
Plastic policy per year. How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in the Moscow region. Stages of obtaining a card

Citizens of Russia have the right to receive free medical care throughout the country, regardless of their place of registration and residence. This right is granted by the Federal Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation”, and is guaranteed by the compulsory medical insurance policy. How to apply for a policy, what documents are required and where this can be done in the Moscow region, read the material on the website.

Why do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Source: , press service of "RESO-MED"

If you have a policy, a citizen can seek help from a clinic, hospital, city treatment centers and a number of other medical organizations participating in the compulsory health insurance program. If a resident of the Moscow region has received a policy in the region, then he will also be able to receive additional medical services that are not included in the state basic program - seek medical care for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders and behavioral disorders, including related with the use of psychoactive substances.

The full list of services to which an insured citizen is entitled can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region “On the Moscow Regional Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care to Citizens.” Such resolutions are published annually. You can view the documents.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Boris Chubatyuk

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy is quite simple. To do this, you need to collect documents, choose an insurance company and submit an application. The policy is issued for 1 month, during which time the applicant is issued a temporary policy under which all guaranteed services can be obtained.

Required documents

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, an adult resident of the Moscow region will need to present a passport and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS). To apply for a policy for a child under 14 years of age, you need to provide the child’s birth certificate, the passport of one of the parents (or legal representative, guardian) and SNILS. Foreign citizens must present an identification document with a note indicating permission for temporary residence in the Russian Federation.

Choosing an insurance company

After collecting all the necessary documents, you need to decide on a medical insurance organization (HIO). It is better to choose it at your place of residence, since in this case the policy makes it possible to receive services not only under the basic federal, but also under the territorial compulsory medical insurance program.

Every year, several health insurance organizations participate in the implementation of the Moscow Regional Compulsory Health Insurance Program. Detailed information about insurance companies can be found on the MHIF website in the section register of insurance companies.

Where to apply

You can apply for an OMF policy directly at the insurance company itself, at the clinic to which the citizen is attached, and at the MFC office. In the latter, the service is provided only for children under 1.5 years old.

The procedure for submitting an application for a compulsory medical insurance policy at an insurance company and clinic can be clarified on the websites of institutions or by calling the telephone numbers listed in the register. As a rule, the application form will be provided on site. The employee will take a copy of the passport (main page and registration page) and SNILS.

Issuing a policy

After submitting the application, a temporary medical policy is issued. It guarantees the right to free medical care in the event of an insured event.

The policy itself is prepared within 30 working days from the date of submission of the application and issuance of the temporary document.

Replacement policy

A compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) is a document that is a guarantee for a citizen of the Russian Federation to receive medical care completely free of charge. It operates throughout Russia and operates under the compulsory health insurance program. If you have an old one and want to replace it with a new policy, then this article is for you.

What is a plastic compulsory medical insurance policy?

A plastic compulsory health insurance policy, just like a paper one, is an absolute guarantee that a citizen of the Russian Federation will receive medical care completely free of charge. is an officially approved document in our country. Its functionality is no different from a paper policy. It is an electronic card made of plastic of standard sizes. This is just one of the types of compulsory medical insurance policies. Insurance is handled by commercial firms that are authorized to provide health insurance services.

If a healthcare institution provides services to a citizen of the Russian Federation, all costs for servicing and provision of medicines are borne by the insurance company.

Helpful information

Obtaining a plastic policy is absolutely free. It can be received by both the citizen of the Russian Federation and his legal representative.

Persons insured under the compulsory health insurance program should take into account that public medical institutions must provide medical care completely free of charge. Any refusal by employees of a medical institution to provide assistance to a Russian citizen is unlawful. Every citizen of Russia has the right to free medical care.

If you do not have a policy, this does not mean that you will be completely denied medical care. Citizens without a compulsory medical insurance document are provided with only emergency assistance in emergency cases.

Advantages and disadvantages of a plastic compulsory medical insurance policy

The advantages of a policy made of plastic over paper include: durability. A paper policy is short-lived and breaks easily. With a plastic document, everything is different, since it is made of quite durable material. Another advantage of a plastic policy is its compactness. This card is convenient to carry in your pocket.

The plastic policy also has its disadvantages. Firstly, some branches of insurance companies do not issue it. Secondly, if you decide on your place of residence, the insurer will simply make changes to the paper policy, and the plastic document will be taken away from you for replacement. The whole point is that The information stored on the chip cannot be changed.

Regardless of whether you have a paper or plastic policy, government health care institutions are required by law to provide you with the necessary medical care completely free of charge. If you are required to pay money for consultation or treatment in these institutions, you must contact the company that insured you.

Why do we need a new compulsory medical insurance policy?

Since January 1, 2014, it has been approved in our country. It is available in two versions: paper and plastic. They have no differences in the quality of medical care. The plastic policy is reliably protected from counterfeiting and is practical to use. A Russian citizen has the right to independently choose the format of the compulsory medical insurance policy.

New generation policies have one distinctive feature. The insured person has the right to choose a medical institution where he will receive all the necessary care. You can also choose your attending physician in the same way. If you are not satisfied with any of the clinics, you can transfer to a friend. If you are not satisfied with your healthcare provider, you can seek help from another specialist. To do this, you must write an application addressed to the chief physician.

How to get a uniform policy?

Before moving on to the description of the procedure, you need to list the categories of citizens entitled to receive it:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens living in Russia but without citizenship;
  • , permanently residing in the Russian Federation.

Persons temporarily residing in Russia, as well as refugees, have the right to receive a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. Everyone must have a document confirming that a citizen is a participant in the compulsory health insurance program. Thus, even a newborn has the right to.

You shouldn’t put off getting a newborn insurance policy “for later.” The sooner you apply for it, the sooner you will be able to contact healthcare institutions to provide free, qualified care to your child.

To obtain a policy, you need to contact a branch of a company authorized to issue compulsory medical insurance documents. But a plastic sample, unlike a paper one, cannot be obtained in all cities of the Russian Federation. The procedure for obtaining a policy is absolutely free. All that is required from a citizen is to provide the following documents:

  • a written application for the issuance of a compulsory medical insurance document;
  • birth certificate (for the applicant under 14 years of age) or a document that serves as an identity document;
  • passport of the father or mother (if the child receives the policy);
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

Foreign citizens, in addition to the above documents, must attach a residence permit in Russia.

After contacting the insurer, a person receives a “temporary” policy, which is valid for thirty days. The citizen also receives a special memo. It specifies the rules for using the document and the types of medical services that fall under the compulsory medical insurance program (for example,). Previously, the policy indicated the place of work of the insured person. Today this procedure has been canceled. See also information about.

When is it necessary to replace the policy?

A document confirming the citizen’s right to compulsory health insurance, must be changed in the following cases:

  • if an error is found in it,
  • if a citizen has changed his last name, patronymic or first name,
  • if the old policy is lost for any reason,
  • if the old policy has become unusable.

Replacement of compulsory medical insurance policies

A plastic policy is no different in functionality from a paper one. But it is somewhat more practical in handling. It will not tear, will not deteriorate, and is convenient to take with you. Some difficulties may arise with its replacement. In a paper policy, individual data can be changed by simply entering them again. The plastic one will have to be returned for replacement. This may take a long time. See also information about and.

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

Important (!)

For policies of a single sample.

What does a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy look like?

with unlimited validity.

Procedure for obtaining a policy

    SNILS (if available).

4) for:

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

5) for:

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for:

    SNILS (if available).

7) for:

    SNILS (if available);

8) for:

9) for:

10) for

11) for

    change of first name, patronymic,

    change of place of residence.

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:


New sample compulsory medical insurance policy

What you need to know about the new compulsory medical insurance policy

The procedure for obtaining (issuing) a new compulsory medical insurance policy

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

When do you need to replace (reissue) your policy?

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

What kind of medical help can you get for free?

What you need to know about the new compulsory medical insurance policy

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” dated November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 326-FZ), every citizen can independently choose an insurance company and receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance before the entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard.

Important (!)

All compulsory medical insurance policies issued to citizens before May 1, 2011 continue to remain valid until they are replaced for policies of a single sample.

What is a plastic compulsory medical insurance policy?

Under these “old” policies, you are required to provide the necessary medical care under compulsory medical insurance programs.

There are no time limits for replacing old policies with new policies. When to make this replacement is up to you to decide on your own, and there should be no worries in this matter (we will have time, we will not have time). Therefore, there is no need to rush to obtain a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy.

The exchange will be carried out gradually over several years until 2014.

Compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund; they are personalized, with high protection against counterfeiting and changes or distortions of the data posted on it. For citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia, as well as stateless persons, uniform policies are issued with unlimited validity.

Insurance companies have begun issuing new electronic compulsory health insurance (CHI) policies.

The electronic compulsory health insurance policy resembles a regular bank card, is equipped with a similar chip, and contains the personal data of the insured (full name, date of birth, place of residence, insurance company, etc.). On the reverse side there is a photo and personal signature of the owner.

To obtain an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to submit an application to your insurance company. It will be produced in 30 working days. The circulation of electronic policies does not cancel the validity of old-style policies, which are valid until the owner replaces them, for example, due to a change of name, place of residence or a change of insurance company.

Procedure for obtaining a policy

To obtain a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the insurance company. In this case, first you must decide which medical insurance organization (HMO) to contact, because Law No. 326-FZ gives you the right to choose an HMO. Thus, the first legal action you must take is choose a medical insurance organization.

The choice of an insurance company is confirmed by filling out an application, the form of which will be provided to you by the insurance company. When contacting a medical insurance organization, you are required to present a document proving your identity (passport), as well as the insurance number of your individual personal account (if you have one) assigned to you by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS).

If necessary, an insurer specialist will help you fill out an application, and after completing it, he is obliged to check the accuracy of the data entered in it based on the documents you submitted. The application must be completed very carefully; corrections are not allowed. The accuracy of your personal data specified in the application is confirmed by your signature on the application, as well as the signature of a specialist from the insurance company.

The choice of an insurance company for children, until they have reached the age of majority, is made by their legal representatives: parents and guardians, who are required to submit their passport, the child’s birth certificate and his SNILS (if available) to the CMO.

It is also necessary to know that a citizen can choose or change an insurance company no more than once during a calendar year. An exception to this rule is situations related to a change in your place of residence or the termination of the activities of the insurance company with which you were previously insured.

Based on your application for choosing an insurance company, on the day of your application you will be given a temporary certificate confirming the issuance of a uniform policy. The temporary certificate has a limited validity period - 30 working days from the date of its issuance. Why is he being given out? Why can’t you immediately get a new uniform compulsory health insurance policy? There are two main reasons for this.

    Each citizen can have only one compulsory medical insurance policy of a single type. Therefore, before ordering such a personalized policy for you, the insurance company is obliged to check whether you have already received this policy by previously contacting another insurance company. 5-10 days are allotted for such verification from the date of registration of the temporary certificate. If it turns out that you have already received a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy from some other insurance company, you will be refused to issue the policy again. The insurance company that issued you the temporary certificate is obliged to inform you about this.

    If you have never received a uniform policy, and this is confirmed by a check, then such a policy will be ordered for you. The territorial fund will include information about you in the application for the production of policies, and will send the application to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. However, the production and registration of personalized policies of a uniform standard and their subsequent delivery to the regions from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund takes some time.

According to experts, 30 working days is exactly the period required for all the procedures described above. During this entire period, you will be able to receive medical care under the territorial compulsory medical insurance program at your place of residence or the basic compulsory medical insurance program in any other region of the Russian Federation, presenting the temporary certificate issued to you. Well, after the uniform policy made for you arrives at the insurance company you have chosen, the insurance company is obliged to inform you about its delivery and the possibility of receiving it.

The temporary certificate and the compulsory medical insurance policy itself of a single sample are strictly reporting forms, therefore, when receiving them from the insurance company, you are required to sign in a special journal, confirming with your signature that you actually received them.

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

The following documents or their certified copies required for registration as an insured person are attached to the application for selection (replacement) of a medical insurance organization:

1) for children after state registration of birth and up to 14 years of age who are citizens of the Russian Federation:

2) for citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older:

    identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport);

    SNILS (if available).

3) for persons entitled to medical assistance in accordance with the Federal Law “On Refugees”: a refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a note about it acceptance for consideration.

4) for foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

5) for stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    SNILS (if available).

7) for stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    or a document of the established form issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity;

    SNILS (if available);

8) for representative of the insured person:

9) for legal representative of the insured person:

10) for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation(including children) in the absence of identification documents, social assistance institutions submit an application for registration as an insured person, containing:

    information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund;

11) for persons not identified during treatment, the medical organization submits an application to identify the insured person, containing:

    supposed information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of stay);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund.

When do you need to replace (reissue) your policy?

The law defines the following circumstances in the presence of which it is necessary to replace the policy:

    change of surname (for example, if you got married and changed your surname)

    change of first name, patronymic,

    change of place of residence.

In the latter case, we are talking about moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (subject to temporary registration) to another subject of the Russian Federation (region, republic, territory).

It is also necessary to renew the policy if:

    change of date of birth, place of birth

    identifying inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in your compulsory medical insurance policy.

If these circumstances exist, the citizen must notify his insurance company of the change within 30 days.

How to get a policy for a child

Compulsory medical insurance for children from the day of birth until the day of state registration of birth is carried out by the insurance company in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured.

After the day of state registration of the child’s birth (after receiving a birth certificate) and until he reaches the age of majority, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance company chosen by one of his parents or other legal representative.

The child's insurance company can be any insurance company operating in the region.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, you must:

    fill out an application with the insurance company;

    present the child’s birth certificate, his SNILS (if available);

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:

What medical care can you get for free?


Useful links on the topic "Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy"

Tags: compulsory medical insurance policy, get a compulsory medical insurance policy, get a new compulsory medical insurance policy, compulsory medical insurance policy

New sample compulsory medical insurance policy

What you need to know about the new compulsory medical insurance policy

The procedure for obtaining (issuing) a new compulsory medical insurance policy

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

When do you need to replace (reissue) your policy?

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

What kind of medical help can you get for free?

What you need to know about the new compulsory medical insurance policy

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” dated November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 326-FZ), every citizen can independently choose an insurance company and receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance before the entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard.

Important (!)

All compulsory medical insurance policies issued to citizens before May 1, 2011 continue to remain valid until they are replaced for policies of a single sample.

Under these “old” policies, you are required to provide the necessary medical care under compulsory medical insurance programs.

There are no time limits for replacing old policies with new policies.

What does a compulsory medical insurance policy look like?

When to make this replacement is up to you to decide on your own, and there should be no worries in this matter (we will have time, we will not have time). Therefore, there is no need to rush to obtain a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy.

The exchange will be carried out gradually over several years until 2014.

Compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund; they are personalized, with high protection against counterfeiting and changes or distortions of the data posted on it. For citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia, as well as stateless persons, uniform policies are issued with unlimited validity.

Insurance companies have begun issuing new electronic compulsory health insurance (CHI) policies.

The electronic compulsory health insurance policy resembles a regular bank card, is equipped with a similar chip, and contains the personal data of the insured (full name, date of birth, place of residence, insurance company, etc.). On the reverse side there is a photo and personal signature of the owner.

To obtain an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to submit an application to your insurance company. It will be produced in 30 working days. The circulation of electronic policies does not cancel the validity of old-style policies, which are valid until the owner replaces them, for example, due to a change of name, place of residence or a change of insurance company.

Procedure for obtaining a policy

To obtain a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the insurance company. In this case, first you must decide which medical insurance organization (HMO) to contact, because Law No. 326-FZ gives you the right to choose an HMO. Thus, the first legal action you must take is choose a medical insurance organization.

The choice of an insurance company is confirmed by filling out an application, the form of which will be provided to you by the insurance company. When contacting a medical insurance organization, you are required to present a document proving your identity (passport), as well as the insurance number of your individual personal account (if you have one) assigned to you by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS).

If necessary, an insurer specialist will help you fill out an application, and after completing it, he is obliged to check the accuracy of the data entered in it based on the documents you submitted. The application must be completed very carefully; corrections are not allowed. The accuracy of your personal data specified in the application is confirmed by your signature on the application, as well as the signature of a specialist from the insurance company.

The choice of an insurance company for children, until they have reached the age of majority, is made by their legal representatives: parents and guardians, who are required to submit their passport, the child’s birth certificate and his SNILS (if available) to the CMO.

It is also necessary to know that a citizen can choose or change an insurance company no more than once during a calendar year. An exception to this rule is situations related to a change in your place of residence or the termination of the activities of the insurance company with which you were previously insured.

Based on your application for choosing an insurance company, on the day of your application you will be given a temporary certificate confirming the issuance of a uniform policy. The temporary certificate has a limited validity period - 30 working days from the date of its issuance. Why is he being given out? Why can’t you immediately get a new uniform compulsory health insurance policy? There are two main reasons for this.

    Each citizen can have only one compulsory medical insurance policy of a single type. Therefore, before ordering such a personalized policy for you, the insurance company is obliged to check whether you have already received this policy by previously contacting another insurance company. 5-10 days are allotted for such verification from the date of registration of the temporary certificate. If it turns out that you have already received a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy from some other insurance company, you will be refused to issue the policy again. The insurance company that issued you the temporary certificate is obliged to inform you about this.

    If you have never received a uniform policy, and this is confirmed by a check, then such a policy will be ordered for you. The territorial fund will include information about you in the application for the production of policies, and will send the application to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. However, the production and registration of personalized policies of a uniform standard and their subsequent delivery to the regions from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund takes some time.

According to experts, 30 working days is exactly the period required for all the procedures described above. During this entire period, you will be able to receive medical care under the territorial compulsory medical insurance program at your place of residence or the basic compulsory medical insurance program in any other region of the Russian Federation, presenting the temporary certificate issued to you. Well, after the uniform policy made for you arrives at the insurance company you have chosen, the insurance company is obliged to inform you about its delivery and the possibility of receiving it.

The temporary certificate and the compulsory medical insurance policy itself of a single sample are strictly reporting forms, therefore, when receiving them from the insurance company, you are required to sign in a special journal, confirming with your signature that you actually received them.

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

The following documents or their certified copies required for registration as an insured person are attached to the application for selection (replacement) of a medical insurance organization:

1) for children after state registration of birth and up to 14 years of age who are citizens of the Russian Federation:

2) for citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older:

    identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport);

    SNILS (if available).

3) for persons entitled to medical assistance in accordance with the Federal Law “On Refugees”: a refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a note about it acceptance for consideration.

4) for foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

5) for stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    SNILS (if available).

7) for stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    or a document of the established form issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity;

    SNILS (if available);

8) for representative of the insured person:

9) for legal representative of the insured person:

10) for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation(including children) in the absence of identification documents, social assistance institutions submit an application for registration as an insured person, containing:

    information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund;

11) for persons not identified during treatment, the medical organization submits an application to identify the insured person, containing:

    supposed information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of stay);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund.

When do you need to replace (reissue) your policy?

The law defines the following circumstances in the presence of which it is necessary to replace the policy:

    change of surname (for example, if you got married and changed your surname)

    change of first name, patronymic,

    change of place of residence.

In the latter case, we are talking about moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (subject to temporary registration) to another subject of the Russian Federation (region, republic, territory).

It is also necessary to renew the policy if:

    change of date of birth, place of birth

    identifying inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in your compulsory medical insurance policy.

If these circumstances exist, the citizen must notify his insurance company of the change within 30 days.

How to get a policy for a child

Compulsory medical insurance for children from the day of birth until the day of state registration of birth is carried out by the insurance company in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured.

After the day of state registration of the child’s birth (after receiving a birth certificate) and until he reaches the age of majority, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance company chosen by one of his parents or other legal representative.

The child's insurance company can be any insurance company operating in the region.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, you must:

    fill out an application with the insurance company;

    present the child’s birth certificate, his SNILS (if available);

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:

What medical care can you get for free?


Useful links on the topic "Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy"

Tags: compulsory medical insurance policy, get a compulsory medical insurance policy, get a new compulsory medical insurance policy, compulsory medical insurance policy

New sample compulsory medical insurance policy

What you need to know about the new compulsory medical insurance policy

The procedure for obtaining (issuing) a new compulsory medical insurance policy

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

When do you need to replace (reissue) your policy?

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

What kind of medical help can you get for free?

What you need to know about the new compulsory medical insurance policy

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” dated November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 326-FZ), every citizen can independently choose an insurance company and receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance before the entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard.

Important (!)

All compulsory medical insurance policies issued to citizens before May 1, 2011 continue to remain valid until they are replaced for policies of a single sample.

Under these “old” policies, you are required to provide the necessary medical care under compulsory medical insurance programs.

There are no time limits for replacing old policies with new policies. When to make this replacement is up to you to decide on your own, and there should be no worries in this matter (we will have time, we will not have time). Therefore, there is no need to rush to obtain a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy.

The exchange will be carried out gradually over several years until 2014.

Compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund; they are personalized, with high protection against counterfeiting and changes or distortions of the data posted on it. For citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia, as well as stateless persons, uniform policies are issued with unlimited validity.

On May 1, 2017, new compulsory medical insurance policies began to be issued.

Insurance companies have begun issuing new electronic compulsory health insurance (CHI) policies.

The electronic compulsory health insurance policy resembles a regular bank card, is equipped with a similar chip, and contains the personal data of the insured (full name, date of birth, place of residence, insurance company, etc.). On the reverse side there is a photo and personal signature of the owner.

To obtain an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to submit an application to your insurance company. It will be produced in 30 working days. The circulation of electronic policies does not cancel the validity of old-style policies, which are valid until the owner replaces them, for example, due to a change of name, place of residence or a change of insurance company.

Procedure for obtaining a policy

To obtain a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the insurance company. In this case, first you must decide which medical insurance organization (HMO) to contact, because Law No. 326-FZ gives you the right to choose an HMO. Thus, the first legal action you must take is choose a medical insurance organization.

The choice of an insurance company is confirmed by filling out an application, the form of which will be provided to you by the insurance company. When contacting a medical insurance organization, you are required to present a document proving your identity (passport), as well as the insurance number of your individual personal account (if you have one) assigned to you by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS).

If necessary, an insurer specialist will help you fill out an application, and after completing it, he is obliged to check the accuracy of the data entered in it based on the documents you submitted. The application must be completed very carefully; corrections are not allowed. The accuracy of your personal data specified in the application is confirmed by your signature on the application, as well as the signature of a specialist from the insurance company.

The choice of an insurance company for children, until they have reached the age of majority, is made by their legal representatives: parents and guardians, who are required to submit their passport, the child’s birth certificate and his SNILS (if available) to the CMO.

It is also necessary to know that a citizen can choose or change an insurance company no more than once during a calendar year. An exception to this rule is situations related to a change in your place of residence or the termination of the activities of the insurance company with which you were previously insured.

Based on your application for choosing an insurance company, on the day of your application you will be given a temporary certificate confirming the issuance of a uniform policy. The temporary certificate has a limited validity period - 30 working days from the date of its issuance. Why is he being given out? Why can’t you immediately get a new uniform compulsory health insurance policy? There are two main reasons for this.

    Each citizen can have only one compulsory medical insurance policy of a single type. Therefore, before ordering such a personalized policy for you, the insurance company is obliged to check whether you have already received this policy by previously contacting another insurance company. 5-10 days are allotted for such verification from the date of registration of the temporary certificate. If it turns out that you have already received a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy from some other insurance company, you will be refused to issue the policy again. The insurance company that issued you the temporary certificate is obliged to inform you about this.

    If you have never received a uniform policy, and this is confirmed by a check, then such a policy will be ordered for you. The territorial fund will include information about you in the application for the production of policies, and will send the application to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. However, the production and registration of personalized policies of a uniform standard and their subsequent delivery to the regions from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund takes some time.

According to experts, 30 working days is exactly the period required for all the procedures described above. During this entire period, you will be able to receive medical care under the territorial compulsory medical insurance program at your place of residence or the basic compulsory medical insurance program in any other region of the Russian Federation, presenting the temporary certificate issued to you. Well, after the uniform policy made for you arrives at the insurance company you have chosen, the insurance company is obliged to inform you about its delivery and the possibility of receiving it.

The temporary certificate and the compulsory medical insurance policy itself of a single sample are strictly reporting forms, therefore, when receiving them from the insurance company, you are required to sign in a special journal, confirming with your signature that you actually received them.

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

The following documents or their certified copies required for registration as an insured person are attached to the application for selection (replacement) of a medical insurance organization:

1) for children after state registration of birth and up to 14 years of age who are citizens of the Russian Federation:

2) for citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older:

    identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport);

    SNILS (if available).

3) for persons entitled to medical assistance in accordance with the Federal Law “On Refugees”: a refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a note about it acceptance for consideration.

4) for foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

5) for stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    SNILS (if available).

7) for stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    or a document of the established form issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity;

    SNILS (if available);

8) for representative of the insured person:

9) for legal representative of the insured person:

10) for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation(including children) in the absence of identification documents, social assistance institutions submit an application for registration as an insured person, containing:

    information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund;

11) for persons not identified during treatment, the medical organization submits an application to identify the insured person, containing:

    supposed information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of stay);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund.

When do you need to replace (reissue) your policy?

The law defines the following circumstances in the presence of which it is necessary to replace the policy:

    change of surname (for example, if you got married and changed your surname)

    change of first name, patronymic,

    change of place of residence.

In the latter case, we are talking about moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (subject to temporary registration) to another subject of the Russian Federation (region, republic, territory).

It is also necessary to renew the policy if:

    change of date of birth, place of birth

    identifying inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in your compulsory medical insurance policy.

If these circumstances exist, the citizen must notify his insurance company of the change within 30 days.

How to get a policy for a child

Compulsory medical insurance for children from the day of birth until the day of state registration of birth is carried out by the insurance company in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured.

After the day of state registration of the child’s birth (after receiving a birth certificate) and until he reaches the age of majority, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance company chosen by one of his parents or other legal representative.

The child's insurance company can be any insurance company operating in the region.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, you must:

    fill out an application with the insurance company;

    present the child’s birth certificate, his SNILS (if available);

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:

What medical care can you get for free?


Useful links on the topic "Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy"

Tags: compulsory medical insurance policy, get a compulsory medical insurance policy, get a new compulsory medical insurance policy, compulsory medical insurance policy

New sample compulsory medical insurance policy

What you need to know about the new compulsory medical insurance policy

The procedure for obtaining (issuing) a new compulsory medical insurance policy

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

When do you need to replace (reissue) your policy?

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

What kind of medical help can you get for free?

What you need to know about the new compulsory medical insurance policy

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” dated November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 326-FZ), every citizen can independently choose an insurance company and receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance before the entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard.

Important (!)

All compulsory medical insurance policies issued to citizens before May 1, 2011 continue to remain valid until they are replaced for policies of a single sample.

Under these “old” policies, you are required to provide the necessary medical care under compulsory medical insurance programs.

There are no time limits for replacing old policies with new policies. When to make this replacement is up to you to decide on your own, and there should be no worries in this matter (we will have time, we will not have time). Therefore, there is no need to rush to obtain a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy.

The exchange will be carried out gradually over several years until 2014.

Compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund; they are personalized, with high protection against counterfeiting and changes or distortions of the data posted on it. For citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia, as well as stateless persons, uniform policies are issued with unlimited validity.

Insurance companies have begun issuing new electronic compulsory health insurance (CHI) policies.

The electronic compulsory health insurance policy resembles a regular bank card, is equipped with a similar chip, and contains the personal data of the insured (full name, date of birth, place of residence, insurance company, etc.). On the reverse side there is a photo and personal signature of the owner.

To obtain an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to submit an application to your insurance company. It will be produced in 30 working days. The circulation of electronic policies does not cancel the validity of old-style policies, which are valid until the owner replaces them, for example, due to a change of name, place of residence or a change of insurance company.

Procedure for obtaining a policy

To obtain a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the insurance company. In this case, first you must decide which medical insurance organization (HMO) to contact, because Law No. 326-FZ gives you the right to choose an HMO. Thus, the first legal action you must take is choose a medical insurance organization.

The choice of an insurance company is confirmed by filling out an application, the form of which will be provided to you by the insurance company. When contacting a medical insurance organization, you are required to present a document proving your identity (passport), as well as the insurance number of your individual personal account (if you have one) assigned to you by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS).

If necessary, an insurer specialist will help you fill out an application, and after completing it, he is obliged to check the accuracy of the data entered in it based on the documents you submitted. The application must be completed very carefully; corrections are not allowed. The accuracy of your personal data specified in the application is confirmed by your signature on the application, as well as the signature of a specialist from the insurance company.

The choice of an insurance company for children, until they have reached the age of majority, is made by their legal representatives: parents and guardians, who are required to submit their passport, the child’s birth certificate and his SNILS (if available) to the CMO.

It is also necessary to know that a citizen can choose or change an insurance company no more than once during a calendar year. An exception to this rule is situations related to a change in your place of residence or the termination of the activities of the insurance company with which you were previously insured.

Based on your application for choosing an insurance company, on the day of your application you will be given a temporary certificate confirming the issuance of a uniform policy. The temporary certificate has a limited validity period - 30 working days from the date of its issuance. Why is he being given out? Why can’t you immediately get a new uniform compulsory health insurance policy? There are two main reasons for this.

    Each citizen can have only one compulsory medical insurance policy of a single type. Therefore, before ordering such a personalized policy for you, the insurance company is obliged to check whether you have already received this policy by previously contacting another insurance company. 5-10 days are allotted for such verification from the date of registration of the temporary certificate. If it turns out that you have already received a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy from some other insurance company, you will be refused to issue the policy again. The insurance company that issued you the temporary certificate is obliged to inform you about this.

    If you have never received a uniform policy, and this is confirmed by a check, then such a policy will be ordered for you. The territorial fund will include information about you in the application for the production of policies, and will send the application to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. However, the production and registration of personalized policies of a uniform standard and their subsequent delivery to the regions from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund takes some time.

According to experts, 30 working days is exactly the period required for all the procedures described above. During this entire period, you will be able to receive medical care under the territorial compulsory medical insurance program at your place of residence or the basic compulsory medical insurance program in any other region of the Russian Federation, presenting the temporary certificate issued to you. Well, after the uniform policy made for you arrives at the insurance company you have chosen, the insurance company is obliged to inform you about its delivery and the possibility of receiving it.

The temporary certificate and the compulsory medical insurance policy itself of a single sample are strictly reporting forms, therefore, when receiving them from the insurance company, you are required to sign in a special journal, confirming with your signature that you actually received them.

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

The following documents or their certified copies required for registration as an insured person are attached to the application for selection (replacement) of a medical insurance organization:

1) for children after state registration of birth and up to 14 years of age who are citizens of the Russian Federation:

2) for citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older:

    identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport);

    SNILS (if available).

3) for persons entitled to medical assistance in accordance with the Federal Law “On Refugees”: a refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a note about it acceptance for consideration.

4) for foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

    New sample medical policy: its types and design features

5) for stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

  • a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    SNILS (if available).

7) for stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    or a document of the established form issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity;

    SNILS (if available);

8) for representative of the insured person:

9) for legal representative of the insured person:

10) for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation(including children) in the absence of identification documents, social assistance institutions submit an application for registration as an insured person, containing:

    information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund;

11) for persons not identified during treatment, the medical organization submits an application to identify the insured person, containing:

    supposed information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of stay);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund.

When do you need to replace (reissue) your policy?

The law defines the following circumstances in the presence of which it is necessary to replace the policy:

    change of surname (for example, if you got married and changed your surname)

    change of first name, patronymic,

    change of place of residence.

In the latter case, we are talking about moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (subject to temporary registration) to another subject of the Russian Federation (region, republic, territory).

It is also necessary to renew the policy if:

    change of date of birth, place of birth

    identifying inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in your compulsory medical insurance policy.

If these circumstances exist, the citizen must notify his insurance company of the change within 30 days.

How to get a policy for a child

Compulsory medical insurance for children from the day of birth until the day of state registration of birth is carried out by the insurance company in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured.

After the day of state registration of the child’s birth (after receiving a birth certificate) and until he reaches the age of majority, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance company chosen by one of his parents or other legal representative.

The child's insurance company can be any insurance company operating in the region.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, you must:

    fill out an application with the insurance company;

    present the child’s birth certificate, his SNILS (if available);

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:

What medical care can you get for free?


Useful links on the topic "Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy"

Tags: compulsory medical insurance policy, get a compulsory medical insurance policy, get a new compulsory medical insurance policy, compulsory medical insurance policy

Registration of an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy

SOGAZ-Med invites citizens of the Russian Federation to fill out an application for the issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a plastic card with electronic media (electronic policy).*

An electronic compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a plastic card with electronic media, just like a compulsory medical insurance policy on a paper form, allows you to receive free medical care within the framework of the state guarantee program throughout the Russian Federation. However, a plastic card (“electronic” compulsory medical insurance policy) has a number of advantages.

Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy

It is more compact and wear-resistant, this is all the more important considering that the compulsory medical insurance policy is issued for an indefinite period. This form of compulsory medical insurance policy is especially convenient for citizens who often go to medical institutions or go on business trips around Russia.

The procedure for obtaining an “electronic” compulsory medical insurance policy also consists of two stages: issuing a temporary certificate and issuing a finished policy within 30 working days. The plastic compulsory medical insurance policy contains an electronic chip, a unique compulsory medical insurance policy number, a photograph of the owner, his full name and signature. When applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you must take a photo and leave an electronic signature on a special tablet. This is done directly at the office of the medical insurance company at the time of application, and you do not need to bring your photographs. For children under 14 years of age, plastic compulsory medical insurance policies are issued without a photograph, so parents can issue compulsory medical insurance policies for children without their presence at the insurance company’s office.

When submitting an application for an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, you must present documents, as when applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a paper form:

For an adult:

- passport;

For a child:

— Child’s SNILS (for children under 14 years old - subject to availability).

Electronic compulsory medical insurance policies are issued free of charge and are valid throughout Russia within the scope of the basic program of state guarantees.

* Registration of an electronic compulsory health insurance policy SOGAZ-Med is not available in all regions of the Russian Federation. You can find out about the possibility of issuing an electronic policy in your region by calling the contact center 8-800-100-07-02.

To make changes to the electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, a PIN code is required.

Changes to the electronic compulsory medical insurance policy are made when replacing the medical insurance organization (IMO) in which the citizen was previously insured, for the following reasons:

— in accordance with the right to replace the QS once during a calendar year no later than November 1;

- in case of change of residence;

- in case of termination of the agreement on financial support of compulsory health insurance.

To replace the CMO, you must provide the following documents to the newly selected CMO:

For an adult:

- passport;

— Electronic compulsory medical insurance policy (if available).

For a child:

— birth certificate/passport (for children over 14 years old);

— passport of the parent/legal representative;

— Child’s SNILS (for children under 14 years old — if available);

— Electronic compulsory medical insurance policy (if available) .

When providing an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy A PIN code is required (issued in an envelope along with the electronic compulsory health insurance policy).

Compulsory health insurance (abbreviated compulsory medical insurance) is a document or, more generally, a system that provides for the possibility of a patient receiving free medical care. At the same time, both citizens of the Russian Federation and persons living in the country without Russian citizenship have the right to own a document: stateless persons, refugees, temporary migrants (for example, workers), as well as employees of the Eurasian Economic Union. Let's look at what the new type of compulsory medical insurance is, its differences from the old one, and how to get it.

What is the new compulsory medical insurance card?

The issue of the amended insurance policy became known in the spring of 2011, but the updated certificate continues to raise questions even now.

A uniform plastic compulsory medical insurance policy is an improved version of the paper version with a number of advantages.

It is important to note that owners of the new policy can count on the same services as before, so there should be no cause for concern. To avoid difficulties, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for obtaining and validating the policy.

This is what a standard new compulsory medical insurance policy looks like - it resembles a bank card.

What has changed in the new compulsory medical insurance?

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is the shape and appearance. The blue A5 paper document was replaced by a bright miniature double-sided card.
  2. The material for making the certificate has become radically different.
  3. A chip appeared with personal information about the patient.
  4. You can choose your own insurance company.

What advantages does the user of the new version of insurance have?

There are several obvious advantages of the new form of compulsory medical insurance:

  1. Cards are in many ways superior to paper documents in terms of security. The data chip, photo and information about the owner on the new type of compulsory medical insurance make it impossible for unauthorized persons to use the document.
  2. A durable card, unlike its paper counterpart, will not be damaged by water or wrinkled in a bag.
  3. The compact size makes it possible to carry the card in a wallet or pocket.
  4. The ability to choose an insurer also saves the client from many problems.

Replacement is free, so you don’t have to worry about finances either.

What does the current compulsory medical insurance look like?

As already mentioned, the card is double-sided. It is three-colored: one side is made in different shades of blue, the other is “decorated” in the colors of the Russian flag - white, blue and red.

In the center of the upper part of the front side it is stated that this card is a “compulsory health insurance policy.” The red and yellow state emblem is depicted on the left, below it is a golden chip with encrypted data. The compulsory health insurance logo and company name are on the right. Many people are interested in where the policy number of the new compulsory medical insurance is indicated. So, the 16 digits below are the document number.

In the upper left part on the opposite side is the contact phone number of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Immediately below it is the owner’s electronic signature, his image, last name, first name and patronymic, as well as a hologram that serves as proof of the authenticity of the insurance certificate. On the right (from bottom to top) the owner’s date of birth, his gender, and the validity period of the certificate are indicated.

Why get a new document?

It is worth obtaining a new type of certificate to keep up with the times: to be the owner of a compact card instead of a paper document with erasable information that is easily wrinkled and not waterproof.

The new compulsory medical insurance policy is made of plastic: it is comfortable to wear, it does not wrinkle, does not get dirty, and does not get wet.

Are you required to change your certificate?

In the fall of 2018, rumors began to appear that after November the old document would be invalid. It is not true. If you do not want to change the policy to a single sample or for some reason have not yet done so, then you have the right to use a paper certificate. This is stated in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. In 2018, a warning was received that it would be impossible to change the insurance company until January 2019.

Despite the fact that the information is no longer relevant, it is important to understand that you can, but are not required to change the compulsory medical insurance form.

What you need to do to get new insurance

When taking out insurance for a citizen of the Russian Federation under 18 years of age, you must have:

  • the child’s birth certificate or passport if he or she reaches the age of 14;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • passport of one parent or guardian.

Important! Newborn children are required to provide services under the mother's policy.

Adults need to have only 2 documents with them:

  • own passport;
  • SNILS.

If you are going to apply for compulsory medical insurance for another adult or someone else’s child, you will also need a power of attorney.

It is important for refugees to provide evidence confirming this fact.

Stateless persons or citizens of another state will need an identity card, residence permit or certificate allowing them to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as, if available, SNILS.

EAEU employees will need a passport, SNILS and an employment contract.

It is advisable to have with you not only originals, but also copies of documents.

Obtaining a new type of compulsory medical insurance is very simple.

Stages of obtaining a card

  1. Providing documents, photographs and signatures.
  2. Writing an application.
  3. Obtaining a temporary certificate (valid for a month and 15 days).
  4. Obtaining a permanent document.

Usually the permanent policy card is ready after a month.

Where can I get a new type of compulsory medical insurance?

To replace or issue a document, you need to contact the insurance company or government agency that provides this service. The choice is large, but “Rosno MS” (Now “ LLC VTB MS") is definitely a leader.

You cannot obtain a new compulsory medical insurance policy through State Services, however, on the portal you can find information about the institutions that deal with this.

If you are interested in applying for compulsory medical insurance online, you will need to select an insurance company and act in accordance with the requirements specified on the website.

In view of the implementation of the program to create a unified information base, a new type of policy has been issued since 2011. The old-style policies remain valid until they are replaced with a new one. An insurance certificate of compulsory medical insurance of a new type (compulsory medical insurance policy), today, can be issued throughout the Russian Federation.

The compulsory medical insurance policy confirms the right of the insured person to receive free medical care as part of the compulsory medical insurance package of services. If you are not satisfied with the insurance company, you have the right to independently replace it once this year until November 1, or more often if you change your place of residence (the region of residence changes). It is worth noting that when changing jobs, there is no need to change the policy, as was the case with old-style documents.

Where can you get a new health insurance policy if you don’t work?

Whether you are a working or non-working citizen, you can choose and submit an application to any medical insurance company in your area of ​​residence.

How to get a new compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow?

The procedure is quite simple - you need to contact any medical insurance organization and submit an application. During the production of a permanent certificate (within no more than 45 working days), you will be issued a temporary document granting the right to receive medical services in full.

What does the new compulsory medical insurance policy look like?

This document can be presented in the form:

    A traditional paper compulsory health insurance policy of a new A5 format, with data placed on both sides. On the front part, in addition to information about the owner and the date of issue of the policy, there is a unique barcode. In addition, a number consisting of 16 digits is indicated on the front side. It is worth noting that lamination of this document is prohibited; a mark must be placed on the reverse side of the document in case of a change in the insurance company. In order to extend its service life, it is not recommended to fold or bend the sheet.

    You can check a new sample of the compulsory medical insurance policy through Internet resources, in the same way you can find out your policy number by last name or passport data in the Territorial or Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

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