
financial literacy. Work program on the subject "fundamentals of financial literacy" Program for improving the level of financial literacy of the population

In a market economy, given its ups and downs and crises, it is important for each person to ensure personal financial security. Society understands these realities, so the state should create programs that increase the level of financial literacy of Russians.

Why raise?

Basically, the future of the Russian economy is determined by the youth. That is why increasing their education in the field of money management is of particular importance. The solution to this problem is possible only with the close cooperation of the state with commercial and financial institutions, institutions in the field of education and public organizations that are able to influence the development of this process in their field.

More than a third of the country's residents have not taken bank loans at all over the past few years, fearing a sharp drop in money inflation.

Based on the above, it turns out that most Russians manage their funds without the right approach and expert advice. All monetary issues are resolved at home over a cup of tea with friends. Which, just like the owners, are not particularly versed in the intricacies of decisions.

The country's market economy, however, does not stand still, but rather moves forward at a rapid pace. The knowledge of people remains at the old level and is not added, which becomes critical for the country itself and its economy as a whole.

Lack of understanding of these problems by society pushes the country's leadership to extreme measures. By all possible means to achieve an increase in the education of people.

What is being done for this?

Propaganda directed at the smart spending of the population's funds is being carried out. On learning skills correctly deals with.

There are training seminars aimed at gaining knowledge in the field of banking services. The ability to understand securities and their profitability.

The work of the financial literacy program

Special centers teach people how not to succumb to the tricks of scammers, how to secure their deposits in banking structures, how to make a profit from pension payments, and much more.

It is designed for all age categories of the population and is taught even in schools where there are special elective subjects for teaching children. Naturally, at school, only the basics of everything that children have to learn at an older age are served.

In universities, a lot of lectures are also given to achieve the proper level of knowledge in this area. At the same time, the economic university works out in the most detail with its wards the intricacies of banking and financial decisions. This is done to improve.

On the way to the implementation of the program, monitoring groups have also been created to monitor changes in people's knowledge of the financial sector. And although the results are still deplorable, work is being done in all possible directions.

All media are connected. Television is engaged in showing social videos that encourage people to listen and explain the need for such knowledge. Newspapers and handouts spell out the position of the currency markets. Publishing houses are engaged in printed matter, which describes all the main points of knowledge of this science.

In addition, all regional governments are connected. They hold master classes for entrepreneurs and people starting their own business. Ways to avoid them are also considered. Experienced people in financial matters come to such meetings.

Pensioners receive intelligible information in pension funds. In a word, there is a comprehensive informative load on the population. In order to reach their mind as quickly as possible and involve them in learning the skills of money issues.

The adult population within the framework of the program is trained in skills in various structures and in various ways that they bring profit.

When will the program bring the desired effect?

And although the program began its work in 2009, people still refuse to trust the system, believing that they are being deceived again. Abroad, such freedoms have been used for a long time, which is probably why their population is much more educated in money matters. We are still lagging behind and showing weakness in this.

However, I would like to hope that in the near future the program will give positive results and Russia as a country will become more educated in terms of the economy of the population. Today, such a program is also being introduced in Ukraine, but it is likely that it will face the same difficulties with its acceptance by the population as in our country.

Basically, the programs are aimed at improving the education of the younger generation. If you rely exclusively on young people, the program will effectively work only in 15-20 years. Then this already adult generation will independently teach their children financial literacy, and having good knowledge in this area.

The concept of "financial literacy" is the presence of the required level of awareness, which provides a basis for a real perception of the market situation, and as a result, allows you to draw the necessary conclusions.

The Importance of Financial Awareness

A person can manage his funds only if he is familiar with the basic financial concepts and knows how to apply them in real situations. Thus, an economically literate person keeps track of his expenses and profits, does not allow large debts to form, develops plans for his budget and accumulates savings for a secure future. He is also obliged to understand the products offered by financial enterprises and use them to his advantage, based on careful selection and thoughtful approach. In addition, an economically educated person uses accumulative services and insurance.

It is necessary to know that the financial literacy of the population determines the path of development of the country's economy. An insufficient number of such citizens leads to negative risks not only for banks, credit institutions and their clients, but also for the country and society in general.

Other countries

For this reason, programs to increase the financial awareness of the population are being actively developed and implemented. Working with them is at the forefront of the politics of progressive countries, for example, the USA, Australia and Great Britain. A high level of financial literacy gives comprehensive stability in all spheres of public life. Increasing the economic awareness of the inhabitants of the country leads to a decrease in the occurrence of overdue loans on loans, a decrease in the number of cases of successful fraud, and so on.

Statistics in Russia

Unfortunately, in Russia the basics of financial literacy are low. Only a small percentage of citizens have the skills of free orientation in the economic sphere.

According to data provided by the World Bank in 2008 and further observations by the National Financial Research Agency, about half of Russians keep their accumulated funds in the form of cash at home, and 62% of citizens are not familiar with most financial services and do not use them. The deposit insurance system is known to less than half of the adult population of the Russian Federation, and 50% cannot explain this concept, although they have heard about it before. Only a quarter of Russians have bank cards and use them. At the same time, credit card holders are not sufficiently aware of the possible risks. Only 11% of citizens have provided a funded plan for their retirement period. For example, this figure is 63% in the UK.

In Russia, there is an opinion that decisions regarding the management of funds should be made according to the recommendations of trusted acquaintances or employees of financial institutions, and not by extracting and analyzing information on their own. It should be noted that the population of Russia is little informed about what a financial consumer can do in the event of an offense and what rights he has. It can be cited as an example that more than 60% of families are not aware of the right to the necessary information about the effective interest rate on a loan. Only 11% are aware that the state does not provide protection in case of lost personal funds when working with investment funds. About 28% of citizens do not take responsibility for the decisions made regarding financial transactions, believing that all losses should be compensated by the state.

Improvement of the current situation

Such sad statistics prove that improving the financial literacy of citizens is a priority task and must be carried out by the state. For the first time this problem was raised back in 2008 at a meeting of G8 finance ministers in St. Petersburg. After the event, measures to increase financial awareness were reflected in some documents of the Russian government.

For example, in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, citizens' awareness of financial issues is mentioned in the priority areas for developing sources of economic injections. The state considers this moment of no small importance. The strategy for the development of the financial market of the Russian Federation until 2020 considers such awareness as a way to support the development of the economy.

Program from the Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, together with some federal agencies, as well as together with the World Bank, is proposing a program to improve the economic awareness of the population. The program should last about five years, and initially it is planned to be implemented in several Russian regions. It includes the development of special educational products, as well as the improvement of the legal framework in the financial and legal fields. The approximate amount of necessary expenses is 110 million dollars. About 80%, that is, the main part should be financed through the federal budget, and the remaining 20% ​​is covered by the World Bank.

Financial literacy on your own

Today, most of the citizens of the Russian Federation still receive theoretical information in this area on special online resources, from literature, news and press, TV shows, trainings and courses. And the most painful way to gain experience is your own mistakes.

List of learning sites

Where can you improve your knowledge of how the economy works? Which portals can be trusted? Below is a list of resources created with the support and approval of the government of the Russian Federation specifically to increase the financial literacy of the population. The information provided in them is absolutely correct and complies with current legislation.

List of sites for learning:

  1. "Finance City" This is a portal that was created within the framework of the all-Russian program called "Financial Culture and Security of Russian Citizens".
  2. "Expert group on financial education under the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia".
  3. Fingram TV is a project founded by the Association of Russian Banks. This is an Internet channel whose purpose is to increase the financial awareness of the population. The site provides lectures and consultations online.
  4. "Banki.ru" - an extensive site about the basics of financial literacy. Among the sections of the site there is a "Banking Dictionary", which contains the basic concepts and terms of the economic and financial spheres. The web page contains practical advice for consumers.
  5. Financial Literacy is a joint project founded by the Russian School of Economics, or NES, and the Citi Foundation. It is aimed at improving the financial literacy of the population.
  6. Fingramota.com is the official web resource of the Union of Borrowers and Depositors of Russia.
  7. "ABC of Finance" - a project aimed at training in the financial sector. Authorship belongs to the Visa International payment system together with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank "Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation".

In the context of the global financial crisis, even Western economists and public figures are raising the issue of the need to improve the financial literacy of the population and improve financial preparation at school. For our country, this issue is much more relevant due to the fact that Russian citizens have practically no experience of life in a market economy. As a result, many families do not know how to rationally manage their income and savings, correctly assess possible risks in the financial markets, and often become victims of financial fraud.

Therefore, a special educational and methodological complex (TMC) was developed, which includes the following elements:

  • training program,
  • materials for students in the main programs of vocational training,
  • methodological recommendations for the teacher,
  • control measuring materials (KIMs),
  • materials for parents.

The Financial Literacy course for this educational level is based on the learning-by-doing methodology. This allows you to give students not only basic knowledge of a financial nature, but also the skills of competent financial behavior.

Financial Literacy: A Curriculum. Professional education

The curriculum is focused on a competency-based approach to learning and active learning and cognitive activity of students. The program provides for obtaining not only basic knowledge in the financial sector (subject results), but also a certain set of skills, competencies, personal characteristics and attitudes (meta-subject and personal results) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Curriculum (PDF, 297 Kb)

Financial literacy: materials for students. Professional education

As a result of studying the course, students will learn how to draw up a family budget and carry out financial planning in the family, spend money rationally and make savings; what is the essence of insurance protection and the principles of functioning of the pension system; what does it mean to use bank loans and deposits correctly; how to protect yourself from financial risks and prepare for starting your own business.

Student Resources (PDF, 112.63 Mb)

Financial literacy: guidelines for the teacher. Professional education

The main advantage and distinctive feature of the methodological recommendations for this course is that they are based on a system-activity approach to learning, which provides an active educational and cognitive position of students. The manual will help the teacher in developing the necessary skills, competencies in the financial sector, personal characteristics and attitudes in students. It describes in detail the simulators - tasks, exercises, practical tasks with parents, essays, cases. Recommendations are given for conducting evaluation procedures, team games, discussions, quizzes, etc.

Guidelines for teachers (PDF, 2.34 Mb)

Financial literacy: materials for parents. Professional education

The manual contains educational materials that tell you how to rationally manage your income and savings, correctly assess possible risks in the financial markets and avoid becoming a victim of financial fraud. One of the most important activities within the course is joint assignments for students and parents, which will allow parents to become active participants in the process of financial education of children.

(PDF, 1.24 Mb)

Financial literacy: control measuring materials. Professional education

Control measuring materials are a collection of tasks for all topics of the course. The materials contain tasks, open-ended questions, tests where you need to choose one correct answer from several proposed ones, and tasks with many correct answers. The teacher can use these tasks in the preparation of control and test papers. All tasks in KIMs are grouped in pairs - two tests or two tasks dedicated to the same problem.

Grishakina Olga Petrovna,

Head of the Chekhov branch of the National Assembly "Integration",

teacher of economics, MBOU gymnasium No. 7 in Chekhov,

head of RMO teachers of economics

Chekhovsky district, Moscow region

The project "Assistance in improving the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation" is being implemented by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation jointly with the World Bank, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, leading banks in Russia. His ideas arose in 2011, the project is designed initially until VI 2016, extended until 2018.

Project Goal is to increase the financial literacy of Russian citizens (especially students of schools and higher educational institutions, as well as the adult population with low and middle income levels), to promote the formation of reasonable financial behavior among Russian citizens, informed decisions and a responsible attitude to personal finances, to increase efficiency in the field of protection rights of consumers of financial services.

  • Finance is a system of economic relations that arise between business entities, between the population and the state as a result of the use of money.
  • Financial literacy is understood as the totality of knowledge and practical skills of a person to understand situations related to monetary issues, budget, financial markets, their instruments (deposits, payment and credit cards, etc.), products and services, banking, tax system; skills in making financial decisions and responsibility for them, taking care of their economic well-being.

The main objectives of the Project:
1. Based on an assessment of the level of financial literacy of the population and the effects of piloted programs, develop and begin implementing a medium-term national strategy for improving the financial literacy of the population;
2. Create sustainable institutional mechanisms for the implementation of financial literacy programs at the federal and regional levels with the participation of executive authorities, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, and the financial sector;
3. Create human resources in the implementation of financial literacy programs at the federal and regional levels;
4. Develop, test and disseminate educational programs and tools to improve financial literacy, using the institutions and channels of both formal and non-formal education for schoolchildren, students and adults;
5. Create a system of effective and accessible information resources in the field of financial literacy and protection of the rights of consumers of financial services, conduct a large-scale information campaign; develop, test and distribute a wide range of information materials on the protection of the rights of financial consumers;
6. Support on a competitive basis a wide range of bottom-up initiatives aimed at improving financial literacy, developing financial education and improving the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services;
7. Ensure the strengthening of the capacity of government bodies and the non-state sector in the field of consumer protection in the field of financial services, including staff development, improvement of the state of affairs with the disclosure and accessible presentation of information by financial market participants and interaction with private sector organizations;
8. Conduct a comprehensive large-scale assessment and organize monitoring of the level of financial literacy and financial behavior of the population.

Main components of the project

1. Development of a financial literacy strategy, monitoring and evaluation of the level of financial literacy and consumer protection.
2. Capacity building in the field of financial literacy, including:

  • Training and organization of seminars and open discussions for national expert groups, as well as for teachers and educators at different levels of the education system and non-formal education, expanding human resources in the field of improving financial literacy;
  • Creation of an information and educational portal on financial literacy and consumer protection;
  • Implementation of a regional program for the development of financial literacy in the Pilot and other regions, which provides for: the creation of Regional Financial Literacy Centers; development and testing of educational programs and materials on financial literacy; implementation of these training programs, monitoring and evaluation of the above activities; conducting information campaigns;
  • Support for the preparation of follow-up activities in the areas of financial literacy and consumer protection.

3. Development and implementation of educational programs and information campaigns to improve financial literacy, including:

  • Development and implementation of educational programs to improve financial literacy.
  • Development and implementation of information campaigns to improve financial literacy: definition of the campaign concept, development of materials and campaign tools, implementation of training programs for journalists.
  • Implementation of Subprojects aimed at improving financial literacy, including support for a number of financial literacy initiatives carried out by representatives of the private and public sectors, non-governmental and non-profit organizations and professional associations

4. Improving the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services, including:

  • Development and implementation of a plan to strengthen the capacity of Rospotrebnadzor in the field of protecting the rights of consumers of financial services.
  • Implementation of sub-projects aimed at improving financial literacy by supporting a number of financial consumer protection initiatives, including initiatives to provide legal advice and information to consumers by representatives of the private and public sectors, non-governmental and non-profit organizations and professional associations
  • Assistance in the creation of the institution of the financial ombudsman, as well as in the improvement of the system of independent monitoring in the field of consumer protection. The project is initially designed for 5 years until June 2016, has a national scale. The amount of financing is $113 million. The action has been extended until 2018.

General management of the Project.

The executor and the main manager of budgetary funds under the Project is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Minfin of Russia). The project is being implemented in cooperation with Rospotrebnadzor, the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and other departments and organizations. Expert support of the Project is provided by the Expert Council. The functions of coordinating current work on the preparation and implementation of the Project are performed by the Working Group of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. The Chairman of the Working Group is also the Project Director.

There are several options for participating in the Project:

  • you can familiarize yourself with the list of Project contracts planned for implementation in the near future, in respect of which invitations to expressions of interest (procurement announcements) are posted on the IDF website http://fer.ru/fefl/procnotices.htm;
  • if among them there are interesting ones for your company or for you personally as an individual consultant, submit expressions of interest describing your experience and opportunities for implementing this contract (all contact details and essential information about specific contracts are contained in the relevant invitations)

a complete list of all Project contracts - both already implemented, current and planned for the future - can also be found on the FRP website by studying the Project Procurement Plan: http://fer.ru/fefl/procplan.htm;

  • if you are engaged in activities in the field of financial literacy or consumer protection of financial services, but among the Project contracts there was not one that would meet your interests and the characteristics of your work, you can apply for funding for such work under the Project Good Ideas Fund – a special mechanism for competitive selection and support of local initiatives on the subject of the Project: www.goodideasfund.ru.

Project contacts:

  • Ilyina E.S. – chief specialist-expert of the Division for International Development Assistance of the Department of International Financial Relations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Tel. 8-495-913-47-01 Fax 8-495-913-43-15 E-mail:
  • Zelentsova A.V. – Head of the Group of project consultants. Tel. 8-915-480-02-80 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
  • http://goodideasfund.ru/konkurs/ The Good Ideas Fund is a competitive selection of financial literacy initiatives. Funding initiatives up to $200,000 for legal entities and up to $50,000 for individuals and individual entrepreneurs http://goodideasfund.ru/kontakty/ contacts for the competition

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved a strategy to improve the financial literacy of the country's citizens. A financially literate citizen, the document says, must live within his means and take care of the formation of his pension.

Dmitry Medvedev (Photo: Vladimir Rodionov / TASS)

The government has approved a strategy to improve the financial literacy of Russian citizens for 2017-2023. The corresponding order was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on September 25, 2017. The document is published on the website of the government.

The strategy was developed by the Ministry of Finance. “The goal of the Strategy is to create the foundations for the formation of financially literate behavior of citizens as a necessary condition for improving the level and quality of life, including through the use of financial products and services of appropriate quality,” the reference to the document says.

The strategy's "General Provisions" section states that "the level of financial literacy in the Russian Federation is still quite low and requires long-term systematic and coordinated work of all stakeholders." According to the authors of the document, "the skills of personal financial planning and the formation of financial reserves in case of unforeseen circumstances are still lacking in the majority of Russian households."

Written accounting of personal income and expenses, the strategy says, is kept only in 25% of Russian households, only a third of Russians seek to secure their pension financially. The same number of people pay attention to the profitability and guarantee of safety of savings when choosing tools for savings management.

“Ensuring personal financial security is becoming an important factor in the economic well-being of people,” the authors of the strategy said.

Among the main problems to be solved are paternalism (putting responsibility for personal financial decisions on the state), lack of trust in the financial system, imperfect legislation, low public awareness of consumer protection and pension rights, and others.

A financially literate citizen must “monitor the state of personal finances, plan their income and expenses, form long-term savings and a financial “airbag” for unforeseen circumstances.” Also, such a citizen must live within their means, rationally choose financial services and avoid debt disproportionate to income, be able to recognize signs of financial fraud, be able to defend their legal rights as a consumer of financial services, and financially prepare for life in retirement.

The strategy will be implemented in two stages. At the first stage (2017-2019), a comprehensive analysis will be carried out, during which its goals and objectives can be adjusted. At the second stage (2019-2023), it provides for the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of the strategy, which has yet to be approved.

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