
Financial investments in the accounting statements of the organization. Financial investments are reflected in the balance sheet. Types of financial investments and their assessment

And accounting reporting information on financial investments of the organization. The organization hereinafter refers to a legal entity under the legislation of the Russian Federation (with the exception of credit institutions and state (municipal) institutions).

(see text in the previous edition)

This provision is used in establishing the features of financial investments for professional participants in the securities market, insurance organizations, non-state pension funds.

2. For the purposes of this Regulation, it is necessary to fulfill the following conditions for the accounting of assets as financial investments:

the presence of properly executed documents confirming the existence of the organization's right to financial investments and to receive cash or other assets arising from this right;

the transition to the organization of financial risks associated with financial investments (risk of price change, the risk of insolvency of the debtor, the risk of liquidity, etc.);

The ability to organize economic benefits (income) in the future in the form of interest, dividends or the increase in their value (in the form of the difference between the sale price (repayment) of the financial investment and its purchased value as a result of its exchange, use when repaying the organization's obligations, increasing the current market value etc.).

3. The organization's financial investments include: state and municipal securities, securities of other organizations, including debt securities in which the date and redemption costs are defined (bonds, bills); deposits into authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and dependent economic societies); Provided by other organizations of loans, deposit deposits in credit institutions, receivables acquired on the basis of a concession of the right of claim, etc.

For the purposes of this Regulation, the contributions of the Comrade Organization under the Agreement of a simple partnership are also taken into account in the composition of financial investments.

The financial investments of the organization do not include:

own shares redeemed by joint-stock companies from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation;

Promissory notes issued by the Research Institute Organization Organization in settlements for sold goods, products, performed works, services rendered;

Investments in real estate and other property that has a material and real form provided by the organization for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to obtain income;

precious metals, jewelry, works of art and other similar values \u200b\u200bacquired not to implement conventional activities.

4. Assets with a material form, such as fixed assets, material and industrial reserves, as well as intangible assets are not financial investments.

5. An accounting unit of financial investments is chosen by the organization independently in order to ensure the formation of complete and reliable information on these investments, as well as proper control over their presence and movement. Depending on the nature of financial investments, the procedure for their acquisition and use by the unit of financial investments can be a series, party, etc. A homogeneous aggregate of financial investments.

6. The organization conducts analytical accounting of financial investments in such a way as to provide information on financial investment units and organizations in which these investments were implemented (issuers of securities, other organizations whose participants is to organize, borrowers, etc.) .

According to the state securities and securities accepted for accounting, at least the following information: the name of the issuer and the name of the security, the number, series, etc., nominal price, purchase price, the costs associated with Acquisition of securities, total number, purchase date, date of sale or other disposal, place of storage.

The organization may form in analytical accounting additional information on the financial investments of the organization, including in the context of their groups (species).

7. Features of the assessment and additional rules for disclosure in the financial statements of information on financial investments in dependent business companies are established by a separate regulatory act on accounting.

Money is the blood of the economy. And if your organization decided to engage in investment, it is time to study in detail such a direction as financial investments.

Speaking with simple words, this is the placement of the company's free funds into securities, deposits, etc. For an additional source of profit. And they resort to it if profitability is expected higher than that of the company's own activities.

In terms of time, long-term financial investments are allocated. This is an investment for a period of more than 12 months.

For more information about their characteristics, classification and evaluation, financial analysis and accounting, read in the article.

Long-term financial investments are investments for more than a year.

Long-term financial investments are an investment of cash or other property to other enterprises in order to receive income or control over their activities. These include investments in the authorized capital, shares, bonds. Financial investments for a period of 1 year are considered long-term, and for up to 1 year - short-term.

Current assets (working capital) consist of:

  1. Material working capital. They include raw materials and materials, fuel, semi-finished products, work in progress, animals on growing and fattening, expenditure of future periods, ready products intended for implementation, i.e. In stock, and shipped buyers.
  2. Money. Cash consists of cash balances at the office of the organization, at the current account and other accounts in banks.
  3. Short-term financial investments.
  4. Funds in current calculations. They include various types of receivables under which the debts of other organizations or persons of this organization are understood.

Debtors are called debtors. Accounts receivable consists of debt of buyers for the products purchased by this organization, accountable persons for the money issued by him, etc. Covers are reflected in the second section of the balance of the balance. Long-term financial investments are an enterprise investment in various financial instruments for a period of more than one year.

The main forms of long-term financial investments are:

  • investments in long-term stock tools (stocks, bonds, etc.);
  • investments in long-term monetary instruments (deposit deposits in banks, etc.);
  • investments in the statutory funds of joint ventures. Long-term financial investments are part of non-current (long-term) assets of the enterprise.

Source: "pravo.studio"

Financial investments - types, accounting and analysis

Long-term and short-term financial investments are investments in cash or other assets in securities of various subjects involved in economic activities.

The main objectives of all financial investments:

  1. receiving a profit,
  2. turning their savings into securities with high liquidity,
  3. establishing official relations with the issuer's enterprise or take control over it,
  4. access to certain market segments,
  5. creating corporate integrated structures.

Types and objects

Depending on the goals pursued, liquidity and period, financial investments are usually divided into long-term and short-term, although certain clear criteria do not exist for this separation. But under any circumstances, such a distinction today is very significant, because Accounting and reporting, both long-term and short-term investments are displayed in different ways.

To date, financial investment facilities may be:

  • bonds of municipal and state loans,
  • shares of third-party enterprises and organizations,
  • bank deposits,
  • debt securities,
  • accounts receivable, which were obtained in the form of concessions on the right of the requirement of various contributions to the authorized capital in other matters, both subsidiaries and fully dependent organizations and MN. Dr.


Long-term investments include direct investments in any financial instruments for more than 1 year, as well as other types of investments that are not able to implement at any time.

It follows that those investments, which were still originally planned to be carried out, and earlier than 1 year later, in cases where on the basis of a market situation, the organization recognizes the impossibility of their implementation for a short period. Here we are talking about weakly liquid or generally illiquid assets.

It should be noted that through the toolkit of long-term financial investments, it is indirectly to implement short-term investments.

For example, instead of investing in the purchase of fixed assets that will develop new production, you can purchase corporate rights of the enterprise (controlling stake) that already owns the appropriate assets, or establish a subsidiary company, having endowed it with the authorized capital by which they will be implemented Real investments.

The objects of long-term financial investments can be attributed to today:

  1. shares (otherwise, securities, fully certifying the right to property);
  2. bonds, bills, investment, as well as savings certificates, (stocks certifying all loan relationships);
  3. investments in the authorized capital of already third-party, both domestic and foreign enterprises;
  4. local bonds and finally state loans;
  5. investments in associates and enterprises in which more than 25% of the shares belong to the investor and which are not joint or subsidiary enterprises of the Investor itself.


The short-term financial investments include investment deposits in all sorts of financial instruments for a small period of time - up to 1 year. This type of financial injection represents a certain form of temporarily used organization of the organization in order to further profits and protect them from inflation processes.

Due to the sufficiently high liquidity of this type of investment, it is equated to the finished product of the payment, therefore it serves as enterprises to provide urgent obligations. In other words, in financial management, short-term investments are considered as the equivalent of assets expressed in money.

Today, short-term financial investments are widely popular, both in private (small) investors and major corporations, companies that are usually legal entities. This is due to the fact that, despite the consolation forecasts, the state of the economy is not the most sustainable and many investors have concerns about the investment of their own capital into any long-term projects.

As a rule, in investor plans - purchase and fast sale of securities. They do it in order for a short period of time (several months) to get expected profits. It should be noted that when implementing short-term investments, it is sometimes used by insider information that is far from always from legal sources and not always relevant reality.

It is also necessary to know that such a type of investment carried out in all sorts of deposit certificates or deposits, short-term bonds, bills, savings certificates, as well as MN. Dr. It does not always be possible to bring a noticeable income to the investor. For this reason, take into account the availability of risks.

If not so long ago, during short-term investment, it was possible not to evaluate the exchange rate and the political situation, today these risks have a huge weight during the assessment of investment objects.

During financial investments, both legal investors are often treated for assistance (analysis) to analysts capable of making profits from invested capital and risks a few months ahead.

Analysis of financial investments

Analysis of financial investments is a set of management methods conducted in order to take a mutually beneficial decision on the use of free monetary funds for the organization. The level of efficiency of financial investments is calculated by comparing, expressed by cash flow from resources and final results of their use. In general, this comparison in the overall economy and is an analysis of investments.

What tasks are facing investment analysis:

  • First, it is the choice of the highest effective investment among other investments in general.
  • Further, following the other effective investment portfolio.
  • An important question that solves the analysis of financial investments is to calculate the exceedances of the results expressed in the money, in other words, the profitability of these investments.

An analysis of the financial investment allows the investor to calculate the profitability of its contributions at the moment and on the near future. Under any circumstances, the analysis of financial investments aims to motivate the investor's decision to invest their own funds into a specific organization, firm, company, production, etc.

Immediately, we note that during investment analysis, special programs are often used to carry out a multifactoric analysis.

Accounting for short-term and long-term financial investments

All companies in investment activities have the need to keep records of financial investments. In essence, investments in value relations may have the current market and nominal value:

  1. The nominal value is the amount that is indicated on the direct form of any of the securities. The magnitude of the authorized capital is a set of all the shares just at face value.
  2. The current value of the investment is the cost of exchanging or selling a shares (securities) between buyers and sellers of these assets. The price that is determined as a result of market quotations to various promotions is their market value.

In organizations, the accounting of financial injections is carried out as assets or at the price of acquisition, or at cost.

The cost includes the costs of remuneration of dealers and agents, payment to suppliers, fees of regulatory bodies and stock exchanges, payment of banking services, fees and taxes on the transfer of funds, payment of services of consultants, etc.

Initially (at the time of purchase), the accounting of long-term with short-term investments is carried out at the cost of their purchase, and

  • purchase cost;
  • cost with revaluation;

For short-term deposits:

  1. market value;
  2. the smallest cost (or market or acquisition).

Profitability or unprofitability due to changes in the market price of short-term investments are recognized in those reporting periods where they were. If we take an analytical accounting of both long-term and short-term deposits, it is already carried out by type of these investments, for example, shares, shares, bonds, and even on investment facilities, i.e. on the names of issuers.

Analytical accounting for financial deposits ensures the possibility of obtaining complete, timely, as well as reliable information.

For this, all the shares owned by the company are described in the accounting log. This journal reflects the following information:

  • issuer's name
  • purchased, then the nominal value for all securities,
  • serial numbers,
  • date of sale and acquisition date,
  • the total number of their number and other points.

In cases of storing these papers in depositories, their details must be recorded in this journal. Accounting for financial investments also implies their inventory.

During inventory activities, there is an inspection of loans and actual costs directly on the purchase of shares. An analysis of the correctness of these securities is carried out, quantitative compliance with the accounting data, the reality of their value, the correctness of the reflection of the yields or damages from the operations carried out with them.

In addition, during the inventory of current investments, it is important to verify the credentials of enterprises and issues of organizations that perform the functions of registering and storing securities. In general, the accounting of financial investments involves the use of general instruments and methods of accounting (registers, analytical and synthetic data, tax accounting, accounting and MN. DR.).


The main role in the process of justification, it is advisable or not to implement financial investments, plays the definition of their effectiveness. The investment project is considered quite effective if in addition to the preservation of investor nested funds will ensure their stable increase. The level of efficiency of investment is determined by comparing with other types of investment.

A economic assessment of the direct effect of investments is determined using statistical and dynamic methods:

  1. discounting
  2. determining the current net value
  3. profitability,
  4. payback calculation
  5. determining the estimated profitability rates, incl. internal, etc.

Source: "infofx.ru"

DFV. Reflection in the balance sheet

On line 140 "Long-term Financial Investments" reflects:

  • Balance debit account 58 "Financial investments", in terms of financial investments with maturity (circulation) for more than 12 months - plus
  • Self debit account 55 "Special accounts in banks", in terms of amounts on deposit accounts related to long-term investments - minus
  • Saldo Credit on account 59 "Reserve for impairment of financial investments", in terms of sums related to long-term investments - plus
  • Balance debit account 73 "Calculations with other operations", in terms of long-term interest loans issued to employees

Financial investments include:

  1. state and municipal securities;
  2. securities of other organizations, including debt securities in which the date and redemption costs are defined (bonds, bills);
  3. deposits into authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and dependent economic societies);
  4. granted to other organizations loans;
  5. deposit deposits in credit institutions;
  6. receivables acquired on the basis of the assignment of the right claim;
  7. contributions of a comrade organization under a simple partnership agreement;
  8. other similar attachments.

The financial investments of the organization do not include:

  • own shares redeemed by joint-stock companies from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation;
  • promissory notes issued by the Research Institute Organization Organization in settlements for sold goods, products, performed works, services rendered;
  • investments in real estate and other property that has a material and real form provided by the organization for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to obtain income;
  • precious metals, jewelry, works of art and other similar values \u200b\u200bacquired not to implement conventional activities.

The actual costs of acquiring assets as financial investments are:

  1. amounts paid in accordance with the Seller's contract;
  2. the amounts paid to organizations and other persons for informational and consulting services related to the acquisition of these assets.

    If organizations rendered information and consulting services related to the decision to acquire financial investments, and the organization does not make decisions on such acquisition, the cost of these services belongs:

    • on the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of other expenses)
    • or to increase the costs of non-profit organization of that reporting period when it was decided not to acquire financial investments;
  3. remuneration paid by intermediary organization or other person through which assets are acquired as financial investments;
  4. other costs directly related to the acquisition of assets as financial investments.

Financial investments are considered long-term if their maturity (circulation) exceeds 12 months.

In accounting reporting, subject to disclosure, taking into account the requirements of materiality, at least, the following information:

  • methods for assessing financial investments in their disposal of groups (species);
  • the consequences of changes in the methods of assessing financial investments in their disposal; the cost of financial investments in which the current market value can be determined, and financial investments in which the current market value is not determined;
  • the difference between the current market value at the reporting date and the previous assessment of the financial investments on which the current market value was determined;
  • on debt securities for which the current market value was not determined - the difference between the initial cost and the nominal value during their duration of their treatment is accrued in accordance with the Procedure established by paragraph 22 of this Regulation;
  • the cost and types of securities and other financial investments burdened by pledge;
  • the cost and types of retired securities and other financial investments transferred to other organizations or persons (except sales);
  • data on the reserve for impairment of financial investments indicating: the type of financial investments, the values \u200b\u200bof the reserve established in the reporting year, the values \u200b\u200bof the reserve recognized by the other income of the reporting period; amounts of reserve used in the reporting year;
  • for debt securities and granted loans - data on their assessment for discounted cost, the value of their discounted value, on the applied discounting methods (disclosed in explanations to the accounting balance and income statement).

Source: "mvf.klerk.ru"

Investment accounting

Financial investments are investments in government securities, deposits into statutory funds of other enterprises provided by the loans to other organizations in the Russian Federation and beyond.

Financial investments are divided into short-term (for a period of up to 1 year) and long-term (more than 1 year).

Long-term financial investments are taken into account at an active account 06 "Long-term Financial Investments", which has subaccounts:

  1. 06-1 "PAI and stocks";
  2. 06-2 "Bonds";
  3. 06-3 "Provided loans".

Short-term financial investments are recorded at an active account 58 "Short-term financial investments" with subaccounts:

  • 58-1 "Bonds and other securities";
  • 58-2 "Deposits" (deposits into a bank percent for a certain period);
  • 58-3 "Listed loans".
  1. The balance on these accounts shows the amount of investments at the beginning of the period.
  2. The debit reflects the receipt of financial investments (the acquisition of securities, investments in the statutory funds of other firms, the issuance of loans).
  3. The loan records the disposal of financial investments (selling and repaying securities, return deposits from authorized funds and loans).
Acquired securities are reflected in the bills at the purchase price. The difference between the purchase and nominal value of the security is to be detached or writing in such a way that by the time of the repayment of the securities of their cost in the accounts 06 and 58 coincided with the nominal.

If the purchase price is lower than the nominal, the difference between them is the profit of the enterprise, if there is a loss. Admission to the difference between purchased and nominal value is recorded on credit account 80 and debuts 06 or 58, write-off is drawn up with reverse wiring.

Accounting for deposits in authorized funds of other organizations

The contributions to the statutory funds of other enterprises take into account the account 06 "long-term financial investments", subaccount 06-1 "PAI and stock". Deposits can be made in cash and in the form of property. Property as a contribution is assessed by agreement of the parties based on market prices.

Cash deposits are written off from credit account 51 "Settlement Account" or 52 "Currency Account" in the debit of account 06. Currency funds are recalculated in rubles at the official rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which operates on the day of the transfer of funds.

When transferring property, the debt is debit 06 and credit accounts 46, 47 or 48 (price).

Initial (accounting) The cost of the transferred property is written off to the debit of accounts 46, 47 or 48 from the loan of the following accounts: 01 "Fixed assets" - on the initial cost; 04 "Intangible assets" - on their initial cost; 10 "Materials" - for the cost of material reserves; 12 "low-value and helpful items" - on their cost, etc.

And the amount of wear on the transferred to fixed assets, intangible assets and IBEs are listed in the debit of accounts 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", 05 "Depreciation of intangible assets" and 13 "wear of low-value and spending items" and account loan 47 and 48.

When the income on deposits into the authorized capital of other organizations should be taken into account that revenues from equity participation in other organizations, dividends and interest on shares and bonds issued in the territory of the Russian Federation are taxed.

The tax is held at sources of income. Therefore, the announced amounts of income, dividends and interest when accrued should be reduced by the amount of tax.

The accrual of income is reflected in the debit of account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors" and credit account 80 "Profit and losses". When income is received, the accounts of 51 "Settlement account" or 52 "Currency Account" and credit the account 76.

Accounting for financial investments in stock

The costs of acquiring shares are first taken into account in the account 08 "Capital investments", and from it the actual cost of shares is written off into the debit of accounts 06 or 58.

Dividend accrual is reflected in the debit of account 76, subaccount "Calculations for dividends", and a credit account 80 "Profit and losses".

The amount of accrued dividends differs from the announced amount of dividends in the amount of tax on income paid in accordance with applicable law.

Received dividends reflect on the debit of funds and credit account 76, subaccount "Calculations for dividends".

With the full payment of shares, if the investor has the right to receive dividends and is responsible for these investments, stocks come at the full amount of the actual costs from the account credit 08.

The debit of account 08 includes the amount made from the loan of monetary accounts and the unpaid part from the account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors", subaccount "settlements for acquired shares". In this case, in the balance sheet, the acquired shares are recorded according to actual costs, and the unpaid part is reflected in the article by payables.

The amounts made to acquire shares take into account the debit of account 76, subaccount "settlements for acquired shares", from a loan of monetary accounts 51 or 52. In balance, these amounts reflect on the account of receivables.

Upon receipt of dividends in foreign currency, the course of the course difference is possible due to the difference in the ruble estimate of the amounts of dividends at the rate at the date of taking into account the account of 76 and on the date of the actual enrollment of dividends on the organization's currency account. Course differences are referred to account 80 "Profits and losses".

The sale of shares is issued by the following wiring:

  • Dt accounts 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors" - for the sales value of shares;
  • Kt accounts 48 "Implementation of other assets";
  • Dt accounts 48 "Realization of other assets" - on the balance sheet value of shares;
  • Kt accounts 06 "Long-term Financial Investments" or 58 "Short-term Financial Investments".

Additional stock sales costs are also written off in the debit of account 48. The difference between debit and credit turnover of account 48 shows the financial result from the sale of shares. This difference is written off from account 48 to account 80 "Profits and losses".

In the liquidation of JSC, whose shares have an organization, produce the same accounting records as when selling shares.

Accounting of debt securities

Under debt securities understand the obligations placed by issuers in the stock market to borrow funds. We our debt securities include bonds, deposit certificates and bills. Accounting for debt obligations lead by types, issuers, repayment periods, allocate debt obligations outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

Acquired debt securities come on accounts 58 or 06 by actual costs of their acquisition (initial or balance price), consisting of purchased prices and costs for their acquisition.

The purchase value of debt securities may differ from the nominal on the amount of a premium paid to the seller, or discounts provided to the buyer. Later, the initial cost of acquired debt securities is communicated to their nominal.

The acquisition of debt securities is pre-reflected in the account 08 "Capital Investments". The transfer of funds for acquired securities reflects the debit of this account and the credit of monetary accounts (51 or 52). If the payment of securities is made by material or other values, they are written off from the credit of accounts 47 or 48 to the debit of account 08 "Capital investments", i.e. as when acquiring shares.

After receiving the certificate of the transfer of rights to debt securities, they arrive at the debit of accounts 58 or 06 from the credit of account 08. If debt securities of foreign issuers are purchased, the acquisition costs are recalculated in rubles on the Country rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of the transaction.

Accounting for these securities lead in rubles and in the currency in which the nominal price of the debt obligation is expressed.

The amount of accrued interest on debt liabilities is reflected in the debit of account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors", subaccount "interest on debt obligations", and a credit account 80 "Profit and losses". Together with interest accrual, part of the difference between the initial and nominal value of securities refer to the financial result of the enterprise.

If the purchased value of the acquired securities is higher than the nominal, then with each accrual of income on securities, we will write off part of the difference between purchased and nominal value from the loan of accounts 58 "Short-term financial investments" and 06 "Long-term Financial Investments" in the debit of account 80 "Profits and losses "

If the purchase cost of securities is lower than the nominal value, then each time the income is accrued, it is detached part of the difference between purchased and nominal value.

In the amount of income due to securities:

  1. debit account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors";
  2. on a part of the difference between purchased and nominal value per period, debit accounts 06 "Long-term Financial Investments" or 58 "Short-term Financial Investments";
  3. on the aggregate amount of income and part of the difference between purchased and rated prices, 80 "Profits and Losses" account credit.

By the time of repayment (redemption) of securities, regardless of the price, on which they were purchased, the assessment in which they are taken into account in accounts 06 or 58 must correspond to the nominal.

When repaying (or selling) securities, they are written off from credit account 06 "Long-term Financial Investments" in the debit of account 48 "Implementation of other assets" at their cost at the time of implementation.

Profit or loss from implementation is written off from account 48 "Implementation of other assets" on account 80 "Profits and losses". If the purchase and sale of securities in foreign currencies is produced at the same currency price, a termal difference may occur, which is written off on the financial result of the enterprise - at the expense of 80 "profits and losses".

Accounting for financial investments in loans

Cash and other loans provided by other enterprises are taken into account depending on the term of providing accounts on the debit of accounts 06 "Long-term Financial Investments", subaccount 06-3 "Listed loans", or 58 "Short-term Financial Investments", subaccount 58-3 "loans provided" , with cash loan and other accounts.

Accrued loan dividends reflect the debit of account 76 and the account of the account 80, and the receipt of dividends - on the debit of monetary accounts and the account credit 76.

The accrual and receipt of dividends on loans in the form of products (works, services) is first reflected on the debit of account 76 and the credit of account 80, then on the debit of accounts 08 (for the value of the funds received), 10 (on the value of the received materials), 12 (on The cost of the received IBSs) and other accounts from the account loan 76.

Return of loans is reflected in the debit of monetary or other relevant accounts and credit of accounts 06 and 58.

Source: "E-Reading.club"

Long-term (non-necific) attachments

Financial investments, depending on the distribution period, are divided into short-term (current) and long-term (non-nursing). From the point of view of investing, interest is the long-term financial investments.

Long-term financial investments are the premises of the company's free funds for more than one year or in order to obtain additional profits, or in order to acquire influence on the company, whose securities are bought, or due to the fact that such an investment is more profitable compared to the organization Own operations in this area.

According to international accounting standards, long-term financial investments are divided into the following groups:

  • investments in equity securities (confirming the law of the investor for part of the property of the investment object);
  • direct investment in the authorized capital of other enterprises;
  • investment in debt securities (bonds, financial promissory bills);
  • investment in long-term government securities;
  • provided by other enterprises loans deposits posted in banks provided financial assistance;
  • other financial investments not listed above.

In the composition of long-term financial investments, as a rule, the greatest share has investments in long-term securities.

Long-term securities are securities for which the established repayment period (payment) exceeds one year or investment on which is carried out with the intention to receive income more than one year.

And primarily in long-term government securities that are bonds in form.

Security paper - a document certifying the established form and obligatory details of property rights, the implementation or transfer of which is possible only when it has been present.

State securities are securities, the release of which is carried out by the federal government, municipal executive bodies, as well as individual government agencies (bonds and other debt obligations), securities and authorized capital of other enterprises, as well as loans provided to other enterprises in the Russian Federation and beyond.

Source: "Studwood.ru"

Analysis of long-term investments and financial investments

For long-term investments and financial investments, the organization includes:

  1. long-term (for a period of more than a year) Investment organizations in income assets (securities) of other organizations;
  2. investments in statutory (share) capital of other organizations created in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  3. investment in government securities (bonds and other debt obligations), etc.;
  4. provided by the organization to other enterprises loans.

Long-term investments and financial investments are carried out mainly at the expense of own funds of the organization. In some cases, bank loans, loans from other organizations are involved in these purposes.

Section 6 forms No. 5 of annual financial statements discusses the movement and state of sources of such financing.

The sources of their own funds are, first of all, the profit remaining at the disposal of the organization (stock of the accumulation), as well as depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets.

An analysis of long-term investments and financial investments is advisable to conduct in the following directions:

  • analysis of the volume and dynamics of long-term investments and financial investments;
  • analysis of their structural dynamics;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of long-term investments and financial investments.
The table used as an information base (Form No. 5 of the annual financial statements, section 6) should be supplemented with calculated indicators: the proportion of each type of source in their total amount, growth rate, or increment, absolute and relative deviations.

Long-term investments (investments in non-current assets or capital investments) are the costs of an economic entity for the creation, an increase in the size, as well as the acquisition of non-current assets of long-term use (over one year), not intended for sale, with the exception of long-term financial investments in government securities, Securities and authorized capital of other organizations.

The concept of "investment" means part of the asset, which is necessary for the organization for capital accumulation by investing.

Long-term investments are related to the following actions:

  1. the implementation of capital construction in the form of new construction, as well as reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing organizations and non-production facilities;
  2. purchase of buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles and other individual objects (or their parts) of fixed assets;
  3. acquisition of land plots and objects of environmental management;
  4. acquisition and creation of assets of intangible nature (patents, licenses, software products, research and experimental development, design work, etc.).

Complete long-term investments are assessed on the basis of the inventory value of completed construction sites and acquired individual types of fixed assets and other long-term assets.

In the balance sheet, long-term investments are reflected in the "unfinished construction" article, on which the developer shows the cost of incomplete construction carried out by economic and contracting methods.

Sources of financing of long-term investments can be their own funds organizations and attracted - shared participation in construction, additional contributions of participants, long-term bank loans, long-term loans, funds of extrabudgetary funds, federal budget funds provided on a non-refundable and returnable basis.

To its own funds that are the source of financing long-term investments include profits remaining at the disposal of organizations, depreciation on fixed assets and intangible assets, insurance compensations obtained in covering losses and losses from insurance cases, etc.

Capital investments should be distinguished by repair costs. If, due to capital investments, the volume of fixed assets or replace them is ensured, then the repair supports the current funds in the healthy state.

Capital investments are classified into the following types:

  • construction works:
    1. work on the construction, reorganization and expansion of permanent and variable (titular) buildings and structures, including installation of building structures;
    2. works on the basis of bases, foundations, supporting structures;
    3. work on sanitary equipment;
    4. on the construction of water supply, sewage networks;
    5. irrigation drying, dredging and greatestically preparatory work;
    6. device of artesian wells and wells.
  • Works are also considered to be the work on landing perennial plantings, irrigation of land, cleaning ponds and other water bodies, planting land, construction of dams, dams, canals and other structures.

    When classifying construction work distinguish: new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises.

  • installation work equipment:
    1. assembly and installation of manufacturing technological, energy, lifting equipment and other equipment;
    2. the device of industrial wiring included in the mounted equipment; Installation and installation of servicing sites and stairs, structurally related to equipment, etc.;
  • purchase of fixed assets:
    1. acquisition of equipment that does not require installation (fully),
    2. equipment requiring installation, but purchased to the stock,
    3. manufacturing tools, measuring and other instruments, inventory enrolled in fixed assets;
  • other capital investments - the cost of removal of land plots for development, the acquisition of buildings and structures, as well as capital works that cannot be attributed to any of the following types of work;
  • the costs of forming the main herd of adult and productive working livestock is a special group of capital investments in agricultural enterprises.
New construction includes the construction of newly created enterprises, branches and individual industries, carried out on new sites, as well as the construction of new enterprises in return to the liquidated, the further operation of which is recognized as inexpedient.

The expansion of existing enterprises include the construction of additional industries and facilities at the current enterprise.

The reconstruction of existing enterprises is a reorganization of existing workshops and objects, as a rule, without expanding the existing buildings and fixed assets. In the necessary cases, such an extension may occur when new high-performance equipment cannot be placed in existing buildings.

The technical re-equipment of existing enterprises is a set of measures to improve the technical economic level of individual industries based on the introduction of advanced technology and technology, mechanization and automation of production, modernization and replacement of outdated and worn-out equipment new, more productive.

The main tasks of accounting for long-term investments are:

  1. proper, timely documentary design costs;
  2. proper reflection of the costs for each object in accounting registers;
  3. systematic control over the targeted use of funds, the implementation of the capital investment plan, compliance with the estimated value of construction and installation work;
  4. accurate definition of the cost of completed and entered the objects and costs in unfinished construction; control over compliance with the estimated and financial discipline in construction, in compliance with the estimates of overhead costs;
  5. ensuring control over the progress of construction, commissioning of production facilities and fixed assets;
  6. the correct definitionulation and reflection of the inventory value of the intensified and acquired facilities of fixed assets, land plots, objects of environmental management and intangible assets;
  7. implementation of control over the presence and use of sources of financing long-term investments.

Accounting for long-term investments is carried out by actual costs:

  • in general, construction and on individual objects (building, construction, etc.), which is included in it;
  • on acquired individual facilities of fixed assets, land plots, objects of environmental management and intangible assets.

Accounting for long-term investments lead in account 08 "Investments into non-current assets". This account reflects investments on their species on specially discovered sub-accounts.

The debit of account 08 reflect the actual costs of the construction and acquisition of the corresponding assets, as well as the cost of forming the main herd.

The formed initial cost of the facilities of fixed assets, intangible and other assets taken into operation and decorated in the prescribed manner, is written off from account 08 to debate of accounts 01 "Fixed assets", 03 "Requirements in material values", 04 "Intangible assets" and other .

The costs of completed operations for the formation of the main herds are written off from account 08 to the debit of account 01 "Fixed assets". The balance of 08 reflects the magnitude of the capital investment in the improved construction and acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets, as well as the amount of unfinished costs for the formation of the main herd.

Incorrect capital investments also include real estate facilities that have not passed state registration.

In accordance with the accounting Regulations on accounting of PBU 19/02 for the adoption of assets to accounting as financial investments, it is necessary to perform a one-time implementation of the following conditions:

    the presence of properly executed documents confirming the existence of the organization's right to financial investments and to receive cash or other assets arising from this right;

    the transition to the organization of financial risks associated with financial investments (risk of price change, the risk of insolvency of the debtor, the risk of liquidity, etc.);

    the ability to organize economic benefits (income) in the future in the form of interest, dividends or the increase in their value (in the form of the difference between the sale price (repayment) of the financial investment and its purchased value as a result of its exchange, use when repaying the organization's obligations, increasing the current market value etc.).

The financial investments of the organization include: state and municipal securities, securities of other organizations, including debt securities in which the date and redemption costs are defined (bonds, bills); deposits into authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and dependent economic societies); granted to other organizations loans, deposit deposits in credit institutions, receivables acquired on the basis of concession of the right of claim; Deposits of the Comrade Organization under a simple partnership agreement.

The financial investments of the organization do not include:

    own shares redeemed by joint-stock companies from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation;

    promissory notes issued by the Research Institute Organization Organization in settlements for sold goods, products, performed works, services rendered;

    investments in real estate and other property that has a material and real form provided by the organization for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to obtain income;

    precious metals, jewelry, works of art and other similar values \u200b\u200bacquired not to implement conventional activities.

Depending on the nature of financial investments, the procedure for their acquisition and use by the unit of financial investments can be a series, party, etc. A homogeneous aggregate of financial investments.

According to the state securities and securities accepted for accounting, at least the following information: the name of the issuer and the name of the security, the number, series, etc., nominal price, purchase price, the costs associated with Acquisition of securities, total number, purchase date, date of sale or other disposal, place of storage.

Financial investments are accepted for accounting at the initial cost. The initial value of the financial investments acquired for the fee is recognized by the amount of the actual cost of the organization for their acquisition, with the exception of value added tax and other taxes (except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees).

The actual costs of acquiring assets as financial investments are:

    amounts paid in accordance with the Seller's contract;

    the amounts paid to organizations and other persons for informational and consulting services related to the acquisition of these assets. If organizations have provided information and consulting services related to the decision on the acquisition of financial investments, and the organization does not make decisions on such acquisition, the cost of these services belongs to the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of other expenses) or an increase in the costs of non-commercial organization the reporting period when it was decided not to acquire financial investments; (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 09/18/2006 N 116n)

    remuneration paid by intermediary organization or other person through which assets are acquired as financial investments;

    other costs directly related to the acquisition of assets as financial investments.

Not included in the actual costs of acquiring financial investments by generality and other similar costs, except when they are directly related to the acquisition of financial investments.

In case of non-existence of the cost (except for the amounts paid in accordance with the Agreement in accordance with the Agreement) to purchase such financial investments such as securities, compared with the amount paid in accordance with the Seller's contract, such costs are entitled to recognize other expenses of the Organization in the reporting period In which these securities were adopted to accounting. (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 09/18/2006 N 116n)

The initial value of financial investments included in the deposit into the authorized (share) capital of the organization is recognized by their monetary assessment agreed by the founders (participants) of the organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The initial value of financial investments received by the organization for free, such as securities, is recognized:

    their current market value is on the date of adoption of accounting. For the purposes of this Regulation under the current market value of securities, their market price is understood, calculated in the established manner by the organizer of trade in the securities market;

    the amount of funds that can be obtained as a result of the sale of received securities at the date of their adoption to accounting, - for securities, on which the market price is not calculated by the organizer of trade in the securities market.

The initial value of financial investments in which they are accepted for accounting may change in cases established by law.

For the purpose of the following assessment, financial investments are divided into two groups: Financial investments, which can be determined by the current market value in the 2000/02 installed PBU, and financial investments for which their current market value is not determined.

Financial investments, which can be determined in the prescribed manner current market value, are reflected in the financial statements at the end of the reporting year at the current market value by adjusting their assessment to the previous reporting date. This adjustment organization can produce monthly or quarterly.

The difference between the assessment of financial investments at the current market value at the reporting date and the previous assessment of financial investments refers to financial results from a commercial organization (as part of other income or expenses) or an increase in income or expenses in a non-commercial organization in correspondence with accounting account of financial investments. (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 09/18/2006 N 116n)

Financial investments for which the current market value is not determined is to be reflected in accounting and accounting reports at the reporting date at the initial value.

Income on financial investments are recognized as income from ordinary activities or other receipts in accordance with accounting Regulations "Revenues of the Organization" of PBU 9/99, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of May 6, 1999 N 32N (registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation May 31, 1999, registration number 1791).

The costs associated with the provision of organizations to other loan organizations are recognized by other expenses of the organization. (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 09/18/2006 N 116n)

The costs associated with the service of the organization's financial investments, such as the payment of the Bank's services and / or depository for the storage of financial investments, the provision of discovery from the depot account, etc., is recognized by other expenses of the organization. (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 09/18/2006 N 116n)

Financial investments are investments, deposits of an organization in various assets, securities market tools. Long-term financial investments suggest a long payback period and are aimed at attracting income in the future. Consider the concept and main signs of such investments.

Financial investments

Financial investments include the following types of assets:

  • securities with established timing and paying cost;
  • deposits in the capital of other enterprises and organizations;
  • issued loans (with the exception of interest-free) and deposits;
  • acquired receivables and others.

Such investments must comply with such criteria as:

  • availability of documentary confirmation;
  • carrying out financial risks from such investments;
  • the focus on profit.

Accounting for long-term investments and financial investments is conducted on account 58 "Financial Investments". They do not include:

  • repurchased to cancel or subsequent sale own stocks of the enterprise;
  • issued in legal relations of purchase and sale and provision of bills of bills;
  • investment in property transferred for rent for a specific fee;
  • jewels, paintings, etc., if their acquisition is not related to the usual activities of the enterprise;
  • fixed assets;
  • material reserves;
  • intangible assets.

Long-term and short-term financial investments

For the purposes of accounting, investment investments of the enterprise are divided into short-term and long-term.

For accounting purposes, long-term financial investments in the balance sheet is a line 1170. The short-term is reflected in line 1240.

Under short-term, investments for up to one year inclusive. Assets that are invested in the organization's money, there may be securities of other enterprises and organizations, finance on urgent deposit accounts of credit institutions, etc. Such assets are characterized as the most easily implemented.

On the contrary, long-term financial investments in the balance sheet are investments for over a year. This may be, for example:

  • equity participation in the capital of other organizations;
  • providing loans to other organizations;
  • acquisition of securities (shares, bonds, etc.) with a long repayment period.

They are risky, because require a strategic forecast for a long period. For example, the purpose of such investments may be obtained as a result of a controlling stake in any major enterprise.

Due to the fact that in the balance sheet financial investments reflect both long-term and short-term assets, to account 59 "reserves for impairment of financial investments" is created by analytical accounting. The cost of investments in respect of which such a reserve was created, corresponds to the balance sheet minus the relevant reserves.

Financial investments can be divided into assets for which the current market value is subject to establishment, and the attachments for which such a cost is not determined. Long-term financial investments in balance are not divided into an asset or passive. All of them are subject to attribution to the asset.

And if some assets turn on the market, then others - no. Those who do not turn to the ARTSB are recorded at the reporting date according to the initial cost. It is for them necessary:

  • to control the depreciation;
  • enter the reserve for impairment.

Investment investments that appeal on the ARCS are subject to accounting and reporting upon completion of the corresponding year at the current market value. It is determined by adjusting the value defined on the previous reporting date.

- Securities, certifying the amount of the contribution of the Bank's written certificate on deposit money.

Types of financial investments and their assessment

The implementation of financial investments should be a thorough analysis of the financial assets market, which contributes to the choice of the optimal version, ensuring the reliability and profitability of the investments carried out.

Financial investments - investments in and securities of other organizations, acquisition costs; funds granted in Russia and abroad; Deposit deposits in credit institutions; Receivables acquired on the basis of concession of the right of claim, etc.

In accordance with PBU 19/02 "Accounting for financial investments" in the financial investment of the Organization for accounting purposes, the following assets are needed: state and municipal securities, securities of other organizations, including debt securities in which the date and redemption cost defined (bonds, bills); deposits into authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and dependent economic societies); Provided by other organizations of loans, deposit deposits in credit institutions, receivables acquired on the basis of a concession of the right of claim, etc.

In the composition of financial investments, the contributions of the Comrade Organization under a simple partnership agreement are also taken into account (Table 12.1).

Composition of financial investments

To make accounting assets as financial investments, it is necessary to fully fulfill the following conditions:
  • the presence of correctly executed documents confirming the existence of the organization's right to financial investments and to receive funds or other assets arising from this right;
  • the transition to the organization of financial risks associated with financial investments (risk of price change, the risk of insolvency of the debtor, the risk of liquidity, etc.);
  • the ability to organize the economic benefits (income) in the future in the form of interest, dividends, or the increase in their value (in the form of the difference between the sale price (repayment) of the financial investment and its purchase cost, as a result of its exchange, use when redeeming the organization's obligations, increasing the current market value, etc.).
The financial investments of the organization do not include:
  • own shares redeemed by joint-stock companies from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation;
  • bills issued by the Breeding Organization and received by the Organization-Seller in settlements for sold goods, products, performed works, services rendered (at the expense of these goods (works, services), if the payer itself is the buyer;
  • investments in real estate and other property that has a material and real form provided by the organization for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to obtain income, i.e., assets with a material form, such as fixed assets, material and industrial reserves, as well as intangible assets are not financial investments;
  • precious metals, jewelry, works of art and other similar values \u200b\u200bacquired not to implement conventional activities.

An accounting unit of financial investments is chosen by the organization independently in order to ensure the formation of complete and reliable information on these investments, as well as proper control over their presence and movement. Depending on the nature of financial investments, the procedure for their acquisition and use by the unit of financial investments may be a series, party, etc. Uniform set of financial investments.

The organization conducts analytical accounting of financial investments in order to ensure information on financial investment information and organizations in which these investments are implemented (securities issuers, other organizations whose participant is to organize, borrowers organizations, etc.).

Organizations It is necessary to conduct analytical accounting of financial investments. The organization may form in analytical accounting additional information on the financial investments of the organization, including in the context of their groups (species).

Paragraph 6 of PBU 19/02 separately stipulates what information about securities in this case should be disclosed. According to the state securities and securities adopted for accounting in analytical accounting, at least the following information should be formed: the name of the issuer and the name of the security, the number, series, etc., the nominal price, the purchase price, the costs associated with Acquisition of securities, total number, purchase date, date of sale or other disposal, place of storage. Features of the assessment and additional rules for disclosure in the financial statements of information on financial investments in dependent business companies are established by a separate regulatory act on accounting.

Admission and initial assessment of financial investments

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, securities are driven property of the organization. Like any other property, they are subject to mandatory monetary evaluation of reflection in accounting. Financial investments when taking accounting are divided into two groups: for which it is possible to determine the current market value and for which it is impossible cannot be done. The first group includes quoted securities, PAIs (if the founder of the Passion Fund regularly publishes their price), as well as other financial investments, the current value of which is documented. In this case, financial investments are accepted for accounting at the initial cost.

The initial value of financial investments acquired for the fee from other organizations is recognized as the amount of the actual cost of the organization for their acquisition, with the exception of value added tax and other taxes (except for the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees).

The actual costs of acquiring assets as financial investments are:
  • amounts paid in accordance with the Seller's contract;
  • the amounts paid to organizations and other persons for informational and consulting services related to the acquisition of these assets. If organizations provided information and consulting services related to the decision on the acquisition of financial investments, and the organization does not decide on such acquisition, the cost of these services belongs to the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of operating expenses) or an increase in the costs of non-commercial organization the reporting period when it was decided not to acquire financial investments;
  • remuneration paid by intermediary organization or other person through which assets are acquired as financial investments;
  • other costs directly related to the acquisition of assets as financial investments.

Not included in the actual costs of acquiring financial investments by generality and other similar costs, except when they are directly related to the acquisition of financial investments.

The actual costs of acquiring assets as financial investments can be determined (decreased or increased), taking into account the sum of differences arising in cases where payment is made in rubles in the amount equivalent to the amount in foreign currency (conditional monetary units) before the adoption of assets as financial Investments to accounting.

In case of non-existence of the amount of costs (except for the amounts paid in accordance with the Agreement in accordance with the Treaty) to purchase such financial investments such as securities, compared with the amount paid in accordance with the Agreement in accordance with the Agreement, such costs the organization has the right to recognize other operating expenses of the organization in the reporting The period in which these securities were taken to account.

The initial value of financial investments included in the deposit into the authorized (share) capital of the organization is recognized by their monetary assessment agreed by the founders (participants) of the organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The initial value of such financial investments, such as securities received by the organization free of charge from the founders or other organizations and individuals, is recognized:

  • their current market value is on the date of adoption of accounting. For the purposes of this Regulation under the current market value of securities, their market price is understood, calculated in the established manner by the organizer of trade in the securities market;
  • the amount of funds that can be obtained as a result of the sale of the received securities at the date of their acceptance of accounting - for securities, according to which the market price is not calculated by the Organizer in the securities market.

The initial value of financial investments acquired under contracts providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) by non-monetary means is recognized as the value of assets transferred or to be transferred by the Organization. The cost of assets transmitted or to be transferred to the Organization is established on the basis of the price, in comparable circumstances, the organization usually determines the cost of similar assets.

If it is impossible to establish the value of assets transferred or subject to transferable by the Organization, the cost of financial investments received by the Organization under contracts providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) by non-monetary means is determined based on the value in comparable circumstances, similar financial investments are purchased.

The initial value of the financial investments made to the contribution of the Comrade organization under a simple partnership agreement is recognized by their monetary assessment agreed by comrades in the contract of a simple partnership.

The initial value of financial investments, the cost of which, when acquiring, is determined in foreign currency, is determined in rubles by recalculating foreign currency at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, acting at the date of their acceptance of accounting.

Securities that do not belong to the Organization on the right of ownership, economic management or operational management, but those in its use or disposal in accordance with the terms of the contract are made to accounting in the assessment provided for in the contract.

The initial value of financial investments, according to which they are accepted for accounting, may change in cases established by law and this Regulation.

For the following assessment, financial investments are divided into two groups: Financial investments, which can be determined by the current market value in the procedure established by this Regulations, and financial investments for which their current market value is not determined.

Financial investments, which can be determined in the prescribed manner current market value, are reflected in the financial statements at the end of the reporting year at the current market value by adjusting their assessment to the previous reporting date. This adjustment organization can produce monthly or quarterly.

The difference between the assessment of financial investments at the current market value at the reporting date and the previous assessment of financial investments refers to financial results from a commercial organization (as part of operating income or expenses) or an increase in income or expenses in a non-commercial organization in correspondence with the account of financial investments.

Financial investments for which the current market value is not determined is to be reflected in accounting and accounting reports at the reporting date at the initial value.

When purchasing financial investments due to borrowed funds, the costs of obtained loans and borrowings are taken into account in accordance with the Regulation on accounting of PBU 10/99 "Expenses of the Organization" and the Regulation on Accounting PBU15 / 01 "Accounting for loans and loans and costs for their maintenance".

One of the main components of financial investments are securities. The following types of securities were admitted to the appeal in accordance with the Russian Civil Code of the Russian Federation: government bonds, bonds, bills, checks, deposit and savings certificates, bank saving books for bearer, simple and double warehouse certificates (and each part), Covenant, stocks, privatization securities, housing certificates, as well as derived securities - optional evidence.

All securities should contain mandatory details. Their absence or inconsistency entails the invalidity of the transaction performed by their transaction.

Buying securities

When acquiring securities for a fee, their initial cost includes:
  • amounts paid to the seller;
  • the cost of information and consulting services related to the acquisition of these papers;
  • reward mediators;
  • other costs directly related to the purchase of papers.

This list does not include interest on loans obtained for the purchase of securities (clause 3.2 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of January 15, 1997 No. 2). From January 1, 2003, interest on such loans do not increase the value of financial investments (securities) reflected in the balance sheet account 58 "Financial investments". They should be attributed to operating expenses (subaccount 91/2 "Other expenses").

The exception is only the case when the company received the company uses for pre-payment. Then in the amount of interest it is necessary to increase receivables (p. 15 PBU15 / 01). But it is necessary to do it before the papers are taken into account. Also in the cost of buying securities do not include general expenditures (unless they are directly related to this purchase).

Example. The organization acquired 100 bonds of a third-party organization. The price of each bond - 450 rubles. Brokerage Commission amounted to 540 rubles. (including VAT - 90 rubles).

Accountant must make wiring:

  • debit account 19 "Value Added Tax on Acquired Values", account credit 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors" - 90 rubles. - reflected VAT on brokerage services;
  • debit accounts 58/2 "Debt Securities", account credit 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" - 45 450 rubles. (45 000 +
    + 540 - 90) - Bonds are recruited on the balance.

In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, VAT securities are not subject to, so it is not necessary to reflect the incoming VAT.

The contract of sale may provide that securities (as well as services for their acquisition) are paid in rubles at the foreign exchange rate on the day of transferring money by the Buyer. In such a situation, the purchase price is adjusted (increases or decreases) by the amount of summion differences. True, it can be done only before the papers are taken to account.

As a rule, most of the cost of the purchase is directly the cost of securities. If the share of all remaining costs does not exceed 5% of the amounts paid to the seller, they can be considered as operating costs.

Example. We use the condition of the previous example.

Other bond purchase costs amounted to 1% (540 rubles. - 90 rubles.) / 45 000 rub., Which is less than 5%. Therefore, an accountant can take into account them either on subaccount 58/2 "debt securities" or on subaccount 91/2 "Other expenses". In the second case, it is necessary to make wiring:

  • debit account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors", credit account 51 "Settlement accounts" - 45 000 rubles. (100 pieces * 450 rubles) - transfer money to pay bonds;
  • debit accounts 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors", credit account 51 "Settlement accounts" - 540 rubles. - paid for the remuneration of the brokerage company;
  • debit account 19 "Value Added Tax on Acquired Values", account credit 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors" - 90 rubles. - Reflects VAT on brokerage services.

Financial investments, depending on the deadlines, which are manufactured, are divided into 2 types: long-term and short-term.

The deadline for the return of long-term financial investments exceeds 1 year. Such investments include contributions to the authorized capital of other organizations, including the costs abroad to acquire shares, interest bonds, the provision of loans.

The return period or repayment of short-term financial investments does not exceed 1 year. This type of financial investments also includes investments in securities, the repayment period for which is not established without intent to receive income more than one year.

For accounting of financial investments, the account 58 "Financial Investments" is intended.

The procedure for reflecting loans on accounting accounts Next:

reflection of the amount of cash transmitted by another organization:
  • debit accounts 58/3 "Listed loans",
  • account credit 51 "Settlement accounts";
accrual of interest on the issued loan:
  • debit account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors,
  • credit account 99 "Profits and losses";
payment for interest due to a loan issued:
  • credit account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors".

The party receiving borrowed funds is obliged to pay the value added tax to the budget.

When repaying the received loans, the following entry is made in accounting:

  • debit account 51 "Settlement accounts",
  • credit account 58 "Financial investments".

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state