
Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Social mortgage under the President of Tatarstan, personal page of the Republic of Tatarstan, state housing fund, conditions of the GZhF GZhF of the Republic of Tatarstan personal

The Tatarstan authorities announced the volume of construction of social housing for 2020 ... and published on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers RT. It was signed by the Prime Minister RT Alexey Pesoshin. The performer is State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic. According to the text of the document... must exceed 36.6 thousand rubles. The cost for implementation will determine State Housing Fund. The program budget is 16.8 billion rubles. Of the total amount... funds from Tatarstan organizations and enterprises, 5.7 billion rubles. - money State Housing Fund. 700 million rubles will be allocated to state support for families where children are born... Loans will not be repaid: in the Republic of Tatarstan they are looking for an alternative for social mortgage holders with maternal capital ... receive loans against capital from State Housing Fund RT due to changes in federal legislation. Tatarstan residents will be offered an alternative in the State Council RT On April 18, a meeting of the association of women deputies “Marhamet - Mercy” was held. Deputy Executive Director invited to the event State Housing Fund RT Bulat Gilmanov... The social housing building in Chistopol received a certificate of compliance ... housing stock under the President RT, technical customer - LLC SK GlavInvestProektStroy, contractor - LLC Stroitel+. Currently State Housing Fund under the President RT an appeal to... is being prepared. Let us remind you that since the beginning of 2018, according to housing programs implemented State Housing Fund under the President RT, 104 facilities were put into operation in Tatarstan for 2831 ...

29 Mar 2018, 15:44

The State Housing Fund withdrew the loan from Tatfondbank through the court ... recognized the legality of the transfer of obligations State Housing Fund Tatarstan under a loan agreement from Tatfondbank to Timer Bank, reports the information policy group State Housing Fund In 2016... The State Housing Fund handed over a residential building to participants in state programs in Buinsk ...I really like the layout too. I am very pleased with the quality of construction, I express my gratitude State Housing Fund Tatarstan and the district administration,” noted the interlocutor of RBC-Tatarstan. The construction contractor... is the State Housing Fund under the President RT. Since the beginning of 2017, housing programs implemented State Housing Fund, about 140 houses have already been commissioned in... Talgat Abdullin: “Salavat Kupere” became a turning point ... the contract between PSO Kazan and Roscosmos was given to sociologists, the head of RBC-Tatarstan told State Housing Fund Republic Talgat Abdullin The largest residential complex in Tatarstan “Salavat... . In our State Housing Fund In general, a stable financial system has been built, and this is clearly visible against the backdrop of the problems of defrauded shareholders. Programs State Housing Fund work flawlessly... Salavat Cooper has commissioned another house under the social mortgage program ... along Airat Arslanov Street. This house is part of a neighborhood that State Housing Fund RT committed to completion by the end of the year There is a housewarming party in a 255-apartment building..., medical workers are recipients of grants. Executive Director spoke at the opening State Housing Fund under the President RT Talgat Abdullin. “Congratulations to everyone who is moving into this house... under the President RT. The technical customer is AK Bars Engineering LLC, the contractor is Stroitel+ LLC. Since the beginning of 2017, housing programs implemented State Housing Fund, entered... The State Housing Fund held an extended reception of citizens on personal issues ... IN State Housing Fund RT an extended reception of citizens on personal issues was held with the participation of representatives... RBC-Tatarstan in State Housing Fund RT. Everyone received detailed explanations to all the questions raised. The meeting was held by the executive director State Housing Fund Talgat Abdullin and deputy... Four orphans received keys to new houses from the State Housing Fund ... years of Victory,” the head of the information policy group told RBC-Tatarstan State Housing Fund under the president RT Guzel Rakhmatullina. According to the same program, the keys to the new... . The head of the information policy group congratulated the new residents on the important event. State Housing Fund under the president RT Guzel Rakhmatullina, head of the Cheremshansky municipal district Ilnar Mingazov and... The State Housing Fund handed over 30 new apartments to Nizhnekamsk doctors ... the republic of rental housing and the allocation of grants. The investor and developer of the houses was State Housing Fund Tatarstan As part of the settlement ceremony, Minister of Health of Tatarstan Adel Vafin... in 2015. Invested in the construction of houses in the regions of the republic State Housing Fund. According to another state program for improving housing conditions - social mortgage - with... The State Housing Fund spoke about a new contractor and rental housing for 7 thousand rubles ... at home, change your decision in choosing a specific apartment. Since 2005 State Housing Fund under the President of Tatarstan, implements a social mortgage program. During this time... the indicators of the GZhF program do not change. This is 7% per annum. Social houses State Housing Fund will continue to build in Salavat Cooper, the first commissioning is approaching... provides for 9,937 apartments throughout the republic. Rental housing from State Housing Fund looks more than attractive on the market today. One-room apartment,... The State Housing Fund inhabited 4 houses for emergency workers and orphans in Kukmor ... 7 orphans The executive director took part in the ceremony State Housing Fund Talgat Abdullin, head of the district Sergei Dimitriev, head of the development department of construction... and housing and communal services of the Republic of Tatarstan Dinar Sagdatullin. Executive Director State Housing Fund Talgat Abdullin congratulated the new residents and noted that the republic is... The State Housing Fund has completed the construction of the first stage of houses in Innopolis ... time The completion of construction work was reported to RBC-Tatarstan by the press secretary State Housing Fund Liliya Mannapova. “The city has built all the necessary infrastructure within the framework of... the police, agricultural workers. State Housing Fund under the President of Tatarstan, he is an investor in the construction of residential buildings under a number of state programs. In 2017 State Housing Fund plans to build 534...

15 Mar 2017, 14:08

The implementation of State Housing Fund programs was not affected by the banking crisis ... for the republic of housing programs, including social mortgages, implemented State Housing Fund, said the head of the department State Housing Fund Maxim Kornyanen “There are no problems. All objects are financed... . The facilities will, in particular, receive government support. Let us remind you that State Housing Fund under the President of Tatarstan is an investor in the construction of residential buildings under the program...

03 Mar 2017, 16:16

GZhF explained when they will transfer ownership of the apartments in Salavat Cooper ... one residential building 13-1. “Based on the results of an inspection by the State Construction Supervision Inspectorate RT the object has not received a statement of compliance. Currently a contractor... . Let us remind you that State Housing Fund under the President of Tatarstan, it is the operator of the construction of houses within the framework of state programs of the republic. Since the beginning of this year, employees State Housing Fund just handed over... Minnikhanov criticized the work of Tygin and the State Housing Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan ... during the republican meeting, criticized the actions of the authorities of the Zelenodolsk region and State Housing Fund RT, due to a delay in the occupancy of a 282-apartment building on Stroiteley Avenue... September 5. But, as it turned out later, at that time State Housing Fund RT there was no complete package of documents, and the tenant’s keys were handed over so that... our citizens could come to power. To the management of the Zelenodolsk municipal district and the State Housing Fund RT instructed to bring words of apology to the new residents on behalf of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan... Rustam Minnikhanov harshly criticized the State Housing Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and the authorities of Kazan ... President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov harshly criticized the leadership State Housing Fund RT and the authorities of Kazan for delays in the construction of the Salavat Kupere residential complex. ... in Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov asked the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services RT Ireka Fayzullina to pause the report and explain some points of “The Sixth Month... ... Executive Director State Housing Fund Republic Talgat Abdullin stated that those wishing to go through the selection procedure again... built under the social mortgage program. So, April 1 on the website State Housing Fund a message appeared that the square meters already distributed among people will... will be. However, how the situation will develop in the future is unknown. Now GZhF RT creates an open system in which you can observe online... The point of development of social mortgage: the first house of “Salavat Kuper” was occupied in Kazan ... . According to State Housing Fund, in 2015, more than 7 billion rubles were invested in a large-scale project. Executive Director State Housing Fund under the president RT Talgat Abdullin, answering... the project, initially estimated at 42 billion rubles, according to the head State Housing Fund, due to currency exchange rate fluctuations and other economic fluctuations, not... about 3.4 thousand families had to enter into agreements with State Housing Fund in October 2015. In addition, until the end of 2017...

01 Mar 2014, 13:36

RT State Housing Fund

01 Mar 2014, 13:36

A microdistrict of social housing will be built in the “Medical Town” ... the city limits of the capital of Tatarstan, which consolidated the proposal of the Laishevsky district administration RT transfer the lands with individual settlements under construction within the city limits... that the city authorities consider the decision to transfer the lands of the “Medical Town” State Housing Fund republic for the construction of socio-mortgage housing is absolutely correct. Noting that questions...

Owning your own property is still a dream for many today. The President of the Republic of Tatarstan has developed a special program that allows local residents to obtain apartments on a mortgage on favorable terms.

The program has been implemented since 2005. The acquisition of real estate under it occurs with the direct support of the state. Control over the process of obtaining housing is carried out by the Housing Fund of the Republic.

Purpose of the Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

The State Housing Fund is a non-budgetary organization under the President. The main tasks of the department:

  • Monitoring the implementation of all implemented federal programs on the territory of Tatarstan;
  • Search and implementation of new ways to finance projects not from the budgets of the Russian Federation and Tatarstan;
  • Acting as an investor in the construction of new housing, adjacent areas, and infrastructure facilities;
  • Accumulation of funds received from debtors for the purchase of real estate for a social project.

Important: You can find out more about the economic indicators of the Housing Fund on its website without logging into your personal page - gilfondrt.ru.

Conditions for participation in the social mortgage program

Receiving a social mortgage from the state implies certain conditions. They are:

  • The program participant’s high need for their own housing in order to improve current conditions. According to the decree, one person in a family must have at least 18 m².
  • Favorable interest rate. The borrower is offered to take out a mortgage at only 7% per annum. This .
  • The loan repayment period can be up to 28 years.
  • If a childless young couple took out a loan for real estate and during the payment process they had a baby, the state offers one-time assistance in the amount of 200,000 rubles to repay part of the debt.
  • It is possible not to make a down payment due to objective, compelling reasons.

Important: To take part in the program, the participant must write an application and submit it to the local administration. The document is reviewed for three days. After this, the potential participant in mortgage lending has the right to register and receive a mortgage for their home.

How to get a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan?

After reviewing the application, you must proceed as follows:

  • Conclude an agreement with the Housing Fund for a social mortgage.
  • Create your own page on the fund’s website and fill out an application for real estate. A list of apartments participating in the program is also indicated here.
  • Deposit your savings for a new apartment into the Housing Fund account. In the future, they will play the role of a rating for a social program participant.

As a result, the winner is the one who has the most points (investments), and the requirements meet the stated ones.

Features of cash payment

Social mortgage payments are made both standardly and taking into account some features. For example, it is permissible to repay a debt with both money and self-produced products if the borrower is an entrepreneur, farmer, etc. In addition, you can pay the amount for the apartment with your own labor.

Property that has not been fully purchased is allowed to be rented out, which improves the debtor’s chances of promptly repaying the entire loan amount.

Advice: Today the law on . It is worth taking advantage of this to reimburse part of the funds spent on purchasing a home.

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - personal page

To become a full-fledged participant in the program, you need to register on the Housing Fund website (mail.gilfondrt.ru) and create your own page. To do this, you need to enter your personal data.

A ready-made profile allows you to track the movement of the queue of applicants for real estate, all payments made, as well as all cash receipts to the account from the state in the form of a subsidy. When registering on the foundation’s website, a program participant receives a personal code to log into his account (mail.gilfondrt.ru/private). The citizen is also provided with a personal login and password.

After the property has been received, it is in his account that the citizen can track the payment schedule, the balance of the loan outstanding and other detailed information.

Important: Only those persons who have received permission to participate in the social program under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan can register on the website.

Let's sum it up

So, it becomes clear that such a socio-mortgage program from the President of Tatarstan allows young families to acquire their own housing without causing much damage to the family budget. Everyone who has a personal page and their own account on the ZhF website has the right to respond to his offer and get their own cozy nest.

The result is a minimum of wasted effort and time, plus loyal program requirements from the state. Under such conditions, buying your own apartment becomes possible even for a low-income family. By the way, you can try to spend .

In the conditions of modern economic realities, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing new mechanisms to support vulnerable and needy segments of the population. The governments of republics, territories and regions do not stand aside and, in turn, create programs of benefits and subsidies at the local level. Most programs are designed to allow various segments of the population to improve their living conditions. An example of such a successful program is the social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Social mortgages in Tatarstan replaced the program for the resettlement of owners of residential premises recognized as unsafe or dilapidated, which ended in 2004. The social mortgage program allows borrowers to purchase housing on more favorable terms than the national average, which became possible thanks to the participation of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (SHF).

Social mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan allows the borrower:

  1. Reduce the down payment amount to 10% of the cost of the residential premises. At the same time, the down payment has restrictions on the maximum amount - no more than 30%. In addition, when considering each individual borrower, the State Housing Fund may decide not to provide a down payment (for example, if the borrower is a single mother and meets all the necessary criteria). We have already talked about the possibility of taking out a mortgage without a down payment in 2019.
  2. With an average mortgage interest rate of 7.4%, a social mortgage allows you to become the owner of a residential property by receiving a mortgage at 7% per annum.
  3. The maximum term of a social mortgage cannot exceed 28 years and 6 months. The loan agreement allows the borrower to fully repay the loan ahead of schedule, without penalties or interest.
  4. If during the validity period of the mortgage agreement the first-born child appears in the family, the borrowers will receive 200 thousand rubles for partial repayment of the debt obligation. Upon the birth of a second child and receiving maternity capital, the validity of which has been extended until the end of 2021, the borrower can use maternity capital to repay the mortgage.
  5. This type of mortgage loan under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan is unique in that the borrower can pay not only with cash, but also with labor or farm products. In the event of a difficult life situation, the borrower does not have to be afraid of losing his home - each specific case is considered by the State Housing Fund and a solution that is convenient for the borrower and lender is developed (deferred payment);
  6. If the borrower pays part of the amount, he is obliged to pay rent for the remaining part of the residential premises (deferment of mortgage loan payments does not relieve the borrower of the obligation to pay rent).

When obtaining the opportunity to purchase an apartment under the program, the borrower must comply with certain restrictions:

  1. For 10 years, the borrower does not have the right to change his job at his own request (dismissal by decision of the employer or layoff is not taken into account). If the condition is violated, the balance of the mortgage loan is recalculated with the loss of all benefits and an increase in the interest rate relative to the original by 2 times.
  2. If the borrower took advantage of a preferential mortgage while being a public sector employee, he loses the right to use any other program to support public sector employees (for example, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63).

In this connection, before applying for a social mortgage, it is necessary to calculate all types of possible benefits and subsidies and choose the most profitable one for the borrower.

Who can get a social mortgage

The following groups of citizens can count on receiving a social loan under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan:

  • Public sector employees (doctors, teachers, law enforcement officers, etc.);
  • Citizens living in residential premises recognized as unsafe, as well as citizens with living space less than the standard (less than 18 sq.m. per person). To obtain the status of a “need”, a citizen must contact the Social Service at his place of residence;
  • Employees of commercial enterprises that are investors in the construction of residential complexes participating in the program. This category of citizens has no restrictions on the total area of ​​housing, while the rest cannot apply for apartments with an area exceeding the standards:
  1. 1 person – 33 sq.m.;
  2. Family of 2 people – 44 sq.m.;
  3. Family of 3 or more - based on 18 sq.m. for each subsequent family member.

Where do they give apartments in Tatarstan?

The conditions of a social mortgage depend on many factors, the main one of which is the purchase of residential premises in certain residential complexes. Apartments on preferential terms are provided in houses under construction by those developers who are participants in the program. The list of residential complexes is available on the State Housing Fund website and on the websites of developers, as well as on the websites of banks participating in the program.

A mandatory criterion for the construction of residential square meters is complex development, so the borrower has the opportunity to purchase new housing in an area with developed infrastructure.

Since the list of residential complexes is limited, it is possible to purchase an apartment using social mortgage funds only in large cities.


The list of possible borrowers for obtaining a social mortgage in Kazan corresponds to the general list. If a citizen fully meets the program requirements, he needs to collect a complete package of documents:

  • Passport of the borrower and family members;
  • Confirmation of “needy” status;
  • Confirmation of child benefits and birth certificates;
  • A copy of the marriage certificate;
  • Copy of education diploma;
  • Application form.

After submitting all documents to the State Housing Fund and making a positive decision by the City Housing Commission regarding the borrower, the citizen can only wait for a suitable apartment to appear. The most in demand today is the Salavat Kupere microdistrict, designed to solve the housing problem of 14 thousand families.

In addition to social mortgages, branches of large banks in Tatarstan offer a number of programs to improve housing conditions.

Naberezhnye Chelny

In Naberezhnye Chelny, the list of possible borrowers under the social mortgage program includes the same groups of citizens. The main condition for obtaining the opportunity to participate in the program is documentary confirmation of the family’s status as needy. The total cost per square meter of housing includes benefits for children.

Residential complexes located on the outskirts of the city are more popular, since the cost per square meter here is lower than in the central areas of the city, and the environmental situation is much more comfortable. The most popular are the Yalshek - 2 area, the construction of which is ongoing, and the 63 complex.

Residents of Naberezhnye Chelny also have the opportunity to take advantage of the “Building the Future” program, which allows them to purchase their own housing on favorable terms.

Partner banks

The number of banks participating in the program is limited, since not many are present in individual localities.

The program involves not only banking organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, but also partner banks operating throughout the Russian Federation:

  1. Sberbank;
  2. Ak Bars;
  3. Rosbank;
  4. Kara-Altyn.

For the current period, a social mortgage agreement in Tatarstan is concluded by the borrower directly with the representative office of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. The borrower opens an account with the program’s partner bank, to which he undertakes to transfer a minimum amount monthly during the payment period, which is formed from at least 11% of the cost of 1 sq. m. meters of housing area. The State Housing Fund has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally if the borrower fails to fulfill payment obligations.

In addition to social mortgages, the Republic’s banks offer borrowers to improve their living conditions by taking part in the “Young Family” program. The main criterion for the borrower is the age of the spouses (at least one of them should not be older than 35 years). This program allows you to purchase housing at a lower interest rate (on average 7.4%) both in new buildings and in the secondary housing market.

The creation of the non-profit organization “State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan” was determined by Decree of the President of the Republic of March 30, 1995 No. 213. The main idea of ​​creating the organization is to search and attract extra-budgetary funds for the development of housing construction in the Republic and create the opportunity for citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan to purchase their own housing.

The initial task of the State Housing Fund was the implementation of a program for relocating citizens of the Republic from housing that does not meet the required standards (dilapidated, unsafe). In addition to the construction of residential premises, the Foundation was engaged in the construction of socially significant facilities (clinics, schools, kindergartens and other facilities). Upon completion of the program in 2004, the Foundation switched to the implementation of the program formulated in the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004 No. 69-ZRT.

The housing stock under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan creates conditions under which housing becomes more accessible to potential owners, and the construction of residential space becomes profitable for commercial developers. The balance is achieved by providing the developer with commercially successful land plots in exchange for the developer allocating 50% of the housing stock to a social mortgage. The developer has the right to sell the remaining 50% at the market price, thereby receiving a financial profit.

Personal page

When receiving approval for a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the borrower can wait for proposals for suitable apartments from the Housing Fund, or can create a personal page on the State Housing Fund website. It will display the borrower's rating, which depends on the amount of accumulated amount for the proposed housing. An important criterion is the degree of need of a particular family.

When ready-made apartment options become available, the possibility of obtaining housing is higher for those program participants whose ratings are higher. Experience has shown that obtaining an apartment based on a rating is faster.

The company NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION "STATE HOUSING FUND UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN" 1655065113 was registered at the legal address 420015, TATARSTAN REPUBLIC, KAZAN CITY, GORKY STREET, 8/9. According to the registration documents, the main activity is the management of real estate for a fee or on a contract basis. The company was registered on March 29, 2005. The company has been assigned the All-Russian State Registration Number: 1051622037400. The head is the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MARAT RIVGATOVICH ZARIPOV. To obtain more detailed information, you need to go to the company’s card and check the reliability of the counterparty.

The company GZHF UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF THE RT was registered on March 29, 2005 with the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 18 for the Republic of Tatarstan. The registration procedure with the State Institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Vakhitovsky district of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan was carried out on 01/12/2010. Also, Branch No. 1 of the State Institution - the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan registered the company on 05/12/2005 00:00:00. The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is contained about this organization: Submission by the licensing authority of information on the revocation of the license.

Providing housing for certain segments of the population is a priority task not only for the state as a whole, but also for regional authorities. For example, in the Republic of Tatarstan, since 2004, a bill on social mortgages, developed at the local level, has been successfully functioning, which differs from national programs and allows the purchase of housing on preferential terms. The work of the program is personally monitored by the President and the State Housing Fund (SHF) of the Republic of Tatarstan.

We’ll tell you today how the program works, who can become a participant and what is needed for this.

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan is focused on a certain contingent, namely:

  • Public sector workers - doctors, teachers, law enforcement officers.
  • Families with less than 18 square meters per person. m. That is, the available living space does not meet the standards for comfortable living, or the existing housing is recognized as unsafe and unsuitable for living.
  • Families raising disabled children.
  • Employees of enterprises that take an active part in the social mortgage program.

There are a number of other conditions that must be met:

  • The family has a monthly income of at least the subsistence level and will be able to pay mortgage payments.
  • Applicants must reside in Tatarstan for a certain period of time and work here for at least 10 years.

The essence of the social mortgage program under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is that an agreement is signed between a person and the State Housing Fund, according to which the former undertakes to pay contributions every month that form savings for a new apartment. Subsequently, with these contributions it will be possible to pay part of the cost of the new home, and the remaining amount can be taken out in the form of a mortgage loan.

The maximum period for which a loan can be granted is 28.5 years. For the entire loan term, a fixed interest rate of 7% per annum is established, which is extremely beneficial for borrowers.

A prerequisite is the presence of a down payment of 10-30%. It can be formed:

  1. At the expense of savings made during participation in the program.
  2. With the help of maternity capital.
  3. By receiving a state subsidy for young families, the amount of which in some cases can reach 40% of the cost of the purchased property.
  4. At my own expense.

From the explanations given by the State Housing Fund, we can conclude that existing real estate can also serve as a down payment, but only if certain conditions are met. In this case, a special agreement is concluded between the GHF and the owner, according to which the family can live in this apartment until they receive new housing.

According to the terms of the program, if a mortgage is issued by a family with no children, but a child is born during the term of the loan agreement, the spouses can count on receiving financial assistance in the amount of 200,000 rubles. These funds will need to be used to repay the loan.

A special feature of the program is that participants can make monthly payments both in cash and pay with labor, as well as goods of their own production in their personal household.

How to register correctly

The first thing you need to do to participate in the social mortgage program is to contact local authorities with an application and receive the status of someone in need of improved housing conditions. The employees working there can also provide detailed advice on the operating conditions of the program, make preliminary calculations, and suggest the best design option. Employees of enterprises participating in the financing of the program have the opportunity to submit an application through their manager.

Next, you will need to collect the documents necessary to consider the application and wait for a final decision to be made on whether it is possible to provide a social mortgage. A period of 1 month is allocated for this. If a positive answer is received, all that remains is to sign a social mortgage agreement and begin making monthly contributions to the State Housing Fund, the amount of which will depend on the family’s income.

  • You need to wait in line to receive one or more offers to purchase a home with a mortgage from the State Housing Fund.
  • Take part in the competition, which is based on the principle of a rating auction.

To participate in the competition, you will need to register on the State Housing Fund website and gain access to your personal account, from which applications for participation in the competition are sent. Moreover, the higher the rating of a participant in the competition, the greater his chances of becoming the winner. The rating is formed on the basis of savings already made during participation in the program and the length of stay in it.

There is a third option, when state assistance for the purchase of housing is provided urgently. Each such application is considered individually and as quickly as possible.

List of required documents

To obtain a social mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan, you need to provide the following package of documents;

  • Passports of family members.
  • TIN and SNILS.
  • Birth certificate of children (if available).
  • Marriage certificate (if available).
  • For men, military ID.
  • Documents confirming education.
  • A copy of the work book and a certificate of the amount of income received.
  • Documents for housing in which the family lives.

You also need to fill out an application form. Depending on the situation, additional documents are requested in individual cases.

Where are the apartments located?

Social mortgage in Tatarstan involves certain restrictions on where you can buy an apartment. This cannot be any apartment building chosen by the borrower, but only those houses and residential complexes that are being built specifically for the purposes of implementing this program.

Such real estate is not built in all localities. Most of this type of housing is being built in Kazan, as well as in Naberezhnye Chelny. It also appears in small towns of the republic, but there the choice of offers is often limited. At the same time, you need to understand that the cost per square meter differs depending on where the future house is being built. Based on this, the loan size and rating points required to apply for a mortgage on real estate will change.


Each state program is not without nuances, which at first do not attract attention, but in fact become the cause of difficulties in the future.

For example, when purchasing housing with a social mortgage in Tatarstan, the borrower undertakes not to change his place of work for 10 years, and also not to stop working. If this requirement is violated, the balance of the debt will have to be paid at double interest rate. There is an option to terminate relations with an employer without receiving a fine. To do this, it is necessary that the employee’s departure be carried out in agreement with management.

Also, by purchasing housing under this program, a person will no longer be able to take part in other social projects aimed at helping those in need in their own home. That is, you can only buy housing with a social mortgage once.

It is also worth mentioning that there are standards for the size of living space that can be purchased under the social mortgage program. They are:

  1. For a family of one person – 33 sq.m.
  2. For two people – 42 sq.m.
  3. Of three people - 18 sq.m. for everyone.

Another significant point is that until the borrower pays the cost of the housing purchased with a mortgage, he will use the living space under a social tenancy agreement, as well as pay rent for it (payment is made at government rates, which are minimal). It will be possible to register the property only after full repayment of the debt.

According to the original version of the bill, the social mortgage program in Tatarstan is designed for a period until 2020. So far, there has been no reliable information about the extension of the program for the next years. I would like to hope that even if it is curtailed, the regional authorities will develop new measures to provide housing for those in need. You can learn about this from the news.

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