
How to apply for money for the development of an organization. Login after registration

If you've already started saving money, congratulations - it's a smart step towards a secure future. Ideally, your cash cushion should be enough for six months of life without financial income. But even if you make a profit every month and increase your savings, this does not mean that your strategy is perfect.

David Blaylock, a financial planner, analyzed the common ones and gave some tips for improving them.

Strategy No. 1. Putting aside what remains

So, you pay your monthly bills, maybe spend a little on entertainment, and then whatever is left over goes into your bank account. Knowing that you actually have money, you may spend more than you should and then use up your savings funds. Plus, it's hard to set a specific savings goal because you can never be sure how much will be left after all the expenses. You can try another method instead.

How should it be done?

The very first bill to pay after payday is your savings account.

Make this your rule and perceive it as an obligatory and most important part of payments (of course, if you have enough money to pay all other bills).

Set up an automatic transfer of money from your bank card to your savings account at the beginning of the month or from each cash receipt. If you simply set up such an automatic money transfer and forget about it, after some time the amount of accumulated funds will greatly surprise you.

Strategy #2: I transfer money to a savings account

So, you are regular - that's great. And a savings account with a plastic card is very convenient. But this also has its downsides.

If you run out of money, you risk withdrawing your savings or even spending them on an unexpected but very desirable purchase. And, most likely, you will do this, because withdrawing money is very easy: it is always within reach, you don’t even have to go to the bank, just use an ATM.

How should it be done?

Open a deposit in a bank for 6 months or a year. This way you will definitely not waste money intended for storage. Just don't invest everything. Leave some in your regular emergency savings account.

Strategy No. 3. All my savings are in one account

When you only have one savings account, the money in it seems to accumulate quickly and is enough for everything. If you're only saving for one thing, like an apartment or a vacation, then you're fine. But if you have multiple goals, one bank account makes the calculations difficult and you don't see concrete progress. It is more difficult for you to understand what you will have enough money for and what you will have to wait for.

As a result, it turns out that after spending your savings, for example, on a vacation, you leave nothing for a new car.

How should it be done?

It is better to create several accounts, each of which will be dedicated to a specific purpose, for example: “for home”, “for vacation”, “for a child’s education”. This will make it much easier to calculate your finances and see real progress.

Strategy #4: I save large amounts at once when I can.

Some people do not save money on a regular basis, but save large sums at once when a lucky chance occurs. With this method of accumulation, feelings of abundance and guilt alternate. The last one is when you have to take money from your savings. The disappointment of this may even discourage you from ever saving money again.

How should it be done?

The best thing to do is set savings goals for yourself and work towards them. Determine a specific amount of money to save every month. If you feel like you can increase it without compromising your quality of life, do it. But! Contributions must remain consistent and equal.

Strategy #5: I save as much as I can.

Despite the need to have savings, you shouldn’t get too hung up on it and deny yourself pleasures. They are the ones who help us stay happy and maintain mental health.

How should it be done?

If you haven't had a month in which you can put money into your "emergency fund," put off all other payments and gratifications until you can.

Once your six-month emergency fund is replenished, Blaylock advises changing your strategy. Since small cash savings yield little money, it is worth considering longer-term ones with good interest rates.

Greetings to my blog visitors!

Recently I began to use the Yandex.Money e-wallet very often. I pay for purchases in online stores and receive money for my freelance services. Some clients who do not have such a means of payment ask me: how to create a Yandex electronic wallet. Money.

And I decided to write detailed step-by-step instructions for creating a Yandex Money electronic wallet. Before you start registering your Yandex.Money wallet, you need to log into your Yandex mailbox. If you don’t have Yandex mail yet, then you need to create one.

Step 1. Go to Yandex and find the Yandex Money service.

Go to the Yandex main page: https://yandex.ru. Click on the word “more” above the Yandex search bar. In the menu that opens, click on “All services”

On the next page we find the yellow “Open wallet” button and click on it.

Step 2. We begin registering a wallet on Yandex

In the window that opens, enter your Yandex email address, your phone number and click on the “Continue” button.

Step 3. Confirm your phone number and complete wallet registration

At this step, we need to confirm your phone number. To do this, we need to wait for an SMS with a password from Yandex and enter it in the appropriate field.

We are waiting for this very minute and Hurray! - our wallet is open!

In the window that opens, we can see the account number of our wallet.

Pay attention! Now, when we need to find out the number of our wallet in Yandex.Money, we open this pop-up window in the upper right corner.

Topping up your Yandex money wallet

Now you can top up your wallet in any way available to you.

Pay attention! Yandex.Money can be topped up for free, without commissions, instantly from a Sberbank card through an ATM, or without a card through Sberbank ATMs where cash is accepted.

In the latter case, payment may take up to 10 days. Tested by me personally 😉

Another proven way to replenish a Yandex.Money wallet is Euroset salons, where the commission for replenishing a Yandex.Money wallet is also zero.

That's all. Thank you for your attention!

See you soon on the pages of my blog!

P.S. Feel free to ask questions in the comments or on the Contact page. I will answer everyone.

In the economic activity of an enterprise, there is often a need to replenish working capital. In this article we will look at the main legal ways to raise money for an enterprise. The article will be useful to those managers, financial workers, accountants and lawyers who are gaining experience in financial management. Experienced specialists will learn what nuances need to be taken into account when replenishing the working capital of an enterprise in connection with the entry into force.

Let us make a reservation that in this article we will not consider the situation with an enterprise obtaining a bank loan.

So, there are 3 main ways to raise money for an enterprise.

1. Increasing the authorized capital

The founders can increase the authorized capital of the enterprise by replenishing it with cash.

Advantages of this method:

1) The operation of receiving money from the founders who increased the authorized capital is not subject to any taxes.

2) After depositing money, the company has no debt to creditors.

Disadvantages of this method:

1) The enterprise needs to make changes to the statutory documents and go through the procedure of state registration of these changes. This involves additional costs of time or money if you want to use the services of outsourced lawyers. Also, data on the changes, along with a copy of the new charter, will need to be submitted to the bank.

2) If you want to return the money to the founders, this will not be easy and simple. It will be necessary to make changes to the charter again, register them, etc. (see above).

2. Advance payment for goods, work, services

You can bring money to a company by transferring it from another company or individual as an advance for goods, work, services.

The advantage of this method is

simplicity of documenting the operation. In order for the money to be credited to the company’s account, the buyer or customer only needs to issue a payment order and send it to the bank. It is also advisable for the parties to draw up a written agreement under which money will be received.


1) The company has a debt to the buyer or customer, which will need to be repaid or written off from the balance sheet over time.

Writing off debt from the balance sheet after the expiration of the statute of limitations is associated with one unpleasant issue: an enterprise that pays income tax will have to include the amount of debt in income. There are several legal ways to extend the statute of limitations. We will talk about them in.

2) Negative tax consequences.

If the enterprise that receives the advance pays a single tax, the amount of the advance is included in the single tax base. If an enterprise is a payer, then upon the first event (receipt of money) it has VAT obligations.

Good news for payers: Tax Code of Ukraine from 01/01/2011. allows you not to include the amount of advances received from customers in income, which does not lead to negative consequences for income tax.

3. Financial assistance

The most common option for replenishing an enterprise's working capital is repayable financial assistance.


1) Relative simplicity of documenting the operation. In addition to the payment order for the transfer of funds from the lender (Ukrainian - posikodavets), the parties will need to draw up a loan agreement (Ukrainian - agreement posiki). Chapter 71 of the Civil Code of Ukraine is devoted to the loan agreement. A sample agreement can be downloaded here:

Loan agreement (agreement provisions) download:

(7.1 KiB, 3,797 hits)

It is worth considering that if repayable financial assistance is provided by the founder, who is also the director of the enterprise, it is better to issue a power of attorney for the right to enter into a loan agreement on behalf of the enterprise in the person of the director in the name of an employee of the enterprise, for example, a deputy director or chief accountant. This is done in order to avoid a situation where the contract is signed on both sides by the same person.

A sample power of attorney can be downloaded here:

Power of attorney to conclude a contract download:

(3.0 KiB, 2,297 hits)

2) The absence of negative tax consequences or the ability to minimize them.

If an enterprise operates on a single tax basis, repayable financial assistance is not included in the single tax base. An enterprise that pays income tax includes in income the amount of financial assistance received only when it is received from defaulter income tax and was not returned at the end of the quarter (Tax Code of Ukraine, clause 135.5.5). In the period when financial assistance is returned, it goes into expenses. If repayable financial assistance is received from payer income tax and not returned at the end of the quarter, conditional interest is accrued on it in the amount of the NBU discount rate for each day of its use (clause 14.1.257 of the Tax Code). The amount of conditional interest is included in income.

The Tax Code of Ukraine introduced the following positive innovation from 01/01/2011: if repayable financial assistance is received from the founder, regardless of whether he is an income tax payer or not, and is returned within 365 days, its amount is not included in the enterprise’s income.

In order to avoid negative tax consequences in a situation where refundable financial assistance is not returned at the end of the quarter, no one is preventing the enterprise from returning this financial assistance on the last day of the quarter and receiving it again on the first day of the next quarter.

The negative consequences of receiving repayable financial assistance are:

the company has a debt to the lender, which must either be repaid or then written off from the balance sheet.

Of course, the enterprise can also receive irrevocable financial assistance, then there will be no debt to the one who provided it. Based on the norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine, non-repayable financial assistance is a type of gift agreement. At the same time, the following must be taken into account.

Firstly, returning the money to the person who gave it will only be possible under a new agreement.

Secondly, for an enterprise that pays a single tax, the money received will be subject to a single tax, and for a profit tax payer, according to clause 135.5.4 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, it goes directly to income.

In general, based on what was stated above, choose which of the listed methods of replenishing funds is the most acceptable for your company.

1. Internet exchanger

Let's say you have fiat money and want to transfer it to Binance. It is currently impossible to directly deposit money on Binance, i.e. I/O on Binance is only possible with cryptocurrency. However, we will tell you the most profitable and popular ways to deposit fiat money on Binance.

The easiest way is to use online exchangers, such as:

— bestchange.ru;

- Ychanger.net;

- payments.changelly.com;

and many others.

This method is very simple, for example, you have Yandex.Money, Qiwi, Webmoney or even a bank card. Then you choose a direction on these exchangers (for example, we will show how to exchange Qiwi for Bitcoin using bestchange), indicate what you need to exchange for what, transfer money, enter your cryptocurrency wallet (cold, hot or multicurrency) or directly an account in the Binance exchange and in within half an hour you get cryptocurrency for fiat money. In this case, the probability that you will be deceived is zero, i.e. all these exchangers are well protected and monitor their reputation.

True, there is one point. It is very unprofitable to change cryptocurrency through such exchangers, the rate is usually very high when buying cryptocurrency, and very low when selling cryptocurrency, the difference from the real rate can reach up to 40 %, and these are significant losses, and we do not advise you to use exchangers to deposit money on Binance, or any other exchange.

Buy Bitcoin through an exchanger

2. Exchanges with fiat input

The second way to top up Binance with money (fiat) is to use other exchanges, for example:

and others.

For a complete list of exchanges and ways to exchange fiat money for cryptocurrency, please contact our support team.

So, first you need to understand which payment systems are more convenient for you to use. These can be all systems known in the CIS and beyond, as well as bank cards. Yes, topping up Binance with a card is also possible.

As an example, we will talk about two popular payment systems, as well as about depositing money into Binance with a card.

3. Top up via Qiwi

One of the most popular payment systems is Qiwi. The article will not tell you how to open an account in Qiwi and how to make a deposit to this system; we assume that you have funds on Qiwi and you need to top up your account on Binance with them. To do this, you need to register on one of the exchanges where Qiwi is accepted, for example, this is:

- livecoin.net.

Registration on these exchanges is simple, verification for amounts not exceeding 10000 dollars per day is not needed (if this limit is not enough for you, then go through verification - it is not difficult). After registration, go to the wallet section (we will show the EXMO exchange as an example), and then select RUB, click the top up button and in the window that appears, enter the amount and complete the process of depositing funds on the EXMO exchange by clicking the “Top up balance” button.

Choose to top up your account via Qiwi.

Specify the amount and click “Top up balance”.

4. Select a pair on the exchange

After you have made a deposit on EXMO in rubles, go to the “Trading” section and buy Bitcoin for rubles.

Go to the “Tenders” section.

Select the required pair (for example, BTC/RUB).

5. Buy Bitcoin for rubles

After selecting a pair at the bottom of the screen (under the chart), indicate the amount of BTC you want to buy, the purchase price and click “Buy BTC”.

Specify the amount of BTC.

We indicate the price.

Click “Buy BTC”.

6. Transfer to Binance

When you bought Bitcoin for rubles, go to the “Wallet” section, select BTC and click on the “Withdraw” button. Enter your Bitcoin wallet number on Binance and withdraw. Your Bitcoin on Binance will be available within 2-3 hours.

Please note that for entering QIWI on EXMO you will pay a commission (approximately 6%) and the rate of cryptocurrencies on the exchange in pairs with fiat money is overpriced.

We choose what we output.

Click “Withdraw”.

7. Top up via Yandex.Money

Topping up Binance Yandex with money is possible. You need to use one of the cryptocurrency exchanges that accepts Yandex.Money. For example, we will take the very popular Yobit crypto exchange (the Yobit.net or Yobit.io website is the same exchange). The registration process on the exchange is simple and verification is not needed there (it is only needed when you withdraw significant amounts of funds).

8. Enter on the exchange

To top up your account on Yobit, you need to go to the “balances” section and then select, for example, RUR (these are Russian rubles), you can also select USD (these are US dollars), press “Enter”.

Go to “Balances”.

Select RUR.

Press "Enter".

9. Select a payment system

Then select Payeer, enter the amount and click “Top up”.

Select a payment system.

We indicate the amount.

Click “Top up”.

10. We transfer Yandex.Money

After this, the money (within 5 minutes) goes to your account on the Yobit exchange.

Select Yandex.Money.

We are registering.

We complete the translation.

11. Buy cryptocurrency

Let's go to "Trading".

Let's choose a couple.

We buy cryptocurrency for rubles or dollars.

12. Send to Binance

When you bought a cryptocurrency, place it for withdrawal (transfer to the Binance exchange). To do this, you need to go to “Balances”, click on the “-” icon and indicate your account number on the Binance exchange. Within an hour, the funds will be available on the Binance exchange.

Please note that you will pay a commission for topping up Yobit with Yandex.Money; in addition, the rate of cryptocurrencies on the exchange in pairs with fiat money will be inflated.

Go to “Balances”.

Click “Output”.

We indicate the wallet number on Binance.

13. Top up via card

If you want to fund your Binance account with a bank card (MasterCard, Visa), then this is also possible. To do this, you will again need one of those exchanges where deposits from a card are possible. As an example, we will take the EXMO exchange again, but to deposit funds from a card on this exchange, you need to go through verification on EXMO, it will take no more 72 hours, but when it is completed, you will always be able to top up your account with a card and subsequently transfer funds to Binance.

14. Choose a currency

As described above (example with input via QIWI), you need to log into your account, then select “Wallet” and the currency that is on your card.

Go to “Wallet”.

Select the required currency.

We transfer money from a bank card.

15. Go to the trading section

As soon as you have made a deposit from your card, go to the “Trading” section and buy Bitcoin for rubles, dollars or euros.

Let's go to "Trading".

We choose a pair with fiat money.

16. Buy cryptocurrency

In the “Purchase, BTC” section, indicate the required amount of cryptocurrency, the price and complete the purchase by clicking the “Buy BTC” button.

We indicate the quantity.

We indicate the price.

Click “Buy BTC”.

17. Start on Binance

After you have purchased Bitcoin, go to the “Wallet” section, select BTC and click on the withdraw button. Enter your Bitcoin wallet number on Binance and click “Withdraw”. Your Bitcoin will be available on Binance within one hour.

Please note that you will pay a commission for replenishing EXMO with a bank card; in addition, the rate of cryptocurrencies on the exchange in pairs with fiat money will be inflated.

Select the purchased cryptocurrency.

We indicate the wallet address on Binance.

We complete the transfer by clicking on “Withdraw”.

18. The most profitable way

As you can see, you can top up Binance with money (fiat), but losses on commissions and rates will take approximately 10 to 40 % of the initial deposit amount. Therefore, the most reliable and most profitable way to deposit fiat money on Binance is to use the services of our website and our specialists. We will exchange any electronic money for cryptocurrency (at the Binance rate) for a minimal commission. Many have already used this service, and you can read

You will learn how to open an electronic wallet in various payment systems, how to top it up or withdraw money. Read all about the features of registering and using electronic wallets.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Denis Kuderin is with you, a staff expert at HeatherBober magazine on financial topics and a professional editor.

For five years now I have been working exclusively remotely and receiving my salary via the Internet. For these purposes I use bank cards and electronic wallets. Now I have accounts in all the popular payment systems on the Runet: I use each of them periodically.

Today I will tell you how to create an electronic wallet quickly and without hassle, how WebMoney differs from YandexMoney, and what is the most profitable method of withdrawing money.

You will also learn who should definitely have a virtual wallet, what accounts are used for international payments, and how to correctly convert electronic dollars into electronic rubles.

1. Who may need an electronic wallet

I started my first electronic wallet (EC) about 10 years ago for payments with a bookmaker. Since then, I have been an active user of electronic payment systems (EPS), and I know all the pros and cons of each company.

At one time I only used WebMoney and avoided other services, then I realized that the competitors of this service have their own advantages. Now it’s more convenient for me to work with YandexMoney and Qiwi.

At the same time, I use online banking. In some situations, direct transfers from card to card are preferable.

The services that we call “electronic wallets” are a kind of intermediaries between individuals, companies, and organizations making financial transactions among themselves. Like any intermediaries, they charge commissions for their services. In some systems they are more, in others less, but in general the fees are quite noticeable.

Registration in most domestic services is free and does not take more than 5 minutes. You have the right to create an anonymous storage facility for digital currency - in this case, no one will know your personal data when receiving and transferring money.

But keep in mind that anonymous accounts have limited functionality. Thus, in an anonymous Yandex wallet, the user has the right to store and cash out only 15,000 rubles.

The main advantages of payment services are speed, convenience and reliability. You won’t lose your electronic wallet or leave it at a party. To use the funds, you only need an Internet connection.

Who needs an e-wallet:

  • freelancers and remote workers - designers, translators, writers, editors, web programmers;
  • owners and employees of online stores;
  • buyers of goods and services on the Internet;
  • owners of websites, blogs, public pages and groups on social networks who make money from advertising;
  • players in bookmakers and gaming services;
  • anyone who needs to pay for services, work, material or digital products remotely.

In other words, the need for electronic payments periodically arises for every citizen.

Internet banking is, of course, great, but it is not always fast and convenient. And not everyone has bank accounts. Opening a bank account is somewhat more difficult than opening an EPS account. As a rule, systems do not charge money for account maintenance - you pay commissions only for specific transactions.

Without payment services, modern online commerce would not have such development.

EPS is used by both ordinary buyers and large businessmen - for example, when purchasing wholesale quantities of goods at Western auctions, experienced people prefer to pay using the PayPal system. The account in this system is linked to the card, and all payments are instant.

Such as Yandex and Qiwi even issue their own plastic cards. You pay 200 rubles for three years of service, and you no longer need to withdraw money from your account to go to the supermarket for groceries.

Pay by card without losing interest on cashing out! And this is not an advertisement for the service - I myself use such a card wherever there is acquiring. Comfortable, fast and no need to search your pockets for change.

Payment systems and cryptocurrency

The creators of the cryptocurrency intended to radically change the system of mutual settlements on the network - to eliminate the intermediary completely and thereby reduce the cost of transactions.

So far the task is only half completed. That is, blockchain technology has been created and is working, but so far only a few people are using financial settlements in crypto.

This means that it is too early for wallets to turn into dinosaurs of the digital world - on the contrary, the popularity of EPS is steadily growing, as evidenced by statistics. Millions of new users register with the services every year. Even my retired dad has an EC, which he uses successfully.

2. How to open an electronic wallet - instructions for beginners

Registration of a new EC is the simplest process available to every reasonable person. Payment services strive to simplify the wallet creation algorithm as much as possible, but some steps cannot be shortened.

Expert observation: speed and ease of registration are not the main indicators of quality. Electronic money storage must first of all be reliable and convenient. Another important criterion is prevalence.

For example, almost all online stores accept WebMoney and YaD, but the Wallet One (Unified Cash Desk) service is not one of those known to everyone, despite all its advantages.

For an active Internet user, the best option is to register with several EPS.

In Qiwi

To register a new Qiwi-wallet, you only need a phone number. In Russia, Qiwi is one of the most popular ECs for paying for services, entertainment and goods.

How to open an account:

  1. Go to the official website of the company. Learn information about the capabilities and benefits of Qiwi.
  2. Click on “Create wallet”.
  3. Enter your phone number.
  4. Enter the code that will be sent in the SMS message into the appropriate field.
  5. Create a complex password for authorization.
  6. Sign in.

Additional options from Qiwi - ordering plastic for offline payments, cashbacks in online stores: at the time of writing - in Nike, AliExpress, Media Markt, Lamoda, etc.

Qiwi has thousands of payment terminals throughout Russia, and the process of creating an account takes on average 1-2 minutes.

More details about this EPS in the video:

On Yandex.Money

The Yandex.Money EPS has been operating in the Russian Federation since 2002 and carries out transactions only in ruble currency.

The procedure for creating an CI is as follows:

  • if you already have a mailbox in Yandex, the process is simplified - log in, go to the “Money” section and select “Open wallet”;
  • identification occurs by mobile number to which you will be sent an SMS;
  • After filling out all the required fields, all you have to do is log in to your account and use all its options.

If you want more opportunities, order a YaD card. It will arrive by mail in 7-14 days.

There are three levels of accounts - Anonymous, Nominal, Identified.

I will present their differences in the table:

There are several ways to pass identification: in Yandex.Money offices, in Euroset and Svyaznoy stores, through Sberbank Mobile Bank.

In WebMoney

The oldest EPS in Runet. It is successfully used not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Belarus, Ukraine, and Europe.

Currencies – rubles, hryvnia, dollars, Belarusian rubles, bitcoins, litecoins. Converting one unit to another within the service works, but the rate is not always favorable.

Registration in WebMoney is more complicated than in other electronic payment systems and takes longer. This is explained by the developers' concern for customer safety.

Algorithm for creating an EC:

  1. We go to the registration page in the system (obtaining a WMID identification number), enter the phone number.
  2. Next, you are taken to a page with a large number of fields for entering personal data. Fill them out thoroughly and honestly, otherwise identification problems may arise in the future.
  3. You will receive a letter by email, which you need to open and follow further instructions: enter the verification code, confirm your phone number, enter the password that will be sent to you via SMS.
  4. After registering in the system, the process of creating a wallet follows. Select the appropriate tab and the currency in which you will make transactions.
  5. To gain access to fund management, you must obtain a certificate of authenticity. This is done by sending passport data to the administration.

Owners of WM wallets have access to several levels of certification - pseudonym certificate, formal, initial, personal. The higher the level, the more opportunities the user has.

For the convenience of users, special client programs called Keeper have been created. They are downloaded to your computer or phone and used for payments and transactions. Activating them, storing keys and transferring them to another computer is a topic for a separate discussion.

3. How to top up an electronic wallet - proven methods

It is always easier to replenish your wallet than to withdraw money from it. It is beneficial for companies that users deposit as much money as possible into their accounts, and therefore the commission for replenishment is either minimal or completely absent.

Let's look at the most popular replenishment options.

Method 1. From a bank card

The easiest and fastest way. Especially if the card is already linked to your EPS account. If not, then you need to enter your bank card number and top-up amount.

The system commission is 1%, some banks charge additional interest.

Method 2. Through payment terminals

Another reliable option, although not as fast as online transfer from a card. To top up your account, you will need to leave your home and visit the nearest place where a payment terminal is installed.

In large cities there are such machines in every supermarket and store. Terminals can be specialized (for example, devices for Qiwi clients) and universal, which can be used by owners of any wallet.

The commission depends on the ATM and the amount of replenishment.

Method 3. Transfer from another wallet

It happens that you have money, say, on WebMoney, but you urgently need it on Qiwi. Order a transfer of funds from one EC to another and use the funds in a couple of seconds.

Method 4. Cash

Let me explain using the example of POISON. Go to a bank, Euroset or Svyaznoy salon and make a transfer, or use international payment services. If these are partner companies, they will not take a commission; in other services, be prepared to pay up to 5% for the transfer.

Method 5. Using a bank transfer

An option for those who are not in a hurry and prefer official banking transactions. Find out the EPS details and make a transfer through a bank branch.

Please note that the transaction takes up to 5 days.

4. How to cash out

Converting virtual money into real money involves paying a commission. Tariffs for cashing out in different electronic payment systems range from 2.5 to 5%. There are restrictions on amounts for different types of EC. And some anonymous accounts do not allow such an operation at all.

Let's look at the most popular methods.

Withdraw to bank card

Not to say that it is profitable, but it is fast. Link the card to your account and withdraw without problems within the established limit.

If I urgently need cash, I transfer it to an Alfa-Bank card from Yandex cash desk. I lose 3%, but in other systems the rates are similar. In other words, 100 virtual rubles is not 100 real, but somewhat less.

Transfer to bank account

It takes longer, but some employers prefer a bank transfer: it’s easier for financial reporting. Withdrawal speed – from 1 to 7 days.

Enter your details carefully: if you make a mistake in one number, the money will be returned, or even stuck in the system indefinitely.

Use the service of exchangers

The most difficult and least reliable method. Online exchangers charge workers 5-7% for each transfer. Use them only if other options are not available.

In 2016, WebMoney unexpectedly experienced a system failure, as a result of which transfers from WMR to cards of Russian banks became impossible. I had to use payment services like Unistream or resort to the services of exchangers. Both options were long and expensive.

Not all exchange offices are equally efficient - in some the money arrived in the account in 15-20 minutes, in others you had to wait a day or more.

There are other, less popular withdrawal methods. For example, through the offices of some EPS, which are located in large cities.

The hardest thing is for residents of countries that do not have their own payment companies. I have friends from Kazakhstan who receive payments via WebMoney (other EPS either do not work there or do not provide for cash withdrawal). Cash withdrawals there are carried out by private merchants who charge from 10 to 20% for their services.

5. Conclusion

Let's summarize.

To open an electronic wallet, all you need is your desire and a few minutes of free time. Each EPS has its own interesting features and disadvantages. Cash withdrawals involve a mandatory commission. Payments within the system and online occur instantly.

Question to readers:

Which payment systems are you personally willing to trust with your savings?

We wish you a lot of money in your account, regardless of the payment service. Share experiences, stories and comments. See you again!

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