
What if the Osago Polis is not in the PCA basis. The TS insured has not passed the check. The user has not passed the check in the Rs - the reasons and how to fix them the insured TS has not passed the check

Before buying a car, it is important to protect yourself from unwanted situations that may arise after purchasing a car at the unscrupulous seller.

In order to get a more complete picture of the vehicle, you should check the car to participate in traffic accidents, finding wanted, the presence of superimposed registration restrictions. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the basic information about the car and periods of its registration in the traffic police for various owners.

You can get all this information on the official traffic police website. However, it is worth considering that you can check the car on this web resource only by wines - the TC identification number, as well as the body number and chassis.

Check the car according to the State party on the website of the traffic police will not be able. That is, if you only know the registration sign (car number), you will need to use another web resource.

Avtocode will come to the rescue - a single platform of car owners of Russia and abroad, providing full and operational information about cars concerning the history of its possession and operation.

Undoubtedly, the important advantage of this service is the ability to check the car under the Gosnomer - an individual registration sign of a vehicle, consisting of an alphanumeric combination and a regional code that will be required to enter a field specifically for this. You can see the state number in the rear and front bumpers of the car itself, as well as in the certificate of registration of the vehicle - a document confirming the production of the vehicle on the registration accounting and its belonging to a specific owner.

Avcode allows you to check various information on the car you are interested in. So, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the consolidated data on the vehicle and the DTP data - the passport of the vehicle. It should be noted that the service provides information that are listed in the information system in the traffic police, therefore it is not necessary to doubt their accuracy.

It also provides information on all registration actions that were made with a car. Also, the Avtocode provides information on the participation of the vehicle in road traffic accidents according to the State Road Safety Inspectorate.

Among other things, the service allows you to familiarize yourself with the information about the runs of the car provided according to the data of the runs specified in the diagnostic maps when passing the next technical inspection.

According to the Car Gospode, you can also check the existing limitations imposed by the traffic police - prohibitions for registration actions. Information about the hijacker of the car and its work in a taxi is provided here. You can also check whether the car is pledged by banks whether there are fines on the vehicle and so on.

It should be noted that obtaining complete information about the car on the autocode is a paid service. At your discretion you can purchase a full report or buy one of the proposed reporting packages.

If you want to check the car according to the Gosnomer, but there is no stationary device with an Internet access, you will help you a mobile application that will be especially useful in carrying out a car inspection. You can download the mobile application by the relevant links directly on the Avtocode website.

Car check widgets from online Avtocode service posted on the basis of publicaffiliate Agreement With Authorport LLC. With the terms of use of this service, prices can be found at

You can make an online insurance. Among the million car enthusiasts of car enthusiasts online have already bought several thousand drivers. However, very often, users face a problem - the system issues an error "No confirmation from centralized RC systems" is not received. Car enthusiasts should know why a similar failure occurs, and what to do if the car has not been checking in the RSA.

Not undergoing checking Rs, from where the error appears

In the insurance agency, when buying an insurance policy, the insurer "scores" into the database data on your car. All entered information is reliable (the agent is personally responsible for this) and is kept in the Unified Base of AIS RCA.

Attention! The extension of the CTP Agreement is possible not earlier than 60 days before the completion of the insurance period, but not later the date of its end.

Today you can buy Polis Osago online. In this case, the driver itself enters all the required information, and the system makes reconciliation with the database (the insurance agent made it during the purchase of you by the last insurance policy).

If the agent allowed an error when the data is inserted (the letter, comma, inaccurately listed literazh, etc.), then you will see an error on the screen that does not allow you to check in the RSA. Perhaps you ourselves were inattentive when filling out the questionnaire - recheck all times.

Important!Do not confuse the "RSA test check" and other "unforeseen errors". If the site after all of your fixes in incorrectly completed fields finally reported that the car does not undergo inspection in the RCA, then the problem is in your data (the electronic system is not to blame) - you have to visit the insurance company.

Not undergoing checking Rs - what to do

If your car does not undergo a Rs check, you need to know what measures it is appropriate to take when an error in the system is detected:

If there is an actual error in the system, try entering your data again (while typing the same typo as in the database).

Attention! If you want to be absolutely confident in the legality of the policy with an actual error, then it is best after buying an online policy to contact the insurance office asking for your data in the system.

If your insurance is still valid, but you have already found an error in the electronic system, visit insurers and require information updates according to your TC. Remember! You have the right to be present when making data, therefore, you will be able to control the entire process of fixes on the site. A few days later, when the database is updated, you can re-attempt to check in the RSA.

Attention! Amendment on the phone is not desirable (and not all agents go for it).

Typo in filling form

One of the reasons why the machine does not undergo a Rs check is the presence of inaccuracies in text or numbers. The most common cause of error is the presence of typos in the filling of the form. View all filled fields carefully. On the sites of many insurance companies, dubious places are highlighted with yellow or immediately listed (as text) errors found.

If the typo is detected by your fault - you can fix it when you try to introduce data, but if the typical has made an insurance agent when making information into a single registry - you have to visit your insurance company and ask for data correction in the database.

Invalid experience

If you have seen an incorrect experience in your personal account, you yourself do not cope with such a batch and do not buy the policy. We will have to visit insurers and ask to correct inaccuracies in the electronic system of the RCA.

Does not register

Registration did not take place - here's the answer you and why you cannot check in the Rs. If you can not register, then you may have incorrectly entered the username or password. Return to "Login" and re-close the login and password to enter your personal account. If you fail - use the "Restore Password" form.

Once there is a similar error, it means you have to visit the insurance company - the site must correct the errors (you have access to the system with the right error correction / typos not). A similar error, the system issues in the case of the primary purchase of the CTP (because now your data in the electronic database is missing). You need to contact the office for registration of the OSAGO form,

Do not pass the brand and model of the car

Perhaps the brand and model of your car do not correspond to the information in the database. You should check the data with last year's policy (paragraph 2) or the passport of the vehicle and litter (this is the certificate of registration you always have with you).

Attention! If the electronic system requests one number (and you do not understand what kind of), then you need to enter the online form that the TCP number (or the SAT number) is needed, which you entered last year's policy.

Certificate of registration of the vehicle and the number of the PTS, we introduce the opposite

One of the reasons why does not check in the RCA, it may be that you incorrectly entered the Sorny number and PTS. Look carefully on the filled graphs - maybe they just need to be swapped in places (enter the opposite: first the Sorny number, and then TCP).

Recipients of electronic policies are already faced with the first problem. When filling out a form to obtain an electronic policy on the corporate website of any insurance company of the client, they are asked to indicate the exact date of the driver's expense. At the same time, if drivers who first received the rights to manage the vehicle, the beginning of the experience coincides with the date of issuance of a driver's license, then those who have already changed the rights, on a driver's license in the column "Special marks", as a rule, is indicated only the year of the beginning of the experience. As the guarant.ru portal in the press service of the RSA, such drivers need to be written as the date of the beginning of the experience of December 31 of the specified year ( fig.).

The indictance of the exact date of the start of driving experiences, at least once changed the driver's license, will not affect the cost of the OSAGO policy (the CCC coefficient in this case will still be equal to 1). However, for those who received a driver's license for the first time, the contract price will also change depending on the date of its receipt.

Interestingly, there is also a graph in the Paper Policy of the Osague. However, since the design of the paper policy is engaged, as a rule, the insurer, the drivers do not arise the specified problem.

We remind you the possibility of registration of OSAGO policies in electronic form via the Internet appeared from citizens from July 1 (paragraph 7.2 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ "").

Fig.Sample Field of Field "Start Exchange Date" when filling out the form on the corporate insurance site of the insurance company to obtain an electronic policy of Osago

Driving license Field "The start date"

The main problem with which motorists are faced when trying to issue OSAGO online on the site of the insurance company, this is an error that information " did not check in AIS RCA"(She is" No confirmation from centralized RCA systems "). This means that the introduced data is somewhere (even in some point, even in one digit) differ from what is recorded in the database of the Union of Insurers.

The reasons can be three:

  • Somewhere just made a mistake, check again all the fields for typos. Sites of some insurance companies (for example, Rosgosstrakh) are illuminated by yellow those fields that have not passed the check, or directly lists the text where errors (for example, hoska). Others (for example, RESO) do not specify what exactly did not like the system.

By the way, it is why it is better to first "catch" errors on such a site first, even if you plan to buy OSAGO not in this company, and then arrange on the site of your IC. Just because the site of the RGS is more convenient and highlights errors (on some monitors there is poorly visible non-contrast yellow backlight, in this case, try to look at the bottom screen, so the colors will be contrast and you will see where the error):

  • Perhaps there are discrepancies in writing a model, or your address, or some other parameter in reality and in TCP. Therefore, be sure to check the data from the PTS and SOR (registration certificate - the card you are taken with you).

And it is better to check all the fields last year's policy - it is these data "lie" in AIS RCA. Please note that if there is a choice between the PTS number and the SOR number - it is necessary to write what they specified in the past semi in paragraph 2

  • The mistake could not do you, and the agent or an employee of the insurance company, when you last decorated the OSAGO. You can't do anything here, you have to find out where exactly the discrepancy and what it is. If there is time and the desire to issue an OSAgo through the Internet, then write to the technical support of one (and better at once a few) insurance companies, on the site that you are trying to buy OSAGO. Usually, they respond within 1-2 days with the specificization of the error.

The problem may also be not in the data on the machine itself, but in third parties:

  • that the technical inspection card issued to you is entered into the EAOST, check the data with this database.
  • Check the address of your registration. In this case, if the number of a new registration certificate is not running, try specifying PTS (and vice versa).
  • nEW! Thanks to the comments and reviews of users on the site, discovered another frequent cause of the "PTS / Certificate" error. It is not rare in the database in the TCP field lies the evidence number or on the contrary, that is, the type of document is confused. Therefore, try to choose the document "Certificate of Registration TC", but to dial the number of the TCP. And vice versa. Many helps!
  • nEW! More and more companies are starting to offer the EOSALO, but most of the "newcomers" do it only in extension mode. That is, you can only prolong their last year's policy, but not becoming a new client of this insurance. If your insurance last year was enclosed in one of the firms, then to try to prolong them first, because they can automatically download last year's data on the site and thereby eliminate the root of the RSA problem.

Where does this error come from? The fact is that when buying a policy through the agent, the agent is allowed to enter any information to the database. It is believed that he is a qualified employee. And when the question arose about the sale of insurance online, then give the opportunity to the drivers themselves to indicate horsepower and other important characteristics no one can - otherwise everyone will immediately become 99 hp! Therefore, they made this check - its meaning is that the data entered the data coincide with the latest data from the AIS RCA base. In other words, they should be the same as the agent introduced them when you purchase the previous policy.

But the agents are not always perfect, besides, there was no particular importance to a small inaccuracy in the policy. Any agent, for example, wrote by default to all 99 hp 99, instead of the exact 95, 85 or 91 - all the same because the price is the same. Or another example - in the same insurance in their internal program it was customary to write Hyundai, and in the other - Hyundai. Some rounded numbers, others - no. And now the driver will have to "guess", as in the last insurance recorded all the data.

What else can you do?

  1. If you understand that the error is in the RSA and "gave" a mistake, then you can enter data with an error or typical "as in the database". This is the case when the online filling service allows you to enter arbitrary data, and not select from the proposed list (try different insurance, everyone has different "interfaces"). Formally, in this way, you have entered into an incorrect data insurance contract, but most of the insurance companies are understood with understanding, even when an insured event occurs (at a minimum, I clarified this issue with a representative of the HOSK SG and I was confident that they recognize such a contract, But they will be asked to come to the office and transfer the contract to current data). But to be 100% confident in the legitimacy of the policy, you can contact your SC office at any time after buying E-Osago and ask to actualize the data. The ability to change the data on the prisoner of the electronic CTP with a personal visit to the sales office confirmed representatives of Rosgosstrakh in me, adding that it was planned in the near (in 2016?) It is planned to realize the ability to change the E-policy of the OSAGO through the Internet. In general, the method is not 100% correct, but in practice most likely there will be no problem.
  2. If your current insurance is rapidly ended, You can contact the company where you are now insured and ask to update the information by changing the data to the correct. If possible, check until the letter all that the office manager will be entered into the computer. After that, we wait a couple of days until the data is updated in the RCA and try again! In addition, some insurance are ready to double-check the data even by phone, it is not very clear how they identify the client. But, for example, the reader of the site Vadim from Samara said that he had simply on the phone to update the data in the RSA in the insurance company Jaso, in which he was insured. This is a much more correct way, however, it does not always work. An example - in the revocation of Vitaly from the city of Volzhsky, which he sent me to mail:

Began to pierce a month before the end of the policy, I climbed mistakes, then the street with grammatical errors, then letters are not correctly in the name of the car (I have Suzuki SX4 according to documents, and in the database I was driven SX-4). I went to the central office in Volgograd, everything was adjusted, but I could not get an EOSAgo, because The site before payment issued a MarkModelcarrsacode error. This error is the problem of the notorious "-" in the brand of the car, but as it turned out to all the bases of all insurers, it is SX4 and only in LLC "Zetta Insurance" (I myself personally saw on the monitor) only SX-4 is selected. So for the month I could not solve all the problems, but by baking my data through the office of the office (except for the brand of the car), I would be prepared for the next insurance in a year.

Tips will be supplemented.

I will be happy to hear your opinion in the comments.

During the change of certificate, the driver may lose the CBM (Bonus-Malus coefficient). After receiving new rights, it is necessary that they appear in the PCA basis. This is important, since at a certain time it will have to prolong the CTP, and certain difficulties may arise to obtain a discount if the changes were not correctly entered into this registry.

Why will a discount disappear when changing rights?

As soon as the rights were replaced, you need to not forget to visit the insurance company to make changes to the insurance policy. If this is done, no questions with the KBM during the extension of the driver will not be.

If the owner of new rights did not inform his insurance company about this, the discount may disappear. To return this discount, you need to write a statement, to attribute it to the SC, who issued the policy, acting in the period when the right to replace the right.

Throughout the period of the functioning of the policy, the drivers accumulated the coefficient Bonus Malus. Discount for those who have a long-lasting trouble-free driving experience, during this time the discount could reach 50%.

Every year, in accordance with the law on CTP, if there were no accidents, the owner of the Polis receives a 5% discount, which is growing every year. And if when re-issuing an insurance contract it turns out that there are no discounts, there may be several reasons for this.

  1. The abyss of the discount could due to the error of the operator or insurance agent, which started the policy in the past year. When introducing a client policy, an insurance company employee could make incorrect numbers - make a mistake in the date of birth of the buyer of the policy, in a driver's license, when writing a client name.
  2. If the driver, for example, entered its policy to a new car relatives, familiar who suggest that he can ever get behind the wheel of their car. In this case, during the application to the new policy of this driver from its driver's license, the size of the discount specified in the last, new policy with a coefficient equal to 1 is automatically entered into the database, that is, there is no discount. You can detect this fact when re-issuing rights or your policy. It is possible to correct this unpleasant inaccuracy if you take a certificate in the SC, showing the break-evenness of insurance, and refer to the policy that ended.
  3. The most frequently disappearance of the discount is fixed during the driver's license replacement. Regardless of which reason, a driver's license change occurred - a loss or a regular replacement due to the expiration of its validity period, the data on a new document must be made to the RSA base. Upon arrival in the CC for the proliferation of the policy, it may be found that when an agent is introduced into the program on the design of new data insurance of an updated Wu, there is no information in the database on this driver, therefore it was assigned a coefficient equal to 1.
  4. There are cases when discount for break-even driving mysteriously disappears. This happens with the reluctance of the company that carries out insurance to provide it. Such a position of the CK is understandable, since the OSAO today is unprofitable at a nominal value, not to mention that the insurance will be twice as cheaper with a discount.

How to restore CBM when changing a driver's license?

In a statement, the driver who has changed the rights must indicate the series and the number that old driver's documents had.

Where to contact?

To restore discount there are several action options. Each of them is based on the appeal to the appropriate instances. Before you decide to solve this issue, you need to prepare all the necessary documents, as well as to establish that it causes the discount disappearance.

To restore KBM, you can contact the RCA, an insurance company that issued the policy of OSAGO, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, contact private brokers, use the services of Internet companies providing services to restore KBM.

Appeal to the insurer

To restore the driver's discount, after replacing rights, you must first turn to the SK, issued insurance, they must make changes to the RSA base for each driver. This method fits most of all if Wu change occurred at the current policy.

In this case, the operator is obliged to make new data Wu to insurance and to the base. Some insurance companies provide an opportunity to apply to restore the bonus through the Internet. On the official insurer's website, you need to introduce your appeal into a special form. To the application to add documentation confirming the change of rights in electronic form. You can send your application to the SC by e-mail, addressed to his director of the company.

Appeal to the Central Bank

If the question with the restoration of the discount for 30 days did not decide in the SC, you can contact the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. But it is necessary to understand that the Central Bank has a complaint with complaints relating to policies, the action of which was completed no later than a year ago. The request from this organization will be considered in respect of all contracts that were concluded by the applicant in this IC.

Appeal to RSA

The possibility of handling RS is an additional, if it did not work out to solve the problem in the SC or in the Central Bank. It is necessary to know that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, despite the entry into the jurisdiction of this organization base AIS, is not authorized to make changes to it. But it has effective levers of influence on the SC, so it can force it to fulfill its obligations to the client.

Especially for citizens' appeals on the Rs site there is a page on which all the necessary information is posted. By mail, specified on this page, you need to send a complaint. Here are currently available forms of appeals.

Order of the complaint

With copies of documents and the statement, you need to go to the instance in which this issue will have to be resolved on the restoration of the bonus (SC, Central Bank, RSA). The restoration of the KBM should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • register a statement from the secretary;
  • write a statement about recalculation and on the refund of the money overpaid for the policy (if this fact took place);
  • wait 30 days of response from the SC;
  • if a negative solution is received, apply to the court;
  • if the answer is positive, the IC staff will be made to the RS base.


To restore the CBM, you need to collect the following documents:

  • insurance policy, incl. old;
  • certificates of confirmation of the absence of unprofitable driving;
  • a copy of Wu;
  • the policy in which other drivers are inscribed, having the right to manage the car.

Having collected this documents and writing a statement, you can go to the SC, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or RSA to restore the CBM. The main thing is not to delay the time and act quickly.

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