
About the revocation of the Credit Organization "Education" license for banking operations and the appointment of a temporary administration. Composition of the Credit Organization Management Administration Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 189.26 and articles 189.31, 189.32, 189.35 of the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)", in connection with the review of the license for banking operations at the Credit Organization Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint Stock Company) (registration number Bank of Russia - 1521, registration date - 07/10/1991) Order of the Bank of Russia dated April 21, 2017 No. OD-1055 order:

1. To appoint a temporary administration from April 21, 2017, a joint-stock commercial innovation bank "Education" (Joint Stock Company) for a period of action in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" before the day of the arbitration court decisions on the recognition of bankrupt and The opening of the competitive production (approval of the competition manager) or until the day of the entry into force of the decision of the arbitration court on the appointment of the liquidator.

2. To appoint a Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint-Stock Company) Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint-Stock Company) Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank Ivanovna - Chief Economy of the Department for Work with Liquidated Credit Organizations No. 1 of Licensing Management and Elimination of Credit Organizations of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District .

3. To approve the composition of the Interim Administration on the Management of a Credit Organization Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint Stock Company) in accordance with this order.

4. To suspend for the period of the time administration, the powers of the executive bodies of the credit institution Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint Stock Company).

5. Install the main tasks of the temporary administration The implementation of the functions provided for by the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)", and the implementation of other powers defined by the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)", the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" and adopted in accordance with them regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia.

6. Heads of territorial agencies of the Bank of Russia to bring the content of this order to the attention of all credit institutions located on the subordinate territory.

7. Press service of the Bank of Russia (Ryklin M.V.) Publish this order to the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" on a ten-day period from the date of adoption and give for the media the corresponding message.

8. Department of Banking Supervision of the Bank of Russia (Orlenko A.P.) Report to Correspondent Banks (non-residents) of the Credit Organization Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint Stock Company) According to Annex 2 to this order (sent only to the Bank of Russia Banking Supervision Department) On the appointment of a temporary administration for the management of a credit institution Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint-Stock Company).

provisional administration for managing a credit institution Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint Stock Company)

Temporary administration

Kislyakova Tatiana Ivanovna - Chief Economist of the Department for Work with Liquidated Credit Organizations No. 1 of Licensing Management and Elimination of Credit Organizations of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District

Deputy Head of the Provisional Administration

Malashkin Alexander Mikhailovich - Head of the Sector of Consolidated and Statistical Work of the Summary-Economic Department of the Department of Ryazan

Temporary administration members:

Babayeva Maria Rafikovna - Lead Economist of the Department for Work with Liquidated Credit Organizations No. 1 of Licensing Management and Elimination of Credit Organizations of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District

Bochkova Svetlana Vladimirovna - Chief Economist of the Sector of Interaction with divisions of the Bank of Russia and credit institutions of the department of reception and reporting of the Branch of the Department 3 Moscow

Rybakova Natalia Vladimirovna - Chief Legal Counsel Sector of the Legal Support of Contact Supervision of the Privision of Legal Maintenance of Banking Supervision 1 Legal Management of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District

Titarenko Roman Viktorovich is a leading expert of the licensing department of credit institutions management of licensing management activities and the elimination of credit institutions of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District

Lukyanov Aleksey Aleksandrovich - Chief Economist Department of Banking Supervision of the Department of Ryazan

Bobkov Olga Leonidovna - Leading Economist Operational Department of the Department of Vladimir

Kuznetsova Olga Petrovna - Leading Economist of the Department for Work with Liquidated Credit Organizations No. 2 of Licensing Management and Elimination of Credit Organizations of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District

Shabalina Maria Anatolyevna - Leading expert of the Administrative and Economic Department of the RCC Korolev

Yudina Serafima Igorevna - Leading expert of the Administrative and Economic Department of the RCC Korolev

Sazhina Vera Aleksandrovna - Senior cashier department of cash transactions of the RCC Korolev

Murushkina Natalia Aleksandrovna - Chief Economist of the Information and Analytical Sector of the Department of Banking Supervision of the Department of Tula

Solovyova Olga Nikolaevna - Leading Economist Department of Banking Supervision of the Tula

Volkov Valery Igorevich - Chief Engineer of the Engineering Sector Sector of Transport, Economic and Operational Services and Logistics of the Tula Department

Oksana Valerievna, Lead Economist of the Operational Department of the Tula

Kondyakova Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Economist 2 categories of financial monitoring of banking activities, financial markets and currency control of the Tula branch

Popov Ivan Gennadevich - Leading Engineer of the Sector of Operator WSA Department of Informatization Department Lipetsk

Sutagina Natalya Borisovna - Economist 2 categories of payment systems and calculations of the department Tver

Shestakov Maxim Leonidovich - Chief Economist of the Operational Department of the Department Vladimir

Novikov Vladimir Dmitrievich - Leading Legal Counsel of the Legal Department of the Department of Kaluga

Zubzova Tatyana Mikhailovna - Chief Economist sectors of the consolidated and statistical work of the consolidated-economic department of the Department of Kaluga

Saltykov Dmitry Nikolaevich - Leading Economist of the Financial Monitoring Department of Banking Activities, Financial Markets and Currency Control of the Department of Smolensk

Kutsev Pavel Leonidovich - Engineer 1 categories of computer and telephone networks of the department of informatization department Smolensk

Mudnov Vadim Anatolyevich - Chief Economist Sector of the Summary and Statistical Work of the Sredo-Economic Department of the Branch of the Yaroslavl

Bulanova Tatyana Sergeevna - Economist 1 category of Financial Monitoring Department of Banking, Financial Markets and Currency Control Branch Yaroslavl

Medvedev Vasily Viktorovich - Advisor of the First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia

Medvedev Evgeny Viktorovich - Head of the draft management of the implementation of strategic projects of the Department of Financial Market Development

Karnukhov Arthur Evgenevich - Economist 1 category of liquidation and restructuring of credit organizations of licensing management of the activities of credit organizations of the North-West GU Bank of Russia

Vitaly Nikolayevich - Expert 1 category of information security department of the cash center of the North-West GU Bank of Russia

Danina Inna Viktorovna - Chief Legal Counsel of the Legal Department of the Department of Samara

Oleg Anatolyevich Pshetitsyn - Chief Economist of the Regulation and Monitoring of the Bank of Russia's payment system of the Bank of payment Systems and settlements of the Department of Samara

Sazanova Elena Ivanovna - Economist 1 category of the Economic Department of the RCC Togliatti

Aleshina Elena Vladimirovna - Economist 1 category of the Economic Department of the RCC Togliatti

Yasenev Aleksey Vyacheslavovich - Leading Economist of the Licensing Department of Credit Organizations No. 1 Licensing Management of Credit Organizations of the Volga-Vyatka State Bank of Russia

Ganyukhina Julia Sergeevna - Economist 1 category of the Study of the Book of State Registration of Credit Organizations Licensing Management of Credit Organizations of the Volga-Vyatsky State Bank of Russia

Soboleva Elena Nikolaevna - Economist 1 category of operating department Department-NB Udmurt Republic

Subbotin Dmitry Aleksandrovich - Leading economist of the Banking Supervision Sector of the Department of Banking Supervision of the Department of Perm

Chramzova Svetlana Yuryevna - Leading economist of the Sector Analysis Sector and Transportation of Cash Depotations and Cash Operations of the Perm Department

Kotelnikov Evgeny Aleksandrovich - Engineer 1 categories of the Safety Department of the Safety and Protection Systems of the Perm Department

Mansurov Adil Najochovich - Leading Economist of the Financial Department Department-NB Republic of Bashkortostan

Sobol Elena Gennadievna - Chief Economist of the Licensing Department of Credit Organizations No. 1 Licensing Management of Credit Organizations of the Siberian GU Bank of Russia

Rybina Elena Yakovlevna - Leading economist of the reporting department of credit institutions of the management of banking supervision of the Siberian GU Bank of Russia

Ozazkov Tamara Aleksandrovna - Leading Economist of the Organizational Sector of the Consumer Economic Department of the Siberian GU Bank of Russia

Kahikina Svetlana Gennadievna - Lead Economist Banking Supervision Department of the NB, Altai Republic

Chernikova Tatyana Igorevna - Leading Legal Counsel Legal Department Department-NB Republic Altai

Valeghanina Elvira Georgievna - a leading economist of the monitoring and analysis of the reporting of credit institutions and branches of the Banking Supervision Department of the Department of Kemerovo

Agafonova Irina Vitalevna - Economist 1 category of the department for analyzing the activities of non-financial enterprises of the consolidated economic administration of the Southern GU Bank of Russia

Sirimnikova Ekaterina Sergeevna - Chief Economist of the Department of Elimination of Credit Organizations and Registration of Securities Management of Licensing Licensing Credit Organizations of the Southern GU Bank of Russia

Savchenko Anna Vasilyevna - Leader Legal Administration of the Legal Support Department of Credit Organizations of the Legal Administration of the Southern GU Bank of Russia

Lukish Maxim Anatolyevich - chief expert of the interaction sector with the supervisory block of security management and the protection of information of the southern GU Bank of Russia

Antonova Julia Petrovna - Leading Economist of the Economic Development Sector of the RCC Novorossiysk

Pavlenko Larisa Ashotna - Chief Economist of the Economic Apparatus of the RCC Sochi

Karaiani Irina Vladimirovna - Chief Economist of the Economic Apparatus of the RCC Anapa

Kolesnik Alexander Vladimirovich - Leading Engineer of the Administrative Apparatus of the RCC Anapa

Safonova Olga Yuryevna - Lead Economist of the Financial Monitoring Sector of the Financial Monitoring Department of Banking Activities, Financial Markets and Currency Control of the Department of Rostov-on-Don

Shevchenko Inna Gennadievna - Chief Legal Counsel Legal Hotel Department of Rostov-on-Don

Bubnov Evgeny Dmitrievich - Head of the RCC Taganrog

Hallery Natalia Alekseevna - Head of RKTS Volgodonsk

Chekalina Olga Alekseevna - the chief inspector of the department of inspection checks and work in the temporary administrations of banks in the Department of Insurance Department of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (as agreed)

Andrei Andreyevich's womb - lead inspector of the department of inspection and work in the temporary administrations of banks in the bank deposit insurance department of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (as agreed)

Doronin Stanislav Petrovich - Chief Specialist of the Department of the Organization of Payments Compensation on Deposits Deposit Insurance Banking Deposits of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (as agreed)

Knyazev Alexey Alexandrovich - Leading expert Department to identify dubious transactions of the Expert and Analytical Department of the State Corporation "Agency for Insurance Deposit" (as agreed)

Borisenko Lina Aleksandrovna - Chief Expert Department to identify dubious transactions of the Expert Analytical Department of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (as agreed)

Aksenov Yuriy Nikolaevich - Chief Specialist of the Department of Economic Procedure and Restructuring Financial Organizations of the Department of Information Technologies of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (as agreed)

Overview of the document

From April 21, 2017, a temporary administration is appointed for the management of AKIB "Education" AKIB, until the day of the arbitration court, decisions on the declaration of bankrupt and on the opening of the bankruptcy or until the day of the entry into force of the decision on the appointment of the liquidator.

The decision was made in connection with the review of this credit organization license to carry out banking operations.

Approved the composition of the temporary administration. For the period of its operations, the powers of the executive bodies of the Bank are suspended.

Date: 01.07.2017

By the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court of June 7, 2017 (the operative part was announced on June 1, 2017) in case number A40-79815 / 17-38-53B Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint Stock Company) (AKIB "Education" (AO)) (hereinafter - the bank, OGRN 1027739265355, TIN 7736017052, Registration Address: 119296, Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, d. 63/2, Corp. 1), recognized as insolvent (bankrupt) and in respect of it openly Competitive production for a period of one year. The functions of the competitive manager are entrusted to the State Deposit Insurance Agency (hereinafter - the Agency).

Address to send mail correspondence and requirements of creditors: 127055, Moscow, ul. Forest, d. 59, p. 2.

The court session on the consideration of the report of the Competition Manager appointed on May 29, 2018

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)", the Agency publishes information on the progress of bankruptcy on the bank.

Due to the fact that the bank's electronic database was not transferred to its former leadership of the Interim Administration for the Bank's management appointed by the Bank of Russia (hereinafter - the Temporary Administration), the Bankruptcy Board publishes the Bank's balance sheet as of April 15, 2017 on the basis of the last directional Bank of Russia reporting.

According to accounting, previously restored as of April 21, 2017, the assets of the Bank, taking into account the exclusion of the amount of the established reserve for possible losses and depreciation of fixed assets, amounted to 4,000,779 thousand rubles, including: cash in CASSA, on a correspondent account in the Bank of Russia and accounts in credit institutions - 299,284 thousand rubles, net loan debt 2,978,135 thousand rubles, fixed assets, intangible assets and material reserves 191,628 thousand rubles, other assets 531,732 thousand rubles.

Currently, the competition manager is being carried out to establish the location of debtors, their actual financial condition and the availability of real support for loan agreements.

The preservation of property and documentation of the Bank transmitted by the Temporary Administration, the competitive managers is provided. Currently, an inventory of the property of the Bank is being carried out, according to the results of which, if necessary, appropriate clarifications will be made to the bank's balance sheet.

The obligations of the Balance Bank account for 21,460,877 thousand rubles, including the accounts of individuals and individual entrepreneurs - 19,655,358 thousand rubles.

In order to form a register of creditors' requirements (closing date - August 16, 2017), in accordance with which settlements will be carried out during the bankruptcy proceedings, as of June 29, 2017, the Competition Manager presented the requirements of 3,088 applicants in the amount of 2,122,447 thousand . rub. which are currently under consideration.

According to the preliminary assessment of the competitive manager, taking into account the need to pay for current expenditures on the procedure of competitive production, free cash that may be aimed at meeting the requirements of creditors currently absent.

In general, the amount of further satisfaction of the requirements of the Bank's creditors will depend on the receipt of funds in the competitive mass of the sale of the Bank's property and the recovery of assets, the responsibility for the quality of which the former owners and the management of the Bank are responsible.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Press service

107016, Moscow, ul. Neglinnaya, 12.

About the revocation of the Credit Organization "Education" license to carry out banking operations and the appointment of a temporary administration

Order of the Bank of Russia dated 04.21.2017 No. OD-1055 from 04/21/2017 A license to carry out banking operations at the credit institution Share Commercial Innovation Bank "Education" (Joint Stock Company) AKB "Education" (JSC) (Reg. No. 1521, G. Moscow). According to the reporting data, the largest assets of the credit organization as of April 1, 2017 held 118th in the banking system of the Russian Federation.

The problems of the AKIB "Education" (AO) arose due to the use of an extremely risky business model and a low quality of a significant part of assets caused by lending to companies with signs of lack of real economic activities. At the same time, during the supervision of the Bank's activities, the unscrupulous actions of its leadership and owners were revealed, expressed in the conclusion of assets with damage for the interests of creditors and depositors, as well as their "technical" transformation in order to evade the fulfillment of the requirements of the supervisory authority on the formation of reserves for possible losses, adequate accepted risks. In addition, the AKIB "Education" (JSC) submitted unreliable financial statements to the bank, which did not reflect the actual loss of own funds (capital). Taking into account this, in the actions of the heads of the credit institution, there are signs of its deliberate bankruptcy.

In order to conceal the acute deficit of liquidity, the Bank artificially limited customers into the right of their disposal by their money. Akib "Education" (AO) actually lost the ability to fully fulfill its obligations to creditors.

The Bank of Russia has repeatedly applied to a credit institution of supervisory response, including restrictions and prohibition of attracting contributions.

To date, the leadership and owners of AKB "Education" (AO) have no effective measures to normalize its activities. In the current circumstances, the Bank of Russia on the basis of Article 20 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" performed the responsibility of the Bank's review of the Bank for banking operations.

The decision of the Bank of Russia is made in connection with the failure to fulfill the credit institution of federal laws regulating banking activities, and regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, a repeated violation during one year of the requirements provided for in Article 7 (with the exception of paragraph 3 of Article 7) of the Federal Law "o Countering Legalization (laundering ) income obtained by criminal means and financing of terrorism ", as well as the requirements of the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia issued in accordance with the reporting data specified by the Federal Law, establishing the facts of significant reporting data, inability to meet the requirements of creditors on monetary obligations, taking into account repeated use within one year measures stipulated by the Federal Law "o Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)".

Due to the establishment of the facts of significant nestness of the reporting data of the credit organization, the relevant materials on the basis of part 1.2 of Article 140 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and Article 75.1 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" will be sent to the Bank of Russia to the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation To address the issue of initiating a criminal case on the signs of the crime provided for in Article 172.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated 04.04.2017 No. OD-1056 in the AKIB "Education" (AO), a temporary administration was appointed to the moment of appointment in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" of the Competitive Manager or appointment in accordance with the article 23.1 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" of the liquidator. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit institution in accordance with federal laws are suspended.

Akib "Education" (JSC) - participant in the deposit insurance system. The review of banking licenses is an insured event provided for by Federal Law No. 177-FZ "On insurance of deposits of individuals in the banks of the Russian Federation" against the Bank's obligations on the contributions of the population defined in the procedure established by law. The federal law provides for the payment of insurance compensation to the Bank's depositors, including individual entrepreneurs, in the amount of 100% balance of funds, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in conjunction on one depositor.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state