jerk,
Drink a jar of liquid to tricky
Or just a soft beer ...

Congratulations on the soul!
Got your pennies!
Well, how do you call
First salary?
It is impossible to buy it:
Fur coat and car
Nothing - how not to twist!
But but it is to drink
It is thorough!
But you will remember the day
This wonderful!

She is like the first girl,
Salary first yours!
Eyes are burning like a child!
I have a hurry to congratulate me,
And wish enough
You all on all, my friend!
After all, it is only the beginning,
You tear it with my mind, son!

Away run away from the sky clouds,
Shins the sun from a height.
Today is the first pay
Brought home from work you.
Buzz in delighted easy nerves,
And the heart beats a little stronger:
No matter how much money in the first,
The fact of obtaining is important!
The second will be the third too,
And there you will lose your account.
But you can't forget the first:
We want - the memory is not erased.
Perhaps in life will be better
Light days, but know now:
Bring first pay
Home alone only once!

Firework labor people!
With the profit first! Here you go,
Now let me now from year to year,
Better twelve times a year
Your salary grows!
... relatives do not forget to notify
That you have enough money
Today we all treat us!

Your first salary!
Your success and your joy!
Daily work
Brought your award!
Achievements and success
And in labor, in the whole other!
On such a salary
Can you let everything!
Even yacht and car!
Only in a toy store!

Congratulations on the salary! I wish you,
So that your income is multiplied!
That was enough with a straightened on weekdays without trouble!
And for the holidays to stay!

Let your budget enough money for everything,
What did you want to dream before!
Let the day of salary be only joying,
So that never needed!

Parents focused -
Sing, dancing to fall:
Today is the first salary
They got them!
Not in vain, we trained
His diligently work!
Thanks to the work, diligent
Perhaps so much to achieve!

The first month of work is already behind -
And so you are immensely happy.
Labor is appreciated. Everything was not in vain!
Congratulations on your first salary.
It's just the beginning - but it is important to start
So spectacular, beautiful, worthy!
You wish you get bigger every time -
Accumulate on the apartment and Volvo!

She is like the first girl,
Salary first yours!
Eyes are burning like a child!
I have a hurry to congratulate me,
And wish enough
You all on all, my friend!
After all, it is only the beginning,
You tear it with my mind, son!

Today I received your salary -
Payment for the work that you have invested in work,
And you can see a smile - you are immensely glad
And happy day, especially since tomorrow is Saturday.
You rest, colleague, from the soul,
So that after the weekend in a new way to turn on,
Then your salary will be able to grow
And the best dream with you will happen.

Proud look, back straight,
Sly light in the eyes -
You salary, let everyone know
Get for the first time!
You used to poke a penny
On movies and flowers
For beloved and on beer,
And now you can
To give and live beautifully,
Money spend from the soul!
Congratulations I am with a salary
With the very first work
Not so big
But it is good!

And now the solemn moment is
In the pocket of personal - personal income!
We were looking forward to so many years
We are glad that it was not in vain those years.
How cool that children like chicks
Fly to look for your way in life ...
And proudly look at them fathers
And Moms bless them in thoughts.

The long-awaited salary is usually perceived by a new employee as a reward for the work done. Having received it, he gets at the same time a feeling of stability and the presence of soil under his feet. Especially this statement is true if the salary in its size can be considered a worthy labor spent for its sake. New job place, new people, new rules. So flew the first month. A colleague, which a few weeks ago, was called new, today it can be considered a successful graduate of the express course "Do as we". If you have a desire to give to understand the newly minted employee that he successfully joined your close team, you have a wonderful reason to do it. He will surely make congratulations on the first salary, which he will receive from his more experienced colleagues.

I congratulate the first salary
She is yours, believe my friend!
And I wish you from the heart
To spend it to spend
For the fulfillment of desires -
Cinema, cafe, or suit.
You have to spend you without torment,
Salary first your own!

I congratulate you with the first salary!
And I believe, now you will live a rich!
Everything will be what you want - the car and the house,
You will all earn honest hard labor.
You are the first salary, my friend, be proud,
After all, you earned, and you do not get together
Sweep her wisely and know that she
For the work of your diligent you are given.

Well, I waited! Received
Today is the first salary!
No wonder you lecture taught
Five years. Now live rich!
But my advice, friend, accept,
Do not waste her where it fell
After all, she is the first, understand!
There will be no other than others.

She is like the first girl,
Salary first yours!
Eyes are burning like a child!
I have a hurry to congratulate me,
And wish enough
You all on all, my friend!
After all, it is only the beginning,
You tear it with my mind, son!

Hooray! Now do not need mom
Ask for money to give.
Today is the first salary
You got. And things!
Let it all be enough
But still proud you, and not in vain!
Learn to spend it wisely
And know my friend, she is yours!

Well, that's a happy day,
Today I received the first salary,
And we come to visit you was not too lazy
After all, you need to wash it as it should.
To continue it just rises
To always be proud of her
Well, and we with you remained a little,
Drink, for the madness of past days.

The first salary is the first step,
And now you found yourself in a new life,
In the life of phones, offices, papers,
You will serve before retirement.
Let's wake up the first salary
Your first work official award,
Let her grow with each month,
And in your shower let love blooms.

Today I received your salary -
Payment for the work that you have invested in work,
And you can see a smile - you are immensely glad
And happy day, especially since tomorrow is Saturday.
You rest, colleague, from the soul,
So that after the weekend in a new way to turn on,
Then your salary will be able to grow
And the best dream with you will happen.

Proud look, back straight,
Sly light in the eyes -
You salary, let everyone know
Get for the first time!
You used to poke a penny
On movies and flowers
For your beloved and beer,
And now you can
To give and live beautifully,
Money spend from the soul!
Congratulations I am with a salary
With the very first work
Not so big
But it is good!

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