
Economic funds of the enterprise are divided into. Classification of enterprise household means. Economic funds: Composition and accommodation

For the implementation of economic activities, each organization, including pharmacy, should have defined means. The amount of funds, the nature of use depends on the type of activity of the organization.

Economic funds of any accounting organization considers from two points of view; On the one hand, it is necessary to know from which species these funds will consist, in which area are located (production, trade, etc.), on the other, it is necessary to know, due to which sources, this property was acquired or was formed.

- Commodity and material values \u200b\u200band funds, both owned organizations, and temporarily or constantly being out of its property.

Economic funds organizations are an assets of the organization and are classified according to the composition: non-current and working capital.

Overseas assets are divided into:

1. Fixed assets.

From a legal point of view, the main means should be recognized what is considered as follows according to regulatory documents. If the property acquired by the company, four criteria is taken into account by the company:

  1. use in the production of products, when performing work or the provision of services or for the management needs of the organization;
  2. operation for a long time, i.e. useful use, a duration of 12 months or an ordinary operating cycle, if it exceeds 12 months;
  3. the ability to organize economic benefits (income) in the future.

From an economic point of view, two interpretations of fixed assets are possible:

  • invested capital and, therefore, all fixed assets should be taken into account at cost and them, you can easily like the expenditures of future periods;
  • resource due to which income is created.

2. Intangible assets.

The conditions that must be observed when taking into account assets as intangible:

  • lack of material and real (physical) structure;
  • the possibility of discharge or separation from another property;
  • use for industrial and managerial needs;
  • using over one year;
  • the subsequent resale of these assets is not supposed;
  • the ability to bring income in the future;
  • the presence of properly executed documents confirming the existence of an asset and exclusive right to the organization on the results of intellectual activity (patents, certificates, other security documents, a concession contract (acquisition) of a patent, trademark, etc.).

3. Equipment to installation.

Technological, energy and manufacturing equipment, requiring installation and intended for installation of facilities.

Equipment requiring installation also includes:

  • equipment entered only after assembling its parts;
  • spare parts; - Measuring equipment, etc.

4. Investments in non-current assets.

The costs of an organization on objects that will subsequently be accepted for accounting as fixed assets, land plots and objects of environmental management, intangible assets.


Coveragesparticipate only in one round of capital and fully transfer their value to the newly created product.

The main difference of them is that in a short time they can be drawn to money. These include:

  1. Productive reserves. Labor objects intended for processing, processing or use in production or for household needs, as well as equipment.
  2. Finished products and goods.
  3. Cash. Cash in Russian and foreign currencies, located at the checkout, on the settlement, currency and other accounts opened in credit institutions in the country and abroad, as well as securities, payment and monetary documents.
  4. Calculations:
  • with buyers and customers;
  • with accountable persons (calculations with employees on the amounts issued by him under the report on administrative and operational expenses);
  • with different debtors.

Receivables - This is the debt of various organizations or individuals of this organization. Receitors are called organizations or individuals who use the means of this organization.

Classification of household funds for the sources of education and intended purpose

According to sources of education and intended purpose, economic funds of the organization are divided into two groups: own funds and attracted (borrowed) funds.

Own funds:

1. Authorized capitalit is formed when the organization is formed by the contributions of the founders (participants) of the organization.

Authorized capital - This is the minimum property of the organization, guaranteeing the interests of its creditors.

The authorized capital of joint-stock companies is equal to the nominal value of their shares, regardless of the price actually paid for them. Similarly, the authorized capital of LLC is equal to the nominal value of the share of its participants.

Some organizations (full partnership, partnership on faith (commandit)) under the laws do not have the constituent documents of the Charter, so they have the amount of funds made by the founders, are called share capital.

State and municipal unitary enterprises are not entitled to property ownership assigned to them, as a result of which the total value of this property was named "Statutory Fund".

2. Own promotions (share)- Shares redeemed by shareholders from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation. Some economic societies and partnerships use this account to take into account the share of the participant acquired by the Company himself or the partnership for transferring to other participants or third partnership.

3. Reserve capital It is created at the expense of deducting profits and is intended to cover the losses of the organization for the reporting year. Any economic activity is associated with risk, i.e. With possible losses from accepted management decisions.

These losses can be caused by both objective and subjective reasons. To ensure the stability of economic development. Any organization must be part of the results obtained to the reserve.

4. Additional capital It is formed by the increase in the value of non-current assets detected by the results of their revaluation; Amounts, differences between the sales and nominal value of shares, reversed in the process of forming the share capital of the joint-stock company.

5. Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

6. Target financing - Means intended for the implementation of targeted activities; funds received from other organizations and persons, budget funds, etc.

7. Profit and losses - The final financial result of the organization's activities in the reporting year, which is composed of the financial result from conventional activities, other income and expenses, including emergency.

Attracted (borrowed) funds

Attracted borrowed funds include:

  • calculations on short-term loans, and loans - the sums of short-term (for a period of not more than 12 months) loans and loans received by the organization;
  • calculations on long-term loans and borrowings - the amount of long-term (for a period of more than 12 months) loans and loans received by the organization;
  • accounts payable is the debt of this organization to other organizations or individuals.

Creditors They are called organizations and persons who should this organization.

Accounts payable In particular, if the materials and goods enter the organization earlier than it made a payment for them, i.e., the receipt of inventive material values \u200b\u200bprecedes its payment.

Obligations include:

  • debt budget for taxes and fees;
  • debt team on labor payment;
  • debt Social Insurance and Provision.

The debt of the budget and social insurance and the provision may occur since the accrual of taxes and deductions precedes the repayment of this debt. Labor debt arises due to the fact that the fulfillment of work precedes the calculations for it.

The composition of the property of the enterprise is quite diverse. It is determined by the content, industry features (specifics), the volume of economic activity of the enterprise.

Property objects of the enterprise have a value expression and are called economic funds.

Economic funds (property) of any enterprise in order to properly reflect in accounting are grouped on two grounds: by types and placement, on sources of formation and intended purpose.

By types and placement, the funds are divided into seven groups.

Fixed assets- This is part of the property used as a means of labor in the production of products, performing work or services or to manage the organization during a period exceeding 12 months or a regular operational cycle if it exceeds 12 months. According to the Regulation on accounting and reporting in Russia, the main means include: subjects serving more than a year regardless of their value; Items cost at the date of acquisition of a more populatory size of the minimum monthly wage per unit regardless of their useful life.

Main funds include: buildings, structures, equipment, computer equipment, vehicles, economic equipment, tools, etc.

The feature of fixed assets is that they are not involved in one, but in several capital circuits, during operation, they gradually wear out and transfer their value to the finished product in parts. Thus, the cost of fixed assets is repaid gradually: the share of their value subject to monthly inclusion in the amount of enterprise expenses is determined from the regulatory limits for their useful use. The process of transformation of the cost of fixed assets in the costs of the enterprise during the regulatory period of their use is called depreciation.

Intangible assets -these are funds that do not have a visible material form, but capable of bringing them to the owner as direct income and ensure the necessary conditions for its extraction.

The intangible assets used for a long period (over one year) in the economic circulation of capital include rights arising:

    from patents for inventions, industrial samples, selection achievements, from certificates of useful models, trademarks, trademarks, "know-how";

    rights of use of land, natural resources and organizational costs when creating an enterprise.

The cost of intangible assets, as well as the value of fixed assets, is repaid evenly by the monthly depreciation of their value on the basis of the service life established by the enterprise itself. If the useful life of intangible assets is impossible to establish, then the norms of transfer of their value are set up for ten years (but no more than the service life of the enterprise).

Inventory and household supplies,like fixed assets, they do not lose their original form, can participate in several circular costs of economic funds. In material production, the inventory is a means of labor. However, compared with the basic means, the inventory is the objects of less cost and requires a relatively fast substitution. Therefore, to facilitate accounting and control, they are included in working capital. To inventory and economic subjects include:

    objects with service life up to one year, regardless of their value;

    items worth not more than hundred ago minimum monthly payroll per unit regardless of their useful life.

Coveragesthey differ from the means of long-term use (fixed assets, intangible assets) by the fact that they can be addressed to money or fully used in the near future (within one year or operational cycle). They participate in the same capital circuit, their cost is immediately transferred to the finished product and is completely charged to the costs of the enterprise. Curvas are divided into two parts:

    labor objects (raw materials, materials, fuel, etc.), which lose or modify their natural shape, are fully consumed in one production cycle, fully transferred their cost to products.

    finished products and resale products

Cash -this is the amount of money in banks in banks (calculated, currency, special, etc.), remittances, cash in the enterprise's office.

Financial assets -these are investments (investments) to other enterprises: cash on deposit accounts of banks; Acquired securities (promotions, bonds, certificates, etc.) of other enterprises for a period of up to one year and other placement of free cash in order to extract income in the form of interest, dividends or differences in the value of securities when resale.

Means in settlements -accounts receivable, that is, the enterprise's debt for goods and services, products, in advance issued, amounts for accountable persons, etc.

Economic calculation as a management method involves the receipt of economic funds, their intended purpose and use. Deviation from standards, the use of funds is not on those goals to which they are intended, predetermines failures in economic activities. Sources of education and economic funds are also included in the number of accounting facilities.

abouttweed funds -this is a conditional accounting object that determines the amount of economic funds seized for one or another reasons from the economic turnover. They do not take part in economic activity, but for one or another considerations of an information or control nature are reflected in the accounting system. These include payments to the budget and other organizations at the expense of profits, the use of profits on the formation of funds, other directions of the current use of profits, as well as a loss of enterprises as a final financial result.

By sources of formation and intended purposeeconomic funds of the enterprise are divided into two groups: sources of own funds (own capital); Sources of borrowed funds (obligations)

Sources own The company's funds are: authorized, additional and reserve capital, retained earnings, special funds. Targeted reserve funds are also equated to sources of their own funds.

w.status capital It is the initial equity capital of the enterprise, which is formed in accordance with the constituent documents at the time of registration of the enterprise at the expense of the funds of the founders in the form of their contributions (in monetary measurement). The formation of authorized capital depends on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise and the form of ownership.

d.obavty capital It is formed as a result of the revaluation of non-current assets as the amount of increment of their value. In addition to the amount of difference between the sales and nominal value of shares in the price, exceeding the nominal value is credited. The additional capital includes property received by the enterprise from other persons and free.

rezerevny Capital It is created in accordance with the legislation and constituent documents through contributions from profits and is intended to cover the possible losses of the enterprise in the absence of other sources of compensation.

aboutventational reservesthese are reserves formed from net profit under the depreciation of securities (for example, acquired shares, and their course fell; so as not to be bankrupt, use the reserve).

Special-purpose financingfunds allocated by the parent company with their structural divisions, subsidiary firms for certain purposes.

Special funds, reserves, retained earnings increase their own sources (equity) enterprises.

prybil It is the difference between income and expenses of the enterprise and reflects the proprietary capital of the enterprise formed as a result of current effective activities. Part of the profit is transferred to the budget in the form of income tax, part is used to pay dividends to owners, the formation of special accumulation funds, consumption and reserves, and part may remain unallocated.

Borrowed sources(obligations) are external sources of enterprise resources, they are usually called the lender. Obligations may be short-term and long-term. Short-term - these are commitments that are subject to repayment within one year, and long-term liabilities - for more than one year. For the characteristics of long-term obligations, the term "borrowed capital" can be used.

The short-term obligations include: short-term bank loans; short-term loans issued to third-party enterprises; Accounts payable for settlements with employees of the enterprise, suppliers, financial authorities, social insurance and collateral funds, other enterprises and persons.

The lender is called a legal or an individual, which the company has obligations (debts) to be repurchased.

Debt liabilities include: long-term loans of the bank; long-term bills issued by creditors, suppliers for the goods received - material values; Other debt loans.

For the implementation of economic activities, each organization should have defined means. The amount of funds, the nature of use depends on the type of activity of the organization.

Economic funds of any accounting organization considers from two points of view; On the one hand, it is necessary to know from which species these funds will consist, in which area are located (production, trade, etc.), on the other, it is necessary to know, due to which sources, this property was acquired or was formed. For example, to start entrepreneurial activity, capital, own or borrowed.

Economic funds of the organization are inventory and cash, both owned organizations and temporarily or constantly out of its property. They are an assets of the organization and are classified according to the composition: non-current and working capital.

  • materials (raw materials, materials, fuel, spare parts, inventory, packaging, etc.);
  • animals on growing and fattening (young animals, adult animals, birds; rabbits, family bees, etc.);
  • reserves for reducing the value of material values;
  • production and acquisition of material values;
  • deviation in the value of material values;

2. Production costs - expenses on the usual activities of the organization (except expenses for sale):

  • the main production is the cost of production, the products of which came the purpose of creating this organization;
  • semi-finished products of own production;
  • auxiliary production - production costs that are auxiliary (utility) for the main production of the organization;
  • general production costs - costs of maintenance of basic and auxiliary organizations of the organization;
  • general expenses - expenses for the needs of the Office of Directly related to the production process;
  • marriage in production;
  • servicemen and farms are the costs associated with the production of products, the performance of work and the provision of services by serving industries and households of the organization.
  • production (works, services);
  • goods - commodity and material values \u200b\u200bpurchased as goods for sale;
  • trade markup;
  • finished products;
  • sale expenses related to selling products, goods, works and services;
  • goods shipped - shipped products, the sales of which certain time cannot be recognized in accounting, as well as finished products transferred to other organizations for sale at the commission basis;
  • completed stages under work in progress.
  • cashbox;
  • settlement accounts - cash in the currency of the Russian Federation at the settlement accounts of the organization open in credit institutions;
  • currency accounts - cash in foreign currency on currency accounts of the organization opened in credit institutions in the Russian Federation and beyond;
  • special accounts in banks - cash in the currency of the Russian Federation and foreign currencies located in the Russian Federation and abroad in letters of credit, checkbooks, other payment documents, on current, special and other special accounts;
  • translations in the way are the money issued at the cash register of credit institutions, the post office tickets for enrollment on the settlement or other account of the organization, but not yet enrolled in the appointment;
  • financial investments - Investments in government securities, stocks, bonds, as well as loans provided to other organizations;
  • reserves for impairment of investments in securities.

The economic operation (from the lat. Operatio - action) characterizes individual economic actions, causing changes in the composition, placement and sources of property formation. At the same time, economic operations can affect only the property of the organization or only the sources of its education, or both the property and sources of its formation.

Property (raw materials, materials, fixed assets, etc.), obligations and economic operations are expressed in monetary assessment by summing up actually generated costs. The property of the economic entity, its obligations, the sources of the formation of this property (own, borrowed, etc.), economic operations are accounting facilities. Overseas and current assets are based on their movement and real estate and various types of receivables.

The organization's current activities are possible if it has a certain amount of own and borrowed funds, the ratio of which depends on both its type of activity and financial stability. The value and natural and real composition of economic funds is determined by the specifics of the organization's production activities, the basis of which is three business process:

production (supply) - the acquisition of inventory values \u200b\u200bof various types necessary for the production and economic needs and sale of goods;

production - Performing the main task of the organization - Production of products, provision of services;

implementation - the implementation of contractual obligations to customers and buyers, and revenues from the sale of products, work performed and the services rendered is credited to the current account.

As a result of the accounting of the process of harvesting and production, by comparing planned and reporting indicators, savings or overruns are revealed, and in accounting sales - profits or loss. Consequently, it is necessary to ensure control over the presence and movement of property, the use of material, labor and financial resources; represent full and reliable information; To identify intraproductive reserves and effectively use them.

Characteristics of the accounting method

The combination of all techniques and methods by which in accounting is reflected in the movement and state of economic funds and sources of their education. It includes the following techniques and methods that are customized with elements of the accounting method: documentation and inventory, assessment and calculation, accounts and dual record, balance and reporting.

Documentation - Written certificate of a perfect economic operation or the right to make it. Each economic operation is issued by documents. The document is not only the basis for reflecting operations, but also by the method of primary observation and registering them. Documentation serves to control the objectives, allows documentary inspections, ensures the safety of property.

Inventory - A method for checking the compliance of the actual availability of economic funds in the nature of accounting data.

Evaluation - The method by which economic tools receive a monetary expression. The assessment of the economic means of each economic entity is based on their actual cost, thereby achieving its reality.

To guide the organization, it is necessary to take into account all costs of its maintenance, and not only the value of each type of costs, but also their total amount relating to a specific object, i.e. The cost of the accounted objects is calculated. The cost of accounting objects is calculated using the calculation used to monitor costs.

For continuous monitoring of economic processes of the organization, the state of funds and sources of their education, it is necessary to continuously take into account all economic operations at individual stages, as well as in the context of individual groups and types of economic funds. In accounting, such a reflection of economic funds and processes is carried out by monitoring changes occurring with various types of property and sources of its education, for all costs produced in one or another economic process.

The economic grouping of accounting facilities, which makes it possible to obtain the indicators necessary for current monitoring of economic activities, is provided by the accounts system, since the information available in the documents gives only the fragmented characteristic of accounting objects. Accounting accounts allow grouping and receiving generalized characteristics of accounting objects.

The reflection of economic operations in the account system is carried out using a double record, the essence of which lies in the interconnected reflection of various phenomena caused by economic operations. This method of records reveals their economic content, allowing you to deeper to study the economic activities of the organization.

Control over the entire set of facilities in accounting is made by comparing economic funds with sources of their formation, the so-called balance sheet.

Balance generalization is characterized by the equality of the total amount of funds and the sum of the sources of their education, which remains constantly. Balance generalization allows strict control over the presence and use of means of any economic entity.

The results of economic activity, as well as the specificization of individual balance sheet indicators are contained in the reporting. Accounting reporting is a unified system of information on the financial situation of the business entity for a certain time. To reports as an element of the accounting method, a number of requirements are subject to:

  • accuracy - reporting should contain reliable data on property and financial position;
  • integrity that should cover all economic operations, including in its branches, offices;
  • comparability, i.e. compliance with constancy in the content and form of reporting;
  • sequence - comparing the data of the reporting period with the previous ones:
  • the reporting period is the period for which reporting should be drawn up;
  • registration - reporting should be drawn up in Russian and in the currency of the Russian Federation, signed by the head of the organization and the chief accountant.

The composition of the company's economic funds is determined by the content of its activities. But each enterprise, labor resources, real estate, equipment, materials, and cash, etc. are needed to carry out effective economic activities, and so on. In accounting, the economic funds that have an enterprise are called assets .

Depending on what business assets have an enterprise, and how they participate in the manufacturing cycle of the enterprise, they are classified according to the composition and placement.

In the composition of the assets of the enterprise are divided into revolving and non-current assets (Fig. 1.6).

Current assets - These are funds that are constantly in the current process of circulation of funds and transfers from the sphere of production in the sphere of circulation.

By placement, turnover assets are divided into assets that are used:

  • in the field of production - these are objects of labor: materials, raw materials, components, spare parts, fuel, inventory, tools, etc. These funds are usually used in one production cycle and fully transferred their cost to the cost of products;
  • sphere of circulation - goods, finished products in warehouses and shipped to the buyer, cash, securities, funds in calculations, etc.

Non-current assets - It is expensive equipment that are not used in one, but in several production cycles, and also have a long term of use (more than one year). Free funds and intangible assets include fundamental means.

Fixed assets - These are the means of labor associated with the production of products, work and services that serve for a long time and have the cost of more than 10 thousand rubles. for a unit. Main funds include buildings, structures, workers and power machines, equipment, measuring and regulating devices and devices, tools, vehicles, computing equipment, etc. Fixed assets gradually carry their cost to the cost of finished products in the process of depreciation They, as a rule, do not change their material form during operation.

Fig. 1.6. The composition of the company's business

Intangible assets - These are funds that do not have material shape and physical properties, but can be used for a long time and bring the income to the enterprise. Intangible assets include copyrights of intellectual property, the right to use computer programs, databases, patents for the invention and know-how,

industrial Samples, Commodity Stamps and Signs, Business Reputation Firm, etc. Intangible assets, like fixed assets, gradually transfer their value to the cost of manufactured products in the form of depreciation.

Fixed assets and intangible assets as well as current assets can be used:

  • in the production area - shops of workshops, machines, computing equipment, industrial samples, etc.;
  • the sphere of circulation - buildings of warehouses, vehicles, warehouse accounting programs, etc.

Fixed assets and intangible assets are a manufacturing base of the enterprise.

Classification of sources of education of economic funds

All economic funds that the company already has or is going to acquire, or may be obtained by any sources, own or borrowed funds, such as bank loans. Therefore, depending on what sources of economic treatment, they are divided into their own and attracted, i.e. borrowed (Fig. 1.7). By analogy with economic means, which are called assets, the sources of education of these funds are called liabilities.

TO own sources The formation of economic funds includes all types of capital, profits and reserves.

The company can produce three types of capital: authorized, reserve and added.

Authorized capital It is mandatory for all enterprises. It is formed by the founders who create this enterprise, and for budget organizations - at the expense of funds allocated from the budget. Contributions of founders can be made not only in the form of cash, but also in the form of any property. The authorized capital is the initial starting capital of the enterprise.

Reserve capital It is usually formed at the expense of its own profit of the enterprise. It is a peculiar reserve of the enterprise and is necessary for different kinds of unforeseen circumstances, for example, to cover losses as a result of accidents, natural disasters, etc.

Extreme capital is formed due to the increase in the value of the property of the enterprise during operations that are not related to industrial activities. Extra capital funds are used to increase the authorized capital or can be directed to calculations with the founders.

Fig. 1.7. The composition of the sources of education of economic funds

Profit - The main source of formation of own business enterprises. The profit that remains at the disposal of the enterprise after paying taxes is sent to the replenishment of economic funds, the development of production, calculations with the founders and other purposes.

Reserves created at the enterprise due to profits or the inclusion of costs in the cost of finished products. Reserves are intended to cover losses, for example, when impairing securities, as well as repairing fixed assets, etc.

Borrowed or, as they are also called attracted sources Economic funds are primarily short-term and long-term loans provided by the enterprise by banks, or loans received from legal entities, as well as the obligations of the enterprise to other organizations or individuals, for example, before suppliers, budget, employees of the enterprise, etc.

Economic funds, being the subject of accounting, for the correct accounting and control are grouped by two signs:

first - by type, composition, placement (assets);

the second - on sources of formation (education) - own capital and obligations.

The first group is characterized by the composition of the means or where they are posted. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Enterprises", the property of the enterprise consists of basic and working capital. Assets are resources that control the enterprise and the use of which will lead to economic benefits.

The second grouping characterizes sources of funds or their intended purpose. "Property belongs to the enterprise as of ownership or full of their economic management" - it is written in Art. 10 of the third section of the "About enterprises".

Consider the classification of funds on these two groups.

Economic funds by type, composition, placement are divided into: non-current assets, current assets, expenditures of future periods. Neudoral assets include: intangible assets, fixed assets, long-term financial investments, improved construction.

Reserved assets include: reserves of all types (materials, fuel, spare parts, work in progress, finished products, goods, etc.), notes received, cash, calculations (debt of legal entities and individuals in front of the enterprise) for goods, work, services , tax and other payments with the budget.

The expenses of future periods include current assets, expressed in the costs of the reporting period, which are subject to attributable for the costs of subsequent reporting periods.

Intangible assets - These are funds that do not represent material values, but bringing profit (trademarks, patents, know-how, programs for computers).

Fixed assets - These are material assets worth over 500 UAH. For a unit and useful life (operation) for more than 1 year. These include buildings, facilities, vehicles, computers, machinery, equipment, furniture.

Major funds do not change their natural real form, transfer its cost in parts by means of monthly depreciation and inclusion on the cost of production and on the costs of other activities.

Intangible assets and fixed assets are funds of long-term functioning and are non-current assets.

Current assets - These are funds in circulation and ensuring the production process, implementation. Basically, these are the means of short-term functioning. For its homogeneity and its appointment, working capital is classified on:

a) raw materials, materials - material values, of which products are carried out. They are consumed in one production cycle and fully transfer their cost to released products. The volume, the list of raw materials in the enterprise depends on the nature and specifics of its activities. For example, for pasta and shoe factors, different raw materials are needed. In the trade, materials are used mainly for economic needs (washing powders, soap, disinfection means);

b) low-value and helpful items (IBS) - labor items worth less than the cost of fixed assets (tools, inventory, calculators, furniture). These are subjects that serve the processes of production and implementation, the scope of management, have a small price per unit and is used in the enterprise not more than one year;

c) finished products (in manufacturing enterprises) are reserves to be implemented;

d) Cash - the most important variety of working capital, without which the functioning of the enterprise is impossible. Cashs are located in different places: on the bank's accounts, at the box office, on the road (in enterprises that implement the implementation of cash and give revenue to the bank through the collector);

e) funds in the calculations, the so-called receivables - the debt of buyers for the TMC implemented by him, for which no payments did; Debt of debtors on bills received, which instead of money issued a debt obligation; Debt of accountable persons at the advances issued from the cash register. Accounts receivable means that the means of the enterprise are temporarily in other persons and enterprises.

Curvas are:

normalized by which the standard (limit) is established (materials, IBE, finished products, goods, money at the checkout);

nonormable (cash in bank accounts, funds in settlements).

Losses- The form of the final disposal of funds that occurs as a result of exceeding the costs of income. Losses characterize the irrational placement of funds that are forever seized from the sphere of production and circulation. They testify to the negative financial result of the enterprise and should not have places. Losses are subject to compensation due to the arrival of subsequent periods, own capital of founders. They reduce their own capital.

Economic funds on education sources are divided into:

1) own (fixed);

2) borrowed (temporary-attracted).

Own funds are: authorized and share capital, additional and reserve capital, target receipts, insurance reserves, etc.

Borrowed funds are long-term and short-term bank loans, as well as accounts payable (current obligations).

What do they imagine?

All types of capital - This is the sum of accumulated funds for a specific purpose. They represent the main source of own funds, diverse in structure and appointment. The main one:

Authorized capital - The amount of the main and current assets formed at the expense of the state (in the state enterprises) or at the expense of the owner (shareholders, founders, participants). The amount of authorized capital is fixed in the constituent documents. Share capital is the total value of assets that are the contribution of owners to the capital of the enterprise.

Pavia Capital It is intended to summarize information on the magnitude of mutual contributions of members of consumer societies, a collective agricultural enterprise, housing and construction cooperative and other enterprises provided for by the constituent documents.

Additional capital - These are accumulated amounts for which the value of the implementation of issued shares exceeds their nominal value, as well as the amount of the accommodation of assets and the cost of non-current assets received by the enterprise from others for free.

Reserve capital - This is the cost of funds created in accordance with the current legislation and constituent documents at the expense of the company's profits.

Profit - A source of capital replenishment of both the enterprise itself and the funds of the budget (through income tax). It is determined as a result of excess of income over expenses and characterizes a positive financial result, which is the goal of any enterprise. Profit left after payment of tax is used for industrial and social development, material promotion. This is a very important source of equity equity, on which the further development of the enterprise depends.

The company can also use other sources of own funds: free receiving funds in the form of charitable contributions and donations, revenues from securities, subsidies from the budget, income from denationalation and privatization.

Part of the funds to the company is provided for temporary use from banks and other enterprises, the so-called obligations of the enterprise.

Bank loans- These are loans, debt that the company takes on a certain purpose, on the terms of refund, payability, urgency. They are short-term (up to 1 year) and long-term (for a period of more than 1 year). The Bank provides a loan based on a loan agreement. Credit is the source of borrowed funds.

Accounts payable (Current obligations) are those funds that the company received, but did not make payment (debt suppliers for the received raw materials, fuel, IBE, goods, debt to various enterprises for services). Accounts are also obligations of the enterprise for labor payments, tax and mandatory payments. The peculiarity of these obligations is that funds from these sources are formed by accrual, and not receiving from outside. This arrerence arises due to the fact that the moment of its accrual (employees, socialist, budget, pension fund, etc.) does not coincide with the moment of repayment of debt (issuance of salary, paying taxes, transfer of the amounts to the social insurance fund, to the Pension Fund etc.) In essence, these funds are at the enterprise temporarily since the accrual of debt until the time of payment. But it is constant. Credit debt enterprise uses as temporarily attracted (borrowed) source of funds.

Summing up this, we can conclude that two groups of funds represent the same means, but grouped by two signs:

on the one hand, from which they consist, i.e. What is owned by the enterprise, what are its assets;

on the other hand, due to which the same means are formed (formed), i.e. The equity capital of the enterprise and its obligations.

There is always the total equality of these two facilities. The total amount of economic funds in composition (assets) is necessarily equal to the total amount of funds for the sources of education (equity and obligations). At this equality, an accounting balance was built.

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